Spelling suggestions: "subject:"translanguaging."" "subject:"itranslanguaging.""
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Translanguaging som verktyg för lärande -En undersökning av lärares erfarenheter av undervisning inom SO förelever i processen att lära sig svenska som andraspråkBlomquist, Malin, Padilla, Daniela January 2020 (has links)
Eftersom skolan idag är multikulturell vill vi ta reda på lärares inställningartill translanguaging som ett verktyg för att stödja dessa elever att uppnå kunskapskraven i SO.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka lärares erfarenheter inom undervisning av elever iprocessen att lära sig svenska som andraspråk i SO. Denna uppsats är baserad på bådekvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder, dessa har utförts i form av enkäter respektivesemistrukturerade intervjuer.För att svara på dessa frågor ska vi använda oss av både intervjuer och enkäter. Resultatet ienkätundersökningarna visar att flera av respondenterna inte har fått någon utbildning itranslanguaging under lärarutbildningen. Ändå var det ett stort antal respondenter som kändetill begreppet innan vår studie. Genom intervjuerna kunde vi konstatera att translanguaginginte heller var något som förekom i de intervjuade lärarnas lärarutbildning. Undersökningen isin helhet visade att flera av de verksamma lärare som deltog i vår surveyundersökning tyckeratt translanguaging kan vara ett arbetssätt som hjälper elever i processen att lära sig svenskasom andraspråk att uppnå kunskapskraven i SO. Däremot finns det en önskan, blandundersökningspersonerna, om ytterligare kunskaper i ämnet för att kunna använda sigav translanguaging i undervisningen. Genom intervjuerna framkommer det att det finnspåverkande faktorer som gör att användningen av translanguaging inte är lika lätt i praktiken.
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The Perceived Utility of English : Conceptions of the English Language in Students in Sweden’s Language Introduction ProgramCumléus, Anton January 2021 (has links)
The Language Introduction Program (Swe. Språkintroduktionsprogrammet) is a preparatory education intended for immigrant students to acquire a minimum grade of grade-school level knowledge of several different subjects. The most important subject measured both by the time allocated to it, and as manifested in educational and political discourse, is Swedish. The English language is commonly afforded high status on the linguistic market in Sweden. However, students within the language introduction program stem from all linguistic backgrounds whereas some students occasionally speak L1 or L2 English prior to arriving in Sweden. This study examines how students within the language introduction program perceive and values English in a setting where Swedish is (1) mandated for continuation on to the national education programs and (2) discursively positioned within and outside of the program as the key to successful integration. The study aims to answer how and what conceptions of English as a phenomenon are narratively constructed in this ideological site i.e. the school, and what authorities on implicit and overt language ideology are addressed. The study analyses the narratives of three students enrolled on the Language Introduction Program. To do this, the study uses a mix of a language portrait and an interview. The results show that English has a strong status in regards to practical utility, but English is not equally regarded in terms of community and social togetherness. In this, the Language Introduction Program is a strong ideological site and ideological modifier.
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Transspråkande i undervisningen : En kvalitativ studie om hur svensklärare beskriver att transspråkande implementeras i det flerspråkiga klassrummet / Translanguaging in teaching : A qualitative study of how Swedish teachers describe that translanguaging is implemented in the multilingual classroomAfrem, Maggie January 2022 (has links)
I dagens skolor är allt fler elever flerspråkiga. De flerspråkiga eleverna bär med sig språket som en resurs i undervisningen och tenderar därmed att utveckla en djupare och bredare kunskap inom andraspråksinlärningen. Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om hur och med vilket resultat grundskollärare med inriktning årskurs 4–6 beskriver att de arbetar transspråkande för att främja flerspråkiga elevers språkutveckling inom svenskämnet.Följande frågeställningar har besvarats för att uppfylla studiens syfte: • På vilka sätt beskriver lärare att elevers förstaspråk påverkar andraspråksutvecklingen? • På vilka sätt uppger lärare att de använder elevers förstaspråk för att arbeta språkutvecklande? • Vilka resultat anser lärare kunna uppnå med att arbeta transspråkande? En kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervjustudie har genomförts med sammanlagt fem grundskollärare med inriktning årskurs 4–6. Samtliga lärare undervisar i svenskämnet och arbetar i en flerspråkig skolverksamhet, vilket innefattar erfarenhet av arbete med flerspråkiga elever. Studien har sin utgångspunkt inom det sociokulturella perspektivet. Resultatet som framkom i undersökningen visar att samtliga lärare har varierade