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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Establishing a Standardised National Data System for Evaluating Road Maintenance Emissions in Sweden

Mahmud, Z N M Zarif, Salem, Sajid January 2024 (has links)
A trustworthy and consistent data system is crucial for monitoring and reducing carbon emissions from road maintenance operations. Developing a national data reporting system requires technical support and a systemic plan involving multiple stakeholders to implement the standard. In Sweden, Trafikverket, the Swedish transport agency, recently initiated a project that proposed a solution based on the BEAst standard and outlined the current data collection methods for road maintenance. The BEAst standard is an agreed industry-driven information standard that promotes machine-readable information communication, effectively reduces costs, and increases efficiency by streamlining communication within the industry. This is to address the critical need for a trustworthy data system to monitor and reduce carbon emissions from road maintenance operations. Although the datasystem has high potential to identify the sources of carbon emissions and create mitigation measures by precisely gathering fuel use data throughout operations and maintenance activities. There are many challenges in integrating data from diverse sources into a consistent system revealed several obstacles, including differences in CO2 emissions reported by different systems, human factors affecting data quality,and limited access to cloud services. To address these challenges, this study proposes a new data reporting mechanism which requires a detailed specification of reporting parameters covering content, format, resolution, and reporting frequency using BEAst standards.

Cykeln i den moderna staden : En kvalitativ studie av cykelinfrastruktur och dess roll i stadsplaneringen / The Bicycle in the Modern City : A qualitative study of bicycle infrastructure and its role in urban planning

Szanto, Linda, Lundberg, Ann-Sofie January 2024 (has links)
With the increasingly undeniable severity of the global climate crisis, changes must be made to limit the negative effects of transportation. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the car has taken over the infrastructure of cities and their designs. The bicycle has become a leading hope for sustainable transportation within cities. Different strategies and methods for encouraging the switch from car to bike include penalties for car use (such as high parking fees etc.) or incentives for bike use (such as prioritized bike infrastructure).   This thesis focuses on the role of bicycle infrastructure in promoting the bicycle as a sustainable mode of transportation, especially as an alternative to the car. This is achieved through a case study on the City of Malmö, by reviewing their strategic documents, interviews with traffic planners and the chairman of the Malmö-Lund chapter of Cykelfrämjandet (an organisation for the promotion of bicycles), and an analysis of current bike paths in Malmö.  The city of Malmö is building to change the context of mobility through restructuring the infrastructure of the city towards more sustainable transportation. By changing the layout of the main streets of the city into more active urban areas with priority for pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transportation they will be reclaimed as public spaces. Speeds will be lower and crossings more frequent to create a safer, more attractive, and more sustainable city landscape. The bicycle is to be further prioritised through extensive development of the network of bike paths and the implementation of superbike paths. This extended accessibility will give the bike further competitiveness towards car users.

Évaluation de l’intégration "forme urbaine – transports durables" dans les trois grandes régions métropolitaines canadiennes : nouvelle approche exploratoire

