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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitaliseringen är barnens framtid : Digitala verktyg i förskolan ur ett förskollärarperspektiv

Björnfot Holm, Therese, Jaakkola, Sandra January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att synliggöra förskollärares inställning till och användande av digitala verktyg i förskolans utbildning ur ett förskollärarperspektiv. Frågeställningar som använts i undersökningen är förskollärares inställning till digitala verktyg, hur förskollärare skattar sin digitala kompetens utifrån vad som behövs i förskolans utbildning samt i vilken utsträckning förskollärare använder digitala verktyg i olika sammanhang. Studien genomfördes med en kvantitativ enkätundersökning riktad till förskollärare. Resultatet visar att förskollärare skattar sin digitala kompetens som god och ser digitala verktyg som ett intressant redskap som är betydelsefullt för undervisningen. Det vanligaste digitala verktyget som används i utbildningen är lärplattan, och den används främst för att titta på bilder och filmer från gemensamma upplevelser, lyssna på sagor och film och för administrativt arbete. Med hjälp av det teoretiska ramverket TPACK analyserades resultatet från de 68 respondenterna som deltog. Slutsatsen belyser vikten av didaktisk digital kompetens och i vilka sammanhang förskollärare kan använda digitala verktyg som undervisningsstrategi.

The Influence of a Graphing Calculator Program Policy Change on the Algebra I High Stakes Assessment in Mississippi

Repsher, Elizabeth Anderson 09 December 2016 (has links)
Graphing calculator programs have been used on high-stakes tests and teacher-created assessments at the secondary and college level for many years. These programs- are even used on college-placement tests such as the ACT. Beginning with the 2011-2012 school year, the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) made the decision to no longer allow the use of graphing calculator applications and/or programs on the Subject Area Testing Program (SATP2) for Algebra I. Currently, limited research exists to address the influence of graphing calculator program use on high-stakes assessments. The programming capabilities of graphing calculators should not be ignored. Because of the 2011-2012 graphing calculator policy change, a unique opportunity exists in Mississippi to provide valuable information about this issue. Gaining insight about how the use of graphing calculator programs has affected assessment results in the past will give policy makers needed information for creating equitable assessment policies in the future. This research used a causal-comparative research design to determine the influence of the MDE’s decision to no longer allow the use of graphing calculator programs on Mississippi’s Algebra I SATP2. The research questions consider the influence of the policy change with regards to three groups: students, schools in general, and Title I schools in particular. A chi-square test for association was used to examine the student-level data associated with research questions one and two. This analysis examined students’ ability to pass and their performance level on the Algebra I SATP2. The results for both of the chi-square analyses indicated significant results. For research question three, a two-way mixed ANOVA was used to examine the influence of the policy change on Title I schools. For this analysis, Title I schools represent disadvantaged populations. The results indicated no interaction between graphing calculator program use and type of school, but did reveal a main effect for the school type.

Digitala verktyg i skrivundervisningen : Lärares användning och uppfattningar om digitala verktyg i skrivundervisningen på lågstadiet

Prytz, Julia, Kjellberg, Sebastian January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka användandet av digitala verktyg i skrivundervisningen på lågstadiet samt om och hur lärarna anser att användandet av de digitala verktygen främjar elevernas skrivutveckling. För att uppnå studiens syfte genomfördes både observationer och intervjuer med fyra lärare. Med hjälp av teorin TPACK och det sociokulturella perspektivet analyserades resultatet. Resultatet visade att respondenterna har en positiv inställning till digitala verktyg och att det främjar eleverna skrivutveckling på flera sätt. Lärarna lyfter bland annat fram en ökad motivation och en ökad textmängd när elever skriver på digitala verktyg. Resultatet synliggör även enstaka nackdelar varav en nackdel är att lärarna upplever att elevernas finmotorik kan påverkas om digitala verktyg används för mycket. Sammanfattningsvis var lärarna i studien positivt inställda till att använda digitala verktyg i skrivundervisningen och samtliga lärare ansåg att fördelarna övervägde nackdelarna.

