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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lésbicas e mulheres bissexuais: uma leitura interseccional do cuidado à saúde / Lesbian and bisexual women: an intersectional approach to health care

Julliana Luiz Rodrigues 11 December 2018 (has links)
A invisibilidade das lésbicas e das mulheres bissexuais, bem como a escassez de conhecimento científico a seu respeito ainda se faz presente no Brasil. Nas políticas de saúde brasileira elas são incluídas na Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher de 2003 e na Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transgêneros de 2010. No entanto, é imprescindível conhecer suas concepções e práticas de saúde, no sentido de possibilitar interpelar as políticas elaboradas e identificar desvantagens sociais relacionadas aos processos de discriminação a que são submetidas. Este trabalho, de vertente qualitativa, teve por objetivo analisar como as lésbicas e mulheres bissexuais vivenciam a sexualidade e experienciam o cuidado à saúde em geral e à saúde sexual, em particular, a partir da abordagem da interseccionalidade. Participaram da pesquisa 17 mulheres com 18 anos ou mais que se auto referiram lésbicas ou bissexuais. A produção dos dados empíricos se deu por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas seguindo roteiro temático previamente elaborado. Os cuidados éticos incluíram explicação detalhada acerca dos objetivos da pesquisa, de modo a garantir a participação voluntária e a assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. O estudo foi aprovado pelo comitê de ética da USP. Todas as entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas. Para análise dos dados utilizamos a abordagem da interseccionalidade, compreendendo como os marcadores sociais da diferença dialogam com o cuidado à saúde. A idade das participantes variou de 19 a 68 anos; seis eram negras, nove brancas e duas pardas; doze eram lésbicas e cinco bissexuais. Raça/cor e orientação sexual foram auto referidos. A diversidade na composição das participantes foi uma escolha metodológica para abarcar diferentes marcas identitárias quanto à raça, classe social, geração e orientação sexual. A intersecção entre sexualidade e geração opera vulnerabilizando mulheres jovens, pois estão expostas a intenso sofrimento psíquico em função da dependência financeira de familiares. Questões raciais surgiram no discurso de mulheres negras como marca identitária e de opressão em situações para além de contexto de saúde. O sentido e a visibilidade em torno da orientação sexual dependem, entre outras coisas, de experiências racistas. Finalmente, o intercruzamento entre sexualidade e classe social foi apreendida a partir da noção de territorialidade. A periferia de São Paulo parece interferir na maneira como as mulheres se apropriam e performatizam gênero. Percebemos relação entre regiões centrais e maior flexibilidade na expressão de gênero e de orientação sexual. No tocante aos temas relativos à saúde e à saúde sexual, os resultados apontam para a invisibilidade bissexual no contexto clínico. As dificuldades de lésbicas e bissexuais na consulta ginecológica vão desde receios quanto à exposição da orientação sexual até a não validação de sua sexualidade, quando sua vivência sexual com mulher é classificada como não sexo pelo profissional que a atende. A consulta em ginecologia opera com preponderância dos aspectos reprodutivos em detrimentos dos sexuais e é marcada por pressupostos heteronormativos. A intersecção entre orientação sexual e gênero pode produzir invisibilidade às bissexuais, que são lidas socialmente enquanto heterossexuais ou homossexuais / The invisibility of lesbians and bisexual women, as well as the scarcity of scientific knowledge about them, is still present in Brazil. In Brazilian health policies, they are included in the National Policy for Integral Attention to Women\'s Health of 2003 and in the National Policy of Integral Health Care for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Transgender of 2010. However, it is imperative to know their conceptions and health practices, in order to make it possible to question the policies elaborated and to identify social disadvantages related to the discrimination processes to which they are submitted. This qualitative study aimed to analyze how lesbians and bisexual women experience sexuality and experience general health care and sexual health, in particular, from the intersectionality approach. The study was attended by 17 women aged 18 years or over who reported on lesbians or bisexuals. The production of the empirical data was done through semi-structured interviews following the thematic route previously elaborated. Ethical care included a detailed explanation of the research objectives, in order to guarantee voluntary participation and the signing of the Informed Consent Term. The study was approved by the ethics committee of USP. All interviews were recorded and transcribed. To analyze the data we use the intersectionality approach, understanding how the social markers of difference dialogue with health care. The participants\' ages ranged from 19 to 68 years; six were black, nine were white, and two were brown; twelve were lesbian and five bisexual. Race / color and sexual orientation were self-reported. The diversity in the composition of the participants was a methodological choice to embrace different identity marks regarding race, social class, generation and sexual orientation. The intersection between sexuality and generation operates by vulnerabilizing young women, as they are exposed to intense psychological suffering due to the financial dependence of their families. Racial questions have emerged in the discourse of black women as an identity mark and oppression in situations beyond a health context. The sense and visibility of sexual orientation depend, among other things, on racist experiences. Finally, the interbreeding between sexuality and social class was apprehended from the notion of territoriality. The periphery of São Paulo seems to interfere with the way women appropriate and performatize gender. We perceive the relationship between central regions and greater flexibility in the expression of gender and sexual orientation. Regarding health and sexual health issues, the results point to bisexual invisibility in the clinical context. The difficulties of lesbians and bisexuals in the gynecological consultation range from fears about the exposure of sexual orientation to the non-validation of their sexuality, when their sexual experience with women is classified as non-sex by the professional who attends her. The consultation in gynecology operates with preponderance of the reproductive aspects in detriments of the sexual and is marked by heteronormative assumptions. The intersection between sexual orientation and gender can produce invisibility to bisexuals, who are read socially as heterosexual or homosexual

