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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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小學人權教育教學之比較研究:探究台北與新德里社會科教師之角色 / Pedagogy of Human Rights Education in the Elementary Schools of Taipei and New Delhi: Probing the Role of Social Science Teachers

安尹若, Anamika Unknown Date (has links)
教育,是透過學生持續社會化的過程而形塑社會的重要機制。教育,為未來世代參與社會變遷預作了準備,並有助於社會發展。尤有甚者,教育使學生們意識到他們的權利。我們可以在各個教育階段裡引入人權教育。但是,小學階段的社會科教育對青少年的人權概念發展是具有決定性意義的。對此階段的學生而言,教師的引導以及人權教育的教學對清楚理解人權概念是相當關鍵的。針對教導學生深思熟慮的方法、人道與明智的價值、理性與批判的思考,人權教育教學可以是有助益且有效途徑。因此,本研究目的是在人權教育的脈絡下,評估社會科教師並探究他們的教學法。而本研究之研究問題是:(1)台北與新德里小學社會科教師在他們人權教育的價值、信念、態度與觀念脈絡下,理解人權教育教學的方式為何?(2)台北與新德里小學社會科教師在人權教育的教學實踐為何?(3)在台北與新德里小學社會科教室中,有意與無意的教學內容為何?(4)在人權教學的過程中,台北與新德里小學社會科教師所面臨的難題與阻礙為何?(5)可能存在一種可以應用在不同教育背景的普遍性人權教育教學嗎?因此,本研究針對台北與新德里小學,分別進行兩組各三位六年級教師及其班級的探究。 本研究發現,教師是人權教育成功實行的重要關鍵。教師必須對人權有熱情與承諾;教師必須尊重學生做為個體的權利;人權教育必須有情境脈絡的特殊性;《世界人權宣言》可以做為人權教學的普遍標準;此外,聯合國與國家政府的角色亦關係重大,因為他們提供人權教育結構與資金。最後,值得一提的是NGOs 與INGOs 的角色越來越重要,他們有必要在橫向與縱向上拓展他們的網絡。 / Education is an important institution that shapes our society through continuous socialization of pupils. It prepares future generations to participate in social change and contributes to society’s development. Moreover, it makes pupils aware of their rights. Human rights education can be introduced at all levels of education. The elementary level Social Science education is crucial for the development of the concept of human rights among adolescents. For the pupils of this age group, the guidance of teacher and the pedagogy of human rights education are critical for a clear understanding of the concept. The pedagogy of human rights education can be a useful and effective way of inculcating deliberative methods, humane and judicious values, and rational and critical thinking among pupils. The present study is an attempt to assess social science teachers and explore their pedagogy in the context of human rights education. The issues that the present research intends to raise are: (1) How the pedagogy of human rights education is perceived by Social Science teachers of the elementary school of Taipei and New Delhi in the context of their values, beliefs, attitudes, and ideals of human rights education? (2) How is the pedagogy of human rights education of Social Science teachers of Taipei and Delhi put into practice? (3) What is taught in human rights education in the social science classrooms of Taipei and New Delhi intentionally and unintentionally? (4) What are the problems and obstacles faced by Social Science teachers during the process of teaching human rights? (5) Can there be a general pedagogy of human rights education, which can be applied across different educational settings? The issues are examined with two sets of three teachers of sixth grade and their classes in elementary schools of Taipei and New Delhi. The findings of this study suggest that the agency of the teacher is crucial for successful implementation of HRE; that a teacher has to have passion and commitment for HR; that the rights of students as individuals must be respected by the teacher; that HRE must be context specific; that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be used as a universal standard to teach HR; and, finally, that the role of UN and national government is crucial. These two institutions provide with the framework and funding for HRE. Last, but not the least, the role of NGOs and INGOs is gaining importance by the day and that they need to expand their network, both vertically and horizontally.

從電子化政府到行動政府: 台北市里長使用市長信箱與1999市民熱線之研究 / From e-government to m-government: li-chiefs' usage of Taipei City mayor’s e-mail box and 1999 citizen hotline

