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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvärdering av urbana ekosystemtjänster: Verktyg och certifieringssystem. / Assessment of Urban Ecosystem Services: Tools and Certification Systems.

Lindgren, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar utvärdering av urbana ekosystemtjänster på stadsdelsnivå. Eftersom ökad urbanisering leder till ökad belastning på urbana ekosystem är det viktigt att både exploatering och etablering av grönområden sker på ett hållbart sätt där ekologiska, sociala och ekonomiska faktorer inkluderas. Detta kan delvis uppnås genom att villkor i verktyg och certifieringssystem inkluderar aspekter för urbana ekosystemtjänster. Det undersökts hur certifieringssystemen BREEAM Communities och CASBEE for Urban Development samt verktyget Grönytefaktormetoden behandlar sådana urbana ekosystemtjänster. Analysen utgår från en föreslagen kategorisering av urbana ekosystemtjänster. Detta kompletteras med ett eget ramverk som utvidgar och förtydligar otillräckligt hanterade ekosystemtjänster och närliggande aspekter. Resultatet visar att ytterligare ekosystemtjänster kan inkluderas i de undersökta metoderna och en kategorisering av urbana ekosystemtjänster förslås. / This report discusses assessment of urban ecosystems services in the scale of city districts. Since intensified urbanisation increases the pressure on urban ecosystems it is of importance that development projects in green areas is sustainable with inclusion of ecological, social and economic aspects. This can in part be achieved through requirements in tools and certification systems that include aspects for urban ecosystem services. An investigation of how the certification systems BREEAM Communities and CASBEE for Urban Development as well as the tool Grönytefaktormetoden deal with such urban ecosystem services is made. The analysis is based on a suggested categorisation of urban ecosystem services. This is complemented by an own framework that expands and clarifies insufficiently treated ecosystem services and adjacent aspects. The result shows that further ecosystem services can be included in the investigated methods and a categorisation of urban ecosystems services is suggested.

Fair ground : festival phenomena : an urban park upgrade and transformation of the Southwest Bank of Wemmer Pan in Johannesburg South

Serrao, Gabriella 07 October 2014 (has links)
“wherever the human spirit is free, people celebrate. All cultures commemorate what makes them distinctive and worthy in their own eyes. Periodically, a common humanity in us all sets aside the work and worry of everyday life and blossoms into festivity, sometimes even in the face of cultural domination and economic deprivation.” (Rinzler & Seitel, 1982, p.7) Various cultures exist and the display of specifi c group’s values, traditions and crafts in the form of an event becomes the ‘exciting experience’ longed for by the inhabitants of the city who crave an outlet from the everyday pressures and routine of life, desire a sense of belonging, want to express their suppressed desires or share an interest in the ideals or products being portrayed. These events require space, of various nature and size, which facilitate its range of needs from culturally relevant locations to necessary features. Globally, the urban setting has proved to be ideal when computing these space requirements and municipalities are going out of their way to create or maintain spaces to host these events for the wealth of social, spatial and economic stimulation they hold.

Quand les promoteurs immobiliers produisent la ville de demain : étude de deux projets urbains de standing en France et au Mexique / The "city of tomorrow" by real estate developers : two Flagship urban projects in France and Mexico