Ouellet, Michel 02 1900 (has links)
La planification intégrée du développement urbain et des transports durables est aujourd’hui cruciale au double impératif d’une plus grande maîtrise des déplacements automobiles et d’une diminution de la « dépendance automobile », éléments essentiels au développement durable des grandes métropoles. La présente recherche visait l‘approfondissement des connaissances sur l‘évolution récente de la forme urbaine dans les trois régions métropolitaines canadiennes de Toronto, Montréal et Vancouver, sous l’angle particulier de l’intégration « forme urbaine – transports durables ». Notre stratégie de recherche a consisté en l’élaboration d’un cadre d‘analyse qui devait permettre une opérationnalisation complète du paradigme d‘aménagement à l‘étude ainsi qu’une évaluation de sa mise en œuvre. Ce cadre tire parti des opportunités analytiques qu‘offrent les systèmes d‘information géographique (SIG) ainsi que certains outils Internet courants de « visite virtuelle des lieux » tel que Google Earth. Il en est résulté une approche méthodologique originale, multidimensionnelle et multi-échelle. Son application a permis des analyses particulières de la forme urbaine pour chacune des trois régions cibles, structurées selon trois axes principaux : leur performance globale (autour de 2006), leur performance en périphérie métropolitaine ainsi que l’évolution de leur performance entre 2001 et 2006. De nos analyses comparatives, Vancouver se démarque avec des performances supérieures pour les trois axes, tout particulièrement pour l‘évolution de ses performances. Montréal arrive quant à elle troisième, en raison notamment de sa faible performance en périphérie. Globalement, les trois régions métropolitaines affichent de faibles niveaux d’intégration entre la forme urbaine et les réseaux de transport durable et souffrent d’une grande dépendance automobile structurelle, particulièrement en leur périphérie. Par ailleurs, en dépit d’objectifs de planification adéquats, les déficiences de leur forme urbaine et leurs progrès relativement modestes laissent présager une prédominance de la dépendance automobile qui perdurera au cours des prochaines années. Il nous apparaît primordial que tous les acteurs du domaine public fassent preuve d‘une plus grande « lucidité », voire maturité, face aux lourds constats exposant la difficile mise en œuvre de leurs objectifs ainsi que la dichotomie entre ce qui « se passe sur le terrain » et le contenu de leurs politiques. Une première étape obligée vers un raffinement des politiques et, peut-être, vers leur plus grande efficacité passe sans doute par la pleine reconnaissance des limites du paradigme d’aménagement actuel et de l‘immense défi que représente un inversement des tendances. Cela implique notamment une plus grande transparence en matière d‘évaluation des politiques ainsi que des efforts communs pour le développement et la diffusion de données de qualité dans les domaines connexes de la forme urbaine et des transports urbains, de meilleurs outils de monitoring, etc., qui pourraient aider à instituer une nouvelle synergie entre tous les acteurs impliqués tant dans la recherche urbaine, le développement urbain que les politiques d’aménagement et de transport. Le raffinement de notre propre approche méthodologique pourrait aussi bénéficier de telles avancées, approche qui constitue une des avenues possibles pour la poursuite de l‘exploration de l‘enjeu de l‘intégration « forme urbaine – transports durables » dans les régions métropolitaines canadiennes. / An integrated planning approach to urban development and sustainable transportation is key to managing car travels and mitigating car dependency, which are two essential elements to the sustainable development of metropolitan areas. This research focuses on the recent evolution of urban form in the three Canadian metropolitan regions of Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, through the lens of the planning paradigm of “urban form – sustainable transportation” integration. Our research strategy centered on the elaboration of an analytical framework that would enable the full measurement and assessment of the planning paradigm. This framework takes advantage of analytical capabilities offered by geographic information systems (GIS), as well as by common Internet tools of “virtual place exploration” such as Google Earth. The result was an original, multidimensional and multi-scale methodological approach. Its application enabled specific urban form analyses for each of the studied metropolitan regions, structured around three main perspectives: their overall performance (around 2006), performance of their metropolitan fringe, and the evolution of their performance between 2001 and 2006. Our comparative analyses revealed that Vancouver ranks first in all three perspectives, while Montreal ranks third overall, mainly because of a particularly weak performance of its periphery. Globally, the three regions show a poor integration between urban form and sustainable transportation networks and suffer from high levels of car dependency, especially at their periphery. Despite the presence of adequate planning objectives, their urban form deficiencies and relatively weak progresses leave us to anticipate that the predominance of car dependency is there to stay in the near future. It appears vital that public stakeholders show more “lucidity”, or “maturity”, in face of tough evidences that that reveal how hard the implementation of their policy objectives is, as well as the dichotomy between these same objectives and what can be actually observed “on the ground”. A mandatory step towards improved and, maybe, more effective planning policies is a full recognition of the limits of the actual planning paradigm and of the huge challenge that a shift in trends represents. This would imply a greater transparency in the policy evaluation area, along with coordinated efforts to support the development and dissemination of high-quality data on urban form and urban transportation, improved monitoring tools, etc. All this could induce a new synergy among all stakeholders involved either in urban research, urban development or urban planning and transportation policies. An improvement to our own methodological approach could also benefit from such advances, being of many potential avenues for the ongoing exploration of the issue in Canadian metropolises.

