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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How to Develop a Help System for a Communication App

Linder, Johan January 2015 (has links)
This study aimed to develop a help system for a communication app, identify usability issues regarding that help system and develop redesigns to improve it. The focus was to maximize perceived usefulness and minimize perceived annoyance of the help system. During the study two design proposals were developed and two user tests, which used low-fidelity prototypes. were performed to evaluate the design proposals. The first design proposal was evaluated in the first user test, thereafter an iteration of that design was developed based on the usability issues found in the user test. This iteration of the design was the second design proposal which were evaluated in the second user tests. Both design proposals and data from both user tests were analysed to- gether which resulted in seven recommendation that aimed to maximize perceived usefulness and minimize perceived annoyance when developing a help system for a communication app. Due to a lack of generalizability these recommendations should however be used with caution since they are mainly applicable to the system evaluated in this study. They can however be used as an inspi- ration and a starting point for someone designing a help system for an other communication app.

La adaptación del diseño UX de los e-commerce a los consumidores limeños de 50 a 60 años / The adaptation of the UX design of e-commerce to consumers in Lima from 50 to 60 years old

Escobar Estrada, César Alberto 07 July 2020 (has links)
La investigación se plantea como objetivo principal analizar la adaptación del diseño UX de los e-commerce en los consumidores limeños de 50 a 60 años, a la cual se formuló la hipótesis de que este no se adapta al público objetivo. Para ello, se tomó como muestra a 40 adultos que se encontraban dentro del rango de edad establecido para realizar una encuesta, una simulación de compra y una entrevista que ayudaron a obtener datos sobre sus costumbres de navegación y experiencia con compras virtuales. Asimismo, se añadió una evaluación heurística realizada por un profesional en UI y UX para calificar el entorno web de los e-commerce. Entre los principales resultados se obtuvo datos referentes a la frecuencia, tiempo y dispositivo que utilizan para conectarse a Internet junto a los e-commerce que utilizan para comprar. Además, se identificó que realizar un proceso de compra de dos productos tomó un promedio de dieciséis minutos a los participantes sin experiencia, mientras que los otros demoraron siete minutos. Por último, se obtuvo que solo uno de cuatro supermercados cumplían con los parámetros de usabilidad. Podemos concluir entonces que los e-commerce limeños no se adaptan al rango etario de 50 a 60 años, ya que presentan una gran dificultad de navegación por estos sitios web. Además, las tiendas virtuales de supermercados sí se crearon utilizando las metodologías UX, pero se encuentran orientadas a un público joven. / The research has as main objective to analyze the adaptation of the UX design of an e-commerce in Lima consumers from 50 to 60 years, which was hypothesized that the UX design of Lima e-commerce does not adapt to this target audience. For this, it is shown as a sample of 40 adults who are within the age range established to carry out a survey, a purchase simulation and an interview that helps to obtain data on their browsing habits and experiences with virtual purchases. Likewise, a heuristic evaluation carried out by a professional in UI and UX was specified to rate the e-commerce web environment. Among the main results are data regarding the frequency, time and device they use for navigating on Internet, along with the e-commerce they use to buy. In addition, it was obtained that the users got the purchase process of two products in an average of sixteen minutes for inexperienced participants, while the others took seven minutes. Finally, it is obtained that only one of the supermarkets fulfilled with the usability parameters. We can conclude then that e-commerce in Lima does not adapt to the age range of 50 to 60 years, because it represents a great difficulty for adults to navigate these websites. In addition, virtual supermarkets are created using UX methodologies, but are designed targeting a young audience. / Trabajo de investigación

User Research im Zukunftsorientiertem Design-Thinking: Eine Ganzheitliche Methode für das Stakeholder-Management in der Service-Optimierung