uppfattningar kring transspråkande som arbetssätt. Det synliggörs att transspråkande implementeras i olika grader och på varierade sätt i klassrummen. Resultatet tyder på att lärarna har olika mycket erfarenheter och de anser att det finns andra sätt att arbeta på för att utveckla andraspråket. En del av lärarna menar att flerspråkiga elevers andraspråksutveckling främjas genom bland annat samspel med andra och digitala verktyg som hjälpmedel. / In today´s schools more pupils are multilingual. The multilingual pupils carry the language with them as a resource in the teaching and thus tend to develop a deeper and broader knowledge in second language learning. The purpose of the study is to increase knowledge about how teachers describe that translanguaging is implemented in the Swedish subject and how it affects the second language development of the multilingual pupils.The following questions have been answered to fulfill the purpose of the study: • In what ways do teachers describe that pupils’ first language affects second language development? • In what ways do teachers use pupils’ first language to work on language development? • What results do teachers think they can achieve by working translingual? A qualitative semi-structured interview study has been conducted with a total of five elementary school teachers with a focus on grades 4-6. All teachers teach the Swedish subject and work in a multilingual school, which includes experience of working with multilingual pupils. The study is based on the sociocultural perspective.The results that emerged in the survey show that all teachers have varied perceptions about translanguaging as a way of teaching. It is visible that translanguaging is implemented in different degrees and in varied ways in the classrooms. The results indicate that the teachers have different amounts of experience and they believe that there are other ways of working to develop the second language. Some of the teachers believe that multilingual pupils’ second language development is promoted through, among other things, interaction with others and digital tools as aids.
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Transspråkande och flerspråkighet i klassrummen : En kvalitativ studie kring fem gymnasielärares upplevelser av transspråkandets utmaningar och möjligheterSabah, Akram January 2023 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att undersöka lärarupplevelser kring transspråkande inom svenskt skolsammanhang. För att besvara syftet ställdes tre frågor som bidrog med en omfattande resultat baserade på lärarupplevelser. För att besvara frågorna genomfördes kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som metod och svaren analyserades genom en innehållsanalys och abduktiv ansats. Studiens resultat tyder på att lärare använder transspråkande som en organiserad, omedveten eller osystematisk form i undervisningen. Resultaten visar också att lärarna upplever att transspråkande påverkar elevernas skolutveckling positivt genom meningsfullhet,goda relationer, inkludering och globalisering men också negativt i förhållande till utmaningarna. Utmaningarna är lärarnas och elevernas språkkunskaper, läroplanen, konflikthanteringen och exkludering. Detta innebär även att lärare upplever såväl möjligheter som utmaningar med transspråkande i klassrummen. Lärarnas upplevelser och studiens tidigare forskning samt bakgrund innehar aspekter som går att relatera till varandra beträffande transspråkandes positiva effekter på elevernas skolutveckling, kunskapsutveckling, identiteter och inkludering. Lärarna upplever dock att utmaningarna som de upplever överstiger möjligheterna vilket gör att möjligheterna inte kan betraktas som fördelaktiga enligt lärarnas upplevelser och studiens analys. / The purpose of this study is to investigate teacher experiences around translanguaging within a Swedish school context. To answer the purpose, three questions were asked that contributed to a comprehensive result based on teacher experiences. To answer the questions, qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted as a method and the answers were analyzed through a content analysis and abductive approach. The results of the study indicate that teachers use translanguaging as an organized, unconscious, or unsystematic form in teaching. The results also show that the teachers feel that translanguaging affects the students' school development positively through meaningfulness, good relationships, inclusion and globalization, but also negatively in relation to the challenges. The challenges are the teachers' and students' language skills, the curriculum, conflict management and exclusion. This also means that teachers experience opportunities as well as challenges with translanguaging in the classroom. The teachers' experiences and the study's previous research and background have aspects that can be related to each other regarding translanguaging's positive effects on the students' school development, knowledge development, identities and inclusion. However, the teacher’s experiences that the challenges exceed the opportunities, which means that the opportunities cannot be considered beneficial according to the teachers'experiences and the study's analysis.
