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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proteção penal do patrimônio e sonegação fiscal: uma abordagem à luz da teoria crítica / The criminal protection of property and the tax evasion: a critical theory approach

Almeida, Fernanda Afonso de 16 April 2012 (has links)
Notam-se semelhanças fundamentais entre os delitos patrimoniais e os crimes de sonegação fiscal, os quais possuem dignidade penal no ordenamento jurídico nacional. Não obstante isso, ao comparar o tratamento dado a eles pelas agências formais de controle social, percebe-se uma escancarada preferência em criminalizar os autores de crimes contra o patrimônio, que são, em sua grande maioria, pertencentes às classes sociais mais pobres, enquanto se imunizam comportamentos típicos de indivíduos pertencentes às classes dominantes, como a sonegação fiscal. Nota-se que o Direito Penal, supostamente igualitário, é seletivo e discriminatório; é o Direito desigual por excelência. A teoria crítica da Criminologia, a partir do método materialista-histórico de Karl Marx, procura explicar que, em uma sociedade (capitalista) embasada fundamentalmente em relações de propriedade, a diferença de classes estrutural acaba por circunscrever a operacionalidade do sistema de justiça penal. O preconceito de classe conduz toda a seletividade do Direito Penal: as imunidades e a criminalização incidem em medida correspondente às relações de poder entre as classes sociais. Desvenda-se uma ordem legal ideológica e imaginária, fundada em conceitos de igualdade e de justiça social e projetada para legitimar a ordem vigente, em contrapartida a uma ordem real opressiva, que se dirige aos pobres, marginalizados, despossuídos e não proprietários, com uma função distinta da que prega: reproduzir as relações de desigualdade e as massas criminalizadas. A escola crítica, defronte a esse quadro e tratando-se de uma teoria comprometida com a construção de uma sociedade mais igualitária, apresenta propostas para tentar reduzir os mecanismos discriminatórios da justiça penal. / Fundamental similarities can be observed between property crimes and tax evasion, both of which having penal legitimacy in the public legal order. Notwithstanding, by comparing the treatment the official agencies of social control applied to them, it can be noticed a clearly preference to criminalize the agents of property crimes, who, in great number, belong to the poor social class, while typical conducts from high social class, as tax evasion, are immunized. It can be noticed that Criminal Law, supposedly egalitarian, is selective and discriminatory; it is the unequal Law par excellence. The critical theory of Criminology tries to explain, from Karl Marxs historical-materialist method, why in a (capitalist) society, structured mainly on properties relations, the differences between classes limit the criminal justice system operation. The class prejudice conducts the Criminal Law selectiveness: immunities and criminalization are focused correspondingly to power relations between the social classes. It can be unveiled an ideological and imaginary legal order, founded in equality and social justice, projected in order to legitimate the existing order, in contrast to an oppressive real order and directed to the poor, marginalized, dispossessed, nonproprietary, which performs in a different way of its speech: reproducing the unequal relations and the criminalized mass. The critical theory, in front of this frame, as a theory committed to the construction of a more equal society, presents proposals to try to reduce the discriminatory mechanisms of the criminal justice.

租稅混合對租稅逃漏的影響-兼論公共財最適提供法則 / The Tax-Mix Effects on Tax Evasion and The Optimal Rule of Public Good Provision

