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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conservation and reconstruction at the Palace of Minos at Knossos

Kienzle, Peter January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

An analysis of the Gap between Construction Budget and Settlement

Kuo, Hsiu-Chin 10 August 2011 (has links)
Why does it always overrun the budget? Those who engage in construction engineering practice, including budgeting, contracting and construction site management, often experience additional project budgets. The business operator of the construction company will feel the pain as flesh- like when project budgets were overspent. Relating issues have not been researched to the bottom yet till now. Such as: How serious they are for overrun? What caused it? How much it will impact? And could it be comprehended then find ways to resolve? And so on. The research methods employed in this study are through questionnaire survey, interviews with professionals and the case study to collect data as the foundation of analysis and to explore various problems about discrepancies and links between budgeting and completion of settlement. According to findings of this study, the researcher will offer some suggestions to relating engineers and business operators.

Platsledningens påverkan att minska avvikelser i ett byggprojekt : En fallstudie i ekonomiska avvikelser och platsledningens påverkan på utfallet / The influence of the site management to reduce deviations in construction projects : A case study of the economic deviations and the effect of the site management outcome

Göransson, Filip, Hesselstrand, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Examensarbetet är en fallstudie där en undersökning utförs kring varför det verkliga utfallet överstiger produktionskalkylen i ett byggprojekt och hur platsledingen kan påverka utfallet.   Syftet med arbetet är att belysa vikten av en väl fungerande platsledning samt vikten av att ta fram noggranna kalkyler för att hålla budgeten i ett byggprojekt. Detta uppnås genom en fallstudie där ekonomiska avvikelser identifieras och orsaker till dessa fastställs. Orsakerna till avvikelserna kategoriserades enligt följande: Kalkyleringsfel Kontofel Ändring av metod Tillval Hantering De resultat som uppnåtts visar att den största orsaken till avvikelser sker på grund av felkalkylering, följt av metodbyte. Den största enskilda orsaken fastställdes som kalkylering av systemform, som används vid gjutning av betong. I snitt ökade kostnaden med 340 % vilket resulterat i en felräkningskostnad om ca 870 000: -.  Vidare fastställdes att platsledningen kan påverka de totala avvikelserna i ett byggprojekt med ca 40 %. Sammanställning av den intervju som genomfördes för platsledningen på de granskade projekten visar att den största orsaken till avvikelser ligger i bristande projektering. De rekommendationer som ges är att vara konsekvent vid kontering så att rätt kostnad hamnar på rätt konto, det förenklar avstämningar och prognoser.  Arbeta för en dynamiskgrupp där det finns ledaregenskaper, administrativa kunskaper och byggtekniska kunskaper. / The thesis is a case study in which a survey is carried out on why the actual result exceeds production estimate of construction projects and how the site management can affect the outcome. The aim is to highlight the importance of a well-functioning site management and the importance of obtaining accurate calculations in order to keep the budget in a construction project. This is achieved through a case study where economic deviations are identified and causes of these sets. The causes of deviations were categorized as follows: Calculation errors Account error Change in method  Option Management The results obtained show that the major cause of deviations is due to miscalculation, followed by the change in method. The biggest single cause was identified as costing systems form, which is used in casting of concrete. The average cost increased by 340% which resulted in a miscalculation by 870 000:-. Furthermore was determined that the site management has the authority to affect the total deviations of a construction project by about 40%. Summary of the interview, which was conducted for the site management on the projects audited shows that the biggest cause of deviations is the lack of planning. The recommendations given are to be consistent in posting, so that the right cost is at the correct account, it simplifies reconciliation and predictions. Working for a dynamic group where there are leadership skills, administrative skills and build technical knowledge.

Making Mobile Meaning : expectations and experiences of mobile computing usefulness in construction site management practice

Löfgren, Alexander January 2008 (has links)
During the last decade, anticipated and realized benefits of mobile and wireless information and communication technology (ICT) for different business purposes have been widely explored and evaluated. Also, the significance of ‘user acceptance’ mechanisms through ‘perceived usefulness’ of ICT applications has gained broad recognition among business organizations in developing and adopting new ICT capabilities. However, even though technology usefulness is regularly highlighted as an important factor in ICT projects, there is often a lack of understanding of what the concept involves in the practical work context of the actual users, and how to deal with the issues of usefulness in organizational ICT development processes. This doctoral thesis covers a 1,5 year case study of a mobile computing development project at a Swedish international construction enterprise. The company’s mobile ICT venture addressed the deficient ICT use situation of management practitioners in construction site operations. The study portrays the overall socially shaped development process of the chosen technology and its evolving issues of usefulness for existing construction site management practice. The perceived usefulness of mobile computing tools among the ‘user-practitioners’ is described as emergence of ‘meaningful use’ based on initial expectations and actual experiences of the technology in their situated fieldwork context. The studied case depicts the ongoing and open-ended conversational nature of understanding adequate ICT requirements in work practice, and the negotiation of mobile computing technology design properties between users and developers over time towards the alignment of diverse personal, professional and organizational needs and purposes of ICT use. The studied introduction of mobile computing technology in construction site management fieldwork practice serves as an illustrative actual example of how to interpret, understand and approach issues of usefulness and user acceptance of ICT resources in operative work contexts when managing ICT development processes in organizations. / QC 20100825

