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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gathering Kilburn : the everyday production of community in a diverse London neighbourhood

Samanani, Farhan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents an ethnographic account of the everyday meanings and processes associated with the idea of ‘community’ within the London neighbourhood of Kilburn. In policy and popular discourse, community is cast both as somehow able to unite people across difference, and as under threat from the proliferation of difference, which is seen as impeding mutual understanding, cooperation and belonging. Within scholarly writing, ‘community’ is often challenged as too archaic, too rigid or too ambiguous a concept to provide sufficient analytical leverage or to work as a normative ideal. Against this background, my PhD takes a look the neighbourhood of Kilburn, where amidst significant diversity, tropes of community are still widely used. I investigate how residents imagine various forms of community in relation to diversity, as well as the connections and discontinuities between these various imaginings. I draw on 16 months of ethnographic fieldwork, following over a dozen community projects and groups, tracing informal local networks and getting to know residents individually. My ethnography ranges from community cafes, to religious youth groups, to urban ‘gangs’, to government-led urban regeneration projects. Despite the variation in how different individuals imagined ‘community’, there was a shared view of community as a space which facilitated the bridging of difference and the construction of shared moral projects. These spaces did not exist sui generis. Rather they were opened up through the balancing of two traits: fixity and fluidity. Fixity involved defining community in terms of a clearly identifiable and familiar set of boundary markers, which serve to give it an ‘objective’ existence. Fluidity involved suspending this attempt to define community in terms of the familiar, once people were involved, in order to allow for new, shared understandings and values to emerge. The first two chapters unpack this balancing of fixity and fluidity. Chapter 1, traces inclusion and exclusion in a range of community projects, and Chapter 2 looks at tropes of race and ethnicity, examining how such ideas might be treated as simultaneously fixed and fluid. . The two chapters unpack the transformational power of community. Chapter 3 looks at a community centre for young Muslims, as well as at a local community radio station, and argues that community spaces have the potential to foster an ethic of continual openness to difference. Chapter 4 looks at a group of ‘street youth’ and their diverse views of success, and argues that community can act as a collective repository of future potential, allowing community members to transform their ethical trajectory within their own lives. The final two chapters look at contestations over community. Chapter 5 looks at clashing uses of public spaces and argues that such spaces are often read in highly fixed ways, and as lacking the potential for community-like negotiations. Chapter 6 looks at local regeneration projects and contrasts the ways in which community is valued locally, to the ways in which it is valued by state and market actors. The thesis concludes by emphasizing the necessarily plural, dynamic, contested and grounded nature of the idea of community described here.

L'apport philosophique du sens commun : Bergson, Cavell, Deleuze et le renouveau du cinéma québécois / The Philosophical Contribution of Common Sense : Bergson, Cavell, Deleuze and The Revival of Quebec cinema

