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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I samarbete med : En beskrivande studie om influencers i förhållande till modeföretags strategiska kommunikationsarbete på sociala medier

Sjöberg, Elin, Göransson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att få en bättre förståelse för influencers och förhållandet mellan influencers och företag i förhållande till företags strategiska kommunikationsarbete på sociala medier. Metoden som används i denna avhandling är en kvalitativ intervjustudie och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av intervjuresultaten. Studiens teoretiska perspektiv är strategisk kommunikation med inriktning på ytterligare två aspekter: opinionsledare och electronic word-of-mouth. Resultaten från intervjuundersökningen visar att en influenser är en person som arbetar med sociala medier och har ett stort antal följare. En influencer har möjlighet att påverka sina följare genom dessa sociala medier. Influencers kommunikation bygger på ärlighet och trovärdighet vilket är den viktigaste faktorn för att företag ska vilja samarbeta med influencers idag. Resultatet visar att företagen har ett planerat tillvägagångssätt för strategisk kommunikation i samarbete med influencers; dock visar resultatet också att influencers har ett väsentligt utrymme att bestämma hur de ska genomföra samarbetet. Därför kontrollerar företagen inte helt den strategiska kommunikationen. / The overall aim with this study is to get a better understanding of influencers and the relationship between influencers and companies in relation to companies’ strategic communication. The method used in this thesis is a qualitative interview study and a qualitative content analysis of the interview results. The theoretical perspective of the study is strategic communication focusing on two further aspects: opinion leader and electronic word-of-mouth. The results from the interview study show that an influencer is a person who works with social media channels and has a large number of followers. An influencer has the opportunity to influence their followers through these social media channels. Influencers communication is based on honesty and credibility which is the most significant factor why companies want to collaborate with influencers today. The result shows that companies have a planned approach for strategic communication in collaboration with influencers; however, the result also shows that influencers have significant discretion in deciding how to execute the collaboration. Therefore, the companies do not entirely control the strategic communication.

Strategisk legitimitet : En kvalitativ studie om Försvarsmaktens kommunikativa arbete ur ett nyinstitutionellt perspektiv

Björklund, Olivia, Tesanovic, Monica January 2018 (has links)
This study is about how the Swedish Armed Forces, as a government organization, can communicate constructively in relation to legitimate communication on their official website. Today's communication as an official organization is increasingly dominated by the so-called marketization. This can lead to an effect of public organizations changing their structure of communication. The research questions of the essay has been answered using qualitative methods. Where the empirical material has been collected from the Swedish Armed Forces using visual image analysis, text analysis and an interview. The text analysis is performed at the Swedish Armed Forces official website and on six selected official documents published by the government organization. A qualitative image analysis is also performed on the website, to get an overview of their communication. To complement these methods, a structured mail interview has also been conducted with the Communications Department at the Swedish Armed Forces.  The study is using a new institutional perspective with Scott’s (2014) three pillars of institutions and DiMaggio and Powell’s (1983) isomorphic processes, which is used as a theoretical tool for our analysis. New institutional theory, assumes how organizations and organizational actions subconsciously and consciously relate to the expectations and demands posed by the environment. The theory is thus presented in connection with communication, identity creation, and legitimacy. The result indicates that the Swedish Armed Forces communication is facing challenges when it comes to reaching out to its stakeholders.   Keywords: Governmental communication, organizational communication, legitimacy, strategic communication, digital media

Kommunikation för strategisk effekt

Johansson, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Strategic communication is an important function for the Swedish Armed Forces to gain strategic effect and to achieve their goals. Well functional and proactive information is also addressed by the military as a means for protection against psychological warfare. This is pointed out as a serious threat against the Swedish defence will in times of peace and crises. In a democracy like Sweden it is however depending on medial power factors whether the communication will be effective or not. It is therefore useful to investigate how the Armed Forces strategic messages are presented when published in media. This essay will use media theories to investigate the outcome of the reporting of a specific case. The case is the decision that allows the Swedish Armed Forces to resume national service regarding refresher training of military units. This is an important tool for the Swedish Armed Forces, to be able to train in complete units, and also a chance to send strategic messages to its own population as well as neighbouring countries that the Swedish Armed Forces are increasing their ambitions. The investigation shows that the strategic messages were spread nationally both in press and on television. However, it could not be seen to have the impact enough to get people’s attention, in comparison to other news regarding the national defence. The reporting, in some cases, showed traces of what theories describe as undesirable “framing”, however the investigation cannot indicate any aggressive information campaign against the Armed Forces.

