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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Övergång från plikt - till frivilligt försvar : hur kan Försvarsmaktens användbarhet tänkas påverkas av det framtida soldatförsörjningssystemet?

Sjödén, Tommy January 2009 (has links)
Inriktningen från den svenska statsmakten är att övergå från ett plikt- till ettfrivilligt försvar. Huvudorsak till denna transformering är behovet av en ökad användbarhetav det svenska försvaret, en användbarhet som det nuvarande värnpliktssystemet inte ansesmedge. Syftet med studien är att undersöka och diskutera hur Försvarsmaktens framtidasvenska soldatförsörjningsmodell ter sig i norsk komparation och vilka eventuellakonsekvenser den valda svenska vägen kan tänkas få på användbarheten. Utifrån detta syfteär huvudfrågan med studien formulerad på följande sätt: Hur kan Försvarsmaktensanvändbarhet tänkas påverkas av det framtida soldatförsörjningssystemet?Studien jämför det svenska framtida soldatförsörjningssystemet med dagens norska syftandetill att beskriva skillnader och likheter kopplat till begreppet användbarhet. Vidare så jämförockså studien skillnaden mellan de norska intentionerna med sitt soldatförsörjningssystemmed de dragna erfarenheterna. Resultaten från dessa båda jämförelser analyseras, tolkas ochdiskuteras sedan för att bilda grund för svaret på huvudfrågan med uppsatsen.Resultatet av studien visar att användbarheten i huvudsak påverkas positivt avseendetillgängliga förband här och nu vilket ligger helt i linje med vad den svenska statsmakten vill.Dock finns vissa tveksamheter om huruvida rekryteringsbehovet för att uppnå dennatillgänglighet av förband kommer att uppnås. Vidare visar resultatet att man kan hysa enfarhåga över den förkortade grundutbildningens negativa påverkan på förmågebredden ochdärmed användbarheten av de anställda svenska soldaterna och sjömännen. / The aim and direction from the Swedish government is to go from conscription- toprofessional defense. The main reason for that transformation is the growing requirements ofutility of the Swedish defense, a utility that the existing duty defense system, according to theSwedish government doesn’t permit. The purpose of this essay is to look into and discuss howthe Swedish Defense Forces future system of recruiting soldiers will stand in comparison withthe Norwegian one, and what the eventual consequences the selected Swedish path might be,and how this will affect the utilization. On the basis of this purpose, the formulation of thecore question of this essay is: How might the Swedish Defense Forces utility be affected bythe implementation of the planned system of recruiting soldiers?The essay compares the planned Swedish system of recruiting soldiers in the future with theNorwegian one, aiming to describe distinctions and parities coupled to utility. Furthermore,the essay will also compare the differences amongst the Norwegian intentions with theirsystem of recruiting soldiers with the actual outcome. The results from these comparisons willbe analyzed, interpreted and discussed in order to answer the core question of the essay.The result of the essay shows that the utility of the Swedish Defense Forces planned systemfor the near future is essentially positively affected by the number of immediate accessibleunits. This is in line with what the Swedish government wants to accomplish. However, thereare curtain doubts as to whether the actual need of recruited soldiers will be obtained in orderto withhold that number of accessible units. Furthermore the result of the essay indicates thatthere are reasons to bear some worries concerning how the shortened basic training of theemployed/professional Swedish soldiers and sailors will influence their ability, and by thatalso their utility. / Avdelning: ALB – Slutet Mag. 3 C-upps. Hylla: Upps. ChP 07-09

Problematiseringarna i debatten kring avvecklingen av den allmänna värnplikten : En diskursanalys av försvarspropositionen 2008/09:140 samt den tillhörande riksdagsdebatten och försvarsutskottets betänkande / The problematization in the debate about the dismantling of the general conscription : A discourse analysis of the defence bill 2008/09:140 and the associated parliamentary debate and the defence committee report