Fradet, Pierre-Alexandre 19 July 2017 (has links)
Concept éminemment polysémique, le sens commun a été déprécié par un vaste pan de la philosophie occidentale, qui y a vu au mieux l’expression de croyances infondées, au pire la manifestation de croyances erronées et naïves. Là où bon nombre de commentateurs ont repéré dans les pensées mêmes d’Henri Bergson, Stanley Cavell et Gilles Deleuze, trois grandes figures de la philosophie du cinéma, des critiques adressées au sens commun, nous nous efforçons ici de tirer au clair la conception positive qu’ils développent de cette notion, en dépit des soupçons occasionnels qu’ils font peser sur elle. Plus précisément, nous tâchons d’expliquer jusqu’à quel point certaines acceptions du sens commun permettent de satisfaire l’ambition de connaître le réel lui-même. En premier lieu, nous passons en revue l’argumentation élaborée par certains réalistes spéculatifs (en particulier Quentin Meillassoux et Graham Harman) afin de clarifier d’une part des réflexions qui feront l’objet de discussions et de répliques dans les chapitres subséquents et, d’autre part, de montrer que la dépréciation philosophique du sens commun se prolonge jusque dans les débats les plus actuels sur l’objectivité. Nous faisons ressortir par la suite les angles sous lesquels le sens commun est susceptible de nous rapprocher du réel d’après Bergson, Cavell et Deleuze. En second lieu, nous entrons de plain-pied dans le domaine du cinéma et examinons en quoi différentes œuvres du renouveau du cinéma québécois (Denis Côté, Stéphane Lafleur, Sébastien Pilote, Rafaël Ouellet, Xavier Dolan, Anne Émond, Rodrigue Jean, le collectif Épopée, Mathieu Denis et Simon Lavoie) viennent à leur manière compléter, radicaliser ou critiquer les réflexions développées dans la première partie autour du sens commun et du réel. À l’encontre de ceux qui qualifient ces œuvres de « mimétiques », « peu songées » et « esthétisantes », nous mettons donc en évidence la façon dont ces films, attentifs à la profondeur de l’expérience ordinaire et à l’exigence de trouver un certain équilibre entre le devenir incessant et la stabilité constante, parviennent à nuancer et à raffiner la philosophie. / The eminently polysemic concept of common sense was depreciated by a vast segment of Western philosophy, which saw at best in it the expression of unwarranted beliefs, at worst the manifestation of erroneous and naïve beliefs. Where many commentators have pinpointed critiques of common sense in the thoughts of Henri Bergson, Stanley Cavell and Gilles Deleuze, three prominent figures of the philosophy of cinema, we strive here to bring out the positive conception they develop of that concept, notwithstanding the occasional suspicion they may cast on it. To put it in more precise terms, we seek to explain to what extent certain meanings of common sense are apt to satisfy the ambition of knowing reality itself. In the first place, we review the argument elaborated by certain speculative realists (specifically Quentin Meillassoux and Graham Harman) in order to clarify, on the one hand, reflections which will be the object of discussions and replies in the subsequent chapters, and, on the other hand, to show that the philosophical depreciation of common sense goes on even in the most contemporary debates on objectivity. We then bring out the angles under which, according to Bergson, Cavell and Deleuze, common sense is apt to bring us closer to reality itself. In the second place, we enter fully into the field of cinema and examine in what way different works associated with the revival of Quebec cinema (Denis Côté, Stéphane Lafleur, Sébastien Pilote, Rafaël Ouellet, Xavier Dolan, Anne Émond, Rodrigue Jean, the collective Épopée, Mathieu Denis and Simon Lavoie) end up completing, radicalizing or criticizing in their way the reflections developed in the first part around common sense and the real. In opposition to those who characterize those works as « mimetic », « thoughtless » and « aestheticizing », we thus bring to the fore the way in which those films, paying attention to the depth of ordinary experience and to the requirement of finding a certain balance between incessant becoming and constant stability, do succeed in nuancing and refining philosophy.

Feature Selection under Multicollinearity & Causal Inference on Time Series

Bhattacharya, Indranil January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, we study and extend algorithms for Sparse Regression and Causal Inference problems. Both the problems are fundamental in the area of Data Science. The goal of regression problem is to nd out the \best" relationship between an output variable and input variables, given samples of the input and output values. We consider sparse regression under a high-dimensional linear model with strongly correlated variables, situations which cannot be handled well using many existing model selection algorithms. We study the performance of the popular feature selection algorithms such as LASSO, Elastic Net, BoLasso, Clustered Lasso as well as Projected Gradient Descent algorithms under this setting in terms of their running time, stability and consistency in recovering the true support. We also propose a new feature selection algorithm, BoPGD, which cluster the features rst based on their sample correlation and do subsequent sparse estimation using a bootstrapped variant of the projected gradient descent method with projection on the non-convex L0 ball. We attempt to characterize the efficiency and consistency of our algorithm by performing a host of experiments on both synthetic and real world datasets. Discovering causal relationships, beyond mere correlation, is widely recognized as a fundamental problem. The Causal Inference problems use observations to infer the underlying causal structure of the data generating process. The input to these problems is either a multivariate time series or i.i.d sequences and the output is a Feature Causal Graph where the nodes correspond to the variables and edges capture the direction of causality. For high dimensional datasets, determining the causal relationships becomes a challenging task because of the curse of dimensionality. Graphical modeling of temporal data based on the concept of \Granger Causality" has gained much attention in this context. The blend of Granger methods along with model selection techniques, such as LASSO, enables efficient discovery of a \sparse" sub-set of causal variables in high dimensional settings. However, these temporal causal methods use an input parameter, L, the maximum time lag. This parameter is the maximum gap in time between the occurrence of the output phenomenon and the causal input stimulus. How-ever, in many situations of interest, the maximum time lag is not known, and indeed, finding the range of causal e ects is an important problem. In this work, we propose and evaluate a data-driven and computationally efficient method for Granger causality inference in the Vector Auto Regressive (VAR) model without foreknowledge of the maximum time lag. We present two algorithms Lasso Granger++ and Group Lasso Granger++ which not only constructs the hypothesis feature causal graph, but also simultaneously estimates a value of maxlag (L) for each variable by balancing the trade-o between \goodness of t" and \model complexity".

