Spelling suggestions: "subject:"asustainable city"" "subject:"bysustainable city""
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Implementeringsarbetet av Grön infrastruktur i Sverige : En policyanalys om integrering av urbana ekosystemtjänster samt värdet av adaptiv planering i Stockholms länSvantesson, Hanne, Wikström, Stina January 2020 (has links)
Urbanisation is a global trend and in the year 2050 a big part of the world's population is expected to be living in urban areas. With this demographic change comes challenges. Biodiversity is the foundation for ecosystems to create services that human welfare depends on. The so called ecosystem services create functions that have provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting values för humans. The expansion of ecosystems is threatened around the world because of the increased urbanisation and more paved areas and less green spaces that are available for species to settle in. Green infrastructure is a management system that has become popular mainly in urban areas as a tool to conserve biodiversity and manage ecosystems in a sustainable way. By re-creating habitats and ecosystem functions a higher resilience is created in cities and through that it becomes easier to face challenges that come with a changed climate. In Sweden green infrastructure is an important component to reach global and national environmental goals. The capital of Sweden, Stockholm is growing rapidly. Because of the growing population the design of the city and the amount of green spaces is even more important to improve the ecological, economical and social aspects in society. In this study a qualitative content analysis has been made to examine how Sweden works with the implementation of green infrastructure on a national, regional and local level. By analysing three relevant policy documents an analytical framework has been used to look closer at how ecosystem services are expressed in the different levels. The result shows that ecosystem services are given a large place in the guidelines and the action plan for green infrastructure in Sweden. It is even more clear on a local level because a big part of the planprogram over the formation of the new district Årstafältet concentrates on creating ecological solutions to help ecosystem services to create its functions. The result also shows that the implementation of green infrastructure should be overarched by cooperation and transparency where more participants are included for the best possible decisions to be made. / Urbanisering är en global trend och år 2050 förväntas en stor andel av världens befolkning vara bosatta i urbana områden. Med denna demografiska förändring kommer utmaningar. Den biologiska mångfalden är en grundsten för att ekosystem ska kunna skapa de tjänster som människans välmående är beroende av. Ekosystemtjänster skapar funktioner som har försörjande, reglerande, kulturella och stödjande värden för människor. Ekosystemens utbredning hotas världen över på grund av ökad urbanisering då många ytor hårdläggs och färre gröna ytor blir tillgängliga för arter att bosätta sig i. Grön infrastruktur är ett förvaltningssystem som har blivit populärt framförallt i urbana områden för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden och förvalta ekosystem på ett hållbart sätt. Genom att återskapa livsmiljöer och ekosystemfunktioner skapas en högre resiliens i städerna och det blir på så sätt lättare att stå emot de utmaningar som kommer i och med ett förändrat klimat. I Sverige är grön infrastruktur en viktig komponent för att nå upp till globala och nationella miljömål. Sveriges huvudstad Stockholm växer i snabb takt. I och med den växande befolkningen blir utformningen av staden och andelen gröna ytor än viktigare för att förbättra de ekologiska, ekonomiska och sociala aspekterna i samhället. Denna studie har utgått ifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att undersöka hur Sverige arbetar med implementering av grön infrastruktur på nationell, regional och lokal nivå. Genom att analysera tre relevanta policydokument har ett analytiskt ramverk använts för att undersöka hur ekosystemtjänster kommer till uttryck på de olika nivåerna. Resultatet visar att ekosystemtjänster får en stor plats i riktlinjerna och handlingsplanerna för grön infrastruktur i Sverige. Än tydligare blir det på lokal nivå då en stor del av planprogrammet för utformningen av den nya stadsdelen Årstafältet inriktar sig på att skapa ekologiska lösningar för att underlätta för ekosystemtjänsterna att utveckla sina funktioner. Resultatet visar även att implementeringen av grön infrastruktur måste genomsyras av samarbete och transparens där flera aktörer involveras för att bästa möjliga beslut skall fattas.