夏美業 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇以政府採行租稅混合為為核心,在產市勞市交互運作影響下,作地下經濟與地上經濟的兩部門一般均衡分析。我們不僅從租稅收入面探討租稅逃漏,更將觸角延伸至至政府支出面。最後,以這樣架構下分析公共財的Samuelson條件。   本文大致上可分為兩部分,第一部分以數學比較靜態及數值分析,討論政府的租稅工具-直接稅和間接稅,公共財,懲罰工具-逃漏直接稅和間接稅的懲罰稅率,等政策工具對經濟變數尤其是逃漏的影響。第二部分,我們承襲Usher(1986),討論有租稅逃漏時對政府採行租稅混合稅制下公共財的提供成本,亦即Samuelson條件。   第一部分,我們發現:所得稅率和消費稅率提高均使地下勞工比例上升。透過租稅混合效果下,對地下對黑市勞工比例影響不確定。可是隨著消費稅期望懲罰率逐漸提高,所得稅率比消費稅率對地下勞工比例的影響來得大,故租稅混合在此情況下抑制逃漏的效果也將更佳。此外,當原本地下經濟很小及消費稅稅率較高時,則租稅混合抑制逃漏的效果也將不太大。   消費稅和所得稅期望懲罰率對經濟體系的影響恰與與消費稅和所得稅的影響相反,而且前者相較於後者更能抑制消費稅逃漏,政府提高這兩種懲罰率均能抑制地下勞工比例,然而卻是以降低地上勞工工資為代價。   公共財對經濟體系的變數影響不確定,但是可發現若公共財對地上經濟生產越具生產力越能抑制地下勞工比例。   第二部分,我們發現:當查核成本是固定時,在有逃漏情況下,除了得考慮租稅混合稅制下的扭曲成本,亦即租稅混合對稅基的影響,尚得考慮租稅混合稅制下對逃漏的影響。另一方面,公共財對地下勞動比例和消費稅稅基的影響也關係著公共財的提供成本。當查核成本是內生期望懲罰率的函數時,此時查查核成本是非固定的,公共財的提供成本除了受前項的考量因素影響外,尚得考慮租稅混合稅制及公共財對淨查核成本的影響。

Three essays in public finance and environmental economics

Hwang, Sanghyun 10 August 2012 (has links)
The first essay studies the Marginal Cost of Funds in the existence of tax evasion. We develop a general equilibrium model of tax evasion, including the expected utility of taxpayers and three different revenue-raising government policies. In this rich model environment, we analytically derive the marginal cost of funds (MCF) for the alternative policy instruments. We consider two main fiscal reforms: the revision in the nonlinear tax scheme and the changes in enforcement mechanism (the audit and penalty rates). First, we derive the MCF for the tax reform and find its key determinants. The derived MCF is greater than the previous ones since it includes a "risk-bearing cost" as well as tax distortion. The reform in enforcement mechanism generates MCFs in different forms. Two more MCFs with respect to audit and penalty rates are presented. Finally, we compare these three different MCFs in numerical example and provide some policy implications. The second essay explores optimal tax structure in the presence of status effect. When the consumption of certain goods affects one's social status, this externality creates two opposite effects in a society. Seeking higher status through “positional goods" gives individuals much incentive to supply labor but still allocates income for less “nonpositional goods" as well. In this case, differential taxes on positional goods work as corrective instruments to internalize the social cost stemming from status seeking. Furthermore, the differential taxes generate revenue that can be used to alleviate preexisting income tax distortion. Thus, the differential taxes on positional goods could give so called “double dividend." I develop a game-theoretic model in which each individual with a different labor productivity unknown to the others engages in a status-seeking game, and the government has a revenue requirement. Then I show that, under a condition in which utility is separable between positional goods and leisure, a revenue-neutral shift in the tax mix away from nonlinear income taxes towards positional-good taxes enhances welfare. Hence, the differential taxes on positional goods are necessary together with the nonlinear income taxes for an optimal tax structure. The third essay explores the impact of increasing capital mobility on regional growth and environment. I develop an endogenous growth model in which each local government competes against the others, to induce imperfectly mobile stock of capital into its region. Then I show that an increase in capital mobility generates “tax importing" due to which each locality experiences a higher growth rate and more degraded environment. That is, the increasing mobility dampens the capital tax and transfers the burden of pollution abatement to the locality. This finding supports the hypothesis of “race to the bottom" in environmental standards. Identifying a reduction in overall welfare of residents, I consider two alternative federal interventions in the model: uniform environmental standard and requirement of lump sum transfer or tax. Both of these federal instruments enhance the residents' welfare. / text

Lietuvos šešėlinės ekonomikos įtaka verslo sėkmei / Lithuania shadow economy influence to the official economy

