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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Ãrvore Da Vida: Terminologia Da Cera De CarnaÃba No PortuguÃs Do Brasil / The Tree Of the Life: Terminology Of the CarnaÃba Wax In the Portuguese Of Brazil

AntÃnio Roberto Ferreira AragÃo 28 November 2007 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O presente trabalho objetiva descrever e analisar o vocabulÃrio especializado da cadeia produtiva da cera de carnaÃba em Caucaia, municÃpio pertencente à zona metropolitana de Fortaleza. Para tanto, consideram-se dois campos conceituais: o domÃnio referente à produÃÃo artesanal e a Ãrea relacionada à produÃÃo industrial da cera. Com base nesses dados, elaborou-se um glossÃrio com 321 termos representativos do discurso oral dos 34 informantes relacionados ao referido vocabulÃrio especializado. O trabalho segue uma perspectiva socioterminolÃgica e socioterminogrÃfica, levando-se em consideraÃÃo aspectos lingÃÃsticos e sociais dos indivÃduos envolvidos. A pesquisa justifica-se pela necessidade de sistematizaÃÃo e de organizaÃÃo dos termos provenientes da terminologia especializada em foco, oferecendo à sociedade em geral, informaÃÃes especÃficas sobre a Ãrea. Contribui, outrossim, para o enriquecimento dos trabalhos em Socioterminologia, com enfoque na modalidade oral da lÃngua, que continua pouco estudada. Nesse sentido, realiza-se a anÃlise da variaÃÃo terminolÃgica, segundo a qual a escolha dos termos e de suas variantes pelos informantes à determinada pelas condiÃÃes de produÃÃo do discurso desses informantes. A anÃlise Ã, preferencialmente, qualitativa, decrevendo-se aspectos morfossintÃticos e lÃxico-semÃnticos da referida terminologia / The present paper aims at describing and analyzing the specialized vocabulary employed along the productive chain of carnaÃba wax in Caucaia, a town in the metropolitan area of Fortaleza. Two conceptual fields were considered: the artisan and the industrial wax production domains. A 321-entry glossary was then compiled, containing the representative terms extracted from the verbal data provided by the 34 subjects who took part in this study. This research works from a socioterminologic and socioterminographic perspective, taking into consideration both linguistic and social aspects of the individuals involved. The importance of such a study is made clear by the widely-felt need for systematization and organization of the terms coming from the field at hand, thus offering our society further information on this specific area. It also contributes for the enrichment of the Socioterminology area by offering this field some insights on the verbal modality of the language, which still remains a rarely visited modality. In this paper, the analysis of the terminologic variation has been accomplished, the choice of terms and its variants by the subjects being determined by their specific speech production conditions. The analysis is essentially qualitative, resulting in the description of the lexical-semantic and morphosintactic aspects of the terminology at hand.

Le français spécialisé au Maroc. Le cas de la filière des Sciences Juridiques : pratiques, besoins et perspectives / Specialized french in Morocco. The case of the legal sciences : practices, needs and perspectives

