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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Apyvartinio kapitalo valdymas ir analizė (UAB"Elektronika" pavyzdžiu) / The possession and analysis of working capital(according sample of JSC "Elektronika")

Bajarūnienė, Laima 29 May 2006 (has links)
This master’s paper researches a problem of an effective usage of the working capital because this issue is relevant to the various Lithuanian companies. Correct control of circulating capital, optimal storing of reserves at the enterprise��s warehouse, constant observation of ready money circulation, analysis of debtor’s and creditor’s operations are one of the main factors of successful activity of the enterprise. This paper seeks substantiation of the importance of circulating capital control at a business enterprise. It presents the survey of connection between circulating capital and estimation indices of the enterprise’s activity and introduces various forms of capital the control of which directly influences the effective capital regulation. When analysing the ways of control improvement of all component parts of circulating capital ( reserves, receivable amounts, payable, amounts, ready money), the main mistakes and problems of circulating capital control are being named.

Bendradarbiavimo kūrimo, kaip pokyčių valdymo, metodologiniai aspektai tenkinant specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Methodological aspects supplying special educational needs of cooperation buildup as the control of changes in comprehensive school

Vičiūtė, Rasa 06 June 2006 (has links)
There are formulated validity and transference of cooperation methods and cooperation buildup with a view to reach positive changes in education of learners with special needs. The methods promoting the cooperation of Lithuanian and foreign authors were analyzed in this work. The analysis of already made-up practical cooperation pattern was done as well. Experimentally when building up the cooperation inside and outside validity of made-up cooperation pattern was reviewed and evaluated. The research hypothesis, certifying the efficiency of the made-up cooperation pattern when building up the cooperation in practice, formulated by the author has been confirmed. The pattern allows initiating the changes of cooperation and the changes to meet the special educational needs. By the initiative of the professionals and educators following the pragmatic viewpoint the cooperation pattern would stimulate parents to participate in the educational process of educating the learners with special needs. When transferring practical pattern of cooperation into another educational environment the resistance of educational environment against the transference might arise.

Miško ūkio valdymo veiksmingumas ir kokybė / Efficiency and quality of forestry managment

Kvedaravičius, Gintaras 14 June 2006 (has links)
Summary Research aim is to analyze and assess efficiency and quality of forestry management in country. Tasks: 1. To analyze management data in Lithuanian forests enterprises. 2. To analyze efficiency and quality of forestry management in country. 3. Assess efficiency and quality of forestry management in Lithuanian forests enterprises. Research subject - Lithuanian forests enterprises. Study methods are statistical and analysis documents methods. The poll was quiz by made scheme: forestry technological, forestry economical and forestry social efficacy. Analyzing efficiency and quality of forestry management was definite that the best technological intensity of forestry is in Dubravos forest enterprise. In Druskininkų forest enterprise economical effectiveness is the best from Lithuanian forests enterprises. The social forestry efficiency in Dubravos forest enterprise is the best. From all Lithuanian forests enterprises 29 percents of forests enterprises management are efficiency, in 64 percents of forests enterprises - management efficiency is sufficient and in 7 percents of forests enterprises management efficiency are not sufficient. Keywords: management, efficiency, quality, forest enterprise, input, output.

Prevencija žalingų įpročių darbe su paaugliais / Prevention is defined as risk control science

Diržinauskienė, Vaidutė 15 June 2006 (has links)
The subject of the prevention of bad habits (smoking, drinking and using drugs) in the work with teenagers was settled by the situation in Lithuania – the problem is rapidly spreading usage of narcotics. Prevention is defined as risk control science, where achievements of modern management should be aimed. Complicated and contradictory process of personality’s development in adolescence is reviewed wichly in this work. The authoress presents the pedagogical – psychological characteristic of teenager, also factors influencing the teenager’s psychosocial development. The reasons of the formation of bad habits in adolescence and the tasks of the initial prevention are specified on the ground of the modern motion of dependences. Seeking the efficiency of the prevention, the special competence of parents and teachers and the strategy of their common efforts should be reached. The authoress specifies the role of parents (family) and teachers (school) fighting against unhealthy habits among teenagers (11 – 16 year olds) The prevention education of the usage o drugs is considered to be the process of the formation of pupils’ psychological – social competence. All stages of the initial prevention at the school are discussed in consecutive order in this work: forming of healthy way of living and training of resistance for negative occurrences; giving of skilled information about harm of drugs usage; organizing of free - time after lessons. In order to clear up, do school communities... [to full text]

Mokytojų motyvavimas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose: vadybinis aspektas / Encouragment of Teacher's Motivation in Managing Comprehensive Schools

