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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvärdering av mobila gränssnitt för användare med nedsatt syn : Evaluation of mobile interfaces for visually impaired users

Björinder, Pontus January 2015 (has links)
Studiens syfte uppstod ur samtal med ett nystartat företag som planerar att lansera en mobil applikation riktad mot träning och hälsa. Applikationen ska vara tillgänglig för en bred användargrupp, detta innefattar även användare med någon typ av nedsättning. En stor andel av befolkningen och en potentiellt stor andel av företagets presumtiva användare har någon typ av nedsättning som kan försvåra användning av tjänsten, den vanligaste nedsättningen är idag nedsatt syn. Denna studie utgår ifrån behovet att utveckla en koncis och effektiv utvärderingsmodell för att utvärdera användbarhet och upptäcka eventuella problem som existerar för användare med nedsatt syn vid användning av mobila tjänster. Kvalitativ data har samlats in från användartester och efterföljande intervjuer. Samtliga testdeltagare har en mild alternativt medelsvår synnedsättning, den användbarhetsexpert som utförde den heuristiska utvärdering har inte nedsatt syn. Framtagen utvärderingsmodell har testats genom att ligga till grund för den heuristiska utvärderingen, upptäckta problem i detta steg jämförs sedan med insamlad data från användartester för att undersöka modellens tillförlitlighet. Tillfredställande resultat har uppnåtts baserat på insamlad data, upptäckta problem vid den heuristiska utvärdering korrelerar i hög grad med problem som framkommit vid användartester. Studien indikerar att det finns en avsaknad av en specifik och lättanvänd användbarhetsmodell för utvärdering av mobila tjänster med fokus på användare med nedsatt syn. En sådan modell kan med fördel användas för att bidra till ökad användbarhet och en mer tillgänglig tjänst. Existerande användbarhetsramverk är ofta omfattande och inriktade på en bred användargrupp. De kan med fördel kompletteras med en tids och kostnadseffektiv användbarhets modell inriktad på att utvärdera tillgänglighet för en specifik användargrupp. Framtagen modell har sin grund i Universal Design vilket förhoppningsvis bidrar till en ökad användbarhet även för övriga användare. Förutom ökad användbarhet kan en potentiellt stor ekonomisk vinst uppnås via en tjänst som är anpassad och tillgänglig för fler användartyper. Studien har utgått ifrån beprövade metoder och har en grund i existerande teori vilket bidrar till ökad kvalitetssäkerhet, däremot så bidrar studiens begränsade storlek till att vidare tester krävs. / The purpose of this study came about during ongoing discussions with a newly started company that plans to launch an application focused on fitness and health. The application must be accessible to a broad user group, this include users with some kind of disability. A large percentage of the population and a potentially large percentage of the company ́s prospective users have some kind of disability that can complicate use of the service, impaired vision is the most common kind of disability today. This study is based on the need to develop a concise and effective evaluation model intended to evaluate usability and to detect any possible problems that exist for users with visual impairments when using mobile services. Qualitative data has been collected from user testing and subsequent interviews. All test participants have a mild alternatively moderate visual impairment, the usability expert who carried out the heuristic evaluation is not visually impaired. The presented usability model has been tested and analyzed by posing as the basis for the heuristic evaluation, results found in this stage are then compared with results obtained from user testing in order to determine whether satisfactory results are met. The model shows satisfactory results based on obtained data, problems detected during the heuristic evaluation corresponds in a consistent manner with problems that emerged during user testing. The study indicates that there is a lack of specific and easy to use usability models for the evaluation of mobile services with a focus on visually impaired users. Such a model can preferably be used in order to increase usability and provide a more accessible service. Existing usability frameworks are often extensive and targeted at a broad user group. They can be supplemented with a time and cost efficient usability model directed at evaluating accessibility for a specific user group. The presented model is based on the principles of Universal Design which will hopefully contribute to a greater usability for the general user as well. In addition to improved usability a potentially great economic profit can be made by developing a more accessible service that can be used by more users. The study is based on proven methods and has support in existing theory which contributes to a higher quality assurance, however, the narrow scope of the study contributes to the necessity of further testing.