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Brownfield či hodnotná lokalita? Spor kolem revitalizace bývalých nouzových kolonií Pod Bohdalcem a Na Slatinách / The socio-ecological transformation of the former Prague slum "Pod Bohdalcem - Na Slatinách"Barkász, Csilla-Zsuzsa January 2020 (has links)
The thesis is the result of qualitative field-research, based on semi-structured interviews and observations in the former Prague slums Pod Bohdalcem and Na Slatinách. The research reflects competing visions of various stakeholders with regards to the future development of these last almost fully preserved colonies, which were created for- and by the poor. The thesis also reconstructs and monitors the development of the conflict that arose between the inhabitants of the colonies and the urban planners in the course of the creation of the study "Bohdalec-Slatiny- Brownfield Strašnice", which proposes a new city-district in the area of the former colonies. It further captures the main reason for the dispute, namely the different perceptions of the colonies by its inhabitants and the institutions responsible for urban planning. For the first actor the area in question means 'home', as well as a place with rich history, while for the second it represents mainly a lucrative brownfield. The thesis also compares often incompatible visions of the stakeholders. It further describes signs or strategies of resistance that the inhabitants manifested from the beginnings of the colonies to the present day. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the concept of the right to the city and considers the...
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Samarbete eller samverkan, samtal eller dialog? : En kvalitativ studie av interaktionen mellancivilsamhällesorganisationer och kommunen inom socialthållbarhetsarbete i Malmö / Cooperation or collaboration, conversation or dialogue? : A qualitative study of the interaction between civil society organizations and the municipality in social sustainability work in MalmöOlsen, Elinor, Stanley, Paulina January 2022 (has links)
Sektorsöverskridande samverkan har blivit ett allt viktigare inslag i organiseringen av offentlig service och i kommunalt hållbarhetsarbete. Denna uppsats studerar interaktionen mellan kommunen och civilsamhällesorganisationer inom fältet socialt hållbarhetsarbete i Malmö stad. Civilsamhällesorganisationer har en unik samhällelig position då de arbetar närmare människor än vad kommunen gör. Metoden baseras på intervjuer med respondenter från kommunalt håll samt från olika civilsamhällesorganisationer. Uppsatsen syftar till att belysa upplevda svårigheter och förbättringsmöjligheter i samverkan och interaktion parterna emellan. Resultaten från intervjuerna visar att de upplevda svårigheterna kretsar kring upplevd distans, attityder, strukturella problem samt upplevd roll av varje part. Bristande tillit, varierande syn på kompetens samt uppfattning om vem som anses vara legitim utförare av socialt hållbarhetsarbete karaktäriserar upplevda hinder för en optimal samverkan. Potentiella förbättringsområden inkluderar en mer kontinuerlig direktdialog med civilsamhällesorganisationer utanför specifika projekt. Det inkluderar också en bättre samordning rörande samverkan med civilsamhällesorganisationer, samt en förändrad syn på civilsamhällesorganisationernas kunskap, kompetens och roll. / Cross-sectoral collaboration has become an increasingly important element in the organization of public services and in municipal sustainability work. This essay studies the interaction between the municipality and civil society organizations in the field of social sustainability work in the city of Malmö. Civil society organizations have a unique social position as they work closer to people than the municipality does. The method is based on interviews with respondents from the municipal level and from various civil society organizations. The essay aims to shed light on perceived difficulties and opportunities for improvement in collaboration and interaction between the parties. The results from the interviews show that the experienced difficulties revolve around perceived distance, attitudes, structural problems and the perceived role of each party. Lack of trust, varying views on competence and perceptions of who is considered a legitimate performer of social sustainability work characterize perceived obstacles for optimal collaboration. Potential areas for improvement include a more continuous direct dialogue with civil society organizations outside specific projects. It also includes better coordination regarding collaboration with civil society organizations, as well as a changed view of the civil society organizations' knowledge, competence and role.