A Decision Support Tool For Conceptual Site Model Development At Contaminated Sites

Buyuker, Beril 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A conceptual site model (CSM) is simply a description of the environmental conditions at a contaminated site and surrounding area, which provides all interested parties with a vision of the site. CSM mainly identifies the source-pathway&amp / #8208 / receptor linkage to guide for effective site characterization, risk assessment and remedial investigations. Development of CSM is complicated because it is &lsquo / case specific&rsquo / and there is no single route to follow during decision making concerning the contaminated site. Moreover, type and extent of information needed varies according to size and level of contamination and site heterogeneity. The objective of this study is to develop a decision support tool that guides the site assessors during identification of possible decision routes that can be encountered / the procedure to be followed / and the information and data to be collected at each stage. This tool also introduces interactions between CSM andsampling strategies designed for various purposes. Developed decision support tool adapts to each specific contaminated site. Furthermore, a detailed review of sampling strategies is presented as a guidance for site assessors. The decision support tool is equipped with standardized tools used for CSM development, i.e. information/data collection forms, illustrative tools and exposure pathway diagram. Information on site, geology, hydrogeology, contamination source, contaminants and receptors is collected via CSM form. Illustrative tools may vary from very simple site sketches to very complex 3D drawings depending on the needs of the specific contamination cases. Exposure pathway diagram (EPD) is used to identify all transport mechanisms and potential exposure pathways. EPD is embedded into a user&amp / #8208 / friendly decision assistance tool based on Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic for Applications. The applicability and utility of the decision support tool was tested using two case studies. Case study applications indicated that the developed methodology satisfies the objectives aimed in this study.

Folgenutzung innerstädtischer Verfügungsflächen durch Dienstleistungen in Berlin

Schüler, Daniela 26 March 2009 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift widmet sich dem Thema der Folgenutzung von Verfügungsflächen durch Dienstleistungen. Im Zuge struktureller Veränderungen der Wirtschaft entstehen zunehmend innerstädtische Verfügungsflächen. Die Städte verzeichnen gleichfalls eine Schwerpunktverlagerung wirtschaftlicher Tätigkeiten hin zum Dienstleistungssektor. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht am Beispiel Berlins die Folgenutzung innerstädtischer Verfügungsflächen durch Dienstleistungen. Im Hinblick auf die Flächennachfrage können für den Dienstleistungsbereich mit Hilfe einer statistischen Clusteranalyse zehn Verfügungsflächentypen identifiziert werden, welche durch Dienstleistungen folgegenutzt werden. Die Unterscheidung in die drei Bereiche wissens- und nicht-wissensintensive, konsumentenorientierte und technologiebasierte Dienstleistungen ermöglicht die Berücksichtigung jeweiliger Standortanforderungen und räumlicher Verteilungsmuster. Dabei konnten weitestgehende Übereinstimmungen mit den auf theoretischen Annahmen beruhenden Standortverteilungen festgestellt werden. Am Beispiel des Fallstudiengebiets Spreeraum Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg erfolgt eine tiefergehende Analyse zu den Einflussfaktoren auf die Standortwahl von wissensintensiven Dienstleistern auf Verfügungsflächen. Dabei können Standortfaktoren der Verfügungsfläche identifiziert werden, welche in direktem Zusammenhang mit der Standortwahl der Nachfrager stehen. Die Betrachtung der Mikro-Ebene und speziell der Verfügungsflächen wurde bisher in der empirischen Standortforschung vernachlässigt. Daher werden in einem abschließenden Schritt die gewonnen Erkenntnisse in einem Bewertungsansatz integriert, welcher die Folgenutzungseignung einer Verfügungsfläche am Beispiel von Dienstleistungen bestimmt. Dieser Ansatz dient der bedarfsgerechten Flächenentwicklung im Rahmen des Flächenmanagements. / This economic and urban geography doctoral thesis deals with the subject of the re-use of potential sites with services. Due to structural economic changes, an increasing number of innerurban potential sites develop within the city. Simultaneously a shift of emphasis within the urban economy takes place towards the service sector. The present thesis studies the re-use of innerurban potential sites with services, using the example of Berlin. // With regard to the demand for potential sites with services, ten types of potential sites could be identified using a statistical cluster analysis. As a result of the distinction in knowledge-, commercial and technology-based services, the respective location factors and spatial patterns could be considered. The data revieled a consistency between the patterns based on theory assumed and the actual spatial patterns. // Using the case study Spree-area Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, an in-depth analysis is made to identify the influencing factors on the location of knowledge-based services on potential sites. Some of the characteristics of the potential sites are crucial for the location of knowledge-based services on potential sites. The consideration of the micro-level and specifically potential sites was disregarded for a long time in empirical location research. Finally the findings are integrated into an evaluation instrument, which indicates the suitability of a potential site for a re-use with services. This approach provides the basis for a development of potential sites, which is adjusted to the need of the demand.