Gefühltes Wohnen / Emotional Spaces. The Role of the Individual Housing Biography for a Good and Successful Living in Old Age

Günther-Luckow, Caroline 23 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Wohnen und dem Älter-Werden. Ein Ziel ist es, die Voraussetzungen zu definieren, die ein „gutes und gelingendes“ Wohnen im Alter ermöglichen können. Basierend auf der Annahme, dass das Wohnen die Grundlage für das alltägliche Leben ist, wird die Kompetenz zu wohnen als eine Fähigkeit betrachtet, die nicht von Beginn des Lebens an vorhanden ist, sondern erst erlernt werden muss (vgl. Hahn 2008). Für den Menschen ist das Wohnen ein Grundbedürfnis, dessen Bedeutung sich im Laufe des Lebens, insbesondere im Alter, verändert. Entsprechend ist ein weiteres Anliegen dieser Forschungsarbeit, neben Studien zum architektonischen Raum, das Wissen über die Phänomene des Alterns zu erweitern. Es soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, welche Faktoren diese Lebenszeit maßgeblich kennzeichnen. Bis 2060 wird ein drastischer Anstieg der über 65-Jährigen in Deutschland erwartet. Aufgrund steigender Lebenserwartung werden sich die Ansprüche und Bedürfnisse innerhalb der Gesellschaft verändern. Dies wird auch Konsequenzen für das Wohnen haben. Um auf diese Anforderungen reagieren zu können, ist die Entwicklung von passenden Wohnkonzepten notwendig. In diesem Zusammenhang stellen sich Fragen wie: Welche Erwartungen haben ältere Menschen an das Wohnen? Was bedarf es, um „gut und gelingend“ wohnen zu können? Sind Architekten und Architektinnen auf die Bedürfnisse der älteren Bevölkerung vorbereitet und berücksichtigen ihre Planungen deren veränderte Anforderungen an das Lebens- und Wohnumfeld? Um sich diesen Fragen anzunähern, steht eine empirische Untersuchung im Zentrum der Forschungsarbeit. Hierzu werden Interviews mit einer ausgewählten Gruppe älterer Menschen durchgeführt. Alle Gesprächspartner haben sich für eine spezifische Wohnform im Alter (das gemeinschaftliche Wohnen) entschieden. Die Zielsetzung der Erhebung ist es, mittels qualitativer Daten, die Bedeutung des Wohnens aus der Perspektive der befragten Personen zu verstehen. Gegenstand aller Interviews sind biografische Erzählungen, die ein Bild vom jeweiligen Leben zeichnen. Das Berichten über die Lebensereignisse bringt die Geschichten des Einzelnen zum Vorschein, wobei das Wohnen immer im Mittelpunkt steht. Die Vermutung, dass zwischen dem Entschluss, im fortgeschrittenen Lebensalter in ein gemeinschaftliches Wohnprojekt zu ziehen, und der individuellen Biografie ein Zusammenhang besteht, ist die grundlegende Annahme. Die Forschungsarbeit ist in fünf Kapitel gegliedert. Im ersten Kapitel erfolgt die Einführung in das Thema, um im darauffolgenden zweiten Kapitel die herangezogenen Theorien, Studien und philosophischen Ansätze vorzustellen. Diese setzen sich mit Alterungsprozessen und Dimensionen des Wohnens auseinander. Im dritten Kapitel, dem Hauptteil der Arbeit, werden die Interviews analysiert. Als methodische Vorgehensweise wird eine qualitative Untersuchung gewählt, die auf zwei wissenschaftlichen Ansätzen gründet. Die Interviews werden nach der Grounded Theory von Glaser und Strauss (vgl. Strauss 1994, 1998) und der Beispielhermeneutik analysiert. Diese interpretierende Methodik ist bei der Theoriebildung hilfreich. Die Erkenntnisse aus der empirischen Studie führen dann im vierten Kapitel zur Diskussion der Ergebnisse, die schließlich in Kapitel 5 in der Schlussbetrachtung reflektiert und im Kontext des architektonischen Raumes betrachtet werden. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass neben den bekannten Faktoren des gebauten Raumes eine weitere, sehr wichtige Dimension existiert, die das individuelle Raumverständnis beeinflusst. Es handelt sich um einen emotionalen Raum, der beim Wohnen, und damit beim Prozess der Raumaneignung, entsteht. Der emotionale Raum konstituiert sich aus affektiven Phänomenen, die nach Demmerling und Landwehr (2007) Emotionen, Empfindungen und Stimmungen sind. Affektive Phänomene sind für das Entstehen von Stimmungen und Empfindungen, die als körperlich-leibliche Gefühlsregung vorhanden sind, verantwortlich und können bei allen Interviewten identifiziert werden. Der Philosoph Hermann Schmitz beschreibt das Wohnen als eine Zusammenführung von leiblichem Raum, Gefühlsraum und Außenraum (Schmitz 2007). In seiner Leibtheorie geht es vornehmlich um das „Spüren am eigenen Leib“ und das „Fühlen der Gefühle“. Abweichend dazu werden die in der Forschungsarbeit entdeckten Gefühlsphänomene nicht als objektive Gegebenheiten in der Welt verstanden, sondern als individuelle affektive Phänomene, hervorgehend aus den Verstrickungen mit dem eigenen Leben. In der empirischen Arbeit zeigt sich ein physisch nicht wahrnehmbarer Ort, der dennoch vorhanden und oft auch leiblich spürbar wird. Beim Erzählen tauchen die Gesprächspartner innerlich in einen Raum ein, holen vergangene Gefühle hervor, geben Geschichten wieder und lassen Erinnerungen aufleben. Dabei wird die substantielle Relation zwischen Raum und Emotionen sichtbar. Beziehungen und Erlebnisse, die sich im architektonischen Raum ereignen, lösen Emotionen aus und verleihen dem Raum damit eine besondere Bedeutung. Infolgedessen erweist sich der bewohnte Raum als identitätsstiftend, der stets in Beziehung zu den einzelnen Lebensphasen steht. Beim Erzählen werden die Verstrickungen mit den eigenen Lebensgeschichten sichtbar und die emotionalen Räume treten in Erscheinung. Diese stellen den konkreten Bezug zum jeweiligen dreidimensionalen Raum her. Aus dem konstanten Prozess des Wohnens entwickelt sich ein individuelles Raumverständnis. Insofern werden Entscheidungen für eine spezifische Wohnform im Alter von affektiven Phänomenen geleitet, die auf einer bewussten oder auch unbewussten Ebene getroffen werden. Um architektonische Räume entsprechend den Bedürfnissen der älteren Bewohner entwerfen und planen zu können, erscheint es notwendig, das individuelle, alltägliche Leben zu verstehen. Die Herausforderung ist das Erfassen der individuellen Lebensgeschichte, die dann in einen räumlichen Zusammenhang gebracht werden soll. Aus diesen Erkenntnissen können die emotionalen Räume sichtbar werden, die für ein „gutes und gelingendes“ Wohnen im Alter relevant sind.

