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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barn och unga i 3 § LVU-domar : Att dömas till att skyddas från sig själv / Children and young people in 3 § LVU : Sentenced to be protected from themselves

Ingerstad, Kalle, Oja, Nicholas January 2018 (has links)
Svensk barnavård och tvångsvård av barn och unga har diskuterats och problematiserats av flertalet forskare och har även varit lagstadgat sedan början av 1900-talet. Lagen och hur samhället ser på problembeteende och skyddsbehov har sedan dess förändrats. Exempelvis så var den dominerande synen, innan 1900-talet, att samhället hade en viss skyldighet att skydda och hjälpa barn och unga i nöd men präglades snarare av ett samhällsskyddande synsätt. Även vad som anses vara ett problem har förändrats över tid och korrigerats inom lagstiftningen. Hur vi människor kommer överens om vad som är normalt eller normbrytande görs dels genom sociala processer men också genom språk där vi konstruerar en gemensam verklighet som vi förhåller oss till. Lagstiftningen som sådan är en, av människan skapad, konstruktion av vad vi gemensamt anser är de normer som vi ska förhålla oss till. Därav anser vi att det är intressant att se hur barn och ungdomars normbrytande beteende skrivs fram, framställs eller konkretiseras i domar som berör tvångsvård av barn. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur ett barns skyddsbehov och problembeteenden konstrueras i domar rörande 3 § lagen (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU). För att besvara studiens syfte har följande frågeställning varit vägledande; vilka problembeteenden och skyddsbehov framställs i domar som avser vård enligt 3 § LVU? Ett kvalitativt angreppssätt har använts för att svara på studiens syfte och frågeställning. Studiens empiri består av 33 förvaltningsrättsdomar mellan åren 2012 och 2017 från en, för studien, specifik kommun. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är socialkonstruktionism och tematisk analys används som analysverktyg. Studien analyseras med stöd av socialkonstruktivistisk teori och med stöd av tankar från bland andra Johanna Schiratzki, Anna Hollander, Astrid Schlytter, Lina Ponnert, Pernilla Leviner och Titti Mattsson, för att nämna några. Resultatet presenteras med stöd av fem huvudteman; brottslig verksamhet, missbruk av beroendeframkallande medel, något annat socialt nedbrytande beteende, påtaglig risk och samtycke. Samt fem subteman utifrån rekvisitet socialt nedbrytande beteende; olämpliga miljöer, missbruk, bristande skolgång, kriminalitet och sist neuropsykiatriska diagnoser och/eller annan psykisk variation. Studiens resultat visar på att de ungas skyddsbehov och problembeteende skrivs fram genom rekvisiten inom LVU lagstiftningen och att konstruktionen av dessa börjar i och med socialsekreterarens LVU-utredning och socialnämndens ansökan om vård med stöd av LVU. Resultatet visar även på att förvaltningsrätten som oftast bifaller socialnämndens ansökan om vård och i studiens empiriska material avslås endast två ansökningar. I studiens avslutande kapitel förs en diskussion om studiens slutsatser men också om vidare forskning kring konstruktionen gällande barn och ungdomars skyddsbehov och problembeteende. / Swedish child welfare and compulsory care for children and adolescents has been discussed and problematized by most researchers and been statutory since the beginning of the 20th century. The law and the way Swedish society views problem behavior, child and adolescent delinquency and the need to care and protect the children with such needs has changed over time. For example, the dominant view, before the 20th century, was that society had a certain obligation to protect and help children and young in need, but rather was characterized by a community-protection approach. What society considers to be a problem behavior has changed over time and been corrected multiple times within the law. How people agree on what is a normal or problematic behavior, when it comes to children and adolescents, is through social processes and language. Through our common social processes and languages we construct a common reality to which we can relate. Legislation as such is a man-made construction of what we commonly consider to be the norms that we should follow. Therefore, we find it interesting to understand how children and adolescents problem behavior is expressed, produced or concretized in judgments relating to compulsory care.  The purpose of the study is to investigate how a child’s or young person’s problem behaviors and protection needs are constructed in judgments relating to 3 § of the care of young people (special provision) act (LVU). In order to answer the purpose of the study the following questions should be asked; what problem behaviors and protection needs are constructed in judgments relating to care under 3 § of the LVU? A qualitative approach has been used to answer the study’s purpose and questions. The empirical study consists of 33 court judgments between 2012 and 2017 from one specific municipality. The theoretical basis of the study is social constructionism and thematic analysis is used as an analytical tool. The study is analyzed on the basis of social constructivist theory and supported by research from, to name a few, Johanna Schiratzki, Anna Hollander, Astrid Schlytter, Lina Ponnert, Pernilla Leviner and Titti Mattsson.  The results of the study indicate that the problem behavior and protection needs of children and young people are constructed through the LVU-legislation process and that the social construction begins with the Social Welfare Committee's LVU investigation and application for care with the support of LVU. The result also shows that law most often approves of the Social Welfare Committee's application compulsory care. In the empirical material of the study, only two applications were rejected. The study's final chapter discusses the conclusions of the study, but also on further research on the construction of children and young people's problem behavior and protection needs.