Navigating medical education reform: charting a course through changing landscapes of technology, pedagogy, and content

Mulkern, Jana Brady 03 June 2019 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Less than two decades into the 21st century, U.S. medical schools are experiencing substantial curricular reform affecting multiple aspects of teaching and learning. The pace of change is rapid when compared to that of the previous century. Little changed in medical education for 100 years after Abraham Flexner’s 1910 recommendations from his evaluation of North American medical schools. Using a case-study approach to examine a single medical school, this dissertation study explores pre-clerkship faculty perspectives of select curricular changes over a ten-year span at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM). These changes include the adoption of educational technologies and student-centered pedagogical approaches, as well as curricular content integration designed for foundational science courses. PURPOSE: This study seeks to understand and document faculty experiences with change, factors influencing change, effective and challenging aspects of change, and recommendations for successful future changes. It also explores faculty change adoption tendencies and change leadership styles for those who led groups through a newly integrated curriculum. METHODS: This is a mixed-methods study using qualitative and quantitative inquiry in three phases of data collection with two subject sets. In the first phase, qualitative data was collected from interviews with a subset of 12 subjects to inform creation of a researcher-designed survey, which was used in the second phase collecting responses from a larger pool of 55 subjects. The third phase collected quantitative data from an externally-validated instrument, Change Intelligence (CQ) (Trautlein, 2013), which assessed change leadership styles of the subset of 12 subjects who experienced all changes studied. RESULTS: BUSM faculty members are motivated towards continuous improvement of the curriculum to foster students’ success. Faculty are challenged by compressed time to plan and implement change and when change is mandated without opportunity for pre-decision input. BUSM faculty adopt changes at higher rates than the normal curve defined in Diffusion of Innovations (Rogers, 2003). The subset of 12 subjects assessed for change leadership styles focus on people and process when leading change. CONCLUSION: Medical education change studies on the faculty perspective are limited. This study provides insight and recommendations for future study and successful change.

Lärares uppfattningar om digitala verktyg i matematik, grundskolan 7-9 / Teachers' perceptions of digital tools in mathematics in grades 7-9

Larsson, Henrik January 2024 (has links)
Den tekniska utvecklingen har implementerats i stora delar av samhället de senaste decennierna, skolan inräknad. Med en ny kursplan i grundskolan som lägger en större tyngdpunkt på digitalisering och programmering i matematiken så är det av intresse att studera hur de nya arbetssätten uppfattas av lärarna. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka lärares uppfattningar om digitala verktyg i matematikundervisningen på högstadiet. Undersökningen kommer att rikta sig mot lärarnas kompetensnivå och på vilket sätt de väljer ut och använder digitala verktyg inom ramen för matematikundervisningen. Undersökningen kommer även att belysa lärarnas uppfattning om styrkor och svagheter för de digitala verktygen som används inom ramen för matematikundervisningen. Undersökningen är gjord genom semistrukturerade intervjuer där sex lärare intervjuas och derastankar skapar underlag för diskussion. Dessa intervjuer spelas in, transkriberas och kategoriserasmed en fenomenografisk metod. Som grund i analysen ligger den sociokulturella teorin, med de centrala begreppen appropriering, scaffolding och den proximala utvecklingszonen, samt TPACKramverket där lärares teknologiska, pedagogiska och innehållsmässiga kunskap analyseras. Resultatet och slutsatsen visar några företeelser som genomsyrar flertalet intervjuer och tidigare forskning. Lärare saknar adekvata programmeringskunskaper, vilket kan tyda på att implementeringen skett för hastigt. I termer av andra digitala verktyg använder lärarna olika mjukvaror och arbetssätt beroende på vad de känner sig bekväma med. Det visar sig finnas både för- och nackdelar med digitala verktyg i matematikundervisningen, och huruvida det är en positiv förstärkning är oftast upp till elevens kunskapsnivå gällande datoranvändningen. Några frågor som väcks utifrån arbetet är hur lärarkåren ska tillförskaffa sig tillräcklig digital kompetens och hur ska undervisningen utformas så att de digitala distraktionerna minskar.

