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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Phantom Limb: An Exploration of Queer Manner in Nineteenth-Century Gothic Tales

O'Reilly, Casey Michelle 01 January 2019 (has links)
The term “phantom limb” is used to describe the phenomenal tingling sensation that occurs in the nerve endings of an amputated limb; though the limb is no longer physically attached to the body, the person experiences pain and physical sensation in the space the limb once occupied. Though the body part has been removed, it haunts both the body and the brain. It is through this metaphor that I am interested in investigating the connection between the disembodied and the embodied. The disembodied connects to the embodied through the loss or lack of a bodily form; the embodied, therefore, links the disembodied to movements and mannerisms of the body. Adopting Pierre Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice, I define manner as a fluctuating force that operates as a spectrum. Manner links, rather than separates, the internal and the external through the social. In other words, the interplay between the internal and external must be socially interpreted in order to be understood as manner. The first chapter of my thesis will focus on embodied manner and use Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as a case study to explain how society impacts the construction of normative manner. Building off Jack Halberstam, I adopt the theory that Mr. Hyde “is both a sexual secret, the secret of Jekyll’s undignified desires, and a visible representation of physical otherness” (82). My argument focuses on the connection between the “deformity hidden within” Mr. Hyde and that “inscribed upon his...skin” that Utterson, Enfield and Lanyon struggle to identify (82). The second chapter of my thesis will focus on how manner operates as both a disciplinary force and cultural haunting. In other words, just as the phantom limb reproduces a distorted version of the lost limb, the social control of manner ultimately reproduces imperfect replicas. In George Eliot’s The Lifted Veil, the protagonist, Latimer, begins suffering from visions after he parts ways with his dear friend Charles Meunier. Here, the unconscious operates at the individual level; I argue that these “visions” are the result of an implosion of Latimer’s repressed sexuality. I then turn to Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper to argue that manner operates as a type of social law that attempts to stave off haunting but instead inadvertently reproduces it. In this section, I argue that the narrator’s secondary status as a female character gives her a different kind of agency from Mr. Hyde and Latimer, and that her husband’s ultimate failure to control her results in a type of queer production that calls into question the dialectical relationship between haunting and manner.

Calligraphie, cinégraphie : étude de la relation entre le cinéma et les arts du tracé / Calligraphy, cinegraphy : study on the relationship between cinema and the arts of drawing

Mahfoud, Abdelhamid 07 December 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche tente d’envisager l’art du cinéma comme un art cinégraphique, c’est-à-dire, selon la définition qu’on propose dans ce travail, comme un espace d’images en mouvement se déployant au regard à travers des influx énergétiques qui en animent les composants. Pour en dégager cette substance scripturale et en relever les implications sur le langage du cinéma, cette recherche entreprend un détour par deux pensées de l’image qui ont traditionnellement fait de l’art du tracé un art majeur, manifestant par-là des préoccupations esthétiques et des pensées du langage qui nous semblent en divergence avec celles qui ont conduit l’histoire culturelle occidentale à inventer le cinéma. Que devient alors le cinéma lorsqu’il est investi par ces pensées ? Réciproquement, que peut leur apporter le cinéma en tant que technique, dispositif et matière ? Le premier détour, en posant des questions de mouvement, de geste et de temps, passe par la calligraphie et l’art pictural chinois pour interroger le cinéma en tant que machine à enregistrer, liée à une pensée de la conservation, de la mémoire et de l’événement. Le second détour, en posant des questions de lumière, de regard et d’espace, passe par la calligraphie et l’art pictural musulman pour interroger le cinéma en tant que machine optique, liée à une pensée de la mimésis, de la profondeur et de la monstration. Ces détours servent enfin de base théorique pour penser notre rapport quotidien aux images (numériques principalement), rapport qui se transforme de manière exponentielle et qui reconfigure notre manière de voir, de lire et de toucher les images ; selon un mode précisément cinégraphique. / This research attempts to envisage the art of cinema as a cinegraphic art, that is to say, according to the definition herein, as a space of moving images unfolding themselves to the gaze through energetic impulses that animate its component parts. In order to draw forth this scriptural substance and to ascertain its implications for the language of cinema, this research detours into two realms of thought on the image, which have traditionally elevated the art of drawing into a prominent art form, thus manifesting aesthetic preoccupations and notions of language which we perceive as diverging from those that led Western cultural history to invent cinema. What then becomes of cinema when endowed by these thoughts? Conversely, what can cinema offer them as a technique, a device and a subject? The first detour, by posing questions of movement, gesture and time, journeys through Chinese calligraphy and pictorial art to question cinema as a recording machine, bound to a conception of conservation, memory and of the event. The second detour, by posing questions on light, gaze and space, journeys through Muslim calligraphy and pictorial art to question cinema as an optical machine, bound to a conception of mimesis, depth and of showing. These detours serve as a theoretical grounding for thinking about our everyday relationship to images (mainly digital), a relationship that changes exponentially and reconfigures our way of seeing, reading and touching images; according to a strictly cinegraphic mode.

