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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinę atskirtį patyrusių vaikų elgesio sutrikimai / Behavioral disorders in children who experienced social disjunction

Rudenkaitė, Inga 04 July 2006 (has links)
Social disjunction is one of main problems discussed at national level and mentioned in various programs, as well as in debates on poverty and unemployment. Most painfully it affects children, since they are not able to control or influence circumstances determining social disjunction. Behavioral disorders in children who experienced social disjunction were taken as an object for this study. A hypothesis to say that social disjunction and behavioral disorders are closely related and interacting phenomena proved to be true. Persons who suffer various social difficulties such as low living, poor lodgment, broken social relations and ties, non-participation in political life of society etc. very often have behavioral disorders. The object of this study - behavioral disorders in children who experienced social disjunction - was secured by reviewing scientific, pedagogical, psychological and other literature from the point of view of the problem under discussion. Causes and structure of social disjunction were discussed; phenomenon of social disjunction, as well as behavior typical to children who experienced social disjunction was analyzed. Afterwards the recommendations were presented for work with children who experienced social disjunction. After analysis of conceptions of social disjunction and comparison of them with those of poverty, one can maintain that the latter emphasize more prominently the shortage of material resources, meanwhile the conception of social disjunction... [to full text]

Žmonių su regėjimo negalia socialinė integracija / Blind and visually imparred persons integration in society

Arbočius, Andrius 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti žmonių suregėjimo negalia padėtį visuomenėje, galimybes rasti darbą, visuomenės ir darbdavių požiūrį į neigalųjį žmogų, teisinę padėtį, fizinės aplinkos pritaikymą šiems žmonėms. Buvo siekiama rasti būdus Buvo sudaryta anketa ir apklausta 100 respondentų, turinčių regėjimo negalią. Buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti jų profesinės reabilitacijos problemas, kur jie dirba, kaip susirado darbą, kokia jų darbinės veiklos sritis, ar jų darbo aplinka yra jiems pritaikyta ir ar jie yra patenkinti savo darbu. kokioje dar veikloje dalyvauja šie žmonės ir kas jiems padeda buityje Taip pat siekiama išsiaiškinti ar efektyviai jiems padeda LASS, kokius įstatymus jie žino, kurie turėtų padėti jiems įsilieti į visuomenę ir ar jie gali save vadinti visaverčiais visuomenės nariais. Atlikus tyrima paaiškėjo svarbiausios kliūtys, trukdančios akliems ir silpnaregiams sėkmingai įsilieti į visuomenę ir bandoma rasti būdus kaip šias kliūtis įveikti. / The aim of this work is to analyse the situation of blind and visually imparred persons integration in society. In this work employments are called one of the most important elements of the social integration. I also research the improvement of blind and visually imparred people, their imployment in society, the law system of Lithuania, institutions that work for the welfore of partialy sighted persons rehabilitation system. Furthemore, I analize personal, social, physical situation, elements that limit the posssiblities of blind and visual imparred persons to integrate into society. I made special survays in order to investigate the employment situation of blind and visual imparred people who live in Vilnius. One hundred blind and visually imparred persons were investigated using the interwiews and also the questionaire method. The main results of my special survays are illustrated with charts and tables in the forth part of the work. After all the results that were analysed I have made conslussions that it is very hard for the blind and visually imparred people to integrate to society because of various reasons: law base, that takes care of partialy sighted people,people wrights and opportunities are created, but there are some imperfections that reduse the employment possibilities, the adaptability for the blind and visully imparred people. All mentionated reasons have influence on the social integration idea of the blind and visually imparred individuals. Moreover... [to full text]

Socialinio darbuotojo veikla, teikiant užimtumo paslaugas proto negalios asmenims / Activities of the social worker in providing employment services to mentally impaired persons

