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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socrate et la conciliation ergon-logos dans les Mémorables de Xénophon

Georgiou, Angelos 08 1900 (has links)
Cette étude propose un commentaire thématique des Mémorables de Xénophon prenant comme fil conducteur la conciliation ergon-logos. En relevant les manifestations nombreuses et variées de ce thème, en les regroupant thématiquement et en les analysant, on peut apprécier dans quelle mesure la conciliation ergon-logos est centrale dans la philosophie socratique de Xénophon. Le premier chapitre considère la place de la conciliation ergon-logos dans l’intention globale des Mémorables – qui est fixée sur le motif apologétique de l’utilité de Socrate –, tout en soulevant un enjeu philosophique de taille concernant les limites du logos, enjeu qui permet de renforcer d’autant plus l’intérêt et l’importance philosophique de la conciliation ergon-logos. Le second chapitre examine à quel point la conciliation ergon-logos est impliquée dans la morale socratique de Xénophon, non seulement parce que Socrate lui-même incarne de façon exemplaire les principales vertus en acte et en parole, mais aussi parce que la conception morale de Xénophon est à la fois intellectualiste et ascétique, impliquant, d’un côté, l’apprentissage et la connaissance, et de l’autre, la maîtrise de soi, l’exercice, la fréquentation d’un maître et la vertu de l’exemple. Le troisième chapitre explore le rôle de la conciliation ergon-logos à titre de condition de l’amitié, d’une part en tant qu’exigence éthique, d’autre part en tant que moyen pour se faire des amis. Enfin, le dernier chapitre montre au moyen de la notion d’imposture que les principes de la morale socratique de Xénophon s’étendent aussi au domaine technique. / This thesis offers a thematic commentary of Xenophon’s Memorabilia following the ergon-logos conciliation. Surveying, regrouping and analyzing the many and varied occurrences of this theme reveals the extent to which it is deeply rooted in Xenophon’s Socratic philosophy. The first chapter considers the role Xenophon ascribes to this theme in the general intention that governs the Memorabilia – which focuses on Socrates’ usefulness as an apologetic device –, and reveals a greater philosophical question about the limits of logos, which in reality reinforces the philosophical interest and importance of the ergon-logos conciliation. The second chapter examines just how significant the ergon-logos conciliation is in Xenophon’s Socratic morality, not only because Socrates himself is, in word and deed, the ideal incarnation of virtue, but also because Xenophon’s moral conception is both intellectualistic and ascetic, which advocates learning and knowledge, as well as self-control, exercise, mentorship, and the virtue of example. The third chapter investigates the role the ergon-logos conciliation plays as a condition to friendship, in turn as its ethical foundation and as a means to acquire friends. Finally, the fourth and last chapter uses the notion of imposture to illustrate that Xenophon’s Socratic morality also stretches to the technical field.

Education for peace : a case study of the African Leadership Academy in Gauteng

Tago, Vincent Juma 04 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore the extent to which peace principles were incorporated into the two-year programme at the African Leadership Academy – a Pan-African school in Gauteng, whose mission is to develop young leaders who would contribute to making Africa a peaceful and prosperous continent. The study included investigating whether the formal and informal structures of the school promoted a culture of peace. A literature study outlined the causes of violence and violent conflicts in South Africa and on the African continent, and it also analysed the theoretical frameworks of peace education as put forward by Paulo Freire, Hossain Danesh and Maria Montessori. A qualitative case study methodology employing document analysis, observations and interviews was used. The findings showed that the two-year programme is not specifically designed as a peace education programme, but the teaching of peace principles are non-deliberately and uniquely embedded in the curriculum in the form of the particular skills, attitudes and values that learners acquire at this institution in the two years. The classroom environment and the culture of the school community inculcated in learners the qualities of unity and critical thinking and equip them with conflict resolution skills. Based on the findings, recommendations were made to the school and to all stakeholders in education. / Educational Foundations / M. Ed. (Socio-Education)

Teaching the Swedish Common Principles as Virtue Ethics: The Unjust Narrator, Gender Inequality and the Arena of Societal Transformation in Welcome to Our Hillbrow

