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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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翁番財, WENG, FAN-CAI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文為一冊,約五萬字,共分五章十六節,其主要內容為: 一、探討的變數為一般生活型態變數八十七個;特別生活型態變數三十二個;飲用程 度(量)變數三個;飲用時機變數汽水、可樂、沙士各五個;產品屬性變數,汽水、 可樂、沙士八個;人口統計變數七個。 二、探討軟性(碳酸)飲料(汽水、可樂、沙士)消費者的生活型態,及各軟性飲類 消費群在生活型態上之差異。 三、探討各軟性飲料的重要飲用者與輕度飲用者生活型態,對產品屬性重視程度及人 口統計變數之差異。 四、探討不同生活型態的消費群在飲用量,飲用時機、產品屬性重視程度及人口統計 變數上之差異。 五、各種軟性飲料皆是重度飲用者,其生活型態,人口統計變數之剖析。


徐瑞梅, XU, RUI-MEI Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要藉由土地混合使用型態、程度之調查分析,以瞭解目前台北市實質混合使用 內容為何,並透過問卷調查來反映居民對混合使用之看法。本文共五章,約五萬字。 茲將各章綱要簡述如下: 第一章緒論:首先說明本文之研究動機與目的、界定研究範圍、論述研究方法,並利 流程圖來說明整個研究過程。 第二章土地混合使用之基本觀念:本章先說明土地混合使用之意義,再對其觀念來源 加以探討,並分析混合使用優、缺點何在,且做相關文獻之回顧。 第三章民生社區土地混合使用現況調查分析:本章先統計民生社區地面層建築面積、 總樓地板面積、各街廓建蔽率、容積率及公共設施建設情形等土地使用現況,再對各 街廓土地混合使用型態、程度加以調查分析,進一步對實質混合使用內容加以探討, 且與「台北市土地使用及外部環境之評價:本章係係利用問卷調查方式,以明瞭居民 對「一屋兩用」之看法及居民對住家附近開設各種行業之感受,並由居民分別表示對 外部環境二十四個項目之重視及滿意程度如何,再針對居民的意見加以批評、檢討。 第五章結論與建議 最後將混合使用現況、居民意願及法令規定三者做綜合比較,針 對比較提出建議事項。

臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會之研究 / A Study on the Adult English Study Circles in Taipei Public Library