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Insamling, utveckling och användning av kunskap för att uppnå energikrav : En studie om AB Stockholmshems utmaningar med att uppnå Stockholms stads energikrav / Collect, develop, and use knowledge to reach energy demandsTrollsås, Rickard, Åkerblom, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Befolkningsökningen i Stockholmsregionen är för tillfället en av de snabbaste i Europa, vilket ställer höga krav på stadsplaneringen. En effekt av urbaniseringen är att det finns ett stort behov av nyproducerade bostäder. Kommunen Stockholms stad äger aktiebolaget AB Stockholmshem, ett allmännyttigt bostadsföretag som bygger och förvaltar bostäder i Stockholm. I enlighet med FN:s globala hållbarhetsmål hållbara städer och samhällen har Stockholms stad infört ett energikrav för nyproducerade bostäder som en del av sitt arbete för att bidra till en hållbar stadsutveckling. Kravet innebär att energianvändningen för nyproducerade flerbostadshus inte får överstiga 55 kWh/m2 och år. Stockholmshem arbetar för att försöka uppnå stadens energikrav, något som i dagsläget sällan uppnås. Detta examensarbete skrivs på uppdrag av Stockholmshem och syftar till att identifiera utvecklingsområden för att hjälpa dem att uppnå stadens energikrav. Studien har forskningsfrågan; Vilka utmaningar och utvecklingsområden finns hos Stockholmshem med att samla in, sprida, utveckla och använda kunskaper som är kopplade till energiförbrukning vid nyproduktion? För att besvara forskningsfrågan användes en tematisk analys med teman kopplade till begreppet Knowledge Management, KM. KM kan ses som ett verktyg som ämnar att identifiera hur en organisation arbetar med att samla in, sprida, utveckla samt använda kunskaper inom organisationen. Tre teman kopplade till KM identifierades för att kunna analysera datan och besvara studiens frågeställning. De tre teman som användes var; infrastruktur och tillgänglighet, ledningens stöd och vision samt organisationskultur och samsyn. Data som används i den tematiska analysen kommer från elva semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som arbetar på AB Stockholmshem.Från den tematiska analysen framkom ett flertal styrkor och några utvecklingsområden som är kopplade till KM. Kulturen att dela med sig av kunskaper kan ses som tillåtande inom företaget, men tillgängligheten kan förbättras. I nuläget beskrivs dokumenthanteringssystemet som krångligt och svåråtkomligt. Det framkom även att de kontroller som genomförs med syftet att undersöka och säkerställa energiförbrukningen behöver ses över. Antalet kontroller i genomförandefasen, standardisering av energiberäkningar och implementering av en ny mätplan kan ses som viktiga delar. De interna projekteringsanvisningarna kan anses vara Stockholmshems viktigaste verktyg för att ta vara på kunskap från tidigare projekt och medarbetare. Även om det finns en samsyn kring att energifrågan är viktig kan ledningen behöva ge tydligare direktiv om hur energifrågan ska prioriteras. Det är däremot viktigt att inte fokusera enbart på energifrågan, då det kan leda till högre ekonomiska kostnader och större miljöpåverkan. / The urbanisation in the Stockholm region is one of the fastest in Europe right now. The municipality Stockholm stad owns AB Stockholmshem, which is a public utility housing association that builds and manages buildings in Stockholm. In compliance with the UN:s sustainable development goal sustainable cities and societies has Stockholm stad introduced an energy efficiency demand when building new buildings as a part of their work toward a more sustainable city development. The demand for new apartment buildings is set so that the energy efficiency is not allowed to be greater than 55 kWh/m2 and year. Stockholmshem works in order to fulfill the demand, but today that rarely happens. This master thesis is an assignment from Stockholmshem that have been adapted according to guidelines for master thesis that exist for the Master of Science in Engineering and in Education at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The assignment aims to identify development areas that can help them achieve the energy efficiency demand in the future. The study has the research question; What challenges and development areas can be found in Stockholmshem regarding their work with collecting, spreading, developing, and using knowledge that is connected to energy efficiency in new apartment buildings? In order to answer the research question a thematic analysis was used, with themes connected to the term Knowledge Management, KM. KM can be seen as a tool that aims to identify how an organization works with collecting, spreading, developing and using knowledge within the organization. Three themes were identified that are connected to KM and were used in the analysis of the data in order to answer the research question. The three themes were infrastructure and accessibility, the management's support and vision and also organisational culture and consensus. The data used in the thematic analysis were collected through eleven semi structured interviews with employees at AB Stockholmshem. The thematic analysis with data from the interviews identified strengths and development areas connected to KM. The culture can be seen as allowing and good, but the accessibility can be improved. The document management system that is used today is described as difficult and hard to access. The interviews also lifted that the controls that are implemented to verify that the calculated energy efficiency becomes the actual value in the end needs to be reviewed. The number of controls in the building phase, standardization of energy calculations and implementation of a new measurement plan were lifted as important aspects. The projecting instructions could be seen as the most important tool for Stockholmshem when transferring knowledge from older projects and coworkers to new. Even if there is a consensus regarding the energy issue the management could give more clear guidelines regarding how the energy issue should be prioritized. But it is important to not only focus on the energy issue since that could lead to higher economic costs and greater environmental impact.
