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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rawls’s distributional justice in Swedish healthcare / Distributionsrätt enligt Rawls i svensk sjukvård

Sturesson, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Everyone will probably be given healthcare at some point in life, and might ask themselves how and why the healthcare is distributed the way it is in Swedish society. I also believe this is a matter where one would like the distribution of healthcare to be just. When I have read about different distribution theories, I have noticed similarities between the healthcare in Sweden and Rawls theory of justice, and the aim of this paper is to compare the Swedish ethical consideration on healthcare distribution with Rawls’s ideas. I find the three ethical principles stated by the Swedish Health Care and Medical Priorities Commission conform quite well with Rawls’s two principles of justice. They agree on equal healthcare distribution of resources on a population scale and that the ones in most need should be prioritised. Although, Rawls and Norman Daniels believe that only the equal opportunity to healthcare in order to strive for one’s life plans is valued, while the ethical principle of Swedish healthcare also adds an egalitarian adjustment of resources to people not living healthy. Normans’ interpretation of Rawls ideas argues to elevate individuals’ health to what is thought of as normal biological functioning, while my interpretation of Swedish ethical principles do not forbid elevating beyond the normal functioning. It might be impossible to make an ideal distribution of healthcare completely just, but I believe the Swedish healthcare distribution would be more just if it adheres more to Rawls’s principle of justice.

Svenska riksdagsmotioner med anti-muslimskt innehåll 2019-2022 : Sveriges riksdag och den ideologiska relationen till europarådet och europakommissionen

Thunman, Carl-Axel January 2022 (has links)
The purpose with this paper is to study anti-muslim content within Swedish parliament proposals between the years 2019 and 2022. The constitutional comittee response is highlighted so it could be compared to EU:s attempts to create a unified European identity. The questions for this paper are: what ideological content is uttered in anti-muslim Swedish parliament proposals during 2019 and 2022, what ideological content is shown in parliament debate and the following parliament decisions in relation to anti-muslim proposals and how does the Swedish parliament debate relate to both binding and nonbinding international guidelines and documents? Document- and content analysis has been used for this paper. The chosen theory for this paper is the multilateral model for understanding islamophobia as well as the conclusions made by Olivier Roy. The conclusions for this paper are that Swedish parliament proposals are in accordance with what is warned by international documents where islamophobias presence is increased in Sweden. The constitutional committe is seen as in accordance with international documents for the promotion of a united European identity and European values.

Le voile du journalisme: Metaphorical and analytical inquiry into press coverage of a national French debate

Menrisky, Alexander 30 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Vybrané otázky překonávání majetkové samostatnosti kapitálových společností ve srovnávacím pohledu / Piercing the Corporate Veil - Selected Issues in International Comparison

Kostohryz, Milan January 2012 (has links)
Milan Kostohryz Piercing the Corporate Veil - Selected Issues in International Comparison Abstract The main purpose of the thesis is to give recommendation for possible application of the piercing doctrine in the Czech Republic. Secondary purposes are (i) analysis of effects caused by disregarding the principles of limited liability and separate legal personality because of piercing and (ii) detailed description of approaches to the piercing issue in selected legal systems (USA, UK and Germany). The thesis starts with some terminological issues; it introduces the possible Czech equivalents of the notion "piercing the corporate veil" and explains that it can have slightly different meaning depending on the individual author. The differences stem especially from the questions whether piercing negates only the principle of limited liability or also the principle of separate personality; whether so called inner piercing (Innenhaftung) shall be part of the doctrine and whether the piercing doctrine shall be regarded as product of case-law only. Also some special forms of piercing (reverse piercing, lateral piercing and insider piercing) are introduced. The third chapter analyses the relationship between the piercing doctrine and the principles of limited liability and separate legal personality. In particular it...

