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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Se värde i avskräde : Cirkulär ekonomi i byggbranschen / The value in waste : Circular economy in the construction industry

Axelstorm, Ramona, Stallgård, Sigrid January 2022 (has links)
Det finns förbättringspotential för att öka den cirkulära ekonomin i Sverige, som idag är 3,4 procent. Återbruk av byggmaterial i byggbranschen är en åtgärd, som genererar till en cirkulär förbättring. I uppsatsen belyses utmaningar och möjligheter associerade med återbruk av byggmaterial, som förekommer hos aktörer längs försörjningskedjan. En generell tanke som ofta förekommer är att återbrukat byggmaterial genererar till ökade kostnader, vilket det i uppsatsen påvisas åtskilda åsikter kring. Vidare studeras det som krävs för att lyckas implementera en cirkulär ekonomi i byggbranschen genom affärsmodeller och strategier. Genom att lyckas implementera en cirkulär ekonomi och utveckla expertis inom området, påvisar teori att även konkurrensfördelar kan frambringas. / There is potential for improvement to increase the circular economy in Sweden, which today is 3.4 percent. Reuse of building materials in the construction industry is one action, which generates a circular improvement. The study highlights challenges and opportunities associated with the reuse of building materials faced by different actors along the supply chain. A common understanding is that reused building materials generate increased costs, which the study demonstrates separate opinions about. Furthermore, the requirements to succeed in implementing a circular economy in the construction industry are studied together with business models and strategies for implementation. By succeeding in implementing a circular economy and developing expertise in the field, theory shows that competitive advantages can be generated.

Skogliga biobränslens roll i Stockholm Exergis framtida strategi / The role of woody biomass in the future strategy of Stockholm Exergi

Danielsson, Ellinor, Ekman, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Studien syftade till att ge en rekommendation angående hur fjärrvärmebolaget Stockholm Exergi bör utforma sin framtida strategi beträffande fasta oförädlade skogliga biobräanslen. Genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer utreddes dessa bränslens konkurrenskraft utifrån perspektiven klimatneutralitet, politiska direktiv och styrmedel, leveranssäkerhet samt lönsamhet. Resultatet visade bland annat att användningen av grenar och toppar kan medföra klimatnytta. Vidare framkom att implementeringen av EU:s nya förnybartdirektiv inte kommer att ha storskalig påverkan på Stockholm Exergis framtida användning av dessa bränslen. Gällande leveranssäkerhet och lönsamhet påvisades exempelvis en större framtida efterfrågan på skogliga restprodukter från andra sektorer. Ändock kunde slutsatsen dras att skogliga biobräanslen, under vissa förutsäattningar, har en viktig roll i Stockholm Exergis framtida fjärrvärmeproduktion. / The study aimed to give a recommendation regarding how the district heating company Stockholm Exergi should design their future strategy concerning unprocessed solid woody biofuels. Through literature studies and interviews, the competitiveness of the fuels has been assessed based on climate neutrality, political directives and instruments, security of supply as well as profitability. Among other things, the results showed that the use of tree branches and tops can imply positive climate effects. Furthermore, the implementation of EU's new renewable energy directive will only have a marginal impact on Stockholm Exergi's future use of woody biofuels. Regarding the security of supply and profitability,an increased future demand of forest residues in other sectors have been identified. However, the study concludes that, under certain circumstances, woody biofuels have an important role in Stockholm Exergi's future district heating production.