A Qualitative Understanding of Teaching in an Ebook Equipped Early Elementary Classroom

Brueck, Jeremy S. 11 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Digital kompetens genom fyrkantiga ögon : En intervjustudie som undersöker lärare i fritidshems perspektiv på digital kompetens / Digital competence through square eyes : - An interview study that examines teachers in leisure centers ' perspectives on digital competence

Rosqvist Ljungbäck, Ida, Lindberg Johansson, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer där sju lärare i fritidshem på en skola fick berätta om sin upplevelse och tolkning av digital kompetens. Syftet med studien var att undersöka fritidshemslärarnas perspektiv på begreppet digital kompetens samt deras resonemang kring arbetet med ett digitaliserat fritidshem och de möjligheter och utmaningar som tillkommer med det arbetet. För att kunna analysera fritidshemslärarnas utsagor grundar vi studien i fenomenologi samt TPACK modellen (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) för att sätta deras utsagor i ett ramverk för analys. Utifrån lärarnas upplevelser har vi genom TPACK kunnat analysera att lärarna besitter kunskap om hur de ska bedriva en digital verksamhet. Vi har däremot hittat att intresse och motivation ligger till grund för hur mycket lärarna använder digitala verktyg i verksamheten. Lärarna visade sig vara positivt inställda till användningen av digitala verktyg i undervisningen däremot har även kritiska aspekter visat sig tydliga hos lärarna där de ser att eleverna har andra behov. Utifrån lärarnas utsagor om utmaningar och möjligheter har vi kunnat identifiera andra yttre faktorer som påverkar upplägget i verksamheten som riktlinjer och samhället.

Licenciatura EAD em Ciências e Biodiversidade Vegetal: bases de conhecimento docente, crenças de formadores, percepções e produções de estudantes / Distance Courses for initial training of Science teachers and Plant Biodiversity: knowledge bases, beliefs of teacher-trainers, perceptions and productions of students