曾湘雯, Tseng, Hsiang-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀是通往知識殿堂的道路,是學習的基石,藉由閱讀,能夠擴展眼界,活躍思考。世界各地正如火如荼推廣閱讀,公共圖書館在推廣閱讀上更是不遺餘力,藉由舉辦不同的活動鼓勵民眾培養閱讀習慣,讓民眾親近文字,享受閱讀的樂趣。近年來,為了提升民眾英語閱讀的興趣,增加英語討論的機會,公共圖書館陸續舉辦不少英語讀書會,讓參與者能夠以英語資源為媒介,討論與分享不同的看法。 本研究透過問卷調查法與訪談法了解臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會實施現況,並歸納讀書會成員、帶領人以及圖書館讀書會業務負責館員之看法,發現成人英語讀書會之運作特色與遭遇困境,進而分析成人英語讀書會之成效。最後歸納相關文獻與研究結果,提出辦理英語讀書會之具體建議,期望作為日後公共圖書館辦理英語讀書會之參考。 調查結果顯示,成人英語讀書會成員以50歲~59歲的女性參與者為主,職業以家庭主婦居多,但與演講協會合作之讀書會較為特殊,無家庭主婦參與,而以上班族為多。教育程度上,以大專院校畢業者佔多數,而擁有研究所以上學歷者為讀書會的第二大族群。成員參與讀書會的動機為:增加英語表達能力、增廣見聞、拓展閱讀範圍,與喜愛閱讀等。 臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會運作特色有:一、學習方式生活化,讓英語更貼近生活;二、報章雜誌、短篇文章為主要的閱讀材料;三、研討的主題呈現多元的風貌,從休閒娛樂、文學、科技、時事新聞、醫療保健、教育、語言學習,到全球性議題;四、以英語歌曲為主之研討深受歡迎,使得原本以閱讀書籍、文章為主軸的討論型態逐漸轉變;五、圖書館英語志工加入英語讀書會,以其專業來協助讀書會之運作。 臺北市立圖書館支援成人英語讀書會的角色可分為主辦與間接推廣,前者是由圖書館自辦英語讀書會,後者是圖書館提供英語讀書會硬體空間與設備之援助。整體來看,圖書館對成人英語讀書會之支援包括:定期辦理帶領人培訓課程;透過網站或電子報、文宣刊物、出版品、海報來行銷成人英語讀書會;於館內展示讀書會成員作品;建置線上「心得分享區」與「線上讀書會」供讀書會成員討論;此外,亦提供「鼓勵讀書會購書優惠」方案,讀書會成員依此管道購買書籍可享有折扣的優惠。 在使用圖書館英語資源與服務方面,未參與成人英語讀書會前,約半數成員未曾使用圖書館英語資源與服務,他們找尋資料的管道主要為網路與自己的藏書。參與英語讀書會後,將近七成的讀書會成員因為讀書會的緣故而更常接觸圖書館,進而利用圖書館英語館藏與服務,資源使用上,則以英語圖書、英語報章雜誌與英語參考工具書被使用的情況較多。同時,有將近八成的讀書會成員平均每個月增加1~3冊館藏借閱量。 參與成員肯定英語讀書會對己身的幫助,例如能夠吸收最新的資訊與專業知識,也能增進國際視野,且經由成員的意見交流與分享,了解每個人不同的思考點,無形中擴展了個人的思考面向。成員英語能力也因為參與英語讀書會而有所提升,尤其是英語會話與聽力。除此之外,自信與勇氣的增加與人際關係的拓展也是成員認為參與讀書會的收穫。成員對成人英語讀書會在各方面之滿意度均呈現不錯的表現,以「讀書會的團體氣氛」與「帶領人的領導」滿意度最高。 研究發現,臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會遭遇之困難包括:一、圖書館英語資源無法滿足成人英語讀書會之需求;二、雖然有英語志工的加入,但英語讀書會帶領人才仍非常欠缺;三、成員聚會前的準備與積極性仍需加強。 最後,針對成人英語讀書會之舉辦提出幾點建議供相關單位參考。從圖書館的角度來看,普及舉辦英語讀書會、辦理英語讀書會帶領人培訓課程、充實英語館藏、英語館藏數位化、加強行銷圖書館英語資源與服務、安排英語專題演講、發行英語讀書會刊物、建置線上英語讀書會網站、持續評估成人英語讀書會辦理情形等,都是未來辦理成人英語讀書會可努力之方向。英語讀書會參與成員則可朝向:共同擬定讀書會內部規範、加強積極參與活動、適時提出回饋與建議等方向努力之。 / Reading is the way to knowledge and also the foundation of learning. We can broaden our horizons and activate the thinking through reading. Reading promotion is held worldwide; the public libraries go to great lengths to promote reading especially. Different reading activities are held to encourage the public to develop reading habits and enjoy the reading. In order to elevate the public’s English reading habits and increase the discussion opportunities, public libraries have held lots of English study circles in recent years. The group participants can discuss and share different opinions through English materials. This study adopts questionnaire and interview approach to investigate the status quo of adult English study circles in Taipei public library. Through the ideas and opinions from the group members, leaders and librarians in charge of the study circles, the study will discover the operation characteristics and difficulties English study circles encountered. Further, analyzing the effectiveness of adult English study circles. Finally, the study will provide some suggestions for holding adult English study circles after concluding literatures and study results. According to the study results, female members aged from 50 to 59 years are the primary participants in adult English study circles.The most participants are housewives. However, the members’ main career in the study circles which the library cooperates with Toastmasters International is office worker. As concerned about education background, most members have college degrees. Members have master degrees are the second largest group in adult English study circles. Besides loving reading, members’ participation motives are to increase English expressing ability, to broaden their horizons, to extend the lust of reading, etc. The operation characteristics of adult English study circles in Taipei public library are described as follows: (1)Members can use English in their daily life. (2)English books are not the main reading materials. Instead, many groups use journals.(3)The topics of discussion are divergent, including entertainment, literature, science and technology, current events, medical and health care, education, language learning, and global issues.(4)English song–centered discussion is popular. The discussion pattern has been changing gradually from discussing books and short articles to song-centered symposium. (5)Library English volunteers are engaged in English study circles and use their professional specialty to assist the group operation. The roles of Taipei public library on holding adult English study circles can be divided into auspices and indirect outreach. In the former case, the library hosts the English study circles. In the latter case, the library offers English study circles the place and facilities. On the whole, the library’ supplies include (1)holding regular leader training curricula, (2)propagandizing English study circles through websites, e-paper, publications, and posters, (3)displaying the members’ works in the library, (4)building websites “online reflection sharing” and “online study circles,” and (5)providing purchasing proposal for study circles. As far as library English resources and services concerned, about one half group members never use library English resources and services before participating in the English study circles. They surf the net and use their own collections to find the materials. After participating English study circles, about 70 percent group members go to library more often and they also use English collections and services in the library. English books, newspapers, magazines and reference books are more often used. Besides, nearly 80 percent group members increase documents on loan per capita on the average of 1 to 3 volumes per month. Group members affirm the benefits of taking part in English study circles. For example, they can get latest information, learn professional knowledge, and broaden their visions. Through sharing the opinions, they can learn different thinking from others. After participating in the English study circles, members’ English ability have improved, especially conversation and listening. In addition, self-confidence, courage, and interpersonal relationships are also the benefits. Group members think the performances of English study circles are good in all respects. Among all the performances, members are most satisfied with group atmosphere and leader’s guidance. The study shows the difficulties that adult English study circles have encountered. They include (1) library English collections can’t satisfy group leaders, (2) English group leaders are still going short, and (3) members should have more preparation and initiative. Finally, the study brings up some suggestions about holding adult English study circles. From the library’s perspective, holding more English study circles, running study circle leaders training curricula, increasing English collections, digitalizing English collections, advertising English collections and services, publishing English publications, building online English study circles websites, and keeping on evaluating adult English study circles are some ways libraries can work in the future. With regard to the members, they can draw up the group interior rules, participating in activities more actively, and raise questions or make suggestions at anytime.