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[pt] O presente trabalho apresenta uma avaliação e análise comparativa dos
planos de adaptação de diferentes cidades brasileiras, considerando os riscos e as
vulnerabilidades. Para isso, é feita uma revisão bibliográfica, e análise das políticas
públicas nacionais e planos de adaptação de algumas cidades brasileiras O
documento utiliza o Guia de Adaptação às Mudanças do Clima para Entes
Federativos (WWF, 2017) como referência metodológica. São analisados os planos
de adaptação das cidades brasileiras através uma matriz de análise segundo os
seguintes critérios de avaliação: 1. Obtenção das projeções climáticas; 2
Identificação de riscos e vulnerabilidades das regiões, populações e setores; 3
Identificação de medidas alternativas de adaptação e minimização de
vulnerabilidades; 4 Priorização das medidas (seguindo critérios explícitos e
transparentes); 5 Transversalização (mainstream) das ações propostas em políticas,
planos e projetos setoriais; 6. Identificação de lacunas na capacidade de
planejamento do governo e implementação de medidas de fortalecimento.
Posteriormente, é feita a discussão dos resultados, identificando as boas práticas,
pontos de atenção e desafios para o aprimoramento dos planos de adaptação das
cidades brasileiras. Por fim, a partir das avaliações dos planos de adaptação, é feito
um guia com as melhores práticas e pontos de atenção para o plano de adaptação
climática de Niterói. / [en] This work presents an evaluation and comparative analysis of the adaptation
plans of different Brazilian cities, considering the risks and vulnerabilities. For this,
a literature review, and analysis of national public policies and adaptation plans of
some Brazilian cities are carried out. The document uses the Climate Change
Adaptation Guide for Federative Entities (WWF, 2017) as a methodological
reference. The adaptation plans of Brazilian cities are analyzed through an analysis
matrix according to the following evaluation criteria: 1. Obtaining climate
projections; 2 Identification of risks and vulnerabilities of regions, populations and
sectors; 3 Identification of alternative adaptation and vulnerability minimization
measures; 4 Prioritization of measures (following explicit and transparent criteria);
5 Mainstreaming of the proposed actions in sectoral policies, plans and projects; 6.
Identification of gaps in the government s planning capacity and implementation of
strengthening measures. Subsequently, the results are discussed, identifying good
practices, points of attention and challenges for the improvement of the adaptation
plans of Brazilian cities. Finally, based on the evaluations of the adaptation plans,
a guide is made with the best practices and points of attention for the climate
adaptation plan of Niterói.