Gricienė, Vida 28 December 2007 (has links)
Dažniausiai neįgalumas siejamas su kažkokiu trūkumu, o tuo pačiu ir su priklausomybe, tam tikrų socialinių vaidmenų apribojimu, kadangi dauguma socialinių vaidmenų reikalauja tam tikro aktyvumo, kuris neįgaliajam dažnai tampa neįmanomas. Todėl neįgalieji dažnai atleidžiami nuo tam tikros socialinės atsakomybės, iš jų nesitikima, kad jie patys save prižiūrės. Tokiu būdu žmogus gali pasijausti menkavertiškesnis už kitus, prarasti atsakomybę už save, atsidurti aktyvaus socialinio gyvenimo užribyje. Žmonės, turintys sunkią proto negalią dėl įgimtų defektų, pasižymi ribotais arba net labai ribotais sugebėjimais mokytis ir išmokti ar susivokti naujoje situacijoje. Tačiau jie gali ir turi būti ugdomi. Vidutinės ir sunkios proto negalios asmenų užimtumas – viena iš šių asmenų socializacijos priemonių. Magistro baigiamajame darbe užimtumas pristatomas kaip veiklos alternatyva tiems asmenims, kurie dėl sveikatos lygio praktiškai neturi galimybės įsidarbinti ir kuriems užimtumo paslaugos teikiamos globos įstaigoje. Tyrimo tikslas – i��tirti socialinio darbuotojo veiklos kryptis teikiant užimtumo paslaugas proto negalios žmonėms globos institucijoje ir numatyti teikiamų paslaugų plėtros galimybes. Tyrimo uždaviniai 1. Apžvelgti visuomenės požiūrio į proto negalios asmenis ir jiems teikiamas paslaugas kaitą. 2. Įvertinti kaip socialinio darbuotojo veikla, teikiant užimtumo paslaugas, atliepia proto negalios asmenų poreikius. 3. Nustatyti svarbiausias socialinio darbuotojo veiklos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Often handicap is associated with certain drawbacks and at the same time with dependency, limitations of certain social roles, as the majority of social roles require certain activity, which is often impossible for the handicapped. Therefore the handicapped are often released from certain social responsibilities, it is not expected that they will take care of themselves. In this way a man may feel inferior to others, lose responsibility for himself, find himself outside the limits of active social life. People who have a serious mental disability due to inborn defects are characterized by limited or even very limited abilities to learn or orient himself in a new situation. However they can and should be developed. Employment of people with average and serious mental disabilities is one of the means for socialization of such persons. In the present master degree paper employment is presented as an alternative activity for the persons, who practically do not have the possibility to get employed due to the state of health and for which employment services are provided in care establishments. The objective of research is to analyze the direction of the activities of social workers in providing employment services to people with mental disabilities in care establishments and to anticipate the possibilities for the development of the provided services. Tasks of the research 1. Review the change of the attitude of the society towards people with mental disabilities and the... [to full text]

Socialinės rizikos šeimos funkcionavimas jos pačios požiūriu / The functioning of the social risk family from its own point of view