小型建商在台北市精華區預售屋市場之策略行銷分析 / Strategic marketing analysis of small builders in the pre-sale housing market of Taipei’s wealthiest districts

許景翔, Hsu, Ching Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
台北市房地產延續前幾年全球景氣,加上海峽兩岸前所未有的和諧狀態,2008年上半年房市仍持續樂觀且交易熱絡,房地價大漲直到下半年全球金融風暴來襲而急轉直下。而金融風暴的起因恰好就是美國經營房地產次級貸款公司倒閉所引發的連鎖效應。金融風暴襲捲全世界經濟,以出口為導向的台灣首當其衝,台北市房地產景氣也隨之急速降溫,但雖經濟環境造成需求萎縮,台北市土地價格卻未受影響反而屢創新高,加上政府救經濟的財政與貨幣政策,使得台北市預售屋房價並未明顯下跌,2009年甚至因兩岸交流頻仍、中資來台等議題發燒,精華區房地產市場一掃2008下半年陰霾而帶頭上揚。但在消費需求面卻因實質薪資所得並未提升,使得實際自用住宅市場追價力道薄弱,房地產泡沫危機隱約呈現。 因台灣房地產市場存在如此詭譎的內外在環境,供給與需求、作多與看空的勢力拉扯,本篇論文研究從外部環境觀察鄰近各國總體經濟與房地產景氣連動關係的歷史軌跡,進而探究近年與未來台北市房地產業景氣發展趨勢,瞭解建商面對外在經濟環境變動下所存在之機會與威脅,來發現適合小型建商生存之利基市場所在。而內部環境則以房地產預售市場之賣方與買者交易關係探討,分別從廠商供給面與消費者需求面之成本觀點進行研究,尋找小型建商本身擁有的優劣勢所因應之預售屋消費者注重的各項成本屬性,藉由4C策略行銷分析降低消費者各項購屋成本,最後提出策略建議,提升小型建商之核心競爭力。 / The real estate market in Taipei was booming during the first half of 2008, during which time the economy was good and tensions between Taiwan and China began to ease. Housing prices had been rising until they were hit by the global financial crisis in late 2008. The storm of economic downturn, resulted mainly from the chain reaction caused by the collapse of US financial institutions, had swept through the world. Taiwan was deeply affected due to its export-oriented economy. As a result, the once prosperous real estate market had slowed down because of the decrease in demand. However, in 2009, not only had the prices of lands in Taipei not fallen, the presale home prices in the wealthiest districts began to rise again, due to the government’s stimulus financial policy that heavily relied on its friendlier stance with China and the belief that there would be a flow of cash coming from China. Nevertheless, the rise of housing prices could be a gigantic bubble since the median household income has not gained and demand for new homes have not increased. Under the unusual and unpredictable economic circumstances, this thesis focuses on the research and analysis from the viewpoints of maximizing the competitive edges, profits and surviving advantages of small builders in the current housing market in Taipei. Historic macroeconomic trends in real estate in Taiwan and nearby countries were analyzed. Supply and demand in the presale housing market in Taipei were examined, with an emphasis on not only the cost analysis between small builders and buyers, but also the advantages and disadvantages faced by both sides. 4C strategic marketing analysis was carried out to minimize the buying cost from the consumer’s viewpoint; at the same time, tactical marketing recommendations to success are provided to small builders to meet the present challenges.