Prat, politik och praktik : om individers möten med strukturer i en kommunal satsning på kvinnors företagande

Dareblom, Jeanette January 2005 (has links)
Hur påverkar strukturella förutsättningar kvinnors företagande? Vad händer när kvinnor som potentiella företagare ställs mot omgivande strukturer och hur kan ett sådant möte bidra till att bättre förstå kvinnors förutsättningar som företagare? Detta utgör de huvudsakliga frågeställningarna i den här avhandlingen. Utgångspunkten för den kvalitativa studie som genomförs tas i en regional strukturomvandling som påverkar kvinnornas lokala arbetsmarknad och leder till att en politisk satsning på kvinnors företagande i form av en starta-eget kurs initieras. Primär målgrupp för kursen är kvinnor med ett yrkesförflutet inom vård och omsorg. En politisk ambition att ta dessa kvinnor och deras kompetens till vara uttalas i kommunala handlingsprogram som även signalerar en önskan att arbeta i partnerskap med kvinnor som vill bli företagare. Genom att över tid följa ett antal kvinnor som deltar i kursen blottläggs deras upplevelser av satsningen samt av att omsätta den uttalade politiken till praktik. Teoretiskt argumenteras för vikten av att förstå kvinnors företagande i relation till omgivningen och strukturella förutsättningar. Genusteori, teorier om kvinnor och arbete, den politiska omgivningen, prat som legitimerande handling samt makt är perspektiv som anläggs och teorier om företagande diskuteras. Ståndpunkten är att när kvinnor förhåller sig till företagande görs detta på en rad premisser så som könssegregeringen som följer med kvinnorna ut på arbetsmarknaden där företagande utgör en del, politiskt prat som signalerar ambitioner och målsättningar, det större sociala systemets inneboende makt där det egna handlingsutrymmet påverkas av graden av beroende i förhållande till andra aktörer med mera. Sammantaget påverkar detta hur kvinnorna upplever sitt handlingsutrymme. Det argumenteras för att normer och värderingar i det större systemet ofta är subtila men icke desto mindre skapande. Mannen som norm för liv, arbete, företagande och företagare problematiseras då denna norm placerar kvinnan i motsatsställning. Det subtila är svårt att bemöta och förändra, kvinnornas individuella val är synliga i betydligt större utsträckning än bakomliggande, strukturella normer och värderingar som påverkar och styr dessa val. Den empiriska studien visar att flera kvinnor finner det svårt att relatera till rollen som företagare och att satsningen på företagande relateras till rådande familjesituation. Studien visar även att det kan vara kostsamt att bryta mot normer och föreställningar och att tänja på osynliga gränser. Tydligt framträder ett upplevt, starkt politiskt motstånd mot nya verksamhetsformer, verksamhetsområden och liknande. Det visar sig främst vara kvinnor som försöker starta verksamheter relaterade till vård och omsorg som upplever detta motstånd. Analysen visar en av kvinnorna upplevd diskrepans mellan politikers prat och möjligheterna att omsätta detta prat i handling genom att starta företag. En bild av en kommunal satsning där politiskt prat inte i alla delar följs upp i politisk handling växer fram. Den politiska viljan att ta ideologiska risker diskuteras, så även kvinnornas medskapande av den situation som uppstår. Främst visar analysen på vikten av att erkänna både individers och strukturers del i det sociala skapandet som ger förutsättningarna för kvinnors företagande samt vikten av att betrakta prat och handling ur ett legitimitetsskapande perspektiv för att förstå det sociala spelets bakomliggande syften. Ett förhållningssätt baserat på samförstånd och samarbete snarare än motsättning mellan parterna förordas för att skapa ett konstruktivt klimat och goda strukturella förutsättningar. Ett sådant klimat kan inverka positivt på en regions fortlevnad såväl som på kvinnors sysselsättning. En grundläggande slutsats är att det är viktigt att erkänna strukturernas vikt och påverkan på individers val för att förstå förutsättningarna för kvinnors företagande och kvinnors förutsättningar som företagare. Enkelt vore att argumentera för att kvinnor har ”fria” val och därmed lägga ansvar på kvinnorna som individer att skapa förändring, här genom att bli företagare. Genom att placera företagande i en vidare kontext påvisas att kvinnors så kallade ”fria” val är strukturellt villkorade. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2005