Le motif du voile dans Sordidissimes de Pascal Quignard

de Bellefeuille, Josée 04 1900 (has links)
Les trois paradigmes majeurs à partir desquels s’oriente l’analyse du voile dans Sordidissimes de Pascal Quignard sont les vêtements et la nudité, les « sordes » et le linceul, la toile et le regard. C’est à l’aide de l’analyse thématique et de la psychanalyse que la relation du voile au corps, à la mort et à l’art, est interprétée. Ce que l’on souhaite mettre en évidence est que le voile tient lieu de l’ambivalence. Il se trouve perpétuellement tendu par la volonté du sujet qui l’utilise tour à tour pour recouvrir ou révéler l’objet de ses désirs ou de ses peurs. Le voile incarne ainsi la frontière d’où s’origine la fascination, qu’elle soit morbide ou sexuelle. / The bases of our analysis of the veil in Pascal Quignard’s Sordidissimes are the three following paradigms : clothing and nudity, sordes and shroud, and canvas and gaze. Thematic analysis as elaborated by Jean-Pierre Richard and psychoanalysis will guide our interpretation of the relation of the veil to the body, death and arts. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the constant movement of the veil. It is not static; the breeze that is the willpower of the self always moves the veil without ever tearing it off. What the veil is hiding or partially revealing is the origin of the fascination – bet it morbid or sexual.

Rawlsian justice and the challenge of diversity

Morris, Rachel 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire examine le rôle de la diversité dans une conception de la justice. Je débute en considérant l’abstraction de la différence impliquée dans le raisonnement utilisé pour arriver à une conception de la justice. Par la suite j’évalue le rôle des différences des groupes sociaux dans l’application des principes de justice, en considérant si la justice exige des droits individuels ou si les groupes peuvent revendiquer des droits différenciés. Ce mémoire utilise la position originale de John Rawls pour évaluer la première question, et sa conception de la personne et des groupes sociaux pour examiner la deuxième. Je soutiens que nous pouvons et devrions utiliser l’abstraction de la position originale, tant que nous sommes conscients de ses limites. Bien que sa conception politique de la personne soit également utile pour la défense des droits individuels, sa conception du groupe social n’est pas appropriée pour les groupes culturels ou historiquement opprimés, car il repose trop lourdement sur la notion d’association volontaire. J’analyse l’argument de Will Kymlicka concernant les droits minoritaires et j’enrichis la théorie de Rawls en ajoutant l’inégalité entre groupes. Je termine en examinant les problèmes concernant les minorités à l’intérieur des groupes minoritaires et conclue que les droits minoritaires ne sont justifiées que lorsqu’ils sont compatibles avec les droits individuels, et non pas quand ils renforcent une autre inégalité. Par conséquent, même si l’abstraction au niveau théorique est justifiée, les droits des groupes minoritaires exigeront qu’on porte une attention aux différences entres groupes, ainsi qu’à l’intérieur de ceux-ci. / This thesis examines the role of diversity in a conception of justice. I begin by considering the abstraction from difference involved in the reasoning used to arrive at a conception of justice. I then evaluate the role of social group difference in the application of principles of justice, considering whether justice demands principles that are the same for all in the form of individual rights or whether groups can claim differentiated rights. This thesis uses John Rawls’s original position to evaluate the first question, and his account of the self and social group to discuss the second. I argue that we can and should use the abstraction of the original position, so long as we are aware of its limits. While Rawls’s political conception of the self is also useful for defending individual rights, his account of the social group is inappropriate for cultural or historically oppressed groups, as it relies too heavily on the notion of voluntary association. I follow Will Kymlicka’s argument for minority rights and extend Rawls's theory to consider inequality between groups. I close by considering concerns regarding minorities within minorities, and conclude that minority rights are only justified when they are consistent with individual rights, not when they reinforce a different inequality. Therefore, even though the abstraction at the theoretical level is justified, minority rights for groups will require attention to the differences between groups, as well as within them.