Mozuni, Mehdi, Ohlhoff, Maren, Glatzel, Gerhard 06 September 2021 (has links)
User Research ist eine wichtige und in vielen Ansätzen die erste Phase eines iterativen Designprozesses. Aber wie kann eine valide User Research für eine in die weite Zukunft gerichtete Produktgestaltung durchgeführt werden? User Research erfordert die Einbindung zukünftiger NutzerInnen oder potentieller KundInnen. Diese können aber überwiegend keine plausible Auskunft über die eigenen Bedürfnisse der (fernen) Zukunft geben. Auch können sie ausgehend vom individuellen Ist-Zustand nicht zwischen realisierbaren und utopischen Produktkonzepten unterscheiden. In diesem Beitrag diskutieren wir die Herausforderungen von User Research speziell für mittel- und langfristige Zielsetzungen und stellen einen Lösungsansatz vor: Wir empfehlen daher den Designprozess mit einem Szenarioverfahren zu initiieren, welcher eine Trendanalyse und eine Expertenbefragung beinhaltet. Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen aus der Szenarioarbeit werden die NutzerInnen in einer späteren Phase des Designprozesses zur Evaluierung von Nutzungsszenarien eingebunden. Anhand von zwei aktuellen transdisziplinären Projekten „Elektrifizierung von landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben“ und „Sustainable Energy-Efficient Aviation“, in denen der angenommene Status zukünftiger sozialer, wirtschaftlicher und politischer Trends die Perspektive und das Konsumverhalten fiktiver NutzerInnen kontinuierlich prägen wird, zeigen wir, wie wir Nutzerforschung in strategischen Designprozessen mit hoher Vorhersagegüte einsetzen.

Äldre vuxnas användarupplevelse från WAI-AGE riktlinjer för navigation / Older adults user experience from WAI-AGE guidelines for navigation

Friman, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
Äldre vuxna tillhör en målgrupp som har en bred inomgruppsvariation som framställs från en negativ stereotyp; en målgrupp i behov av hjälp. Samhället har förutfattade meningar att äldre vuxna är “resistenta” till teknologi med anledning av deras åldersrelaterade funktionsvariationer inom kognition och motorik. Detta resulterar till att de exkluderas från framtagning av ny teknologi. Att sträva efter tillgänglig design blir mer vanligt samtidigt som praktiker anser att tillgänglig design bidrar till tråkig och ointressant design, samt en begränsning i deras kreativitet. EU införde ett webbtillgänglighetsdirektiv som följer World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) etablerade designriktlinjer för tillgänglighet, mer känt som WCAG. Web Accessibility Initiative “WAI” plockade ut riktlinjer från WCAG som bidrar till bättre webbdesign för äldre; WAI-AGE. Fyra designriktlinjer för navigation valdes ut från WAI-AGE för att implementeras inom en prototyp som ska testas på äldre vuxna i ett användarupplevelsetest på distans med anledning av COVID-19. Inför testet sattes fem användarupplevelse- och användbarhetsmål för att bedöma upplevelsen från WAI-AGE riktlinjer. För studien rekryterades fyra testdeltagare i åldrarna 60-65 år. Deltagarna fick genomföra två scenarier och besvara tre enkäter. Studien tillämpade metodtriangulering för att stärka upp datainsamlingen med hjälp av tänka högt-metoden och observation. Data insamlad från testet genomgick en deduktiv analys som granskades från ett holistiskt perspektiv. Resultatet påvisade att WAI-AGE riktlinjer för navigation främjar en positiv användarupplevelse med majoriteten av satta mål uppnådda. Då rekryterade deltagare var snarlika varandra inom behov och vanor finns det fortfarande utrymme att testa på äldre vuxna från 65 år och uppåt. Detta examensarbete strävar efter att uppmärksamma äldre vuxnas behov att inkluderas vid framtagning av ny teknik. / Older adults belong to a target group that has a broad intra-group variation that is presented from a negative stereotype; a target group in need of help. Society has preconceived notions that older adults are "resistant" to technology due to their age-related declines in cognition and motor skills. This results in them being excluded from the development of new technology. Striving for accessible design is becoming more common at the same time as practitioners believe that accessibility contributes to boring and uninteresting design, as well as a limitation in their creativity. The EU introduced a Web Accessibility Directive that follows the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) established design guidelines for accessibility, better known as WCAG. Web Accessibility Initiative “WAI” picked out guidelines from WCAG that are said to contribute to better design for older adults; WAI-AGE. Four design guidelines for navigation were selected from WAI-AGE to be implemented within a prototype to be tested on older adults in a remote user experience test due to COVID-19. Prior to the test, five user experience goals were set to be able to assess whether WAI-AGE guidelines work. For the study, four test participants aged 60-65 years were recruited. The participants had to complete two scenarios and answer three questionnaires. The study applied method triangulation to enhance data collection using the think aloud-method and observation. Data collected from the test underwent a deductive analysis that was examined from a holistic perspective. The results showed that WAI-AGE guidelines for navigation promote a positive user experience with a majority of goals achieved. As the participants had similar needs, there is still room to test on older adults aged 65 and up. This thesis strives to draw attention to the need for older adults to be included in the development of new technology.

