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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komparace majetkových daní v České republice a Irsku / The Comparison of Property Taxes in the Czech Republic and Ireland

Roláková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on property taxes in the Czech Republic and Ireland. The first part is aimed at tax theory and history of the property taxes. The next part describes current tax legislation for property taxes in both states. The main aim of this work is to compare the property taxes in the Czech Republic and Ireland and formulate the conclusion with particular property taxes applied in the Czech Republic. This problem is treated in the last chapter.

Posuzování projektů výzkumu a vývoje z pohledu zákona o daních z příjmů / Assessment of Research and Development Projects in Terms of Income Tax Act

Kolářová, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with evaluating of research and development projects from the viewpoint of income taxes in business corporation. The thesis defines legislation of the problematics. On the basis of acquired knowledge a methodological guide is created. It can be used in business corporation while evaluating research and development projects in accordance with income taxes. In this diploma thesis the chosen research and development projects in existing business corporation are solved by the created methodological guide. Illustrative examples of situations which can appear during realization of research and development projects and its financial impacts on business corporation are given at the end of this thesis.

The Effect of Land Consumption on Municipal Tax Revenue: Evidence from Bavaria

Langer, Sebastian, Korzhenevych, Artem 25 April 2018 (has links)
This paper aims to quantify the municipal tax revenue effects of built-up area increases. The assumed existence of these effects is one of the key reasons for ongoing land consumption on the side of the municipalities. Some previous case studies however suggested that these effects might be not large enough especially in rural municipalities and would thus make land development not profitable. We estimate the effect of built-up industrial and commercial (BIC) area change on the business tax revenues in cross-sectional instrumental variable (IV) estimations. Based on detailed data for Bavaria, we find a significant and positive tax revenue effect of an increase in municipal BIC area. There exist strong differences in the size of this effect between urban and rural municipalities. The largest effects are generated by the BIC area in the large cities and become substantially smaller when these are dropped from the sample. Based on these findings, we reflect on the tradable planning permits (TPP) scheme recently discussed in the land use literature in the context of policies aiming to limit land consumption. Furthermore, we relate our estimates to the average municipal costs for land development and execute a number of robustness checks.

Bonus-Malus system impact on the demand for eco-friendly vehicles / Effekten av bonus-malus system på efterfrågan på miljövänliga fordon

Adan, Abdifatah, Ibrahim Abdi, Mustafe January 2022 (has links)
Global warming issues are a widespread problem around the world and the emissions of greenhouse gases is one of the main contributors. The transport sector emits a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions; thus, this contributes to global warming. To tackle this challenge the Swedish state introduced in July 2018 a system called bonus-malus system which aims to increase the proportion of eco-friendly cars and in the long run reducing greenhouse gases emissions from the transport sector. This paper examines the tax system within the Bonus-Malus system. Primarily investigating if Malus, tax system, impacted the demand for electric vehicles since it introduced. The study conducted based on a short panel data from Sweden´s 21 counties for the period 2016-2020 and the analysis method applied is a regression analysis. The results of this thesis confirm a strong positive relationship between the share of newly registered battery electric vehicles (BEV) and the Malus, but much weaker influence of the other studied variables. Suggesting that tax system induce on emission seem to be efficient at boost the demand for BEV

La devolución de pagos indebidos por arbitrios y su impacto en la liquidez de las empresas ubicadas en la urbanización La Encantada de Villa - Chorrillos, año 2020 / Refund of undue payments for Municipal Taxes and their impact on Liquidity of the companies located in La Encantada de Villa Urbanization – Chorrillos, 2020