Aho, Emma January 2021 (has links)
According to Skolverket, the Swedish school has two missions: conveying knowledge and teaching values. These values are taught through the common principles (värdegrund) and instruct students about democratic values and human rights. However, Skolverket also reports that students lack such knowledge. Therefore, this essay aims to create a module with the main purpose of formulating and teaching the common principles, by using Phaswane Mpe's Welcome to Our Hillbrow, a text with the ability of presenting ethical issues whilst also making the reader respond to them. To achieve this, the values of the common principles will be extracted with the help of virtue ethics, which creates a conjunction with the book, where three topics are selected: sexism, gender identity and societal transformation. Virtue ethics, representing the common principles, together with Adichie’s definition of African feminism inform the analysis of sexism and gender inequality in the book and show how they are prevalent and extensive. Societal transformation is conceptualised and investigated through the use of narratology. Sexism and gender inequality are located in the horizontal plane of an arena, where the vertical expansion of narrative levels creates the urge for societal transformation. Such an expansion is made possible by an implied author, which provides the effect needed for reader inclusion. As such, Welcome to Our Hillbrow is described to entail an ethical challenge, that forces a responsible reader to emerge. Issues of sexism and gender inequality are then used together with the arena of societal transformation to construct a module in English 7, where students may themselves become reasonable readers through a process of critical self-reflection, a vital part of virtue ethics. This is done by employing Socratic and deliberative dialogue and an affective-humanistic approach, which together promote democratic values and human rights.

The Effects of Small Group Cooperation Methods and Question Strategies on Problem Solving Skills, Achievement, and Attitude during Problem-Based Learning

Maxfield, Marian Belle 13 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

AI-Enhanced Methods in Autonomous Systems: Large Language Models, DL Techniques, and Optimization Algorithms