Professionalitet eller föräldrarskap? : Hur gode män till ensamkommande barn konstruerar innebörden av godmanskapet / Professionalism or parenthood? : How guardians to unaccompanied asylum-seeking children construct the meaning of the assignment.

Hanna, Hellman, Julia, Andersson January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine constructions of the guardianship to unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. More specifically its aim was to, through the guardians’ perspective, understand and analyze how they construct the guardianship. The study was based on individual semi-structured interviews with questions concerning the guardianship and the role as a guardian. Seven interview-participants, who are active as guardians in diverse municipalities in southern Sweden, are included in this study. The analysis was based on how the guardians describe the assignments in the guardianship, the unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and their needs and how they describe the relationship to them. As a conclusion we found two different constructions of the guardianship; one characterized by a guardianship based on limits, distance, clarity of role and assignments and a guardian similar to a tutor. The other perspective is characterized by a guardianship based on no limits for assignments, a close and familiar relationship to the children and a guardian similar to a parent or a friend. We found that the guardians are dominated by different types of social actions that affect the guardianship based on how they constructed the guardianship, the unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and the relationship.

The social constructions of HIV/AIDS stigma in one community in Cape Town, South Africa

Kayonga, Yvette January 2010 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Due to tremendous stigma attached to HIV/AIDS, revelation of HIV positive sero-status of an individual has become a significant risk in communities of South Africa (Kalichman el al., 2003;Deacon et al., 2004; Kalichman et al., 2005, Simbayi et al., 2007). Several researchers have argued that HIV/AIDS stigma poses severe problems which include that it delays HIV testing;stops people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) from seeking care; inhibits incorporation of prevention behaviours; increases violence against HIV-positive people; and extends beyond PLWHA to families, providers and volunteers. HIV/AIDS stigma is widespread, and it is widely accepted that it does not only reflect but also is exacerbated by co-existing stigmas related to poverty, race, gender, substance use, and sexual behaviour (Parker et al., 2002; Parker & Aggleton, 2003; Holloway, Seaton, Taylor, 2004).This study aimed to understand whether HIV/AIDS as a social construct and those living with HIV/AIDS are understood and responded to differently by males and females and those previously classified by the apartheid divisive policy as African and Coloured participants in the context of their daily encounters. Hence, the study investigated whether there is a relationship between race, gender and HIV/AIDS stigma among participants and whether this relationship is mediated by age, educational level, and participants’ household situation. In addition, the study explored whether gendered stigmatization is subscribed to by participants, while it further sought to assess the extent to which participants were exposed to HIV and AIDS; and whether there were gender and racial differences with respect to participants’ perceptions about PLWHA.Finally, the study scrutinized participants’ perceived levels where they believe interventions to eliminate stigma could be prioritized. This study utilized a survey questionnaire drawn up on the basis of qualitative findings in earlier studies on stigma and HIV/AIDS in both ‘African’ and ‘coloured’ communities. Two hundred participants were recruited through a convenience sampling method in the Mitchell’s Plain area of Cape Town, South Africa. The sample was stratified by ‘race’ and gender with the majority between the age of 35 and 49 years; 50.3 % of the respondents in the sample were males, while 49.7 % were females. The majority of the respondents were Africans of Xhosa speaking descent(49.2 %) and coloureds (48.2 %) with a small proportion of whites (2.5 %). All standard ethical procedures for research with human participants were adhered to and the project was registered with the UWC Research & Ethics Committee. All participants responded on the basis of informed consent and consent forms were signed to confirm ethical assurances. Confidentiality of the data was observed and the data was kept in a locked up and secure place for a period of five years after the study. Completed survey questionnaires were coded, and analyzed quantitatively using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 17.0 (SPSS) and SAS.Inferential statistics showed highly significant gender differences in participants’ personal stigmatization. More so, personal stigma attitudes were more likely to be found among older males and with means to support their households. Descriptive results showed these older males were less likely to know someone with HIV. The study acknowledged that HIV and AIDS as well as PLWHA are socially constructed and intersected with existing social inequalities on difference and hence, recommends that interventions to address HIV/AIDS stigma need to take cognizance of the contexts in which it occurs. It seems important to address de-stigmatization efforts at coloured families since descriptive results reflect some denial that HIV is a challenge and/or that PLWHA are stigmatized in families and community at large. Gendered constructions of stigma, while impacting on both men and women (since both appear to be stigmatized differently), are clearly still salient and it is recommended that efforts be continually made to raise the way in which gender, class, racialised and other differences of power are being played in community responses to HIV and those living with HIV/AIDS.