Libonaitė, Jurgita 28 December 2007 (has links)
Šeimos krizė ar pokyčiai gali sąlygoti kokybiškai naują šeimos raidos etapą, tačiau neretai šeimos, atsidūrusios krizinėje situacijoje, nebegali atkurti pažeistos pusiausvyros ir prisitaikyti prie pokyčių, todėl tampa pažeidžiamomis, „neatspariomis“ socialinės rizikos veiksniams, kitaip tariant, tampa disfunkcinėmis arba socialinės rizikos šeimomis, kuriose narių poreikiai yra netenkinami, neatliekamos pagrindinės pareigos bei nepuoselėjamos bendražmogiškos vertybės. Socialinis darbuotojas, dirbdamas su tokia šeima, susiduria su pasipriešinimu, nenoru keisti nusistovėjusio gyvenimo būdo ir įpročių. Todėl socialiniam darbuotojui, norinčiam padėti spręsti socialinės rizikos šeimų problemas ir pagerinti jų funkcionavim��, tikslinga išsiaiškinti, kaip šių šeimų nariai patys vertina savo funkcionavimą, kokios yra jų stipriosios ir silpnosios pusės. Tai palengvintų šeimos poreikių nustatymą bei padidintų socialinio darbo efektyvumą. Taigi darbo tikslas – atskleisti socialinės rizikos šeimų narių požiūrį į savo šeimos funkcijas ir jų atlikimą. Tikslo siekiama išsikeliant šiuos uždavinius: 1. Apibūdinti šeimą kaip kintančią socialinę instituciją. 2. Išskirti funkcionalios ir socialinės rizikos šeimos bruožus bei aptarti pagrindines jų funkcijas. 3. Išsiaiškinti, kokioms šeimos funkcijoms socialinės rizikos šeimoje skiriama daugiausia dėmesio ir kaip jos atliekamos. 4. Aprašyti socialinio darbuotojo veiklą gerinant šeimos funkcijų atlikimą socialinės rizikos šeimose. Tyrimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The crisis and the changes in the family can influence a qualitative new stage in the family‘s development, but usually families, when they find themselves in a difficulty situation, cannot recreate a broken balance and adjust themselves to the changes. Such kind of families become broken, „not resistant“ to the factors of social risk, in other words, they become functionless or social risk families, where the needs of the members and the main duties are not fulfilled or the human values are not cherished. A social worker, who performs his/her duty in such kind of a family, meets with resistance, unwillingness to change the present lifestyle and habits. The social worker, who would like to help solve the problems in social risk families and improve their functions, it is necessary to find out how the members of those families value their functions themselves and what the benefits and drawbacks are. These things would facilitate the establishment of the family’s needs and improve the effectiveness of the social work. The paper aims to reveal the attitude of the social risk families towards the functions of their families and their performance. Goals: 1. Describe the family as a changing social institution. 2. Choose the features of the functional and social risk family and discuss their main functions. 3. Find out, where the main emphasis on family‘s functions and their performance is placed in the social risk families. 4. Describe the activity of the social worker in... [to full text]

Žmogiškasis veiksnys informacijos sistemų apsaugoje / The impact of human factor on is security

Dirgėla, Rolandas 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – žmogiškojo veiksnio įtaka informacijos sistemų apsaugai. Darbo tikslas – parodyti žmogaus, kaip informacinės sistemos dalies, svarbą apsaugos procesuose, kur apsauga yra ne papildomas darbas, bet pačio darbo dalis. Pagrindiniai uždaviniai: apibrėžti kas yra informacijos sistema ir kokia informacijos sistema yra saugi; išanalizuoti metodus, kuriais pažeidžiamas informacijos sistemų saugumas pasinaudojant žmogiškuoju faktoriumi; apibrėžti informacijos saugumo politikos sampratą, jos prasmes ir principus; saugumo politikos orientuotos į žmogiškąjį faktorių sukūrimas ir diegimas; praktinio tyrimo pagalba prognozuoti padėtį informacinių sistemų apsaugoje, Lietuvoje veikiančiose įmonėse. Tik visus organizacijos lygius apimanti, tinkamai pasirinkta ir įdiegta saugumo politika gali efektyviai apsaugoti nuo išorinių ir vidinių saugumo grėsmių. Išnagrinėjus informacijos sistemų pažeidžiamumus susijusius su žmogiškuoju faktoriumi buvo prieita prie išvados, kad žmogiškasis veiksnys informacijos sistemų apsaugoje nėra įvertintas tinkamai, dėl savo unikalumo, kuris sukelia didelius sunkumas kuriant ir diegiant saugumo politiką. Dauguma organizacijų pasitenkina technologiniais informacijos sistemų apsaugos sprendimais ir tik paviršutiniškai paliečia darbuotojus. Silpnėjant kultūriniams barjerams tarp šalių ir tautų, šiuolaikinės globalizacijos akivaizdoje tokie informacijos sistemų pažeidžiamumai Lietuvoje taps dažnesni ir subtilesni, jei nesiimsime atitinkamų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main object of work is the impact of human factor on IS security. The main purpose of this work is to show that human factor is very important part of successful information system security policy in organization. Main tasks are in final thesis: define information system, define secure information system, analyze methods of vulnerability information system seizing IS users, define security policy conception, signification and principles, development and implementation security policy pointed to human factor, forecast position of other organization in Lithuania. Carefully developed and implemented security policy which include all organization layers can protect effectively all organization including IS and data stored in it. The result, which I got from analyzing literature, shows that human factor takes wrong place in security policy because of his unique structure which involves a lot of problems in security policy development and implementation. Most of organizations take only technical measures to ensure IS security and often forget train users for security awareness. IT globalization melts the borders between countries and cultures for this reason attacks on IS will increase rapidly in Lithuania. Research made in financial institution shows real situation of security system in organization and let us prognosticate situation in another Lithuania companies. Final thesis may be useful companies to improve existing security policies and for people who gain more... [to full text]