曾健銓, Tseng, Chien Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
在電子化政府的架構下,民眾最重要的數位意見反映管道可謂是民意電子信箱,然而近年全球許多城市開始建制市民熱線系統,讓民眾得以透過電話向政府反映意見,使整個互動介面更為接近「行動政府」的概念,而在台灣的行政系絡下,「村里長」扮演政府機關與一般民眾互動的中介角色,本研究嘗試了解電子信箱與市民熱線這兩項原意用於促進「直接民主」的意見反應管道,對於村里長的工作產生何種影響,並探討村里長使用電子信箱與市民熱線的情況,以及影響他們對這兩項管道滿意認同的變數。 本研究以台北市里長及台北市市長信箱與1999市民熱線為主要標的,透過量化與質化方法的實證資料,主要發現結果包括:(1)台北市里長較常使用市民熱線,較少使用市長信箱;(2)資訊能力、對案件的時效性要求、問題難度與複雜性將影響村里長選擇市長信箱或市民熱線進行意見反映;(3)市長信箱與市民熱線對里長的正面影響包括解決村里民問題、減少工作負擔、提昇服務時效性、減少人情壓力、可有書面或電子資料備查,作為服務表現的基礎;負面影響則包括受申訴的機會增加、村里長工作有被管道取代的危機;(4)服務品質構面的「資訊可信度」、「問題解決程度」及「易用性」,有用性構面中的「解決里民問題」與「有助工作程度」五個變數對管道的滿意度有正向的影響。 本研究根據研究發現,提出三點實務建議:(1)重視「管道問題適用性」之宣傳;(2)促進村里長與意見反映管道結合的服務綜效;(3)思考管道如何對市民產生「有用性」,以提昇公共接觸效果。 / Under the framework of E-government, e-mail is the most important response channel for citizens to interact with governments. However, many cities around the world start to build citizen hotline systems, allowing people reflect their ideas and suggestions via phone. This fact reveals the opportunities of Mobile Government. In Taiwan, Li-chiefs simultaneously reflect residents’ opinions and help delivery public services. The author tries to figure out (1) how Taipei City Mayor’s E-mail Box and 1999 Citizen Hotline affect the daily works of Li-chiefs; (2) their usage of these two response channels, and (3) what variables might affect Li-chiefs’ satisfaction toward e-mail and citizen hotlines. The study uses Taipei City Mayor’s E-mail Box and Taipei 1999 Citizen Hotline as case examples, and collects both qualitative and quantitative empirical data. The author finds that: (1) The Li-chiefs in Taipei use Taipei 1999 Citizen Hotline more frequently than City Mayor’s E-mail. (2) Information literacy, timeliness and task complexity will affect Li-chiefs’ motives to reflect suggestions via e-mail or citizen hotline. (3) Li-chiefs can use these two channels to solve problems and enhance timeliness. On the other hand, the response channels allow citizens to complain to Li-chiefs more easily, and the positions of Li-chiefs might be replaced by the two channels; and (4) information reliability, problem solving ability, ease of use, the effect of solving citizens’ problems, and helping Li-chiefs’ jobs will positively affect the satisfaction of the channels. Based on the finding, the author suggests the government should: (1) emphasize the “appropriate or right questions” when prompting the channels; (2) teach Li-chiefs how to use response channels well to create synergy; and (3) rethink how response channels produce usefulness for citizens.

工作生活品質與工作績效關聯之研究—以臺北市政府都市發展局為例 / Research on the relationship between quality of working life and job performance -- a case study of urban development bureau of Taipei City Government

潘立山, Pan, Li Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解臺北市政府都市發展局(以下簡稱都發局)員工工作生活品質與工作績效關聯之現況,探討個人屬性在工作生活品質與工作績效之差異性,及工作生活品質與工作績效間相關性,研究並提供為主管機關改善都發局員工工作生活品質及工作績效參考,提升組織效能。 本研究係採問卷調查法,問卷經預試修正後,以臺北市政府都市發展局為研究母群體,採抽樣調查方式施測,共202份有效問卷。研究問卷內容包括工作生活品質量表、工作績效表及個人基本資料。問卷資料蒐集運用電腦統計套裝軟體SPSS 進行統計與分析,以敘述性統計分析、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析及多元迴歸分析等推論性統計方法來進行資料處理,本研究經實證研究分析,歸納結果如下: 一、都發局員工對工作生活品質知覺平均有70.79%表示滿意。各因素平均數比率,以「工作層面」最高(73.44%),其次為「組織層面」(70.24%),以「個人層面」最低(66.20%)。 二、都發局員工對工作績效程度平均有75.95%表示認同。各因素平均數比率,以「脈絡性績效」最高(79.83%),其次為「適應性績效」(74.70%),以「任務性績效」最低(72.30%)。 三、不同個人背景屬性之都發局員工對工作生活品質知覺之差異情形,其中教育程度具有顯著差異存在。 四、不同個人背景屬性都發局員工對工作績效程度之差異情形,其中職務、婚姻狀況、年齡及本機關服務年資等四項具有顯著差異存在。 五、工作生活品質及其因素與工作績效間均具正相關性。 六、工作生活品質構面中「個人層面」及「工作層面」構面等因素對「任務性績效」具有16.3%預測力;另「個人層面」因素對「脈絡性績效」具有19.2%預測力;「個人層面」因素對整體「工作績效」具有19.8%預測力。 根據實證研究及統計分析結果,提出建議如下: 一、對機關行政管理上之建議:增加員工的工作成就感;適度調整福利待遇,以提升員工士氣;建立公平的升遷、考核制度;激發同仁的團隊合作;建立職務輪調機制;定期舉辦員工與局長有約,以瞭解基層心聲。 二、對人事單位之建議:改善機關的獎勵作業方式;增加多元化的訓練課程;加強員工尊榮感;協助員工轉介協談,紓解工作壓力。 三、對員工個人之建議:強化個人對工作的正向思考;加強學習新知的動力;勇於面對環境的變動與未來的挑戰。 關鍵詞:工作生活品質、工作績效、臺北市政府都市發展局 / The purpose of this research is to understand the situation of quality of working life and job performance of civil service personnel of urban development bureau of taipei city government. It discusses the differences of personal property between quality of working life and job performance and the relationship between quality of working life and job performance. It also provides advices for controlling organization to improve the quality of working life and job performance of civil service personnel to increase organization efficiency. Questionnaire survey method is employed in this research while it makes use of urban development bureau of taipei city government and its affiliated civil service personnel as its subjects of research. There are 202 copies of questionnaire are valid. The content of questionnaire includes the scale for quality of working life, scale for job performance of employee and personal information.It uses statistic software SPSS to analyze these data.Descriptive statistics analysis, t-Test, One way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple-regression analysis are used to process these information. The results are as follows: 1. An average of 70.79% of urban development bureau of taipei city government and its affiliated civil service personnel present their degree of satisfaction about quality of working life.The degree of satisfaction with “work stratification plane” is the highest among all factors (73.44%), and others in order are: “organization stratification plane (70.24%),” and “individual stratification plane (66.20%).” 2. An average of 75.95% of urban development bureau of taipei city government and its affiliated civil service personnel has shown their agreement on job performance.The degree of satisfaction with “contextual performance” is the highest among all factors (79. 83%), and others in order are: “adaptive performance (74.70%),”and “task performance (72.30%)”. 3. Different backgrounds of the public official of urban development bureau have shown different degree of perceptions about quality of working life. Among all the factors, educational background have the most obvious difference. 4. Different backgrounds of the public official of urban development bureau have shown different degree of perceptions about job performance. Among all the factors, position,marital status ,age and the age service seniority have the most obvious difference. 5. Between the quality of working life and the job performance, their factors are all positive related. 6. In the aspect of the quality of working life, it is found that employees have a 16.3% of predicting power to “task performance” regarding the factors of “individual stratification plane ” and “work stratification plane”; There is a 19.2% of predicting power to“contextual performance” regarding the factors of “individual stratification plane”; There is a 19.8% of predicting power to job performance regarding the factors of “individual stratification plane”. According to the research and statistic analysis, suggestions are presented as follows: 1. The recommendation of administrative management: Increasing employee job satisfaction; Appropriately adjust the benefits to boost staff morale;Establishing a fair promotion and performance appraisal system;Inspired team of colleagues;Establishment of job rotation mechanism;. 2. The recommendation of the personnel unit: Practices to improve the agency's award; Increasing a variety of training courses ; Increasing in staff a sense of honor; On the referral agreement to help staff to relieve work pressure;Regular discussions with employees to understand the aspirations of the grassroots. 3. The recommendation of personal:Strengthening the positive thinking individuals to work ;Enhancing motivation to learn new knowledge;The face of environmental changes and future challenges. Keywords: quality of working life, job performance, urban development bureau of taipei city government