Minelgaitė, Vaida 19 March 2009 (has links)
Tiesą sakant, priklausomybė nuo pinigų ir valdžios yra dvi pagrindinės priežastis neskaidriam ekonominiam sektoriui susiformuoti. Kad ir kaip bebūtų keista, gyvenimo faktas – tas, jog dideliam pasaulio populiacijos procentui, šešėlinis verslas tampa išgyvenimo priemone, nors Lietuvos Pramonininkų Konfederacijos pareiškimu: „<...> neapskaityta ekonominė veikla, neoficialus darbas, sukčiavimas ir mokesčių vengimas ne tik kenkia šalies įvaizdžiui, ardo oficialią rinką ir konkurencingumą, bet, kartu, negailestingai griauna sąžiningą verslą<...>“. Šio darbo siekis – įvertinti ir suprasti Lietuvos šešėlinės ekonomikos poveikį verslo sėkmei arba legaliai veiklai. Atliktų tyrimų uždaviniai – interpretuoti bendrą pastarojo ekonominio reiškinio kilmės ir šaltinių analizę, apžvelgti, kaip jis atsispindi pinigų statistikoje bei kokia įtaka turi oficialiam verslui, naudojant Tanzi ir Gutmman monetarinius metodus, koreliacija bei Eilat /Zinnes regresijos funkcija. Tyrimų rezultatai apsibrėžtam periodui, nuo 1995 iki 2007 metų, parodė, jog tarp apskaitytos ir neapskaitytos ekonomikų vyrauja neigiamas ryšys, kuris išreiškia substituto efekto pozicionavimą pajamų efekto atžvilgių. Vadinasi, apskaitytoms pajamoms sumažėjus 1LT, šešėlinės pajamos išauga 16 centų. Tuo tarpu, 1LT išaugus apskaitytam BVP, neoficialusis - sumažėja 43 centais. Kitą vertus, monetarinis metodas parodė, jog šešėlinė ekonomika yra glaudžiai susijusi su oficialiais kintamaisiais, todėl norint sumažinti neapskaityto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Actually, - addiction to money and governance are two main reasons why legal shadow economy arises. As strange it seems, it has not only negative impact, but also a positive one to the official economy. And it‘s a fact of life, that for a large part of the worlds population, the "shadow economy" has become a means of survival, while, accordingly to The Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists declaration, “<…> unaccounted economic activities, illegal jobs, cheating and tax evasion harm the state, disturb the market and competition and demonstrably ruin and discredit fair business <...>”. The aim of this work - is to evaluate and understand the impact of Lithuania's shadow economy to the official one. The main goals of the research – interpellate the analysis of shadow economy genesis and origins and review how it reflects in nummary statistics or how influence officially accounted economy, using Tanzi’s and Gutmann’s monetary approaches, correlation and Eilat/Zinnes regression function. Exploration findings for the entire period of 1995-2007 confirms, that the unrecorded and recorded economies in Lithuania are negatively related, suggesting that the substitution effect dominates the income effect. And 1 LT fall in recorded income is associated with a 16 cent increase in the unrecorded economy and that a 1LT increase in recorded GDP is associated with a 43 cent decline in unrecorded income. On the other hand, monetary approach showed that shadow economy is closely related... [to full text]

L’effet des lois sur l’évasion fiscale : une synthèse systématique des recherches évaluatives