de Zarzà i Cubero, Irene 23 January 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La proliferación de sistemas autónomos y su creciente integración en la vida humana cotidiana han abierto nuevas fronteras de investigación y desarrollo. Dentro de este ámbito, la presente tesis se adentra en las aplicaciones multifacéticas de los LLMs (Large Language Models), técnicas de DL (Deep Learning) y algoritmos de optimización en el ámbito de estos sistemas autónomos. A partir de los principios de los métodos potenciados por la Inteligencia Artificial (IA), los estudios englobados en este trabajo convergen en la exploración y mejora de distintos sistemas autónomos que van desde sistemas de platooning de camiones en sistemas de comunicaciones Beyond 5G (B5G), Sistemas Multi-Agente (SMA), Vehículos Aéreos No Tripulados (UAV), estimación del área de incendios forestales, hasta la detección temprana de enfermedades como el glaucoma. Un enfoque de investigación clave, perseguido en este trabajo, gira en torno a la implementación innovadora de controladores PID adaptativos en el platooning de vehículos, facilitada a través de la integración de los LLMs. Estos controladores PID, cuando se infunden con capacidades de IA, ofrecen nuevas posibilidades en términos de eficiencia, fiabilidad y seguridad de los sistemas de platooning. Desarrollamos un modelo de DL que emula un controlador PID adaptativo, mostrando así su potencial en las redes y radios habilitadas para IA. Simultáneamente, nuestra exploración se extiende a los sistemas multi-agente, proponiendo una Teoría Coevolutiva Extendida (TCE) que amalgama elementos de la dinámica coevolutiva, el aprendizaje adaptativo y las recomendaciones de estrategias basadas en LLMs. Esto permite una comprensión más matizada y dinámica de las interacciones estratégicas entre agentes heterogéneos en los SMA. Además, nos adentramos en el ámbito de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAVs), proponiendo un sistema para la comprensión de vídeos que crea una log de la historia basada en la descripción semántica de eventos y objetos presentes en una escena capturada por un UAV. El uso de los LLMs aquí permite razonamientos complejos como la predicción de eventos con mínima intervención humana. Además, se aplica una metodología alternativa de DL para la estimación del área afectada durante los incendios forestales. Este enfoque aprovecha una nueva arquitectura llamada TabNet, integrada con Transformers, proporcionando así una estimación precisa y eficiente del área. En el campo de la salud, nuestra investigación esboza una metodología exitosa de detección temprana del glaucoma. Utilizando un enfoque de entrenamiento de tres etapas con EfficientNet en imágenes de retina, logramos una alta precisión en la detección de los primeros signos de esta enfermedad. A través de estas diversas aplicaciones, el foco central sigue siendo la exploración de metodologías avanzadas de IA dentro de los sistemas autónomos. Los estudios dentro de esta tesis buscan demostrar el poder y el potencial de las técnicas potenciadas por la IA para abordar problemas complejos dentro de estos sistemas. Estas investigaciones en profundidad, análisis experimentales y soluciones desarrolladas arrojan luz sobre el potencial transformador de las metodologías de IA en la mejora de la eficiencia, fiabilidad y seguridad de los sistemas autónomos, contribuyendo en última instancia a la futura investigación y desarrollo en este amplio campo. / [CA] La proliferació de sistemes autònoms i la seua creixent integració en la vida humana quotidiana han obert noves fronteres de recerca i desenvolupament. Dins d'aquest àmbit, la present tesi s'endinsa en les aplicacions multifacètiques dels LLMs (Large Language Models), tècniques de DL (Deep Learning) i algoritmes d'optimització en l'àmbit d'aquests sistemes autònoms. A partir dels principis dels mètodes potenciats per la Intel·ligència Artificial (IA), els estudis englobats en aquest treball convergeixen en l'exploració i millora de diferents sistemes autònoms que van des de sistemes de platooning de camions en sistemes de comunicacions Beyond 5G (B5G), Sistemes Multi-Agent (SMA), Vehicles Aeris No Tripulats (UAV), estimació de l'àrea d'incendis forestals, fins a la detecció precoç de malalties com el glaucoma. Un enfocament de recerca clau, perseguit en aquest treball, gira entorn de la implementació innovadora de controladors PID adaptatius en el platooning de vehicles, facilitada a través de la integració dels LLMs. Aquests controladors PID, quan s'infonen amb capacitats d'IA, ofereixen noves possibilitats en termes d'eficiència, fiabilitat i seguretat dels sistemes de platooning. Desenvolupem un model de DL que emula un controlador PID adaptatiu, mostrant així el seu potencial en les xarxes i ràdios habilitades per a IA. Simultàniament, la nostra exploració s'estén als sistemes multi-agent, proposant una Teoria Coevolutiva Estesa (TCE) que amalgama elements de la dinàmica coevolutiva, l'aprenentatge adaptatiu i les recomanacions d'estratègies basades en LLMs. Això permet una comprensió més matissada i dinàmica de les interaccions estratègiques entre agents heterogenis en els SMA. A més, ens endinsem en l'àmbit dels Vehicles Aeris No Tripulats (UAVs), proposant un sistema per a la comprensió de vídeos que crea un registre de la història basat en la descripció semàntica d'esdeveniments i objectes presents en una escena capturada per un UAV. L'ús dels LLMs aquí permet raonaments complexos com la predicció d'esdeveniments amb mínima intervenció humana. A més, s'aplica una metodologia alternativa de DL per a l'estimació de l'àrea afectada durant els incendis forestals. Aquest enfocament aprofita una nova arquitectura anomenada TabNet, integrada amb Transformers, proporcionant així una estimació precisa i eficient de l'àrea. En el camp de la salut, la nostra recerca esbossa una metodologia exitosa de detecció precoç del glaucoma. Utilitzant un enfocament d'entrenament de tres etapes amb EfficientNet en imatges de retina, aconseguim una alta precisió en la detecció dels primers signes d'aquesta malaltia. A través d'aquestes diverses aplicacions, el focus central continua sent l'exploració de metodologies avançades d'IA dins dels sistemes autònoms. Els estudis dins d'aquesta tesi busquen demostrar el poder i el potencial de les tècniques potenciades per la IA per a abordar problemes complexos dins d'aquests sistemes. Aquestes investigacions en profunditat, anàlisis experimentals i solucions desenvolupades llançen llum sobre el potencial transformador de les metodologies d'IA en la millora de l'eficiència, fiabilitat i seguretat dels sistemes autònoms, contribuint en última instància a la futura recerca i desenvolupament en aquest ampli camp. / [EN] The proliferation of autonomous systems, and their increasing integration with day-to-day human life, have opened new frontiers of research and development. Within this scope, the current thesis dives into the multifaceted applications of Large Language Models (LLMs), Deep Learning (DL) techniques, and Optimization Algorithms within the realm of these autonomous systems. Drawing from the principles of AI-enhanced methods, the studies encapsulated within this work converge on the exploration and enhancement of different autonomous systems ranging from B5G Truck Platooning Systems, Multi-Agent Systems (MASs), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Forest Fire Area Estimation, to the early detection of diseases like Glaucoma. A key research focus, pursued in this work, revolves around the innovative deployment of adaptive PID controllers in vehicle platooning, facilitated through the integration of LLMs. These PID controllers, when infused with AI capabilities, offer new possibilities in terms of efficiency, reliability, and security of platooning systems. We developed a DL model that emulates an adaptive PID controller, thereby showcasing its potential in AI-enabled radio and networks. Simultaneously, our exploration extends to multi-agent systems, proposing an Extended Coevolutionary (EC) Theory that amalgamates elements of coevolutionary dynamics, adaptive learning, and LLM-based strategy recommendations. This allows for a more nuanced and dynamic understanding of the strategic interactions among heterogeneous agents in MASs. Moreover, we delve into the realm of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), proposing a system for video understanding that employs a language-based world-state history of events and objects present in a scene captured by a UAV. The use of LLMs here enables open-ended reasoning such as event forecasting with minimal human intervention. Furthermore, an alternative DL methodology is applied for the estimation of the affected area during forest fires. This approach leverages a novel architecture called TabNet, integrated with Transformers, thus providing accurate and efficient area estimation. In the field of healthcare, our research outlines a successful early detection methodology for glaucoma. Using a three-stage training approach with EfficientNet on retinal images, we achieved high accuracy in detecting early signs of this disease. Across these diverse applications, the core focus remains: the exploration of advanced AI methodologies within autonomous systems. The studies within this thesis seek to demonstrate the power and potential of AI-enhanced techniques in tackling complex problems within these systems. These in-depth investigations, experimental analyses, and developed solutions shed light on the transformative potential of AI methodologies in improving the efficiency, reliability, and security of autonomous systems, ultimately contributing to future research and development in this expansive field. / De Zarzà I Cubero, I. (2023). AI-Enhanced Methods in Autonomous Systems: Large Language Models, DL Techniques, and Optimization Algorithms [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202201 / Compendio