Modelos teóricos de distribuição de abundância das espécies para caracterização da diversidade biológica e a utilização de diferentes medidas de abundância / Theoretical models of species abundance distribution to characterize the biological diversity and the use of different measures of abundance

Condé, Paula Alves 23 August 2012 (has links)
As distribuições de abundância das espécies (SADs) são consideradas uma maneira informativa e sintética de descrever a diversidade biológica, e revelam um dos padrões mais bem estabelecidos da ecologia, que é a predominância de espécies raras nas comunidades biológicas. A generalidade deste padrão o torna relevante para a análise de outros parâmetros das comunidades. Além disso, ele levou ao desenvolvimento dos modelos teóricos de SAD. Os modelos estatísticos de SAD, por sua vez, passaram a ocupar um papel central na biologia, como principio empírico que sustenta várias teorias ecológicas. Preston sugeriu em 1948 que as SADs das comunidades naturais teriam uma distribuição aproximadamente Lognormal, porém apareciam truncadas devido ao efeito do tamanho amostral, cuja forma real só seria revelada, portanto, em amostras grandes. Esta ideia vai de encontro à propriedade estatística da consistência, que implica que o acúmulo de evidência causado pelo aumento do tamanho amostral favorece a aproximação ao modelo verdadeiro, bem como às estimativas de seus parâmetros. Além do efeito do tamanho amostral, os padrões de distribuição de abundância podem diferir dependendo da medida de abundância utilizada. Estudos sugerem que a biomassa seria uma medida de abundância mais adequada para revelar a distribuição subjacente de uma comunidade biológica em amostras ou escalas menores (differential veiling). Neste contexto, nosso objetivo principal neste trabalho foi investigar e discutir a vantagem de considerarmos a biomassa como medida de abundância nos modelos teóricos de distribuição de abundância das espécies. Avaliamos, então, o efeito do tamanho da amostra sobre a qualidade dos ajustes dos modelos sob duas diferentes medidas de abundância: biomassa e número de indivíduos. Simulamos amostras de diferentes tamanhos a partir de amostragens aleatórias de uma base de dados empírica e as ajustamos a diferentes modelos de SADs . Com isso, pudemos avaliar a eficiência das amostras - com cada medida de abundância - em revelar o modelo correto, bem como a acurácia e precisão das estimativas dos parâmetros desses modelos. Para o presente estudo, utilizamos um grupo com reconhecido potencial indicador e relevância para estudos ecológicos, os besouros Scarabaeinae. Os resultados encontrados neste estudo mostram que a maior eficiência da biomassa para revelar a distribuição subjacente não é tão geral quanto sugerem os trabalhos anteriores Os critérios de análise utilizados não favoreceram consistentemente a biomassa como medida mais eficiente em revelar o modelo correto e apresentar maior acurácia e precisão nas estimativas de seus parâmetros. Assim, a afirmativa de que a SAD de biomassa não é oculta (veiled) em escalas e amostra menores não parece ser geral. Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo também indicam que o padrão de differential veiling entre as SADs de biomassa e número de indivíduos podem variar dependendo da escolha do modelo e do conjunto de dados avaliados. No entanto, se a causa do differential veiling entre as SADs de biomassa e número de indivíduos for principalmente devido ao efeito de escala, uma explicação alternativa é que a escala do presente estudo teria que ser ampliada para podermos demonstrá-lo. Considerando então, os efeitos de amostragem apontados pelos nossos resultados sobre a medida de diversidade, destacamos que, apesar da importância do assunto, há uma escassez de estudos que investiguem o uso da biomassa como medida de abundância nas SADs, cujas implicações de diferentes efeitos sobre esta medida destacam a necessidade de estudos adicionais que possibilitem isolar o efeito de escala do efeito de tamanho amostral / The species abundance distributions (SADs) are considered an informative way to describe the biological diversity revealling one of the most wellestablished patterns in ecology: the predominance of rare species in biological communities. The generality of such pattern made it relevant to the analysis of other biodiversity parameters an to induce the development of theoretical models of SAD. On the other hand statistical models of SAD occupied a central role in biology as an empirical principle that underlies many ecological theories. Preston suggested in 1948 that SADs follow an approximately lognormal distribution, but that may appear truncated by the effect of sample size, being completely revealed only in large samples. This idea is associated with the statistical property of consistency, which implies that the accumulation of evidence - represented by the increase in sample size - approaches the samples distribution to the true model, as well as the estimates of the parameters to their real values. Beyond the effect of sample size, the SADs may differ depending on the measure of abundance adopted. Studies suggest that biomass could be a more efficient measure of abundance to reveal the underlying distribution of biological communities in smaller samples or scales (differential veiling). In this context, our aim in this study was to investigate and discuss the advantage of considering biomass in theoretical models of SAD. Thus we evaluated the effect of sample size on the quality of models fitness under two different measures of species abundance: biomass and number of individuals. We simulated samples of different sizes taken from an empirical database of Scarabaeinae beetles - recognized as a potential and relevant indicator in ecological studies. Further we adjusted the simulated samples to different SAD models and evaluated the efficiency of each kind of abundance index to reveal the correct model, as well as the accuracy and precision of the parameters estimates. Our results show that the efficiency of biomass to reveal the underlying distribution is not as general as suggested by previous works. According to our analysis criteria, biomass was not consistently as far more efficient in revealing the correct model or in providing greater accuracy and precision in parameters estimates than the number of individuals. Thus, the statement that the SAD biomass is not veiled on small scales or samples does not seem to be general. Moreover our results also indicate that the effect of differential veiling on SADs using biomass and number of individuals depends on the choice of the evaluated model and data set. However, if the cause of the differential veiling - between the biomass and number of individuals SADs - is mainly due to scale effects. An alternative explanation is that the scale of this study was not wide enough to show it. Considering the sampling effects studied here in biodiversity evaluation we highlight the lack of studies investigating the use of biomass as a measure of abundance in SADs which the implications of different effects on this measure indicate the urgent call by further studies on this subject, enablying us to isolate the effect of scale from the sample size