Vad vore en studentkår utan studenter? : En komparativ studie mellan Karlstad Studentkårs och Örebro Studentkårs arbete med extern kommunikation / What would a student union be without students? : A comparative study of Karlstad and Örebro Student Unions' approach to external communication

Johansson, Sofia, Öst, Stina January 2013 (has links)
This study aims to compare how Karlstad Student Union and Örebro Student Union are working with their external communications in order to reach existing and potential members. By comparison, we looked for similarities and differences in how these student unions work with media mix, press contacts, goals, profiling and strategies. We also analyzed how the latter three impact external communication. In making this comparison, we wanted to state whether the unions’ external communication could be improved.The main questions of this study are;How do Örebro’s Student Union and Karlstad’s Student Union work with their external communication?What differences are there in their external communication?What strengths and weaknesses exists in the student unions’ work with their external communication?Are there approaches in their external communication that could be more effective?The aim of the study will be reached by interviews with employees at the unions and by analyzes of the results based on theories of external communication and strategic communication, goals, profile, strategy, media mix and press contacts.The results show that the student unions are working quite differently with their communication. Karlstad Student Union has a communications policy, and they have a clear plan for how to communicate. They work actively with their profile and have a plan as well as to how they work in social media, such as how to express themselves to their target groups. Örebro Student Union works in an unstructured way and lacks long-term thinking, even though it is active, such as using Facebook and demonstrates visibility in other ways.Therefore, the analyzes shows that Karlstad Student Union has a more effective external communication approach based on a strategic and long-term think process which is reflected in most aspects of their communication work. Örebro Student Union has a lack of continuity in their communication efforts leading to more spontaneous work. There are strengths and weaknesses within both organizations. For example, more evaluations and clearer target group analysis would well serve Karlstad Student Union and Örebro Student Union has desirable elements in their work with press contacts.

Strategisk kommunikation mellan chefer och medarbetare : En kvalitativ studie om införande av självledarskap på Arbetsförmedlingen

Bezdrob, Harun, Vizlin, Jasmin January 2016 (has links)
I en allt mer komplicerat och föränderligt samhälle är kommunikation en viktig faktor för organisationers utveckling och syfte för att nå sina verksamhetsmål. Detta innebär ledning, planering och genomförande av kommunikationsstrategier med fokus på medarbetare som viktiga och inflytelserika individer. Den här studien undersöker vilken roll strategisk kommunikation har i förändringsprocessen mot självledarskap, samt vilka utmaningar detta är förknippat med och hur chefer och medarbetare uppfattar denna. I syfte att få en förståelse för detta har vi studerat strategisk kommunikation, ledarskap, medarbetarskap samt förändringskommunikation. Studiens resultat baseras på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, bestående av tre datainsamlingsmetoder, nämligen dokumentstudie, kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer samt observationer. Studien är begränsad till en del av Arbetsförmedlingen där fokus ligger på intern kommunikation som inte inkluderar extern påverkan av förändrings-processen. Vi ämnar undersöka följande frågeställningar: Hur kommunicerar chefer och medarbetare i förändringsprocessen mot självledarskap? Hur upplever cheferna och medarbetarna självledarskapet samt övergången till den nya ledningsfilosofin? Hur ser cheferna och medarbetarna på de hindren kring övergången till självledarskapet? Den teoretiska referensramen i vår studie är baserad på forskningslitteratur inom kommunikation, strategisk kommunikation, ledarskap och medledarskap. Studien visar behov av mer konkret kom-munikation i alla led av myndigheten samt att cheferna bär huvudansvaret för förändringsprocessen. Studien visar också behovet av att i ett tidigt skede av förändringsprocessen inkludera medarbetare med hjälp av strategisk kommunikation. Det finns behov av mer tvärvetenskaplig forskning som inkluderar strategisk kommunikation, meta-ledarskap, medledarskap och neuroledarskap, för vidare utveckling av organisatorisk förändring vilket bidrar till enklare implementering av förändringsprocessen.

”Där livet händer” : En visuell analys av IKEA:s uppmärksammade kampanj / “Where life happens” : A visual analysis of IKEA’s noteworthy campaign

Laos, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Behovet av grafisk design ökar i samhället, genom både visuella och kommunikativa aspekter. Genom bestämda regelverk i form av grafiska profiler skapas en kommunikation mellan företag och mottagare. Denna kommunikation förmedlas genom grafiska medel och är väsentlig för formgivare att förstå. Inblick i närliggande kunskapsområden som retorik eller strategisk kommunikation skapar bättre förutsättningar för att skapa igenkänningsbara kampanjer. Denna uppsats tar sig an utmaningen att framhäva det kommunikativa språkets viktiga roll för grafiska designer. Genom att analysera två annonser i IKEA:s kampanj ”Där livet händer” utifrån en semiotisk och kommunikativ analys visar IKEA att de använder olika medel för att sprida sin företagsvision. De använder både information och underhållning för att förmedla sitt budskap samt behålla mottagarens uppmärksamhet. IKEA skapar igenkänning med sin grafiska profil, innovativa element och interaktioner.

Bilden som kommunikation i ”the participation age” : en kvalitativ studie av fyra svenska konstinstitutioners användning av Instagram i kommunikationen med sin publik / The Image as Communication in “the Participation Age” : a qualitative study of four Swedish art institutions’ use of Instagram in the communication with their audiences.

