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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Läsande förebilder och motiverande undervisning : En kvalitativ studie av några svensklärares sätt att arbeta med skönlitteratur för att kunna främja elevers motivation för läsning

Kabir, Marzia January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to find out how middle school teachers, who works in central Stockholm, work with fiction in the Swedish subject to promote the pupils’ motivation in reading fiction and what kind of materials they use to do so. This means that the study aims to investigate the teachers' perspectives in the work of promoting motivation for reading fiction. The methods used to collect material is semi-structured interviews and observations. The material in this study is collected from three teachers. The study is based on the socio-cultural perspective and the motivation theory.  The result shows that the teachers is aware of the importance to practice reading, therefore they all inform and talk to the pupils about it. The teachers perform their work in different ways, but they mostly use the same methods in teaching to increase pupils reading motivation. An example that shows the similarities and differences between the teachers is that the teachers seek support from the school librarian, but different amount of support, so that the librarian can help them find books and shape or plan teaching in a way that promotes motivation and the desire to read.   All three teachers use technical aids to access materials or the materials they have created in preparation for the lessons. However, the focus is not on the technical material itself but on the content that the teachers create by using the technical materials.

Barns språkutveckling i den fria leken : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskollärare arbetar språkutvecklande i dom yngsta barnens fria lek / Children's language development in free play : A qualitative study on how preschool teachers work on language development in the youngest children’s free play

Björnevang, Moa, Kilberg, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
Many children spend a large part of their days at preschool and therefore the activities are an important part of the children's language development. The play should have a central part of the activity because it allows the children to be challenged and supports their development of the language. With the study, we therefore wanted to investigate how preschool teachers use free play to promote children's language development. The aim of the study is therefore to make visible the different ways in which preschool teachers communicate with the youngest children in order to promote their language development in free play. In order to be able to answer the questions, two different qualitative methods have been carried out. The study consists of four observations and two interviews. The observations were carried out in two different departments in one and the same preschool, where two preschool teachers participated. The interviews were conducted on the two preschool teachers who were observed. Collected material has been analyzed based on the socio-cultural perspective. Selected concepts from the theory are mediating tools, proximal development zone and scaffolding. The results show that the preschool teachers take the role of being present and responsive in order to support the children in their language development. The different forms of communication that the preschool teachers use in the children's free play are naming concepts, putting words to children's actions, asking questions, repeating and signs as support. The study's conclusions are that preschool teachers can work with language development in children's free play by being aware that these roles and forms of communication are useful tools for developing children's language. These aids do not require any major preparations, but the important thing is that you meet the children at their level and start from their interests in the play. / Denna fenomenografiska studie har haft som syfte att belysa förskollärares uppfattningar om barns rättigheter och möjligheter till fysisk aktivitet i förskolans inomhusmiljö. För att ta reda på förskollärarnas uppfattningar och erfarenheter av detta komplexa ämne användes kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Studiens fenomen består av fysisk aktivitetoch har analyserats genom Erikssons (1999) fenomenografiska analysschema. Fenomenet har avgränsats till tre olika beskrivningskategorier av uppfattningar utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Dessa beskrivningskategorier, tillsammans med deras respektive underkategorier, representerar studiens samlade utfallsrum.Studiens resultat visar att förskollärarna betraktar fysisk aktivitet som en viktig del av barns hälsa och ser sig själva som viktiga förebilder. De betonar betydelsen av sitt eget förhållningssätt när det gäller att skapa möjligheter och övervinna hinder för barnens fysiska aktivitet i förskolans inomhusmiljö. Genom att ge barnen möjligheter till fysisk aktivitet i förskolans inomhusmiljö samt värdesätta barnens inflytande genom att aktivt lyssna på deras önskemål, anser förskollärarna att de tillgodoser barnens rättigheter till fysisk aktivitet.Studiens slutsats är att förskollärares uppfattningar om fysisk aktivitet har en direkt inverkan på de miljöer och de möjligheter som skapas för barnen att vara fysiskt aktiva. Därmed blir förskollärarnas förhållningssätt och uppfattningar även avgörande för förverkligandet av barns rättigheter till fysisk aktivitet i förskolans inomhusmiljö

Varför viskar vi : en essä om pedagogers svårigheter att bemöta och samtala om barns sexualitet