文化治理下的台北電影節 / Taipei Film Festival Under Cultural Governance

張嘉真, Chang, Chia-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要以文化治理切入分析影展,並以台北電影節作為研究個案。台北電影節與政府的緊密關係則為本研究選擇文化治理之因。本研究先梳影展與文化治理的概念,並回溯台北電影節十八年來的歷史,最後透過田野研究與深度訪談聚焦於影展工作者。 影展研究的特殊來自其場域的高度複雜性,從多重行動者,到與產業的關係。同時影展高度受限於時空條件,例如:舉辦時間、地點、台北電影節在全球電影產業分工下的角色。全台唯一針對台灣電影設立的台北電影獎也成了其特殊之處,受惠於此的同時也深受其牽制。 台北電影節的設立與大方向訂定與政府/文化局的政策緊密扣連。然而在人事浮動和台灣政治環境下,除了「以文化作為治理方法」,也產生「文化成為被治理對象」的現象。台北電影節有過半經費來自台北市文化局,行政體系上又隸屬財團法人台北市文化基金會,必須遵守嚴格的公文、核銷請款流程。 然而卻與影展工作者特質相互矛盾,影展工作者多半愛好自由、對工作有相當執著等,也因此更容易對繁瑣行政體系產生反彈,同時影展工作常見的短聘制度更是不利公文體系的運作和經驗傳承。原以方便管理、防弊為出發的行政流程,卻吻合Foucault 談論的治理性,治理並不特定指涉國家機器,而是由不同論述推砌。除了由外向內,更同時進行主體化,成為由內向外的規訓。 / This study aims to analyze film festival through the concept of cultural governance. Due to the perceived close relationship between Taipei Film Festival and Taipei government, this festival has been chosen as the case study. It will begin by exploring the concepts of “film festival” and “cultural governance”, and the history of Taipei Film Festival and will focus on the workers through field study as well as in-depth interview. The field of film festival is highly complex. Its diversity of actors, close relationship with film industry, limited time and space, and the global situation concerning film industry all play parts in the performance of a film festival. Taipei Film Awards, a competition specialising in Taiwanese films, also makes Taipei Film Festival more confined in its creativity while brining it much resources. The close relationship Taipei Film Festival has with Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government makes its cultural aspect gets oppressed with endless administrative procedures to follow in order to gain financial and administrative support. Culture, in this case, has turned into a tool of administration; while on the other hand is ruled over by political decisions as well. The strict administrative procedures pose strong contrast to the nature of film festival workers as they often develop a system on their own to deal with the tons of work that befall on them. They therefore tend to oppose onerous oversight. On the other hand, the short-term contracts, which are common in film festival, also keeps the system from working fluidly. Administration is now coherence with what Foucault called “governance”. Instead only refer to government, governance is about different discourses. Governance is a process of subjectification, not only from to inside, also become the discipline which works from inside to outside.