Gavėnaitė, Gintarė 27 June 2006 (has links)
The research was made in the year 2005 - 2006. It’s goal was to establish head’s of educational institutions used staff motivation means and ascertain if they satisfy personnel’s needs. The main tasks of this work are: to establish in which ways heads of educational institutions are achieving to improve teacher’s work quality; what are teacher’s needs; find out what defines the school as an attractive place to work; also establish which factors have influence to head’s of schools opinion building up the personnel’s motivation policy. These are the methods which were used for this research: 1) scientific psychological, pedagogical (educational) literature analysis; 2) interrogatory by questionnaires; 3) research data’s mathematical statistical analysis. There were 150 respondents who participated in this research, including 100 teachers from secondary schools of Lithuania and 50 heads of secondary schools of Lithuania (in town: Vilnius, Kaunas, Rokiškis, Alytus, Panevėžys, Marijampolė, Utena, Molėtai, Anykščiai). The results showed that leaders give most importance for stimulation by praise, and less importance for promoting. The leaders often make conditions to raise qualification and give possibility to use the newest literature and supplies to achieve better teacher’s work quality. But pedagogues prefer higher payment and acknowledgement. Most teachers’ dissatisfaction because of work settles bad administrative work and low social status. The chosen employees’... [to full text]

Regionų plėtotės valdymas einant į pilietinę visuomenę (Šiaulių regiono pavyzdžiu) / The Governance of Regional development based on the Civic Society

Tijūnaitis, Raimondas 04 June 2005 (has links)
This Master‘s final paper analyzes the Regional development governance in the context of civic society. The paper presents the results of theoretical and empirical surveys of Lithuanian and foreign scientists in the field of public participation in the regional development governance. To sustain the theoretical conclusions and to prove the hypothesis of this research work, there were questioned more than 700 people of Siauliai County. The first hypothesis of this research was confirmed partly, that it is not proper time to apply the governance from above (“bottom-up”) because of the specific Lithuanian postcommunist regimes. The second hypothesis was confirmed, that the estimations of the county’s population of the different fields of main sectors of Siauliai regional development were improved comparing the year of 2003 to 2005 because of the better economic development of the county during this period. The third hypothesis was confirmed partly, that the same estimations of all sectors mean that people are indifferent to the regional development governance.

AB „Eurovia Lietuva“ kokybės vadybos sistemos tobulinimas šiuolaikinių reikalavimų kontekste / The implementation of ISO quality system in a manufacturing company „Eurovia Lietuva“

Šereika, Audronius 14 June 2005 (has links)
Quality is a significant factor influencing the consumer behaviour. This is the reason why researches of theoretical and practical aspects of quality management are important nowadays. The object of this work is „Eurovia Lietuva“ the Lithuanian and French joint venture. As a consequence, the purpose of this work is to evaluate the possibilities of implementing quality management system in „Eurovia Lietuva“ company. The tasks of this paper have supposed the relevant structure of this work: initially, the reader is primed about the essence of quality; after that the thepretical aspects of managing quality are evaluated; moreover, the potentiallity of implementing ISO standart in „Eurovia Lietuva“ company are measured and the project for realizing this process is framed . The analysis of scientifical literature lets to make a statement that primary attitudes, principles and measures frame the methodological background for the complex of quality development, which can be purposefully adapted for seeking to gain a competetive advantage. Seeking to confirm scientifical decisions, a survey was accomplished. This survey has presented that the implementation of wuality standart would be useful for organization; it‘ expediency was confirmed by 90 percent of repondents. Various scientifical literature, statistical information and sociological researches in english, german and lithuanian, was used for preparing this paper.

Lietuvos Yamaha muzikos mokyklų valdymo ypatumai: franšizės metodas / Peculiarities of Lithuanian music school Yamaha management: franchise method