Att förena öppen dagvattenhantering med användbarhet i en urban parkmiljö : En fallstudie i Malmö och Borås

Nilsson, Karin January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med fallstudien har varit att undersöka hur öppen dagvattenhantering och platsens användbarhet skulle kunna kombineras så det ena inte utesluter det andra. Studien utgick ifrån en hypotes om att det finns många konflikter mellan öppen dagvattenhantering och användbarhet. Motsättningarna mellan de olika perspektiven skulle därför innebära, enligt hypotesen, att det är omöjligt att planera för det ena perspektivet utan att skapa problem för det andra. Undantaget skulle vara om kombinationen varit en målsättning under förarbetet. Fallen som har studerats är Ekostaden Augustenborg i Malmö där öppen dagvattenhantering har prioriterats och Stadsparken i Borås där platsens användbarhet har varit en tidig målsättning. Fallen är goda exempel utifrån två olika perspektiv men har gemensamt att de hamnar under begreppet urban parkmiljö. Genom observation, intervjuer och textanalys har fallen studerats närmare. Hypotesen har kunnat verifieras utifrån de två fallen. För mer generella slutsatser behöver fler fall studeras. Resultatet från fallstudien presenteras i form av framtagna planeringsprinciper och förslag på vidare studier.

"Vi måste tänka hela barn, inte delar av barn" : en studie av specialpedagogisk handledning i förändringsprocesser

Lüddeckens, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande examensarbete är att undersöka och kritiskt granska hur specialpedagogisk handledning används för att skapa en inkluderande skola för elever med Autsimspektrumtillstånd (Autism Spectrum Disorder - ASD).  Studien avser att särskilt undersöka hur fyra specialpedagoger arbetar med handledning som syftar till att bidra till att lärare utvecklar strategier/arbetssätt som skapar förutsättningar för lärande och delaktighet hos elever med ASD.    Resultaten i den tidigare forskning som granskas i föreliggande examensarbete hänvisar till att lärare generellt har sämre attityder gentemot elever med ASD ju högre upp i skolålder de undervisar. Samtidigt pekar andra studier på att lärares attityder och förhållningssätt gentemot sina elever och i synnerlighet de med ASD, är essentiellt för elevens akademiska framgång och sociala inkludering i gruppen. De visar även betydelsen av ett systematiskt tänk i lärande organisationer och de positiva effekterna av att ha ett mångfaldsperspektiv (som exempelvis i Universal Design for Learning).   Det teoretiska perspektiv jag utgår från är systemteorin med utgångspunkt i Antonovskys begrepp Känsla av sammanhang, KASAM, och i komplexitetsteorin. Metoden är kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer med fyra specialpedagoger i form av en kombination av samtal och intervju. Resultaten visar att den specialpedagogiska handledningen spelar en central roll i ett förändringsskapande av attityder och förhållningssätt gentemot elever. Resultaten visar även vikten av ett systematiskt helhetstänk i en organisation för att kunna arbeta framgångsrikt med inkludering av elever med ASD och deras förutsättningar för en tillgänglig undervisning.


Best, Kathryn W 01 January 2016 (has links)
This case study examined learning components and outcomes of the UDL Virtual Classroom project, a web-based professional development program that was a collaboration between educators in the United States and Jamaica. The study applied the HPL lens (NRC, 2000) in order to understand the ways that Jamaican educator-participants perceived the integration of learner-centered learning, knowledge-centered learning, assessment-centered learning, and community-centered learning in the program itself, and also examined the impact of these components, despite numerous hurdles, on teachers’ mindsets and practices and the engagement and performance of students in their schools and classrooms. The researcher’s intent was to address the contextual nature of teacher learning, which must contend with the challenges of meeting the needs of individual teacher-learners, as well as obstacles and real-world situations impacting the implementation of theories and strategies. A multi-case study design was used to gather data through observations, interviews, group meetings, and surveys. Findings were analyzed using qualitative methods, focusing on the experiences of participants both as adult-learners in the professional development program and as educators themselves as they returned to their own educational contexts to implement what they had learned. This study provided insights about strengths and challenges of hybrid learning, international resource-sharing, and long-term impacts of teacher learning.