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Språkvalet i engelskundervisningen : En studie om lärares språkval i engelskundervisningen i årskurs 4–6 / A study on teachers' choice of language in English teaching in grades 4–6Wessling Reisenhofer, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
Lärare reflekterar ofta kring vilket språk av svenska och engelska som ska användas mest i engelskundervisningen. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka lärares val av språk i engelskundervisningen samt vad de ser för konsekvenser med att använda svenska respektive engelska under engelsklektionerna. Syftet är också att undersöka hur elever tänker kring språkvalet som lärare gör när de har engelska. I denna studie genomfördes tre semistrukturerade intervjuer med lärare, verksamma eller har varit verksamma i engelska i årskurs 4–6, samt en enkät, utdelad som en survey till elever i årskurs 6 (12 år) och besvarades av 20 elever. Slutsatsen av denna studie visar att lärare vill använda den mängden engelska som är möjligt, men att svenskan behöver användas som ett hjälpmedel, främst till svaga elever i engelska. Konsekvenser med att använda engelskan visar enligt resultatet att svaga elever får svårigheter att förstå vad som ska göras under engelsklektioner. Konsekvenser med att använda svenskan blir enligt lärare att eleverna tappar en del engelska och att de inte får öva på sina språkliga strategier. Majoriteten av eleverna i studien har bekräftat att de är nöjda med lärares språkval på engelsklektionerna. Många elever föredrar också att både svenskan och engelskan används. / Teachers often reflect on which language of Swedish and English should be used mostly in English teaching. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate teachers' choice of language in English teaching and what they see as consequences of using Swedish and English respectively during English lessons. The purpose is also to investigate how students think about the language choice that teachers make when they have English. In this study, three semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers working or have been working in English in grades 4–6, as well as a questionnaire, distributed as a survey to students in grade 6 (12 years old) and answered by 20 students. The conclusion of this study shows that teachers want to use as much English as possible, but that Swedish needs to be used as an aid, mainly for weak students in English. Consequences of using English shows according to the results that weak students have difficulties in understanding what to do during English lessons. According to teachers, negative consequences of using Swedish are that the students lose some English and that they do not get to practice their linguistic strategies. The majority of the students in the study have confirmed that they are satisfied with the teachers' choice of language in the English lessons. Many students also prefer that both Swedish and English are used.
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Transspråkande arbetssätt i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares transspråkande arbetssätt för att främja barns språkutvecklingRamon Taya, Jackelyn Stephanie, Saleh, Hadil January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att synliggöra förskollärares uppfattningar om transspråkande arbetssätt. Studien tar avstamp i den fenomenografiska ansatsen som innebär att människors olika uppfattningar undersöks om ett ämne, i det här fallet transspråkande arbetssätt. Dessutom utgår studien ifrån en kvalitativ metod med fokus på semistrukturerade intervjuer av fyra förskollärare med erfarenheter av transspråkande arbetssätt. Resultatet synliggjorde förskollärarnas gemensamma syn på transspråkande som en viktig del i barns språkutveckling. Resultatet synliggör förskollärarnas olika arbetssätt med transspråkande, exempelvis med hjälp av olika digitala läromedel. Resultatet visar också att det transspråkande arbetssättet anses som en förutsättning för barns utveckling och lärande.
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Do English teacher practices involve translanguaging in English classes or are they English only? : A mixed-methods study about teachers’ translanguaging patterns in EFL classrooms in Swedish lower secondary schoolsRyka, Alexandra January 2023 (has links)
EFL classrooms in Sweden are multilingual spaces which consist of a wide range of learners with different backgrounds; constantly forcing teachers to adapt their practices to what they believe will be most beneficial for the students’ learning outcomes. This study focuses on teachers' language practices in EFL classrooms in lower secondary education. The study will present if English teacher practices involve translanguaging patterns or not through classroom observations. The observed practices will be examined and compared with additional data from post-observation interviews to gain context and the teachers’ beliefs to the observed practices. The study aims to map and increase our understanding of teachers' language practices in the EFL classroom, focusing on the perspectives of the teachers. Three different teachers were observed at two different schools in Stockholm, working with students in grades 7 and 9. Field notes and results showed that the observed practices were mainly English only and connected to “English as a base language” + Swedish. Only one teacher translanguaged but all teachers were aware and conscious of their teaching choices and their impact on students’ learning outcomes. Two out of three teachers could imagine incorporating translanguaging patterns in their teaching, while the third teacher believed in an English only approach with ultimate language immersion for proficiency development. The study showed that there is a slight difference in the role of the English language in the observed classrooms, which was expected since the syllabus (Lgr22) neither encourages nor prohibits the use of Swedish when teaching English; so naturally the different teachers use their linguistic resources differently. However, all teachers proclaimed to be aware and have conscious thoughts behind their teaching decisions and they all emphasised on “being understood” as the most important aspect. Lastly, it was revealed that students mirror the teachers' linguistic behaviour even if the teacher specifically tells them not to.