電子繪本融入說故事活動的行動研究 / Action Study on Electronic Picture Books Integrating into Storytelling Activities

楊孟卿, Yang, Meng Ching Unknown Date (has links)
國內公共圖書館近年來致力充實館內電子資源,提供豐富的資料庫資源給予大眾閱讀分享與選擇。北市圖擁有豐富的中文繪本資料庫,但林老師說故事團隊鮮有使用電子繪本進行說故事活動。因此,本研究為探討電子繪本融入林老師說故事活動的可行性與實施方式,採用行動研究方法,進行二階段十場次的行動研究,兒童參與活動共有89人次,從行動研究的實施來評估電子繪本說故事活動是否提升兒童閱讀興趣、改善紙本說故事的限制,並提出活動實施程序,以利活動設計與實施。 為能讓行動方案的實施更符合說故事活動需求,本研究提出「電子繪本選擇的原則」,協助說故事人進行繪本的選擇,並發展「電子繪本說故事行動方案」從活動目的、活動資源取用、活動作業程序、活動方式與獎勵、活動實施注意事項等要點來說明行動方案,提供給林老師執行活動的參考,並邀請林老師實施活動,藉由訪談方式了解林老師對於活動實施的看法與建議。 研究結果歸納:(1)行動方案可以幫助林老師實施活動以及選擇電子繪本;(2)電子繪本的特性可以改善紙本說故事的限制;(3)兒童參加電子繪本說故事活動興趣提升;(4)非線性閱讀的選擇自由之特性適合中年級以上兒童;(5)電子繪本適合應用在林老師說故事活動並值得推廣;(6)電子繪本的優勢使得說故事活動更具豐富性。 最後,本研究提出研究建議,供相關單位參考:(1)增購中文繪本資料庫;(2)辦理電子繪本利用教育研習,招募林老師加入;(3)開放權限,協助林老師取用電子資源;(4)解決線上閱讀數位版權數問題;(5)增購電子白板設備以促進林老師說故事效益;(6)辦理電子繪本的說故事活動觀摩會;(7)善用資料庫介面特性以進行活動設計;(8)要了解電子繪本內容才能進行活動設計。 / Rapid developments in digital information technology and Internet communication have changed the ways to retrieve information, and increased the demand for information. For modern Digital Natives, the establishment of reading promotion for children in a library should adopt diverse methods to promote reading. Aside from printed books, public libraries in our nation have recently been devoted to enriching their electronic recourses to provide diverse reading databases for the public to choose from. In Taipei Public Library, there are rich databases of Chinese picture books; however, these books are rarely used by the storytelling team, Teacher Lin. The present study therefore aimed at exploring the feasibility and execution of the adoption of electronic picture books in Teacher Lin’s storytelling. The study adopted the action research to investigate whether electronic picture books storytelling would arouse children’s interests in reading and improve the limitations in printed books storytelling, and to offer advice for designs and procedures of electronic picture books storytelling. The present study provides criteria for selections of electronic picture books, and guidelines for electronic picture books storytelling, including objectives, available recourses, procedures, and ways of rewards of storytelling activities. Teacher Lin thus may follow these criteria and guidelines when carrying out storytelling activities. Feedback from Teacher Lin then was collected via interviews. The results of the study were addressed as follows. First, the action research was helpful in Teacher Lin’s storytelling and selections of electronic picture books. Second, features of electronic picture books could improve the limitations in printed books storytelling. Third, children’s motivation was enhanced in electronic picture books storytelling. Fourth, nonlinear reading was more suitable for children of intermediate grades. Fifth, it was worthwhile to promote electronic picture books storytelling in Teacher Lin’s storytelling activities. Sixth, in terms of storytelling, electronic picture books were more beneficial than hardcopy books. Lastly, the following were some suggestions. First, it is essential to purchase more databases of Chinese picture books. Second, workshops about the adoption of electronic picture books may be held, and members in Teacher Lin are recruited. Third, members in Teacher Lin should be allowed to access to these databases. Fourth, issues on intellectual property rights of online reading need to be solved. Fifth, purchases of electronic white boards can promote effectiveness of Teacher Lin’s storytelling. Sixth, demonstrations of electronic picture books storytelling need to be held. Seventh, features of interface of databases need to be well used to design activities. Eighth, understanding of content of electronic picture books is essential for activity design.