Užkuraitienė, Fausta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Franšizė yra viena iš tarptautinio verslo internacionalizavimo galimybių. Teoretikai ir praktikai pabrėžia šios verslo formos pranašumus prieš alternatyvas eksportą, investicijas ar bendrų kompanijų kūrimą. Tačiau Lietuvos mokslininkų darbuose randame tik fragmentinius šios kontraktinės tarptautinio verslo plėtros formos analizės elementus. Menkai analizuojami valdymo, kontrolės, kultūrinės adaptacijos klausimai. Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti Lietuvos Yamaha muzikos mokyklų valdymo ypatumus, veikiant franšizės pagrindu Lietuvoje. Tyrimo hipotezė: pedagogams ir vadovams yra priimtina Yamaha muzikos mokyklos valdymo koncepcija. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti franšizės vaidmenį tarptautinio verslo kontekste; 2. Įvertinti franšizės teisinius ir vadybinius aspektus; 3. Pateikti Yamaha muzikos mokyklų tinklo veiklos bendruosius aspektus; 4. Ištirti valdymo ypatumus Yamaha muzikos mokyklose Lietuvoje. Atlikus Yamaha muzikos mokyklų pedagogų ir vadovų anketinę apklausą pastebėta, kad Japonijos kompanijos mokyklos valdymo koncepcija pritapo Lietuvoje ir yra realizuojama. Visi respondentai tenkina sutartyje iškeltus kvalifikacinius reikalavimus. Veikla organizuojama remiantis sutarties nuostatomis, kurios iš esmės atitinka LR CK įtvirtintas nuostatas. Skirtingai nei Japonų kultūroje įprasta, pedagogai labiau linkę į individualų darbą, tačiau tai nesudaro esminių problemų realizuojant pagrindinį mokyklos moto: „Mokykis su malonumu“. / A franchise is one of possibilities to global business internationalization. Theorists and practician emphasizes this form of business advantages comparing with export, investment or joint venture. But Lithuanian scientists revive this form of international business doing just fragmentary. Poorly are explored mechanisms of management, control and cultural adaptation. The aim of research is to evaluate peculiarities of Yamaha music school management in Lithuania. Research hypothesis – to educators and school managers is acceptable conception of Yamaha music school. Research tasks: 1. Evaluate role of franchise in context of international business; 2. Evaluate juridical and management dimensions; 3. Represent main aspects of Yamaha music school network worldwide and in Lithuania; 4. Explore peculiarities of Yamaha music schools management in Lithuania. The results of educators and managers interview shows that main concept of Yamaha music school is acceptable and realizable. All respondents pass requirements of qualification. Activity is organized by contract requirements, which essentially pass the main requirements of Civil Code. As distinct from Japanese culture in Lithuania educators prefer individual work with children. But it does not impact to main motto: “Learn with pleasure” implementation.

Statybinės įmonės strategijos formavimas ir valdymas / Strategy Formation and Management of a Building Company

Jurys, Egidijus 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe išanalizuotos statybinės įmonės strategijos formavimo ir valdymo galimybės remiantis Lietuvos ir užsienio šaltiniais. Pritaikius struktūrizuotos apklausos raštu metodą, įvertinta statybos ir remonto paslaugų vartotojų elgsena, nustatyti ją įtakojantys veiksniai, įvertintas statybos ir remonto paslaugų vartotojų pasitenkinimo lygis, nustatyti nepatenkinti vartotojų poreikiai ir lūkesčiai. Atsižvelgiant į susiklosčiusią situaciją rinkoje, jos kitimo tendencijas ir vartotojų apklausos rezultatus nustatytos statybos ir remonto paslaugų įmonių alternatyvų galimybės ir perspektyvos. Atlikto empirinio tyrimo rezultatai leido patvirtinti, kad statybos ir remonto paslaugas teikiančios ��monės nepakankamai gerai patenkina vartotojų poreikius. / In the master’s thesis strategy formation and management opportunities of a building company are analysed basing upon the Lithuanian and foreign sources. By use of structured written questioning survey method behaviour of the building and repair services customers was assessed, influencing factors disclosed, satisfaction level of building and repair service customers evaluated, unsatisfied expectations and needs of the customers found out.. Taking into consideration the market situation, its changing trends and customer survey results, alternative opportunities and perspectives of building and repair service companies are established. Results of the empirical research led to stating that the building and repair services-rendering companies satisfy needs of their customers at insufficient level.

Švietimo įstaigos vadovo valdymo motyvacijos formavimo psichologiniai ypatumai / Psychological features of formation of motivation of authority of the head of establishment of education

Frolova, Natalija 16 August 2007 (has links)
Valdymo motyvacija iškyla kaip viena iš svarbiausių švietimo įstaigos vadovo asmenybės charakteristikų. Ji iš esmės įtakoja jo profesinės veiklos charakterį ir specifiką, apibrėžia gyvenimiškos ir valdymo elgsenos strategiją. Amžiaus ir lyties skirtybės, gimimo tvarka ir vaikų šeimoje skaičius yra valdymo motyvacijos formavimo proceso psichologiniai faktoriai, užtikrinantys valdymo siekimo ir vengimo lygį, pasireiškiantį švietimo srities valdymo veiklos būdo specifikoje. Egzistuoja tarpusavio ryšys tarp švietimo įstaigos vadovo valdymo motyvacijos išreiškimo lygio ir tokių psichologinių faktorių, kaip pedagoginės veiklos stažas ir vadovaujamo darbo patirtis. / Motivation of authority acts as the important characteristic of the person of the head of establishment of education; it essentially influences character and specificity of his/her professional work, defining strategy of vital and administrative behavior. Age and gender distinctions, the order of birth and number of children in the family represent itself as psychological factors of process of formation of motivation of authority, providing a level of aspiration and avoiding of the authority, shown in specificity of style of administrative activity in sphere of formation.

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