Juventude universitária e seus rumos à profissionalização : caminhos que se constroem

Sacramento, Hellen Rejane dos Santos 15 August 2014 (has links)
This work presents analyses which punctuate the relationship-work-education and youth as ´ settles ´ for academics linked to the course of pedagogy of the Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS). Vocational perspectives are presented and ´construct´ of the subjects as students and workers who is based on contributions from authors such as Maria Helena Abramo, MaríliaSpósito, Machado Pais, Alain Coulon that guiding discussions about youth in Brazil, Portugal and France. Contributions that signaling distinct ways of identifying, building and youth experiences enjoyed in three chapters to understand possible meanings of being young and industrious, University paths that have been drawn or not have been planned in the set of experiences that are (or have been) subjected the young investigated in these interviews. The search is to explore aspects of living at graduation, and future propositions from personal experience of the investigated in both universes elected as a research center, as the people build their academic and professional identity by establishing relationship with these two fields, realizing their movement, their experience in doing the work and the course. Search exposure is as follows: chapter I is about the youth vis-à-vis social, perspectives around the theme, the understanding of youth and troubles that tend to surround them. Chapter II scores about logical and challenges established by the market despite offers, demands of employability and binding. Chapter III brings possible reflections related to graduation as a likely way to professional career ways, structuring elements of the course of Pedagogy, curriculum, training composition perpetrated as a way to better understand their requirements to the students and their progress in understanding of the language of the subject. / O trabalho tem como objeto a relação juventude - trabalho - educação. Para tanto, elegeu-se como objetivo geral explorar aspectos ligados à vivência na graduação, e proposições de futuro a partir da experiência pessoal dos investigados nos dois universos eleitos como centro da pesquisa, como os sujeitos constroem uma identidade acadêmica e profissional mediante a relação que estabelecem com esses dois campos, perceber seu movimento, sua experiência no fazer-se pelo trabalho e pelo curso. Essa pesquisa justifica-se pelo interesse de enveredar no ideário de acadêmicas a respeito da graduação e do curso. Para alcançar os objetivos dessa pesquisa foram realizadas entrevistas com seis jovens acadêmicas para compreender essa representação de acordo com o relato das estudantes. São apresentadas perspectivas de formação profissional e construção‟ dos sujeitos como estudantes e trabalhadores baseadas em contribuições de autores como Maria Helena Abramo, Marília Spósito, Machado Pais, Alain Coulon que orientam discussões sobre juventude no Brasil, Portugal e França. Aportes que sinalizam maneiras distintas de identificação, construção e vivências juvenis apreciadas em três capítulos para entender possíveis significados de ser jovem universitário e trabalhador, caminhos traçados que tenham ou não sido planejados no conjunto de experiências a que estão (ou estiveram) sujeitos as jovens investigadas e conforme delineiam em entrevistas. A busca consiste em explorar aspectos ligados à vivência na graduação, e proposições de futuro a partir da experiência pessoal das investigadas nos dois universos eleitos como centro da pesquisa, como os sujeitos constroem uma identidade acadêmica e profissional mediante a relação que estabelecem com esses dois campos, perceber seu movimento, sua experiência no fazer-se pelo trabalho e pelo curso. A exposição da pesquisa dá-se da seguinte forma: O capítulo I volta um olhar para a juventude como construção social, perspectivas em torno da temática, o entendimento de juventude e problematizações que tendencialmente cercam-na, conjecturas pontuadas ao lidarmos com jovens universitários. O capítulo II pontua-se a respeito de lógicas e desafios estabelecidos pelo mercado de trabalho em que pesem ofertas, demandas de empregabilidade e vinculação. O capítulo III traz possíveis reflexões, sobretudo ligadas à carreira acadêmica como provável caminho direcionador à carreira profissional, elementos estruturadores do curso, composição curricular, formação perpetrada como forma de melhor compreender as suas exigências aos estudantes e seu desenrolar na compreensão das falas dos sujeitos. O Curso de Pedagogia surge nas falas como caminho a gerar oportunidades variadas.