Surveillance préventive des systèmes hybrides à incertitudes bornées / Preventive monitoring of hybrid systems in a bounded-error framework

MaÏga, Moussa 02 July 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée au développement d’algorithmes génériques pour l’observation ensembliste de l’état continu et du mode discret des systèmes dynamiques hybrides dans le but de réaliser la détection de défauts. Cette thèse est organisée en deux grandes parties. Dans la première partie, nous avons proposé une méthode rapide et efficace pour le passage ensembliste des gardes. Elle consiste à procéder à la bissection dans la seule direction du temps et ensuite faire collaborer plusieurs contracteurs simultanément pour réduire le domaine des vecteurs d’état localisés sur la garde, durant la tranche de temps étudiée. Ensuite, nous avons proposé une méthode pour la fusion des trajectoires basée sur l'utilisation des zonotopes. Ces méthodes, utilisées conjointement, nous ont permis de caractériser de manière garantie l'ensemble des trajectoires d'état hybride engendrées par un système dynamique hybride incertain sur un horizon de temps fini. La deuxième partie de la thèse aborde les méthodes ensemblistes pour l'estimation de paramètres et pour l'estimation d'état hybride (mode et état continu) dans un contexte à erreurs bornées. Nous avons commencé en premier lieu par décrire les méthodes de détection de défauts dans les systèmes hybrides en utilisant une approche paramétrique et une approche observateur hybride. Ensuite, nous avons décrit deux méthodes permettant d’effectuer les tâches de détection de défauts. Nous avons proposé une méthode basée sur notre méthode d'atteignabilité hybride non linéaire et un algorithme de partitionnement que nous avons nommé SIVIA-H pour calculer de manière garantie l'ensemble des paramètres compatibles avec le modèle hybride, les mesures et avec les bornes d’erreurs. Ensuite, pour l'estimation d'état hybride, nous avons proposé une méthode basée sur un prédicteurcorrecteur construit au dessus de notre méthode d'atteignabilité hybride non linéaire. / This thesis is dedicated to the development of generic algorithms for the set-membership observation of the continuous state and the discrete mode of hybrid dynamical systems in order to achieve fault detection. This thesis is organized into two parts. In the first part, we have proposed a fast and effective method for the set-membership guard crossing. It consists in carrying out bisection in the time direction only and then makes several contractors working simultaneously to reduce the domain of state vectors located on the guard during the study time slot. Then, we proposed a method for merging trajectories based on zonotopic enclosures. These methods, used together, allowed us to characterize in a guaranteed way the set of all hybrid state trajectories generated by an uncertain hybrid dynamical system on a finite time horizon. The second part focuses on set-membership methods for the parameters or the hybrid state (mode and continuous state) of a hybrid dynamical system in a bounded error framework. We started first by describing fault detection methods for hybrid systems using the parametric approach and the hybrid observer approach. Then, we have described two methods for performing fault detection tasks. We have proposed a method for computing in a guaranteed way all the parameters consistent with the hybrid dynamical model, the actual data and the prior error bound, by using our nonlinear hybrid reachability method and an algorithm for partition which we denote SIVIA-H. Then, for hybrid state estimation, we have proposed a method based on a predictor-corrector, which is also built on top of our non-linear method for hybrid reachability.