Peynichou, Lorraine 04 May 2018 (has links)
Les entreprises de promotion immobilière sont devenues depuis plusieurs années des acteurs importants de l’aménagement urbain. Elles s’orientent progressivement vers de nouveaux secteurs et enjeux de la production de la ville. Ainsi seraient-elles passées de leur métier d’origine à celui « d’opérateurs urbains ». Cette évolution se situe au croisement de l’exigence d’une compréhension des évolutions du marché de l’aménagement des villes, liée au retrait ou au changement de mode d’intervention des acteurs publics, et d’une rentabilité financière qui structure l’action de ces entreprises. Cela représente un changement de paradigme, pour certaines entreprises de promotion immobilière, dans leur façon de penser et d’appréhender la production la ville ainsi que dans leur positionnement au sein des organisations qui se structurent pour aménager les villes. Dans le champ de l'aménagement urbain, ce positionnement s’organise souvent au travers de la mobilisation des notions d’innovation et d’expérimentation. Cette mobilisation peut s’élaborer dans le cadre d’organisations spécifiques de l’action collective où les promoteurs immobiliers sont régulièrement présents. C’est le cas, par exemple, des consortiums publics-privés réunissant des acteurs institutionnels, des grands groupes internationaux de promotion immobilière, des startups et des experts, entre autres. Ces organisations qui sont elles-mêmes présentées comme novatrices s’organisent pour produire un ensemble de dispositifs dits innovants, qui vont du think-tank au projet urbain. Nous nous intéressons en particulier au projet urbain, car l’investissement des promoteurs immobiliers y est singulier : il s’articule de plus en plus couramment autour de la fonction de coordinateur du projet lors de ses différentes phases. Nous avons étudié des projets urbains présentés, par les promoteurs immobiliers, comme innovants en France dans la commune d’Issy-les-Moulineaux et au Mexique au sein de la délégation Miguel Hidalgo. Les façons dont l’innovation et l’expérimentation sont mobilisées, au sein de ces contextes, traduit des ambitions et des perspectives tout à fait différentes. À Issy-les-Moulineaux, le discours de la collectivité territoriale et des promoteurs immobiliers de l’écoquartier du Fort s’articule plutôt autour de la référence aux multiples variantes de la ville intelligente et des nouvelles technologies alors qu’à Miguel Hidalgo, il s’agit avec le projet Plaza Carso, d’un renouvellement de la rhétorique sécuritaire autour du concept, déjà bien connu, du « all included ». Ce que nous avons également pu observer, en France comme au Mexique, c’est que ces projets ont le plus souvent vocation à être positionnés sur le segment de marché du haut de gamme afin, entre autres, d’amortir les investissements qu’ils ont engendré. Ainsi, nous les identifions comme des « projets urbains de standing ». Il s’agit d’opérations qui, au travers de leurs ambitions, de leur médiatisation et des moyens financiers mobilisés par les acteurs du projet, se distinguent des autres modalités d’intervention sur le territoire. Nos questions de recherche reposent sur l’idée que les projets urbains de standing sont des analyseurs des transformations à l’œuvre dans la façon de concevoir et de gérer la ville, car ils reposent sur un investissement important des grandes entreprises de promotion immobilière, sur une évolution de leurs relations avec les responsables politiques locaux et, plus généralement, sur l’ambition de capter des comportements émergents et de commercialiser des produits innovants. On assiste à un processus qui relève en même temps d’un phénomène marketing et d’une évolution des enjeux et des normes de la production du projet urbain. Celui-ci, envisagé comme un laboratoire in vivo, participe, en France comme au Mexique, du développement d’un urbanisme dérogatoire dont l’une des finalités et de libérer l’action de certains opérateurs privés de l’aménagement urbain / Real-estate companies became important stake holders within the city planning process. They moved to new stakes and spaces of urban planning. We suggest that one of the reasons of these new challenges is that some big real-estate companies are focused the themes of innovation and experimentation and are more and more characterized by their involvement within the public – private organizations. This search for innovative proposals has led several organisational transformations within the mix of urban project stakeholder groups. The hegemonic tendency of the real-estate companies can be organized around several phases of urban projects: conception, construction, monitoring, management, etc. Its means that some real-estate companies are not only in charge of the construction phase of urban projects – like they use to be – because they also conquered new phases that participate to the elaboration and to the operational process of urban projects. This recent evolution is linked with strategic views, coming from these companies, on the way they think about urban planning and on the notion of quality of life. It represents, for this type of companies, a change of paradigm in the way of conceiving the production of urban space, but it also represents an evolution of the internal organization of public – private partnership. As several members of a French real-estate companies put it during our interviews, this change involves a new title: they evolve from real estate developers to “urban operators”. We saw, in our fieldwork, that it has led to various developments, such as: a change of temporal perspective, from short term commitment they move towards mid or long-term outlooks. Being “urban operators” also means that they have to be very cognisant about new lifestyles, new kinds of behaviours and needs, because it affects their marketing power. Thirdly, companies are sensitive and even greedy about information that concerns how people react to their proposals. This has led to several organizational transformations with, for instance, the emergence of new kinds of “research and development” areas, specific investments funds, contracts with social science researchers, etc. We studied two contexts in particular: flagship urban projects within the urban renovation process in France and in Mexico. With two cases: Plaza Carso in Mexico and the eco neighbourhood du Fort in Issy-les-Moulineaux near Paris. The ranking of flagships projects is a strong trigger for innovation. Plaza Carso and the Fort are characterized by a very strong involvement of real-estate companies that rebuilt the relationship with the local authorities. In both situations, real-estate companies had benefitted from legal specificities, and even legal liberalization in the Mexican case, to develop the project