台北都會區主要幹道空間改造計畫之模糊多評準評估之研究-以台北市忠孝東路、羅斯福路為例 / Fuzzy Multiple Criteria evaluation of Taipei metropolitan major arterial spatial transforming schemes

洪宛君, Hung ,Wan Chun Unknown Date (has links)
都會區之主要幹道除為串連交通行為的空間外,更為眾多活動發生之場域,然在以機動車輛為主之道路空間規劃下,許多都市問題與亂象發生,由此1990年代提倡都市規劃應以「人」為本的新都市主義(New Urbanism)思潮出現,針對都市空間景觀倡導運用都市設計、永續運輸等策略,創造適宜人居之都市環境。而台北市為台灣首善之都,雖自民國80年起進行一連串都市空間檢討,然仍忽略主要幹道空間,而台北都會區大眾捷運網絡基本雛形已於民國89年底完成,路網設計多沿主要幹道興建,營運至今,民眾對公共運具之使用率確有增加並降低部分汽車使用量。由此,若能重新檢討並調整道路空間比例,基於人車共存之概念,綠美化主要幹道景觀,營造正面感受之環境意象,可提升市民對所居都市之認同感,亦可符合民眾日益昇高之生活環境品質要求,創造優質都市環境。 / 有鑑於此,本研究以台北都會區主要幹道為研究空間,忠孝東路、羅斯福路部份路段為實驗場域,進行幹道空間之檢討與空間改造計畫之評估,將「以人為主」之都市規劃理念導入交通規劃中,整合都市永續發展、都市設計及運輸相關理論,歸納出都會區主要幹道空間之規劃手法應包涵TOD之都市發展型態、塑造適宜之人行空間、調整幹道道路空間、結合都市設計之規範及永續運輸之交通規劃方式等五大項目。基此,考量人行、車行、幹道景觀、社會公平與幹道空間多樣化使用,在達成永續運輸之目標下,從「交通順暢性」、「步行親和性」、「景觀寧適性」、「場域複合性」等四大層面,建立適合研究範圍之「都會區主要景觀幹道最佳設計」評估架構。本研究應用模糊多準則評估方法,先透過專家德爾菲(Delphi)法確定評估架構後求取評估架構之權重值,並依所建立之評估架構計算忠孝東路與羅斯福路各幹道空間改造方案之績效值,以相對客觀的方式整合不同領域專家之價值判斷,應用模糊層級分析(Fuzzy AHP)法遴選研究範圍最適之幹道空間改造計畫,進行研究範圍最佳幹道空間改造方案之排序。 / 本研究評估結果發現最後遴選出之最適空間改造方案內容,均為調整道路路型、配置最大化人行空間之方案,將過去以汽車為主的幹道空間轉為對行人友善之場域,並強調綠化幹道景觀與多樣化使用。同時,由不同群體對各評估面向權重值之差異可發現學生群體著重幹道所提供之交通功能,學者及政府都市計劃單位著重幹道之人行空間,政府交通單位則並重幹道之車行與人行空間。此外,本研究亦根據評估結果研提相關改造計畫執行配套措施之建議,期所採行之幹道空間改造計畫評估方式,可供政府有關單位進行幹道空間檢討與改造評估時,一個相對客觀的決策進行過程與執行參考。 / The major arterials of a metropolis are places where not only connect traffic but lots of activities occurred. However, many urban problems came up under the roadway planning that according to mobile vehicles and resulted in an ideological trend named “New Urbanism” in 1990s. That promote urban planning should according to human beings and use strategies as urban design and sustainable transport for landscape to create a urban environment that is livable-in. / Taipei city is the biggest city of Taiwan at which we have reflected on urban space but have ignored review the major arterials since 1991. Then, the embryo network of mass rapid transit system of Taipei metropolitan area which was designed along major arterials has established in 2000. Since that, the using rate of public transportation has been increasing and decreasing part of quantity of private transportation. We can base on the construct “people-cars coexist”, therefore, review and regulate road -way scale to green the major arterials’ landscape, to shape a positive environmental image. It could promote townspeople’s identification of the city where they live in and conform to the increasing request for the quality of medium in the result of a high quality urban circumstance. / Base the above, this research chose Zong-Xiao east road and Roosevelt road of Taipei metropolis as the survey area to review the roadway landscape and evaluate spatial transforming schemes. We blended the new urbanism into transport planning and integrated with theories of sustainable development, urban design and transportation to generalize the medium of the major arterials area planning should contain five contents: TOD, mold a pedestrian-friendly area, adjust the allotment ratio of arterial, combine methods of urban design and sustainable transportation. Therefore, we took pedestrian, vehicles, arterial’s landscape, arterial space using diversification into account and under the goal, which achieve sustainable transportation established evaluative framework with four objectives: ” traffic smooth”, pedestrian-friendly” , “elegant and comfortable landscape”, and ”space complexity”. By utilizing fuzzy-MCDM approach, first, depended on fuzzy-Delphi method to ascertain that evaluative framework then counted the weights of criteria. According to the evaluative framework established by this research calculated the results of spatial transforming schemes of Zong-Xiao East road and Roosevelt road. Then adopting fuzzy-AHP method to integrate experts’ judgements of different domains, all proposed spatial schemes are reviewed and best arterial landscape transforming scheme were generated. / Evaluation result found that the best scheme with maximum pedestrian space shows the concepts of transforming the arterial area to be a pedestrian-friendly space and emphasizing green landscape, mixed land use. Furthermore, divergent preference of different groups were analyzed and found that students concentrate the transportation capability of arterial, experts and government planning departments focus on the pedestrian space of arterial, government’s transportation departments emphasize both on the car-lanes and pedestrian space. Research result construct a objective framework and review process for evaluating major arterial and also generate a best transforming scheme of those two roads, can be as a reference basis for urban re-design work of city government.