You don’t know the power of the dark (patterns) side : En studie om användares upplevelser av dark patterns på ehandelsplatser

Lundkvist, Johannes, Ek, Benjamin January 2021 (has links)
Tack vare e-handelns tillväxt och framfart har det aldrig varit såenkelt att på ett snabbt och smidigt sätt få produkter hemskickadeoch betalda inom några få sekunder. Men denna snabba framfartoch viljan att konstant öka omsättningen har gjort e-handelsplatsertill en grogrund för manipulativ design, med det huvudsakligamålet att påverka användare och få dem att ta beslut som inteligger i deras primära intresse. Denna manipulativa design kallasför dark patterns. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur användareupplever dessa dark patterns när de appliceras på ehandelsplatser.Då upplevelser är en subjektiv företeelse har en kvalitativ metodanvänts för att studera fenomenet. Datainsamling skeddevia semistrukturerade intervjuer, utbildning och användartest av ehandelsplatser innehållande dark patterns där sex deltagare ställdeu p p . D e t e m p i r i s k a d a t asom genererades via intervjutillfällena analyserades med hjälpav en för studien anpassad teoretisk modell. Resultatet avstudien visar att användare upplever dark patterns som en negativföreteelse, som primärt genererar irritation, frustration, känslanav att känna sig bedragen och stress, där vissa användareupplevde så starka negativa känslor att de helt kan välja bort en ehandelsplats. / With the current rate of growth and development in e-commerce, ith a s n e v e r b e e n a s q u i c k a n d e a s y t o g e tproducts delivered to one's homes and to have them paid forwithin seconds. However, the rapid progress, together with thedesire to increase revenue, online retail stores have become ahotbed for manipulative design elements. Design elements whichare implemented to persuade users into making decisions that maynot be in their best interests. These manipulative design strategiesare called dark patterns. The purpose of this study is to identifyhow users experience these dark patterns when applied to onlineretail stores.Peoples' experiences are subjective by nature, and to that end, aqualitative method has been utilized to study the phenomenon. Thedata was gathered by semi-structured interviews, an educationalelement, and user tests on online retailer platforms, containingdark patterns. Six participants contributed to the study. Theempirical data generated by the interviews were analyzed by a, forthe study, tailor-made theoretical model. The study shows thatusers experience dark patterns as a negative phenomenon, whichgenerated feelings of irritation, frustration, fraud, and stress. Someusers experienced such strong negative emotions thatthey actively could abandon an online retailer altogether.

Exploring guidelines for human-centred design in the wake of AI capabilities : A qualitative study

Olivieri, Emily, Isacsson, Loredana January 2020 (has links)
Purpose – Artificial Intelligence has seen important growth in the digital area in recent years. Our aim is to explore possible guidelines that make use of AI advances to design good user experiences for digital products. Method – The proposed methods to gather the necessary qualitative data to support our claim involve open-ended interviews with UX/UI Designers working in the industry, in order to gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts and experiences. In addition, a literature review is conducted to identify the knowledge gap and build the base of our new theory. Findings – Our findings suggest a need to embrace new technological developments in favour of enhancing UX designers’ workflow. Additionally, basic AI and ML knowledge is needed to utilise these capabilities to their full potential. Indeed, a crucial area of impact where AI can augment a designer’s reach is personalization. Together with smart algorithms, designers may target their creations to specific user needs and demands. UX designers even have the opportunity for innovation as mundane tasks are automated by intelligent assistants, which broadens the possibility of acquiring further skills to enhance their work. One result, that is both innovative and unexpected, is the notion that AI and ML can augment a designer’s creativity by taking over mundane tasks, as well as, providing assistance with certain graphics and inputs. Implications – These results indicate that AI and ML may potentially impact the UX industry in a positive manner, as long as designers make use of the technology for the benefit of the user in true human-centred practice. Limitations – Nevertheless, our study presents its own unique limitations due to the scope and time frame of this dissertation, we are bound to the knowledge gathered from a small sample of professionals in Sweden. Presented guidelines are a suggestion based on our research and not a definitive workflow.