Ser mitt huvud smart ut i den här? : en studie om sjalbärande kvinnors upplevelser av bemötande inom högskolan / Does my head look smart in this? : a study of head scarf wearing women's experiences of social treatment within the university environment

Aharbach, Fouzia, Ehn, Jenny January 2011 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att beskriva några sjalbärande kvinnors upplevelser avbemötande inom högskole/universitetsmiljö. Studien undersöker dels bemötande frånlärare och dels bemötande från studiekamrater. För att undersöka detta användskvalitativa intervjuer. Intervjuundersökningens resultat visade på att respondenterna harmycket skilda upplevelser. Några av respondenterna har mycket negativa erfarenheterav bemötande från lärare, andra framhåller att lärarna är ett stort stöd. När det gällerstudiekamrater beskriver några av intervjupersonerna att det till en början funnits enviss distans och exempel på annorlunda behandling i bemötande från dem, men att detoftast blev bättre med tiden. En respondent är idel positiv kring sina upplevelser. Istudien dras slutsatsen att det i dessa kvinnors upplevelser finns både positiva ochnegativa exempel på bemötande från andra. / This study aims to describe the experiences of social treatment of a few women, whowear a head scarf, within the college/university environment. The study examines socialtreatment from teachers as well as from fellow students. To examine this, the study usesqualitative interviews. The results of the interviews showed that the respondents havevery different experiences. A few of the respondents have very negative experiencesconcerning treatment from teachers, others describe the teachers as supportive.Concerning fellow students some of the respondents described how, in the beginning,they were treated with some distance. This however changed, in most cases, as timewent on. One respondent is undividedly positive about her experience. The studyconcludes that there are examples of both positive and negative social treatment in thewomen's experiences.

Lifting the Veil Between George Eliot's "The Lifted Veil" and Henry James' "The Beast in the Jungle

Abitz, Dan 03 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis works towards establishing a legacy of influence between George Eliot’s “The Lifted Veil” and Henry James’ “The Beast in the Jungle.” Through an exploration of James’ relationship to Eliot’s oeuvre and a close study of the two works in tandem, it will become apparent the influence Eliot’s slight Gothic story held on James’ celebrated short story. Furthermore, this thesis will introduce another chapter of the growing critical tradition of studying the relationship between George Eliot and Henry James.

Att bära hijab : En kvalitativ studie om slöjans betydelse för identitet och självpresentation / Wearing hijab : A qualitative study of veiling and its meaning for identity and presentation of self

Janulf, Sophie January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how women, having migrated from a Muslim country to Sweden, reason about their veiling – why do they wear the veil and what meaning does the veil have for them? The veiling custom has become the subject of a heated and polarized debate in Sweden. But where are the veiled women given space to speak, and why are they not involved more in a debate that most of all concern them?                                                                                                                                    Four women from Syria, now living in Sweden, participated in this interview study. The purpose is to investigate the aim with basis in three analytic themes: identity, presentation of self and resistance. These themes have been analysed based on relevant theories and previous research within the subject: social and personal identity, impression control, stereotyping, power and resistance. The previous research consists of three different studies performed on countries with a Muslim majority or minority: India, Indonesia, Canada, Denmark, and Great Britain. In this way, this study attempts to understand, as profoundly as possible, the meaning of the veil from the perspective of the veiled woman herself.                                                                 The result shows that the veil has great meaning in terms of identity and presentation of self. The result also shows that the clash with the discursive power regarding veiling can cause resistance, which in turn affects the meaning of the veil both in terms of internal identity creation and the external presentation of self. This is due to the threat against identity from a challenging environment forcing the human being to negotiate and define identity within herself, which also affects presentation of self. The experiences and reasoning of the respondents differ both over time and between them, sometimes in paradoxical ways, although they are similar in some aspects. This indicates that although they experience, are affected by and shaped by the same societal discourses, they react differently and therefore relate differently to their veiling. / Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka hur muslimska kvinnor som har migrerat från ett muslimskt land resonerar om sitt slöjbärande– varför bär de slöja och vilken betydelse har slöjan för dem? Att bära slöja har blivit ett omdiskuterat ämne i Sverige och åsikterna som hörs och syns i samhället är både många och polariserade. Men var ges de slöjbärande kvinnorna plats att tala och varför involveras de inte mer i en debatt som först och främst rör dem själva?                                                                                                                                  Fyra kvinnor från Syrien, numera boende i Sverige, har deltagit i studien. Med intervju som metod avser studien att undersöka syftet utifrån tre analytiska teman: identitet, självpresentation och motstånd. Dessa teman har analyserats utifrån relevanta teorier och tidigare forskning i ämnet; social och personlig identitet, intrycksstyrning, stereotypering samt makt och motstånd. Den tidigare forskningen är tre olika studier gjorda i muslimska majoritets- och minoritetsländer såsom, Indien, Indonesien Canada och Danmark och Storbritannien. På detta sätt avser denna studie att på ett så djupgående sätt som möjligt försöka förstå slöjans betydelse ur den slöjbärandes eget perspektiv.    Studiens resultat visar att slöjan har stor betydelse för identitet och självpresentation. Resultatet visar också att möte med diskursiv makt kring slöjbärande kan leda till motstånd vilket påverkar slöjans betydelse både för det inre identitetsarbetet och den yttre självpresentationen. Detta beror på att hotet mot identiteten från en ifrågasättande omgivning tvingar människan att förhandla och definiera identiteten inom sig själv vilket också påverkar självpresentationen. Informanternas upplevelser och resonemang skiljer sig åt både över tid och mellan varandra på ibland paradoxala sätt, samtidigt som de liknar varandra i vissa avseenden. Det tyder på att även om de upplever, påverkas och formas av samma diskurser i samhället så kan de reagera olika och därmed också förhålla sig olika till sitt slöjbärande.

