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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Entre alhos e bugalhos: os usos do clítico se na escrita acadêmica

Morais, Fernanda Beatriz Caricari de 20 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Beatriz Caricari de Morais.pdf: 1235029 bytes, checksum: a4842e0640645795dfe41ccd69dd81bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study is part of SAL - Systemics Across Languages, a project, developed in association with researchers from China, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia and Thailand, whose aim is to study specific and universal features of languages. In Brazil, it project focuses mainly the study scientific language. This dissertation aims to analyze the different uses and functions of the clitic se. This study excluded se when functioning as a reflexive pronoun or as a conjunction since their uses are clearly described and they are not related with the focus of this investigation: defocus of the participant and creation of agnates. The data, SAL project s data, consists of 1225 scientific papers from many areas of knowledge collected from Scielo database. Se functions typically as a grammatical item in a number of uses, therefore, one of the most interesting problems in Portuguese and others language such as French, Spanish and Italian. One of the controversies about this clitic is its possibility, in all those languages, of the participant being clearly expressed or not, as discussed in Nunes (1991), Monteiro (1994), Bagno (2000), Camacho (2002, 2003), or others with respect to Portuguese or Ruwet (1972), Suñer (2002) and Cinque (1988) for other languages. The theory underlying this research, Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday, 1994, 2004), focuses language in use and analyzes the grammatical choices in texts (spoken or written) based on their context of culture and of situation. This thesis shows se occurs in three categories: in middle constructions (self-caused process); in constructions that defocus participants, and in agnate constructions. We hope this description helps material and courses designers focusing production or comprehension of academic texts specifically and other context of occurrences / Este trabalho está inserido em um contexto maior, o projeto SAL (Systemics Across Languages) desenvolvido em parceria com pesquisadores da China, Argentina, México e Tailândia que procuram entender as características específicas e universais que partilham as línguas. No Brasil, o projeto visa estudar a linguagem de artigos científicos. Esta tese objetiva analisar os diferentes usos e funções que o clítico se desempenha em artigos científicos. As funções excluídas são: o reflexivo e a conjunção, pois seus usos são claramente descritos e não estão relacionados ao desfocamento de participante e com construções agnatas. O corpus de estudo, corpus do projeto SAL, contém 1225 artigos científicos de diversas áreas do conhecimento coletados da plataforma Scielo. A multiplicidade de funções é uma das características do se, um dos problemas mais interessantes da língua portuguesa e de outras como francês, espanhol e italiano. Uma das controvérsias em torno desse clítico é a possibilidade de o participante estar ou não indeterminado, como discutem as pesquisas de Nunes (1991), Monteiro (1994), Bagno (2000), Camacho (2002, 2003), entre outros. O mesmo ocorre com o on em francês, se em espanhol e si em italiano, conforme trabalhos de Ruwet (1972), Suñer (2002) e Cinque (1988). A base teórica, a Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional de Halliday (1994, 2004), tem como foco a língua em uso e permite analisar as escolhas gramaticais do autor em textos (escritos ou falados) com base no contexto de cultura e de situação em que se realizam. Segundo a proposta desta tese, os usos do se podem ser classificados em três categorias: se em construções médias as ações que acontecem por si só, um processo é causado por ele mesmo (self-caused process); se em construções com desfocamento de participante que ocorrem por ser irrelevante sua menção, parte do estilo do gênero acadêmico/científico e se em construções agnatas verbos que quando se ligam ao se têm significados relacionais e/ou existenciais. Espera-se que este pesquisa contribua com os estudos sobre o uso desse clítico em língua portuguesa e, também, auxilie na elaboração de materiais didáticos e de cursos instrumentais que visam atender a produção e compreensão escrita de textos acadêmicos