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Cidades inteligentes: uma proposta viabilizadora para a transforma??o das cidades brasileiras / Smart Cities: a proposal enabler for the transformation of Brazilian citiesJord?o, Kelem Christine Pereira 06 December 2016 (has links)
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KELEM CHRISTINE PEREIRA JORDAO.pdf: 4120546 bytes, checksum: e2df721fc88d77da909d4f7f6eb692f6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-12-06 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas ? PUC Campinas / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The United Nations reports that the eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions, corresponding to the highest today's global challenge and it is an essential requirement for the development of any nation, whether in developed or developing countries. To contextualize this scenario within the urban territory in the search for its applicability, it is identified that the higher the existing socioeconomic differences, the greater the obstacles to build smart cities. The result of this type of scenario corresponds to territories that are continually prevented from transform and develop fully. In this context, the research project aims to present a diagnosis of Brazilian cities, through the analysis of a set of indicators that reflect the level of development on the issue, considering the diversity of issues present in this context, such as infrastructure urban, different levels of socioeconomic development, sustainability, among others, set up a problem where multiple and diverse criterion are presented. The method used came from the development of a smart city model applied to the Brazilian reality, designed by the intersection of the concepts of digital city, sustainable and creative, and additionally by the World Bank's view that stimulates social and economic growth of developing cities through investments in telecommunications. Through this proposed model, it comes on the establishment of indicators that once analyzed together, will know the reality and the potential of municipalities and assist managers in decisionmaking to drive the transformation of their cities. Also, enable grouping the municipalities in sets per their equivalent investment needs, and therefore essential information for the design of government programs for the massification of the development of smart cities. / A Organiza??o das Na??es Unidas relata que a erradica??o da pobreza em todas as suas formas e dimens?es, corresponde ao maior desafio global da atualidade e trata-se de requisito indispens?vel para o desenvolvimento de qualquer na??o, sejam em pa?ses desenvolvidos ou em desenvolvimento. Ao se contextualizar esse cen?rio dentro do territ?rio urbano na busca por sua aplicabilidade, identifica-se que quanto maior as discrep?ncias socioecon?micas existentes, maiores ser?o os obst?culos para se construir cidades inteligentes. O resultado desse tipo de cen?rio corresponde a territ?rios que continuamente est?o impedidos de se transformarem e se desenvolverem plenamente. Neste contexto, o projeto de pesquisa tem como objetivo apresentar um diagn?stico das cidades brasileiras, atrav?s da an?lise de um conjunto de indicadores que reflitam o seu grau de desenvolvimento na tem?tica, considerando-se que a diversidade de quest?es presentes nesse contexto, tais como infraestrutura urbana, sustentabilidade, diferentes n?veis de desenvolvimento socioecon?mico e cultural, dentre outras, configuram uma problem?tica em que v?rios e diversificados crit?rios se apresentam. O m?todo utilizado partiu da elabora??o de um modelo de cidade inteligente aplicado a realidade brasileira, concebido pela intersec??o dos conceitos sobre cidade digital, sustent?vel e criativa, e adicionalmente pela vis?o do Banco Mundial em estimular o crescimento socioecon?mico das cidades em desenvolvimento atrav?s de investimentos em telecomunica??es. Por meio desse modelo proposto, chega-se na constitui??o de indicadores que uma vez analisados conjuntamente, permitir?o conhecer a realidade e a potencialidade dos munic?pios e auxiliar gestores na tomada de decis?o para conduzir a transforma??o de suas cidades. Possibilitar? tamb?m o agrupamento desses munic?pios em conjuntos conforme as suas necessidades equivalentes de investimentos, sendo, portanto, informa??o essencial para o delinear de programas governamentais para a massifica??o do desenvolvimento das cidades inteligentes brasileiras.
