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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimising urban green networks in Taipei City : linking ecological and social functions in urban green space systems

Shih, Wan-Yu January 2010 (has links)
With the global population becoming more urban and less rural, increasingly research has argued for concepts such as establish Green Infrastructure (GI) as a tool for enhancing wildlife survival and human’s living quality (e.g. Harrison et al., 1995; Benedict and McMahon, 2006). However, an interdisciplinary planning approach underpinned by ecological and social evidence has not yet been fully developed. This research therefore seeks to integrate an ecological network with a green space planning standard by exploring the use of biotope and sociotope mapping methods. Seeking a comprehensive planning that takes all green resources into account, a green space typology is firstly developed according to Taiwanese contexts for identifying green spaces from land use maps. In order to specify effective features of these green spaces to bird survival and user preferences, an insight was conducted into the relationship of ‘birds and urban habitats’, as well as ‘human preferred urban green spaces’ in Taipei City. Important environmental factors influencing bird distribution and influencing human experiences in urban green spaces are respectively specified and developed into an ecological value index (EVI) to detail potential habitats and a social value index (SVI) to evaluate recreational green space provision. Interestingly, proximity to green space appears to plays a more critical role in human preferences than bird survival in Taipei city; size is important both as a habitat and for creating an attractive green space; and green space quality tends to be a more significant factor than its structure for both wildlife and people. Utilising the bio-sociotope maps, this thesis argues for a number of strategies: conserving, enlarging, or creating large green spaces in green space deficient areas; increasing ecological and recreational value by enhancing green space quality of specific characteristics; and tackling gravity distance by combining green space accessibility and attractiveness in optimising urban green structure. As these suggestions are a challenge to apply in intensively developed urban areas, barriers from land use, political mechanisms, technical shortages, and cultural characteristics are also explored with possible resolutions presented for facilitating implementation. It is clear that optimising a multifunctional GI for both wildlife and people requires interdisciplinary knowledge and cooperation from various fields. The EVI and SVI developed within this thesis create the potential for a more place-specific and quantifiable green spaces strategy to help better link ecological and social functions in urban areas.

Streaming video for parental involvement education

Lin, Ching-Ping 01 January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to develop a way of communication between school and parents. It aims to help parents to be more involved in their children's education. One of the main aspects and focus of this project is the analysis of the use of streaming video.

Relationships of Home, Student, School, and Classroom Variables with Mathematics Achievement

Miller, Roslyn B 09 December 2016 (has links)
This study used the TIMSS 2011 International Database to investigate predictors of 8th-grade mathematics achievement across three countries that represent a wide range of cultures and levels of mathematics achievement: Chinese Taipei, Ghana, and the United States. A review of literature on predictors of mathematics achievement yielded variables in four major contexts of learning—a student’s home, beliefs, school, and classroom. The variables of home that were investigated are home possessions for learning, parent education, and parents’ expectations and involvement in their children’s education. The variables of student beliefs were self-confidence in mathematics and the value of mathematics. The variables of school were school climate, school resources, administrator leadership, and school socioeconomic status. Finally, the variables of the classroom are access and equity, curriculum, tools and technology, assessment, and teacher professionalism. A 2-level hierarchical linear model was used to investigate relationships between the predictors for learning mathematics and 8th-grade mathematics achievement. Level 1 represented the relationships among the student-level variables, and Level 2 represented the school-level variables. In Chinese Taipei, statistically significant predictors of mathematics achievement in the final model included variables from the domains of home resources, student beliefs, school climate, and school socioeconomic status. In Ghana, both student-beliefs variables had statistically significant relationships with mathematics achievement, and one school climate and one school socioeconomic status variable each was found statistically significant. The U.S. had statistically significant predictors in the domains of home resources, student beliefs, school socioeconomic status, classroom-level access and equity, classroom assessment, and teacher professionalism. This study extends previous research in several ways. It includes a review of classic and recent literature regarding predictors of mathematics achievement; 17 scales using the Rasch partial credit model were developed to measure predictors of mathematics achievement; and the results of this study may be used to examine the relationships between the independent variables of this study and middle-grades mathematics achievement in countries similar to the 3 in this study to reinforce and support variables that contribute to student achievement.

Protest Art and Urban Renewal in Taiwan: Convivial Combats from 2010-2013

Wei, Lising L. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.