The Role of Supply Chain Mapping in Complying to ESRS

Westergren, Simon, Rundh Andersson, Andreas January 2024 (has links)
Date: 2nd June 2024 Level: Master Thesis in Product and Process Development, advanced level 30 ECTS Institution: School of Innovation, Design and Engineering at Mälardalens University Authors: Simon Westergren & Andreas Rundh Andersson Title: The Role of Supply Chain Mapping in Complying to ESRS Keywords: Supply chains, Supply chain management, Risk management, Disruptions, Resilience, Visibility, Supply chain mapping, Sustainability, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, European Sustainability Reporting Standards, Sustainable supply chain mapping, Industrial electronics industry. Supervisors: Mikael Johnsson - Mälardalens University, Mikael Steinar & Paulina Wilhelmsson - Case Company Aim: The aim of the study is to explore if and how acompany within the industrial electronics industry could be supported by supply chain mapping in complying with EU's ESRS regulation. Research Question: How can supply chain mapping support an industrial electronics company in complying with EU's ESRS regulation? Methodology: The methodology of this study employs a qualitative research approach, specifically using a case study to explore the implementation of supply chain mapping within an industrial electronics company for EU's ESRS compliance. Adopting an abductive framework, the research intertwines theoretical exploration and empirical data collection. Literature was reviewed from academic journals and industry reports, while empirical data was gathered through comprehensive supply chain mapping, questionnaires, and a series of interviews, including semi-structured and individual discussions. Conclusion: The study concludes that supply chain mapping is a pivotal tool for aiding an industrial electronics company in complying with the EU's ESRS regulation. It was found that comprehensive mapping of the supply chain not only helps in identifying relevant ESRS topics across the value chain but also enhances risk management and visibility. The application of supply chain mapping demonstrated significant potential for improving operational efficiency and regulatory compliance.

Оценка трансформации цепочек поставок в условиях достижения технологического суверенитета : магистерская диссертация / Assessing the transformation of supply chains in the context of achieving technological sovereignty

Нечай, Н. В., Nechay, N. V. January 2024 (has links)
Целью работы является разработка методических основ оценки трансформации цепочек поставок с учетом концепции технологического суверенитета. В основе подхода – комбинация методов анализа цепочек поставок по следующим направлениям: выбор необходимых традиционных инструментов и их усовершенствование: SWOT-анализ, ABC-анализ, SCOR-анализ, сравнительный анализ; оценка технологической зависимости российских компаний от иностранных поставок. Разработанный методический подход позволяет определить изменения в цепочках поставок и оценить уровень зависимости от иностранных поставщиков в рамках стратегии технологического суверенитета предприятия. / The aim of the work is to develop a methodological framework for assessing the transformation of supply chains taking into account the concept of technological sovereignty. The approach is based on a combination of supply chain analysis methods in the following areas: selection of the necessary traditional tools and their improvement: SWOT-analysis, ABC-analysis, SCOR-analysis, comparative analysis; assessment of the technological dependence of Russian companies on foreign supplies. The developed methodological approach allows us to identify changes in supply chains and assess the level of dependence on foreign suppliers as part of the enterprise’s technological sovereignty strategy.

Fair trade coffee supply chains in the highlands of Papua New Guinea: do they give higher returns to smallholders?

Powae, Wayne Ishmael January 2009 (has links)
This research focussed on Fair Trade (FT) coffee supply chains in Papua New Guinea. Three research questions were asked. First, do small holders in the FT chains receive higher returns than the smallholders in the conventional chains? Secondly, if smallholders in the FT coffee chains receive higher returns from their coffee than the smallholders in the conventional chains, what are the sources of these higher returns? Finally, if smallholders in the FT chains don't receive higher returns than in the conventional chains, what are the constraints to smallholders receiving higher returns from the FT coffee chains than the conventional chains? A conceptual framework for agribusiness supply chain was developed that was used to guide the field work. A comparative case study methodology was selcted as an appropriate method for eliciting the required information. Four case study chains were selected. A paired FT and conventional coffee chains from Okapa and another paired FT and conventional chains from Kainantu districts, Eastern Highlands Province were selected for the study. The research found that smallholders in the FT chains and vonventional chains receive very similar prices for their coffee (parchment price equivalent). Hence, there was no evidence that smallholders in the FT chains received higher prices or returns from their coffee production than smallholders in conventional chains. This study also found that there was no evidence of FLO certification improving returns to smallholders in the FT chains over those returns received in the conventional chains, but the community that the FT smallholder producers come from did benefit. The sources of these community benefits lies in the shorter FT chains and the distributions of the margin that would have been otherwise made by processors to producers, exporters and the community. In addition, this study found that constraints associated with value creation are similar in all the four chains studies. However, there are some added hurdles for the FT chains in adhering to FT and organic coffee standards. Moreover, FT co-oeratives lacked capacity to trade and their only functions were to help with FLO certification and distribute the FT premium to the community. The findings of this research support some aspects of the literature, but not others. The research contribution is the finding that in this period of high conventional coffee prices, returns to smallholders from FT chains were no bettter than the returns gained in conventional chains, which leads to oppotunism and lack of loyalty by smallholders in the FT chains. The other contribution of this research is in identifying a particular type of free rider who is not a member of the FT co-operative but has right to the community benefits generated by the FT chain.