Konsumtion av Tinder: En studie om framställande av sig själv och konsumering av andra på Tinder / Consumption of Tinder: A study based on how people portray themselves and consume others on Tinder

Hemmarö, Linnéa, Karlsson, Jaqueline, Tegebo, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att bidra med förståelse för hur användare av applikationen framställer sig själva, jämfört med hur de konsumerar samt bedömer andras profiler. Studien tar upp huruvida konsumtionskultur och sociala strukturer påverkar konsumenternas användning av Tinder samt hur det uttrycker sig i deras konsumtion. Studien har genomförts genom en kvalitativ ansats som grundats i tre fokusgruppsdiskussioner. Fokus har där legat kring hur och varför personer använder sig av nätdejtingapplikationen Tinder. Det empiriska materialet i studien är analyserad med hjälp av teorier kring konsumtionskultur ur ett socialpsykologiskt synsätt. Frågorna har utformats genom en undersökning av konsumenters användande och beteende kopplat till applikationen vilket resulterat i följande frågeställningar, Vad önskar användaren uppfylla genom sin konsumtion av Tinder?, Hur framställer man sig själv genom sin profil på Tinder? och Hur konsumerar användaren andras profiler på applikationen? Studiens resultat visar på att unga vuxna konsumerar applikationen när de har en önskan om att fly vardagen. Konsumtionen bidrar till en uppskattning av konsumenternas egna värde och resulterar i konsumenternas självförverkligande med applikationen som redskap. Tinder ger utlopp för fantasi vilket blir värdeskapande för konsumenten när hen konstruerar sin egna profil eller när hen konsumerar andras profiler. / The purpose of this study was to contribute an understanding of how users of the application Tinder present themselves, compared to how they consume and evaluate others profiles. The study addresses whether consumption culture and social structures affect consumers' use of Tinder and how it shows through their consumption. The study has been conducted through a qualitative approach based on three focus group discussions. The main focus has been on how and why people use the online dating application Tinder. The empirical material has been analyzed by using theories of consumption culture from a social psychological perspective. The research questions aims to study the needs and purpose of consumers linked to the application, which has resulted in the following questions: What does the consumers wish to fulfill through its consumption of Tinder?, How do consumers present themselves through their profiles on Tinder? and How does the user consume others profiles on the application? The result of the study shows that young adults consume the application when they wish to escape everyday life. Consumption contributes to an estimation of the consumers own value and results in the consumers self-realization with the application as a tool. Tinder provides the outlet for imagination that creates value for the consumer when constructing his own profile or when consuming others profiles. The thesis is written in Swedish.