Er-Radi, Abdeladim 10 July 2017 (has links)
Le français juridique au Maroc constitue la clé de voûte de la présente thèse. Dans celle-ci, nous voulons examiner une question fortement inscrite dans l’actualité sociétale, sociolinguistique et didactique marocaine, à savoir les pratiques et les usages du français spécialisé dans le supérieur, en l’occurrence dans les filières des sciences juridiques et dans la discipline de droit pénal général, plus précisément, pour mieux les connaître et éventuellement les enseigner. Cette étude porte donc, en premier lieu, et grâce à une démarche d’analyse macro et micro sociodidactique, sur les pratiques du français juridique à l’Université de Kénitra, notamment sur les spécificités linguistiques et discursives du langage spécialisé (technolecte), puisé dans les cours magistraux de droit (3 CM enregistrés puis transcrits), sur l’étude des interactions didactiques entre les participants in situ, données premières auxquelles nous avons ajouté, de façon secondaire, quelques entretiens avec les acteurs concernés (enseignants, étudiants). Elle débouche, en second lieu, sur l’identification des besoins linguistiques, technolectaux et didactiques des nouveaux inscrits à la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Kénitra, ainsi que sur des propositions sociodidactiques, qui seraient mieux adaptées au contexte universitaire en question et qui pourraient aider, par la suite, les futurs juristes en matière de français de spécialisation. / Legal french in Morocco is the keystone of this thesis. In this one, we want to examine an issue that is firmly entrenched in moroccan societal, sociolinguistic and didactic news, namely the practices and uses of french specializing in higher education, in the legal sciences and in the discipline of general criminal law, more precisely, to better know them and possibly teach them. This study is based, first, on the practices of legal french at the University of Kenitra, in particular on the linguistic and discursive specificities of specialized language (technolect), based on a macro and micro-sociodidactic analysis the legal lectures (3 lectures recorded and then transcribed), the study of the didactic interactions between the participants in situ, first data to which we added, in a secondary way, some interviews with the concerned actors (teachers, students). It leads to the identification of the linguistic, technolectual and didactic needs of new entrants to the Faculty of law of the University of Kenitra, as well as sociodidactic proposals that would be better adapted to the university context in question and which could, subsequently, help future lawyers in french specialization.

L’intégration linguistique des migrants adultes en Europe / Linguistic integration of adult migrants in Europe

Conti, Giordana 07 July 2016 (has links)
Les décideurs politiques, appelés à gérer les relations entre les migrants, les communautés qu’ils créent et la population des pays d’accueil, répondent en élaborant différentes politiques d’intégration selon leur histoire démographique, leurs modèles d’incorporation, ainsi que leurs conditions contingentes. Mais, en dépit des déclarations d’intention, ces politiques se configurent plutôt comme des mécanismes de gestion des migrants. En effet plusieurs États soumettent l’acquisition de la nationalité à la réussite de tests évaluant les compétences en langue et les connaissances en éducation civique. Cependant une société démocratique doit adopter des politiques qui garantissent la cohésion sociale : la réalisation de ce but implique une approche intégrationniste qui met en cause les droits et les responsabilités des migrants et des sociétés d’accueil. Les migrants se définissent comme un groupe vulnérable en raison de leur condition de faiblesse. D’ailleurs ils doivent investir beaucoup d’énergie pour reconfigurer leur propre identité et pendant ce passage, le soutien public s’avère fondamental. La société d’accueil ne doit pas se limiter à reconnaître l’existence de la diversité, mais elle doit être éduquée à celle-ci, afin de développer une attitude positive à l’égard de l’inconnu. Le processus d’insertion passe par la nécessité de franchir la barrière linguistique : la définition de langue retenue fait référence tout particulièrement à sa fonction de vecteur pour l’accès à l’univers des comportements et des valeurs d’une communauté linguistique. Seul l’exercice de la citoyenneté active favorise l’autonomisation et le développement d’un sentiment d’appartenance. / The phenomenon of migration represents an important dimension of the social transformations and it constitutes a complex reality which has many consequences of historical-political, socio-legal and linguistic-cultural nature.The immigrant, often pushed by a condition of severe poverty, loses his points of reference, social recognition, the sense of autonomy assimilated in a lifetime, his own identity. All these factors put immigrant in a condition of extreme weakness. The danger for the immigrant is to be relegated to the margins of society and to be a victim of segregation and marginalization.The insertion and integration process in the new social reality is accompanied, at all levels, by the need to learn the language. This need, in fact, coincides not only with the understanding of the structure and grammatical rules, but it also refers to the need to understand the vision of the world and culture of a linguistic community. The organisation of language training is complex due to different ideologies based on national policies, territorial subdivision of courses, variety of situations and needs of the recipients, or different organization of the training, etc.The integration of immigrants is a matter to be treated with great caution, because it has an immediate impact on the political and economic level and because it directly impacts the social structure of States. The toughest challenge for national Governments is to find a balance between respect and enhancement of culture and the language of origin of the immigrant and the need to learn the culture and language of the host country.