Pedagogers uppfattning om barns samtal på fritidshem : En fenomenologisk studie

Callert, Robin, Husén, Kevin January 2017 (has links)
Detta är en studie som utforskar fritidspedagogers uppfattning om samtal med barn i deras verksamhet. Vår utgångspunkt var sokratiska och filosofiska samtal som vi stötte på under en kurs i ”barns existentiella frågor”. Vi blev då nyfikna över hur detta såg ut i verkligheten, om det fanns överhuvudtaget. Vi använder oss av ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv kombinerat med kunskapsbegrepp från Aristoteles för att få goda verktyg i en analys utifrån kvalitativa intervjuer. Vi använder även Skolinspektionens kvalitetsgranskning av fritidshemmen från 2010 för att få ett bollplank att jämföra de mönster vi hittat och de mönster de identifierat. I arbetet kom vi fram till att pedagoger ofta strävar efter mål som de inte alltid kan uppnå av olika orsaker samt att de i samtal med elever vill ha det resultat som ett Sokratiskt eller filosofiska samtal har möjlighet att bidra till. Dock upptäckte vi att man genom samtal försöker lära elever praktisk klokhet men med samma metoder man använder för att lära ut teoretisk kunskap. / In this study, we will be exploring the extended school teacher’s perception of dialogue with children in their work environment. The starting point for this study happened when we encountered Philosophical and Socratic dialogues as a didactic tool in our course “the child's existential questions”. This sparked our interest, trying to figure out how these would look like in the real world, if they were present at all. This study is using a phenomenological perspective, combined with Aristotle's theory of knowledge with the purpose of giving us the tools required for analyzing our qualitative interviews. We will also be using a report from Skolinspektionen regarding the quality of extended school teacher’s work environment from 2010 with the purpose of comparing the results we find in our study against the results they identified. The results of this study concluded that pedagogues often strive for goals that may be difficult to reach, for a couple of different reasons. Also in their dialogues with children they strive for results that philosophical and Socratic dialogues can contribute to. We also learned that the extended school teachers try to teach practical wisdom but with the tools of teaching theoretical knowledge.

La disculpation platonicienne : étude sur la signification et l'évolution du concept de faute involontaire dans l’œuvre de Platon