”Och de barn som arbetade där växte upp till att bli starka, friska och mer långlivade…” : En studie om barnarbete på Transjö glasbruk 1880-1930 / “And the children who worked there grew up to be strong, healthy and more long-lived…” : A study on child labour at Transjö glass factory 1880-1930

Johansson, Moa January 2021 (has links)
In this study, I will examine how child labour occurred and changed at Transjö glass factory between 1880-1930. The study is based on how family constellations, class differences amongst parents and the need affected the existence of child labour. It is the families with child labourers that will be examined to discover how child labour occurred and what might have been the reasons for it. There was a strong difference between the superior child labourers for whom the work was apprentice based and the inferior child labourers who worked to contribute to the family economy. The conclusions that have emerged are that family constellations, family needs, glass factory needs, and class difference between employees all are parts that contribute to and help explain how child labour could occur in a glass factory.

Bakom bilden : En semiotisk bildanalys som analyserar hur Way Out West visuellt framställer kvinnliga och manliga artister i sin marknadsföring / Behind the image : A Semiotic Image Analysis That Analyzes How Way Out West Visually Portrays Female And Male Artists In Their Marketing

Damlin, Matilda, Franzén, Nelly, Frivold, Annie January 2020 (has links)
Men and women have been represented in different ways in media for a long time. Images and visual documents are important tools for companies in marketing so that they can convey their messages in the most desirable and presentable way possible (Ekström, Ottosson & Parment 2017). Events are considered to be an effective communication tool (Jutbring 2016)and more events have begun to work with social issues. One of Sweden's largest festivals, Way Out West works extensively with ecological sustainability, but lately they have started to focus more on equality as well (Luger 2020).The purpose of the study is to analyze how the Way Out West festival represents women and men in their figurative marketing of a selection of this year's lineup of artists. To answer the purpose, two research questions have been developed and the authors have analyzed the images with the help of scientific articles and a qualitative study. It is a semiotic image analysis that is based on representation theory, where stereotypes, idealization and face-ism are used as analysis tools. The study is supplemented by an interview, with PR and marketing manager for Way Out West, who provided background information to the study. The result of the study shows that there are both differences and similarities in how female and male artists are represented in Way Out West’s figurative marketing. All images are interpreted based on the prevailing cultural norms where stereotypes, idealization and faceism contribute to how the viewer interprets the message with the image. The representation of women and men are asymmetrical and Way Out West has a great responsibility in portraying the festival's artists as the social story of gender is constantly shifted and transformed (Johansson och Lalander 2013). Based on the semiotic image analysis, it can be concluded that Way Out West contributes to maintaining and changing stereotypes, idealization and face-ism when portraying their artists. The study is written in swedish. Men and women have been represented in different ways in media for a long time. Images and visual documents are important tools for companies in marketing so that they can convey their messages in the most desirable and presentable way