L'enseignement du français à l'université marocaine : le cas de la filière "Sciences de la Vie et Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers / Teaching french at the morrocan university : the case of Biology sector and Sciences of Earth and the Univers

Haidar, Mehdi 05 July 2012 (has links)
Après les réformes successives du système éducatif (1969, 1974, 1987) l’arabe gagna du terrain dans le paysage linguistique marocain. C’est ainsi que dans le secondaire, les disciplines scientifiques, comme la biologie ou encore la physique furent dispensées en arabe, contrairement au supérieur scientifique où le français est toujours la seule langue utilisée dans les amphithéâtres. Confrontés pendant leur scolarité à un enseignement du français inadapté à leurs besoins, les étudiants nouvellement inscrits à l’université ont beaucoup de mal à comprendre le discours complexe des cours magistraux. Ayant une compétence en langue française très approximative, beaucoup d’étudiants quittent l’université dès la première année sans décrocher de diplôme.Dans cette recherche que nous nous proposons d’effectuer sur le terrain de l’université marocaine, nous nous focalisons sur cette fracture linguistique que connaissent les étudiants en première année inscrits dans la filière Sciences de la Vie et Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers, sur les aspects de la langue spécialisée (du technolecte), sur le discours des cours magistraux et la relation qui pourrait subsister entre les cours de langue dispensés à l’université et les spécificités du technolecte de la biologie et de la géologie.S’appuyant sur les fonds théoriques de la didactique contextualisée et sur les champs du FOS et du FOU, l’objectif de ce travail est de voir si les cours de langue à l’université répondent concrètement aux besoins des étudiants. Une démarche qualitative a donc été adoptée en empruntant les techniques d’enquête (l’observation, le questionnaire, l’interview) à des sciences connexes comme la sociolinguistique ou l’ethnographie de la communication, et ce, dans le but de relever les représentations des acteurs sociaux qui sont au centre de cette étude, à savoir les étudiants et les enseignants de langue et de spécialité / After the successive reforms of the educational system (on 1969, 1974, 1987) Arabic gained ground in the Moroccan linguistic landscape. And so in high school secondary, the scientific disciplines, as the biology or still the physics were dispensed in Arabic, contrary to the upper scientist where French is always the only language used in amphitheaters. Confronted during their schooling with a teaching French unsuitable for their needs, the students recently registered on the university have difficulty understanding the complex speech of the lectures. Having a skill in very rough French language, many students leave the university from the first year without dropping out of diploma.In this research which we suggest making on the ground of the Moroccan university, we focus on this linguistic fracture that know the students in first year registered in the biology sector and Sciences of earth and the Universe, on the aspects of the specialized language (of the technolecte), on the speech of the lectures and the relation which could remain between language courses dispensed at the university and the specificities of the technolecte of the biology and the geology.Leaning on the theoretical funds of the “didactique contextualisée” and on the fields of the FOS and the FOU, the objective of this work is to see if language courses at the university concretely meet the needs of students. A qualitative approach was thus adopted by borrowing the techniques of investigation (the observation, the questionnaire, the interview) from related sciences as the sociolinguistics or the ethnography of the communication, and it, with the aim of raising the representations of the social players which are in the center of this study, namely the students and the teachers of language and speciality


AL-ISMAIL, YAZID A. 20 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Proposta de uma didática de tradução de linguagens especializadas para licenciados em língua inglesa