As sanções da Lei de Licitações e a desconsideração da personalidade jurídica / The public bidding laws sanctions and the disregard of the legal entity

Fernando Moreno Machado 03 April 2014 (has links)
Dissertação voltada ao estudo das sanções administrativas previstas na Lei Federal 8.666/1993 (Lei de Licitações). Apresenta quadro panorâmico das licitações e contratações públicas no Direito Administrativo Brasileiro. Trata do regime jurídico do exercício da atividade sancionatória pela Administração Pública, com destaque para os princípios regentes da matéria. Examina as discussões teóricas, doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais relativas à aplicabilidade das sanções administrativas previstas nos artigos 86 a 88 da Lei de Licitações, como a multa, a advertência, a suspensão temporária de participação em licitação, o impedimento de contratar com a Administração e a declaração de inidoneidade, aí incluindo a competência para imposição de sanções, os sujeitos passivos das penalidades aplicáveis, além das nuances de cada uma delas. Destaca a controvérsia estabelecida acerca das distinções e abrangência dos efeitos das penas de suspensão temporária, impedimento de contratar e declaração de inidoneidade. Estuda a possibilidade de a Administração Pública fazer uso da Teoria da Desconsideração da Personalidade Jurídica, inicialmente em um cenário de ausência de autorização legislativa, como forma de incremento da efetividade daquelas sanções, quando constatado o abuso de direito dos particulares ao constituírem novas sociedades, com o intuito de burlá-las. Examina a Lei Federal 12.846/2013, que trata da responsabilização de pessoas jurídicas pela prática de atos contra a Administração Pública, e suas consequências na seara das licitações e contratações administrativas. / Dissertation focused on the study of administrative sanctions under Federal Law no. 8.666/1993 (public bidding Law). It presents an overview of public bidding and public hiring under Brazilian administrative law. It presents the legal regime of the sanctioning activity exercised by public authorities, especially the matter governing principles. It examines the theoretical, doctrinal and jurisprudential discussion concerning the applicability of administrative sanctions established by Articles 86 to 88 of the Public Bidding Law, such as fines, warnings, temporary suspension from participating in public biddings, the impediment to contract with the government and the unfitness declaration, including the power to impose sanctions, the subjects liable of applicable penalties, and the nuances of each one of these penalties. It highlights the controversy about the distinctions and comprehensiveness of the effects related to the temporary suspension, avoidance of contract and declaration of unfitness. It analyses the possibility of public administration adopt the theory of piercing of the corporate veil, initially in a scenario of absence of legislative authorization, as a way of increasing the effectiveness of those sanctions when found abuse of the right of individuals which constitute new associations in order to chouse them. It examines the Federal Law No. 12.846/2013, which deals with the liability of legal entities for the commission of acts against the government and its consequences on the public bids and administrative hires area. Keywords: administrative penalties, sanctions under administrative law, principle of typicality, extension effects of penalties, piercing of the corporate veil.

Desafios ao universalismo do direito internacional dos direitos humanos: estudo de caso do uso do véu islâmico na França / Challenges to the universalism of the international law of human rights: a case study of the use of the veil in France.

Juliana Santoro Belangero 07 May 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar o debate teórico entre cosmopolitas, comunitaristas e pós-modernos a respeito da tensão entre universalismo do Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos e soberania estatal no caso da lei francesa de 2010 que proíbe a dissimulação da face no espaço público, mas que se aplica às mulheres muçulmanas adeptas do uso do véu integral. / This work aims at analyzing the theoretical debate between cosmopolitans, communitarians, and postmodernists about the tension between the universalism of International Human Rights Law and state sovereignty in the case of the French law of 2010, which prohibits the concealment of the face in the public space, applying, however, only to muslim women who are adept to the use of the full veil.