Gilbert Tremblay, Ugo 08 1900 (has links)
La présente étude se propose de dégager les significations successives qu’emprunte le fameux paradoxe socratique du mal involontaire dans l’œuvre de Platon. Pour ce faire, notre propos se déclinera en trois principaux développements : 1) le premier consistera à clarifier le sens que recouvraient les catégories du volontaire et de l’involontaire dans l’Antiquité, de manière à éviter toute confusion anachronique avec les acceptions modernes de ces mêmes notions ; 2) le second tâchera de mettre au jour le postulat anthropologique qui fonde chez Platon l’idée qu’aucun homme ne saurait agir méchamment de son plein gré ; 3) le troisième exposera à tour de rôle les trois grands dispositifs de disculpation qu’élabore Platon dans son œuvre : les dispositifs de l’âme ignorante, de l’âme renversée et de l’âme malade. Nous montrerons ainsi comment Platon, à rebours de la théodicée chrétienne classique, cherche à blanchir l’homme de toute implication morale véritable dans la genèse causale de ses « mauvaises » actions. / This study intends to describe the successive meanings borrowed by the famous Socratic paradox of involuntary evil in the work of Plato. For that purpose, our ideas we will developed under three main themes: 1) the first will be to clarify the meaning covered by the voluntary and involuntary categories in ancient times, in order to avoid any anachronistic confusion with the modern meanings of these same concepts; 2) the second will seek to bring to light the anthropological postulate underlying Plato’s idea that no one could do wrong on his own purpose; 3) the third will in turn expose the three major exculpation devices developed by Plato in his work: the ignorant soul devices, of the inverted soul and of the diseased soul. We will thus show how Plato, contrary to the classic Christian theodicy, seeks to absolve human being from any real moral involvement in the causal genesis of his ‘‘bad’’ actions.

O exame socrático (ἐξέτασις) da temperança (σωφροσύνη) no Carmides de Platão / The Socratic examination (ἐξέτασις) of temperance (σωφροσύνη) in Platos Charmides

Paula Neto, Otavino Candido de 18 February 2014 (has links)
O que é e como é a σωφροσύνη (ό τι ἐστι καὶ ὁποȋόν τι ἡ σωφροσύνη)? Esta é a questão que Sócrates propõe a seus interlocutores, Carmides e Critias, examinarem juntos no diálogo de juventude de Platão, o Carmides, diálogo tentativo ou de exame (πϵιραστικός). Σωφροσύνη é fazer todas as coisas ordenada e calmamente (τò κοσμίως πάυτα πράττϵιν καὶ ἡσυxῇ)? É um sentimento como pudor ou reserva (άἰδως)? É cuidar de suas próprias coisas (τὸ τὰ αὑτοῡ πράττϵιν)? Σωφροσύνη seria fazer coisas boas (τῶν ἀγαθῶν πρᾱξιν)? Ou, ainda, conhecer-se a si mesmo (τὸ γιγνώσκϵιν ἑαυτόν)? Seria ciência das outras ciências e ciência de si mesma (ἐπιστημῶυ ἐπιστήμη ἐστὶ καὶ αὐτὴ ἑαυτῆς)? Ou seria, finalmente, o conhecimento do bem e do mal (τὸ ἀγαθόν καὶ τὸ κακόν)? Como em outros propriamente chamados diálogos socráticos de Platão (no Laques é a coragem, no Eutífron é a piedade) nos quais se examina se uma virtude particular é conhecimento, no Carmides trata-se de examinar se a σωφροσύνη é conhecimento. Se é, é conhecimento de quê? E qual é, para nós, o benefício desta virtude, concebida como conhecimento? Estas são algumas das questões examinadas por Sócrates neste diálogo. Este trabalho pretende acompanhar passo a passo esta que é a primeira investigação (ἐξέτασις) socrática acerca da σωφροσύνη nos diálogos de Platão. Ou, dito de outro modo, este trabalho pretende acompanhar o passo a passo do filosofar socrático no diálogo Carmides. / What is it and how is σωφροσύνη (ό τι ἐστι καὶ ὁποȋόν τι ἡ σωφροσύνη)? This is the question that Socrates proposes to his interlocutors, Critias and Charmides, examine together in the dialogue of youth of Plato, the Charmides, tentative dialogue or examination (πϵιραστικός). Σωφροσύνη is make all things orderly and quietly (τò κοσμίως πάυτα πράττϵιν καὶ ἡσυxῇ)? Its a feeling like modesty or reserve (άἰδως)? You take care of your own things (τὸ τὰ αὑτοῡ πράττϵιν)? Σωφροσύνη would do good things (τῶν ἀγαθῶν πρᾱξιν)? Or even know himself (τὸ γιγνώσκϵιν ἑαυτόν)? Would be science of other sciences and science of herself (ἐπιστημῶυ ἐπιστήμη ἐστὶ καὶ αὐτὴ ἑαυτῆς)? Or would it be finally the knowledge of good and evil (τὸ ἀγαθόν καὶ τὸ κακόν)? Like in others properly called Socratic dialogues of Plato (in the Laches is the courage, in the Euthyphro is the piety) in which examines whether a particular virtue is knowledge, in the Charmides it is examining whether σωφροσύνη is knowledge. If it is, is knowledge of what? And what is, for us, the benefit of this virtue, conceived as knowledge? These are some of the issues examined by Socrates in this dialogue. This work intends to follow step by step this is that the first Socratic investigation (ἐξέτασις) about σωφροσύνη in the dialogues of Plato. Or, put another way, this work intends to follow step by step the Socratic philosophy in dialogue Charmides.