São Francisco: o rio pelo seu povo

Lamas, Maria Aparecida da Silva 19 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Aparecida da Silva Lamas.pdf: 1841133 bytes, checksum: 512ddc4f034f38e4d0997d0d9c8917b9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-19 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This research aims at analysing the discourse of ribeirinha communities located across São Francisco River in order to identify patterns of beliefs and social values. Who are the people living riverside? Which social realities bound them together? Which representations build the society they are in? The language choices made when we are part of a given discourse are not arbitrary; they are filled with the speaker s identity, her meanings and beliefs. The theoretical background of this research lies on the Systemic Functional-Linguistics (Halliday, 1994, 2004), since the analysis carried on focuses on the System of Transitivity. Here we address the corpus from a perspective which recognizes language as a social phenomenon, since this study establishes a dialogue with other areas such as anthropology, sociology and cultural studies. The research corpus is a number of interviews collected in ribeirinha communities across São Francisco riverside, taken from 2005 through 2008 by the photojournalist João Zinclar. The interviews took place in communities which were located in the five states which border the river, at the time was the controversy over the transposition of the water from the river. The analysis revealed a strong sense of sense of community by the ribeirinhos. It has also shown a strong feeling of proud, result of the fact they are part of a social/ethnic group (Indians, quilombola etc.). Their territory the riverside is responsible for mediating the relationship across the many communities. On the other hand, it was clear such communities are suffering deterritorialization, losing the place where they affective and symbolic values were conceived. This has created a great feeling of anguish and distress felt by the ribeirinha communities and resulting in situations of social conflict / Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o discurso de comunidades ribeirinhas localizadas na extensão do rio São Francisco, identificando padrões de crenças e valores. Quem são as pessoas que habitam as margens do rio? Que tecidos sociais os unem? Que relações estabelecem com o rio? Que representações constroem da sociedade nos quais estão inseridos e do mundo contemporâneo? As escolhas linguísticas feitas quando se produz um discurso não são arbitrárias, são carregadas pela identidade do falante, suas significações e crenças.. A Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (Halliday, 1994, 2004) é a linha teórica em que se ancora este trabalho, analisando os dados em termos do Sistema de Transitividade, adotando-se a perspectiva de linguagem como fenômeno social. Numa perspectiva transdisciplinar, dialoga com outras áreas como a antropologia, sociologia e estudos culturais. O corpus da pesquisa é composto por relatos e depoimentos coletados em comunidades ribeirinhas do rio São Francisco, no período de 2005 a 2008, pelo repórter fotográfico João Zinclar. As entrevistas foram feitas em comunidades localizadas nos cinco estados banhados pelo rio, na época em que se dava a polêmica sobre a transposição das águas do rio. A análise dos dados evidenciou que o senso de coletividade constitui-se um dos principais traços das comunidades ribeirinhas. Também revelou um forte sentimento de pertencimento e orgulho em fazer parte de um determinado grupo (indígena, quilombola etc). O território as margens do rio - é o responsável pela mediação entre as várias comunidades. Por outro lado, ficou patente que a desterritorialização do lugar onde foram concebidos os valores afetivos e simbólicos provoca grande angústia nos Ribeirinhos, gerando situações de conflito social

A tradução de Memórias de um Sargento de Milícias segundo o modelo comparativo e a gramática sistêmico-funcional