吳清山, WU, GING-SHAN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國民中學導師專業教育背景、管教態度對學生生活適應之影響。因此 ,所探討的問題計有:(一)導師性別對學生生活適應是否有影響?(二)導師專業 教育背景對學生生活適應是否有影響?(三)導師管教態度對學生生活適應是否有影 響?(四)導師性別與專業教育背景對學生生活適應是否有交互作用影響?(五)導 師性別與管教態度對學生生活適應是否有交互作用影響?(六)導師專業教育背景與 管教態度對學生生活適應是否有交互作用影響? 本研究採用問卷調查法 研究對象取自台北市九所國民中學四十八個班級,學生二、 ○九四人(男生一、○四四人,女生一、○五○人)。研究工具為自編「導師管教態 度問卷」及路君約教授修訂之「少年人格測驗」。統計方法採用項目分析,t 考驗及 變異數分析等方法。 全文共一冊,約八萬字,分為六章二十五節,第一章緒論,說明研究動機與目的,研 究問題與假設,及重要名詞詮釋;第二章文獻探討,分別探討生活適應的意義、歷程 及衡量,教師性別對學生生活適應的影響,教師專業教育背景對學生生活適應的影響 ,及教師管教態度對學生生活適應的影響;第三章研究方法,說明研究對象、研究工 具、調查步驟、及資料處理;第四章研究結果;第五章結果討論;第六章結論與建議 ,根據結論提出建議供師資訓練機構、學校教師及未來研究者之參考。

博物館行銷策略研究—以生活型態論推薦博物館之因素 / Study on museum marketing strategies -Life style as a factor of museum recommendation

游冉琪, Yu, Jan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
在強調差異性、多元消費性的現代社會中,如何以豐富多樣的體驗資源,透過生活型態的觀眾研究調查,開拓「一個博物館,多種生活型態」的生活型態行銷策略,是博物館人要面對的時代考驗。為培養博物館目標觀眾並開發潛在觀眾,博物往往透過多種行銷手法與管道,以吸引觀眾的注意與興趣,在相關研究中顯示,口碑建立往往是最有效的行銷方式。因此,透過「口碑行銷」切入分析具影響力的博物館觀眾族群,可做為博物館開發觀眾之重要方式。 本研究以臺北縣立鶯歌陶瓷博物館為研究對象,研究目的旨在瞭解博物館觀眾的生活消費特性,藉此推測博物館可以開發的潛在觀眾屬性,並探究博物館生活型態及對博物館推薦意願強度之關係,以作為博物館訂定行銷策略之方向與設計博物館各項功能的內容。 依據本研究發現,經由因素分析萃取出5個生活型態因素,依其屬性命名為藝文參與、品牌消費、工作成就、文化教育以及家庭流行;再依據5個因素得分透過集群分析,區隔出5個不同生活型態集群,分別命名為「工作熱衷群」、「流行休閒群」、「就學學生群」、「藝文消費群」以及「家庭導向群」。本研究分析結果亦顯示,博物館觀眾可以依據不同的生活型態分成不同的族群,而不同的生活型態族群亦有不同的參觀模式,並對於博物館服務與設施的推薦意願的亦有所差異。 最後根據研究發現,分別依據不同族群生活型態之屬性與博物館推薦意願之差異,提出不同的博物館行銷策略與方案,以提供博物館開發觀眾之參考。 / In this contemporary society where emphasis is placed on differentiation and diversified consumption, it is a test for contemporary museums to conduct audience lifestyle studies with multi-faceted resources, and to explore a lifestyle marketing strategy for ‘one museum, multi lifestyles’. Most museums usually have to conduct various marketing promotions and through different channels to cultivate target audiences and attract potential audiences. Various related studies indicates that word-of-mouth is usually the most effective marketing strategy. Therefore, through ‘word-of-mouth’ to analyze influential audiences could be an important way to explore potential audiences. This study takes Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, to understand the consumption behavior of museum audience, in order to assume the characteristics of potential museum audiences, and to explore the relationship between museum typology and audiences’ willingness to recommend. This will also serve as the basis for future marketing strategy, and to design various museum functions and contents. Based on the findings, five typology elements were extracted through element analysis, namely artistic participation, brand consumption, work achievement, cultural education and family popularity; then through group analysis these five elements were segregated into different lifestyle typologies, namely ‘workaholics’, ‘popular leisure’, ‘students’, ‘cultural activity consumers’, and ‘family-oriented consumers’. The analysis will indicate that museum audiences can be grouped based on lifestyle. Audiences with different lifestyle backgrounds encompass different visiting patterns, and may differ in willingness to recommend museum services and facilities. Finally, based on the findings of this study, we intend to propose different museum marketing strategies based on audience lifestyle, and their willingness to recommend the museum, to serve as future reference as museums targets potential audiences.