Hinostroza Huarca, Milagros, Yaipén Passalacqua, Larissa Altemira 21 February 2022 (has links)
El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar el impacto de la devolución de pagos indebidos por arbitrios en la liquidez de las empresas ubicadas en la urbanización La Encantada de Villa - Chorrillos, año 2020. El trabajo se encuentra estructurado en cinco capítulos, según se detalla: Capítulo I: Marco Teórico, desarrollado con fuentes primarias mediante las cuales se ha definido los conceptos generales de las variables en estudio, sus características, relación e impacto. A continuación, en el Capítulo II: Plan de Investigación, se describe la problemática y se determina los objetivos e hipótesis generales y específicas. Luego, en el Capítulo III: Metodología de la Investigación, se define el diseño y enfoque de investigación a desarrollar y se determina el tamaño de la población y muestra con las cuales, a través de un enfoque mixto, empleando instrumentos como la entrevista en profundidad y la encuesta, se obtiene información cualitativa y cuantitativa sobre la población. Seguidamente, en el Capítulo IV: Desarrollo de la Investigación, se aplica los instrumentos previamente definidos y se presenta un caso práctico en el que se evalua el impacto de la devolución de pagos indebidos por arbitrios en la liquidez. Finalmente, en el Capítulo V: Análisis de los Resultados, se valida la hipótesis general y las hipótesis específicas a través de la evaluación de los resultados obtenidos en los instrumentos empleados y en el caso práctico, para finalmente, formular conclusiones y recomendaciones a la presente investigación. / The main goal of this investigation is to determine the impact of the refund of undue payments for Municipal Taxes on Liquidity of the companies located in La Encantada de Villa Urbanization - Chorrillos, 2020. This research is organized in 5 chapters, as detailed: Chapter I: Theoretical Framework, developed using primary sources through which we have defined the general concepts of the variables under study, their characteristics, relationships, and impact. Next, in Chapter II: Research Plan, the problematic is described, and the goals and general and specific hypotheses are determined. Then, in Chapter III: Methodology of the Research, the type of research to be carried out is defined and the size of the population and sample are determined with which, through a mixed approach, using instruments such as the in-depth interview and the survey, we obtein qualitative and quantitative information about the population. Furthermore, in Chapter IV: Development of the Research, the previously defined instruments are applied and a practical case is developed, in order to evaluate the impact of the refund of undue payments for municipal taxes on the liquidity. Finally, in Chapter V: Analysis of Results, we validate the general and specific hypotheses by examining the results obtained in the interviews with specialists, surveys, and practical case, to finally formulate the conclusions and recommendations. / Tesis

En minskad plastkonsumtion? - En studie om konsumenters attityder och förväntade respons på införandet av skatten på plastbärkassar i Sverige

Segge, Sebastian, Rodjeil, Tina January 2020 (has links)
Plastmaterial har sedan 1950-talet orsakat problem i naturen på grund av materialets slitstarka och svårnedbrytbara egenskaper. Dessa egenskaper är också en anledning till dess popularitet, och varje år tillförs ungefär 100 miljarder plastbärkassar bara till den europeiska marknaden. En stor del av dessa hamnar i hav och andra vattendrag där de påverkar biodiversiteten genom att plastpartiklar förtärs av marina varelser och sedan transporteras upp i näringskedjan. För att minska problemet med marin nedskräpning har Europeiska unionens medlemsstater i en gemensam ansträngning satt ett mål att till år 2025 reducera antalet plastbärkassar som förbrukas per person och år till 40 stycken. För att uppnå detta mål infördes den 1 maj i Sverige en skatt på plastbärkassar som för konsumenter innebär en prishöjning i butiker med 3 SEK per påse. Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera hur konsumenter kan förväntas svara på denna prishöjning, och vilka faktorer som förhindrar en möjlig beteendeförändring. För att få en bättre förståelse för detta intervjuades sju konsumenter från olika typer av hushåll, som ombads redogöra för sina konsumtionsrutiner och förväntade reaktion på införandet av skatten. Resultaten visade att majoriteten av informanterna trots en positiv attityd till införandet av skatten inte har för avsikt att minska den egna konsumtionen av plastbärkassar, och att den främsta anledningen till detta är de många funktioner som materialet möjliggör. / Plastic pollution has been a problem since the 1950s due to the material’s durable and persistant characteristics and slow degradability, and these characteristics are also the reason for the material’s popularity. An estimated 100 billion plastic bags are introduced to the european markets every year, with a significant amount of these ending up in oceans and other bodies of water. Plastic pollution harms biodiversity as marine species consume plastic particles which are then transported through the food chain. To counteract this problem, the European Union member states strive to limit the amount of plastic carrier bags being used to 40 per person and year, by 2025. As a means to achieve this goal, the Swedish government introduced a tax which increased the retail price of plastic carrier bags by 3 SEK as of May 1st 2020. This study aims to identify consumers intended response to this tax, and what factors might prevent a possible change of behaviour. To better understand this, seven interviews were carried out with consumers from different households, in which they were asked to share their shopping routines and expected response to the tax. The results showed that while the majority of the consumers expressed a positive attitude towards the tax, few had any intention of reducing their own consumption of the plastic carrier bag, primarily due to the many irreplacable functions provided by the material.