Leal Hensman, Paloma January 2015 (has links)
I denna uppsats har jag funderat på de svårigheter som uppstår när barn på förskolan uttrycker sin sexualitet och visar intresse för kroppens genitalier genom undersökninglekar. Med hjälp av relevant litteratur, har jag studerat vad begreppet barns sexualitet innebär. I min uppsats, lyfter jag de aspekter som kan påverka hur vuxnas oro och osäkerhet vid behandling av barns sexualitets uttryck kan bidra till negativa konsekvenser för deras fortsatta sexualitetsutveckling. I dialog med litteraturen har jag bearbetat mitt dilemma och presenterat olika perspektiv som har påverkat hur människor i mitt dilemma och jag har agerat i bemötandet av barnens undersökningslekar. I min uppsats har jag också reflekterat över känslor av skam och diskriminering, med fokus på flickors sexualitet. I diskussionen har jag funderat på strukturella normer som påverkar människors beteende. Jag lyfter även förväntningar som finns på mig i min förskollärarroll och diskuterar hur riktlinjer i läroplanen som styrdokument skulle kunna underlätta behandlingen av mitt dilemma.

No, it is more often those with a high performance level, and good English knowledge, who experience anxiety : A qualitative study of teachers’ experiences of speaking anxiety in Swedish upper secondary school / Nej, det är oftare högpresterande elever, med goda kunskaper i Engelska, som upplever oro : En kvalitativ studie om lärares erfarenheter av oro inför att tala i den svenska gymnasieskolan

Jansson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to explore teachers’ experiences of student anxiety in the subject of English in Swedish upper secondary schools. Five teachers were interviewed to find out about their experiences of what causes anxiety in their students and what strategies they have found work best in order to decrease speaking anxiety. The results showed that the anxious students are usually those with a high performance level and good English knowledge. All participants agreed that the reason for anxiety is that performing in speech is perceived as embarrassing. Students tend to see all speaking activities as tests of their knowledge and are afraid of what reactions they may receive. The most distinct way to identify anxiety turned out to spot students’ withdrawal from all speaking activities in English. The best strategy to reduce speaking anxiety according to all participants was careful formation of groups, since smaller groups with only the closest friends is the best way to work for these students. Interestingly, while all teachers mentioned the benefits of recordings and podcasts, only one teacher used this method exclusively instead of oral presentations. / Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på lärares erfarenheter av elevers oro inför att tala engelska i svenska gymnasieskolor. Fem lärare intervjuades för att få reda på deras erfarenheter av vad det är som gör eleverna oroliga och vilka strategier som de har märkt fungerar bäst för att minska oron över att tala. Resultaten visade att de oroliga eleverna oftast är de som är högpresterande och har goda engelskakunskaper. Alla deltagare var överens om att anledningen till oron är att det uppfattas som pinsamt att tala. Elever ser alla muntliga övningar som prov på sina kunskaper och är oroliga över hur de andra ska reagera. Tydligaste sättet att identifiera oro visade sig vara att vara uppmärksam på undvikande-strategier från engelskaktiviteter. Den bästa strategin för att minska oron enligt alla lärare var att kontrollera hur grupperna formas, eftersom mindre grupper med bara de närmsta vännerna är det bästa sättet att jobba för dessa elever. Intressant var det även att se att, trots att alla lärare nämnde fördelar med att spela in muntliga diskussioner, var det bara en lärare som valt att använda sig av denna metod istället för muntliga redovisningar.

"JAG SKULLE VILJA ATT DET FANNS UTRYMME FÖR MER FRI LEK. KANSKE" : Pedagogers uppfattningar om betydelsen av den fria leken på förskolan / "I WISH THAT THERE WERE, PERHAPS, MORE ROOM FOR FREE PLAY" : Teachers' perceptions of the importance of free play in preschool