Silva, Roberta Rodrigues da 29 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Roberta Rodrigues da Silva.pdf: 1986735 bytes, checksum: 84e0b3c8d48ec14e202b99ec627f70a6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The objective of this research is to examine the translated novel Memoirs of a Militia Sergeant by Manuel Antônio de Almeida from Portuguese intoEnglish, to verify the nature of the changes arising from the lexical-grammatical choices in itstranslation into the English language and what the consequences of those choicesare. As aresult of a logocentric stance,both linguistically lay peopleandexperts in translation tend to considerthetranslation as a kind of text that is the exact reproduction of a text originally written in another language. Inthe nineties, the figure of subservient to the original text translator was replaced by the figure of a visible translator that manipulates the text, the creative artist mediator of languages and cultures. What changes now is that the translator is understood as someone belonging to a certain ideological, political, psychological and culturalcontext, -factors that cannot be ignored or eliminated in a translation. Related to this issue, the hypothesis of linguistic determinism can help us to understand the reasons for thedifferences that surround the categories of the experiences incorporated into the various languages. Languages differ greatly in both categories of experiences that theyexpress andin the special linguistic means they employ to represent these categories. These differences go beyond the so well-known fact that most words do not have fully equivalent translation from one language to another. Whorf wasmore interested in relating the lexicon and grammar to the worldview of a culture (theWeltanschauung). The research should answer the following questions: (a) What is the nature of the changes arising from the lexical-grammatical choices in the translation of Memoirs of a Militia Sergeantinto the English language?(b)What are the consequences of those choices? The analysis of this novel initially relies on the methodology proposed by van Leuven -Zwart (1990) and Systemic Functional Grammar, Halliday (1994) and Halliday and Matthiessen (2004).The results show thatthe nature of lexical-grammatical choices ofthe translator are influenced by the ideological and cultural contextin whichthe translator is inserted. / O objetivo desta pesquisa de mestrado é examinar a tradução do romanceMemóriasde um Sargento de Milícias, de Manuel Antônio de Almeida -do português para o inglês, para verificar qual é anatureza das modificações decorrentes das escolhas léxico-gramaticais na tradução para a língua inglesa e quais são as consequências dessas escolhas. Como resultado de uma postura logocêntrica, tanto as pessoas linguisticamente leigas, quanto especialistas em tradução tendem a considerara traduçãocomo um tipo de texto que éa reprodução exata de um texto originalmente escrito em outra língua. Nos anos noventa, a figura do tradutor subserviente ao texto original foi substituída pela do tradutor visivelmente manipulador, o artista criativo mediador de línguas e culturas. O que muda agoraé que o tradutor é entendido como um sujeito inserido num certo contexto cultural, ideológico, político e psicológico fatores que não podem ser ignorados ou eliminados na elaboração de uma tradução. Relacionada àessa questão, a hipótese do determinismolinguístico pode ajudar a entender o motivo das diferenças que cercam as categorias das experiências incorporadas nas várias línguas. As línguas diferem grandemente tanto nas categoriasdasexperiênciasque expressam, como nos meios linguísticos especiaisque empregam para a representação dessas categorias. Essas diferenças vão além do fato tão conhecido de que a maioria das palavras não tem tradução perfeitamente equivalente, de uma língua para outra. Whorf estava mais interessado em relacionar o léxico ea gramática à cosmovisão de uma cultura (a Weltanschauung). A pesquisa deve responder às seguintes perguntas:(a)Qual éa natureza das modificações decorrentes das escolhas léxico-gramaticais na tradução de Memórias de um Sargento de Milícias para a língua inglesa?(b)Quaissãoas consequências dessas escolhas? A análise desse romance apoia-se, inicialmente, na metodologia proposta por van Leuven-Zwart (1990) enaGramática Sistêmico-Funcional, de Halliday (1994) e Halliday e Matthiessen (2004). Os resultados mostram que a natureza das escolhas léxico-gramaticais do tradutoré influenciadapelocontexto cultural e ideológicono qual ele se insere

Resenhas acadêmicas: caracterização do gênero nas áreas de Linguística, Literatura e História, à luz da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional

Silva, Aline Cristina Flávio da 03 April 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aline Cristina Flavio da Silva.pdf: 786298 bytes, checksum: 84a114cc3daba9c2fd3f6d8fb92f3fa0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-03 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research is part of SAL Project - Systemis Across Languages - which has been developed by researchers from China, Argentina, Mexico and Thailand who analyse language in use having specific texts as a starting point in order to find out patterns as well as varieties of use. In Brazil, researches have focused on academic papers. Therefore, in order to contribute to the researchers developed in Brazil, the objective of this study is to identify the uses of verbal and mental processes in reviews published in the areas of Linguistics, Literature and History, analyse the patterns of realization of these processes in order to better understand how the reviewer conveys his description/evaluation of a certain book, and the role of modal adjuncts in meaning making. Systemics Functional Linguistics is the main theoretical and methodological framework (Halliday, 1985, 1994; Halliday & Matthiessen, 1999, 2004), which focus is language in use in different contexts. The software WordSmith Tools 5.0 allowed 45 reviews of Linguistics, 47 reviews of Literature and 46 reviews of History, all of them available electronically and qualified as Qualis A1 and A2 to be processed so that data were organized for analysis. Based on the transitivity system through which the ideational metafunction is accessed, the most frequent verbal and mental processes in the reviews from the three different areas were selected and their similarities and differences were compared. It was observed that the uses of verbal and mental processes in the reviews from the three areas mentioned are, most of the time, associated to a higher engagement of the reviewer who prioritizes a more elaborated use of the language, making use of verbiage which construes the content of what is said and reduces the clause. As far as choices of Sayers and Sensers are concerned, there is evidence of high interaction with the reader. Concerning the interpersonal metafunction, modal adjuncts of polarity, intensity and temporality were identified in the corpora. They accompany verbal and mental processes and highlight the engagement of the reviewer with his text when negotiating with the reader. This research is expected to contribute to the studies about the genre review written in Portuguese, providing background for those who intend to produce this genre in the areas hereby mentioned / Esta pesquisa está inserida no contexto do projeto SAL- Systemis Across Languagesdesenvolvido em parceria com pesquisadores da China, Argentina, México e Tailândia que analisam a linguagem em uso partindo de tipos específicos de textos buscando constantes e variáveis. No Brasil, as pesquisas se voltam para textos acadêmicos. Assim, buscando contribuir com essas pesquisas, esta dissertação tem como objetivo identificar os usos dos processos verbais e mentais utilizados em resenhas das áreas de Linguística, Literatura e História e analisar os padrões de realização desses processos para compreender como o resenhista expõe sua descrição/avaliação da obra resenhada e como os Adjuntos modais associam-se aos processos nessa construção. Utilizando o arcabouço teórico da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (Halliday, 1985, 1994; Halliday & Matthiessen, 1999, 2004), que tem como foco a língua em uso em diferentes contextos e, com o apoio da ferramenta computacional WordSmith Tools 5.0, organizei os dados constantes de 45 resenhas de Linguística, 47 de Literatura e 46 de História, publicadas em periódicos disponibilizados eletronicamente, qualificados como qualis A1 e A2. Com base no sistema de transitividade da metafunção ideacional, selecionei os processos verbais e mentais mais frequentes nas três áreas e comparei as semelhanças e diferenças entre elas. Observei que os usos dos processos verbais e mentais, nas três áreas, em sua maioria estão associados ao maior envolvimento do resenhista priorizando a linguagem mais elaborada constituída pelo uso da verbiagem de conteúdo em que há sintetização da oração. Ao que se refere às escolhas dos Dizentes e Experienciadores há indícios de maior interação com o leitor. Baseada na metafunção interpessoal, levantei os adjuntos modais presentes nos corpora e verifiquei que os modais de polaridade, intensidade e temporalidade são os que estão mais associados aos processos verbais e mentais e contribuem para ressaltar o maior envolvimento do resenhista com o texto na negociação com o leitor. Espero que esta pesquisa contribua com os estudos sobre o gênero resenha em língua portuguesa auxiliando pesquisadores que pretendam desenvolver esse gênero nas áreas aqui pesquisadas