Kisberg, Linn January 2015 (has links)
Detta är en uppsats vars syfte är att undersöka diskursen kring värnplikten och reda ut problematiseringar i debatten kring avvecklingen av den allmänna värnplikten. Detta görs genom att urskilja skillnader gällande problemrepresentationer i debatten mellan regeringen och oppositionen. Uppsatsen har sin utgångspunkt i ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv och utifrån Carol Lee Bacchis diskursanalytiska frågor är tre forskningsfrågor konstruerade som ligger till grund för uppsatsen. – Hur representeras problemet med den allmänna värnplikten? – Vilka antaganden ligger till grund för denne representation? – Vilka effekter produceras av denna problemrepresentation? I uppsatsen råder ett diskursanalytiskt angreppssätt men diskursanalysen skall inte endast ses som en metod för analys av data, utan diskursanalysen är en metodisk och teoretisk helhet. Den teoretiska inriktningen av diskursanalysen utgår ifrån Carol Lee Bacchi. Det resultat som studien har givit upphov till att se är att det råder skilda problemrepresentationer i debatten kring avveckling av värnplikten. De problematiseringar som ligger till grund för avvecklingen av värnplikten är enligt regeringen att den förändrade hotbilden kräver en högre tillgänglighet och användbarhet, något som skapas genom ett insatsförsvar. De huvudsakliga problematiseringar oppositionen ser med regeringens förslag om avvecklingen kring värnplikten är att det råder en obefogad beredskap och att värnplikten är starkt kopplad med en demokratisk aspekt. Det som tydligt går att urskilja av undersökningen är att hur problem framställs har en betydande roll. Hur problem i policyanalyser representeras bestämmer utgången för lösningen. / This is an essay whose purpose is to investigate the discourse of conscription and sort out problematisations in the debate about the dismantling of the general conscription. The interest of this paper is to discern conflicting problemrepresentations in the debate. The essay has its origins from a discourse analytical perspective and Carol Lee Bacchis discourseanalytical questions are the three research questions designed as the basis for the thesis. - How representends the problem of the general conscription? - What assumptions underlying the latter representation? - What are the effects produced by this problemrepresentation? The essay has a discourse analytical approach but the discourse analysis should not only be seen as a method of data analysis, the discourse analysis is a theoretical and methodological whole. The theoretical focus of discourse analysis is based on Carol Lee Bacchi. The results of the study have given rise to see that there is conflicting problemrepresentations in the debate about the settlement of conscription. The problematisations as are the basis for the settlement of conscription, according to the government, it is the changed baselesses witch demands a higher accessibility and usability witch you can reach through by an operational defense. The main problematisations the parliament sees with the Government's proposals for the settlement on the conscription is that there is an unjustified preparedness and the conscription is strong established with a democratic aspect. What can be clearly distinguished from the survey is that the politics of representation has a significant role. How problems in policy analysis is represented determines the outcome of the solution.

Värnplikten och vården av värdefulla varumärken

Forsberg, Peter January 2018 (has links)
Från 2010 förändrades Försvarsmaktens rekrytering av soldater genom regeringsbeslut att värnplikten skulle vara vilande. Anställda soldater skulle bemanna FM organisation. Under åren intill 2010 fanns det, trots värnpliktens obligatorium, möjlighet att söka till frivilliga utbildningar under värnpliktstjänstgöringen, genom en särskild ansökan (SANS). Ett förband med SANS var Fallskärmsjägarskolan (FJS). Varje år genomförde ett stort antal ungdomar med uppfylld kravprofil vid mönstringen SANS till FJS. Vad var bidragande orsaker och påverkansfaktorer till att de sökte utbildningen vid FJS, en mer krävande utbildning än de behövde genomföra? Uppsatsen behandlar faktorer som bidrog till attraktionskraften att söka fallskärmsjägarutbildningen. Med utgångspunkt i organisationskultur, och med stöd av Backhaus och Tikoos utvecklade ramverk kring Employer branding, kommer ett av FM varumärken att behandlas. Det görs genom empiriskt stöd av en frågeundersökning, med tre årskullar över tre decennium. Resultatet visar att såväl externa som interna faktorer påverkar uppfattningen kring en organisations varumärke. Dessutom visar det vikten av ambassadörer, och betydelsen av muntlig överspridning samt upplevd familjaritet med organisationen. Det visar också den tidsöverskridande konstanta attraktionen av utmaningen, att få testa sig, som del av en eftertraktad grupp. / In 2010 the primary source for recruiting future soldiers and employees for the Swedish Armed Forces was changed. Previously the foundation for recruiting was the annual cohort of conscript soldiers that was selected through enlistment tryouts in their late teens. Enlistment was mandatory, however, there has always existed volunteer choices for national service within the Armed Forces. One of these units was FJS (Special Forces Corps). Every year a lot of able conscripts were allowed to apply for selection and training with the FJS. What was the background, reason and persuation for them to volunteer for a more challenging conscription than they were needed to? This thesis examines which factors that was behind an effective recruiting process until the cancelation of conscription in 2010. Focus will be on one examined unit. With the support of  Organizational culture theories and Backhaus and Tikoo´s Employer branding framework this will be reviewed. The empirical background for the studie will be aqurired through a survey. The survey consist of three annual cohorts of soldiers, over three decades, until 2010. The results show that both external and internal factors stimulate the perceptance of the Employer Brand (EB). Furthermore it indicates the importance of Word of Mouth, familiarization and ambassadorship for further reinforcement of the EB. It also shows that no matter the era, there is a constant attraction with the Challenge, to try oneself out, as part of a coveted group.

Plikt eller tvång? : Värnpliktens varande eller icke varande.