中共和美國會談與台海危機關聯性之研究(1955-1963) / The Study of Connection Between PRC - USA Talks and Taiwan Strait Crisisses (1955-1963)

李俊融, Li, Jiun-Rong Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

民營化對象與執行策略選擇關係之研究--以台北市政府為例 / The Research of Relationship between Privatization Objects and Executive Strategies -The Case Study of Taipei Municipal Government

莊美珠, Chuang, Mei-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
民營化政策的發展,是近十幾年來經濟自由化理念下的一個鮮明趨勢,亦是各國公部門改革運動的有力工具。在財政負擔及經濟發展的壓力下,各國政府皆審思其定位無法事必躬親,故轉為尋求「小而能」、「小而美」的政策導航角色,企圖引進市場機制來降低成本並增進生產力,以提供良好的營運品質及便利的服務。 但衡諸國外先進國家公營事業民營化之經驗,民營化的方式大致分為三類: 一、最狹義的民營化:所有權移轉,如出售或移轉官股或公產; 二、狹義的民營化:經營權移轉,如公營事業部分或全部委由民間經營或代理。 三、廣義的民營化:修改立法開放市場,迫使公營事業在市場機制的競爭壓力下,調整經營體制採取企業經營原則。 公營事業對於我國經濟發展初期,確實背負政策性任務、具有國家經濟發展的正面意義,但因國內外經濟環境急遽變化、產業技術日新月異,商機瞬息萬變,公營事業受限於法令束縛,經營逐漸僵化,經營的困境與劣勢逐一浮現,所以在國際化、自由化的趨勢下,為了提升國家競爭力、維持經濟長期發展,政府必須營造公平、開放及競爭的市場環境,讓企業的活力與效率能儘量發揮,以有效提升整個社會資源運用的效率,創造全民最大的利益,所以公營事業的民營化是刻不容緩的工作。 但檢視我國行政院自七十八年七月成立跨部會的「公營事業民營化推動專案小組」,負責修訂民營化相關法令,審議民營化執行方案,並將二十二家公營事業列為第一波移轉民營的對象,依「公營事業移轉民營條例」及施行細則的規定,民營化執行策略僅限於「股權釋出」及「資產出售」,但因法規規定未盡周延、釋股方式及員工權益保障等因素引起爭議,使此階段民營化的推動過程並不順利,多項計畫亦未能依原訂期程執行。 在民國八十五年十二月底召開的「國家發展會議」之「經濟發展」議題中提出「加速公營事業民營化」的子題,重新對民營化政策作一檢討,除了課以執行單位五年內完成民營化的責任與壓力外,另擴大民營化範圍與執行方式,除了「股權釋出」及「資產出售」之所有權移轉外,另增列了委託經營或租賃等經營權移轉的方式,俾能更有效的引進民間企業精神,以提升公部門的經營效率。 另外,政府積極進行加入世界貿易組織與建立臺灣成為亞太營運中心工作,此二項重要經濟政策的共同精神都在強調自由化與國際化,由減少政府管制,擴大民間參與,讓市場機能得以發揮。同時行政院在八十七年元月提出「政府再造綱領」,希望引進企業管理精神,建立創新、彈性、有應變能力的政府,以提升國家競爭力。其中「法制再造推動計畫」就以公營事業民營化、獎勵民間參與公共建設及政府業委託民間辦理,並檢討修正或廢止各項不當限制市場競爭及不便民的業務法令等項目,以作為調整政府角色的重點工作。 台北市政府推動所有權移轉的民營化政策,係依「國家發展會議」的決議及行政院「公營事業民營化推動專案小組」第十次會議決議,決定台北銀行及台北市政府印刷所民營化。而台北市政府對於委託民間經營因部分不涉及所有權的變化,市府各局處在不涉及公權力、及例行性的業務大都已採行民營化,而近年新成立的市立萬芳醫院及市立兒童交通博物館採取全部業務皆以委託民間辦理的情形。以上民營化的推動,對於公部門組織的運作不啻是一大挑戰,相關的推動法令、配套措施、員工權益補償的保障、移撥安置的作業,在在都須要執行專案小組、執行機關與民營化對象的相互配合、溝通,以使民營化政策能順利的推動。 大體而言,本文研究的主要理念,即想結合公營事業民營化政策的理論與實務,探討如何因應經營體質及性質的差異,公部門對於標的對象所採用的執行策略該如何抉擇、篩選;同時,標的對象的選定及其支持與配合是民營化推動順利與否的重要關鍵因素之一。政府部門不能過度簡化民營化問題,將所有不同經營性質的公營事業皆以相同的執行策略來完成,同時政府部門亦不應以相同單一法規-「公營事業移轉民營條例」及施行細則,套用在各種不同制度之公營事業對象的員工。在理論基礎與實務狀況的了解釐清後,綜合文獻探討、個案研究及訪談資料等研究結果評析台北市政府及中央的民營化政策執行策略與對象選擇的關係,並提出建議,以供未來推動民營化政策的參考。 民營化對象與執行策略選擇關係之研究-以台北市政府為例 目 錄 第一章:緒論 第一節:研究動機與目的 第二節:研究範圍與架構 第三節:研究方法與途徑 第四節:研究流程與限制 第五節、章節安排 第二章:民營化理論探討 第一節:公營事業的性質及潛在危機 第二節:民營化理論 第三節:民營化對象分析 第四節:民營化執行策略及選擇機制 第五節、民營化文獻的回顧與檢討 小結 第三章:我國推動公營事業民營化現況 第一節:公營事業民營化政策的演進 第二節:我國民營化政策推動組織、程序及執行策略 第三節:我國推行民營化相關法令及措施 第四節:我國民營化問題的解決-建構公私部門合作策略 小結 第四章:個案探討-台北市政府推動民營化案例 第一節:台北市政府推動民營化政策之現況與法令依據 第二節:台北市政府撤資型民營化個案分析 壹、股權釋出-台北銀行 貳、資產出售-台北市政府印刷所 第三節:台北市政府委託民間經營案例及概況 壹、 台北市政府市有財產委託經營之法令依據 貳、 台北市政府市有財產委託經營之概況 參、 台北市政府市有財產委託經營之方式 第四節:台北市政府委託型民營化個案分析 壹、 台北市立萬芳醫院 貳、 台北市立兒童交通博物館 第五節:台北市政府民營化個案優缺點比較分析 第六節:改進台北市政府民營化政策推行之建議 小結 第五章:結論與建議 第一節:結論 第二節:建議 參考書目 附錄一:台北市政府推動民營化相關法規 附錄二:訪談資料