Section 508 Adherence by Industry Professionals: Improving Universal Design through Training

Rincon, Antonio 01 January 2009 (has links)
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 took effect in 2001 and provides encouragement for universal design and compliance requirements to the federal sector for purchases that are accessible by people with disabilities. A division of General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems (GDAIS) is located in Pittsfield, Massachusetts and provides electronic and information technology solutions to federal customers in the defense, intelligence, and homeland security communities. The general lack of training is a major factor for low compliance to Section 508. Improving awareness is important at GDAIS in order to increase its federal sales market share, develop new products and services, transfer technology to other fields, and support a global market for users with different human conditions. The study aimed to implement a computer-based training program for design engineers and managers within GDAIS to foster universal design skills and increase accessibility awareness. The four-level model created by Donald L. Kirkpatrick was utilized to evaluate the training. Survey, test, and interview instruments were designed to evaluate the reaction, learning, and behavior of the participants. An expert panel provided validation and reliability of the instruments. A case study methodology was used to analyze Section 508 compliance in depth for four months. Also analyzed were the possible effects of the training on the engineering design, the organization both financial and cultural, and the individual. Learning of the standards and universal design concepts through better application of usability and accessibility features were improved. While the training did improve compliance slightly, there was a lack of Section 508 inclusion within solicitations. The organizational culture to support the disabled community showed a possibility of improving through awareness and education.

The Design and Development of CollaborAT: A Groupware Solution for IEP Teams Supporting School-Age Students Who Use Assistive Technology

Geist, Lori Ann 01 January 2010 (has links)
Team collaboration is necessary to fully support school-age students who use assistive technology (AT). Teams should include the student, his or her family, and school professionals. Unfortunately, team collaboration is often not realized due to constraints that range from scheduling conflicts and language barriers to lack of defined roles and access to shared information. In addition, families and students are often passive participants in the educational planning process rather than active contributors. Groupware has been used in comparable areas of professional and peer collaboration to address similar barriers. The study resulted in a groupware model intended to enhance the collaboration of individualized education program (IEP) teams supporting students who use assistive technology (AT). The groupware model had a working title of CollaborAT. Through literature review, goal definition, prototyping of alternatives, panelist review and ranking of proposed attributes, and user testing, CollaborAT was be systematically designed, developed and evaluated. Through review and ranking of prototypes by a panel of 20 experts, the design phase of the study provides insight into the aspects of computer-mediated communication (CMC), content management, member profiling and scheduling supports that the intended audience values for collaboration related to AT and the IEP process. The study also provides insight into the viability of developing a groupware tool that consists of the attributes valued most by the intended audience. The CollaborAT model was built based on the design criteria established by the panel of experts. The model was presented to the panel for review and approval. With the approval criteria met, user testing was conducted with a small sample representing the target audience. The user test group consisted of 12 participants with varied IEP experience and role assignment. The user testing results provide initial evaluation data on the usability of CollaborAT. The study provides insight into the design, development and evaluation process for groupware tools. Through the application of a panel of experts, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), prototyping, and user testing, the design criteria were defined and validated. The study provides detailed information for those interested in replicating all or portions of this research-based approach for the design and development of similar products and supports.

Cozinha funcional: análise do espaço e do usuário idoso / Functional kitchen: analyses of the elderly person in the place

