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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inclusion of Aboriginal content into the curriculum : student and teacher perspectives

Chief, Tamara (Tammy) A. 30 May 2011
Presenting the curriculum from an Aboriginal perspective and/or including Aboriginal content in the curriculum is an important alternative to perspectives many students are accustomed to. In the past, the Aboriginal perspective has not been a recognized or perhaps respected way of teaching; however this is beginning to change. This study explores student and teacher identity when the curriculum is either presented from an Aboriginal perspective or when Aboriginal content is included in lessons; it also explores potential benefits for all students. This study addressed the following questions: 1) What differences are made, if any, for Aboriginal and non Aboriginal students when the curriculum is presented from an Aboriginal perspective? 2) What differences are made, if any, for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students when Aboriginal content is included in the curriculum? 3) How are teacher and student identities affected when either the curriculum is presented from an Aboriginal perspective or Aboriginal content is included? Using the case study qualitative research method teachers and students were interviewed to gain an understanding of how their identities may or may not have been affected. The research from this study indicated that from the teachers perspective all students, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal alike, benefit in many ways when either the curriculum was presented form an Aboriginal perspective or when Aboriginal content is included in classroom lessons. The research also indicated that teacher and student identities shift over time and may possibly be, although not necessarily, affected when the curriculum is presented in this manner. The results of this study indicated that there were benefits for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students when the curriculum is presented from an Aboriginal perspective or when Aboriginal content is included. The results of this study also indicated that when student and teacher identities are affected, they are affected in a positive manner.

Inclusion of Aboriginal content into the curriculum : student and teacher perspectives

Chief, Tamara (Tammy) A. 30 May 2011 (has links)
Presenting the curriculum from an Aboriginal perspective and/or including Aboriginal content in the curriculum is an important alternative to perspectives many students are accustomed to. In the past, the Aboriginal perspective has not been a recognized or perhaps respected way of teaching; however this is beginning to change. This study explores student and teacher identity when the curriculum is either presented from an Aboriginal perspective or when Aboriginal content is included in lessons; it also explores potential benefits for all students. This study addressed the following questions: 1) What differences are made, if any, for Aboriginal and non Aboriginal students when the curriculum is presented from an Aboriginal perspective? 2) What differences are made, if any, for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students when Aboriginal content is included in the curriculum? 3) How are teacher and student identities affected when either the curriculum is presented from an Aboriginal perspective or Aboriginal content is included? Using the case study qualitative research method teachers and students were interviewed to gain an understanding of how their identities may or may not have been affected. The research from this study indicated that from the teachers perspective all students, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal alike, benefit in many ways when either the curriculum was presented form an Aboriginal perspective or when Aboriginal content is included in classroom lessons. The research also indicated that teacher and student identities shift over time and may possibly be, although not necessarily, affected when the curriculum is presented in this manner. The results of this study indicated that there were benefits for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students when the curriculum is presented from an Aboriginal perspective or when Aboriginal content is included. The results of this study also indicated that when student and teacher identities are affected, they are affected in a positive manner.

”Man lär sig inte särskilt mycket om man inte pratar om det” : En studie av gymnasieungdomars perspektiv på undervisning kring främlingsfientlighet och mångkultur / “You will not learn a lot if you do not talk about it” : A study of high school student’s perspective on teaching about xenophobia and multiculture