Patrimônio e planejamento : aproximações a partir da paisagem de Agudo-RS

Schwerz, João Paulo January 2017 (has links)
A tese utiliza o conceito de paisagem para discutir questões relacionadas às áreas da Arquitetura e Urbanismo e de Planejamento Urbano e Regional, focando essencialmente na questão patrimonial. Assume como pressuposto que a paisagem enquanto construção social evidencia valores não usualmente considerados pela prática profissional, mas que participam efetivamente na criação e/ou manutenção de identidades, por isso essenciais para o êxito de projetos e planos em diferentes escalas de atuação. A pesquisa sustenta que tais valores estão presentes nas paisagens comuns, cotidianas, evocadas aqui como paisagens ordinárias, em contraponto àquelas porções de território tradicionalmente destacadas como patrimônio por seu caráter excepcional. O percurso da investigação considera uma aproximação filosófica histórica com o conceito de paisagem no ocidente, identificando vertentes estruturais para seu estudo, de onde derivam os parâmetros de atuação nas disciplinas em que a tese se inscreve. A investigação também discute distintos métodos de leitura e interpretação da paisagem de diferentes realidades, analisando seus contextos técnicos e administrativos para, finalmente, construir uma interpretação sobre as paisagens de Agudo, no Rio Grande do Sul, a partir de suas representações técnica e comuns, indicando outra perspectiva para as práticas profissionais diretamente envolvidas. Por fim, evidencia o papel decisivo das paisagens ordinárias na conformação de identidade territorial, requisitando uma postura mais ampla, integrada e ativa em relação ao patrimônio e à paisagem na área do planejamento urbano e regional e da arquitetura e urbanismo. / The thesis uses the concept of landscape to discuss questions related to the fields of Architecture and Urbanism and of Urban and Regional Planning, focusing essentially on heritage aspects. It assumes that the landscape, while social construction, conveys values that are not usually considered by professional practice but that effectively participate in the creation and/or maintenance of identities, and are thus essential for the success of the projects and plans in different scales of activity. The research sustains that such values are present in the usual, daily landscapes, evoked here as ordinary landscapes, in contrast to those areas of the territory, which are traditionally highlighted as patrimony by their exceptional character. The investigation considers a philosophical-historical approach with the concept of western landscape, identifying structural frameworks for its study, from which derive the parameters of action in disciplines related to the thesis. The investigation also discusses distinct methods of reading and interpreting the landscape of different realities to finally construct an interpretation about the landscapes of Agudo, Rio Grande do Sul, from its technical and common representations, indicating another perspective for the professional practices directly involved. Finally, it shows the decisive role of ordinary landscapes in the conformation of territorial identity, calling for a broader, integrated and active attitude towards heritage and landscape in the field of urban and regional planning and architecture and urbanism. / La tesis utiliza el concepto de paisaje para discutir cuestiones relacionadas a las áreas de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, así como de Planificación Territorial, enfocando en la cuestión patrimonial. Asume como premisa que el paisaje en cuanto construcción social evidencia valores no usualmente considerados por la práctica profesional, pero que participan efectivamente en la creación y/o mantenimiento de identidades, por lo tanto, esenciales para el éxito de proyectos y planes en diferentes escalas de actuación. La tesis sostiene que tales valores son parte de los paisajes comunes, cotidianos, evocados aquí como paisajes ordinarios, en contraposición a aquellas porciones de territorio tradicionalmente destacadas como patrimonio por su carácter excepcional. El curso de la investigación considera una aproximación histórico-filosófica con el concepto de paisaje en el occidente, identificando vertientes estructurales para su estudio, desde dónde derivan los parámetros de actuación en las disciplinas en las que la tesis se inscribe. La investigación también discute distintos métodos de lectura e interpretación del paisaje de diferentes realidades, analizando sus contextos técnicos y administrativos para, por fin, construir una interpretación de los paisajes de Agudo, en Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil, a partir de sus representaciones técnicas y comunes, indicando otra perspectiva para las prácticas profesionales directamente involucradas. Por fin, evidencia el papel decisivo de los paisajes ordinarios en la conformación de identidad territorial, demandando una postura más amplia, integrada y activa hacia el patrimonio y el paisaje en el área de la planificación territorial y de la arquitectura.

Especificação do tamanho da defasagem de um modelo dinâmico

Furlan, Camila Pedrozo Rodrigues 06 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:06:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2567.pdf: 3332442 bytes, checksum: 1e03b44e1c1f61f90b947fdca5682355 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-06 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Several techniques are proposed to determine the lag length of a dynamic regression model. However, none of them is completely satisfactory and a wrong choice could imply serious problems in the estimation of the parameters. This dissertation presents a review of the main criteria for models selection used in the classical methodology and presents a way for determining the lag length from the perspective Bayesian. A Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted to compare the performance of the significance tests, R2 adjusted, final prediction error, Akaike information criterion, Schwarz information criterion, Hannan-Quinn criterion, corrected Akaike information criterion and fractional Bayesian approach. Two estimation methods are also compared, the ordinary least squares and the Almon approach. / Na literatura, muitas técnicas são propostas para determinar o tamanho da defasagem de um modelo de regressão dinâmico. Entretanto, nenhuma delas é completamente satisfatória e escolhas erradas implicam em sérios problemas na estimação dos parâmetros. Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão dos principais critérios de seleção de modelos disponíveis na metodologia clássica, assim como aborda uma maneira de determinar o tamanho da defasagem sob a perspectiva Bayesiana. Um estudo de simulação Monte Carlo é conduzido para comparar a performance dos testes de significância, do R2 ajustado, do erro de predição final, dos critérios de informação de Akaike, Schwarz, Hannan-Quinn e Akaike corrigido e da aproximação Bayesiana fracionada. Também serão comparados os métodos de estimação de Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários e de Almon.