Kauno miesto turizmo organizacijų vadybininkų socialinės kompetencijos bei komunikacinės elgsenos ypatumai / The social competence and communicative behavior features of Kaunas town tourism organization managers

Menclerytė, Jurgita 15 May 2006 (has links)
Jurgita Menclerytė. The social competence and communicative behavior features of Kaunas town tourism organization managers. Final Master Work. Work supervisor docent doctor S. Laskienė. SUMMARY Permanent changes inside organization require flexibility and ability to trim changing environment. Developing public services require high – quality communication and different problem solving skills. Effective function performance with regard to market situation demand different competence, considering action character, organization features. Essential personal social and communicative competence has influence on communicative behavior. Depending on social competence features and communicative competence skills managers have, stands the success and work effectiveness of the organization. The subject of research The manager social competence and communicative behavior features (communicative skills). Scholastic problem What factors of social competence and features of communicative behavior have managers? Does current (acquired) social competence and communicative behavior of manager guarantee their success of activity? Objective of research To explore social competence and communicative behavior features of Kaunas town tourism organization managers. The goals of research 1. to explore and compare social competence factors considering sex 2. to explore and compare communicative behavior features considering sex 3. to explore and compare social competence factors considering... [to full text]

Socialinė parama šeimai Lietuvoje: jos vertinimas / Social Family Support in Lithuania and its Estimation

Jasevičius, Vaidas 24 May 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study is to find out the impact of monetary allowances and compensations to receivers: families and persons. The main questions were: what kind of monetary relief makes the biggest influence to the life of families, which fields of family life (reproductive, economic, child-raising) monetary relief impacts the most. The methods of qualitative interviewing of social work experts and quantitative questioning of social workers were used. In this study it was find out that the biggest impact to the family life makes social allowance and allowance of child. Allowance of child makes the biggest influence to large families, especially living in rural areas. Some families in order to receive allowances decided not to register marriage, to have children, hide their real income and number of persons, living in family. Conditions of getting social allowance encouraged persons to register in the market of labor, but did not encouraged them to look for the job, to change their qualifications. Many allowance receivers were illegal workers. Allowances also negatively impacts families’ social status and self-perception, but this is most probably effects of poverty. Experts evaluate the positive impact of allowances to the life of family as poor; allowances, especially social allowance, are too small to maintain family in crisis, and do not perform its main function.

Neįgaliųjų profesinė reabilitacija socialinėse įmonėse / Professional rehabilitation of disabled people in social enterprises

Tomkienė, Virginija 04 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY In this final paper the analysis of career education of Lithuanian disabled people and proffesional situation is fulfiled, but not only in context of huge political, socioeconomics alteration. Also this analysis highlights the unities of career education and professional adapation, the stress and necessity of its necessity. Social enterprises are brand-new, even not investigated appearance in Lithuania, which could solve the problem of professional rehabilitation of disabled people. Subject of final paper. The problem of professional rehabilitation in Lithuania and its solving opportunities in social enterprises. Subject of final paper. Creation suggestions and opportunities of social enterprises in Šiauliai town. Objective of final paper. After the estimation of problem perfection of professional rehabilitation in Lithuania and with reference to experience of foreign countries, the objective is to define the promising model of institution, that is social enterprises of disabled people, which would guarantee much faster limited efficiency of integration process of persons to labour market. In this final paper “Professional rehabilitation of disabled people in social enterprises”, the hypothesis – the creation of social enterprises is one of substantial factors, which makes sure the expansion of professional rehabilitation system in Šiauliai town and is one of the main conditions in pursuance of professional rehabilitation of disabled people – has... [to full text]

Asmenų, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų, integracijos į darbo rinką problemos / The problems of integration to the labour market of the persons released from the places of incarceration