Kvinnors karriärval inom IT-branschen : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors karriärval inom IT-branschen med fokus på User Experience Design

Sivén, Annie, Möllenhoff, Nichole January 2020 (has links)
Följande kandidatuppsats är en kvalitativ studie angående kvinnors yrkesval inom IT- branschen med fokus på User Experience Design. Syftet med studien är att undersöka varför kvinnor i allt större utsträckning söker sig till UX Design, då man inte ser denna utveckling i övriga professioner inom IT. Problemområdet blir därmed att studera om det finns någon problematik som kvinnor möter inom sin utbildning eller på sin arbetsplats. Flera företag har uppmärksammat kvinnors intresse för UX Design. Detta främst på grund av att de kvinnliga medarbetarna inom arbetsgrupper inriktade på UX Design vid flertalet fall är i majoritet, vilket inte hör till vanligheten inom IT-professioner. År 2016 stod kvinnor för majoriteten av konsultroller inom UX Design, samt av UX-talanger stod kvinnor för dryga 80 %. Statistik från UHR år 2019 tyder på att skillnaderna mellan män och kvinnor inom utbildningar inriktade på UX Design, inte var speciellt stora. I studien har sju intervjuer utförts, där tre av respondenterna är verksamma inom UX Design och resterande fyra deltagare studerar eller arbetar inom andra professioner i IT-branschen. Av respondenterna var det en blandning av män och kvinnor, varav tre är män samt fyra är kvinnor. Resultatet tyder på att det finns ett flertal aspekter till varför kvinnor söker sig till UX Design. En av dessa faktorer kan vara att den sociala miljön stimulerar kreativiteten. Det finns kvinnliga förebilder där vilket ger en trygghet som inte är lika given i en mansdominerad profession. Det kan även finnas en brist av manliga förebilder som stöttar vilket också kan vara en bidragande faktor, samt att kvinnor har en felaktig bild av vad IT som yrke omfattar. / The following bachelor thesis is a qualitative study on women's participation in the IT-industry which focuses on User Experience Design. The purpose of the study is to investigate how women find themselves looking for UX Design over other IT-professions. This is to see what obstacles women face in their education as well as in their workplace, and thus be able to obtain improvements to be made. Several companies have drawn attention to women's interest in UX Design. This is mainly due to the fact that the majority of female employees, within working groups focused on UX Design, are in the majority of cases, which is not a common practice in IT-professions. In 2016, women accounted for the majority of consulting roles within UX Design, and of UX talents, women accounted for just over 80 %. Statistics from UHR in 2019 show that the differences between men and women in education focused on UX Design, were not particularly large. In most cases, the men were even a minority. The study has done seven interviews where three of the participants have worked in UX Design and the remaining four work in other professions in the IT-industry. Out of the participants, there was a mix of men and women, where three were men and four were women. The results show that there are a number of factors why women are choosing a career in UX Design. It may be because it is a social environment that stimulates creativity, there are female role models which provides a security that is not as given in a male-dominated profession. It can also be due to a lack of male role models who support the women interested in the industry, and lastly that women have an incorrect image of what IT as a profession encompasses.

Sustainable web design in the e-commerce sector : Evaluation and proposed improvement of existing guidelines

Bernataviciute, Viktorija, Balogh, Ráhel Anna January 2022 (has links)
In recent years, the web development industry has made websites more sustainable through green hosting and sustainable approaches in both back-end and front-end levels of websites. This study evaluates and aims to improve existing guidelines for designing lower-impact websites in the e-commerce sector. First, the study investigates the Internet users’ awareness of the Internet’s carbon footprint and their impressions of existing lower-impact websites. This data is then used to construct and conduct focus groups. The Internet’s impact on the environment and existing lower-impact website solutions are further analysed and dis-cussed in the grocery e-commerce context. These findings are then used as a base to build a lower-impact grocery e-commerce website prototype and test it with users and evaluate its attractiveness based on a hedonic/pragmatic model. The study reveals that users are pretty acceptive of the front-end changes to a website to make it more sustainable and willing to change their online habits. However, as current user awareness and knowledge about the Internet’s carbon footprint is very low, any changes to the User Experience (UX) of a website to make it more sustainable need to be communicated to the user.