Sobre existência de soluções para equações diferenciais ordinárias envolvendo operadores não-lineares via Métodos de Shooting e Ponto fixo. / On the existence of solutions for ordinary differential equations involving nonlinear operators via Shooting Methods and Fixed Point.

MARINHO, Sheyla Silva. 24 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-07-24T14:29:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SHEYLA SILVA MARINHO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2010..pdf: 654391 bytes, checksum: 5f92842e775dc0507ffa8d8ace6fc466 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-24T14:29:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SHEYLA SILVA MARINHO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2010..pdf: 654391 bytes, checksum: 5f92842e775dc0507ffa8d8ace6fc466 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03 / Capes / Para visualizar o resumo recomendamos do download do arquivo uma vez que o mesmo utiliza fórmulas ou equações matemáticas que não puderam ser transcritas neste espaço. / In order to view the summary we recommend downloading the file as it uses mathematical formulas or equations that could not be transcribed in this space.

M?todos num?ricos para resolu??o de equa??es diferenciais ordin?rias lineares baseados em interpola??o por spline

Araujo, Thiago Jefferson de 13 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:26:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ThiagoJA_DISSERT.pdf: 636679 bytes, checksum: 3497bfd29c2779ff70f7932b9a308a9c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-13 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / In this work we have elaborated a spline-based method of solution of inicial value problems involving ordinary differential equations, with emphasis on linear equations. The method can be seen as an alternative for the traditional solvers such as Runge-Kutta, and avoids root calculations in the linear time invariant case. The method is then applied on a central problem of control theory, namely, the step response problem for linear EDOs with possibly varying coefficients, where root calculations do not apply. We have implemented an efficient algorithm which uses exclusively matrix-vector operations. The working interval (till the settling time) was determined through a calculation of the least stable mode using a modified power method. Several variants of the method have been compared by simulation. For general linear problems with fine grid, the proposed method compares favorably with the Euler method. In the time invariant case, where the alternative is root calculation, we have indications that the proposed method is competitive for equations of sifficiently high order. / Neste trabalho desenlvolvemos um m?todo de resolu??o de problemas de valor inicial com equa??es diferenciais ordin?rias baseado em splines, com ?nfase em equa??es lineares. O m?todo serve como alternativa para os m?todos tradicionais como Runge-Kutta e no caso linear com coeficientes constantes, evita o c?lculo de ra?zes de polin?mios. O m?todo foi aplicado para um problema central da teoria de controle, o problema de resposta a degrau para uma EDO linear, incluindo o caso de coeficientes n?o-constantes, onde a alternativa pelo c?lculo de ra?zes n?o existe. Implementamos um algoritmo eficiente que usa apenas opera??es tipo matriz-vetor. O intervalo de trabalho (at? o tempo de acomoda??o) para as equa??es est?veis com coeficientes constantes ?e determinado pelo c?lculo da raiz menos est?vel do sistema, a partir de uma adapta??o do m?todo da pot?ncia. Atrav?s de simula??es, comparamos algumas variantes do m?todo. Em problemas lineares gerais com malha suficientemente fina, o novo m?todo mostra melhores resultados em compara??o com o m?todo de Euler. No caso de coeficientes constantes, onde existe a alternativa baseada em c?lculo das ra?zes, temos indica??es que o novo m?todo pode ficar competitivo para equa??es de grau bastante alto

Modelando evolução por endossimbiose / Modeling evolution by endosymbiosis

Carlos Eduardo Hirakawa 13 July 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nesta dissertação é apresentada uma modelagem analítica para o processo evolucionário formulado pela Teoria da Evolução por Endossimbiose representado através de uma sucessão de estágios envolvendo diferentes interações ecológicas e metábolicas entre populações de bactérias considerando tanto a dinâmica populacional como os processos produtivos dessas populações. Para tal abordagem é feito uso do sistema de equações diferenciais conhecido como sistema de Volterra-Hamilton bem como de determinados conceitos geométricos envolvendo a Teoria KCC e a Geometria Projetiva. Os principais cálculos foram realizados pelo pacote de programação algébrica FINSLER, aplicado sobre o MAPLE. / This work presents an analytical approach for modeling the evolutionary process formulated by the Serial Endosymbiosis Theory represented by a succession of stages involving different metabolic and ecological interactions among populations of bacteria considering both the population dynamics and production processes of these populations. In such approach we make use of systems of differential equations known as Volterra-Hamilton systems as well as some geometric concepts involving the KCC Theory and the Projective Geometry. The main calculations were performed by the computer algebra software FINSLER based on MAPLE.