Analyse des instruments des politiques de la biodiversité : le cas de Natura 2000 en milieu littoral et marin / An analysis of the instruments of biodiversity policies : the case of Natura 2000 on coastal and marine areas

Duhalde, Michel 05 February 2016 (has links)
Avec pour cas d’étude les sites Natura 2000 du littoral français, cette thèse cherche à améliorer la compréhension des pratiques en matière de mesures locales de conservation de la biodiversité, analysées au travers du concept d’instruments d’action publique : quels sont les instruments choisis, à la fois dans la phase de planification et de mise en oeuvre ? Quels sont les facteurs influençant ces choix ? Une première analyse, quantitative, permet de décrire les mesures prévues dans 113 documents de gestion (Docob) de sites Natura 2000 littoraux. Une méthode de sélection et de moyenne de modèles logistiques binomiaux permet d’identifier les facteurs de contexte orientant les choix des instruments d’action. Une seconde analyse, qualitative, recentrée sur les sites Natura 2000 du littoral breton, permet d’appréhender les modalités de mise en oeuvre des différents instruments disponibles dans la gestion des sites. Nos résultats tendent à montrer que le choix des instruments d’action sur chaque site fait partie des ajustements permettant l’intégration de la politique au sein d’un contexte institutionnel local, formel et informel. En particulier, l’instrument réglementaire semble garder une place non négligeable dans la mise en oeuvre de cette politique, mais cette place est sensible au contexte local, notamment politique. Les instruments propres à certains grands types de milieux sont mis en avant. Nos résultats viennent questionner le caractère autonome de la politique Natura 2000 en mer. Ils permettent également d’éclairer les forces et les faiblesses des différents instruments d’actions dans la phase de mise en oeuvre, notamment au regard des coûts de transaction qu’ils génèrent. Face aux difficultés identifiées, l’importance de la complémentarité opérationnelle des instruments d’essences volontaire et obligatoire, de l’implication des collectivités territoriales et de la mobilisation des animateurs Natura 2000 présents sur chaque site, est soulignée. / Taking the Natura 2000 sites on the French coastal area as a case study, this work aims at strengthening the understanding of the practices in terms of local biodiversity conservation measures, analysed through the concept of public policy instruments : what are the instruments that are chosen, during both the planning and implementation phases? What are the factors influencing these choices? Our work combines two approaches. First, a quantitative analysis allows us to describe the measures that are provided in 113 management documents (Docobs) of coastal Natura 2000 sites. Through a method to select and average binomial logistic models, we identify contextual factors that influence the choice of instruments of action. Second, a qualitative analysis focuses on the coastal Natura 2000 sites in Brittany and paves the way to a better understanding of the implementation of the different instruments available for the management of the sites. Our results tend to show that the choices of instruments of action on each site are parts of the adjustments allowing the integration of the policy into a formal and informal institutional local context. In particular, the regulatory instrument seems to play a significant role in the implementation of this policy, but this role is sensitive to the local context of the site, especially the political context. We emphasize the association of some instruments to different types of ecosystems. Our results lead to question the autonomous nature of the Natura 2000 policy for the marine area. Our results also highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the different instruments of action in the implementation phase, especially with regards to the associated transaction costs. In the face of the constraints that we identify, we stress the importance of the operational complementarity of voluntary and regulatory instruments, of the commitment of local authorities and of the leading role of the Natura 2000 site managers.

Příprava staveb a BOZP / Preparation of Construction and OSH

Vaculík, Jakub January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates the management of a construction project from the building contractor’s point of view. The main aim is to describe the construction readiness process, including the technical drawings, risk assessment and OSH solutions. The literature review provides an overview of the key terminology used in the management of a construction site, contractor readiness and OSH. The practical section of this study then describes order preparation, construction readiness, risk assessment, OSH solutions and fire risk assessment for the I/43 Milonice intersection turn lane.