Weitz, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Following the introduction of digital- and social media, the landscape has changed for museums and other cultural institutions. The focus has shifted from the objects in their collections, to the public they serve. Predominantly text-based social media has previously been researched but within visual and multimodal communication (of which Instagram is a large part) research is far less common - especially how art institutions make use of Instagram as a communication channel. Through qualitative interviews with communications officers in charge of social media from four different art institutions in Sweden, an analysis of strategic documents and the application of Russmann and Svenssons (2016) model for researching Instagram on specific Instagram posts, this study finds that there are vast differences not only in what is posted in Instagram, but also how and why these four art institutions make use of Instagram in their communication with their audiences. Surprisingly, it was not too uncommon for there not to exist any strategic documentation and a clear vision of what to publish on Instagram and why it is used. The study also warrants further research on not only Instagram as a whole, but also more specifically on art institutions’ use of the platform.

En del av någonting större : En kritisk retorisk analys av Polismyndighetens reklamkampanj ”Välkommen till en större uppgift” / A part of something bigger : A critical rhetorical analysis of the police authority's advertising campaign:“Welcome to a larger task”

Jonsson, Julia, Johansson, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
Hur kan offentliga organisationer arbeta med kommunikation för att motivera människor att söka sig till yrken som innebär risker? På en arbetsmarknad där arbetsgivare tävlar om de bästa medarbetarna behöver organisationer förmedla sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke på ett sätt som lockar medarbetare till verksamheten. Trots denna kunskap är det fortfarande få offentliga organisationer som arbetar med att marknadsföra sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke (Parment & Dyhre, 2009, s.53). Det finns i dagsläget begränsad forskning om hur offentliga organisationer kan arbeta med kommunikation för att attrahera medarbetare till yrken som innebär risker. Mot denna bakgrund togs beslutet att studera Polismyndighetens senaste reklamfilmer som har till syfte att attrahera medarbetare till organisationen. För att kunna synliggöra kommunikativa strategier som används för att övertyga mottagaren valdes den kritiska retoriska analysen som metod. Genom analysen och det teoretiska ramverket bestående av retorik, Maslows motivationsteori, storytelling och employer branding kunde olika kommunikativa strategier, som Polismyndigheten använder för att kommunicera sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke och för att attrahera medarbetare, synliggöras. De strategier som analysen synliggjorde utgörs av berättande, användningen av de tre appellerna logos, ethos och pathos, hemlighållande av avsändaren, representation av olika karaktärer samt användandet av motivationsfaktorer i syfte att attrahera en bredare målgrupp.

Den som syns och hörs existerar : Betydelsen av strategisk information och kommunikation för organisationers överlevnad under kris / Whoever is seen and heard still exists : The significance of strategic information and communication for the survival of organizations during a crisis

Klingberg, Daniela January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to contribute a deeper understanding of which significance strategic information and communication, through social media as a communication channel, has for the survival of organizations' during a crisis such as the Covid-19-pandemic. This has been done through a case study where two organizations in the catering industry have participated. This industry has been particularly exposed to politically imposed restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sweden and the politically imposed restrictions have hindered catering organizations from managing their business as usual to the extent that they have had to close their operations.  The data collection method used in the study was qualitative interviews with representatives from each organization. To deepen and expand the empirical knowledge, a qualitative survey was conducted targeting the organizations' customers and stakeholders. The results showed that there is a discrepancy between what information the organizations think that they are communicating and how their customers and stakeholders perceive it. There’s also a discrepancy between the statements of the organizations and the stakeholders' experience regarding the amount of communicated information in social media. Furthermore, the study showed that strategic information and communication have had a certain significance regarding the survival of the organizations' as they have been able to inform their stakeholders about ongoing and upcoming activities through social media. However, the results showed that there are other incentives that might have had a strong influence on the organizations' survival during the crisis as well.

Hållbar kommunikation? : En studie om strategisk kommunikation i en nätverksorganisation / Sustainable communication? : A study about strategic communication in a network organization

Holmström, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The study deals with the importance of strategic communication and the purpose of this thesis is to examine the challenges for strategic communication in a network organization. A network organization is an organizational form that arises increasingly as a result of today's rapid change and leads to a greater need to collaborate and exchange knowledge among stakeholders. Strategic communication has its basis in communication theory, organizational theory and management theory and therefore the theoretical reference framework is built from these areas. The research questions are as follows: What meanings do goals and vision have for strategic communication in a network organization? What are the challenges of strategic communication in a network organization? In order to investigate these research questions the study is based on a qualitative study and more specially a case-study. The study was conducted on Green Umeå which is a network organization and is particularly interesting as it is based on a co-creation logic. The interviews were conducted using semi-structured interviews on site and the selection of respondents was made with a snowball selection. The results of the study are as followings:  - Clear goals and a vision are important to be successful with strategic communication.  - Value creation has a significant role in network organizations and thus influences strategic communication.  - Conflicts of interest among actors within network organizations can lead to difficulties with common goals and visions.  - Communication has a crucial role for the strategic communication in a network organization.

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