Klaipėdos miesto subalansuota susisiekimo sistema / Sustainable transportation system in Klaipeda City

Dambrauskienė, Daiva 21 July 2004 (has links)
The subject of the work is Sustaqinable transportation system in Klaipeda city. The work covers the analysis of the importance of the transportation system in Klaipeda city in the context of global transportation system in Lithuania and EU. It provides with a number of soliutions corresponding to the provisions of White Paper on European Transport policy for 2010 and designed to achieve the sustainability of the existing transportation system. The progressive management of the transportation system invoking strategies and principles of the sustainable policy is proposed as one of the main soliutions for sustainable transportation. The establishment of a unified automatic ticketing system and an innovative transport mode is also proposed for the optimization of the operation of public transport in Klaipeda city. The work includes the research on the formation and the structure of parking places in the central part of Klaipeda city. The action plan and detailed, feasible solutions are proposed for the systematic development of the parking places. Sustainabgle transportation system in Klaipeda city is shaped with a view of creating proper conditions for both society and environment, harmonizing their interaction, and proposing strategy of sustainable transportation system suitable for unique surroundings of the city.

Évaluation de l’intégration "forme urbaine – transports durables" dans les trois grandes régions métropolitaines canadiennes : nouvelle approche exploratoire

Ouellet, Michel 02 1900 (has links)
La planification intégrée du développement urbain et des transports durables est aujourd’hui cruciale au double impératif d’une plus grande maîtrise des déplacements automobiles et d’une diminution de la « dépendance automobile », éléments essentiels au développement durable des grandes métropoles. La présente recherche visait l‘approfondissement des connaissances sur l‘évolution récente de la forme urbaine dans les trois régions métropolitaines canadiennes de Toronto, Montréal et Vancouver, sous l’angle particulier de l’intégration « forme urbaine – transports durables ». Notre stratégie de recherche a consisté en l’élaboration d’un cadre d‘analyse qui devait permettre une opérationnalisation complète du paradigme d‘aménagement à l‘étude ainsi qu’une évaluation de sa mise en œuvre. Ce cadre tire parti des opportunités analytiques qu‘offrent les systèmes d‘information géographique (SIG) ainsi que certains outils Internet courants de « visite virtuelle des lieux » tel que Google Earth. Il en est résulté une approche méthodologique originale, multidimensionnelle et multi-échelle. Son application a permis des analyses particulières de la forme urbaine pour chacune des trois régions cibles, structurées selon trois axes principaux : leur performance globale (autour de 2006), leur performance en périphérie métropolitaine ainsi que l’évolution de leur performance entre 2001 et 2006. De nos analyses comparatives, Vancouver se démarque avec des performances supérieures pour les trois axes, tout particulièrement pour l‘évolution de ses performances. Montréal arrive quant à elle troisième, en raison notamment de sa faible performance en périphérie. Globalement, les trois régions métropolitaines affichent de faibles niveaux d’intégration entre la forme urbaine et les réseaux de transport durable et souffrent d’une grande dépendance automobile structurelle, particulièrement en leur périphérie. Par ailleurs, en dépit d’objectifs de planification adéquats, les déficiences de leur forme urbaine et leurs progrès relativement modestes laissent présager une prédominance de la dépendance automobile qui perdurera au cours des prochaines années. Il nous apparaît primordial que tous les acteurs du domaine public fassent preuve d‘une plus grande « lucidité », voire maturité, face aux lourds constats exposant la difficile mise en œuvre de leurs objectifs ainsi que la dichotomie entre ce qui « se passe sur le terrain » et le contenu de leurs politiques. Une première étape obligée vers un raffinement des politiques et, peut-être, vers leur plus grande efficacité passe sans doute par la pleine reconnaissance des limites du paradigme d’aménagement actuel et de l‘immense défi que représente un inversement des tendances. Cela implique notamment une plus grande transparence en matière d‘évaluation des politiques ainsi que des efforts communs pour le développement et la diffusion de données de qualité dans les domaines connexes de la forme urbaine et des transports urbains, de meilleurs outils de monitoring, etc., qui pourraient aider à instituer une nouvelle synergie entre tous les acteurs impliqués tant dans la recherche urbaine, le développement urbain que les politiques d’aménagement et de transport. Le raffinement de notre propre approche méthodologique pourrait aussi bénéficier de telles avancées, approche qui constitue une des avenues possibles pour la poursuite de l‘exploration de l‘enjeu de l‘intégration « forme urbaine – transports durables » dans les régions métropolitaines canadiennes. / An integrated planning approach to urban development and sustainable transportation is key to managing car travels and mitigating car dependency, which are two essential elements to the sustainable development of metropolitan areas. This research focuses on the recent evolution of urban form in the three Canadian metropolitan regions of Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, through the lens of the planning paradigm of “urban form – sustainable transportation” integration. Our research strategy centered on the elaboration of an analytical framework that would enable the full measurement and assessment of the planning paradigm. This framework takes advantage of analytical capabilities offered by geographic information systems (GIS), as well as by common Internet tools of “virtual place exploration” such as Google Earth. The result was an original, multidimensional and multi-scale methodological approach. Its application enabled specific urban form analyses for each of the studied metropolitan regions, structured around three main perspectives: their overall performance (around 2006), performance of their metropolitan fringe, and the evolution of their performance between 2001 and 2006. Our comparative analyses revealed that Vancouver ranks first in all three perspectives, while Montreal ranks third overall, mainly because of a particularly weak performance of its periphery. Globally, the three regions show a poor integration between urban form and sustainable transportation networks and suffer from high levels of car dependency, especially at their periphery. Despite the presence of adequate planning objectives, their urban form deficiencies and relatively weak progresses leave us to anticipate that the predominance of car dependency is there to stay in the near future. It appears vital that public stakeholders show more “lucidity”, or “maturity”, in face of tough evidences that that reveal how hard the implementation of their policy objectives is, as well as the dichotomy between these same objectives and what can be actually observed “on the ground”. A mandatory step towards improved and, maybe, more effective planning policies is a full recognition of the limits of the actual planning paradigm and of the huge challenge that a shift in trends represents. This would imply a greater transparency in the policy evaluation area, along with coordinated efforts to support the development and dissemination of high-quality data on urban form and urban transportation, improved monitoring tools, etc. All this could induce a new synergy among all stakeholders involved either in urban research, urban development or urban planning and transportation policies. An improvement to our own methodological approach could also benefit from such advances, being of many potential avenues for the ongoing exploration of the issue in Canadian metropolises.