MARIA DAS GRACAS DE ALMEIDA CHAGAS 07 October 2003 (has links)
[pt] Web sites são projetos complexos, que incorporam elementos de Design e de Informática, para a disponibilização de conteúdo na World Wide Web. O presente trabalho parte da hipótese de que Web sites de grande porte, institucionais ou não, que demandam atualização rápida, diária e organizada, apresentam características de projetos de Desenho Industrial, onde é necessária a existência de registros que tornem possível sua reprodução e continuação. Sendo assim, sua documentação é uma ferramenta fundamental em seu processo de manutenção e gerência, e deve servir como uma ferramenta eficiente para o mesmo. A pesquisa aprofundou-se no processo de geração da documentação do Web site da PUC-Rio. Foram consideradas questões de Design e Informática presentes nesse processo, bem como questões de fronteira e interseção entre essas duas áreas, com o objetivo de levantar e analisar dados, e extrair recomendações e conclusões a respeito de questões metodológicas, formatos e formas de representação da informação envolvidas na geração de sua documentação, bem como o uso da mesma como uma ferramenta de apoio ao processo de desenvolvimento e manutenção do site em estudo. Foram identificados vários possíveis desdobramentos de caráter interdisciplinar para essa pesquisa e devido ao ainda pequeno número de publicações a respeito do tema aqui abordado, acredita-se que a mesma ofereça uma relevante contribuição para o preenchimento de lacunas existentes nas áreas de conhecimento relacionadas a documentação, manutenção e gerência de Web sites. / [en] Web sites are complex projects, that incorporate Design and Computing elements, for content publication in the World Wide Web. The present work has as a starting point the hypothesis that large scale Web sites (corporate ones or not), which demand fast, daily and organized updates have caracteristics of Industrial Design Projects, where it is necessary the existence of documents that make possible their reproduction and continuity. Therefore, the documentation is a fundamental tool that should work efficiently in its update and management process. This research work focus on the documentation process of PUC- Rio`s Web site. It has been taken into account Design and Computing issues present in this process, as well as issues present in the border and intersections of these two areas. The objective was to analise the data collected, and extract recommendations and conclusions about the methodologic issues, forms and formats of information representation envolved in the generation of PUC-Rios Web Site documentation and its use as a tool for the sites developing and updating process. There have been identified many interdisciplinary aspects of this research s theme that can be studied further on. And considering the small number of publications with similar approach, we believe this work represents an important contribuition to the areas related to Web sites documentation, updating and management.

Ledarskap i byggbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om hur ledarskap kan bedrivas för att främja högt medarbetarskap och därmed åstadkomma en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö och effektivare produktion

Helander, Emma, Beckman, Therese January 2020 (has links)
I arbetsgrupper som innehåller individer med olika beteenden kan det ibland vara svårt att veta hur ett ledarskap ska bedrivas för att det ska vara tydligt samtidigt som det är effektivt och gynnar verksamheten och dess medarbetare. Ett bra ledarskap ska generera ett medarbetarskap som gör att yrkesarbetarna känner sig delaktiga och därmed engagerar sig mer i arbetsplatsen och medarbetarna.   Rapporten fokuserar på tjänstemän och yrkesarbetare i produktion samt större projekt med en stabil etablering som pågår under en längre period inom arbetsområde bygg på Peab Sverige AB. Studien har genomförts på två orter i Region Södra Norrland, Sollefteå och Östersund där forskningsfrågan har varit att ta reda på hur ett ledarskap ska bedrivas för att främja högt medarbetarskap, god psykosocial arbetsmiljö och effektiv produktion.   Studien har grundat sig i två fallstudier som baseras på en kvalitativ metod i form av sex stycken intervjuer med ett slumpmässigt urval på respektive ort. Intervjuresultatet har sedan transkriberats och analyserats till en utskriven text som fokuserar på sambanden mellan arbetsplatsens ledarskap, medarbetarskap, trivsel samt effektivitet.    I resultatet framkom det att respondenterna önskar ett ledarskap som främjar goda relationer, hög trivsel och effektivitet genom att ledaren är lyhörd, inkluderande samt kan planera och strukturera arbetet på ett bra sätt. Dessa beteenden går att hänföra till de struktur- och relationsorienterade ledarskapsdimensionerna och utesluter därmed den förändringsorienterade dimensionen. I slutsatsen framgår vikten av att tillämpa samtliga av de tre dimensionerna struktur, relation och förändring för att uppnå ett högt medarbetarskap, god psykosocial arbetsmiljö och effektiv produktion. Utifrån slutsatsen har sedan en praktiskt användbar ledarskapsmodell tagits fram för tjänstemän i byggproduktion.    Förslag på fortsatta studier inom ämnet är att göra en bredare undersökning där studien fokuserar på såväl mindre som större byggföretag i hela Sverige för att därmed åstadkomma ett fullt generaliserbart resultat.

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