A instrumentalização da política urbana no município de São Paulo: uma análise do Fundo de Desenvolvimento Urbano / The instrumentalization of urban policy in the municipality of São Paulo: an analysis of the Urban Development Fund

Paim, Debora Gambetta 30 April 2019 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender como as regras formais e informais que determinam a decisão alocativa do Fundo de Desenvolvimento Urbano do município de São Paulo são capazes de influenciar o conflito distributivo no âmbito da política urbana municipal. Para isso, foram analisados os processos ou etapas decisórias do fundo entre 2003 e 2016, afim de identificar os loci ou arenas decisórias nas quais se deu a tomada de decisão, os atores envolvidos e seu papel no processo, os critérios utilizados na priorização de secretarias e projetos, além de realizar uma análise quantitativa da distribuição entre pastas e áreas da política. Para tanto, procurou-se operar em uma lacuna teórica entre a ciência política e os estudos urbanos ao se empregar a literatura neoinstitucionalista em especial suas vertentes histórica e sociológica, particularmente a sociologia da ação pública, com a instrumentalização de políticas públicas com o intuito de entender os reflexos de um instrumento que se insere no contexto de instrumentos urbanísticos de recuperação da valorização da terra urbana. O estudo demonstra que o FUNDURB, ao determinar o processo de decisão sobre a alocação de recursos, limita parcialmente o comportamento dos atores e, dessa forma, estabelece relações assimétricas de poder entre diferentes demandas e interesses. Além disso, foram identificados efeitos próprios da instrumentalização como previsto pela literatura, na medida em que a vinculação e subvinculação de receitas produzem inércia e evitam questionamentos sobre a problematização em torno de uma política de desenvolvimento urbano. Ademais, os critérios utilizados para a alocação de recursos revelaram lógicas dissimuladas pela adoção do instrumento e realçaram o caráter seu arrecadatório, posicionando-o em um contexto mais amplo dentro do processo orçamentário da prefeitura de São Paulo / This research aims to understand how formal and informal rules that determine the allocation of resources of the Urban Development Fund (FUNDURB) of the municipality of São Paulo are able to influence the distributive conflict within the municipal urban policy. To that end, the decision-making processes or steps of the fund between 2003 and 2016 were analysed, in order to identify the loci or arenas where decisions were taken, along with the actors involved and their role in the process, as well as the criteria used in the prioritization of departments and projects, in addition to conducting a quantitative analysis of the distribution among departments and policy areas. The research operates in a theoretical gap between political science and urban studies and, therefore, it employs new institutionalist literature particularly its historical and sociological streams, particularly the sociology of public action, with the instrumentalization of public policies in order to understand the reflections of an instrument that is inserted in the context of urban land value recovery. The study shows that the FUNDURB, while determining the decision-making process on resource allocation, partially limits the behaviour of the actors and thus establishes asymmetric power relations of power among different demands and interests. Moreover, effects of the instrumentalization were identified, as predicted by the literature, as public earmarking produce inertia and avoids questioning over the problematization around urban development. Furthermore, the criteria used in the allocation of resources revealed a disguised logic in the adoption of the instrument, which lies within a broader context of the budgetary process of the municipality of São Paulo

Do sertão à cidade: planejamento urbano em São José do Rio Preto dos anos 50 aos anos 2000 / From the backwoods to the city: urban planning in São José do Rio Preto (decade of 50 to 2000)