Kaštanovienė, Ramunė 06 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Ex-prisoners social reintegration and integration into the labour market is one of the biggest social problems in the country. Statistic data show, that people who have just returned from places of imprisonment, commit a crime again, they lose their qualification and work skills. Looking from the other side, our societies’ position is not propitious too. The purpose of this research - is to evaluate present situation re-socializing ex-prisoners, to estimate unemployment reasons for people, who have just retuned from places of imprisonment and to offer a suggestion improving their situation in labour market, to evaluate the present support giving system condition, needs and ways of improvement, for people, who have just retuned from places of imprisonment, according statistical data and ex-prisoners inquiry analysis. Research work shows that there are not so many research works, that will let to evaluate re-socialization and integration into the labour market problems. Research work consists of two parts. The first one is theory part, in which theoretical problems of people who have just returned from places of imprisonment are discussed. The second part – research results analysis. Suggestions concerning support improvement for people who have just returned from places of imprisonment are offered at the end of research work. The main concepts: marginal groups, socialization, re-socialization, reintegration, isolation, stigma.

Socialinio darbo pagyvenusių žmonių globos įstaigose ypatumai / The peculiarites of social work in the elderly people's care centres

Kvietkauskaitė, Edita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Dauguma gerantologų daugiausiai nagrinėja buitines, socialines, ekonomines pagyvenusių žmonių integracijos problemas. Mažai dėmesio skiriama pagyvenusio žmogaus adaptacijai / integracijai į bendruomeninę veiklą globos institucijoje suteikiant galimybę jam išgyventi būties pilnatvę ir prasmingumą. Todėl šiame darbe bus analizuojamas bendruomeninio darbo užimtumo formos. Aktualumas – Bręstant valstybei, gilėja demokratinės nuostatos ir tradicijos dėl to padidėja reikalavimai užtikrinti visavertę pagyvenusių žmonių gyvenimo kokybę ir socializaciją.Viena iš šio darbo krypčių : pagyvenusių žmonių gyvenimo kokybės gerinimas valstybinėse globos įstaigose. Tyrimo objektas – Pagyvenusių žmonių įsitraukimas į įvairias veiklas, didinančias jų socializaciją. Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti geriausiai tinkančias užimtumo formas, taikytinas soc.darbuotojo veikloje su pagyvenusiais žmonėmis jų visaverčiam gyvenimui užtikrinti. Tyrimo hipotezė - Šiuo metu globos įstaigose taikoma nepakankamos socialinės reabilitacijos paslaugos ir jų įvairovė yra nepakankama. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Atlikti mokslinės literatūros , įstatyminės bazės nagrinėjančios pagyvenusių žmonių gyvenimo globos įstaigose klausimus užsienio valstybėse ir Lietuvoje . 2. Apibūdinti socialinio gyvenimo turinį bei raišką pasirinktose pagyvenusių žmonių įstaigose. 3. Nustatyti socialinio darbo su pagyvenusiais žmonėmis pasirinktose įstaigose spragas. 4. Parengti rekomendacijas, kaip didinti pagyvenusių žmonių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Due to the state development, the growth of democratic attitudes and traditions, the necessity to guarantee the human life quality and socialization has also increased. One of the work objectives is the improving of elderly people’s living quality in the state care centres. Research object is elderly people’s involvement into different activities which can improve their socialization. Research objective is to identify the best activity forms, which might be applied in a social worker’s work with care centre residents in order to make their life good. Research hypothesis is the fact that there are not enough social rehabilitation services in the care centres; the variety of services is insufficient as well. Research aims: 1. The analysis of foreign and Lithuanian scientific sources and laws, which focus on elderly people’s problems. 2. The description of social life content in the chosen care centres, trying to reveal employees’ sociality. 3. The estimation of social work drawbacks with residents in the chosen institutions. 4. The preparation of certain recommendations how to increase elderly people’s social integration and self-realization in the care centres. Research methods: • The analysis of literature sources and laws • Questionnaire • Observation • Conversation • The analysis of statistically obtained data Research stages: In the first part there is a scientific analysis, trying to base theoretically the hypothesis and assumptions of the scientists of psychology... [to full text]

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