Liljegren, Hanna, Lackdal, Maria January 2011 (has links)
Den fria leken på förskolan är ett ämne som vi upplever har diskuterats mycket på senare tid. Studiens utgångspunkt har varit sex förskollärares uppfattningar om den fria lekens betydelse på förskolan. Metoden som använts har varit kvalitativ och utgått från öppna och ostrukturerade intervjuer med förskollärare på sex olika förskolor, i en kommun i Västra Götalands län. Genom intervjuerna har vi studerat på vilket sätt den fria leken används i verksamheten samt hur stort utrymme den får i relation till styrda aktiviteter. Vi har även undersökt vilken roll förskollärare har i leken samt vilka positiva effekter den har. Resultatet av studien visar att förskollärarna ser fri lek som en viktig del i förskoleverksamheten då den utvecklar många förmågor hos barnen, vilket även många författare belyser. De upplever dock att det är svårt att få tiden att räcka till då de har som åsikt att även de styrda aktiviteterna är betydelsefulla för barnen och verksamheten. Förskollärarna är av olika åsikter vad gäller hur de ska agera då barnen leker, några anser att de vuxna ska vara delaktiga medan andra menar att barnen bör få leka ostört. Studien tar även upp hur förskollärarna upplever föräldrars syn på fri lek samt vikten av att kunna motivera för föräldrar vad den fria leken har för betydelse. / The free play at preschool is a topic that we feel has been much discussed recently. Starting point for the study was the six preschool teachers' perceptions of the importance of free play in preschool. The method used has been qualitative and assumed open and unstructured interviews with preschool teachers in six different preschools, in a municipality in Västra Götalands län, Sweden. Through interviews, we have studied the manner in which free play is used in preschool and how much space it gets in relation to controlled activities. We examined the preschool teachers’ role in the play and its positive impact. The results of this study show that preschool teachers see free play as an important part in early childhood education as it develops many abilities of children, as many authors highlight. They feel that it is difficult to make time enough when they have the opinion that even the controlled activities are important for children and preschool. Early childhood educators are in different opinions regarding how to act when children play, some believe that the adults should be involved while others believe that children should play undisturbed. The study also discusses how preschool teachers perceive parents' views on free play and the importance of being able to explain to parents what the play means for the children.

Online social networks and Saudi youth participation in physical activity

Baker, Razan January 2016 (has links)
Previous studies targeting youth participation in physical activity have argued that self-motivation is the main key to increasing participation. However, few studies have focused specifically on the role of structural factors in prompting youth participation in physical activity. The structure may include people, and institutions that are introducing, providing and facilitating physical activity to youth. Therefore, this study focuses on the role of the structure surrounding youth. The study takes youth in Saudi Arabia aged 15-24 as its subjects in order to examine the use of three online social networks (OSNs), i.e., Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, for communication and exchange of resources and the influence on participation of key decision makers such as home (parents and siblings), school (Ministry of Education and PE teachers), physical activity and sports clubs (General Authority of Sports [GAS]), and friends. The study uses mixed methods and follows the social network structural theory to examine how the exchange of resources (e.g., information, emotional support, financial support, and facilities and services) takes place between agent and structure. The main findings are that the structure plays a role in influencing participation among Saudi youth. Friends are of great influence, as they occupy the longest hours of youth time both at school, where friends interact in person, and outside of school, where friends communicate through OSNs. An Islamic and conservative society prevails in Saudi Arabia, where 99 per cent of the population is Muslim. Therefore, in addition to the structural factors noted above, religion is also investigated. Indeed, Islam drives motivation in this large conservative group as individuals learn to obey and implement the religious advice and Islamic teachings of the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), including those messages with relation to becoming a healthy and strong Muslim. Finally, the study also focuses on the participation of Saudi female youth in physical activity. Due to cultural reasons preventing women from participating in physical activity as freely and equally as their male peers in the country, Saudi Arabia has seen an increasing percentage of obese women. The main aim of this research is to understand the relationship between agency and structure and thereby to identify the role of structure in increasing the participation of youth in physical activity. The research question (How do OSNs facilitate Saudi youth participation in physical activity?) investigates the relationship between agency and structure to delineate the pattern of information exchange regarding resources for involvement in physical activity. Through the use of mixed methods including face-to-face interviews, online survey and digital ethnography, the researcher investigates how youth social networks function both offline and online. The study concludes that decision makers in the field of physical activity participation in Saudi Arabia vary in their level of encouragement, influence and communication. Family members do not seem to communicate with youth via online platforms, but they do play a crucial role in offline social networks. Private institutions are becoming very active in OSNs, and public institutions are following the trend, albeit at a slower pace. The study shows that physical activity facilitators in Saudi Arabia are still failing to effectively reach youth and encourage them to participate in physical activity. Various policies need to be reviewed and enhanced if the public institutions do indeed want to reach more youth and benefit youth and the community, including the female youth, who make up more than half of the population. The study shows that the way to develop these policies is to communicate with youth via OSNs and to provide youth with more facilities, venues and services in the country that are suitable for both genders.

