Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial bond"" "subject:"bsocial bond""
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The paper focuses on investigating the relationship between lifestyle and crime in vulnerable neighborhoods. To be more specific, the project will look at how football has an influence on people who live near a criminogenic environment. In addition, other factors from everyday life are also considered to evaluate the social bond of individuals. In the project, an online survey will be conducted. The survey will ask about participant’s experiences at the football club, educational institution and/or workplace, home, weekends, and the streets. Additionally, questions about crime within the participant’s whereabouts will be inquired in the survey. Thereafter, the participants (N=84) will be divided in two groups – participants living in/near vulnerable neighborhoods and those who do not. A quantitative analysis will examine the commitment, attachment, involvement, and belief of individuals and if structured activities are developing a resilience towards criminal environments, behaviors, and ideals. In result, the project discovers that a risky lifestyle is associated with peer relationship, parental bond, alcohol use and the belief and importance of work.
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”Det är svårt att se den egna kompetensen” : en studie om hur en grupp lärarstudenter resonerar om relationskompetens med stöd av digital video / "It's difficult to discover your own skill." : a study ofhow a group of pre-service teachers reason about relational competence with the support of digital videoFinné Persson, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study, which is part of a research project called LÄRK at the University of Kristianstad, is to further examine how a group of pre-service teachers reason about relational competence, as well as examining their opinions regarding the importance of relational competence in the teaching profession. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate whether the project has had some kind of long term impact on the students’ ideas with regards to their way of reasoning about their pedagogical practice in stimulated recall interviews and how their understanding of their own relational competence may have been influenced by the process. The results show that the students have the conviction that relational competence is of great importance to the teaching profession and that good relationships based on trust and confidence are fundamental to learning. The results that have emerged also indicate that the students developed increased knowledge of relational competence and what distinguishes a teacher with relational competence. It is suggested that the students find it easier to apply a more general theoretical understanding of relational competence rather than engaging in a self-reflective analysis of their behavior in the recorded film sequences from VFU. It is likely that the project’s three educational sessions did not generate sufficient progression for students to develop a glimpse of the competencies that underlie the definition of relational competence. Although such an assumption supports the idea that relational competence should be initiated in an early stage in teacher education, the result indicates that more research is needed on the competence and how it should be implemented in teacher education.
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No description available.
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"Personen jag försvinner ju helt" : En kvalitativ studie av att vara förälder till tonåring med substansbruk och upplevelser av anhörigstödIsberg, Elisabeth January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats uppmärksammar hur föräldrar till tonårsbarn med substansbruk upplever sin situation och det anhörigstöd de fått. Syftet är att skapa en förståelse för föräldrars egen situation kopplat till sitt tonårsbarns substansbruk, med särskilt fokus på att undersöka upplevelsen av behandlingsprocessen och egna behandlingsinsatser för föräldrarna på Mariamottagningarna i Skåne samt att få en ökad förståelse för vilka önskemål om förändring och förväntningar som föräldrarna har gällande anhörigstöd. Uppsatsen baseras på nio semi-strukturerade intervjuer med föräldrar till tonårsbarn under 18 år med substansbruk. Föräldrarnas berättelser och erfarenheter analyseras genom Scheffs teoribildning kring sociala band. Resultatet visar en tung belastning och bröda inom föräldragruppen, vars tonårsbarn hade komplexa problembilder. Föräldrarna hamnade lätt i problem- och emotionsfokuserade beteenden. Likaså beskrevs ett inre föräldraproblemfokus som skapade skam och försämrad kommunikation mellan förälder och tonåring och i värsta fall kris i familjen. I vissa fall resulterade detta i att föräldern satte sitt eget liv på paus med ökad risk för stressrelaterad ohälsa. Olika sårbarhets- och skyddsfaktorer hos föräldrarna genererar olika behov vilket talar för ett kartläggande av dessa för att sedan anpassa stöd och insatser till föräldrarna. Föräldrarnas hade blandade känslor kring det professionella anhörigstödet. Ett positivt upplevt anhörigstöd relaterades till en behandlarens eller socialsekreterarens bemötande, kompetens, helhetsperspektiv och samverkan med andra professionella i kontakt med tonåringen. Önskemål från föräldrarna handlade om ökad delaktighet i tonåringens behandling. / This thesis explores how parents of adolescents with substance abuse experience their situation and the support they have received from professionals. The purpose is to create an understanding of the parents' own situation linked to their adolescent’s substance abuse, with a particular focus on examining the experience of the treatment process and interventions for the parents at the Maria treatment centers in Skåne, In addition, the thesis aims to gain an increased understanding of parents´ own expectations, and wishes for change, regarding the provided support. The essay is based on nine semi-structured interviews with parents with adolescents under the age of 18 with substance abuse. The parents' narratives and experiences are analyzed through Scheff’s theory regarding social bonds. The result shows a heavy burden and load within the parental group, whose adolescents have a high level of comorbidity. The parents easily ended up in problem- and emotion-focused behaviors. Likewise, an internal parental problem-focus was described, which created shame and impaired communication between parent and adolescent, and in the worst case a crisis in the family. For some parents this resulted in the parent putting their own life on hold with an increased risk of stress-related illness. Different vulnerability and protective factors within the parental group generate different needs, which speaks for these being mapped in order to adapt support and interventions to the parents. The parents had mixed feelings about the professional support. Positively perceived support was related to a therapist’s or social worker’s reception, competence, overall perspective, and cooperation with other professionals in contact with the adolescent. Wishes from the parents included increased participation in the adolescent’s treatment.
