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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transnistrien som vapen mot Moldavien : En fallstudie om rysk hybridkrigföring i Transnistrien

Nilsson, Kevin January 2024 (has links)
The aim with this study is to investigate if there is a connection between Russia's hybrid warfare in Transnistria when Moldova has been governed by pro-EU politicians. The research clarifies that Russia has exploited the military in Ukraine as well as Georgia when these states have declared a willingness to work towards EU membership. However, there are fair reasons to assume that the same thing can happen in Moldova as well. There is a history with break out-regions in the post-soviet countries that Russia has used to exploit through hybrid warfare. This study merges research from Russia’s exploit in post-soviet break out regions as well as hybrid warfare, which might explain how and why Russia is using hybrid warfare in the post-soviet area. This study is a qualitative content analysis, with material from Utrikespolitiska Institutet as well as articles from East View The Current Digest of the Russian Press. That is trying to see if the timelines match Moldova’s EU politics and Russia’s hybrid warfare in Transnistria. The pattern in the analysis is clear, there is a connection, even if it is not perfect.

Zur Stabilisierung fragmentierter Staaten : Dezentralisierung, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und das Gespenst des Separatismus / On the stabilization of fragmented states : decentralization, development cooperation and the spectre of secession

Ehrke, Jürgen January 2011 (has links)
Die internationale Staatengemeinschaft steht Sezessionsbestrebungen zur Aufspaltung bestehender Staaten gewöhnlich ablehnend gegenüber. Gleichzeitig wendet sie in vielen Ländern Instrumente der Entwicklungspolitik an und greift so auch in den dortigen politischen Prozess ein. Untersucht wird, inwiefern Entwicklungspolitik so gestaltet werden kann, dass sie nicht, quasi als Nebenwirkung, einer Sezessionsbewegung zum Durchbruch verhilft. Betrachtet wird dabei neben der gezielten Förderung wirtschaftlichen Wachstums auch das Instrument der Dezentralisierung, das oft als Mittel zur „Beruhigung“ separatistischer Bestrebungen vorgeschlagen wird. Zuvor jedoch wird aufgewiesen, dass eine Politik, die Sezessionen verhindern will, zumindest in vielen Fällen auch moralphilosophisch schlüssig begründet werden kann. Den Abschluss der Arbeit bilden drei Fallstudien zu Sezessionen auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen Sowjetunion. / The international community is usually set against secessionist movements that aim at the splitting up of existing states. At the same time, in many countries instruments of development policy are applied, that automatically influence the political process there. The investigation here seeks to answer the question whether development policies can be designed in a way that they don’t unwillingly trigger secession as a side effect. In doing so, the focus is not only on growth-enhancing policies, but also on the instrument of decentralization, which is often presented as a tool suited to appease separatist movements. Prior to that, though, it is demonstrated that a policy aiming at the prevention of secessions can – in many cases at least – be justified with sound arguments of moral philosophy. The concluding chapter looks at three case studies of secessions that have been attempted on the territory of the former Soviet Union.

Från de facto till de jure : En komparativ studie mellan tre post-sovjetiska territoriers väg mot diplomatiskt erkännande / From de facto to de jure : A comparative studie between three post-soviet territories path towards diplomatic recognition

Fridén, Dennis January 2021 (has links)
Abstract – From de facto to de jure: A comparative study between three post-Soviet territories path towards diplomatic recognition The purpose of this essay has been to study how well three post-Soviet de facto states live up to the definition of the concepts of state and sovereignty. Basically, the focus has been to, with the help of an analysis scheme constructed specifically for this study, analyse the situation the three de facto states are currently in and then compare their situations to one another. With the study I want to show that the history of the de facto states, as well as their current legal status, carry with them differences and similarities that play a major role in their future. By analysing a number of scientific articles and other research material within the social science sphere, I have been able to compile a table that shows how well the case studies live up to the seven criteria of the state outlined by Martin Glassner in Political Geography (2004). The main result of the study has been that various historical and demographic circumstances in the three de facto states have distinguished them from one another during the more than three decades that have passed since the fall of the Soviet Union. However, this is in stark contrast to the strong ties they all have to a patron state, which in all cases is crucial to the legal state of limbo they are all currently residing in.

Transnistrian Portrayals : Hostile Moldova and Democratic Transnistria / Приднестровские описания : враждебная Молдова и демократическое Приднестровье

Lundgren, Midas January 2023 (has links)
В данной работе рассматривается содержание 37 новостных репортажей транслировавшихся на так называемом государственном приднестровском телевидении во время президентских выборов 2021 года. Исследуемые вопросы рассматривают, как освещались негативные реакции со стороны Молдовы, какие дискурсивные ”истины” создавались о Молдове и Приднестровье, как они соотносятся с концепцией инаковости, и что репрезентации Молдовы говорят о попытках приднестровских СМИ создать положительный образ республики. Результаты исследования показывают, что освещение действий Молдовы выглядит односторонним, тогда как сама страна изображается в виде негативного, угрожающего контрагента Приднестровью. Приднестровье, в свою очередь, представляется как подлинная демократия, поддерживаемая Россией. Используя антагонистическое отношение «мы – они» в процессе, известном как othering, новостная программа Как это было, по всей видимости, вносит вклад в продвижение идеи приднестровского народа как полностью отделённого от молдавского, в то время как приднестровский народ скорее составляет определённую ветвь русского народа, с которым, по логике дискурса, им предстоит воссоединиться. / Denna uppsats undersöker innehållet i 37 nyhetsreportage sända i så kallad statlig transnistrisk TV under det transnistriska presidentvalet 2021. Centrala frågor är hur man rapporterat om de negativa reaktioner som kommit från Moldavien, vilka diskursiva “sanningar” man försökt skapa om Moldavien och Transnistrien, hur dessa förhåller sig till koncept som otherness/annanhet, och vad dessa framställningar av Moldavien säger om transnistriska mediers försök att skapa en positiv självbild för republiken. Resultaten visar att framställningen av Moldaviens reaktioner är ensidig, och landet framställs som en mycket negativ och hotfull motpart till Transnistrien, vilket å sin sida framställs som en genuin demokrati stöttad av Ryssland. Genom att utnyttja det antagonistiska förhållandet vi mot dem, i en process känd som othering, tycks nyhetsprogrammet How It Was i sina inslag bidra till främjandet av idén att den transnistriska nationen är totalt särskild från den moldaviska, och i stället utgör en egen gren iden ryska nationen, med vilken man ska återförenas.