Tlumočnické samostudium / Interpreter's Self-training

Chládková, Sabina January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with interpreter's self-training. The aim of this theoretical-empirical study is to give an overview of the interpreting students' attitude towards interpreter's self- training as well as of the techniques students use when they perform their self-training. Another aim is to describe the role of teachers in interpreter's self-training, i.e. to what extent they motivate and support their students when it comes to self-training. The research part of the study was conducted at the Institute of Translation Studies, Charles University, and at the Department of Translation Studies, University of Graz, with the aim to compare the situation at those two institutes taking into account the abovementioned criteria. The theoretical part of the thesis discusses interpreter's self-training in the context of deliberate practice and focuses also on group practice as well as on the teachers' role. It also presents methods, techniques and e-learning tools which students may find useful during their self-training. The empirical part consists of an analysis of the data collected by means of questionnaires at the abovementioned institutes. Collected data suggest that both institutes support students' self-training, be it to different extents, and offer them all the necessary tools and...

Inget lärande utan lek och lekfullhet : Förskollärares perspektiv på lekens betydelse för barn i relation till utveckling och lärande / No learning without play and playfulness : preschool teachers perspective on the importance of play for children in relation to development and learning

Eriksson, Fanny, Modin, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka förskollärares perspektiv på lekens betydelse för barn i relation till utveckling och lärande. Lek ska enligt läroplanen för förskolan (Skolverket, 2018) ha en central plats i förskolan av den anledningen att den bidrar till barns utveckling och lärande inom många olika områden. Det lyfts fram att närvarande förskollärare kan bidra till lekens utveckling, stödja kommunikation samt vägleda barn i konflikthantering. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta förskollärare har genomförts med stöd av ljudupptagning och anteckningar. Tematisk analys har tillämpats för att upptäcka varierande kategorier i förskollärarnas utsagor i förhållande till syfte och frågeställningar. Resultatet visar att samtliga förskollärare anser att leken är betydande för barns utveckling och lärande. Barn anses utveckla sociala och språkliga förmågor, de bearbetar tidigare erfarenheter och övar på sin föreställningsförmåga i leken. Beträffande förskollärarrollen i barns lek anses det betydande att vara närvarande eller deltagande för att varsebli barns intressen och förmågor. Förskolläraren kan bidra till kunskap, stöd och vägledning genom att närvara eller delta i barns lek. Slutsatsen är att lek främjar barns utveckling och lärande. Förskollärarens förhållningssätt är betydelsefull i relation till att stödja och uppmärksamma barns kunskaper och förmågor i leken.

教師角色對國中生偏差行為影響的貫時性分析 / The Effects of Teacher Roles on Junior High School Students' Deviant Behavior: Evidence from Taiwan Education Panel Survey