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De bakomliggande orsakerna till ungdomskriminalitet : En kvalitativ studie med intervjuer från KRIS och SSPF / The underlying causes of youth crime : A qualitative study with interviews from KRIS and SSPFSalaad, Sadiya, Nwabaku, Margaret Wudo January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att granska och undersöka de underliggande orsakerna till ungdomsbrottslighet samt att skaffa en fördjupad förståelse för de faktorer som bidrar till ungdomars deltagande i kriminella nätverk. Genom att genomföra intervjuer med företrädare för KRIS (Kriminellas Revansch i Samhället) och SSPF Grupp (skola, socialtjänst, polis och fritid i samverkan), har specifika faktorer som ligger till grund för ungdomsbrottsligheten kunnat identifieras och granskas. En kvalitativ forskningsansats har antagits för studien genom tillämpningen av två fokusgruppsintervjuer samt fyra individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer med sammanlagt tio respondenter. Denna studie har omfattat tillämpning av teorier såsom sociala bandteorin, social identitet och konformitet. Dessa väletablerade teorier har använts som ramar för att tolka och analysera resultatet. För att skapa en djupare förståelse för fenomenet har vi använt en socialpsykologisk ansats. Resultatet av studien präglas av upplevelser och erfarenheter hos våra intervjupersoner, vilka är yrkesverksamma på samhällsinstanser som arbetar med personer som antingen vill lämna eller har lämnat kriminalitet bakom sig. Slutsatsen i denna studie belyser faktorer som lockar ungdomar till kriminella sammanhang. Dessa inkluderar gemenskap, identitetssökande, grupptillhörighet, familjestruktur, skolgång, effekten av ungdomars vänskap, behovet av status, digitala lockbeten och rekrytering till kriminella nätverk. / The aim of this study is to explore the root causes of youth delinquency and gain deeper insights into the factors contributing to youths' involvement in criminal networks. Through interviews with representatives from KRIS (Criminals' Revenge in Society) and SSPF Group (School, Social Services, Police, and Leisure in Collaboration), specific factors underlying youth delinquency were identified and examined. This qualitative research utilized two focus group interviews and four individual semi-structured interviews with ten respondents in total. The study employed theories such as social bond theory, social identity, and conformity as analytical frameworks to interpret findings. By applying a social psychological approach, we aimed to understand the phenomenon more deeply. The results of our study are characterizedby the experiences and insights of our interviewees, who are professionals in social institutions working with individuals who either want to leave or have left criminality behind. The findings underscore various factors that attract youths to criminal contexts, including community, identity-seeking, group affiliation, family dynamics, schooling, peer influence, the pursuit of status, digital incentives, and recruitment into criminal networks. Through this research, we aim to contribute to a better understanding of youth delinquency and inform strategies for intervention and prevention.
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Logiques sociales de recours aux antidépresseurs : le cas de la rupture conjugaleBeaulieu, Martin 12 1900 (has links)
La dépression et l’antidépresseur, phénomènes plus vastes, plus complexes que l’ordre biomédical ne l’entend, répondent à des logiques qui dépassent les seules considérations organiques, corporelles. Certaines recherches montrent d’ailleurs que ces deux entités sont autonomes l'une de l'autre, signifiant que les antidépresseurs sont prescrits pour des raisons indépendantes de la prévalence de problèmes de santé mentale. C’est dans cette optique que, dans ce mémoire, nous examinons les raisons pour lesquelles les individus ont recours aux antidépresseurs suite à une rupture conjugale. C’est à l’aide des récits de huit femmes ayant pris des antidépresseurs suite à une rupture conjugale qu’on a donc investigué les rouages du recours à ces médicaments. À la lumière des résultats, on observe effectivement que la prise d’antidépresseurs semble répondre à une logique qui soit extra–médicale. D’abord par le constat que seules trois d’entres ces huit femmes ont justifié leur prise d’antidépresseurs par la réception d’un diagnostic formel de dépression. Ensuite, par la découverte qu’elle se déploie essentiellement selon une double symbolique au centre duquel prime le lien social. En effet, on a recours aux antidépresseurs suite à une rupture conjugale parce qu’ils sont à la fois l’incarnation d’un lien de confiance avec un être semblable à soi, empathique, le médecin, et le symbole d’un retour à la vie dite ‘normale’ où les manières d’être et d’interagir sont conformes à celles du groupe auquel on s’identifie. On croit que l’importance accordée à la confiance au médecin et à la normalisation quant au recours à l’antidépresseur témoignent du resserrement des liens d’identification propre à l’individualisme contemporain lesquels, en opposition aux grands récits de jadis, sont désormais axés sur une intimité de valeurs et d’objectifs entre semblables. / Depression and antidepressants are far more complex phenomenons than the biomedical order pretends. Some research show that these two entities are independant from one another, meaning that antidepressants are prescribed for reasons independant of mental health problems. In this master’s thesis we examine why individuals have recourse to antidepressants following a relationship break-up; the relationship (marital or not) break-up being a critical situation associated with the prevalence of depression.