Teodózio, Delcimar Marques 17 June 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho trata dos principais elementos da dinâmica do desenvolvimento de São José do Rio Preto, organizados em quatro períodos do planejamento urbano: o primeiro, refere-se à lei de zoneamento de 1958 e à idéia de promover o desenvolvimento industrial na cidade; o segundo, a partir da década de 1970, é marcado pela intervenção estratégica do estado militar desenvolvimentista, fundamental na configuração do desenvolvimento do município; o terceiro, ocorre no período de redemocratização do país, com a elaboração do plano diretor, em 1992, que tem como objetivo definir um padrão de desenvolvimento econômico moderno e preparar a rede físico-territorial para absorver o crescimento da cidade; e, o quarto período, encerra-se com a revisão do plano, denominado plano diretor de desenvolvimento sustentável, em 2006, pós a obrigatoriedade constitucional de inserir a população no processo de planejamento urbano. A participação popular passa, ainda, a ser garantida na gestão do orçamento público, por meio da instituição, em 2001, do orçamento participativo local. Um elemento decisivo na configuração do processo de desenvolvimento e de planejamento urbano de São José do Rio Preto, refere-se à ação das elites locais no fortalecimento da posição polarizadora da economia e à utilização da técnica para planejar a cidade. / This work treats of the main elements of the dynamics of the development of São José do Rio Preto, organized in four periods of the urban planning: the first, refers to the law of zoning of 1958 and the idea of promoting the industrial development in the city; the second, starting from the decade of 1970, is marked by the strategic intervention of the developing military state, which is fundamental to the configuration of the development of the municipal district; the third, happens in the period of redemocratization of the country, with the elaboration of the master plan, in 1992, which aims to define a pattern of modern economical development and to prepare the physical-territorial net to absorb the growth of the city; and, the fourth period, which closes up with the revision of the plan, denominated master plan of maintainable development, in 2006, after the constitutional compulsory nature of inserting the population in the process of urban planning. The popular participation is guaranteed in the administration of the public budget, through the institution, in 2001, of the local participative budget. A decisive element in the configuration of the development process of the urban planning of São José do Rio Preto refers to the action of the local elites in the strengthening of the pole position of the economy and the use of the technique to plan the city.

Evolução urbana de Sorocaba / Sorocaba\'s urban development

Celli, Andressa 17 May 2012 (has links)
Esse trabalho tem como objetivo compreender como as mudanças socioeconômicas geraram transformações no sistema viário - caminhos, ferrovia, rodovias - e induziram a ocupação urbana - indústrias, loteamentos, condomínios - da cidade de Sorocaba em diferentes períodos - desde a sua fundação em 1661 até o ano de 2000. A partir de características socioeconômicas regionais e urbanas, descrevemos e analisamos o processo de evolução urbana de Sorocaba com o auxílio de croquis-síntese que ilustram o seu crescimento urbano. / This study aims to understand how the socioeconomic changes have brought out modifications in the road system - paths, railways, roads - and influenced the urban occupation -industries, subdivisions and condominiums - of the city of Sorocaba indifferent periods - since its foundation in 1661 until the year 2000. Taking into account urban and regional socioeconomic characteristics, this work describes and analyzes the process of Sorocaba\'s urban development based on sketches that illustrate its urban growth.

Análise e aplicação do método do valor agregado no controle de prazos e custos em obras de loteamentos urbanos residenciais. / Analysis and application of earned value analysis in schedule and cost\'s monitoring and controlling of residential urban development projects.

Alves, Karen Freitas 04 July 2017 (has links)
Nesta dissertação é realizada a aplicação do método do valor agregado no monitoramento e controle da execução de obras de loteamentos urbanos residenciais. Inicialmente, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a aplicação do método e sobre os métodos e teorias de gestão mais usuais no controle de obras da construção civil. Como não foi identificada nenhuma bibliografia com a aplicação do método do valor agregado nesse tipo de obras, foi realizada a aplicação em trinta e quatro empreendimentos de uma empresa do setor, a fim de verificar sua efetividade no monitoramento e controle das obras. Essa aplicação foi descrita detalhadamente para possível aplicação em ferramenta de monitoramento e controle de outras obras de loteamentos urbanos residenciais, que compreende obras de infraestrutura urbana, edificações e paisagismo. Para verificação da efetividade da aplicação do método do valor agregado, foi analisado o seu resultado em relação ao custo real final das obras e realizada a comparação entre as projeções de prazo e custo obtidas com a aplicação e as projeções do método atual de monitoramento e controle da empresa. Dessa forma, verificou-se que a aplicação do método do valor agregado para projeção de custos de obras é efetiva, porém não apresenta os mesmos resultados em relação à projeção de prazo de finalização. / This dissertation performs the application of the earned value analysis (EVA) in the execution\'s monitoring and controlling of residential urban development projects. Initially, it was done a bibliographic review about the application of EVA and about the most recognized methods and theories of management and construction work\'s controlling. How it wasn\'t found bibliography about the application of the earned value analysis in this type of projects, it was applied in thirty-four projects of a company of the sector, in order to verify its effectiveness in the work\'s monitoring and controlling. This application was described in detail for future application in a monitoring and controlling\'s tool for other residential urban development works, which includes urban infrastructure works, buildings and landscaping. In order to verify the effectiveness of the method\'s application, the result was analyzed in relation of final real cost of works and a comparison was done between the projections of time and cost obtained with the application of EVA with the projections obtained with the current method of monitoring and controlling of the company under study. Therefore, it was verified that the application of the earned value analysis for the projection of construction costs is effective, but it doesn\'t show the same results about the projection of the work\'s completion period.