Justegård, Vidar January 2017 (has links)
In the year of 2010 the swedish parlament voted to annul conscript and replaced it with employed soldiers. This study examines the swedish political parties agruments during the debate prior to when the decision was  made. The purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of the political parties different position in the debate. The main question is: In what ways are the arguments concerning abolished/retained conscription proposed by the different political parties charactarized by ideological concepts?   The theories for the study is Robert Nozicks idéas of the night-whatchman state  and Rober Rawls idéas of the welfare state. The essay analyzes the arguments from the swedish political parties. Thus a method of that character is used.   The result of the study is that only one of the examined parties, the green party, had clear arguments that had ideological concepts related to civil rights contra civil duties. They argumented that military service should be based onfree will rather than mandatory.

Vad är logiken i det? -En konstruktivistisk analys av värnpliktens vilande och återaktivering

Mårtensson, Rickard January 2022 (has links)
Den 16 juni 2009 röstades regeringens proposition igenom som innebar att Sverige gick från ett värnpliktsförsvar till ett frivilligt försvar. Redan 2017 beslutade sedan regeringen att återaktivera plikten igen. Sveriges val att på relativt kort tid byta metod och system för att bygga och skapa sitt militära maktmedel kan ytterst ses som en förändring i dess militärstrategi som berör både resurs- och insatsstrategier baserat på politiska styrningar, det vill säga hur militära resurser ska skapas, utvecklas och hur de ska användas.  Denna fallstudies syfte är att pröva hur ett konstruktivistiskt perspektiv kan öka förståelsen för bakomliggande motiven och drivkrafter till dessa förändringar i den svenska försvarsstrategin. Genom att bättre förstå de bakomliggande resonemangen och avvägningar som gjorts från den politiska nivån ökar den militära professionens förmåga att verkställa den politiska viljan samt förståelsen för vilken typ av beslutsunderlag som den politiska nivån behöver. Debatt i media och offentliga politiska dokument analyseras med stöd av textanalys samt konstruktivistisk teoribildning. Resultatet visar att det konstruktivistiska perspektivet, i form av uppsatsens teoretiska lins, fungerar för att ur en stor mängd empiri kunna belysa faktorer, argument och idéer som skapar en mer komplett bild av beslutsfattandet vid och omkring fallets två analysenheter och genom detta bättre förstå besluten. Förståelsen innebär att perspektiven vidgats och fokuserats samt identifierat andra aspekter än de som vanligtvis lyfts fram i de rationella och konsekvenslogiska förklaringsmodellerna.

Hur kan antalet frivilliga ökas? : En studie om hur information kan påverka individers motivation till att genomföra militär grundutbildning frivilligt

Bergendahl, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
Following the government's decision to resume conscription, it is now both women and men’s obligation to conduct military basic training if they are called upon. The government's intention is that the commitment, primarily should be based on volunteers and, secondarily, by conscription through law. To create conditions for more individuals to find themselves motivated to voluntarily complete basic military training, it is therefore relevant to examine what makes an individual motivated while others do not. Additionally, it is also interesting to examine to which extent the initial information from “Plikt- och prövningsverket” (conscription office) and from the Swedish Armed Forces' website is encouraging from a motivational perspective. Based on the results, a reasoning can be made about what potential effects there are with the design of the information document and whether there are any opportunities for improvement from a motivational perspective. The results show that the material contains several examples of motivational factors, but that there are opportunities for further improvements to generate greater individual motivation.

Motivation att försvara sitt land

Roolf, Richard January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish Armed Forces has undergone a number of changes during the 2000s and is today facing a period of growth with significant needs for recruitment. After 8 years of employed defence, the organization has moved to a high degree of conscription. Previous studies have tried to map what motivates soldiers to stay in the military organization as well as what motivates civilians to apply for a job within a military organization. However, few studies have been conducted with conscripts as a recruitment basis for an organization with employed personnel. This study deals with the motivation among Swedish conscripts to seek continued involvement in the Armed Forces and how this motivation differs based on various contextual factors such as unit, generation and type of platoon. The results show that there are a number of differences between the groups studied. The study highlights the importance of the motivational factors Fellowship, Meaningfulness, Contribution to the security of others and Personal development, which provides support for previous studies. Meanwhile Wages and Working conditions have a negative impact. The study also highlights perspectives that can be used for targeted recruitment, such as how different command characteristics correlate to applicants for different types of positions and how the significance of certain motivational factors varies depending on the platoon type or unit.