Natureza jurídica da decisão que julga a desconsideração da personalidade jurídica no processo civil: extensão e limites / Legal nature of the decision that judges the disregard of legal personality in civil proceedings: extension and limits

Longo, Caricielli Maísa 07 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-07-27T13:30:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Caricielli Maísa Longo.pdf: 1549196 bytes, checksum: 882ce55adada4e8c358fdec9a51e76fd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-27T13:30:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Caricielli Maísa Longo.pdf: 1549196 bytes, checksum: 882ce55adada4e8c358fdec9a51e76fd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-07 / This paper deals with the issue of reflecting on the nature, extent and limits of the judicial decision, which recognizes or not the disregarding of the legal personality. Furthermore, it analyzes the impacts that such a decision will create within and out of the legal action in the event of a discussion for a likely inclusion of a partner or partnership, which will depend on the kind of disregarding aimed. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze the content of the judicial decision that grants or not the disregarding of the legal personality. From a practical point of view, it is important to establish a thesis along this line. In spite of the concern to attain procedural effectiveness, that in most cases is only obtained with the gratification of receiving a credit, as will be shown, this effectiveness cannot be obtained at any price. There is a long-standing crisis in Brazil, a serious crisis of both default and abuse of rights, in which often times, people who should not be held responsible for an obligation, are hit by the simple fact of integrating a society or undertaking an economic activity. Likewise, in relation to the default crisis, there are several devices employed by individuals, who use the veil of the legal person and the inherent autonomy of it to create a look of neatness. This, however, hides an iniquitous attitude in which the partner uses the figure of society to obtain spurious gains. Thus, it is essential to make sure to what extent the decision that disregards the personality of the legal person will affect the partners, what the nature of that decision is, as well as its extent and limits / O trabalho enfrenta o problema de refletir sobre a natureza, a extensão e os limites da decisão, que reconhece ou não a desconsideração da personalidade jurídica, bem como analisa os reflexos que tal decisão produzirá dentro e fora do processo em que foi discutida eventual inclusão de sócio ou sociedade, a depender da forma de desconsideração objetivada. Assim a tese que se propõe tem como escopo analisar o conteúdo da decisão judicial que confere ou não a desconsideração da personalidade jurídica. Do ponto de vista prático, mostra-se importante estabelecer uma tese neste sentido, em razão de que, em que pese a nobreza de alcançar efetividade processual que em grande maioria dos casos só é obtida com a satisfação no recebimento de um crédito - como será demonstrada essa efetividade não pode ser obtida a qualquer preço. Enfrenta-se de longa data no Brasil, uma séria crise tanto de inadimplemento, como de abuso de direitos, em que muitas vezes pessoas que não devem ser responsabilizadas por uma obrigação acabam atingidas pelo simples fato de integrar uma sociedade ou empreender uma atividade econômica. Do mesmo modo, em relação à crise de inadimplemento, vários são os ardis utilizados por indivíduos que se servem do manto da pessoa jurídica e da autonomia patrimonial dela decorrente para criar uma aparência de higidez que, no entanto, esconde uma atuação iníqua em que o sócio se aproveita da aparência da sociedade para obter vantagens escusas. Com isso, é fundamental verificar em que medida a decisão que desconsidera a personalidade da pessoa jurídica atingirá os sócios, qual a natureza dessa decisão, bem como qual a sua extensão e limites