Rådberg, Erik January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka gymnasieungdomars perspektiv på undervisning kring främlingsfientlighet och mångkultur. I min litteraturgenomgång har jag fångat upp vad forskningen kring dessa områden menar är relevanta. Som datainsamlingsmetod valde jag att använda mig av gruppintervjuer. Sammanlagt deltog elva elever i undersökningen. Resultatet från mina gruppintervjuer diskuteras sedan mot den forskning jag presenterat i tidigare avsnitt samt mot olika gymnasieskolans olika styrdokument. Mitt resultat visar att det finns en vilja hos elever att i större utsträckning få diskutera och praktisera kunskaper kring främlingsfientlighet och mångkultur än vad de upplever att de idag får göra. Resultatet pekar även på att fler kulturmöten i skolan skulle verka positivt till att utveckla förståelse och tolerans gentemot människor från främmande kulturer. / The purpose with this study is to investigate high school students’ perspective on education, xenophobia and multiculture. In my literature review I present what scholars find relevant around these areas. I decided to use group interviews as a method of collecting data. Altogether eleven students participated in the study. Later I discuss the results from my group interviews in comparison towards the research I`ve presented in earlier sections of the study and the national curriculum of upper secondary school. My results point out that the student’s wishes to discuss and practice knowledge about xenophobia and multicultural more often than they experience they are allowed to do in these days. The result also points out that multi-cultural encounter develop the student’s ability to comprehend and to be more tolerant towards people from foreign cultures.

Students' stories of self case study while learning cognitive therapy: a New Zealand narrative study

Fraser, Niccy Unknown Date (has links)
This narrative inquiry study examines the stories told by seven adult students about learning cognitive therapy and how they experienced being both the subject and the writer of their own case study. At the time of being interviewed, some were completing a Bachelor of Counselling or Alcohol and Drug Studies, while others had completed their counsellor training and had employment in their profession. The students completing the Alcohol and Drug Studies are also trainee counsellors with a particular specialisation. All students completed a ten day, introductory course in Cognitive Therapy. There has been limited research exploring the learning experiences of students on cognitive therapy training. There does not appear to be any research on either the use of self case study in Cognitive Therapy education or the student experience of self case study. The purpose of this study was twofold: firstly, to explore the students’ perspectives on what it was like to learn cognitive therapy and secondly, to explore the students’ experiences of completing a case study on themselves. In this study, narrative interviews were used to invite participants to tell their story. The interviews were audio taped and transcribed. The participants’ in depth stories when analysed, produced clear thematic content as well as unique accounts of personal learning journeys. Analysis involved rewriting each interview as a core narrative, structured to show each participant’s position when they began learning, the essence of the story line, their unique voice, the plot direction, the story’s climax, including the impact on their identity and finally, their core message. These narratives are represented by six short pieces of prose and a poem. The narrators and cognitive therapy are central characters in all stories. Thematic content was depicted as steps in a learning process. All core narratives were sent to each participant for checking that it captured their original story and its meaning. The findings were that adult counselling students found brief introductory training courses in Cognitive Therapy to be very effective for enabling them to learn the cognitive therapy model, to refine their cognitive therapy skills and to enhance their own personal development. Self case study has the potential to provide a complex, multi-dimensional learning opportunity facilitating deep learning. Self case study can result in transformative learning and the development of new stories of identity for the writer (and subject) of the case study. Individual student accounts suggest that Cognitive Therapy can be usefully adapted for some Maori and self case study can be a means of strengthening cultural identity. In addition, for some counselling student trainees, the process of doing a self case study may provide a means of working through childhood trauma. The findings provide some preliminary support for including use of self case study within the counselling curriculum. Self case study can provide opportunities for deepening learning about theory and practice, which is all the more potent when related to students’ own selves. Given support, students might be encouraged to complete self case study as a means of gaining significant personal development. Such curriculum changes would require additional expertise on the part of counselling educators. The narratives analysed in this study suggest that particular support may be needed to enable the safe self development of students from ethnic minority groups and also to provide well for those who had experienced childhood trauma. This is recommended as an area for further research. Given that Counselling education has the task of developing and preparing students for the Counselling profession, students’ perspectives on this experience, are an important and relatively underdeveloped area of research. There is a need for further research specifically on students’ learning experiences in Cognitive Therapy. Ongoing research is needed about the use of self case study as a learning opportunity for student learning and personal development.