A cidade cognitiva: proposição para o desenvolvimento local na era do conhecimento / The cognitive city: proposition for local development in the knowledge era

Borba, Robinson Antonio Vieira 03 August 2000 (has links)
Formular uma proposição para processos de desenvolvimento local a serem institucionalizados por organizações governamentais e/ou nãogovernamentais nas comunidades através de ações destinadas a estimular a conexão entre economia regional e mundial é o objetivo deste estudo. Esta preocupação advém de que os modelos econômicos baseados em localidades, concebidos e estruturados através da percepção dos indivíduos, enquanto seres intelectuais e capazes de contribuir com sua cultura e sua criatividade para o crescimento econômico local, necessitam de um processo coletivo para a criação e condução de ações de desenvolvimento endógenas. Percebeu-se que há urgência de uma mudança radical na mentalidade coletiva como a que determinou a importância da tecnologia na Revolução Industrial no processo de transformação da sociedade agrária na sociedade industrial. Agora, com a metamorfose desta na sociedade digital, a relevância é a cognição, onde a meta é o entendimento do entrelaçamento do microcosmo da localidade com a dimensão mundial, para estabelecer um modelo de desenvolvimento econômico através da capacidade da sociedade de planejar e conduzir sua própria experiência local. A proposição desta tese é que esta capacitação, normalmente função do desenvolvimento institucional decorrente de um processo histórico, se desencadeie nas regiões a partir de um processo cognitivo coletivo. O conhecimento, onde se encontram elementos que possibilitam a compreensão de relações complexas e abstratas, como as econômicas, dessa maneira gerenciado, deverá estabelecer formas de organização e julgamento das idéias e conceitos necessários para a construção de um modelo original resultante de características culturais da população, que dessa maneira poderá contribuir para o desenvolvimento sustentável global com criatividade e inovação. / To formulate a proposition for local development processes to be institutionalized by both governmental and non-governmental organizations in the communities, through actions bound to stimulate the connection between regional and world economies is the aim of this work. This concern derives from the fact that the economic models based on localities, conceived and structured through the perception of individuals, while intellectual beings and capable of contributing with their culture and creativity to the local economic growth, need a collective process for generating and conducting endogenous development actions. It was perceived that a radical change in the collective mind urged, as the one which determined the importance of technology in the Industrial Revolution in the process of transforming a rural society into an industrial one. Now, with the metamorphosis of this digital society, the relevance is cognition. The goal is the understanding of the locality micro cosmos interwoven with the world dimension, so as to establish a model for economic development through society\'s ability to plan and conduct its own local experience. This thesis proposition is that this capacitating, usually a function of institutional development deriving from a historical process, is unleashed in the regions from a collective cognitive process. Knowledge, where elements are found that allow understanding complex and abstract relations, such as the economic ones, thus managed, will establish forms for organizing and assessing the ideas and concepts necessary to set an original model that can be a result of the cultural characteristics of the population, which may contribute for global sustainable development with creativity and innovation.

Decisões na esfera pública relativas a empreendimentos estruturais de desenvolvimento urbano: o caso do sistema metroviário da cidade do Rio de Janeiro / Public decisons on structural undertakings of urban development: the case of the subway system of the city of Rio de Janeiro