A Resource-based View of the Interorganizational Information Systems Capability / A Resource-based View of the Interorganizational Information Systems Capability

翁懷嘉, Weng, Huai-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
無 / Facing today’s highly competitive market and changed business environment, whether the company has the capability to implement successful inter-organizational information systems to achieve efficient supply chain management becomes a significant issue. To fulfill this need, this research aims to develop a framework for measuring the IOS capability. After company interviews, our proposed framework is simplified to measure four IOS capabilities: (1) physical assets, (2) path dependency, (3) relational intangibles (trust and complementary resources), and (4) market power. We propose that firms with these IOS resources can have higher IOS usage, which in turn creates greater IOS performance. / A general survey is then conducted in the Taiwan PC industry to validate our proposed framework. The instrument was tested for validity and reliability properties, and multiple linear regression was used for testing our hypotheses. The results indicate that physical IT assets and relational specific intangibles are positively related with IOS usage. On the other hand, path dependency and market power do not have significant impact on IOS usage. We further explore the relationships between the IOS capabilities and firm performance. The result indicates firms with more IOS usage are more likely to achieve better firm performance. These results can further be examined in a more industry-wide survey in the future. The researchers can also build upon this model to further examine the factors that are discovered.

Food supply procurement : the influence of politics on food supply chains and the governance of local public food services / Approvisionnement alimentaire : l'influence de la politique sur le chaînes d'approvisionnement alimentaire et la gouvernance des services publics locaux de restauration

Robin, Yoan 22 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une étude empirique des liens entre la sphère politique et la gestion des services publics locaux en France. Lorsqu'elles administrent les services publics, les administrations locales peuvent décider soit de fournir un service en régie, soit d'externaliser sa gestion, et donc de conclure des contrats avec des entités privées. Tout d'abord, ce choix de gouvernance est analysé dans le cas des cantines scolaires françaises et les moteurs politiques de ce choix sont mis en évidence. La contestation politique à l'élection municipale est considérée comme l'un des moteurs du choix organisationnel. Deuxièmement, nous avons analysé les contrats public-privé en cas d'externalisation. Nous avons constaté que ces contrats étaient plus rigides que les contrats privés purs. En outre, cette rigidité excessive peut s'expliquer par le niveau de contestation politique dans la municipalité. Enfin, les déterminants de l'approvisionnement alimentaire local sont étudiés. Nous constatons que la disponibilité des réseaux d'alimentation alternatifs est parfois motivée par des considérations politiques. Cette thèse contribue à ajouter des connaissances à la compréhension de la gestion des services publics locaux, ainsi qu'à la compréhension de la disponibilité des magasins de détail alimentaires. / This dissertation offers an empirical investigation of the links between the political sphere and the management of local public services in France. When they administer public services, local governments can decide either to provide a service in-house, or to externalize its management, and therefore conclude contracts with private entities. First, this choice of governance is analyzed in the case of French school canteens and the political drivers of this choice are highlighted. The political contestation in the municipal election is found to be one of the drivers of the organizational choice. Second, we analyzed public-private contracts in case of externalization. We found those contracts to be more rigid than pure private contracts. Besides, this excessive rigidity can be explained by the level of political contestation in the municipality. Finally, the determinants of the local food supply is studied. We find that the availability of alternative food networks is sometimes driven by political considerations. This dissertation contributes to add knowledge to the understanding of the management of local public services, as well as to the understanding of food retail stores availability.