What is Relevant Mathematics? An exploration of two perspectives on relevant mathematics in the high school classroom

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Recently there has been an increase in the number of people calling for the incorporation of relevant mathematics in the mathematics classroom. Unfortunately, various researchers define the term relevant mathematics differently, establishing several ideas of how relevancy can be incorporated into the classroom. The differences between mathematics education researchers' definitions of relevant and the way they believe relevant math should be implemented in the classroom, leads one to conclude that a similarly varied set of perspectives probably exists between teachers and students as well. The purpose of this exploratory study focuses on how the student and teacher perspectives on relevant mathematics in the classroom converge or diverge. Specifically, do teachers and students see the same lessons, materials, content, and approach as relevant? A survey was conducted with mathematics teachers at a suburban high school and their algebra 1 and geometry students to provide a general idea of their views on relevant mathematics. An analysis of the findings revealed three major differences: the discrepancy between frequency ratings of teachers and students, the differences between how teachers and students defined the term relevance and how the students' highest rated definitions were the least accounted for among the teacher generated questions, and finally the impact of differing attitudes towards mathematics on students' feelings towards its relevance. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Curriculum and Instruction 2012

Högskolestudenters lärande : Ett lärstrategiskt perspektiv på studier i psykologi / Learning in higher education : Approaches to learning among psychology students