Cross-Border Collaboration for a Sustainable Future : - a case study about Interreg V ÖKS subsidyand sustainable transportation projects / Gränsöverskridande Samarbete för en Hållbar Utveckling : - en fallstudie av Interreg V ÖKS programoch projekt för hållbara transporter

Andersson, Sara January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate one of the European Structural Fundprogrammes, Interreg V Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak (ÖKS) and the priority areaTransportation. The programme gives financial support to transportation projectsaiming to develop sustainable (environmentally friendly) transportation alternativesand solutions. Through studies and theories on cross-border collaboration (CBC) and goals forsustainable transportation a major need of joint strategies for solving shared problems,such as environmental concerns has been demonstrated. This approach ofcollaboration projects as a pillar for sustainable development has been the foundationof how the current Interreg programme has been studied and the starting point for thisresearch. The study aims to clarify the relationship between the overall view uponcooperation and joint development programmes (within areas stretching over nationaland administrative borders, such as transportation) and the specific Interregprogramme. A programme which during current period (2014-2020) experienced adrastic decline of number of applicants. In order to further understand the context thecurrent study has trough empirical research defined added values (advantages) of theCBC but also identified the perceived difficulties and barriers (disadvantages). Thefounding’s have further been compared and supplemented with perspectives fromrelevant actors engaged in transportation development. This material has beencollected through qualitative interviews enabling a vital and good understanding ofconcerned actors and their view of advantages and disadvantages with CBC. Theanalysis has also enabled the conclusion that the general view among the actors is thatcollaboration projects are necessary for a sustainable development. However, studiedprogramme with declined number of applicants did not succeed in attracting desiredparticipants. Consequently, the actors were also asked to share their view upon thedecline of applicants for current Interreg period. One identified explanation wasrelated to the administrative burden which was perceived too heavy by the actors. Inaddition, the financial part was perceived to be too low or poorly designed. Theknowledge about the programme was also found to be limited among some of theactors. To be able to involve more participants in the future it has been concluded thatimprovements within the three areas of defined obstacles have to be implemented. This investigation and findings aim to contribute to increased insights andunderstanding of the cross-border cooperation process in order to be able to reach andinvolve relevant actors in the most favourable way for successful future projects anddesired sustainable development.

Towards a greener economy: a critical review of South Africa's policy and legislative responses to transport greening