近代臺灣動物文化史:以臺北圓山動物園為主的探討 / A Cultural History of Animals in Modern Taiwan: a case study of Taipei Zoo in Yuan-shan

鄭麗榕, Cheng, Li Jung Unknown Date (has links)
公共動物園被引入臺灣的歷史才僅一世紀之久,但在這短短的百年之間,它的樣貌已歷經多重改變。1910年代起臺北動物園本是總督府博物館下的一支,後移入圓山成為都市公園的一角,再後是遊樂園與動物表演的娛樂場,到1980年代下半加入學校校外教學輔助場域的功能,並利用物種的保存基地(「方舟」)口號建構自我的存在意義。而在經營主體上,臺灣的公共動物園多以市級公立機構的形式經營, 20世紀初是作為帝國(國家)或地區城市的文明設施,園中動物成為市民的共同寵物;而在1970年代起受全球環境政治影響,動物園組織集團化,知識交流頻繁,動物的飼養、登錄、繁殖、交換等各項管理更具有國際視野,園內動物在全球生態系中的自然資產價值也被強調。 在探究動物園急欲與過去的娛樂歷史劃清界限的原因的同時,本文擬在探討國家、社會對圈養野生動物的利用面向之外,也思考被圈養的野生動物在不同時期的處境,牠們(或牠們的血統來源者)如何從棲地被帶到城市?在動物園這個空間如何被安排融入人類社會,成為人類社會生活的一部分?因此本文的書寫方式並不是一部單純的動物園園史或動物園經營史,而是期望從動物文化史的角度談動物園的歷史。 無論是前述各種對動物的資源化運用,或基於環境主義對瀕臨絕種動物的保育以及環境教育的新目標,動物園內的動物作為生命個體的意義在何時開始被注意到、甚至受到重視,都是值得關切的動物園歷史問題。動物園中的動物在人們眼中並不等值,受重視者生前、死後在園中都經過特意的文化儀式處理,包括命名、婚配、標本化與在展示中意欲喚起人們對該動物在人類社會扮演的角色的記憶。本文除思考圓山動物園自開園以還,園內動物被施行肉體虐待的問題,並提及戰爭結束前,幾位名人遊客描寫圓山動物園內人氣動物在圈養中身心困頓的處境,也探討動物園經營者自1970年代開始承認空間規劃等管理與動物福祉的直接關聯。雖然戰後1950年代臺北動物園的職員已創組愛護動物協會,但是其對愛護的觀念,是侷限在購買更多的珍奇動物、訓練動物表演、作動物展覽等娛樂人們的活動,與考量動物本身需求的關愛仍有相當的距離。更多探索動物與人類社會相遇的歷史,必有助於吾人思考真正的人與自然關係和諧之道,這也是本文撰寫的主要動機。 / The concept of public zoo was first introduced into Taiwan about one hundred years ago in 1910s. Although the zoo history in Taiwan was short, its role and function was still vital and changed many times. The Taipei Zoo was originally established as an adjunct to the Taiwan Governor Museum; however, it was later made accessible to the public as a park in Yuan-shan and transformed to be a playground and a place for animal performances as well. In the late 1980s, zoos in Taiwan, taking the responsibility for educating visitors especially young students, became a spot for field trip and started to be aware of the need to engage in species conservation (like the ark) so as to construct its meaning and importance. Most of public zoos in Taiwan were governmental institutions. At the beginning of 20th century, a zoo was a facility which represented civilization of a progressive empire, country or city. Animals in zoos were like “pets” for all citizens. In the 1970s, global environmental and political situations influenced ways to manage zoos. The collectivization of zoos became popular. Many of them cooperated and shared zoological researches with others more frequently. Besides, there showed a more international vision in nursing, registering, breeding or exchanging animals in zoos. Their values and positions in the global ecosystem were eventually emphasized. In addition to exploring the reason why zoos strived to make a clean break from their past, this thesis intends to discuss how the country or the society utilized captive wild animals and to examine situations of captive wild animals in different periods as well. How were they (or their ancestors) brought from their habitats in the wild to cities? How were they arranged to integrate into human society and became a part of people’s social life? Therefore, this study is not a history of a particular zoo or about zoo management. Instead, this thesis attempts to demonstrate the zoo history from a viewpoint of a cultural history of animals. In the field of the zoo history, it is worth considering when animals in zoos were treated or respected as individual subjects since they were often used as resources to meet people’s needs. The development of environmentalism strengthened the idea of conserving and breeding endangered species and also evolved new thinking for environmental education. In fact, there still existed a hierarchy to classify animals in zoos. Those who were carefully chosen and raised would experience specific cultural rituals such as naming or pairing during their lifetime. After they died, they would be preserved as biological specimen and displayed to the public to intentionally recall people’s memory of their roles in human society. This thesis not only examines issues like animal abuse from the opening of Taipei Zoo in Yuan-shan but also refers to some celebrities’ descriptions of popular animal stars’ physical and mental illness due to being confined within enclosures before the end of World War II. Moreover, it reveals that from the 1970s managers of zoos began to pay attention to animal welfare when making spatial planning or managing the zoo. Even though in the 1950s staff in Taipei Zoo founded a society for animals’ care and protection, they still strictly focused on buying precious animals, training them to perform tricks for visitors or exhibiting them in order to entertain human beings. These behaviors could be scarcely comparable to those caring actions designed to meet animals’ real needs. To explore history of human-animal interaction more fully can surely help us to think about how to live more harmoniously with nature. This is indeed the main goal for this thesis.