都市服務設施鄰避效果之研究 / A Study of the NIMBY Effect of the Urban Service Facilities

何紀芳, Ho, Chi Fang Unknown Date (has links)
所謂都市服務設施係指「提供社會、文化、經濟、政治與宗教等服務機能之都市設施」。但由於都市服務設施的種類與使用性質的不同,對都市環境或生活品質也產生不同的影響,有些對環境有正面的「迎毗」效果,有些卻會產生負面的「鄰避」效果,而有些則是迎毗效果與鄰避效果同時存在。   以往有關鄰避效果的研究,無論是國內外多只是就個案或是某類設施進行探討,在界定迎毗效果與鄰避效果時也過於主觀,因而對具有鄰避效果之設施的探討未盡完整。因此本研究運用環境行為的研究方法,以台北地方生活圈為研究範圍,自居民的接受意願與鄰避指數來界定鄰避效果,並尋求都市居民為何會對都市服務設施產生鄰避的心理或行為,以及影響鄰避的因素,最後驗證本研究所建立的都市服務設施鄰避效果之概念模式。   根據研究成果所獲得的結論與建議如下:   一、本研究所建立的「都市服務設施鄰避效果」概念模式有資訊、動機、環境態度、經驗、個人屬性、與都市階層等六個概念因子,而中介因子為接受意願。   二、根據都市居民的接受意願可以將都市服務設施劃分為「不願意接受」、「接受意願態度混雜」、與「願意接受」三個層級;而以鄰避指數度量鄰避效果,則可發現都市服務設施的鄰避效果依輕重程度可以劃分為四個等級:「不具鄰避效果」、「輕度鄰避效果」、「中度鄰避效果」、與「高度鄰避效果」。   三、大多數的環境認知與態度不會因受訪者所在的都市階層不同而受影響。而將環境認知與態度經因子分析操作後,各都市階層抽出的因子結構不甚相同,經調整後可得出四個影響都市服務設施接受意願的因子,分別是資訊、環境態度、動機、與經驗。此外,檢驗概念模式中的概念因子與接受意願的互動關係,發現除了經驗與都市階層二個因子與研究假設一致,其餘三個都與假設有所差異。   四、策略建議方面:建議從法規面、規劃者角色定位、土地使用規劃、及都市服務設施管理方面考慮改善鄰避效果之策略。 / Urban service facilities are those that provide "social, cultural, economic, political, and religious functions." Due to different types and functions, these facilities will have varied impacts on environment. Some are positive, and hence "YIMBY" (Yes-ln-My-Back-Yard) facilities; some are negative, and hence "NIMBY" (Not-ln-My-Back-Yard) facilities; some have both effects.   Previous studies dealing with NIMBY effects were mostly case studies or studies that focused on certain types of facilities. In addition, most previous studies were based on subjective concepts to define NIMBY effects. Therefore, this thesis adopts Environment-Behavior research method to study NIMBY effects of urban service facilities in Taipei area. Using the "willingness-to-accept" concept and the "NIMBY indicator," this thesis defines NIMBY effects of urban service facilities. This thesis also seeks to explore why citizens demonstrate NIMBY syndrome, and what factors affect NIMBY syndrome. The conceptual model of NIMBY effects is verified as well.   The conclusion and suggests are as follows:   1. The conceptual model of "NIMBY effects urban service facilities" consists of information, motivation, environmental attitudes, experience, personal attributes, and urban hierarchy. The intervening factor is the willingness to accept.   2. According to the willingness to accept, urban service facilities can be categorized as "not-willing-to-accept," "mixed attitudes," and "willing-to-accept." Using the NIMBY indicator concept to measure NIMBY effects, NIMBY effects can be classified as "no NIMBY effects," "small NIMBY effects," "moderate NIMBY effects," and "serious NIMBY effects."   3. Most environmental attitudes will not vary in different urban hierarchies. The results of factor structures of environmental attitudes are varied in different urban hierarchies. After adjustment, four factors influencing the willingness to accept urban service facilities can be extracted: information, environmental attitudes, motivation, and experience. In addition, in examining the relationships between the conceptual model and the willingness to accept, only experience and hierarchies are consistent with our hypotheses.   4. This thesis suggests four possible directions to mitigate NIMBY effects and the NIMBY syndrome: regulations, planners' roles, land use planning, and urban facility management.