蔡佳洹, Jia-yuan Tsai Unknown Date (has links)
所有的選舉競爭都在既定的環境中進行。競選活動的效果,也就在於候選人是否能正確評估自身在既定環境及個人條件上的優劣勢,從而運用競選策略與戰術來凸顯有利因素、修正或淡化不利因素,以取得規劃中的足夠選票來獲得勝選。於此,本論文以馬英九在1998年台北市長選舉中所運用的競選策略為例,提出一個研究候選人競選策略的分析架構,作為理解選戰中候選人採用各種策略的動機及行為的基礎。在方法上,本論文採取整體資料分析法、文獻分析法、調查研究法、以及深入訪談法等方法配合運用,期能經由對馬英九陣營競選行為的觀察,為當前候選人競選策略研究作進一步驗證,並作為往後競選理論深化發展的基礎。 如何以挑戰者的身份擊敗具優良政績的的在位市長,是馬英九從事選舉競爭的最大問題。在選舉競爭條件的評估方面,國民黨在台北市擁有的三成實力加上新黨約兩成五的政黨實力,共同建構出馬英九的過半潛力,成為馬英九爭勝的有利基礎。在新黨勢弱下,馬英九陣營便將勝選聯盟設定在以國民黨傳統票為基礎,並在預期新黨票源將有效回流下,將本土性票源視為勝選目標群。但在李登輝因素造成新黨票源與本土性票源的矛盾下,馬陣營以中間選民訴求作為一個兼顧此兩種票源的最適位置。在策略抉擇上,馬陣營採取候選人中心策略作為選戰議程,並分別針對不同票源群體取不同策略進行訴求:針對國民黨傳統票源,馬陣營採取政黨中心戰術來進行強化式策略;針對新黨票源,馬陣營則分別以「一路走來、始終如一」的候選人中心戰術及「打造世界級首都」的議題中心戰術來進行甄補式策略;針對本土票源,馬陣營則以「台灣第一、台北第一」的議題中心戰術進行甄補式策略。在選舉戰術的應用方面,無論是自我推銷的訴求策略、阻斷對手策略效果的攻擊策略、或者回應對手攻擊或重大事件發展的回應策略,也都扣緊預定之候選人中心的選戰議程。而在組織動員方面,馬陣營也配合馬英九所具資源設計競選組織並進行基層動員。 就選舉結果來看,新黨支持者的大幅流動所造成的國、新合流,尤其是外省籍選民近乎一面倒地支持馬英九,是馬英九勝選主因。這顯示馬英九的競選策略基本上是成功的,即在國民黨傳統票及新黨票源的爭取上達成目標,但在本土票源的爭取上則不如想像中順利。 第一章 緒論 壹、 研究動機與目的 貳、 研究主題的背景 參、 文獻檢閱 肆、 研究方法 第二章 選區的政治生態 壹、 台北市的人文區位背景 貳、 台北市政治生態環境變遷 參、 小結 第三章 競選初期的策略 壹、 競選初期的主要事件 貳、 競爭條件評估與策略抉擇 參、 競選組織的建立 肆、 策略制定與執行 伍、 小結 第四章 競選中期的策略 壹、 競選中期的主要事件 貳、 主要訴求策略及運用 參、 攻擊策略之應用與調整 肆、 回應策略 伍、 組織與動員 陸、 策略效果 柒、 小結 第五章 競選後期的策略 壹、 主要競選活動 貳、 議題訴求 參、 向對手的攻擊策略 肆、 回應對手攻擊的策略 伍、 造勢活動 陸、 小結 第六章 結論 壹、 研究發現 貳、 檢討與建議 參考書目

第七屆台北市議會內三黨互動關係之研究-以85年度總預算審議過程為例 / The Interaction Among Three Parties In 7nd Taipei City Council

王娟娟, Wang, Chuan-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究擬以博奕理論為主要研究架構,藉由個案研究分析,希望達成以下之目的:(1)探對台北市議會在三黨不過半的議會政治生態下,各政黨之間合縱連橫之運作情形及其影響,並試圖尋求影響三黨互動關係的因素。(2)了解政黨在議會立法過程中所處的地位、所扮演的角色及所發揮的功能。整個研究範圍則限於第七屆議會第一會期內85年度總預算的審查。全文共分六章,茲概述如下: 第一章緒論:說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法以及研究限制。 第二章理論基礎與文獻探討:介紹博奕理論基本概念,並對相關研究文獻予以探討。 第三章現行台北市議會內的政黨政治:首先介紹市議會內的政黨組織,再進一步了解議會立法過程中的政黨運作,最後論及影響政黨互動關係的因素。 第四章及第五章部份:藉由「敬老津貼」及「教師節敬師金」兩項個案的分析,窺 探台北市議會內三黨合縱連橫的過程。 第六章結論:敘述研究發現並提出評議。