Eight women who took antidepressants following a relationship break-up were interviewed for this study. The findings show that the recourse to antidepressants appears to respond to a logic that is non-medical. First, by the fact that only three of the eight women interviewed justified their recourse to antidepressants by receiving a diagnosis of depression. Second, by the discovery that these women relied on antidepressants because they are the embodiment of a relationship of trust with someone familiar to themselves, the doctor, and the symbol of a return to a ‘normal’ life.
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Passages inclusifs : le réseau d'organismes communautaires autochtones de MontréalChiasson, Stéphanie 07 1900 (has links)
This research aims to enrich the understanding of the constitution of a sense of belonging to an aboriginal community in Montreal. It has been demonstrated that there is indeed a social cohesion in Montreal based on the collective aboriginal ethnic identity, or aboriginality. This cohesion is supported by aboriginal organizations and associations, whise approaches and engagements have a direct impact on their inclusion into the community. These institutions are considered as the source of communitarian social bond in the city. By the empowerment of a shared aboriginal identity, the representation of community interests, the integration in the urban life, the service delivery to members of the middle class and the creation of secured spaces dedicated to their cultural heritage, aboriginal associations are creating social ties to the community. On the other hand, some problems like the lack of communication between organizations, their hermetic nature, their excessive bureaucratic methods, the way women in the community monopolize the institutions, the presence of non-aboriginal people as well as the gang phenomenon are all experienced in the organizations. These problems produce harmful consequences on the member’s relations to the communitarian system and reduce their participation and attendance. Also, the social bond within the native community is weakened by various factors outside the grasp of the institutions. Some internal discriminations and stereotypes, sometimes tied to the use of administrative indicators of the Canadian Aboriginal Law, the lack of a native district in Montreal, and the different socio-economic members’ situations create divisions and affect the community spirit. This thesis focuses on the native community construction in an urban area through its institutional sphere, which differs from other studies on urban Natives. The objective is to understand the urban realities and the way the urban native communities are developing themselves. / Cette recherche vise à comprendre la création du sentiment d’appartenance à une communauté autochtone à Montréal. Elle démontre qu’une cohésion sociale communautaire à Montréal repose sur l’identité ethnique « autochtone », soit l’autochtonie. Cette dernière est soutenue par les organismes et associations autochtones, dont les approches et engagements ont un impact direct sur le sentiment d’appartenance à la communauté. Ces institutions sont considérées ici comme étant à la base du lien social dans la communauté de Montréal. En effet, à travers la valorisation d’une identité générique autochtone, la représentation des intérêts de la communauté, l’insertion dans la vie urbaine, l’offre de services à la classe moyenne, la création d’espaces sécuritaires et d’apprentissage culturel en ville, les organisations communautaires autochtones entraînent la création de liens sociaux et d’appartenances, constituant le tissu social de la communauté. En contrepartie, plusieurs problèmes comme le manque de communication entre les organismes, leur herméticité, la bureaucratisation excessive, le phénomène de clique et une présence des non-autochtones et des femmes accaparante, sont vécus dans le milieu organisationnel. Ces problématiques engendrent des conséquences néfastes sur le rapport des membres aux dispositifs communautaires, pour un amoindrissement de leur participation et de leur fréquentation des organismes. De plus, le lien social communautaire est affaibli par plusieurs facteurs extérieurs à la sphère d’activité des institutions. Les discriminations et les stéréotypes à l’interne, parfois liés à l’incorporation de critères administratifs de la Loi sur les Indiens, l’absence d’un quartier autochtone, ainsi que les différentes conditions socio-économiques des membres créent des divisions et contreviennent à l’esprit de communauté. Enfin, ce mémoire met l’accent sur la constitution d’une communauté autochtone en milieu urbain à travers son réseau d’institutions, ce qui le démarque des études sur les Amérindiens. L’objectif est de saisir les réalités vécues en ville et de comprendre de quelle façon s’effectue le développement des communautés autochtones urbaines.