Blanchette, Maude 08 1900 (has links)
Contexte et objectif. L’évasion fiscale a généré des pertes annuelles variant entre 2 et 44 milliards au Canada entre 1976 et 1995. Avec la croissance de l’évasion fiscale dans les années 1980 et 1990 plusieurs législations se sont attaquées à ce phénomène en mettant en place des mesures telles que les amnisties, les réformes fiscales et les nouvelles lois. Ces dernières reposent non seulement sur des principes théoriques distincts, mais leur efficacité même est remise en question. Bien que plusieurs auteurs affirment que les criminels en col blanc sont réceptifs aux sanctions pénales, une telle affirmation repose sur peu de preuves empiriques. L’objectif de ce mémoire est donc de réaliser une synthèse systématique des études évaluatives afin de faire un bilan des lois fiscales et d’évaluer leurs effets sur la fraude fiscale. Méthodologie. La synthèse systématique est la méthodologie considérée comme la plus rigoureuse pour se prononcer sur l’effet produit par une population relativement homogène d’études. Ainsi, 18 bases de données ont été consultées et huit études ont été retenues sur les 23 723 références. Ces huit études contiennent neuf évaluations qui ont estimé les retombés des lois sur 17 indicateurs de fraude fiscale. L’ensemble des études ont été codifiées en fonction du type de loi et leur rigueur méthodologique. La méthode du vote-count fut employée pour se prononcer sur l’efficacité des lois. Résultats. Sur les 17 indicateurs, sept indiquent que les lois n’ont eu aucun effet sur l’évasion fiscale tandis que six témoignent d’effets pervers. Seulement quatre résultats sont favorables aux lois, ce qui laisse présager que ces dernières sont peu efficaces. Toutefois, en scindant les résultats en fonction du type de loi, les réformes fiscales apparaissent comme une mesure efficace contrairement aux lois et amnisties. Conclusion. Les résultats démontrent que les mesures basées sur le modèle économique de Becker et qui rendent le système plus équitable sont prometteuses. Les amnisties qui visent à aller chercher des fraudeurs en leur offrant des avantages économiques et en suspendant les peines sont non seulement inefficaces, mais menaceraient le principe d’autocotisation basé sur l’équité. / Introduction and objectives. Between 1976 and 1995, tax evasion has generated losses varying between 2 to 44 billions in Canada. In order to stop the upward trend observed in tax evasion in the 1980s and 1990s, several jurisdictions introduced legal measures such as amnesties, tax reforms and new legislations. Not only these measures rest on different paradigms but their effectiveness has yet to be proven. While it is generally argued that threats of legal sanctions are effective to deal with offenders involved in economic crimes, such a claim rests on weak empirical evidence. By conducting a systematic review, the objective of this thesis is to further our understanding about the effect of tax laws on tax evasion. Method. Systematic review is referred to as the most suitable method to review a body of literature on a given subject and to determine its effect on a particular outcome. We searched 18 databases that led to the identification of 23,723 references. Overall, 8 studies containing 9 evaluations met inclusion criteria and were kept for the review. These studies assess the effect of tax laws on a total of 17 variables. All studies were assessed based on the type of law and their methodological robustness. The vote-count method was then used to identify effective measures. Results. Out of the 17 outcomes, 7 indicate that laws have no effect on tax evasion while 6 show increases in tax evasion indicators. Only 4 outcomes were in the expected direction. On the other hand, by grouping results according to the type of measures, tax reform appears as the only effective intervention. Conclusion. Our results suggest that programs based on Becker’s economic model and that promote equity are promising. Amnesties seeking to identify tax evaders by offering economic advantages and sanction immunity are not only ineffective but could compromise a system based on self-assessment, which rest on the principle of perceived equity.