Ninela, Phillip Gcinumthetho 11 1900 (has links)
As a sub-component of “green economy”, “the green transport” phrase is used interchangeably with eco-mobility, sustainable transport and clean transport. It has gained momentum as a way of addressing several socio-economic and environmental challenges associated with the conventional fossil-based transportation systems. Governments across the world have since developed policies and financial support mechanisms to pursue a greener transportation path. As a player in the global system, South Africa is expected to play a particular role. While research has been conducted in South Africa on various themes of transport greening, there seemed to be a lack of academic, integrated and comprehensive analyses of policy responses to these themes. This research thus sought to investigate and provide insight on the government’s responses to the transport greening revolution. It sought to benchmark this country against leading global players, making recommendations on policy directions for five transport greening themes: fuel quality, fuel economy, fuel switch, technology switch and non-motorised transportation. The aim was to contribute to the green economy body of knowledge, while assisting in guiding policy direction to enhance the country’s response system to the transport greening transition. Primary data were collected from interviews largely with representatives of key government departments at national and provincial levels as well as from attendance at various government and industry fora. Secondary data were obtained from policy, legislative and regulatory documents as well as official reports. Both primary and secondary data were analysed qualitatively using content analysis and presented using graphic, tabular and verbatim techniques. Using ideas borrowed from interventionist, systems, sustainability and globalisation conceptual frameworks, this research describes how South Africa is lagging behind the rest of the world in terms of transport greening policies and related financial and non-financial support mechanisms. Examples of good practice are nonetheless evident within the governance system. These include the adoption of globally accepted emissions and fuel economy standards, inclusion of transport greening agenda in various domestic legislative and policy frameworks, through to the exemption of certain transport greening products from import and local taxes. Many gaps still exist such as lack of incentives actively stimulating the demand and supply of green transport goods and services. This research therefore calls for more state intervention to address these gaps and strengthen existing policy and legislative frameworks. Due to the small sample of data sources used, the results are not generalisable, but nonetheless provide insight on green transportation and what South African policy makers should consider to improve the status quo. / Environmental Sciences / Ph. D. (Environmental Management)

Estimation et analyse spatiales des émissions de polluants de transports individualisés : évaluation des performances environnementales d'un Transport à la Demande / Spatial estimating and analyse of exhaust emissions from individual transports : Assessment of the environmental performance of a demand responsive transport

Prud'homme, Julie 25 October 2013 (has links)
Le Transport A la Demande (TAD) est un système de transport qui propose un usage collectif des véhicules automobiles, par opposition à l’usage des véhicules personnels (VP). Situé entre le fonctionnement des taxis et celui des transports en commun classiques, il propose un service à la fois flexible dans le temps et dans l'espace à la manière des taxis, favorisant le partage des véhicules, comme les transports en commun. Il est ainsi présenté comme une réponse pour une mobilité durable. Dans les esprits, les TAD sont souvent associés à une réduction des émissions de polluants et sont mis en place principalement dans des territoires ruraux. Pourtant, le simple regroupement effectué par les TAD suffit-il pour que la mise en place des TAD soit profitable à l’environnement ? Dans ce travail de recherche de doctorat, un outil d’évaluation de