地方民意代表選區經營之研究 / Reserach of Local Representatives' Electoral Districts Management-A Case Study of the First New Taipei Councilors

游國鑫 Unknown Date (has links)
地方民意代表,以繼續連任為目標,對於選區的經營及選民的個案服務無不全力以赴,做好選區經營選民服務,是再次爭取選民選票支持的重要關鍵;本文以第一屆新北市65位現任議員為研究對象,透過對全體議員的問卷調查和對10位議員的深入訪談,探知他們對於選區經營選民服務的看法和作為,藉以了解地方民意代表如何服務地方服務選民的參考依據。 依問卷填答資料統計顯示,新北市議員平均聘請助理數7.40人,平均設置之服務處數2.16處,每星期選民反應請託案件數平均19.88件,每星期紅白帖平均數29.06張;以每周工作70小時計,花在議會問政25.55小時,選民服務時間39.91小時,自己事業時間4.54小時。議員為民服務最重視的項目依序是:選民個案服務、爭取選區地方建設經費、議會質詢及監督行政機關。各類型選民反應或請託案最多的是糾紛調解,其次是爭取社團、里活動經費補助和地方小型建設建議案。各不同黨籍或新科/連任議員皆盡全力做好選區經營選民服務,所以比較各項數據沒有明顯差異。 深入訪談第一部分訪談選區經營具特色及代表性議員,請議員說明其選區經營選民服務的理念和實際做法,詢問其選區特性、選民結構及選舉競爭,並了解其依個人特質所建立的選舉資源網絡。第二部分訪談市府規劃欲興建殯葬專區之選區議員,做為選區經營案例之研究,了解議員以何管道探知選民反對意向,如何發動選民陳情抗爭,如何維護選區選民權益,及利用此一議題進行選區經營的思維與策略。 / The local elected representatives go to great lengths to manage their electoral districts and to provide the best service for their votes as their main goal is to continue in office, and the key to it is to gain the voters’ support. This study will focus on the case of the 65 councilmen of the first session in New Taipei City. Through a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews with 10 of the councilmen, their viewpoints and behaviors related to their electoral district management and service are provided as to have reference to understand their ways of provided service. According to the statistical results of the questionnaire survey, the average number of assistant per New Taipei City councilman is 7.40 persons; the average number of service center is 2.16; the average number of cases of the voters for any request per week is 19.88; the average number of red/white envelopes per week is 29.06; they work 70 hours per week, for which 25.55 hours are spent in the parliament, 39.91 hours are dedicated for the voters and 4.54 hours are for their own business. The priority of tasks in importance are in the following order: voters’ cases, seeking for local infrastructure funds, questioning in the parliament, and supervision of the administrative offices. In regard to the type of the voters’ cases, the major issue consists of dispute resolution followed by the seeking of association or neighborhood subsidies and recommendations for minor establishments. The councilmen show no distinctive differences as all of them, regardless their political parties or seniority, are trying their best for good management and service for their electoral districts. As for the in-depth interview, the first part consists of the interviews with representative councilmen with features in their electoral district management. The interviewees are asked to provide their visions and practical executions for their electoral districts, and then explained the features of their electoral districts, the structure of the voters and the electoral competitions as to understand the online electoral resources established in accordance with their personal characteristics. The second part consist of interviews with the councilmen whose electrical districts contain planning funeral area by the city government as management case studies. Through the interviews, we are able to understand the councilmen’s channels to discover voters’ opposition, to mobilize voters for petition, to defend voters’ rights and to promote ideas and strategies for the electoral district management.

產業地域土地使用制度厚實之研究-以內湖輕工業區與大彎北段為例- / The study of land usage of institutional thickness in industrial area- Take Neihu light industry and Northern Dawan as an example