Le rôle des États-Unis dans le maintien des pratiques d’opacité financière

Jasmin-Benoit, Jonathan 11 1900 (has links)
Notre recherche vise à vérifier s'il existe un lien entre l'intérêt des Américains pour les investissements étrangers et le maintien des structures opaques de la finance internationale. Les pratiques d'opacité financière (utilisation abusive du secret bancaire, faibles mesures d'identification du client, faible règlementation bancaire, absence d’échange d’information fiscale, absence d’obligations d’enregistrements de compagnies et de fiducies, possibilité d’établir la propriété d’une société avec des prête-noms, utilisation de bons au porteur, manque d’encadrement des fiducies, etc.) semblent accommoder les États qui les dénoncent. Utilisant les théories des jeux à deux niveaux de Putnam, de la règlementation et de l’équilibre de Nash, nous faisons le lien entre le niveau national et international. Notre recherche consiste en deux études de cas. La première traite d’un projet de règlement de l’Internal Revenue Service visant à assurer la déclaration de revenus d’intérêt sur les dépôts bancaires des non-résidents. La seconde traite d’une série de projets de loi déposés au Sénat et à la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis. Ils cherchent à assurer la transparence du processus d’enregistrement de compagnies de manière à faciliter l’accès des agences d’application de la loi à l’information sur les bénéficiaires effectifs des compagnies formées en sol américain. Notre recherche ne permet pas de confirmer notre hypothèse avec certitude. Cependant, nos données tendent à indiquer que les groupes d’intellectuels et les groupes de pression financiers incitent le gouvernement des États-Unis à freiner la mise en application de certaines mesures prévues par le régime antiblanchiment (particulièrement l’identification du client et le partage d’information avec des pays tiers) pour attirer l’investissement étranger. / Our Study aims to verify whether the United States’ interest in attracting foreign investment is linked to international financial opacity. Financial opacity practices (abusive use of bank secrecy, weak “Know Your Client” procedures, unregulated banking sector, no tax information exchange, absence of corporate and fiduciary registration obligations, possibility to set up corporations with nominee, possibility to issue bearer shares, lack of regulations for trusts, etc.) appear to accommodate even the states openly opposed to them. Using Putnam’s theory of two level games, regulation theory and Nash’s theory of equilibrium, we establish a link between the national and international levels. Our analysis includes two case studies. The first one deals with a project regulation from the Internal Revenue Service intended to ensure reporting of deposit interest paid to non-resident aliens. The second is a study of a series of project law presented to the United States Senate and House of Representatives. Those bills would allow for incorporation transparency to assist law enforcement in their efforts to identify beneficial owners of companies formed in the United States. Our hypothesis is not fully confirmed. However, our data tends to indicate that think tank and financial lobby groups influence the United States into stalling enactment of some anti-money laundering measures (particularly client identification and information sharing with tiers countries) in order to attract foreign investment.

EU:s förändringar i moder/dotterbolagsdirektivet angående hybridlån : Hur kommer dessa förändringar att påverka inkomstskattelagen och skatteflyktslagen? / EU:s changes in the Parent-Subsidiary Directive regarding hybrid loans : How will the changes affect the Swedish Income Tax Act and the Tax Evasion Act?

Tekeoglou, Anastasios, Svensson, Henrik January 2015 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda hur EU:s förändringar i moder/dotterbolagsdirektivet kommer att påverka svensk lagstiftning i form av IL och SFL. Förändringarna i direktivet har gjorts för att förhindra bolagens användande av s.k. hybridlån för att uppnå dubbel icke-beskattning i medlemsstater. Utöver den här förändringen har det även infogats gemensamma skatteflyktbestämmelser i direktivet, bestämmelser som samtliga medlemsstater måste följa. Sverige har sedan tidigare implementerat moder/dotterbolagsdirektivet i svensk lagstiftning och har även en lag mot skatteflykt. Skatteflykt är idag ett erkänt problem inom EU och de olika medlemsstaternas nationella lagstiftningar skiljer sig åt mellan varandra, därför har det ansetts nödvändigt att försöka skapa en gemenskap mellan medlemsstaternas lagstiftningar. För att uppfylla uppsatsens syfte har vi utrett de antagna förslagen från EU och gjort jämförelser med svensk lagstiftning, i syfte att se hur den svenska lagstiftningen kommer att påverkas av de ändrade reglerna i moder/dotterbolagsdirektivet. Tanken är inte att föreslå en lydelse av reglerna i svensk lagstiftning, utan enbart att utreda hur IL och SFL kommer att påverkas när direktivets ändringar implementeras innan slutet av år 2015. Slutsatsen enligt vår mening blir att Sverige troligtvis inte kommer behöva ändra den svenska generalklausulen då den redan täcker men även går längre än det som den gemensamma skatteflyktsklausulen vill uppnå. Vi anser att Sverige rimligen borde implementera reglerna som motverkar dubbel icke-beskattning och att detta rimligen bör införas i IL. Vi anser även att det är väldigt viktigt att den implementerade bestämmelsen är så tydlig som möjligt i sin lydelse. / The purpose of the thesis is to examine how EU’s changes in the Parent-Subsidiary Directive will affect Swedish legislation in the form of the Income Tax Act and the Tax Evasion Act. The changes in the directive have been made to prevent the companies from using so-called hybrid loans to achieve double non-taxation in the Member States. In addition to this change, a general anti-abuse rule has also been implemented into the Directive, a rule that all Member States must implement. Sweden has already implemented the Parent-Subsidiary Directive into Swedish law and has also a law against tax evasion. Tax evasion is a recognized problem within the EU and the different national legislations between the Member States differ from each other and therefor it has been considered necessary to try to create a connection between the Member States' legislation. To fulfill the purpose of the thesis, it has been necessary to examine the changes made by the EU and make a comparison with the Swedish legislation, in order to see how the Swedish legislation will be affected by the changed rules of the Parent-Subsidiary Directive. The idea is not to propose a complete amendment to the rules in the Swedish law, but only to investigate how the Income Tax Act and Tax Evasion Act will be affected when the changes in the directive are implemented. The conclusion, according to us, is that Sweden will probably not need to change the Swedish general tax evasion clause because it already covers and also goes further than what the general anti-abuse rule in the Directive wants to achieve. We believe that Sweden probably should implement the rules that prevent double non-taxation, and that this should be inserted in the Income Tax Act. We also believe that it is very important that the implemented provision is as clear as possible in its wording.