Barbosa, Pércia Paiva 10 April 2019 (has links)
A Botânica é uma das áreas da Biologia e das Ciências e tem reconhecida importância no ensino, especialmente quando se pensa no Brasil, a nação com a maior diversidade de plantas do planeta. Porém, o país vive um cenário de urgências ambientais, que exigem medidas socioeducativas visando o desenvolvimento de atitudes e valores dos cidadãos que garantam maior respeito ao ambiente. Consequentemente, é possível depreender a relevância do tema Biodiversidade Vegetal na Educação, propiciando que os indivíduos adquiram conhecimentos que os tornem aptos a adotar comportamentos relacionados à conservação das espécies. Apesar desse contexto, o Ensino de Botânica tem enfrentado diferentes desafios. Dentre as possibilidades para minimizar tais dificuldades, a adequada formação docente tem sido apontada como uma das alternativas capazes de aprimorar a abordagem da temática. Pesquisas enfocando as Bases de Conhecimento (entendidas segundo os trabalhos de Shulman e colaboradores) podem ajudar nesse sentido, uma vez que reconhecem a existência de conhecimentos específicos da profissão docente e a necessidade de desenvovê-los adequadamente. Neste cenário, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo geral ampliar a compreensão sobre a formação de professores de Ciências, especialmente relacionada a um tema botânico (Biodiversidade Vegetal). Tendo em vista a crescente oferta de cursos à distância, julgamos pertinente abordá-los neste estudo. Diante disso, investigamos os conhecimentos base trabalhados em dois cursos de formação de professores de Ciências em EAD (Educação a Distância), oferecidos por universidades públicas do Estado de São Paulo. Como primeiro objetivo específico, buscamos identificar as bases de conhecimento abordadas nesses cursos de forma geral, e também empregando atenção especial nas disciplinas relacionadas à Botânica e também naquelas relacionadas à integração das tecnologias no ensino. Atividades presentes no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA) foram utilizadas como dados de análise. Percebemos que ambos os cursos enfatizaram o desenvolvimento do Conhecimento de Conteúdo dos licenciandos, o que não consideramos um aspecto negativo. Entretanto, tendo em vista a importância dos diferentes conhecimentos base para o desenvolvimento docente (como o Conhecimento Pedagógico do Conteúdo, PCK; e o Conhecimento Tecnológico Pedagógico do Conteúdo, TPACK), em especial em Botânica e Biodiversidade Vegetal, acreditamos que uma abordagem mais equilibrada e integrada de tais conhecimentos em ambos os cursos investigados poderia promover uma formação mais adequada para o tema pesquisado. Como segundo objetivo específico, buscamos identificar as crenças das professoras-formadoras que elaboraram as aulas sobre Botânica/Biodiversidade Vegetal nos cursos investigados. Nosso intuito foi o de compreender as crenças destas sobre a formação de professores para essas temáticas em cursos à distância. Realizamos a análise das atividades presentes no AVA dos cursos (em especial as video aulas) e entrevistas. Identificamos que as aulas das formadoras foram coerentes com suas crenças sobre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem do tema investigado. Mais focada nos apectos conceituais, no caso das autoras envolvidas no Curso 1, e enfatizando o desenvolvimento do PCK, no caso da autora envolvida no Curso 2. Além disso, percebemos que o perfil das autoras, assim como a experiência acadêmica destas foram importantes para aquilo que consideraram necessário na formação de professores de Ciências à distância para os temas botânicos. Identificamos, ainda, algumas dificuldades e inquietações das formadoras com a modalidade EAD. O terceiro objetivo específico foi o de evidenciar as percepções dos licenciandos sobre o desenvolvimento de seus conhecimentos base ao longo de sua formação nos cursos, especialmente aqueles relacionados à Botânica e à Biodiversidade Vegetal. Elaboramos e aplicamos para cerca de 170 licenciandos um questionário com perguntas fechadas. Identificamos que a maioria dos estudantes tinham boas avaliações sobre o desenvolvimento de seus conhecimentos a partir dos respectivos cursos. Tal resultado não está sintonizado com a investigação que realizamos como primeiro objetivo específico, na qual verificamos que alguns conhecimentos base foram abordados de forma mais superficial. Buscamos identificar, como quarto objetivo específico, as bases de conhecimento mobilizadas por três licenciandos dos Cursos 1 e 2 ao planejarem sequências didáticas para o ensino da temática \"Biodiversidade Vegetal\" no Ensino Fundamental II. Por meio de diferentes instrumentos de coleta de dados (planos de aulas, questionários e entrevistas), identificamos que tais estudantes apresentaram bom desenvolvimento de alguns de seus conhecimentos base. Entretanto, também apresentaram lacunas nestes. Em nossa visão, essas últimas dificultaram a produção das sequências. Estas, por sua vez, apresentaram-se focadas em conteúdos mais conceituais e, muitas vezes, na transmissão de informações, sendo frequentes as aulas expositivas e o uso do livro didático como principal recurso didático. Assim, distanciaram-se em diversos aspectos dos indicadores esperados para sequências capazes de promover uma real mitigação da cegueira e analfabetismo botânicos. No entanto, ressaltamos que foram elaboradas por licenciandos, que ainda terão um longo percurso de aprimoramento de suas bases de conhecimento. Diante do que foi exposto, reforçamos a necessidade dos cursos de formação de professores de Ciências e, em especial, das disciplinas responsáveis pelos temas botânicos e pela integração das tecnologias no ensino, se atentarem para o desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos base de forma integrada e equilibrada, visando auxiliar os futuros educadores no aprimoramento de seus PCK e TPACK. Acreditamos que este foco pode permitir que tais licenciandos sejam capazes de ministrar os conteúdos da Botânica, em especial, Biodiversidade Vegetal, de forma mais próxima àquilo que se espera do processo de ensino-aprendizagem adequado dessa temática na Educação Básica, possivelmente, contribuindo para a mitigação dos desafios dessa área. Além disso, julgamos importante que os programas de formação docente na modalidade à distância se atentem para as especificidades desta, visando garantir uma formação mais próxima e adequada para o perfil do público participante. Incentivamos que os encontros presenciais aconteçam, garantindo que aulas práticas presenciais façam parte da formação do educador de Ciências. Por fim, e sem