possible (Ekström, Ottosson &Parment 2017). Events are considered to be an effective communication tool (Jutbring 2016)and more events have begun to work with social issues. One of Sweden's largest festivals, Way Out West works extensively with ecological sustainability, but lately they have started to focus more on equality as well (Luger 2020).The purpose of the study is to analyze how the Way Out West festival represents women and men in their figurative marketing of a selection of this year's lineup of artists. To answer the purpose, two research questions have been developed and the authors have analyzed the images with the help of scientific articles and a qualitative study. It is a semiotic image analysis that is based on representation theory, where stereotypes, idealization and face-is mare used as analysis tools. The study is supplemented by an interview, with PR and marketing manager for Way Out West, who provided background information to the study. The result of the study shows that there are both differences and similarities in how female and male artists are represented in Way Out West’s figurative marketing. All images are interpreted based on the prevailing cultural norms where stereotypes, idealization and faceism contribute to how the viewer interprets the message with the image. The representation of women and men are asymmetrical and Way Out West has a great responsibility in portraying the festival's artists as the social story of gender is constantly shifted and transformed (Johansson och Lalander 2013). Based on the semiotic image analysis, it can be concluded that Way Out West contributes to maintaining and changing stereotypes, idealization and face-ism when portraying their artists. The study is written in swedish. / Män och kvinnor har under en lång tid blivit representerade på olika sätt i media. Bilder och visuella dokument är viktiga redskap för företag i marknadsföring för att de ska kunna förmedla sina budskap på ett så eftersträvansvärt och presentabelt sätt som möjligt (Ekström, Ottosson & Parment 2017). Evenemang anses vara ett effektivt kommunikationsverktyg(Jutbring 2016) och fler evenemang har börjat arbeta med sociala frågor. En av Sveriges största festivaler, Way Out West, som arbetar mycket med ekologisk hållbarhet har även börjat fokusera på jämställdhet (Luger 2020).Studiens syfte är att analysera hur festivalen Way Out West representerar kvinnor och män i sin bildliga marknadsföring för ett urval av årets lineup av artister. För att besvara syftet har två forskningsfrågor tagits fram och författarna har med hjälp av vetenskapliga artiklar och en kvalitativ undersökning analyserat bilderna. Det är en semiotisk bildanalys som utgår ifrån representationsteorin där stereotyper, idealization och face-ism används som analysverktyg. Studien kompletteras med en intervju, med PR och marknadsföringsansvarig för Way Out West, som gav bakgrundsinformation till studien. Resultatet för studien påvisar att det finns både skillnader och likheter i hur kvinnliga och manliga artister representeras i Way Out West’s bildliga marknadsföring. Samtliga bilder tolkas utifrån de rådande kulturella normerna där stereotyper, idealization och face-ism bidrar till hur betraktaren tyder budskapet med bilden. Representationen av kvinnor och män är asymmetrisk och Way Out West har ett stort ansvar vid porträtteringen av festivalens artister då den sociala berättelsen gällande genus ständigt förskjuts och omskapas (Johansson & Lalander 2013). Utifrån den semiotiska bildanalysen går det alltså att dra slutsatsen att Way Out West både bidrar till att stereotyper, idealization och face-ism upprätthålls och förändrasvid porträtteringen av deras artister. Studien är skriven på svenska.