Sociální bydlení v obcích České republiky: policy design a cílové populace / Social housing in municipalities of the Czech Republic: policy design and target populations

Broklová, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with setting of a system of social housing in the municipalities of the Czech Republic. It is based in particular on the Concept of Social Housing of the Czech Republic 2015-2025, as the legislation on social housing in the Czech Republic has not yet been approved by the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The system is very fragmented for the above reason, there is no consensus in the definition, not even in determining to whom and under what conditions social housing should be allocated. The thesis builds on Schneider and Ingram public policy theory, the theory of social construction of target populations ("TSKCP"). The two main concepts of TSCTP - target population and policy design are the optics and subject of analysis. The most important research activity could be described as an analysis of the availability of social housing in 2nd level municipalities, which was implemented in the form of survey of 388 municipal webpages in order to find out the mention and methodology of providing social housing. Additional interviews with social and housing commissioners took place within one region of the Czech Republic, where we can presume similar socio-economic conditions, but due to anonymity, it cannot be specified more precisely. From the methodological...

When mobility difficulties do not dominate: a narrative-pastoral approach

Eksteen, Susan 30 November 2007 (has links)
This qualitative study was interested in what needed to be heard from people who have difficulty in putting one foot in front of the other. The research aimed to expose some of the dominant discourses around mobility difficulties through exploring the relationship discourse has with power and to look for less talked about ways of resisting some of the harmful effects of dominant discourses. It also explored how participants used their spiritual beliefs to establish meaning in their mobility difficulty experiences. The exploring was done by employing discourse analysis as analysing tool to search for dominant and alternate meanings found in experiences of mobility difficulties. Theoretical frameworks included practical theology, pastoral care, narrative practices, postmodern ideas, discourse, social construction theory, deconstruction, qualitative research and action research. The researcher's own experience of mobility difficulties has been used as background where she was both an observer and participant. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology with specialisation in Pastoral Therapy)

When mobility difficulties do not dominate: a narrative-pastoral approach

Eksteen, Susan 30 November 2007 (has links)
This qualitative study was interested in what needed to be heard from people who have difficulty in putting one foot in front of the other. The research aimed to expose some of the dominant discourses around mobility difficulties through exploring the relationship discourse has with power and to look for less talked about ways of resisting some of the harmful effects of dominant discourses. It also explored how participants used their spiritual beliefs to establish meaning in their mobility difficulty experiences. The exploring was done by employing discourse analysis as analysing tool to search for dominant and alternate meanings found in experiences of mobility difficulties. Theoretical frameworks included practical theology, pastoral care, narrative practices, postmodern ideas, discourse, social construction theory, deconstruction, qualitative research and action research. The researcher's own experience of mobility difficulties has been used as background where she was both an observer and participant. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology with specialisation in Pastoral Therapy)

Ztracené děti Evropy: Evropská unie a nedoprovázené děti migrantů / Lost Children of Europe: European Union and Unaccompanied Migrant Children

Abuselidze, Salome January 2021 (has links)
The issue of unaccompanied migrant children (UAM) in the European Union is one of the most acknowledged and one of the most under researched topics. Close to 100,000 minors arrived in Europe in 2015 alone, without parents or guardians. And more than 10,000 disappeared shortly after. These children have been and continue to be under high risk of human trafficking, child labour, sexual and physical abuse, and exploitation of some other kinds. It has been 6 years since the initial crisis, but the statistics are not getting better. Tendency remains as close to 19,000 UAMs have perished in the past 3 years, which accounts to 17 disappearances a day. Despite the European Union's commitment to protect the rights of UAMs, the conditions of these children are dire. In some member states the situation is so much poorer, that basic human rights are violated. This raises the following questions: Q1: Why does the EU struggle to adopt common policies on unaccompanied migrant children? Q2: How does the EU contribute to the disappearance of UAMs? Qualitative and quantitative data, as well as large amount of primary and secondary sources help navigate through the problem of UAMs. Content analysis of European media contributes to the illustration of perceptions towards migration and unaccompanied children. Social...