服務設計、展覽體驗、體驗價值、顧客滿意度與推薦意願之關聯研究-以2010年台北國際花卉博覽會為例 / Research of relationships among service design, exhibition experience, experiential value, customer satisfication and recommendation-As seen in the 2010 Taipei Flora Expo

黃俊傑, Huang, Chun Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討服務設計、展覽體驗、體驗價值、顧客滿意度與推薦意願之關聯,以2010年台北國際花卉博覽會為例。主要研究目的是想了解花博園區的服務設計內容,是否會使前往花博的顧客有不同的體驗經驗,間接增加體驗價值,進一步使滿意度增加,進而願意推薦親朋好友前往參觀?也想了解是否因為顧客個人因素的不同,導致不同的體驗價值與顧客滿意度? 本研究有效紙本問卷有136份,有效網路問卷有461份,全部問卷共597份。利用典型相關與迴歸分析,發現良好的服務設計將會帶給花博顧客正向的展覽體驗;良好的展覽體驗提高體驗價值;較高的體驗價值使顧客對此次花博擁有較高的滿意度進而使推薦意願提高。接著透過MANOVA、ANOVA、多重比較與T檢定,發現參觀花博的時間不同,對於體驗價值與顧客滿意度有所差異;而第一次參觀花博月份的不同,使滿意度有所差異;累計參觀花博次數不同,對於體驗價值與滿意度也會有所差異。 / In this study serive design, exhibition experience, experiential value, customer satisfication and recommendation are used to investigate the 2010 Taipei Flora Expo. The main purpose is to understand how the host organization service design used in the Flora Expo, caused tourists to have different experiences, increased experiential values, satisfication and recommendation. The study will also investigate whether different personal factors will cause different experiential values and satisfication. There are 136 subjects from paper questionnaire and 461 subjects from on-line questionnaire. Total subjects are 597. Using Canonical Correlation, Regression, MANOVA, ANOVA, Post Hoc and T test the resulting data is as follows: 1. Service design had a positive correlation to experiential marketing. 2. Experiential marketing had a positive correlation to experiential value. 3. Experiential value had a positive correlation to satisfaction. 4. Satisfaction had a positive correlation to recommendation. 5. Different visiting days (weekday, weekend, both) had different experiential value and satisfication 6. During the month (11-12, 1-2, 3-4) of people visting for the first time had different level of satisfication. 7. The amout of times (1, 2, above 3 times) visiting the expo had different experiential values and satisfication.

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