基層公務人員工作倦怠感之探討-以台北市行政區區公所為個案研究 / A Study of Burnout of the Street--level bureaucrats -The case study of the replication of the phase model of burnout on the administrative districts of the Taipei Muncipal Government

林奕銘, Lin, Yih Ming Unknown Date (has links)
壓力與工作倦怠(stress and burnout)之課題,是1980年代以來,組織學者,管理實務家與大眾傳播媒體關注的焦點。工作倦怠是壓力徵狀的一種獨特型態,常與不妥適的心理及情緒徵狀有關,表現在組織離職、缺席、低士氣及各種有關個人煩惱的自我報告指標上,包括生理枯竭、失眠、酒精與藥物使用量的增加、婚姻與家庭問題等面向上。因此,對工作倦怠現象之瞭解與衡量,是測量組織工作生活品質的重要指標,更是對個人工作經驗及組織診斷的方法;從積極面而言,具有提昇組織整體效能之正面意義,從消極面而言,防止組織成員工作倦怠現象之發生,可達到避免組織衰敗的功能。   區政是市政之基礎與延伸,區公所之基層公務人員扮演政府與民眾之間的重要橋樑,民眾經由他們的服務感知政府的存在,且擔負著政府政策執行成敗之關鍵性角色;值此行政革新如火如荼展開之際,探討基層公務人員工作倦怠程度在組織分佈情形,應為克服行政革新阻力,有效提昇服務品質之最佳途徑。   本研究整合分析工作倦怠之文獻探討,採用階段理論模式,針對台北市政府十二行政區區公所的基層公務人員進行間卷調查及統計分析。根據研究結果有以下的主要發現:   一、依區公所基層公務人員個人背景變項與工作變項之不同,其在工作倦怠階段中人數分布情形,有以下的結果:     1.就性別而言,集中於低工作倦怠群之現象十分明顯,其中男性51.7%女性47.2%;而在高工作倦怠群之分布,女性高於男性,尤其階段VIII特別顯著。     2.就年齡層而言,年齡26-30歲及31-40歲兩組,在高工作倦怠群階段VIII所佔之比率大於其它各組,是工作倦怠的兩個高峰期。     3.就服務年資而言,隨著服務年資之進升,低工作倦怠群之比率呈下降趨勢,而服務年資在(一至未滿三年)及(五至未滿十年)兩組在階段VIII之比率最高,係兩個高峰期。     4.依基層人員業務類型觀之,以秘書室人員在高工作倦怠群之人數比率達50.0%,明顯高於其它類型人員,依次為經建課人員45.6%,社會課人員42.7%,兵役課人員32.1%,而以民政課人員28.4%最低。     5.工作性質方面,內勤人員之高工作倦怠比率平均大於外群人員,兩者相差10.0%。     6.職等部份,薦任人員之高工作倦怠比率佔35.1%,高於委任人員之34.6%。     7.專科程度之基層人員,高工作倦怠程度最嚴重,研究所程度人員則無高工作倦怠現象。     8.有宗教信仰之基層人員,在高工作倦怠群之比率低於無宗教信仰者。     9.未婚之基層人員,其高工作倦怠比率佔36.4%,大於已婚人員之34.1%。     10.以行政區而言,在高工作倦怠群之比率,以文山區49.0%最高,北投區47.5%次之,而以士林區24%最低。   二、從區公所基層公務人員個人背景變項之分析結果,女性基層人員工作倦怠程度高於男性基層人員;26-30歲人員工作倦怠程度最高,51-60歲人員最低;未婚者工作倦怠程度明顯高於已婚者;無宗教信仰者工作倦怠程度高於有宗教信仰者。由區公所基層公務人員工作變項觀之,以秘書業務人員之工作倦怠程度最高,民政業務人員最低;內勤人員工作倦怠程度大於外勤人員;而服務地區中以文山區之基層人員工作倦怠程度最高,而以士林區人員最低。   三、工作倦怠對區公所基層公務人員之工作緊張、工作無助、工作投入、工作滿足、一般健康等變項之影響程度,依研究結果顯示,工作倦怠與工作緊張、工作無助、一般健康等變項成正相關,而與工作滿足、工作投入二者成負相關。   四、工作倦怠對基層公務人員執行公務行為之影響程度,依其工作投入之中位數劃分為積極投入與消極投入者,兩者在工作倦怠八階段中之人數比率發現,積極投入型基層人員由階段1之21.3%,趨降於階段VIII之12.9%;而消極投入型基層人員則由階段I之5.0%趨升至階段VIII之31.9%,顯示工作倦怠導致基層公務人員的工作投入情形普遍不高。   本研究之預期價值在於探究並瞭解臺北市區公所組織中基層公務人員工作倦怠感之分佈情形,藉以研提妥善的因應之道,俾能有效的提昇行政效率,達到改善服務品質之目的。依據研究結果發現,對於臺北市主管機關及區公所管理人員,提出下列幾項建議:   一、組織功能面的調適     1.充份授權並賦予區公所業務上之自主權。     2.重新設計工作內容。     3.採取(經歷管制辦法),促進人員之間之交流與互動。   二、管理實務面之診斷與防治     1.建立組織診斷制度。     2.發展員工諮商與生涯諮商方案。     3.提供對員工支持性與教育性的協助措施。     4.增進主管人員對(員工生活壓力)課題之認知。   三、採取增進個人工作效能之干預技術    (一)高工作倦怠群之干預技術。      --建立基層公務人員的心理輔導制度。      --輔導基層公務人員從事生涯與事業之規劃。      --貫澈實施定期工作輪調制度。    (二)低工作倦怠群之干預技術。      --強化基層公務人員敏感性訓練。      --推行組織目標之管理制度。      --改變組織結構。