esgotarmos as possibilidades, por se tratarem de cursos à distância, é importante que tais programas de formação aproveitem as potencialidades dessa modalidade, principalmente daquelas, referentes ao desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos tecnológicos dos futuros professores, assim como invistam na formação dos próprios formadores de professores / Botany is one of the areas of Biology and Science, being important on education, especially in Brazil, which has the greatest variety of plants on the world. However, this country has a worrying scenario related to environmental urgencies, which require socioeducational measures aimed at developing citizens\' attitudes and values to promote better environmental respect. Consequently, the theme Plant Biodiversity is important because it could allow individuals to develop knowledge that enables them to adopt behaviors related to plants conservation. Despite this context, the Teaching of Botany has faced different challenges. Among the possibilities to minimize such difficulties, to improve teacher training has been considerate as one of the good alternatives. Research focusing on knowledge bases (according to Shulman and colleagues) may help to improve teacher training because the authors recognize the existence of specific knowledge on teaching profession, that teachers need to develop properly. This research aims to increase the understanding of Science teacher training, especially related to Botany and Plant Biodiversity. Due to the growing number of Distance Education (DE) courses, we decidet to investigate them in this study. Therefore, we investigate the knowledge bases that were developed in two DE courses for initial training of science teachers, offered by public universities in the State of São Paulo. The first specific aim was identifying the knowledge bases that were present in these courses in general, and also with special attention in disciplines related to Botany and to integration of technologies in education. Activities in the Online Learning Environments were used as analysis data. We verified that both courses emphasized the development of Content Knowledge of the pre-service teachers. We did not consider this result as a negative aspect. However, due the importance of the development of different knowledge bases in teacher training courses (such as the Pedagogical Content Knowledge, PCK; and the Technological Pedagogical Knowledge of Content, TPACK), especially in Botany and Plant Biodiversity, we believe that a more balanced and integrated approach of these knowledge in both investigated courses could promote a more appropriate teacher training about Vegetal Biodiversity. The second specific aim was identifying the beliefs of the teacher-trainers\' that elaborated Botany/Plant Biodiversity classes of the investigated courses. Our intention was to understand their beliefs about teacher training for these subjects in DE courses. We analyzed the activities present in the Online Learning Environments of the courses (particularly the video lessons) and interviews. We identified that lessons of these trainers were coherent with their beliefs about the teaching-learning process of the investigated subject. The Course 1 trainers focused on the conceptual aspects and Curse 2 trainer emphasized the development of the PCK. In addition, we detected that the profile of the authors, as well as their academic experience, were important factors that influenced what they considered necessary to teacher training about Botany in DE courses. We also identified some difficulties and concerns of these trainers about the DE modality. The third specific aim was recognizing the perceptions of the pre-service teachers about the development of their knowledge bases throughout their training in their courses, especially, the knowledge bases related to Botany and to Plant Biodiversity. We prepared and applied a questionnaire with closed questions to around 170 pre-service teachers. We identified that most of these students had good evaluations about the development of their knowledge bases from the respective courses. This result is not similar with the ones that we obtained to the first specific aim of the present research, in which we verified that some knowledge bases was approached superficially. The fourth specific aim was detecting the knowledge bases mobilized by three pre-service teachers, of Courses 1 and 2, when they elaborated a didactic sequence about Plant Biodiversity to Elementary School. Different data collection instruments (lesson plans, questionnaires and interviews) were used and we identified that these pre-service teachers presented some positive aspects about the development of their knowledge bases. However, they also presented gaps on them. In our view, theses gaps had difficulted the elaboration of the sequences. These sequences have been very focused on more conceptual contents and, often, in the transmission of information. Exposure lessons were also frequent for two pre-service teachers. Thus, these sequences were distanced in some ways from the expected indicator for sequences capable of promoting a real mitigation of botanical blindness and illiteracy. However, we highlight that they were elaborated by pre-service teachers, who will still have a long way to improve their knowledge bases. Based on our results, we emphasize that DE courses for initial training of Science teachers (and specially in the subjects about Botany and Integration of technologies in education) need to promote the development of knowledge bases in integrated and balanced ways, in order to help future educators in the development of their PCK and TPACK. We believe that this focus may allow pre-service teachers to be able to teach contents of Botany, especially Plant Biodiversity, approaching the appropriate teaching-learning process of this subject in Basic Education. It can, possibly, contribute to the mitigation of the challenges in this area. In addition, we believe that it is important that DE teacher training programs consider their specifics, aiming to certifying a closer and adequate training for the profile of their public. We encourage that face-to-face meetings, ensuring that the practical classes are part of the training of the Science educator, including about botanical subjects. Finally, and without exhausting the possibilities, we highlight that DE courses of teacher training programs need to use the potential resources this modality, especially those related to the development of the technological knowledge of future teacher, as well as investing in the training of teachers\' trainers