Guedes, Eliane 11 May 2009 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta uma discussão sobre a tomada de decisão por agentes públicos em relação a empreendimentos estruturais de desenvolvimento urbano no Brasil. Relata as principais teorias desenvolvidas sobre o assunto e, a partir da reconstituição do processo decisório para a implantação do sistema metroviário da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, comprova a hipótese de que o Metrô-RJ não foi concebido como uma solução para um problema de deslocamento, mas como um produto auto-suficiente. Mostra ainda que esse produto não foi significativo para a sociedade como um todo durante todo o período de maturação da idéia e da construção, mas foi principalmente fruto de uma decisão autoritária tomada na instância federal, distante das aspirações e necessidades locais, por agentes de interesse que dominaram o processo de decisão. Secundariamente, comprova que os produtores de materiais de transporte e a burocracia a serviço dos agentes políticos com forte viés autoritário foram forças motoras de grande expressão, e ainda que os agentes imobiliários e a população em geral - tradicionais interessados nos incrementos de acessibilidade - pouco ou nada interferiram no processo de decisão pelo sistema em questão. / The paper presents a discussion on decision-making by public officials concerning structural undertakings of urban development in Brazil. It describes the main theories developed on the subject, and through the reconstitution of the process for implementing the subway system of Rio de Janeiro, it proves the hypothesis that the Metrô-RJ was not designed as a solution to a displacement problem but as a self-sufficient product. It also shows that the product was not important to the society as a whole throughout the period of the maturation of the idea and the construction, but it was mainly the result of an authoritarian decision at the federal level, far from the desires and local needs, performed by interest agents that dominated the decision-making process. Secondly, it proves that producers of transport inputs and the governamental bureaucracy in the service of politicians with strong authoritarian bias were driving forces of great expression. Also, real estate agents and the general public - traditional stakeholders seeking for increments of accessibility - little or nothing interfered in the decision towards the implementation of the subway system in the city.

Folgenutzung innerstädtischer Verfügungsflächen durch Dienstleistungen in Berlin

Schüler, Daniela 26 March 2009 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift widmet sich dem Thema der Folgenutzung von Verfügungsflächen durch Dienstleistungen. Im Zuge struktureller Veränderungen der Wirtschaft entstehen zunehmend innerstädtische Verfügungsflächen. Die Städte verzeichnen gleichfalls eine Schwerpunktverlagerung wirtschaftlicher Tätigkeiten hin zum Dienstleistungssektor. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht am Beispiel Berlins die Folgenutzung innerstädtischer Verfügungsflächen durch Dienstleistungen. Im Hinblick auf die Flächennachfrage können für den Dienstleistungsbereich mit Hilfe einer statistischen Clusteranalyse zehn Verfügungsflächentypen identifiziert werden, welche durch Dienstleistungen folgegenutzt werden. Die Unterscheidung in die drei Bereiche wissens- und nicht-wissensintensive, konsumentenorientierte und technologiebasierte Dienstleistungen ermöglicht die Berücksichtigung jeweiliger Standortanforderungen und räumlicher Verteilungsmuster. Dabei konnten weitestgehende Übereinstimmungen mit den auf theoretischen Annahmen beruhenden Standortverteilungen festgestellt werden. Am Beispiel des Fallstudiengebiets Spreeraum Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg erfolgt eine tiefergehende Analyse zu den Einflussfaktoren auf die Standortwahl von wissensintensiven Dienstleistern auf Verfügungsflächen. Dabei können Standortfaktoren der Verfügungsfläche identifiziert werden, welche in direktem Zusammenhang mit der Standortwahl der Nachfrager stehen. Die Betrachtung der Mikro-Ebene und speziell der Verfügungsflächen wurde bisher in der empirischen Standortforschung vernachlässigt. Daher werden in einem abschließenden Schritt die gewonnen Erkenntnisse in einem Bewertungsansatz integriert, welcher die Folgenutzungseignung einer Verfügungsfläche am Beispiel von Dienstleistungen bestimmt. Dieser Ansatz dient der bedarfsgerechten Flächenentwicklung im Rahmen des Flächenmanagements. / This economic and urban geography doctoral thesis deals with the subject of the re-use of potential sites with services. Due to structural economic changes, an increasing number of innerurban potential sites develop within the city. Simultaneously a shift of emphasis within the urban economy takes place towards the service sector. The present thesis studies the re-use of innerurban potential sites with services, using the example of Berlin. // With regard to the demand for potential sites with services, ten types of potential sites could be identified using a statistical cluster analysis. As a result of the distinction in knowledge-, commercial and technology-based services, the respective location factors and spatial patterns could be considered. The data revieled a consistency between the patterns based on theory assumed and the actual spatial patterns. // Using the case study Spree-area Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, an in-depth analysis is made to identify the influencing factors on the location of knowledge-based services on potential sites. Some of the characteristics of the potential sites are crucial for the location of knowledge-based services on potential sites. The consideration of the micro-level and specifically potential sites was disregarded for a long time in empirical location research. Finally the findings are integrated into an evaluation instrument, which indicates the suitability of a potential site for a re-use with services. This approach provides the basis for a development of potential sites, which is adjusted to the need of the demand.

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