The creamy crack : An anthropological on the natural hair community in Sweden

Vierimaa, Maija January 2017 (has links)
The thesis explores the impact that dominating Swedish aesthetic norms and beauty standards have on the subjective experiences of Afro-Swedes and their hair. Also, it examines why Afro-Swedes who previously have been straightening their hair have chosen a natural hair style. Moreover, the thesis also discusses which influence Youtube has in encouraging women to 'go natural'. The research is based on semi-structured interviews of seven women. The study is located at the theoretical meeting-point between hair, ethnicity, and the social and agentic body, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, digital anthropology. It explores the social dimension of hair and how hair, as a part of the body, has the capacity to participate in the creation of social meaning and also, enables agency in the social world. It shows that hair practices and styling strategies can be symbolic, social and agentic and that hair can manifest social and cultural order. Also, it opens up for further questions regarding Afro-Swedes and their hair in relation to beauty standards, normativity and representation, on the societal level as well as the individual.

Askungen på bal : Tillvaron som kvinna med autism / Cinderella at the dance : Existence as a woman with autism

Schultz, Emelie January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore how women who were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder as adults described their existence before and after the diagnosis. The study was conducted by analysing four women’s autobiographical texts. The texts deal with their experiences growing up without awareness of their disability, how they got diagnosed as adults and how the diagnosis impacted their lives. The study used a qualitative approach and a theoretical framework consisting of social constructionism and crip-theory. Through a thematic analysis of these women’s stories this study found that women who are diagnosed late in life experience challenges such as mental health problems, feelings of exclusion and confusion around one’s own identity. Findings also highlight the importance of early diagnosis to prevent previous mentioned challenges. Further research should be made to explore how new national guidelines for support and treatment impact individuals with autism spectrum disorder.

Bränsle för den moderna nationen : Etanol och gengas i Sverige under mellankrigstiden och andra världskriget / Fuelling the Modern nation : Ethanol and Wood Gas as Alternative Fuels in Sweden during the Interwar Years and World War II

Ekerholm, Helena January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigate Swedish policy-making concerning promotion of wood gas and ethanol distilled from fermented sulphite lye as domestic fuel alternatives in the Interwar years and World War II. With a departure point in the theories of social constructions of technology (SCOT), the sociology of expectations and Thomas P. Hughe’s socio-technical systems I analyse the measures that were undertaken in these efforts, the arguments put forward for and against the ethanol and wood gas projects and how the efforts turned out. I also investigate how the interpretations of ethanol and wood gas as fuel alternatives changed from the Interwar period on through World War II and what consequences this had for ethanol and wood gas policy immediately after World War II. Source material includes Parliament and Government records, cabinet meeting files, governmental commissions, authority archives, technical evaluations and handbooks and scientific medical publications. Ethanol and wood gas were promoted from a nationalist vantage point. The Interwar debate was imbued with visions of national techno-scientific prowess in a perceived ongoing global contest for technological and scientific advancement, of which achieving autarky, self-sufficiency on important raw materials and industrial products, was an ideal for some. Ethanol and wood gas were also promoted as means for creating a lucrative new market for the forestry industry, which also held a prominent position in nationalist visions of technology. Expectations of a new war also motivated the promotion of ethanol and wood gas as national fuels. Measures for promotion included tax exemptions, sales guarantees and legislation for mandatory ethanol purchase for all petrol importing companies and gasifier loan funds. Political conflicts mainly centred around the principles of free trade as opposed to protectionism, proper use of tax funds and whether the potentials of the fuel alternatives were rhetorically exaggerated. During World War II ethanol and wood gas in particular served as important petrol surrogates. The increased wood gas use led to negative interpretations of wood gas a fuel alternative due to its hazardous, dirty and time-consuming maintenance and the changed driving behaviour it required from its users compared to petrol or ethanol fuelled automobiles. Compared to wood gas, ethanol was appreciated for its socio-technical similarities to petrol, but production was after the war deemed difficult to maintain during wartime. Whereas wood gas remained an important stand-by surrogate during the cold war, Swedish politicians lost interest in ethanol of the kind that was promoted in the Interwar years. / Fuel of the Future? A Research Programme on the Science, Technology and Selling of Biofuels in Sweden

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