IKT i undervisningen : En kvalitativ studie om lärares förutsättningar och användning av IKT i          matematikundervisningen

Fredriksson, Rickard, Åhlin, Mathias January 2018 (has links)
Tidigare studier har visat att det inte alltid finns ett samband mellan användning av IKT i undervisningen och positiva inlärningsresultat. Det är en fråga om hur lärare använder IKT i sin undervisning, vilka kompetenser läraren har och vilka tekniska förutsättningar som finns på skolan. Syftet med denna studie var att fördjupa kunskapen om hur lärare använder IKT i sin matematikundervisning i årskurs 4–6, samt vilka förutsättningar dessa lärare har för att bedriva matematikundervisning med IKT. Studien baserades på kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare och “utvecklingsledare” samt observationer av lärare. Resultatet bearbetades utifrån TPACK-modellen och diskuterades även utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Resultatet visade att lärarna använde sig av IKT i matematikundervisningen på olika sätt där en undervisningsmetod som förekom var elevarbete i par med datorer, något tidigare forskning lyft fram som framgångsrikt. Studien indikerade även att goda tekniska förutsättningar ledde till en ökad IKT-användning bland eleverna. / Previous studies have shown there´s not always a connection between the use of ICT in teaching and positive learning outcomes. It's a matter of how teachers use ICT in their teaching, the teacher´s competence and the technical conditions. The aim of this study was to widen the knowledge about how teachers use ICT in their mathematics education in grades 4–6, and what conditions teachers have for implement ICT in their education. The study was based on qualitative interviews with teachers and “development leaders” and observations of teachers. The result was processed with the TPACK framework and also discussed from a sociocultural perspective. The result showed that teachers used ICT in various ways, were a teaching method that occured was students working in pairs with computers, which previous research have proved to be successful. The study also indicated that good technical conditions led to increased ICT use among students.

Využití e-learningu ve výuce pedagogicko-psychologických témat / The use of e-learning in the education of pedagogical-psychological topic

Gubani, Přemysl January 2011 (has links)
Abstract_EN The thesis focuses on the use of e-learning in teaching of Pedagogy1 at higher education. It points to effects and changes that come with the gradual development and integration of ICT into the educational process and everyday life. Presents opportunities to develop teachers' knowledge of e-learning, based on the TPACK framework. In the empirical part, we present the reader usable taxonomy of Pedagogy instructional planning (learning) activities types. For every activity types we attach to the concept of e-learning solutions. At the end of thesis, the reader finds examples of application-specific Pedagogy instructional planning activities types in practice. 1 Termín Pedagogy překládáme jako didaktika (snažíme se v práci držet jednotnou podobu překladu (blíže s. 53))

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