O exame socrático (ἐξέτασις) da temperança (σωφροσύνη) no Carmides de Platão / The Socratic examination (ἐξέτασις) of temperance (σωφροσύνη) in Platos Charmides

Otavino Candido de Paula Neto 18 February 2014 (has links)
O que é e como é a σωφροσύνη (ό τι ἐστι καὶ ὁποȋόν τι ἡ σωφροσύνη)? Esta é a questão que Sócrates propõe a seus interlocutores, Carmides e Critias, examinarem juntos no diálogo de juventude de Platão, o Carmides, diálogo tentativo ou de exame (πϵιραστικός). Σωφροσύνη é fazer todas as coisas ordenada e calmamente (τò κοσμίως πάυτα πράττϵιν καὶ ἡσυxῇ)? É um sentimento como pudor ou reserva (άἰδως)? É cuidar de suas próprias coisas (τὸ τὰ αὑτοῡ πράττϵιν)? Σωφροσύνη seria fazer coisas boas (τῶν ἀγαθῶν πρᾱξιν)? Ou, ainda, conhecer-se a si mesmo (τὸ γιγνώσκϵιν ἑαυτόν)? Seria ciência das outras ciências e ciência de si mesma (ἐπιστημῶυ ἐπιστήμη ἐστὶ καὶ αὐτὴ ἑαυτῆς)? Ou seria, finalmente, o conhecimento do bem e do mal (τὸ ἀγαθόν καὶ τὸ κακόν)? Como em outros propriamente chamados diálogos socráticos de Platão (no Laques é a coragem, no Eutífron é a piedade) nos quais se examina se uma virtude particular é conhecimento, no Carmides trata-se de examinar se a σωφροσύνη é conhecimento. Se é, é conhecimento de quê? E qual é, para nós, o benefício desta virtude, concebida como conhecimento? Estas são algumas das questões examinadas por Sócrates neste diálogo. Este trabalho pretende acompanhar passo a passo esta que é a primeira investigação (ἐξέτασις) socrática acerca da σωφροσύνη nos diálogos de Platão. Ou, dito de outro modo, este trabalho pretende acompanhar o passo a passo do filosofar socrático no diálogo Carmides. / What is it and how is σωφροσύνη (ό τι ἐστι καὶ ὁποȋόν τι ἡ σωφροσύνη)? This is the question that Socrates proposes to his interlocutors, Critias and Charmides, examine together in the dialogue of youth of Plato, the Charmides, tentative dialogue or examination (πϵιραστικός). Σωφροσύνη is make all things orderly and quietly (τò κοσμίως πάυτα πράττϵιν καὶ ἡσυxῇ)? Its a feeling like modesty or reserve (άἰδως)? You take care of your own things (τὸ τὰ αὑτοῡ πράττϵιν)? Σωφροσύνη would do good things (τῶν ἀγαθῶν πρᾱξιν)? Or even know himself (τὸ γιγνώσκϵιν ἑαυτόν)? Would be science of other sciences and science of herself (ἐπιστημῶυ ἐπιστήμη ἐστὶ καὶ αὐτὴ ἑαυτῆς)? Or would it be finally the knowledge of good and evil (τὸ ἀγαθόν καὶ τὸ κακόν)? Like in others properly called Socratic dialogues of Plato (in the Laches is the courage, in the Euthyphro is the piety) in which examines whether a particular virtue is knowledge, in the Charmides it is examining whether σωφροσύνη is knowledge. If it is, is knowledge of what? And what is, for us, the benefit of this virtue, conceived as knowledge? These are some of the issues examined by Socrates in this dialogue. This work intends to follow step by step this is that the first Socratic investigation (ἐξέτασις) about σωφροσύνη in the dialogues of Plato. Or, put another way, this work intends to follow step by step the Socratic philosophy in dialogue Charmides.

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