Öhrstedt, Maria January 2017 (has links)
University students’ approaches to learning influence academic achievement and qualities in learning outcomes. Approaches to learning develop in a process where student factors interact with factors of the learning context. Students’ subjective perceptions of their learning environment seem to be crucial. This thesis draws on an established research stand in aiming to contribute to a deeper understanding of how students adapt their approaches to learning to perceived contextual factors in a specific learning context. In three studies, conceptions for development and variation of approaches to learning among psychology students at a Swedish university are examined. Study I examined how approaches to learning vary with expected and final course grades, and student abilities to predict academic achievement (N = 189). Overall, students had low self-assessment skills, with students adopting surface approach to learning having the poorest skills. Students adopting a strategic approach to learning achieved high grades, while students adopting a surface approach to learning had poorer performances. Students adopting a deep approach to learning expected high grades but the exam did not favour a deep approach. Study II aimed at describing similarities in factors that psychology students themselves, despite them adopting different approaches to learning, considered influenced their studying activities. A selective student sample described their studying activities in repeated interviews (N = 11, N = 7). The development of approaches to learning was described as a negotiation where different aspects of learning were related to each other. The students described a common set of reference points: 1) previous studying activities, 2) course recommendations, 3) learning outcomes, 4) assessment demands, and 5) estimated effort. Despite great variation in students’ tendencies to adapt approaches to learning, the adaption process resulted in a gradual homogenization of studying activities. Study III examined whether minor variations in parallel learning contexts would give rise to differences in students’ regulation of approaches to learning and whether tendencies to vary differed between students with different approaches to learning (N = 195). All approaches to learning varied between learning contexts, but the strategic approach to learning varied less than surface and deep approaches. Students with a low surface, a high deep or a high strategic approach to learning varied most, while students with a high surface, a low deep or a low strategic approach to learning were more stable. The results show that approaches to learning among psychology students seem to develop in a process of negotiation where different aspects of learning are interrelated. For strategic reasons, examinations seem to drive students towards a surface approach to learning. Students’ shared interpretations of factors of the learning context seem to result in a gradual homogenisation of studying activities, despite different students showing different tendencies to adapt their approaches to learning to a specific learning context. A strategic approach seems optimal for academic achievement. In summary, this thesis shows how fine-grained studies can contribute to a deeper understanding of the context specific development of students’ approaches to learning. / Högskolestudenters lärstrategier inverkar på deras akademiska prestation och utvecklandet av olika kvaliteter i lärandet. Lärstrategier formas i en process där personfaktorer hos studenterna samspelar med lärkontextuella faktorer. Studenternas subjektiva föreställningar om lärmiljön tycks vara av avgörande betydelse. Avhandlingens syfte är att utifrån en etablerad forskningstradition bidra till en djupare förståelse av hur studenter anpassar sina lärstrategier till sina föreställningar om lärmiljön i en avgränsad lärkontext. I tre delstudier utforskas förutsättningar för lärstrategiers utveckling och variation hos psykologistudenter på ett svenskt universitet. I studie I undersöktes hur lärstrategier varierar med förväntningar på examinationsresultat, akademisk prestation och förmåga att predicera tentamensresultat (N = 189). Psykologistudenterna hade generellt svårt att göra en korrekt prediktion av sitt tentamensresultat. Det var allra svårast för studenter med ytinriktad lärstrategi. I enlighet med studenternas egna förväntningar uppnådde strategiskt inriktade studenter högre betyg, medan studenter med ytinriktad lärstrategi presterade sämre. Djupinriktade studenter förväntade sig att prestera väl men tentamen tycktes inte gynna en djupinriktad lärstrategi. Studie II avsåg kartlägga vilka faktorer psykologistudenterna själva ansåg påverkade deras sätt att ta sig an sina studier, med målet att presentera likheter hos studenter som anammar olika lärstrategier. Ett urval av studenter beskrev sina studieaktiviteter i upprepade intervjuer (N = 11, N = 7). Formandet av lärstrategier beskrevs som en slags förhandling där olika aspekter av lärandet relaterades till varandra. Studenterna lyfte fram fem referenspunkter: 1) deras upplevelse av tidigare studieerfarenheter, 2) kursrekommendationer, 3) lärande, 4) examinationskrav, och 5) uppskattad arbetsinsats. Trots stor variation i studenternas benägenhet att anpassa sina lärstrategier till lärmiljön ledde anpassningsprocessen till en successiv homogenisering av studieaktiviteter. Studie III undersökte om även mindre variationer i parallella lärmiljöer kunde ge upphov till skillnader i studenters reglering av lärstrategier och om tendenser att variera skiljde sig mellan studenter med olika lärstrategier (N = 195). Samtliga lärstrategier visade sig variera mellan lärkontexter, men strategiskt inriktad lärstrategi varierade i mindre grad än ytinriktad och djupinriktad lärstrategi. Studenter med låg ytinriktad, hög djupinriktad eller hög strategiskt inriktad lärstrategi uppvisade störst variation, medan studenter med hög ytinriktad, låg djupinriktad eller låg strategiskt inriktad lärstrategi var mer stabila. Resultaten visar att psykologistudenters lärstrategier verkar utvecklas i en process där de relaterar olika aspekter av lärandet till varandra i en slags förhandling. Av strategiska skäl driver examinationer studenterna mot en ytinriktad lärstrategi. En gemensam tolkning av faktorer i lärmiljön tycks resultera i att studenters studieaktiviteter successivt homogeniseras, trots att olika studenter visar olika benägenhet att anpassa sina lärstrategier till en specifik lärkontext. En strategiskt inriktad lärstrategi förefaller optimal för akademisk prestation. Sammanfattningsvis visar avhandlingen på hur kontextnära studier kan bidra till en förståelse av lärstrategiers utveckling. / <p>Avhandlingen är finansierad av Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Stockholms universitet. Professor Petra Lindfors beviljades medel till en doktorandtjänst inom ramen för en strategisk ämnesdidaktisk satsning.</p><p>Vid disputationen var studie I och studie II inskickade till tidskrift men ännu inte publicerade.</p>

Matteläxan ur ett elevperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om elevers uppfattning av matteläxan / The math homework from a student perspective : A qualitative study of pupils' perception of math homework