Managing Migrant Workers : moral economies of temporary labour in the Swedish IT and wild berry industries

Krifors, Karin January 2017 (has links)
Temporary migrant workers and circular migration constitute a growing global phenomenon as the management of migration becomes increasingly important to policymakers. This thesis takes academic discussions on citizenship and migration as its starting point, and examines the role of employers in terms of defining temporary migrant workers and their role in the Swedish labour market. The concept of moral economy is applied in particular to analyse the justifications and negotiations through which working conditions of migrant workers, and their role in local and transnational economies, are established and contested. The role of capital in migration management is studied through ethnographic fieldwork and through interviews with managers in the Swedish wild berry and IT industries; two very different industries that are, however, both shaped by particular structures of seasonal labour and international outsourcing and that increasingly rely on temporary foreign workers from Thailand and India respectively. The conceptualisation of supply chains in these industries offers a particular framework through which relations, as well as management discourses, can be analysed. The study explores how notions of circularity, nation, cultural difference, and transnational economic difference, are managed by private sector actors. It also explores how managers relate to public discourse and emotions in the face of global economic restructuring and changing citizenship, which situates temporary migrants as part of, yet different from, Swedish labour. / Temporära migrantarbetare och cirkulär migration utgör ett växande globalt fenomen till följd av intresset bland regeringar och myndigheter att styra genom sk ”managed migration”. Denna avhandling tar avstamp i forskning om medborgarskap och migration för att undersöka vilken roll arbetsgivare får när det gäller att definiera tillfälliga migrantarbetare och deras roll på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Begreppet moralisk ekonomi används för att lyfta fram och analysera de praktiker genom vilka migrantarbetarnas arbetsvillkor förhandlas och rättfärdigas, samt hur deras roller i lokala och transnationella ekonomier befästs eller förändras. Ekonomins roll i migrationshantering studeras i denna avhandling genom etnografiskt fältarbete och intervjuer med chefer inom den svenska bärindustrin samt IT industrin; två mycket olika industrier som dock båda struktureras av säsongsarbete respektive internationell outsourcing, och som alltmer använder tillfällig utländsk arbetskraft från Thailand respektive Indien. Genom begreppet utbudskedjor (supply chains) möjliggörs en analys av de relationer, samt de managementdiskurser, som påverkar dessa industrier. Avhandlingen utforskar hur föreställningar om cirkularitet, nation, kulturella skillnader, samt transnationella ekonomiska skillnader, förhandlas av aktörer inom näringslivet. Vidare diskuteras hur chefer relaterar till de diskurser och emotioner som en global ekonomisk omstrukturering och ett förändrat medborgarskap ger upphov till, vilket positionerar tillfälliga migrantarbetare som en del av, men ändå annorlunda än, svensk arbetskraft.

Réparation pour les victimes de travail forcé dans les chaînes de production transnationales: une étude comparée de l'apport du devoir de vigilance au Canada, en France et en Californie