Digitalisering av fastigheter : En användaranpassad kontrollpanel för IOT-enheter / Digitization of real estates : A user-friendly control panel for IOT devices

Linner, Hannes January 2020 (has links)
This degree project is a design project that investigates digitization in the real estate industry and examines how far the real estate industry has come regarding the integration of new technology. The study highlights how companies work today and what problems and needs can be facilitated through digitization, more specifically the technology IoT (Internet Of Things). IoT makes it possible to connect different devices and sensors to the Internet in order to read information or control the functionality. The study is based on qualitative interviews which are analyzed through methods within User Experience (UX). The target group for the study is people who work with operation and maintenance of real estates. By creating personas and scenarios for the relevant target group, a greater understanding is created of how they work today along with what problems and needs they experience within their professional roles. Through methods within the User Interface (UI) a prototype is created which illustrates the information that is significant to the target group. The information from the properties is communicated via IoT devices. To enable communication between devices and prototype, the system Yggio is used, an API (Application Programming Interface) which is provided by the company Sensative. The study shows how a user-friendly interface can look, function and facilitate work in the real estate industry.

AI-system för sjukvården - en studie kring design av förklaringar till AI-modeller och dess inverkan på sjukvårdspersonalens förståelse och tillit / AI systems for healthcare - a study on the design of explanations for AI models and its impact on healthcare professionals' understanding and trust

Bohlander, Joacim January 2021 (has links)
Användningsområdena för artificiell intelligens ökar ständigt vilket är inte förvånande då AIs förmåga att lösa komplicerade problem många gånger överstiger den mänskliga motsvarigheten. Implementeringen av AI-system har ibland gått så långt att utvecklarna själva inte längre vet hur systemet har tagit fram en slutsats; vilket har gjort att möjligheten att undersöka, förstå och felsöka utfall är näst intill icke-existerande. Eftersom dagens AI-system inte erbjuder förklaringar till utfallen har det resulterat i en ovilja hos slutanvändaren. Forskningsområdet eXplainable AI (XAI) menar att genom att använda genererade förklaringar kan AI-systemen bli mer förståeliga för slutanvändaren. Ett område som är i stort behov av AI-system är sjukvården, speciellt inom sepsis där en snabb diagnostisering drastiskt minskar sjukdomens mortalitet. Syftet med denna studie var att ta fram designriktlinjer vid utveckling av förklaringar som är ämnade att främja tillit till och förståelse för AI-baserade kliniska beslutsstöd menade för diagnostisering av sepsis. Studien påbörjades med en förstudie som bestod av en enkät och en litteraturstudie, sedan utvecklades en mid-fi prototyp som följdes av användarupplevelsetester. Insamlad dataanalyserades med hjälp av top-down och en induktiv analysmetod varefter ett slutligt resultat togs fram. Resultatet säkerställde att det finns flera faktorer som behöver inkorporeras vid framtagandet avförklaringar till ett AI-systems rekommendationer för främjande av tillit och förståelse. För en ökad tillit behöver en förklaring kompletteras med data som tillåter slutanvändaren att validera förklaringen och bemöta användarens informationsbehov. För en ökad förståelse bör en förklaring innehålla information som tillåter användaren förstå anledningen till förklaringens huvudinnehåll, exempelvis ”X beror på Z och Y”. Tilliten och förståelsen i denna studie mättes endast vid ett tillfälle vilket gör att frågan om hur riktlinjerna skulle påverka tillit till och förståelse för AI-system över tid kvarstår. / The fields of application for artificial intelligence is constantly increasing, which is not suprising as the AI's ability to solve complex problems often exceeds the human counterpart. The development of AI systems has come so far that somtimes not even the developers themselves can explain how the system came to its conclusion; which has made the possibility of examining, understanding and troubleshooting outcomes almost non-existent. Since today's AI systems do not offer explanations for the outcomes, it has resulted in resistance on the part of the end user. The research are eXplainable AI (XAI) believes that using generated explanations, AI systems can become more understandable to the end user. One area that is in great need of AI systems is healthcare, especially for diagnosing sepsis where a rapid diagnosis drastically reduces the mortality of the disease. The purpose of this study was to develop design guidelines for the development of explanations that are intended to promote trust and understanding of AI-based clinical decision support intended for the diagnosis of sepsis.The study began with a feasibility study consisting of a questionnaire and a literature study, then amid-fi prototype was developed that was followed by user experience tests. Collected data were analyzed using top-down and an inductive analysis after which a final result was obtained.The results ensured that there are several factors that need to be incorporated in the development of explanations for the promotion of trust and understanding. For increased trust, an explanation needs to be supplemented with data that allows the end user to validate the explanation and meet the user's information needs. For an increased understanding, an explanation should contain information that allows the user to understand the reason for the main content of the explanation, for example "Xdepends on Z and Y".The trust and understanding in this study was only measured at one occasion, as such the question of how the guidelines would affect trust and understanding of AI systems over time remains.

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