翁久惠 Unknown Date (has links)
嚴重的廢棄物處理問題,是現今施政的一大課題,而由於垃圾焚化相較於其他處理方式更能達到減量化、衛生化、安定化及資源化之目標,故成為未來垃圾處理方式之主流,垃圾焚化廠亦將陸續興建完工。但不可避免地,垃圾焚化廠亦會產生一些負面影響,往往被視為嫌惡性設施之一種,而形成設置上之阻力。   本研究之目的主要在藉由居民對焚化廠之認知、評價、接受程度、造成影響之感受,以及居民對焚化廠回饋地方措施之期望及其成效如何等相關課題之探討,以了解焚化廠設置形成阻力之原因所在,此外,並輔以相關文獻、專家意見及相關法規等資訊之整合,嘗試對降低焚化廠嫌惡性之可行方向提出建議,冀能對減輕日後興建焚化廠之阻力的有所助益,並期能確保民眾之生活環境品質。   本研究之重要結論與建議如下:   一、結論    (一)民眾對於國內興建焚化廠之品質及二次污染控制能力仍缺乏信心,且居民預期焚化廠可能造成之影響通常會較焚化廠實際產生之影響大。    (二)在居民願意接受焚化廠設置於其住家附近之條件中,以風險減輕方案最為居民所重視。    (三)民眾對焚化廠回饋措施之認知程度愈高者,其對焚化廠接受程度愈高。   二、建議    (一)在焚化廠風險減輕之策略方面,主管單位除了污染防治工作外,還必須了解公眾對風險的感受及反應,縮短政府與民眾在認知上之差距。    (二)回饋措施(經濟誘因)有助於降低焚化廠之嫌惡性,故主管單位應加強焚化廠回饋措施方面之配置與宣導,以爭取民眾之支持。    (三)適當的資訊回饋,可避免民眾對焚化廠之風險太過高估而增添不必要之憂慮,進而減輕其設置之阻力,故主管單位應適時提供民眾所需之環境資訊。 / The serious solid waste disposal problem is one of the challenges to the government policies. Landfilling is not a suitable solid waste disposal alternative in Taiwan, because of the high population density and the difficulty of acquiring land, At the same time, incinerators can help achieve waste reduction, sanitary disposal, stabilty, and resource recovery. Therefore, incineration will play an increasingly important role in the government's solid waste disposal plans.   Although incineration is one of the better approaches to dealing with solid waste disposal, it still has certain negative impacts on the quality of life. Therefore, it has been treated as a NIMBY (Not-In-My-Back-Yard), To some extent, NIMBYs are necessary to the community. The issue to be dealt with, then, becomes"how to find an equitable way to solve this dilemma."   This thesis focuses on three incinerators in Neihu, Wenshan, and Shihlin, Taipei. From the results of literature review, field surveys, data collection, questionnaires, and interviews, this study tries to explore the relationships between incinerators and the quality of life. This study also examines the effectiveness of compensation packages of these NIMBYs and people's attitudes toward incinerators.   The important findings of this thesis are as follows:   1.conclusions    (1).Although most people have positive attitudes toward MSW incinerators, they do not feel confident about the quality of MSW incinerators and the administration's ability to control the second pollution.    (2).People are more concerned with risk reduction strategies, rather than economic incentives.    (3).The degree to which residents accept MSW incinerators will be affected by residents' knowledge about the compensation packages of Neihu incinerator area.   2.Policy implications    (1).From the analyses we can see that people are more willing to accept risk reduction solutions rather than economic incentives. Therefore, if the government tries to increase the acceptance of MSW incinerators among residents, it should focus more on risk reduction plans.    (2).Because residents are still lack of confidence about the quality of MSW incinerators and the ability of the administration to control the second pollution, the government should provide more accurate information to the public and guarantee the quality of MSW incinerators and the ability to control the second pollution.    (3).If the government can provide some economic incentives to reduce the equity issues, the residents may be more willing to live closer to LULU facilities. From the analysis , we can see that economic incentives do reduce the NIMBY syndrome to some extents (even though not so much as risk reduction programs). Therefore, in addition to the pollution prevention and risk reduction programs, the government should also reinforce and provide more information about the compensation packages.