Falardeau-Papineau, Julie 11 1900 (has links)
Aucune loi internationale n’a su réagir à la fragmentation de la production transnationale jusqu’à présent pour protéger les travailleurs contre le travail forcé. En réponse à ce phénomène, le droit de la responsabilité sociale et le devoir de vigilance des entreprises se sont développés afin d'accroître l'imputabilité des entreprises transnationales envers les impacts sociaux de leurs activités tout particulièrement le long de leur chaîne de valeur. Jusqu'à récemment, le devoir de vigilance était surtout soutenu par des normes internationales à caractère volontaire et par l'autorégulation des entreprises (Kerr, Janda et Pitts, 2009). Depuis peu, quelques États ont légiféré afin d'augmenter la portée et l'efficacité du devoir de vigilance en ce qui concerne le respect des droits fondamentaux des travailleurs et la protection de l’environnement en France par le biais de « plan de vigilance » ou par rapport à l’élimination du travail forcé en Californie et au Royaume-Uni. Ces lois obligent les entreprises à produire des rapports expliquant les relations et les conditions de travail des ouvriers le long de la chaîne de valeur. En comparaison, au Canada, le devoir de vigilance s'appuie sur des développements jurisprudentiels dont la portée est incertaine (Drouin, 2016). Trois modèles d'encadrement de ce devoir émergent alors: un modèle jurisprudentiel et deux modèles législatifs. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’évaluer le potentiel du devoir de vigilance à inciter les entreprises transnationales à mieux réparer l’utilisation du travail forcé dans leur chaîne de production pour les victimes. Les trois modèles d’encadrement qui seront analysés sont le modèle jurisprudentiel du Canada, le modèle législatif général de la France et le modèle législatif visant spécifiquement l’abolition du travail forcé de la Californie. Les questions auxquelles nous tenterons de répondre sont les suivantes : Le renforcement du devoir de vigilance permet-il de réparer l’utilisation du travail forcé dans les chaînes de production transnationales? Quels éléments permettent d’accroître l’accès à la réparation pour les victimes de travail forcé dans les chaînes de production transnationale? / International law concerning the use of forced labour in global production chains has yet to be enacted. In response to this phenomenon, corporate social responsibility law and the principle of due diligence have been developed to increase transnational businesses’ accountability towards the social impacts of their activities along the supply chain. Until recently, due diligence was mainly supported by voluntary international norms and by business’ selfregulation mechanism (Kerr, Janda and Pitts, 2009). A few States recently passed legislation that a increases the scope and the efficiency of due diligence. The efforts of France on the matter have focused on the respect of workers’ fundamental rights and of the environment while similar legislative endeavours in California and in the UK have concerned themselves with the specific issue of forced labour. In comparison, in Canada, due diligence is based on jurisprudential developments with an uncertain scope (Drouin, 2016). Three frameworks of due diligence emerge: two legislative models and one jurisprudential models. This thesis seeks to assess the potential of the duty of diligence principle in enticing transnational corporations to remedy the use of forced labour through their supply chains. Three models will be evaluated: the Canadian jurisprudential model, the French general legislative model and the Californian legislative model specifically targeting the abolition of forced labour. The questions we will seek to answer are the following: Does the enhancement of the duty of diligence enable victims of forced labour in transnational production chains to obtain remedies? What are the key elements promoting access to remedy for victims of forced labour in transnational production chains?

Supply Chain Risk Management : - En kvalitativ studie kring Covid-19s påverkan på den svenska verkstadsindustrin.

Nyman, Johan, Kniif, Victor, Bico, Hamza January 2020 (has links)
Abstract Background and problem statement: Since December 2019 the world have been largely affected by the new corona virus (Covid-19). The corporate industry has experienced the consequences of whole nations isolating themselves to contain the virus. The complex networks of today’s supply chains further complicate this situation. This has challenged companies expertise and preparedness within areas of supply chain risk management and further within procurement. Purpose: This study aims to identify how companies within the Swedish manufacturing industry work with risk management in supply chains mainly targeting risk management within procurement. Furthermore, the study aims to identify how these companies have been affected by the pandemic outbreak and how they have handled the situation by using risk management strategies. Based on this purpose two research questions were constructed. Method: A qualitative study design with some contribution from the quantitative study design have been carried out through semi-structured interviews. By analysing secondary data such as literature and peer-reviewed articles a theoretical framework was constructed. Results: Supply chain risk management is not formalized as a term within the industry, although it is safe to say that companies work with activities and strategies within the area. Strategies that proved effective during the pandemic outbreak were safety stock, geographical placement of suppliers, risk identification and risk analysis. Flexibility within the supply chains also proved to be vital to the success of the companies during this time.

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