RUBIANE GUILHERME VALERIO 04 February 2014 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a função coesiva desempenhada pelas nominalizações em redações de alunos do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio. Para tanto, esta pesquisa baseia-se nos pressupostos da Linguística Sistêmico- Funcional, que compreende a língua como um sistema sociossemiótico em função dos contextos situacionais e culturais em que ela é utilizada (Halliday, 1994). O estudo das nominalizações é também relacionado ao fenômeno da metáfora gramatical ideacional, uma das características da escrita acadêmica (Simon- Vandenbergen et al, 2003, Banks, 2003). O corpus de estudo consiste em 45 redações de instituições de três segmentos escolares – federal, estadual e particular – e perfaz um total aproximado de 9800 palavras. A análise foi conduzida em duas etapas: uma quantitativa, com apoio de ferramentas computacionais (Scott, 2004), em que se buscou a frequência de uso das nominalizações nos textos analisados, assim como a variação desse uso entre os textos das diferentes escolas; e outra qualitativa, que teve por objetivo descrever os tipos de elos coesivos estabelecidos pelas formas nominalizadas nas redações selecionadas para esta pesquisa. Os resultados mostram que os alunos usam as nominalizações como elemento coesivo e que há considerável variação desse uso em função das diferentes escolas em que esses textos foram produzidos, fazendo com que os textos apresentem diferentes níveis de adequação ao contexto escolar. Mais especificamente, através da análise dos resultados pode-se identificar e classificar diferentes tipos de elos coesivos constituídos pelas nominalizações, os quais apresentam alguns padrões de realização distintos dos já revelados por estudos anteriores sobre a coesão (Halliday e Hasan, 1989, Fávero, 1991, Koch, 1993), incluindo a realização de laços coesivos entre nominalizações como núcleo de um sintagma nominal e outros sintagmas de maior complexidade lexical e semântica. A partir desses resultados, espera-se que este estudo não só contribua para uma descrição mais apurada de alguns padrões de uso da língua portuguesa, mas também para o ensino da escrita no contexto escolar, já que também são brevemente discutidas neste trabalho algumas implicações pedagógicas quanto à função coesiva das nominalizações, as quais podem levar a uma maior conscientização sobre os padrões linguísticos e textuais considerados como adequados especialmente aos gêneros do contexto pedagógico. / [en] The objective of this study is to investigate the cohesive function of nominalizations in the written production of secondary school students. For this purpose, this research is based on theoretical assumptions from Systemic- Functional Linguistics, which considers language as a socio-semiotic system, related to the situational and cultural contexts in which language is used (Halliday, 1994). The study of nominalizations can also be associated to the phenomenon of ideational grammatical metaphor, which is viewed as one of the characteristics of academic writing (Vandenbergen-Simon et al, 2003, Banks, 2003). The corpus of study consists of 45 essays of three educational institutions - federal, state and private – totalizing approximately 9800 words. The analysis was conducted in two stages: a quantitative corpus-based approach, with the support of computational tools (Scott, 2004), to calculate the frequency of nominalizations in the analyzed texts, as well as their variation of use in the texts from different schools; and a qualitative approach, which aimed at the description of the types of cohesive ties established by nominalized forms in the selected essays. Results show that students use nominalizations as a cohesive element and there is considerable variation concerning this use, according to the different schools where texts were produced. This variation makes student texts present different levels of appropriateness to the school context. More specifically, through data analysis, it was possible to identify and classify different types of cohesive ties, constituted by nominalizations, which present linguistic patterns that differ from those that were previously revealed in other cohesion studies (Halliday and Hasan, 1989, Fávero, 1991 Koch, 1993), including the realization of cohesive ties between nominalizations as the head of a noun phrase and other phrases that are lexically and semantically more complex. In addition, this study is expected to contribute not only to a more accurate description of nominalizations, but also to the teaching of writing at school level, since it briefly discusses some pedagogical implications of the cohesive function of this linguistic feature, which can lead to a greater awareness of textual standards considered adequate to genres in several pedagogical contexts.