林志銘, Lin, Chih Ming Unknown Date (has links)
科技產業崛起已逐漸蠶食輕工業區原先土地利用制度安排,台北市內湖輕工業區自市地重劃完成後,經由行動者興建廠辦大樓形塑科技園區意象,供廠商違規使用,接著再由園區內廠商自發性成立「台北市內湖科技園區發展協會」與台北市政府定期召開座談會,並配合修正「台北市內湖輕工業區輔導管理辦法」共同治理園區內土地利用方向,締造科技產業經濟奇蹟,成為活化產業用地新典範,變更為名符其實「台北市內湖科技園區」。 然而,毗鄰地區大彎北段商業區、娛樂區行動者藉以放寬產業進駐內湖輕工業區為由,衝擊大彎北段商業機能,因而產生替代效果,陸續將商業用地及娛樂用地,興建住宅社區違規供住宅使用,截至今日該地區約已達3,000戶,實際使用狀況,與都市計畫呈現明顯不符,已造成商業區、娛樂區與住宅使用衍生嚴重互斥等現象。 本文將以「制度厚實」、「路徑依賴」、「公共利益」等相關理論分析案例,透過公、私部門專業人士進行深度訪談提供卓見,作為本文研究過程中相互辯證及立論參考依據,進一步釐清兩地區制度變遷分歧原因,加以探索大彎北段商業區、娛樂區供住宅使用之正當性,抑或回歸商業及娛樂使用,並將研究結論提出建議事項,落實產業用地「公共利益」之精神。 / The rise of technology industry has gradually eroded the arrangement of original land utilization. Therefore, the land of light industry was replotting in Neihu. The actors wanted the area to be Technology Park, so the buildings were used inappropriately for firms. The firms in park established an association spontaneously and named “Taipei Neihu technology park development association. “Taipei city hall made the regular meetings with the association and coordinated to revise the counseling regulations of Taipei Neihu light industry. Government and companies managed the direction of land's usage together and make the economic miracle of technology. Thus, it’s a model to activate industrial land. The land named “Taipei NeiHu Technology Park” However, according to this reason, the commercial function of Northern Dawan has been impacted. In order to find alternatives, the land of commercial and entertainment was supplied to residence use. As of today, it’s over 3,000 houses in the region. The actual situation of usage is not identical with the city plans, which causes mutual exclusion among the region of commercial, entertainment, and residences area. This study used those theories (for institutional thickness, path dependent and Public Interest) to analyze some cases. Through the deep interview by experts which come from public and private departments, they provide some advice as mutual dialectical reference; we will also clarify the reasons of rule discrepancy between two regions in order to further explore the legitimacy of the usage in Northern Dawan commercial area and entertainment area, or return to commercial and entertainment use. We’ll submit conclusions and bring suggestion to implement the spirit of public interest on industrial estate.

臺北市國民中學校園休憩活動空間之研究 / The study of junior high school campus leisure activities space in Taipei City