På tröskeln mellan inne och ute : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om tillkomna svenska kvinnors etableringsmöjligheter och föreställningar om svenskhet / On the threshold between in and out : A qualitative interview study of women who have moved to Sweden and their opportunities for establishment and view on Swedishness

Lannergren, Mikaela, Skoog, Vanessa Amy January 2018 (has links)
Detta är en diskursanalys genomförd utifrån en socialkonstruktionistisk ståndpunkt. Studien syftar till att granska etableringsmöjligheter i relation till svenskhet med fokus på det svenska språket. Metod för insamlad empiri har genomförts via sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnor vilka levt i Sverige mellan 3–10 år. Fokus har legat vid tolkning av tillkomna svenska kvinnors subjektiva berättelser. Denna studie har därför menat inkludera de individer det talas om i den politiska debatten genom att istället samtala med tillkomna svenska kvinnor. Detta av anledning att den svenska integrationspolitiken grundas i en diskurs som ofta berör "vi" och "dem". I detta “vi och dem”-tänk konstrueras vita svenskfödda som motpol till "de Andra", vilka ofta benämns som “invandrare”. Det svenska språket, etablering och svenskhet har därför visat sig intimt förknippade. Svenskheten består av normer om språk, etablering och kropp som efter att hon flertal ett levda år i Sverige upplevs som en begränsning för hennes möjlighet till integrering. Det har visat sig svårt att passera inom ramen för svenskhet om den tillkomna svenska kvinnan lever i en icke-vit kropp, med svenska med brytning och om hon inte anpassar sig till en tillskriven position som gäst i Sverige. / This is a discourse analysis conducted on the basis of a social constructionist perspective. The study aims to examine establishment opportunities in relation to constructions of Swedishness with a focus on the Swedish language. The method for collected empirical data has been conducted through six semi-structured interviews with women who have lived in Sweden between 3-10 years. The focus has been on the interpretation of the subjective stories from women who have moved to Sweden. In this study, we have aimed to include the individuals who are being talked about in the political debate, by instead talking to women who have moved to Sweden. We have chosen this angle because Swedish integration policy often follows a discourse that shapes an "us" and "them" distinction on newcomers. In this "us and them" thinking, white Swedish born citizens are constructed as opposites to "the Others" which are often referred to as "immigrants". Throughout our study, the Swedish language, establishment and Swedishness have proved to be intimately associated. Swedishness consists of several norms about language, establishment and body appearance which after several years in Sweden can be perceived as a restriction on her opportunities for integration. It has proved difficult to pass within the framework of Swedishness if the woman who has moved to Sweden lives in a non-white body, with a "broken" Swedish and if she does not adapt to the attributed position as a guest in Sweden.

Porträtteringar av den missbrukande föräldern : En kvalitativ analys av fyra nordiska filmer / Portrayals of Parental Substance Abuse : A Qualitative Analysis of Four Nordic Films

Abdullahi, Zahra, Danielsson Benachir, Chahrazad January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka vilka egenskaper och beskrivningar som ingår i konstruktionen av en missbrukande förälder i fyra nordiska filmer. De studerade filmerna är Trädgårdsgatan (2017), Mig äger ingen (2013), Submarino (2010) och Svinalängorna (2010). Syftet med studien är även att undersöka hur framställningen av familjemedlemmars reaktioner på missbruket i filmerna bidrar till konstruktionen av den missbrukande föräldern. Studien utgår ifrån ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv och använder narrativ metod. Två centrala teoretiska begrepp som används är normalitet och avvikelse för att analysera hur förälderns föräldraskap konstrueras som antingen normalt eller avvikande. Eftersom narrativ metod används analyseras filmerna som berättelser, mer specifikt berättelser om familjer. I studien har vi funnit att den missbrukande föräldern konstrueras genom önskvärda respektive avvikande egenskaper. I analysen har vi utifrån nyckelscener och nyckelcitat synliggjort de fem mest utmärkande egenskaperna som föräldern tillskrivits genom filmernas berättelser. Dessa är att vara socialt utsatt, ansvarslös, kontrollös, medveten (kring det som avviker) och känslomässigt nära till sitt barn. Egenskaperna har sorterats efter fem teman och under dessa har vi analyserat varje tillskriven egenskap och hur de bidrar till konstruktionen av den missbrukande föräldern i de studerade filmerna. Sammantaget visar vår studie att det är en viss stereotypisk bild av en förälder som förmedlas, men även en komplex sådan. Vår förhoppning med studien är att skapa medvetenhet kring hur film kan framställa, producera och reproducera vissa stereotypa bilder eller föreställningar för ett fenomen, som i detta fall är ett föräldraskap i missbruk.

Beyond the First “Click:” Women Graduate Students in Computer Science

Sader, Jennifer Lynn 03 November 2007 (has links)
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