République de Moldavie : Quel territoire pour quelle population ? : Origine, toponymie, frontières, peuplement / Republic of Moldova : What territory for what population ? : Origin, toponyms, borders, population

Musat, Jana 04 January 2012 (has links)
Le 27 août 1991, l’opinion publique internationale prenait acte de la naissance de la République de Moldavie, dont deux tiers du territoire ont constituées jusqu’en 1941 la province roumaine de Bessarabie. Depuis toujours, la Principauté de Moldavie se trouve dans une confluence de trois grandes cultures : slave, latine et orientale ; trois grandes religions : orthodoxe, catholique et musulmane ; trois grands peuples : slave, latin et turc et trois courants idéologiques : panslavisme, panturquisme et pan-latinisme. C’est pourquoi, à travers les siècles, la Principauté de Moldavie a manœuvré constamment entre ces Puissances et ces courants pour garder son identité nationale. Aujourd’hui, en principe, la Moldavie est toujours dans la situation de jongler entre la CEI et l’UE, entre Est et Ouest, sa situation géopolitique étant la même.Dans la Première partie de notre thèse nous avons étudié l’origine, la toponymie et les frontières de la Bessarabie, mais aussi l’engouement des Grandes Puissances pour ce territoire. Nous traiterons aussi les guerres et les négociations de paix qui la caractérisent, allant de la guerre russo-turque jusqu’au régime tsariste qui y régnait. Nous avons ensuite suivi les changements subis par la Bessarabie pendant la Première guerre mondiale, avec la création de la République Démocratique Moldave, tout en s’attardant sur le processus de la création de l’URSS avec ses répercussions sur l’évolution de la Moldavie soviétique poststalinienne. Nous avons finalement, étudié ici-même la question des nationalités, et les concepts de « nation », « nationalisme », « dénationalisation », « russification », « collectivisme », « moldovenisme » etc.La Deuxième partie démarre avec des questions sur l’identité nationale moldave, et l’éclatement des conflits régionaux. Nous décrivons les minorités séparatistes de Gagaouzie et de Transnistrie, qui n’acceptent pas la souveraineté de la Moldavie. Le régime de Tiraspol est un régime oppressif et totalitaire, qui doit être éloigné par l’action des facteurs externes. De plus, nous étudions la création de la CEI et GUAM, l’implication de l’OSCE, de l’UE, de la Russie, de l’Ukraine et de la Roumanie dans le processus de négociation pour la résolution du conflit transnistrien. Finalement, nous examinons la manière avec laquelle la « fédéralisation », et la « régionalisation » peuvent résoudre les conflits ethniques en Moldavie. En conclusion nous répondons aux questions centrales sur le territoire et la population moldave. / On August 27 1991, the international public opinion acknowledges the birth of the Republic of Moldova, which has represented two-thirds of the Romanian province of Bessarabia until 1941. During the history, Principality of Moldova is parting of the ways of three cultures: Slavic, Latin and Eastern; three great religions: Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim; three populations: Slavic, Latin and Turkish; and three ideologies: Pan-Slavism, Pan-Turkism and pan-Latin. Therefore, over the centuries, the Principality of Moldova has continuously handled these Great Powers and ideologies to keep its national identity. Nowadays, Moldova is still able to pursue between CIS and EU policies and between East and West geopolitical situation.In the first part of the thesis, we study the origin, toponyms and borders of Bessarabia, and we characterize the interest of the Great Powers for this territory. For it we describe, the wars and peace negotiations, starting with the Russo-Turkish war until the period of Bessarabia under the tsarist rule. Moreover, we treated the period of Bessarabia during the First World War, but also the creation of the Moldavian Democratic Republic, describing the process of foundation the USSR and its impact on the evolution of the post-Stalin Soviet Moldova. Finally, we studied the nationality question and the concepts like the "nation", the "nationalism", the "denationalization", the "Russification", the collectivism", the "moldovenism" etc...The Second Part starts with questions about the Moldovan national identity and the outbreaks of regional conflicts. We raise the issue of the separatist minorities of Gagauzia and Transnistria, which do not accept the sovereignty of Moldova. The Tiraspol regime is a totalitarian and oppressive regime, which must be removed by the action of external factors. Moreover, we study the creation of the CIS and GUAM and the involvement of the OSCE, EU, Russia, Ukraine and Romania in the negotiation process for the resolution of the Transnistrian conflict. Finally, we discuss the possibilities of how cans the "federalization" and "regionalization" solves the ethnic conflicts in Moldova. In conclusion, we answer to the questions dealing about the territory and the Moldovan population.

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