Delgado, Heloísa Orsi Koch January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho defende a inserção da tradução de textos especializados na formação específica para o ensino de língua inglesa. A ideia justifica-se pela carência de cursos de graduação em Tradução no país e de disciplinas autônomas de familiarização em tradução nos cursos de Licenciatura em Letras. Propõe-se uma alternativa pedagógica em Tradução para futuros docentes com o objetivo de instrumentalizá-los e familiarizá-los nesta área, de forma qualificada, e incentivá-los a buscar outra habilitação profissional no futuro, caso seja de seu interesse. A partir de uma revisão sobre Didática da Tradução, Estudos da Tradução, Teoria da Assimilação, texto e linguagem especializados, apresenta-se uma proposta didática para uma disciplina específica que trate da tradução de textos científicos. A proposta está articulada com uma metodologia particular de coleta de dados, que partiu do pressuposto da validade de mapas conceituais como uma estratégia eficiente de ensino. / This doctoral thesis advocates the inclusion of the theme of translation of specialized texts in the field of English Language Teaching. This idea is considered here mainly because of two facts: i) there are few Translation Studies undergraduation courses in our country; and ii) there are no autonomous disciplines whose subject matter is the integration of translation studies in the English teaching course curriculum. A qualified integration of these two areas at an undergraduate level would provide a basis for the familiarization of prospective teachers with translation tasks of specialized languages, and possibly motivate them to obtain another professional qualification in the future. An educational proposal for an autonomous discipline of scientific text translation is presented, based on the areas of Didatics of Translation, Translation Studies, Assimilation Theory and Languages for Specific Purposes. This proposal is structured in a specific data collection methodology which assumed that the concept map is an efficient teaching strategy.

Proposta de uma didática de tradução de linguagens especializadas para licenciados em língua inglesa

Delgado, Heloísa Orsi Koch January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho defende a inserção da tradução de textos especializados na formação específica para o ensino de língua inglesa. A ideia justifica-se pela carência de cursos de graduação em Tradução no país e de disciplinas autônomas de familiarização em tradução nos cursos de Licenciatura em Letras. Propõe-se uma alternativa pedagógica em Tradução para futuros docentes com o objetivo de instrumentalizá-los e familiarizá-los nesta área, de forma qualificada, e incentivá-los a buscar outra habilitação profissional no futuro, caso seja de seu interesse. A partir de uma revisão sobre Didática da Tradução, Estudos da Tradução, Teoria da Assimilação, texto e linguagem especializados, apresenta-se uma proposta didática para uma disciplina específica que trate da tradução de textos científicos. A proposta está articulada com uma metodologia particular de coleta de dados, que partiu do pressuposto da validade de mapas conceituais como uma estratégia eficiente de ensino. / This doctoral thesis advocates the inclusion of the theme of translation of specialized texts in the field of English Language Teaching. This idea is considered here mainly because of two facts: i) there are few Translation Studies undergraduation courses in our country; and ii) there are no autonomous disciplines whose subject matter is the integration of translation studies in the English teaching course curriculum. A qualified integration of these two areas at an undergraduate level would provide a basis for the familiarization of prospective teachers with translation tasks of specialized languages, and possibly motivate them to obtain another professional qualification in the future. An educational proposal for an autonomous discipline of scientific text translation is presented, based on the areas of Didatics of Translation, Translation Studies, Assimilation Theory and Languages for Specific Purposes. This proposal is structured in a specific data collection methodology which assumed that the concept map is an efficient teaching strategy.

Proposta de uma didática de tradução de linguagens especializadas para licenciados em língua inglesa

Delgado, Heloísa Orsi Koch January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho defende a inserção da tradução de textos especializados na formação específica para o ensino de língua inglesa. A ideia justifica-se pela carência de cursos de graduação em Tradução no país e de disciplinas autônomas de familiarização em tradução nos cursos de Licenciatura em Letras. Propõe-se uma alternativa pedagógica em Tradução para futuros docentes com o objetivo de instrumentalizá-los e familiarizá-los nesta área, de forma qualificada, e incentivá-los a buscar outra habilitação profissional no futuro, caso seja de seu interesse. A partir de uma revisão sobre Didática da Tradução, Estudos da Tradução, Teoria da Assimilação, texto e linguagem especializados, apresenta-se uma proposta didática para uma disciplina específica que trate da tradução de textos científicos. A proposta está articulada com uma metodologia particular de coleta de dados, que partiu do pressuposto da validade de mapas conceituais como uma estratégia eficiente de ensino. / This doctoral thesis advocates the inclusion of the theme of translation of specialized texts in the field of English Language Teaching. This idea is considered here mainly because of two facts: i) there are few Translation Studies undergraduation courses in our country; and ii) there are no autonomous disciplines whose subject matter is the integration of translation studies in the English teaching course curriculum. A qualified integration of these two areas at an undergraduate level would provide a basis for the familiarization of prospective teachers with translation tasks of specialized languages, and possibly motivate them to obtain another professional qualification in the future. An educational proposal for an autonomous discipline of scientific text translation is presented, based on the areas of Didatics of Translation, Translation Studies, Assimilation Theory and Languages for Specific Purposes. This proposal is structured in a specific data collection methodology which assumed that the concept map is an efficient teaching strategy.