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A situação da lei na ótica da subjetividade: um estudo no vivido das crianças e jovens na Casa-Lar, Bela Vista - Vitória ESOliveira, Arlete Correa de 10 October 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-10-10 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This work questions the law under the perspective of subjectivity for the children and young
people housed in the Casa-Lar Bela Vista, Vitoria, Espírito Santo (a Home Unit). Its central
theme is the incest prohibition law (EEP) and the familiar complexes (Lacan), whose
theoretical assumptions guide this research and allow to make the presence of this law explicit
in the human subjectivity and in the social bond. Within this questioning arises the
importance of the interface between social assistance and explicitness of the juridical law. It is
with social assistance, that certain factors of the affection, such as reliability, security and
objectivity can reorder and question the legal functions. Children and young people in the
Casa-Lar are liable to witness this transmission as speaking beings. They express with
narratives and memories all the subjectivity that establishes the law that really permeates their
lives: the law of desire; and which is placed, every day, against the laws of society / Este trabalho questiona a lei, sob a ótica da subjetividade, no universo de crianças e jovens
abrigados na Casa-Lar Bela Vista, Vitória, Espírito Santo. Sua temática central é a lei da
proibição do incesto (EEP) e os complexos familiares (Lacan) cujos pressupostos teóricos
orientam esta pesquisa e permitem explicitar a presença dessa lei na subjetividade humana e
no laço social. Dentro desse questionamento, surge a importância da interface entre a
assistência social e a explicitação da lei jurídica. É com a assistência social que certos fatores
do afeto como a confiabilidade, a segurança e a objetividade podem se reordenar e interpelar
as funções jurídicas. Crianças e jovens da Casa-Lar são passíveis de testemunhar como seres
falantes essa transmissão. Expressam com narrativas e memórias toda a subjetividade que
configura a lei que realmente permeia suas vidas: a lei do desejo - que é colocada, todos os
dias, em confronto com as leis do social
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烏來泰雅族少年偏差行為之成因分析--Hirschi社會鍵理論在少數民族社會之驗證 / Causation of Delinquency of Atayals' Juveniles in Wulai Area--An Empirical Test of Hirschis' Social Control Theory in Abooriginal Society吳玉珠, Wu, Yu-chu Unknown Date (has links)
這是Hirschi社會鍵理論(Social Control Theory)首次在本土少數民族社會之部分驗證研究,除了利用該理模式為分析架構,以問卷調查方式對烏來鄉福山、烏來與忠治三個村落少年兒童犯罪與偏差行為成因進行橫面的統計分析考驗外,並以田野訪談方式,藉助附著理論、互惠觀點與人類基本需求觀點,從社會文化歷史變遷脈絡與個案進行縱面與深度的分析探討烏來泰雅社會文化轉化的特質。
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En socialpsykologisk studie om organisationsvisionens betydelse för sociala relationer i arbetsvardagenAbdi, Ailin, Persson, Eva January 2011 (has links)
In this study, we have considered the impact the organization`s implementation of its vision of the psychosocial work enviroment has been for the relations between the employees. We have primarily relied on a hermeneutic approach to understand our empirical data, and when we have interpreted and made a socialpsycological analysis on our collected empirical data. We have used Smith´s Institutional Ethnography, Sheff`s Social bonds and Asplund`s theory of Social responsivity. To collect the empirical data we have combined quantitative and qualtitative methods and a textanalysis at a visiondocument in the aim of capture both the depht and the breadth of our chosen fields of study. The results we have found shows that the psycosocial work environment within the organization can be seen as interplay between individual and enviroment and between individuals as well and that this interaction is influenced by the organizational culture that is created by the organization`s political vision / I denna C-uppsats har vi undersökt vilken betydelse ledningens implementering av sin vision kring den psykosociala arbetsmiljön för de psykosociala relationerna har för relationerna mellan de anställda. Vi har främst utgått ifrån en hermeneutisk vetenskaplig ansats för att förstå vårt empiriska material. Då vi tolkat och gjort en socialpsykologisk analys kring vårt insamlade material har vi använt oss av Smith`s Institutionella etnografi, Sheff`s Sociala band och Asplund`s teori om social responsivitet. För att samla in det empiriska materialet har vi använt både kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod samt en textanalys av ett visionsdokument i syfte att dessa metoder kan fånga både djup och bredd av vårt valda studiefält. Resultatet vi kommit fram till visar på att den psykosociala arbetsmiljön inom organisationen kan ses som ett samspel mellan individ och miljö samt mellan individerna i sig och att detta samspel är påverkat av de organisationskultur som till viss del formas av organisationens personalpolitiska vision.
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