王白淵的文化活動與精神歷程 / The cultural activities and mental world of Wang, Bai-yuan

蘇雅楨, Su,Ya Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖結合兩個層次的精神史(History of Mentalities)研究取徑-傾向個體層次的與傾向集體層次的精神史研究-來理解並建構王白淵的精神世界所體現的雙重結構:藝術心態與啟蒙心態。 本論文主要探討他一生中在三個都市與二個世代間身份流動的軌跡,戰前與戰後之間藝術心態與啟蒙心態的消長;並從他的作品,理解其美學觀點如何展現,藉以釐清其詩文的風格與核心關懷。王白淵的這些特質與經驗都可能影響各時期他對身份的抉擇,與對身份的認同。 一九二三年,王白淵因為藝術心態的茁壯而前往東京留學,在二O年代中期,受到影響而轉變,主要是產生啟蒙心態,並開始創作小說與詩文。啟蒙心態與藝術心態的並存,使他開始思考臺灣的問題。啟蒙的心態促使他走上文學之途。表現在他的散文與小說之中,是追求殖民地解放與自由;愛好藝術的心態令他始終未把畫筆拋去,表現在他的藝術理念上,是追求臺灣文藝的更上一層樓。而就在他意識到臺灣文藝的貧困之時,他出版詩文集《蕀の道》並開始與留學東京的學生與文化人共創「臺灣藝術研究會」,為臺灣的文藝而奮鬥。而王白淵的啟蒙心態在戰後初期的重現,使他投入媒體政治,創辦並參與多種左翼報刊,理性地提出對政府的建言與熱切的批評。戰後二.二八事件的影響下使他逐漸消音,然而卻仍持續關注臺灣文藝的發展。作為一個知識份子,王白淵始終關切臺灣的問題,並以文藝作為一條道路,他是日治時期朝向臺灣藝術文學發展的先驅,與為臺灣社會自由的目標而努力的一個典型。藉由他的例子,得以窺見日治時期文藝創作者在殖民情境下創作的「共同困境」,與理解其受到歷史事件影響下的身份抉擇與心態結構的多樣化與變遷。 / The thesis attempts to reconstruct the mental world of Wang Bai-yuan, represented as a dual artistic/enlightening mental structure, through the approach of the history of mentalities of both individual and collective levels. The thesis mainly examines Wang Bai-yuan’s mobile traces of identity among three cities in East Asia and related issues between two generations that he belonged, the rise and fall of his dual structure of mental world from prewar to postwar periods. In addition, the thesis explores his writing aesthetics through examining his works. Wang’s artistic-dimension mental structure was under forming around 1923 at a time when he went to Tokyo for the study of painting. In the mid-1920s, however, the enlightening-dimension of his mental world became dominant, which led him to start his writings of poetry and novel. The formation of the dual structure of his mental world around then led him to think over issues of colonized Taiwan, while his enlightening mind in particular led him to the road of literature. After 6-year in jail during wartime, the enlightening-dimension of his mental world reemerged in early postwar Taiwan, represented as his participations in left-wing presses where he voiced his criticisms and advices toward Chinese authorities newly arrived in the island.

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