A responsabilidade tributária das empresas pertencentes ao mesmo grupo econômico e suas limitações nos planos constitucional e infraconstitucional

Lima Neto, José Gomes de 06 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Aparecida de Souza Cardozo (mcardozo@pucsp.br) on 2018-02-19T14:54:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 José Gomes de Lima Neto.pdf: 1696443 bytes, checksum: af1eae302cc9f5c538b99f1f4cf722d3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-19T14:54:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 José Gomes de Lima Neto.pdf: 1696443 bytes, checksum: af1eae302cc9f5c538b99f1f4cf722d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-06 / The analysis of tax liability among companies within the same economic group is this paper’s main objective. In order to do so, it was necessary to analyze the autonomy of the legal entity as a legal principle rooted on the Federal Constitution itself. Based upon this premise, the disregard doctrine was studied, focusing on its characteristics and mentions in national material laws, especially article 50 of the Brazilian Civil Code, which is anchored on the so-called “Greater Theory”. Subsequently, comments are weaved regarding unilateral rights, approaching lapsing and prescription, thus defining the legal nature of the right to require the piercing of the corporate veil, as well as its term. The study of taxpayers was also approached as a matter of constitutional content, developing into an analysis of the general theory of tax liability and the constitutional principles that underlie it, such as: legality, contributive capacity, practicability and the due legal process. Furthermore, the procedural aspects of piercing the corporate veil and its natural consequences in tax execution processes are dealt with, which basically is to redirect the debt from the original debtor to the taxpayer, defending the total enforceability of the Piercing The Corporate Veil Incident from the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure/2015 to Tax Foreclosure Law. In order to do so, case laws were emphasized, also quoting the IRDR from the Federal Regional Court and Ruling PGFN nº 948/2017. Finally, we approach tax liability of companies belonging to the same economic group, highlighting the hierarchy of the Civil Code’s General Tax Laws, as well as the lack of specific norms for the aforementioned liability in the National Tax Code and ordinary legislation, thus establishing its constitutional and infra-constitutional limits / A análise da responsabilidade tributária entre empresas pertencentes ao mesmo grupo econômico se perfaz no objetivo principal deste trabalho. Para tanto, mostrou-se necessário analisar a autonomia da pessoa jurídica enquanto princípio de direito com raízes fincadas na própria Constituição Federal. A partir dessa premissa, estudamos o instituto da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica (disregard doctrine), enfocando suas características, menções pelas leis materiais nacionais, principalmente pelo artigo 50 do Código Civil, que se escora na chamada “Teoria Maior”. Em sequência, tecemos comentários acerca do direito potestativo, da prescrição e da decadência, definindo, com isso, a natureza jurídica do direito ao requerimento da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica, bem como de seu prazo. O estudo da sujeição passiva tributária também foi abordado enquanto matéria de conteúdo constitucional, passando-se, então, à analise da teoria geral da responsabilidade tributária e dos princípios constitucionais que lhe dão suporte, a saber: a legalidade, a capacidade contributiva, a praticabilidade e o devido processo legal. Em sequência, tratamos dos aspectos processuais do instituto da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica e de sua consequência natural nos processos de execução fiscal, que é o redirecionamento da dívida do devedor original para o responsável tributário, defendendo a total aplicabilidade da regulamentação do Incidente de Desconsideração da Personalidade Jurídica no CPC/2015 à Lei de Execução Fiscal. Para tanto, enfatizamos o entendimento jurisprudencial sobre a matéria, citando, também, o Incidente de Resolução de Demandas Repetitivas do Tribunal Regional Federal da 3ª Região e a Portaria PGFN nº 948/2017. Enfim, tratamos da responsabilidade tributária das empresas pertencentes ao mesmo grupo econômico, ressaltando a primazia hierárquica das Normas Gerais de Direito tributário sobre o Código Civil, além da ausência de normatização específica da referida responsabilidade no Código Tributário Nacional e legislação ordinária tributária, estabelecendo, assim, seus limites constitucionais e infraconstitucionais