蔡坤良 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討臺北市國民中學休憩活動空間規畫現況與使用情形,並分析不同背景變項下規畫與使用之差異,進而瞭解學生在下課選擇校園休憩活動空間的原因、活動形式、改善設施及放學欲使用情形,最後歸納規畫校園休憩活動空間之規劃與改善意見。因此研究採用休憩活動空間設置調查表,用以調查校園休憩活動空間之現況資料,並配合休憩活動空間使用問卷調查瞭解學生使用與需求情形,共寄發出1,200份問卷,回收有效問卷共1,072份,最後輔以訪談以深入了解學校規劃與使用情形,根據資料整理,本研究發現結果如下: 一、校園靜態休憩活動空間設置最多為教室、走廊、圖書館、合作社與庭園,其次為戶外劇場,設置比例較少為交誼平臺、交誼室及屋頂花園。 二、校園動態休憩活動空間設置最多為田徑場、室外球場與活動中心為主。 三、不同學校類型在靜態休憩活動空間規畫差異不大,唯有在走廊、圖書館、庭園的附屬設施與戶外劇場設置略有差異;在動態休憩活動空間在田徑場與室外球場附屬設施略有差異。 四、不同學校規模在靜態休憩活動空間規畫差異不大,唯有在走廊、圖書館、合作社略有差異,在動態休憩活動空間規畫差異不大,唯有在室外球場附屬設施略有差異。 五、下課學生較常使用的靜態休憩活動空間,以教室、走廊與合作社為主;動態休憩活動空間以室外籃球場、田徑場與活動中心為主。 六、下課選擇靜態休憩活動空間的原因以距離較近、放鬆身心與同學因素為主;選擇動態休憩活動空間的原因以身體活動、放鬆身心、距離較近與同 學因素為主。 七、下課學生在靜態休憩活動空間從事的活動以聊天為主,其次為睡覺、看書、發呆與散步;動態休憩活動空間從事的活動以聊天、打球為主。 八、在靜態休憩活動空間使用頻率上完全中學使用頻率高於市立國中;在動態休憩活動空間使用頻率小規模與中規模使用頻率高於大規模,七年級使用頻率高於八年級使用頻率,男生使用頻率高於女生。 九、在靜態休憩活動空間學生希望增設或改善的空間以教室、合作社與圖書館為主,並增設音樂聆聽區、電腦設備區與休憩座椅等設施為主。 十、在動態休憩活動空間以學生希望增設或改善的空間以室外籃球場、室內籃球場與活動中心為主,並增設休憩以球類設施與休憩座椅為主。 十一、學生放學從事的休憩活動依序最多為聊天、打球與散步;選擇的休憩活動空間依序最多為教室、走廊與室外籃球場。 根據結論以上結論,提出以下建議: 一、國中校園靜態休憩活動空間以教室、走廊、圖書館與合作社等空間,應優先充實其空間設施,以利學生休憩活動之用。 二、國中校園動態休憩活動空間以室外籃球場與活動中心等空間,應優先充實其空間設施,以利學生休憩活動之用。 三、高樓層校舍應就近增設休憩設施,以滿足高樓層學生休憩活動空間之需求。 四、彈性調整下課時間,利於學生進行多樣化的休憩活動。 五、動態休憩活動空間宜考慮性別的需求作適當的調整 六、國中學生在休憩活動選擇以聊天為主要活動,顯示社交需求應被重視,應此宜多設置休憩座椅,以提供學生下課聊天的硬體需求。 七、以經費持續補助學校進行校園空間改善,以增加休憩活動空間設施。 八、對未來的研究建議可在研究內容上可針對休憩附屬設施如:休憩座椅、閱讀桌椅或球場等設施之規畫形式與使用狀況進行研究。 / This study focuses on the current situation of the planning and use of recreational spaces in junior high schools in Taipei city. An analysis was conducted to find out differences in the planning and use of these spaces under different background variables in order to further probe into the reasons students choose the recreational spaces on campus after class, the activity types, improvement of facilities, and use after school. The recreational space planning and improvement suggestions were then summarized. In this paper, a questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the current situation of recreational spaces on campus. The questionnaires were distributed to find out the use and needs of the students. A total of 1,200 questionnaire copies were distributed and 1,072 valid copies were recovered. Interviews were also conducted to gain an insight into the planning and use of the school recreational spaces. The study findings based on the compiled data are as follows: 1. Most passive recreational spaces on campus are allotted for classrooms, corridors, libraries, cooperatives, and gardens, followed by outdoor theaters. Friendship platforms, recreational rooms, and roof gardens on the other hand have the least passive recreational spaces. 2. Most dynamic recreational spaces are allotted for track and field, outdoor courts, and activity centers. 3. The passive recreational space planning in different schools is generally the same except for corridors, libraries, ancillary facilities in gardens, and outdoor theater layout that slightly differ. For the dynamic recreational spaces, the ancillary facilities such as the track and field, outdoor courts, etc., differed slightly. 4. There is not much variation in dynamic recreational space planning at different schools except corridors, libraries, and cooperatives that showed slight differences. In terms of dynamic recreational space planning, the schools do not differ much except for ancillary facilities of outdoor courts that show slight variations. 5. Students more frequently used passive recreational spaces after class, particularly classrooms, corridors, and cooperatives. The dynamic recreational spaces are primarily outdoor basketball courts, track and field, and activity centers. 6. The reasons for choosing dynamic recreational spaces include: closer in distance, relaxing the body and mind, and influence of peers. The reasons they choose dynamic activities include: physical activity, relaxing the body and mind, closer in distance, and influence of peers. 7. After class, the activities that take place in the passive recreational spaces are primarily chatting, followed by taking a nap, reading, trance, and taking a walk; the activities that take place in the dynamic recreational spaces include chatting and playing ball games. 8. The usage rate of the passive recreational space in complete high schools is higher than that of city junior high schools; the usage rate of the small-scale and medium-scale dynamic recreational spaces is higher than that of the large-scale spaces; the usage rate of the 7th graders is higher than that of the 8th graders, and the usage rate for the boys is higher than that of the girls. 9. In the passive recreational space, the students’ requested additional facilities and improvement of primarily classrooms, cooperatives, and libraries and setup of music areas, computer areas, and recreational chairs. 10. In the dynamic recreation space, the students requested additional facilities and improvement of primarily outdoor basketball courts, indoor basketball courts, and activity centers and setup of ball sport related facilities and recreational chairs. 11. The students’ recreational activities after school in sequence are chatting, playing ball games, and taking a walk. And the recreational spaces chosen in sequence are classrooms, corridors, and outdoor basketball courts. Based on the conclusions above, the following suggestions are proposed: 1. In terms of the passive recreational space on campus of junior high schools,priorities are given to enhancing facilities in classrooms, corridors, libraries, and cooperatives for students’ recreational use. 2. In terms of the dynamic recreational space on campus of junior high schools,priorities are given to enhancing facilities in outdoor basketball courts and activity centers for students’ recreational use. 3. Additional recreational facilities should be set up in the vicinity of high-rise buildings to satisfy students’ recreational space needs. 4. Make flexible adjustment of the class schedule to facilitate students’ versatile recreational activities. 5. Take gender needs into consideration in making appropriate adjustment to the dynamic recreational space. 6. Most junior high school students choose chatting as the recreational activity,showing the need to emphasize social needs. Therefore, additional recreational chairs are recommended for students’ hardware needed for chatting. 7.Continue to grant money to improve the campus space and add more facilities in the recreational space. 8.It is suggested that future researches focus on the planning and usage of recreational ancillary facilities such as recreational chairs, desks/chairs for reading, and ball courts.

The relationship between culture, attitude, social networks and quality of life in midlife Australian and Taiwanese men and women