Vers un prototype de traduction automatique contrôlée français/arabe appliquée aux domaines à sécurité critique / Towards a machine translation prototype for controlled french to controlled arabic applied to security critical domains

Beddar, Mohand 30 April 2013 (has links)
La présente recherche propose un modèle de traduction automatique français-arabe contrôlée appliquée aux domaines à sécurité critique. C’est une recherche transverse qui traite à la fois des langues contrôlées et de la traduction automatique français-arabe, deux concepts intimement liés. Dans une situation de crise où la communication doit jouer pleinement son rôle, et dans une mondialisation croissante où plusieurs langues cohabitent, notre recherche montre que l’association de ces deux concepts est plus que nécessaire. Nul ne peut contester aujourd’hui la place prépondérante qu’occupe la sécurité dans le quotidien des personnes et les enjeux qu’elle représente au sein des sociétés modernes. Ces sociétés davantage complexes et interconnectées manifestent une vulnérabilité flagrante qui les oblige à repenser leurs moyens d’organisation et de protection dont les systèmes de communication. La communication langagière à l’aide de systèmes informatisés est l’une des formes de communication la plus souvent utilisée pour le transfert des connaissances nécessaires à l’accomplissement des tâches et le déroulement des diverses actions. Toutefois, et contrairement à une idée bien ancrée qui tend à associer les risques d’une mauvaise communication à l’oral uniquement, l’usage de la langue écrite peut lui aussi comporter des risques. En effet des messages mal écrits peuvent conduire à de réelles catastrophes et à des conséquences irréversibles notamment dans des domaines jugés sensibles tels que les domaines à sécurité critique. C’est dans ce contexte que s’inscrit notre recherche. Cette thèse est une approche novatrice dans les domaines des langues contrôlées et de la traduction automatique. Elle définit avec précision, en s’appuyant sur une analyse microsystémique de la langue et un travail en intension sur le corpus, des normes pour la rédaction de protocoles de sécurité et d’alertes ainsi que leur traduction automatique vers l’arabe. Elle apporte en effet des notions nouvelles à travers plusieurs procédés normatifs intervenant non seulement dans le processus de contrôle mais également dans le processus de traduction. Le système de traduction automatique français-arabe TACCT (Traduction Automatique Contrôlée Centre Tesnière) mis au point dans cette thèse est un système à base de règles linguistiques qui repose sur un modèle syntaxico-sémantique isomorphique issu des analyses intra- et interlangues entre le français et l’arabe. Il introduit de nouveaux concepts notamment celui des macrostructures miroir contrôlées, où la syntaxe et la sémantique des langues source et cible sont représentées au même niveau. / The result of our research is a proposal for a controlled French to Arabic machine translation model, applied to security critical domains. This cross-disciplinary research study covers controlled languages and French to Arabic machine translation, two intimately related concepts. In a situation of crisis where communication must play its full role, and in the context of increasing globalisation where many languages coexist, our research findings show that the combination of these two concepts is sorely needed. No one can deny today the predominant role played by security in people’s daily life and the significant challenges it presents in modern societies. These more and more complex and interconnected societies present evident vulnerabilities that force them to rethink their means of protection and in particular that of their communication systems. Language communication with computerised systems is one of the most widely used forms of communication for the transfer of knowledge required in carrying out and completing tasks and in the good conduct of various activities. However, and contrary to an entrenched idea that tends to associate the risk of poor communication only with oral transmission, the use of written language can also be subject to risk. Indeed, a protocol or an alert which is badly formulated can provoke serious accidents due to misunderstanding, in particular during a crisis and under stress. It is in this context that our research has been undertaken. Our thesis proposes an innovative approach in the fields of controlled language and machine translation in which, relying on a microsystemic analysis of the language and a study of the corpus in intension, precise standards are defined for writing and translating protocols and security alerts written in French automatically into Arabic. Indeed, new concepts are introduced by means of several normative methods involved not only in the controlling process but also in the machine translation process. The French to Arabic machine translation system TACCT (Traduction Automatique Contrôlée Centre Tesnière) developed during our research is a rule-based system based on an isomorphic syntactic and semantic model stemming from intra- and interlanguage analysis between French and Arabic. It introduces new concepts including controlled mirror macrostructures, where the syntax and semantics of the source and target languages are represented at the same level.