The Trouble With Transfer Pricing, and How to Fix It

Sykes, Justin 01 January 2014 (has links)
Many multinational firms, notably Apple Inc., have engaged in increasingly aggressive tax planning strategies which shift billions of dollars overseas. This paper examines the problem through a case study of Apple, concluding that while many loopholes are utilized, aggressive transfer pricing of intangible assets is the root of the problem. Several solutions are examined before concluding that the best solution is a partial elimination of deferral in the form of a minimum payout share.

會計師簽證、稅務選查與租稅逃漏之關聯性:以自我選擇模型分析 / The Effects of Audit Selection and Usage of CPA Attestation on Tax Evasions: A Self-selection Analysis

洪聖閔, Hung, Sheng-Min Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用台灣的營利事業所得稅資料並且以托賓自我選擇模型來檢視租稅逃漏、稅務選查與會計師稅務簽證三者的關聯性。實證結果顯示台灣的稅務機關在查核預算的限制之下會進行有系統的稅務選查程序;進一步來說,使用會計師稅務簽證的企業組織較不易被稅務機關選查。此外,企業組織的重要特徵如規模、財務狀況、獲利能力以及會計師稅務簽證的使用與否將會影響企業組織的租稅逃漏額。最後,我們發現會計師稅務簽證的使用對於租稅逃漏的影響會隨著公司的規模大小而改變,營收大於一億的企業組織若使用會計師稅務簽證將會比未使用會計師稅務簽證的企業組織有更高的逃漏稅額。因此,我們認為與會計師稅務簽證相關的政策法規可能需要重新評估是否適切。 / This study uses the business income tax dada in Taiwan to empirically examine the relationships between audit selection, tax evasion, and the usage of CPA-attestation. Tobit model with self-selection is used in this study. Empirical results provide evidence that tax agencies in Taiwan employ a systematic audit selection process, subject to the constraints of audit budgets. Additionally, firms using CPA-attestation are less likely to be selected for audit. The results also provide evidence that some important characteristics of firms, such as size, financial position, profitability, and the usage of CPA-attestation, may influence the amount of tax evasion. Finally, we find that the effect of CPA-attestation on tax evasion may vary with different sizes of firms using CPA-attestation. Hence, the policy and tax regulations associated with the usage of CPA-attestation may need to be re-evaluated.

Remission of penalties in income tax matters

Goldswain, George Kenneth 30 June 2003 (has links)
The additional tax ("penalties") imposable in terms of section 76(1) of the Income Tax Act (No 58 of 1962) when a taxpayer is in default, can be very harsh (up to 200% of the tax properly chargeable). The Commissioner may, in terms of section 76(2)(a), remit any penalty imposed, as he sees fit. However, when there was intent on the part of the taxpayer to evade the payment of tax, the Commissioner may not remit any portion of the 200% penalty imposable, unless he is of the opinion that "extenuating circumstances" exist. This dissertation examines the meaning of "extenuating circumstances", as interpreted by the judiciary, and lists the factors and defences that a taxpayer may plead to justify a remission of penalties, both in the case of an intention by the taxpayer to evade tax and in cases where the taxpayer is merely in default of section 76(1). / Accounting / MCOM (Accounting)

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