Värnpliktens vara eller icke vara : En argumentationsanalys av riksdagsdebatten om försvarsproposition 2008/09:140, angående Svenska försvarsmaktens framtida personalförsörjning / Compulsory Military service; to be or not be

Karlberg, Christoffer January 2010 (has links)
<p>Sweden's government says in the bill 2008/09: 140 that military service should be suspended and replaced with a system based on voluntary recruitment. In the essay, I will make an argument analysis of the parliamentary debate on the bill from the 12th of June 2009 with the following questions: On what is the different side’s argument based on? Are the arguments essentially and factually substantiated? Is there a clear political party tendency among the for-/counter arguments? The method is a "Pro et contra" analysis, a logical systematization of the arguments. The analysis will take start in the headline; Conscription should be suspended in favour of a voluntary system based on contract employed soldiers. The presentation of arguments in the analysis will be guided by the chronological order. The main argument against the bill is a belief that this system will generate greater costs. Furthermore, results from studies performed on other countries that have recently changed from compulsory military service to contract employed soldiers shows difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff in a voluntary system. Moreover it is noted that the increase in battle readiness that this new system means, would be completely unjustified in view of prevailing threats against Sweden. Finally, it is argued that the common support is at risk when Sweden's defence affairs no longer become an obligation for every individual to contribute. The arguments for the bill believe that we need forces that are fit to use and available, to meet the new threats that is emerging and in which Sweden's participation in international missions is the focal point. The conflict in the debate is based mostly in the ideological distinctions and as a result of these also economic contradictions. As a direct consequence of this, most of the arguments are not substantiated with facts. However, there is traceability to arguments that historically have been used to justify the introduction of either of the systems. There is a clear party political tendency in the debate. Government parties stay united and the opposition parties are slightly more dispersed in their argumentation but still against the bill.</p>

Värnpliktens vara eller icke vara : En argumentationsanalys av riksdagsdebatten om försvarsproposition 2008/09:140, angående Svenska försvarsmaktens framtida personalförsörjning / Compulsory Military service; to be or not be

Karlberg, Christoffer January 2010 (has links)
Sweden's government says in the bill 2008/09: 140 that military service should be suspended and replaced with a system based on voluntary recruitment. In the essay, I will make an argument analysis of the parliamentary debate on the bill from the 12th of June 2009 with the following questions: On what is the different side’s argument based on? Are the arguments essentially and factually substantiated? Is there a clear political party tendency among the for-/counter arguments? The method is a "Pro et contra" analysis, a logical systematization of the arguments. The analysis will take start in the headline; Conscription should be suspended in favour of a voluntary system based on contract employed soldiers. The presentation of arguments in the analysis will be guided by the chronological order. The main argument against the bill is a belief that this system will generate greater costs. Furthermore, results from studies performed on other countries that have recently changed from compulsory military service to contract employed soldiers shows difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff in a voluntary system. Moreover it is noted that the increase in battle readiness that this new system means, would be completely unjustified in view of prevailing threats against Sweden. Finally, it is argued that the common support is at risk when Sweden's defence affairs no longer become an obligation for every individual to contribute. The arguments for the bill believe that we need forces that are fit to use and available, to meet the new threats that is emerging and in which Sweden's participation in international missions is the focal point. The conflict in the debate is based mostly in the ideological distinctions and as a result of these also economic contradictions. As a direct consequence of this, most of the arguments are not substantiated with facts. However, there is traceability to arguments that historically have been used to justify the introduction of either of the systems. There is a clear party political tendency in the debate. Government parties stay united and the opposition parties are slightly more dispersed in their argumentation but still against the bill.

Ingen liten lort? : En textanalys om manlighet i Värnpliktsnytt åren 1971-1991 / Not a piece of dirt? : A textanalysis of masculinity Värnpliktsnytt 1991-1971

Trulsson, Linnea, Johansson, Edvard January 2013 (has links)
This essay examines masculinity in the Swedish military paper Värnpliktsnytt during 1971-1991. The purpose is to study the masculine norms and the hegemonic masculinity that Värnpliktsnytt conveys during these years. Värnpliktsnytt was handed out for free to all soldiers during 1971-2010. During the 1970’s the women were only allowed on non-combat posts and in the 1980’s they more and more were included and accepted as soldiers and staff in the military. In 1989 women were allowed to apply for active and non-combat duty in all military sectors. This affected the masculine ideal of Värnpliktsnytt, and the desirable view of man started to change. Before the 1980’s strong men in the ranger divisions constituted the hegemonic masculinity’s peak, but during this decade the regular conscripted soldiers with more individual thought and softer feelings rose in the hegemonic hierarchy. Also with the common debate on gender equality men in the military was encouraged to take a bigger part in the home life and to act more responsible towards the upbringing of the children. Apart from the duty to family, the military duty is also central to the masculinity in Värnpliktsnytt during the whole examined period. Men are expected to fulfill their military duty, although it is accepted to complain about wage andworking conditions. The overall results points in the direction that the ideal man becomes more complex.

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