Fu, Shiu Yun January 2006 (has links)
Background of the Study The aims of this study was to specifically investigate the differences in culture, attitude towards life and social networks between Australian and Taiwanese men and women in addition to determining the factors that predict midlife men and women's quality of life in both countries. Because individualism and collectivism are the two most thoroughly researched constructs in inter-cultural and cross-cultural studies we should look at how these construct affects societies. The theme for individualist cultures (such as Western cultures) is autonomy, while the theme for collectivist cultures (such as Asian cultures) is connection. Most literature available on individualism and collectivism note all cultures have different values that influence their society and ultimately a person's individual health outcome. Very little work has been undertaken in this domain in Australia or Taiwan, particularly in the area of midlife transition and from a cultural perspective. Methodology Data was collected from a cross-sectional, supervised self-administered survey using census data and a probability proportional sampling (PPS) strategy on a general population of men and women aged 40-59 years old who live permanently in Brisbane, Australia and Taipei, Taiwan. The study population was divided into 163 Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) in Brisbane, and 449 Local Government Communities (LGCs) in Taipei. Sixty clusters were randomly selected using probability proportional sampling (PPS) to obtain 30 Australian clusters and 30 Taiwanese clusters. In this study, the 30 (areas) by 7(people) method was used with an additional strategy. The variables were measured including: culture (vertical and horizontal individualism and collectivism), attitude towards life (the total score of optimism), social networks (the total score of emotional, informational, affectionate, tangible, and positive social interaction) and quality of life (physical, psychological, social, and environmental health), social demographical factors and religion and spiritualty. The data analysis procedure included descriptive, bivarite and multivariate multiple regressions and classifications and regression trees (CART). A comparison of the linear regression and regression tree results were discussed. All data analysis was performed by SPSS and S-Plus softwares. Results The overall response rate for the study was 84.2% for midlife Australian men and women and 88.4% for midlife Taiwanese men and women this resulted in 278 Australians (45.3% men) and 398 Taiwanese (35.4% men) providing data to be analysed. Findings in this study indicated country of residence has an overwhelming impact on quality of life with significant differences seen between midlife Australian and Taiwanese men and women (F4, 666= 59.31, P< .001). Results suggest midlife Australian men and women have a better quality of life than midlife Taiwanese men and women. In addition, a comparison of the linear regression and regression tree results reveals that two models identified the same major affect variable for different countries of residence: which was attitude towards life in midlife Australians and social networks in midlife Taiwanese. However, regression trees were able to capture important nonlinear effects as well as interactions between cultural attribute variables. This study demonstrated culture significantly involves multiple functions and interacts with attitude towards life, social networks and individual factors to influence a person's quality of life. The interaction of cultural circumstances and the internal and external factors involved, show less comparative attributes and increased equality attributes, defining the need for people to have a good social networks and a healthy positive disposition. Conclusion Because of the ever increasing flexibility of world travel and a global population, people have much more opportunity to interact with many other cultures which would create improvement in learning opportunities and better health management effectiveness for people the world over. This study has addressed and contributed to the assessment of multi-cultural quality of life research and has important implications for all health professions in addition to government departments and organisational policy makers of both countries. And finally, this study has identified that there needs to be a concerted effort to implement major policy shifts in the near future because of the changing fabric of modern societies. At the same time technology and globalisation have advanced rapidly and point to new opportunities within and across countries for more diverse approaches in research and the implementation of policy initiatives to occur. This study has highlighted that opportunities exist to reflect on current policies for Australian and Taiwanese societies to provide enhanced opportunities to care for the growing midlife populations.

「夾心餅乾」的修煉史 ─大臺北地區警察心理壓力模型建構 / A qualitative research on Stress : The Process Model of Policemen in General Taipei

劉婷安胥, Liu, Tinganxu Unknown Date (has links)
自針對心理壓力的研究盛行以來,心理壓力和工作績效的關係得到了學界諸多領域的關注。警察是高壓群體,在量化和質化研究的雙重驗證下,得到了學界一致性的認同。而警察的壓力所影響的並不僅只是其個人工作績效,更關乎整個社會的治安狀況。此外,對於壓力而言,局限於測量警察族群的壓力,對於解決問題本身沒有根本性作用。基於以上原因,本研究專注於警察高壓的原因及形成機制。根據非正式預訪談得知所長是警察生涯中壓力最為突出的一個階段,故本研究將目標鎖定在警察階段的所長族群。為了挖掘所長高壓原因及其形成機制,本研究透過質化深入訪談的研究方法,深入訪談了大臺北地區7位男性派出所所長和3位女性所長。經過紮根理論的研究流程和資料分析法,結果發現所長階段的壓力較為嚴重的原因主要在於其特殊的工作特點,以及家庭和工作的難以平衡;就其工作特點而言,包括:壓力多元化、工作時間過長、體力硬線要求高、休假異常、績效結構欠佳、公務冗雜和媒體壓迫。也正是因為工作特點而使得其較難在工作與家庭之間取得平衡。對於女性而言,刻板印象和社會期待均使其在警察工作中處於劣勢,但優秀的表現也會獲得更多的讚賞,與期望破壞理論(Expectancy Violation Theory)一致;而男性也恰正是因為刻板要求和社會期待使得其肩負著和女性警察機制不同但是程度相當的心理壓力。總體而言,警察體制內受到詬病的是績效考核方式,績效結構不合理並且指標沒有上限,專案頻繁,儘管不同來源的所長最終都將自我調整心態到了無可奈何的接受狀態。也正是這一結果,證明目前警察體系內協助警察舒緩壓力的管道較為匱乏,亟需改善和解決。 / The influence by stress on performance is one of the popular research issues. Former qualitative and quantitative researches proved that policeman is one of jobs with high working stress. Stress on policeman not only affect their own working performance but also societal safety. Only measurement of stress cannot make policeman perform better. Thus, this study focuses on causes and mechanism of policeman’s stress. Police inspectors in local police stations are with extremely high working stress according to informal interviews. This study interviewed three female and seven male police inspectors from Taipei City, New Taipei City and Keelung in Taiwan. After data analysis with Grounded Theory, this study concludes that special working conditions and unbalance between family and work are the main sources of stress on policemen. This job is stressful with several traits including multi-faced stress, overtime work schedule, exhausting physical energy, irregular days-off, unreasonable performance evaluation structure, complicated working issues and bothering media. It is these working conditions that make policemen stressful and difficult to make balance between work and family. Furthermore, stereotypes and social desirability burden female policemen. However, consistent with Expectancy Violation Theory, female policemen would also gain more recognition and compliment when they perform positively; Male policemen are required to take over more work for female policemen because of social desirability. In general, the biggest source of stress for policemen in Taiwan is the unreasonable performance evaluation system. It comes out as taking it without other alternatives for most policemen no matter where they were trained before. There has not been effective assistance for policemen within police system in Taiwan.

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