Hallberg, Pernilla January 2017 (has links)
Läxor är en del av undervisningen i många skolor idag. Det finns många tankar om hur läxan ska vara utformad och i vilket syfte eleverna ska ges läxa. I vår läroplan, Lgr 11 (Skolverket, 2011), finns dock inget skrivet om läxor. Syftet med min studie är att ta reda på hur matteläxan uppfattas ur ett elevperspektiv. Vilken uppfattning har eleverna om varför de får matteläxa och hur ser uppfattningen ut gällande utformningen? Detta undersöker jag genom en kvalitativ studie i form av semistrukturerade gruppintervjuer med elever på lågstadiet. Den data som samlas in bearbetas utifrån en induktiv tematisk analys. Resultatet visar bland annat att den vanligaste läxan som eleverna får är den som behandlar färdighetsträningen. Eleverna uppfattar matteläxan som att det är något de ska träna på hemma. Dock är matteläxan sällan individanpassad och uppfattas av många elever som alldeles för lätt och att den går alldeles för fort att göra. Inte heller framkommer att det finns någon uppföljning av matteläxan i skolan, som kopplas ihop med dess syfte. Min förhoppning med denna studie är att den ska lyfta fram elevernas uppfattning och tankar omkring matteläxan och ge mig som verksam lärare en vägledning till utformningen av mina matteläxor. / Homework is part of the teaching in many schools today. There are many thoughts about how the homework should be designed and for what purpose the students should be given homework. However, in our curriculum, Lgr 11 (Skolverket, 2011), nothing is written about homework.   The purpose of my study is to find out how the math homework is perceived from a student perspective. What view do the students have about why they get math homework and what does the perception of the design look like? I study this through a qualitative study in the form of semi-structured group interviews with pupils at the lower grades. The data collected is processed based on an inductive thematic analysis. The result shows, among other things, that the most common homework that the students receive is the one who treats the skills training. The students perceive the math homework as something that they should train at home. However, the math homework is rarely individualized and perceived by many students as being too easy and too fast to do. Nor does it appear that there is any follow-up of the math homework at school, which is linked to its purpose.   My hope with this study is that it will highlight the students' perceptions and thoughts about the math homework and give me as an effective teacher a guide to the design of my math homework’s.

“Where you think no one sees you – do what you want!” : Nineteen Eighty-Four and Upper Secondary School Students’ Perception of Surveillance

Svensson, Tobias January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to juxtapose students’ perceptions of surveillance to the surveillance portrayed in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. By using Michel Foucault’s expansion of Jeremy Bentham’s discussion of the Panopticon, this essay shows that upper secondary school students modify their behaviour, like the characters in the novel, when they are under surveillance. Furthermore, this essay argues that even though there have been vast developments in the field of surveillance since the publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, similar notions of concern regarding the impact of surveillance on the human psyche are still upheld by students. This essay expands upon current research which points to desensitization regarding the impact of surveillance on younger generations and a gap between current knowledge and necessary knowledge for an informed opinion. By juxtaposing students’ perceptions of surveillance and that portrayed in Nineteen Eighty-Four, this essay provides insights into why this topic could be dealt with in the EFL-classroom as a means of providing students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge on social issues and cultural features which could make them more aware of the cultural impact of constant surveillance.

Discussions of Personal Identity in Genetic Counseling Supervision

Peplow, Katherine 29 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Sex-och samlevnadsundervisningens innehåll,upplägg och genomförande som en del avskolans socialiseringsroll : En studie från elevernas perspektiv

Lindgren Karlsson, Johanna, Brandt, Anna January 2021 (has links)
This is a qualitative essay that deals with students' experience of primary school sex andrelationship education. The purpose was to gain new knowledge into how students in theirfirst year of high school experienced primary school sex education about sexuality, consentand relationships in terms of both its form and content, with a hope to contribute knowledgethat may be relevant to the school's actors who from 2022 will implement new curriculumchanges. The subjects we have chosen are students who are in their first year of uppersecondary school and have a relatively recent and clear picture of the teaching they receivedfrom primary school. To collect our data, we used a qualitative method of focus groupinterviews that were recorded and transcribed. The data has been analyzed with the help ofPeter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann’s socialization theory and Judith Butler's queertheory, as well as five articles with previous research. The results of our study reveal, asdescribed in background and previous research, a failure to provide an education that isadapted to today's societies problems and youth culture. Specifically there is a lack ofconversation and up-to-date knoledge about LGBTQ identities, the course literature'spresentation of heteronormativity and the teacher's need for competence development andinterpretation of the curriculum's content in this subject. There was also a lack of deeperdiscussions regarding relationships, feelings, consent and desire, and a greater participationand engagement in the teaching was desired.

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