Le temps d’un symptôme, ou le temps de se penser à l’adolescence : une clinique du regard

Calestroupat, Philippe 26 April 2016 (has links)
En s’appuyant sur l’écriture de Lacan, pour qui l’acting-out cherche la monstration du reste de la division du sujet, la clinique nous donne à considérer la position du sujet en écho à la place que fût celle de l’infans sous les yeux des parents. Nous faisons l’hypothèse que quand la circularité du narcissisme est rompue trop tôt ou n’a pas eu lieu, alors ce cercle s’ouvre pour aller chercher tout droit et violemment dans le réel de l’origine, de la mère, le sentiment d’existence qui n’a pas pu se consolider par la fabrication de l’absence, sa représentation, et le langage qui ordonnera le sentiment d’altérité. Une confrontation à l’image réelle, première image du corps quand l’effet de la spécularisation reste insuffisant laisse le sujet dans un espace imaginaire capté par la mère. Dans un effort que nous avons nommé regrédient, vers ce temps du regard, les jeunes dans le conflit cherchent à quitter la captation de leur mère, ou à apparaître sous leur regard. L’adolescente prend souvent par une assignation inconsciente la place de « l’objet a », comme reste, réel inavouable de l’économie psychique familiale. La place du sujet comme reste et cause du désir, en a, s’avère une place impossible dans le discours. La relation mère-fille tente de la retrouver en nouant réel et imaginaire, dans un rapport équivalent du discours capitaliste où sujet et objet renouent leurs rapports sans limite. Accompagner l’adolescent en souffrance hors d’une place en proximité du réel à la limite de la parole revient à accompagner le sentiment de perte qu’économise une relation imaginaire, dans le soutien à l’élaboration d’un discours. / With Lacan’s writings as a base, for who the « acting-out » is looking for the display of what remains from the division of the subject, the clinic area gives us to consider the position of the subject as an echo to the place during her infans under the eyes of her parents.Working on the assumption that, when the circularity of narcissism is broken too early or did not happen, then this circle opens to go straight and violently look for the real of the origin, of the mother, the existence feeling that could not be consolidated by the fabrication of the absence, its representaion, and the language that will order the feeling of alterity.A confrontation to the real image, first image of the body when the effect of specularisation is still not enough, leaves the subjet in an imaginary space catpured by the mother.In an effort that we have named regressive, towards this stage of the look, young people in conflicts try to get away from the appropriation of their mother or to appear before their look.The teenage girl often takes by an unconscious assignation the place of the A object, as a remaining, unspeakable Real of the family psychic economy. The place of the subject as remaining, as A, happens to be an impossible place in the speech. The mother-daughter relationship tries to find it back by tiyng reality and imaginary, in which the connection is equivalent to the capitalist speech where subject and object renew their relationship without limits. Assisting a suffering teenager out of a place close to reality and at the limits of of the speech amounts to assist the loss that an imaginary relationship is avoiding in the support of a speech elaboration.

Passionate transformation in vernicle images.

Hoffman, J. Starr 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis will examine the iconography of late-thirteenth- through fifteenth-century images of St. Veronica's veil, also known as vernicles. In the late Middle Ages, vernicle iconography changed from iconic representations of Christ's face toward graphic imagery of Christ's suffering during his Passion. These passionate transformations, as I have called them, were affected by the Roman Sudarium relic, popular devotion to Christ's suffering and humanity during his Passion, and the Catholic ritual of Mass. This thesis will consider how the function of vernicle images during Mass was reflected in their iconography throughout Europe between 1250 and 1500.

Rozpor a biomoc. Diskurzívna regulácuia zahaľovania moslimiek v Českej republike / Differend and Biopower. Discursive Regulation of Covering Muslim Women in Czech republic

Balážová, Lucia January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis combines the theoretical concepts of postmodernism and biopower, that are subsequently applied to the particular issue of covering Muslim women living in the Czech Republic. This problem includes the religious, gender, media, social and philosophical level. Each of them is supported by key authors who are experts in this issue. Michel Foucault's concept of biopower, that covers both social and individual bodies through power discourse, interferes with the clothing, that gender attribute, like the Muslim veil, is based on the ideas of Judith Butler. The priority is the ambivalent conception by Jean-François Lyotard, as a kind of conflict, the outlet of which is pluralistic debate. The aim of the thesis is to find a tolerant solution of the current erratic situation in the collision of European and Middle Eastern cultures in the Czech Republic, like wearing the Muslim veil, as the expression of Islam in public with applying Lyotard's demanding ethics of accepting pluralism as an alterity. Key words: postmodern, contradiction, biopower, Muslim veil, media discourse, gender, plurality

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