O uso dos verbos modais em manuais de aviação em inglês : um estudo baseado em corpus

Sarmento, Simone January 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do uso dos verbos modais em manuais de aviação em inglês sob uma perspectiva da lingüística de corpus. O objetivo é gerar subsídios que permitam elaborar materiais didáticos que reflitam as estruturas lingüísticas como aparecem em seu contexto de uso. Parte-se da hipótese de que o uso dos verbos modais no corpus de estudo apresenta peculiaridades com relação à freqüência de ocorrência, estrutura sintática e sentidos. O corpus de estudo é composto de três manuais técnicos da aeronave BOEING 737, sendo dois manuais de operações destinados a pilotos e um manual de manutenção destinado a mecânicos. A pesquisa é realizada em três etapas. Na primeira etapa é realizado um contraste entre o corpus de estudo, um corpus de referência de inglês geral e um corpus de contraste composto de manuais de sistemas operacionais para computadores pessoais. Esse contraste visa a verificar as diferenças de ocorrências entre os verbos modais e as suas estruturas sintáticas. Depois, são realizadas comparações entre os três manuais que compõem o corpus de estudo também com relação às freqüências dos modais e suas estruturas sintáticas. Na terceira etapa são verificadas as colocações principais de cada VM no manual de manutenção e em um dos manuais de operações. Outro objetivo desta investigação é contrastar o manual de manutenção e um livro didático que tem por objetivo ensinar inglês técnico para mecânicos de aeronaves. Nesse sentido, é feita uma análise do livro no que tange os verbos modais e sugeridas algumas modificações. O trabalho reúne referenciais teóricos da Lingüística de Corpus, Lingüística das Linguagens Especializadas e Verbos Modais. Os resultados do trabalho mostram que há diferenças entre a presença dos modais nos três corpora pesquisados e principalmente entre os três manuais que compõe o corpus de estudo. O estudo mostra a importância de realizar pesquisas baseadas em corpus para revelar as peculiaridades de uma linguagem especializada e assim fornecer subsídios para a elaboração de material didático com propósitos específicos mais de acordo com as necessidades do público alvo. / This thesis is about the use of modal verbs in aviation manuals in the light of corpus linguistics. The goal is to gather subsides to enable the creation of classroom material which presents the linguistic structures as they appear in their natural context. The hypothesis is that the use of modal verbs in the corpus has peculiarities in terms of frequency, syntactic patterns, and meanings. The aviation corpus is composed of three manuals from the BOEING 737 aircraft: two operations manuals directed to pilots and one maintenance manual directed to mechanics. The research has been carried out in three stages. In the first stage, the aviation corpus is contrasted to a reference corpus and another specialized corpus composed of personal computer operational systems. Such contrast aims at verifying the differences in the number of modal tokens and their syntactic patterns. In the second stage, the three manuals that make up the aviation corpus are compared in terms of modal frequencies and their syntactic patterns. In the third stage, the main collocations of each modal are checked. This thesis also aims at contrasting the maintenance manual and a course book designed to teach aviation English to mechanics. Thus, an analysis of the modal verbs in the course book is carried out and changes to the book are suggested. This thesis brings together theoretical assumptions from Corpus Linguistics, the Linguistics of Specialized languages and Modal Verbs. The results point out that there are differences in the use of modal verbs in the three investigated corpora and mainly among the three manuals that compose the aviation corpus. This study shows the importance of corpus based research to reveal the peculiarities of a specialized language and, therefore, provide input to produce specific pedagogical material which better meets the needs of the target public.

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