汪慧瑜, Wang, Hui Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國中教師的經師角色(投入教學)、人師角色(投入輔導)、導師角色(注重班級成績、注重班級整潔秩序)等變項對於國中生偏差行為的貫時性影響。研究資料取自中央研究院調查研究專題中心學術調查研究資料庫中的「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」第一波國中學生問卷【限制版原始數據】、第二波國中學生問卷【限制版原始數據】、第一波國中家長問卷【限制版原始數據】、第二波國中教師問卷【限制版原始數據】。 本研究又分為兩個子研究。研究一使用兩波問卷中的20,055筆國中生問卷及家長問卷,研究二使用兩波問卷中的8,794筆國中生問卷、家長問卷、導師問卷。本研究採用Rasch模式垂直等化、結構方程模式、階層卜瓦松模式分析資料,研究結果如下: 一、「人師角色」「經師角色」對國中生偏差行為影響的貫時性分析 (一)國一教師投入教學對於追蹤樣本國一學生偏差行為有顯著影響,教師越認真教學,學生偏差行為分數越低。 (二)國一教師投入教學對於追蹤樣本國三學生偏差行為有貫時性顯著影響,國一教師越認真教學,國三時追蹤樣本學生的偏差行為分數越低。 (三)國一二教師投入輔導對於追蹤樣本國三學生偏差行為有顯著影響,國一國二教師越投入輔導,追蹤樣本學生國三時的偏差行為分數越低。 二、「導師角色」對國中生偏差行為影響的貫時性分析 (一)追蹤樣本國三偏差行為顯著較該生國一時嚴重。 (二)偏差行為與性別有關,男生偏差行為分數顯著比女生高。 (三)追蹤樣本國一至國三偏差行為惡化程度與性別有關,男生偏差行為惡化情形顯著較女生嚴重。 (四)追蹤樣本國一至國三偏差行為惡化程度與該生國一時的學業成就有關。國一成績較差,國三偏差行為惡化程度顯著較嚴重。 (五)追蹤樣本國一至國三偏差行為惡化程度與該生國一時的讀書習慣有關。國一讀書習慣較差者,國三偏差行為惡化程度顯著較嚴重。 (六)導師要求班級學業成績,對於國中生偏差行為有顯著影響,導師越注重學業成績,該班學生偏差行為越低,且該影響具貫時性。 (七)導師要求班級整潔秩序等生活常規,對於國中生偏差行為有顯著影響,導師越要求班級整潔、秩序,該班學生偏差行為越低,且該影響具貫時性。 (八)國中生偏差行為與就讀學校公私立與否有關。私立學校學生偏差行為分數顯著較公立學校學生為低,且該影響具貫時性。 研究者並提出建議供教育實務工作者及教育主管單位參考。 / The purposes of the study were to explore teacher roles including instruction role, guidance role and headroom teacher’s role, and to find out the effects of teacher roles on junior high school students' deviant behavior. The data used in the analysis are from the nationally representative 2001–2003 Taiwan Education Panel Survey, including students’ questionnaire, students’ academic tests, parents’ questionnaire, and teachers’ questionnaire. In study 1, data from a 2-wave panel (N = 20,055), tested in the 7th and 9th grades, were used to estimate a structural equation model. The model was used to compose a previously observed teacher’s instruction role (teaching engagement) and guidance role (guidance engagement) in wave 1. In study 2, data also from a 2-wave panel (N=8,794), were to estimate a hierarchical Poisson regression model, in which independent variables were achievement-oriented headroom teacher role and discipline-oriented headroom teacher role, and dependent variable was students' deviant behavior. The results indicate that teachers who devoted themselves in teaching and guiding students could reduce junior high students’ deviant behavior, and the effects were longitudinal for at least 2 years. Also, both achievement-oriented and discipline-oriented headroom teachers could reduce junior high students’ deviant behavior, and the effects were longitudinal. Implications for current practice and future research are also discussed.

An exploration of various clinical settings for the educational preparation of student nurses

Pilane, Cynthia Nkhumisang 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The purpose of this study, was to identify and describe factors, which facilitate or impede learning in clinical learning settings. The study adopted an exploratory descriptive approach, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative designs. Data collection tool, comprised of two sections: Section 1 focused on demographic characteristics. While section 2 addressed study variables of clinical setting, staffing, patient care/ practice standards, nurse manager's commitment and interpersonal relationships. The last section had two parts; part 1 being close ended Likert type scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Part 2, was open ended, and solicited respondents' feelings opinions and experiences on factors they perceived to facilitate or impede clinical learning. The findings indicate that the majority of settings studied did not provide adequate factors to facilitate clinical learning. Factors such as availability of learning experiences, acceptable unit organization, space and resource availability, and accessibility to students, adequate staffing with qualified staff who actively participate in teaching, appropriate and quality patient care role modelled, lecturer availability and involvement in clinical teaching, team building and inclusion of students in the team, committed nurse managers involved in students' learning, conducive relationships among staff, students and patients, comfort relationships, advocacy and creating conducive relationship by the nurse manager, were identified as necessary for learning. These factors however, were found to be either lacking, inadequate or inaccessible to students. Findings were based on data from a quota sample of 202 participants proportionately drawn from students, nurse managers and nurse lecturers. The study made recommendations to improve and enhance the conduciveness of clinical practice settings used for learning in Botswana. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Advanced Nursing Science)

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