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Den ekologiskt hållbara staden : en diskursanalytisk studie av styrningspraktiker i Hammarby Sjöstad / The ecological sustainable city : a discourse analysis study of control techniques in Hammarby SjöstadNors, Linda January 2004 (has links)
<p>This study focuses on the politics around ecological sustainable development in Sweden today, with emphasis on urban development, building and living. The starting-point for this study is the environmental adapted city district of Stockholm, Hammarby Sjöstad. The primary focus of the study is to investigate what means of control the environmental investment in Hammarby Sjöstad is expressing, and to elucidate their ideological, political and social implications. The empirical material is primarily based up on the local Hammarby Sjöstad environmental program along with qualitative in-depth interviews with citizens of this district. The study is based on critical discourse analysis </p><p>The result of this study is that the ecological investment in Hammarby Sjöstad partly constitutes a hidden exercise of power, taking shape as built-in physical measures in the dwellings and the neighbouring surroundings. Hidden means of control transform political and ideological environmental targets in to practical factual matters. Hidden means of control makes ideological and political environmental issues non-political and reduces them in to technical issues.</p>
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En hållbar trafiklösning för nya Slussen? : Uppfattningar om hållbarhet och hållbar stadsutveckling i SlussenprojektetBjarnestam, Jesper January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines perceptions of sustainability and sustainable urban development among actors involved in the project of rebuilding Slussen in central Stockholm. Views on the suggested new traffic solution and what would make a sustainable solution, the concepts of sustainability and sustainable urban development and how these concepts are interpreted and applied as policy, are especially investigated. A semi-structured qualitative interview study has been carried out and the respondents include city officials, politicians, representatives of interest groups, consultants and researchers. Stockholm, European Green Capital in 2010, sets high goals for sustainability. As concept, sustainability is also frequently used in much of the city´s planning material such as the budget, environmental programme and urban development documents. However, it has not been included in the goals of the Slussen project. Even though, interviewees representing the city view the project as a sustainability project whereas other respondents clearly question this view. The study suggests that a determining factor for this division is how the sustainability concept is defined (or not), also how car traffic is viewed in urban sustainable development. The thesis shows that instead of planning for sustainable transportation, traditional business-as-usual traffic planning has dominated the Slussen project. The main reasons are that the new traffic solution, although including new walking and cycling bridges as well as a new bus terminal, includes planning for increased car traffic, an eight lane bridge to provide for it and a high degree of separation instead of integration of transport modes. Many of the interviewees also perceive of the suggested new main bridge as a motorway and the walking bridge as being both socially and culturally unsustainable in its long and narrow design. The new traffic solution in itself is viewed as unsustainable since it would bring about the abandonment of a more than 300 year old tradition of double and equal bridges at Slussen. Finally, the study suggests that the planned new traffic solution would have both looked different and been perceived of as more sustainable if sustainability had been included in the project goals. However, this would only have been the case if the concept was properly defined and implemented.
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永續都市觀點下住商混合社區之都市規劃 與設計模擬分析 / Urban design and planning tools in building sustainable mixed-use neighborhoods張懿萱, Chang, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
土地混合使用,尤其是住商混合使用,一直被認為是達成環境面永續都市或是生態城市的要素之一。其除了提高住商可及性使人們步行與騎自行車的機率增加外,同時也讓公共空間的安全性提高、並增加都市的活力。然而住、商兩者間不完全相容的土地使用型態卻也容易引發對居住環境的負面衝擊,例如噪音、異味、光線侵擾、使人感覺較擁擠、降低隱私性等使環境品質下降,而可能降低人對住商混合住宅社區的偏好。本研究從過去研究中較少提及的都市空間規劃與設計角度切入,探討不同都市規劃與設計元素如何影響住商混合區之環境品質,其研究目的有三:1. 歸納整理可能影響住商混合區建成環境之都市規劃與設計元素2. 建立環境面生態都市概念下,住商混合實質環境品質之評估面向與指標3. 分析各都市規劃與設計元素對住商混合建成環境指標之影響。
本研究以台北市的住三分區為基礎,建立模擬住商混合社區,模擬各種都市規劃、設計元素之變化情境,以利衡量每項都市設計元素以及組合情境影響下,住商混合社區各面向建成環境品質評估指標的變化。使用工具包括ArcGIS、Google ShetchUP、及AutoCAD軟體,以建立模擬都市基本圖,並使用空間分析工具、ArcGIS外掛模組及Excel計算各面向之環境指標數值。
研究結果顯示降低建築建蔽率有助於提升住商混合社區整體環境品質以及除了商店經營性外所有面向的建成環境(例如行人友善步行空間、居民住家可居住性及自然環境),商店經營性則於建蔽率40%-55%間時表現較佳。在建物形狀方面,顯示正方塔型與長條型建築在住商混合區建成環境各面向指標上表現的差別不大。此外,階梯式退縮建築對於行人友善步行空間、居民住家可居住性及自然環境等均有提升的效果。 / Mixed land use has been widely considered as one of the key planning principles for achieving (environmentally) sustainable city or eco-city in terms of promoting transit patronage, walking and biking, and incubating retail-business friendly communities. However, it may also lower the livability because of the problems like noise, light instruction and downgraded residents privacy as to decrease the residents’ preference to live in mixed-use area. Few studies, nevertheless, has been done on the roles of the various tools in urban planning and design in improving the physical environment for both residents and retail businesses. The objectives of the paper are: (1) to review the urban planning and design tools normally applied by planners which may have impacts on the physical environment of mixed-use community; (2) to compile an inventory of indexes corresponding to the quality of physical environment for both residents and retail businesses; and (3) to examine the impacts of these tools on the physical environment indexes. The research method involves an simulation analysis, which is conducted in a selected mixed-use community in Taipei city, Taiwan. The simulation analysis helps examining the impact of each of the tools on physical environment indexes . The software packages applied are Google SketchUp, AutoCAD, ArcGIS, and Excel.