Patrimônio e planejamento : aproximações a partir da paisagem de Agudo-RS

Schwerz, João Paulo January 2017 (has links)
A tese utiliza o conceito de paisagem para discutir questões relacionadas às áreas da Arquitetura e Urbanismo e de Planejamento Urbano e Regional, focando essencialmente na questão patrimonial. Assume como pressuposto que a paisagem enquanto construção social evidencia valores não usualmente considerados pela prática profissional, mas que participam efetivamente na criação e/ou manutenção de identidades, por isso essenciais para o êxito de projetos e planos em diferentes escalas de atuação. A pesquisa sustenta que tais valores estão presentes nas paisagens comuns, cotidianas, evocadas aqui como paisagens ordinárias, em contraponto àquelas porções de território tradicionalmente destacadas como patrimônio por seu caráter excepcional. O percurso da investigação considera uma aproximação filosófica histórica com o conceito de paisagem no ocidente, identificando vertentes estruturais para seu estudo, de onde derivam os parâmetros de atuação nas disciplinas em que a tese se inscreve. A investigação também discute distintos métodos de leitura e interpretação da paisagem de diferentes realidades, analisando seus contextos técnicos e administrativos para, finalmente, construir uma interpretação sobre as paisagens de Agudo, no Rio Grande do Sul, a partir de suas representações técnica e comuns, indicando outra perspectiva para as práticas profissionais diretamente envolvidas. Por fim, evidencia o papel decisivo das paisagens ordinárias na conformação de identidade territorial, requisitando uma postura mais ampla, integrada e ativa em relação ao patrimônio e à paisagem na área do planejamento urbano e regional e da arquitetura e urbanismo. / The thesis uses the concept of landscape to discuss questions related to the fields of Architecture and Urbanism and of Urban and Regional Planning, focusing essentially on heritage aspects. It assumes that the landscape, while social construction, conveys values that are not usually considered by professional practice but that effectively participate in the creation and/or maintenance of identities, and are thus essential for the success of the projects and plans in different scales of activity. The research sustains that such values are present in the usual, daily landscapes, evoked here as ordinary landscapes, in contrast to those areas of the territory, which are traditionally highlighted as patrimony by their exceptional character. The investigation considers a philosophical-historical approach with the concept of western landscape, identifying structural frameworks for its study, from which derive the parameters of action in disciplines related to the thesis. The investigation also discusses distinct methods of reading and interpreting the landscape of different realities to finally construct an interpretation about the landscapes of Agudo, Rio Grande do Sul, from its technical and common representations, indicating another perspective for the professional practices directly involved. Finally, it shows the decisive role of ordinary landscapes in the conformation of territorial identity, calling for a broader, integrated and active attitude towards heritage and landscape in the field of urban and regional planning and architecture and urbanism. / La tesis utiliza el concepto de paisaje para discutir cuestiones relacionadas a las áreas de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, así como de Planificación Territorial, enfocando en la cuestión patrimonial. Asume como premisa que el paisaje en cuanto construcción social evidencia valores no usualmente considerados por la práctica profesional, pero que participan efectivamente en la creación y/o mantenimiento de identidades, por lo tanto, esenciales para el éxito de proyectos y planes en diferentes escalas de actuación. La tesis sostiene que tales valores son parte de los paisajes comunes, cotidianos, evocados aquí como paisajes ordinarios, en contraposición a aquellas porciones de territorio tradicionalmente destacadas como patrimonio por su carácter excepcional. El curso de la investigación considera una aproximación histórico-filosófica con el concepto de paisaje en el occidente, identificando vertientes estructurales para su estudio, desde dónde derivan los parámetros de actuación en las disciplinas en las que la tesis se inscribe. La investigación también discute distintos métodos de lectura e interpretación del paisaje de diferentes realidades, analizando sus contextos técnicos y administrativos para, por fin, construir una interpretación de los paisajes de Agudo, en Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil, a partir de sus representaciones técnicas y comunes, indicando otra perspectiva para las prácticas profesionales directamente involucradas. Por fin, evidencia el papel decisivo de los paisajes ordinarios en la conformación de identidad territorial, demandando una postura más amplia, integrada y activa hacia el patrimonio y el paisaje en el área de la planificación territorial y de la arquitectura.

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