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Classroom Translanguaging Practices and Secondary Multilingual Learners in IndianaWoongsik Choi (16624299) 20 July 2023 (has links)
<p>Many multilingual learners who use a language other than English at home face academic challenges from English monolingualism prevalent in the U.S. school system. English as a New Language (ENL) programs teach English to these learners while playing a role in reinforcing English monolingualism. For educational inclusivity and equity for multilingual learners, it is imperative to center their holistic language repertoires in ENL classrooms; however, this can be challenging due to individual and contextual factors. Using translanguaging as a conceptual framework, this qualitative case study explores how high school multilingual learners’ languages are flexibly used in ENL classes and how the students think about such classroom translanguaging practices. I used ethnographic methods to observe ENL classroom activities and instructional practices, interview the participants, and collect photos and documents in a high school in Indiana for a semester. The participants were an English-Spanish proficient ENL teacher and four students from Puerto Rico, Mexico, Honduras, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, whose language repertoires included Spanish, Lingala, French, Arabic, and English. The findings describe the difficulties and possibilities of incorporating all students’ multilingual-multisemiotic repertoires in ENL classes. The classroom language practices primarily constituted of Spanish and drawing; some instructional activities and practices, such as the multigenre identity project and the teacher’s use of Google Translate, well integrated the students’ multilingual-multisemiotic repertoires. When the students engaged in English writing, they frequently used machine translation, such as Google Translate, through dynamic processes involving evaluation. While the students perceived such classroom translanguaging practices generally positively, they considered using machine translation as a problem, a resource, or an opportunity. With these findings, I argue that multilingual learners’ competence to use their own languages and machine translation technology freely and flexibly is a valuable resource for learning and should be encouraged and developed in ENL classrooms. To do so, ENL teachers should use instructional activities and practices considering students’ dynamic multilingualism. TESOL teacher education should develop such competence in teachers, and more multilingual resources should be provided to teachers. In the case of a multilingual classroom with singleton students, building mutual understanding, empathy, and equity-mindedness among class members should be prioritized. Finally, I recommend that the evolving multilingual technologies, such as machine translation, be actively used as teaching and learning resources for multilingual learners.</p>
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Exploring Early Childhood Teachers’ Experiences in Teaching Multilingual Children in Public Mainstream Schools in TennesseeDias, Maria 01 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This qualitative study, grounded in a phenomenological perspective, delves into the lived experiences of early childhood teachers who teach multilingual children in mainstream classrooms in Tennessee. Amidst the rising number of multilingual learners in mainstream educational settings and the dearth of adequate teacher training to address their needs, this research illuminates the experiences of these teachers. Furthermore, it seeks to advocate for the integration of translanguaging pedagogy into teacher training programs and state policies. This study employed a qualitative study using the three-in-depth-interview series from a phenomenological perspective (Seidman, 2019). The first interview focused on participants’ overall teaching experiences and classroom dynamics, while the second delved into their specific experiences with multilingual children. The final interview facilitated reflections on the preceding interviews and the participants’ reflections on the research process. Additionally, participants engaged in reflexivity by reviewing interview transcripts and adding comments. The study encompassed three kindergarten and three first-grade teachers in public schools in Tennessee. Data collection included in-depth interviews, screener and demographic questionnaires, and transcript comments. Key findings highlighted the high number of multilingual learners in mainstream classrooms, constraints stemming from scripted curricula, teachers’ assimilationist perspective on culture and monoglossic view on language; however, they demonstrated some positive views toward multilingual learners. Regarding the research process, both participants and the researcher expressed positive views. Ultimately, this study advocates for state policies to embrace a translanguaging approach to foster equitable environments for multilingual children so that they can use and develop their full linguistic repertoire. It also recommends the incorporation of translanguaging pedagogy and critical reflection in teacher training programs. Finally, it highlights the potential of research as a means for reflection, learning, and professional growth.
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"We live in Sweden; We use Swedish to understand" : A study on L1 functions and students' attitudes toward L1 use in a Swedish L2 English learning environmentPettersson, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to explore Swedish upper secondary students’ attitudes toward first language (L1) use in a second language (L2) English learning environment. In addition, it aims to explore the functions of L1 use. Through a qualitative approach with both observations and interviews, a pattern of L1 use was noticed. The results corroborate prior research on student attitudes and show that students are positive toward L1 use. Swedish students tend to use their L1 through translanguaging and codeswitching as a tool for understanding, and as a way to establish relationships. In other words, L1 use needs to be considered a natural part of their L2 learning environment, even though they also understand the importance of exposure to and use of English in the classroom in order to become proficient in it. The students’ attitudes thus challenge the monolingual approach that is predominantly used in Swedish upper secondary schools today.
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