Sâmia, Carolina Olsson Folino 04 April 2008 (has links)
Trata da ergonomia aplicada aos espaços da habitação, com foco na cozinha e no usuário idoso. A escolha da cozinha como ambiente a ser estudado se deu ao fato, dos desafios ergonômicos encontrados nesse espaço: diversidade de atividades, diversidade de usuários, manipulação de equipamentos, circulação de pessoas entre outras. A pesquisa traz um pouco do histórico da evolução desse espaço destinado, prioritariamente, ao cozinhar e como esse espaço foi se modificando ao longo do tempo. Identifica a cozinha como um local da casa onde todos os moradores, sejam crianças, adultos, homens e mulheres fazem uso de alguma forma. Em um segundo momento, a pesquisa traz conceitos de design, que defendem a adequação do espaço construído ao uso eqüitativo de todos os usuários e a preocupação em se projetar com o foco no usuário. Busca-se conhecer as implicações das atividades humanas perante as soluções espaciais adotadas nos projetos de habitações. O idoso foi escolhido como personagem de estudo, por apresentar as dificuldades comuns a todos os usuários da cozinha, entretanto potencializadas e pela defesa de que um lar adaptado lhe trará uma maior autonomia e conseqüente melhoria na qualidade de vida. Por fim, o trabalho apresenta recomendações para o projeto de uma cozinha segura e adequada a todos os usuários. Pretende-se que os dados apresentados possam ser aplicados na prática projetual e que provoquem uma reflexão que traga melhorias na adequação de moradias. / With the ergonomic functions applied to the dwelling spaces focusing on kitchen used by elderly people. The choice of the kitchen as subject of studies results from the existing ergonomic difficulties found in this environment such as: diversity of users and functions, handling of several equipments, peoples circulation, among others. This reserch brings up a bit of the evolutions history of this space meant mainly to cook and how it has been changed througt the centuries. It also point out this space as a place that every resident, somehow, sometime, use no matter of age or sex. After that, the research focus on design concepts that justifies the utility adaptations in the kitchen to the safe use of all residents, and better knowledge of human activities related to the adopted spacial solutions in the housing planning. The elderly people were chosen as study subject for all difficulties they have, as every kitchen user, encreased by the lost of mobility. One adapted home will give them independence and a better quality of life. Finally, this study present suggestions for a kitchen project that is safe and suitable for all users. All collected items shown here is intended to be used while projecting and to bring up deeper thoughts on better and safer dwellings.

Eighth-Grade Teachers' and Students' Experiences With iPads in Math Inclusion Classes

Maduma Ncube, Sitembiso 01 January 2019 (has links)
Although educators have embraced technology in mathematics inclusion classrooms, students with math learning disabilities (MLD) still have anxiety and negative attitudes about mathematics and score lower than their counterparts. The purpose of this qualitative single case study was to investigate and describe the experiences of middle school 8th grade inclusion iPad math app users. The technological pedagogical content knowledge model, the universal design for learning model, and the experiential learning theory provided the conceptual framework of technology integration. The research questions addressed the experiences of middle school inclusion teachers and students with MLD regarding iPad use in a Common Core standards-based math curriculum. Two inclusion co-teachers and 8 special education students from 2 inclusion classes in a middle school participated in the study. Data were collected from direct lesson observations, document analysis, and individual teacher and student interviews. An interpretative approach of clustering codes and categories was employed to identify emerging themes. Findings indicated that iPads increased student engagement and student access to the Common Core math curriculum. Teachers and students using iPads faced some challenges including lack of knowledge of using text-to-speech and keeping up with relevant new apps. Educators may use findings to understand how technology integration can provide equal access to the Common Core standards-based math curriculum for students with MLD and can reduce learning barriers for all students

Instructional Methods and Attitudes Among Nursing Faculty Related to Students With Disabilities

Radecki, Melissa Anne 01 January 2019 (has links)
Nurse educators are tasked with preparing safe, competent nurses but are faced with unique challenges in helping students with disabilities. Students with learning disabilities require accommodations which are alterations or adjustments within the learning environment and are developed by the instructor. The purpose of this 3-manuscript dissertation, guided by the universal design for instruction (UDI), was to explore the attitudes and instructional methods used among nursing faculty related to teaching students with learning disabilities. Three research questions were framed as parallel studies to address the gap in understanding how faculty view nursing students with disabilities, how clinical specialty influences faculty's teaching methods, and what UDI teaching methods faculty use. Nursing faculty who teach in the classroom for prelicensure nursing programs were recruited to complete the Instructional Methods and Attitudes Faculty Survey. Data from 102 participants were analyzed using a Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, which indicated significant differences between the use of inclusive teaching methods (hands-on or interactive and problem solving, communication and interaction among students brainstorming, and providing class outlines or lecture slides before class). There were no differences when comparing faculty attitudes toward UDI familiarity, disability familiarity, and clinical specialty. The implementation of UDI promotes social change by creating an inclusive learning environment that increases the likelihood of success for students with learning disabilities. Future research should focus on best practices to educate faculty about inclusive teaching paradigms, such as UDI and explore faculty and student perspectives about the use and implementation of UDI.

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