Gender and Genre: A Case Study of a Girl and a Boy Learning to Write

Kamler, Barbara, kimg@deakin.edu.au,jillj@deakin.edu.au,mikewood@deakin.edu.au,wildol@deakin.edu.au January 1990 (has links)
This study addresses questions of gender and genre in early writing by drawing on systemic linguistic theory, It is a longitudinal case study that compares the writing development of two children, a boy and a girl/ who learned to write in classrooms that adopted an approach to writing known in Australia as 'process writing1, The children's written texts were analysed using the systemic functional grammar as developed by MAK, Hallidey and the models of genre and register as proposed by J,R, Martin. The children were followed for the first two and a half years of their schooling, from the first day of kindergarten to the middle of grade two. They were observed weekly during the daily ‘writing time’ and all texts were collected. Although the children were ostensibly 'free’ to determine both the writing topics and text types they produced, systemic analysis revealed that: 1) the majority of texts written were of one genre, the Observation genre, in which the children reconstructed their personal experience with family and friends and offered an evaluation of it. 2) a significant pattern of gender differences occurred within this genre, such that the boy reconstructed experience in terms of the male cultural stereotype of being an active participant in the world, while the girl reconstructed experience in terms of the female stereotype of being a more passive observer of experience. It is the strength of systemic linguistic analysis that it revealed how the choices the children made in language were constrained by a number of social and cultural contexts, including: a) the teacher's theoretical orientation to literacy; b) the models of spoken and written language available to the children; and c) the ideology of gender in the culture. In particular, the analysis made visible how children appropriate the meanings of their culture and socialise themselves into gender roles by constructing the ideology of gender in their writing. The study contributes to an understanding of genres by offering a revised description of the Observation genre, which derives from the Observation Comment genre originally identified by Martin and Rothery (1981). It also raises a number of implications for teacher training and classroom practice, including the need for: 1) increased teacher consciousness about gender and genre, especially an understanding that choices in language are socially constructed 2) a critical reassessment of the notion of 'free topic choice’ promoted by 'process writing' pedagogy, a practice which may limit choice and tacitly support the gender status quo.

Exploring social practices in English classes: a qualitative investigation of classroom talk in a Korean secondary school.