l'impact environnemental d’un système de Transports À la Demande (TAD) destiné aux collectivités territoriales a été mis au point. Pour que choix soit durable, au sens du développement durable, le service doit être le plus adapté au contexte local en minimisant les émissions de substances dans l’atmosphère proche tout en conservant une qualité de service suffisante pour concurrencer l'usage du véhicule personnel. Un paramètre, directement impliqué dans les émissions de polluant, est souvent négligé dans les approches : le réseau routier. On cherche donc à identifier des lois et des seuils relatifs aux émissions de polluants produites par le fonctionnement d’un TAD : dans quelle mesure le réseau routier influe-t-il sur les performances environnementales des TAD ou sur la capacité de regroupement des clients dans les véhicules ? Selon quelles caractéristiques de service (fenêtres de temps autorisées) ? Plus globalement, est-ce que l’optimisation d’un même type de TAD est équivalente d’un réseau routier à un autre, du point de vue des émissions de polluants ? Aucun outil intégré permettant d’effectuer cette tâche n’étant disponible, nous avons mis au point une chaîne de traitement géomatique permettant d’estimer les quantités de polluants émises sur les tronçons de route dans le cadre du fonctionnement particulier des TAD et de les cartographier pour analyser leur répartition spatiale. Cet outil associe un SIG à un modèle d’émission que nous avons adapté à notre problématique (GREEN-DRT). Il est ressorti des différents scénarios simulés que les TAD ne sont pas systématiquement une solution pertinente dans un objectif de réduction globale des émissions de polluants sur un territoire donné. Le constat de la faible pertinence environnementale de ce mode de transport sur les territoires les moins denses (type zones rurales) a été fait, pourtant, ce sont sur ces territoires que les TAD sont développés en France. À défaut d’engendrer une réduction des émissions, ils ont souvent un rôle social important en se positionnant non pas comme une alternative à la voiture personnelle, mais en permettant à des populations captives de se déplacer. Il s’agit de ce cas de minimiser les émissions de polluants provoquées par le fonctionnement du service. / The Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) is a transportation system which offers a collective use of motor vehicles, in opposite of personal vehicles use. Between the functioning of taxis and classical public transport, it offers a service that is flexible in time and space like taxis, promoting the sharing of vehicles, like public transports. It is why it is present as a solution for a sustainable mobility. In the minds, DRT are often associated to a reduction of exhaust emissions and so are developed in rural areas. However, is grouping travellers enough to make DRT gainful for environment?In this doctoral research, an assessment tool of the environmental impact of DRT systems has been developed. To ensure that choice is sustainable in the sense of sustainable development, the service must be adapted to the local context by minimising emissions of substances in the near atmosphere while maintaining a sufficient quality of service when competing against personal vehicle use. A parameter directly involved in pollutant emissions, is often overlooked in approaches: the road network. We therefore search for identify laws and thresholds relating to pollutant emissions generated by the functioning of a DRT: how the road network does it affect the environmental performance of DRT or on the skill to grouping customers in vehicles? Depending on what service features (time windows allowed)? More generally, is that the optimization of the same type of DRT is equivalent to a road network to another, from the perspective of pollutant emissions? As any integrated tool to perform this task is available, we have developed a geomatics processing to estimate the quantities of pollutants emitted on road sections within the particular functioning of DRT and to cartography it to analyse their spatial distribution. This tool combines a GIS to an exhaust emissions model that we have adapted to our questioning (GREEN-DRT).