Le ghunghat dévoilé. Voile, corps et société en Inde du Nord / The ghunghat unveiled. Veil, body and society in North India

Lécuyer, Laurence 05 December 2018 (has links)
Le ghunghat est une pratique du voile particulière à l’Inde du Nord. Il a pour singularité d’être non-confessionnel et peut être pratiqué par des femmes de toutes confessions religieuses, hindoues, musulmanes ou sikhes, mais pas par toutes les femmes. Il consiste pour une femme à baisser sur son visage le voile qu’elle porte sur sa tête devant certains individus parmi ses affins, mais jamais devant ses consanguins. Il est observé de façon inégale en fonction des castes, des classes, du niveau d’éducation, des lieux de résidence dans une grande partie de l’Inde du Nord, hormis au Pendjab, d’où il a disparu il y a une quinzaine d’années. Il renseigne sur la relation qu’une femme entretient avec les individus qui l’entourent. Sa manipulation donne à voir l’organisation sociale et familiale spécifique à l’Inde du Nord : mariage arrangé, résidence patrilocale en famille élargie, antagonisme et asymétrie de statuts entre les affins et les consanguins d’une femme, rapports hiérarchiques. Extension du corps de la femme, sa gestuelle en exprime les représentations, ainsi que l’esthétique et les rapports de genre. Le voile apparaît comme un « fait social total », révélant les rapports familiaux et sociaux en même temps que les représentations du corps de la femme, et s’insérant dans une pratique de couverture et d’enveloppement des corps et des objets qui renvoie au sacré. Une ethnologie du ghunghat permet de créer de nouveaux outils afin d’aborder les problématiques autour du voile dans d’autres espaces, en particulier en France, dans une perspective comparative. / Ghunghat is a veiling practice specific to North India. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is non religious, though it can be observed by women of all confessions, Hindu, Muslim or Sikh, but not by all women. The woman lowers the veil that rests on her head in front of certain individuals of her affines but never before her consanguines. It varies according to cast, social class, education level, places of residence in most of North India except in Punjab where it has disappeared about fifteen years ago. It gives information about the relationships that a woman has with the people around her. It reveals the social and family organization of the Nothern Indian subcontinent : arranged marriage, patrilocal residence in joint family, hierarchy, asymetry of status between wife givers and receivers. It can be seen as an extension of a woman’s body, thus informing about its representations, as well as aesthetics, and gender relations. The veil thus appears as a « total social fact » revealing the family and social relationships as well as the representations over the women’s bodies, where not only bodies but also objets are covered, especially in the context of sacredness. An ethnological study of ghunghat allows to create new tools in order to reconsider the undestanding of the veil in other contexts, in particular in the French context, through a comparative perspective.

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