Lim, Mi-ok January 2007 (has links)
This study examines English language teaching practices at a public secondary school in Korea. The study documents teaching practices and participation and interaction in class, within the context of the National Curriculum for English Education. Classroom practices, the Curriculum and the textbook used by the teacher are analysed from the perspective of language as a meaning-making resource and language learning as learning how to mean. An ethnographic research approach to data collection and analysis has been employed. Classes were video-recorded and transcribed in order to describe English language use. This took place in two stages. In the first stage the teacher’s normal English lessons based on a textbook were documented. In the second, intervention stage, the teacher and researcher planned and implemented text-based lessons with the same class. The analysis of the Curriculum, the textbook and English use in normal classes reveals a theory of language and language teaching based on learning traditional grammar and memorization of words and phrases. The intervention lessons offered alternative opportunities for students to share meanings in English. The evidence from this study has provided insights into the social practices and discourses in an English as a foreign language secondary school class. The analysis shows discourse changes depending on the type of texts used. The use of authentic texts offered students opportunities for making meanings in context. This has implications for teaching English in Korea, particularly given the National Curriculum’s aim to develop communication skills in English. The study proposes further research into the application of text-based and content-based teaching to develop learners’ meaning-making in English. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1317189 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Humanities, 2007

As Fate Would Have It : A corpus-based study of Fate from an American perspective

Kanmert, Sofi January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>This essay is based on an investigation carried out with the help of the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). Taking the system of transitivity as its theoretical base and using spoken and written discourse as its primary source, this study aspired to find out what kinds of actions Americans perceive <em>Fate</em> to perform, for example physical, mental or verbal,<em> </em>in order to control what happens to people. It also aimed to reveal what actions people are said to perform in their attempts to control <em>Fate</em>. Do Americans deem <em>Fate</em> capable of, for instance, “deciding”, “talking” or “conspiring” and do they say that people, for example, “challenge”, “defy” or “defeat” <em>Fate</em>? Furthermore, a comparison was made in terms of the actions performed by <em>Fate</em> and people between the different domains of discourse represented in the corpus: spoken, fiction, magazine, newspaper and academic.</p><p>Among other things, this investigation shows that in American discourse both <em>Fate</em> and people are perceived to resort to physical strategies rather than mental or verbal ones in their endeavor to control one another.</p><p> </p>

Fri översättning i det medeltida Västnorden / Free Translation in Medieval West Nordic Society

Pettersson, Jonatan January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, medieval free translation is explored as a text-producing practice as it appears in Alexanders saga, a 13th century Old Norse translation of the medieval Latin epic Alexandreis. The practice is investigated through analyses of (1) the rendering of the source text and (2) the translator’s role in making the target text. The rendering is analyzed through a systematic comparison between source and target text using a method of analysis based on systemic functional linguistics (SFL). Contrary to what was assumed previously, the rendering pro­ves to be consistent in the text, but a surprising result is that the rendering in chapters 2–4 and in chapters 1 and 6–10 respectively represent two significantly dif­ferent patterns, the former being closer to the source text than the latter, pre­sumably due to two different translators. The investigation further confirms an observation in previous research on Old Norse free translation that the rendering of parts in direct speech are closer to the source than that of narrative and descriptive discourse. The rendering is closest where the translator indicates that he is quoting the author of the source text. These patterns are found in both groups of chapters, and as they are confirmed in other Old Norse translations, they might be interpreted as a translation norm. The conceptions of translation are further investigated by examining what kind of text-producing role the translator assumes. It is claimed that, despite the freedom in free ren­dering, the translator assumes the role of intermediary between the source text and the receivers of the target text rather than the role of independent text pro­ducer. From an analysis of the translator’s metatextual additions, it seems as though this is also what the translator assumes the receivers of the text expect him to do. The results indicate the presence of certain conceptions of how translation was to be carried out in West Nordic society. The ”free” translation strategies did not mean freedom from or obliviousness to translation norms, but rather re­late to a specific text-producing practice.

A contextual analysis of compound nouns in Shona lexicography

Mheta, Gift January 2011 (has links)
This research is in the area of lexicography and investigates the relationship between Shona terminology development and the culture of the language community for which the terminology is intended. It is a contextual analysis of compound nouns found in Shona terminological dictionaries. The study specifically explores how lexicographers together with health, music, language and literature specialists make use of their knowledge about Shona cultural contexts in the creation of compound nouns. Thus, this research foregrounds Shona socio-cultural contexts and meaning generation in terminology development. This study employs a quadruple conceptual framework. The four components of the framework that are utilised are the Traditional Descriptive Approach (TDA), Cognitive Approach (CG), Systemic Functional Approach (SFL), and Semiotic Remediation (SRM). TDA is used in the linguistic categorisation of Shona compound nouns. In addition, it provides the metalanguage with which to describe the constituent parts of Shona compound nouns. As TDA is mainly confined to the linguistic dimension, this research employs CG, SFL, and SRM to explore the cultural and socio-cognitive dimensions of terminology development.

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