Barriers of Traveling with Sustainable Transportation Vehicles : A comparative empirical analysis of leisure travelers’ behavior in Sweden, Germany, and Iran

Herbert, Robin Julian, Sohrabi, Fateme January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis analyzes the influence of psychological barriers of consumers from Germany, Sweden, and Iran for using sustainable transportation modes. Climate change has started to change the way people travel. Yet prior research has shown that consumers from all over the world lack consistency between their behavioral intention and their actual behavior. In the case of traveling, this means that a significant number of consumers intends to use sustainable transportation modes, but fails to use them in the end. The reasons for this so-called intention-behavior gap in consumers' minds have been researched successfully and frequently in the past two decades. The novelty of this present thesis is the international comparison of travelers from three different countries and the explicit focus on voluntary travel. The according research questions are: RQ 1:  To what extent is there a gap between the intention and behavior of leisure travelers          regarding choosing sustainable transportation vehicles? RQ 2:  Which group of consumers (inclined abstainers or disinclined actors[1]) plays the bigger      role in creating this gap? RQ 3:  What are the determinants and barriers of using more sustainable transportation     vehicles in leisure transportation? RQ 4:  How is the sustainable behavior of leisure travelers in Sweden, Germany, and Iran            different? To answer the research questions, an online survey in Swedish (n1 = 130), German (n2 = 128), and Persian (n3 = 127) language was carried out ( ∑ n = 385) in April 2020 with a convenience sampling method and analyzed in May 2020. The results show that there is a slightly positive intention-behavior gap in the Swedish sample and a slightly negative intention-behavior gap in the Iranian sample. In the German sample, no significant intention-behavior gap has been found. Moreover, a higher level of environmental attitude, a higher level of environmental knowledge, a higher level of perceived effectiveness (of the consumers' own actions), and a higher level of social norms increases the intention of leisure travelers in Sweden, Germany, and Iran to use sustainable vehicles for leisure traveling - both for short and for long trips. The impact of perceived value and perceived price of sustainable transportation modes, as well as the impact of consumers' sustainable lifestyle on the on the travel intention are not supported in all three countries. Additionally, distance between origin and destination has been found to moderate the impact of determinants on intention. The moderating role of distance also varies in different countries. [1] See the literature review chapter for an explanation

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