Understanding News Media Policy in Vietnam: An Economic Analysis of Government Intervention in a State-Run News Market

Nguyen, Huyen Thi Ngoc January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Municipal Taxes and Revenue in Ohio: An Estimation from the Laffer Curve

Specht, Jonathan January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The current tax system on the Swedish residential market – problems and possible solutions / Flyttrelaterade skatter på den svenska bostadsmarknaden

Grundmark, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Idag präglas den svenska bostadsmarknaden av en trögrörlighet som bland annat beror på höga flyttrelaterade skatter. Dessa flyttrelaterade skatter består av reavinstskatt, stämpelskatter, expeditionsavgifter och uppskovsränta. Många hushåll anser det idag vara för dyrt att flytta och avstår därför. Detta leder till att flyttkedjor stannar upp och arbetsmarknaden påverkas negativt eftersom många hushåll drar sig för att flytta och många tackar därför nej till arbeten som kräver en flytt. Detta beteende leder till att den individuella välfärden och hela Sveriges ekonomiska välfärd drabbas negativt. Detta är ett aktuellt och omtalat ämne och många rapporter har skrivits och det finns många förslag på förbättringar till dagens system. Många har som syfte att ge förslag på olika åtgärder som skulle leda till ett bättre system på bostadsmarknaden och många har gjort beräkningar på hur resultat av bland annat en minskning av reavinstskatten skulle se ut. Det är dock i detta examensarbete första gången som en siffra över hur hög en fastighetsskatt skulle behöva vara för att kunna ersätta dagens alla flyttrelaterade skatter redovisas. Detta arbete har som syfte att se över dagens flyttrelaterade skattesystem och uppmärksamma eventuella problem med dagens situation. En litteraturstudie redovisas för att en bredare inblick ska ges och utifrån litteraturstudien kommer sedan ett antal förslag till förbättringar av dagens flyttrelaterade skattesystem att sammanfattas. Sedan kommer en utredning av hur mycket dagens flyttrelaterade skatter faktiskt genererar i pengar till staten att redovisas och sist kommer beräkningen över hur hög en fastighetsskatt skulle behöva vara för att kunna ersätta dagens flyttrelaterade skatter. Slutsatserna visar på att en del av problemen med dagens flyttrelaterade skattesystem kan lösas med en rad olika åtgärder som flera författare har utrett. Beräkningarna över hur hög en fastighetsavgift skulle behövara vara för att kunna ersätta dagens flyttrelaterade skatter visar på att alla bostadsägare årligen ska betala 5900 kronor eller 0,47 % av sitt taxeringsvärde i skatt, oavsett om man äger ett småhus eller en bostadsrättslägenhet. / The Swedish housing market is presently characterized by low mobility. This could partly be a result of the high taxes on moving from one house to another. Not only is there a capital-gains tax on moving, but also a stamp duty, a service charge and an interest charge on postponed capital gains tax. Many households consider the price of moving too high, making them reluctant to move. This will have a negative effect on the labour market due to the fact that people will be less willing to move to places where labour is needed. This type of behaviour will ultimately affect both the wealth of the individual and Sweden’s economy in a negative way. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the current tax-system and emphasize the problems with it. Firstly, a literature study will be presented to give a wide perspective of the subject. This will be the basis for a number of suggestions that will resolve the problem with low mobility on the housing market. After this, an investigation of how much money the taxes on moving actually generate to the government. Lastly, a calculation of how high a real estate tax would have to be in order to replace the taxes on moving. The conclusions of this paper suggest that there are a number of actions that can be taken in order to resolve some of the problems with the tax system on the Swedish housing market. The calculations show that the taxes on moving could be replaced by a real estate tax where the homeowners would pay 5900 SEK or 0,47% of the assess value of the home yearly, instead of paying taxes only when moving.

Exploring Financial Knowledge, Behaviors, and Economic Socialization in an Incarcerated Population: A Mixed Methods Analysis

Call, Lindsay Larson 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Using a mixed method design, this study explored financial knowledge, behaviors, and economic socialization in a sample of men (N = 155) incarcerated in a Midwestern county jail. A financial knowledge assessment, adapted from the FLLIP assessment (Zhan, Anderson, & Scott, 2006), was administered as well as a survey of financial behaviors and criminal history characteristics. Based on responses to the quantitative survey, a theoretical sample of participants (n = 12) was selected to participate in in-depth, qualitative interviews regarding economic socialization to the formal economy, particularly banks. Quantitative analyses revealed that the mean financial knowledge score for the sample was 59%, with Whites (M = .68; n = 46) scoring significantly higher than non-Whites (M = .55; n = 108). Factors related to financial knowledge were explored through bivariate and partial (controlling for age and race) correlational analyses. Hierarchical linear regression was conducted to determine the demographic factors, criminal history characteristics, and financial behaviors that predicted financial knowledge. Results revealed that having filed a tax return was the strongest predictor of financial knowledge. Qualitative analysis, using a grounded theory methodology, revealed that the majority of the men were distrustful of banks and other financial institutions. There appeared to be two pathways to distrust of banks: (1) anti-bank socialization through family and peers, which was solely experienced by the older Black men in the sample and (2) usage problems, which was the predominant pathway for the White men.

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