The results of simulation analyses suggest that lowering the building coverage rate (BCR) is helpful in improving overall quality of mixed-use community and all sub-indexes (i.e., pedestrian-friendly environment, residents’ livability and nature environment) except for retail business operation environment. The quality of retail business operation environment performs better when BCR stays at the intermediate level (between 40%-55%). In the aspect of building shape, there is minimal difference showed on the impact on the overall index between tower-shaped and slab-shaped buildings. Besides, the stair-shaped setback is suggested for better pedestrian-friendly environment, residents’ livability, and especially nature environment.
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Discuter, politiser, imposer une solution d'action publique : l'exemple du tramway. / Arguments, Politicisation and Legitimisation of a Policy Solution : the Case of Light RailDemongeot, Benoît 30 March 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à la spectaculaire diffusion du tramway dans les villes françaises et européennes. Pour comprendre le phénomène du point de vue des processus décisionnels à l'oeuvre, l'objet est envisagé sous trois états successifs : solution, projet, produit final. L'analyse porte dans un premier temps sur la "réinvention" de la solution dans les années 1970 en France. Puis, le regard se déplace sur trois villes ayant fini par s'équiper d'un tramway : Marseille, Dublin et Grenoble. Pour comprendre l'appropriation comme les nombreuses oppositions, la focale est positionnée sur les arguments justificatifs/critiques échangés au sein des trois systèmes d'acteurs correspondants. Il apparaît que dans un premier temps, le tramway est essentiellement envisagé comme une solution de transport, objectivée et rationnelle. Or, à partir des années 1990, l'argumentaire justificatif connaît une évolution très notable à Grenoble et Marseille. La solution parvient à agréger un ensemble croissant de vertus, que celles-ci touchent à l'urbanisme, au partage de l'espace public, aux polarisations socio-spatiales ou encore au vote des citoyens-électeurs. À travers cette mutation, le tramway se politise, et convainc plus largement. Ce processus n'est pas étranger à la multiplication des projets en France. Au contraire, le détour par Dublin permet de comprendre quelles difficultés rencontrent les promoteurs d'un tramway cantonné à sa dimension "transport", et comment ces difficultés sont plus ou moins surmontées. / This thesis deals with the success of light rail schemes in French and European cities. It considers successively light rail as a generic policy solution, a spatialised project and a policy output. In such way it questions the "reinvention" of the solution in 1970s France. Then the analysis dwells on three cities : Marseille, Dublin and Grenoble. It focuses on arguments that are exchanged within the corresponding systems of actors. It appears that during a first period, light rail is essentially promoted as a transport solution, framed as rationale and comparable to other public transport modes. However, from the 1990's, supporting discourses evolve dramatically in Grenoble and Marseille. The solution happens to agregate a wider range of « virtues », that is to say admitted qualities concerning new fields of interest : urbanism, the distribution of public realm, socio-spatial polarizations or local elections results. Such an evolution can be interpreted as a form of politicisation. It seems to foster the emergence of new projects in France. On the contrary, the case of Dublin helps to understand the difficulties that are faced by a light rail that remains justified mainly by its "transport" dimension, and how these difficulties are more or less overcome.
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