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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Akutsjuksköterskors kunskap om forensisk omvårdnad på akutmottagning : En systematisk och integrativ litteraturstudie / Emergency nurses' knowledge in forensic nursing in the emergency department : A systematic and integrative literature design

Rydberg, Annelie, Westerling, Malin January 2022 (has links)
En akutsjuksköterska möter varje dag patienter som utsatts för våld. Detta skapar osäkerhet och oro hos akutsjuksköterskan eftersom brist på utbildning och verktyg genom-syrar arbetet med den forensiska patienten. Vårdmötet med patienten som utsatts för våld ställer stora krav på akutsjuksköterskans kunnande att både bedriva en säker forensisk omvårdnad samtidigt som vårdmötet ska ske med omsorg och värdighet. Syftet med studien är att utforska tillgänglig litteratur gällande akutsjuksköterskors kunskap gällande forensisk omvårdnad på akutmottagning. Examensarbetet genomfördes som en systematisk och integrativ litteraturstudie där 13 artiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats granskades. Det redovisade resultatet innehåller artiklar från sex kontinenter vilket visar på en geografisk spridning. En tematisk analys genomfördes. Resultatet redovisas i tre teman: Kunnandet om det forensiska arbetet, rutiner och riktlinjer om det forensiska arbetet och mötet med våldsutsatta patienter. Resultatet visade att akutsjuksköterskan upplever stora brister i utbildning och tillgång på verktyg som kan användas i det forensiska arbetet. Dessa brister skapar otrygghet och rädsla hos akutsjuksköterskan i omhändertagandet av den våldsutsatta patienten. Avsaknad av rutiner och policydokument leder till att akutsjuksköterskan inte vill vara en del av den forensiska omvårdnaden. Känslorna som akutsjuksköterskan upplever påverkar vårdmötet med patienten som utsatts för våld. Akutsjuksköterskan behöver fokusera på att skapa ett omtänksamt vårdmöte och vara närvarande för att minska patientens lidande. Genom ett öppet förhållningssätt och förmågan att visa medmänsklighet kan akutsjuksköterskan lindra framtida men för patienten som utsatts för våld. / Every day, an emergency nurse meets patients who have been subjected to violence. That creates uncertainty and anxiety for the emergency nurse as lack of training, education and available praxis affects the work around the forensic patient. To meet with patients who are victims of violence puts high demands on the emergency nurse knowledge to operate forensic nursing and at the same time nurse for the patient vid dignity and care. The aim of this study is to explore all available litterature about the emergency nurse’s knowledge among forensic nursing in the emergency department. This thesis was carried out as a systematic integrative litterature review where 13 articles with both qualitative and quantitative data were analysed. The carrying result includes articles from 6 continents which shows a widespread. A thematic analyse was carried out through the method designed by Braun and Clarke. The result is presented in three themes: the knowledge of the forensic work, routines and guidelines in the forensic and meeting with the patient who are victim of violence. The results show that the emergency nurse experiences major deficiencies in training and access to tools that can be used in forensic work. These shortcomings create insecurity and fear among the emergency nurse in the care of the abused patient. Lack of routines and policy documents leads to the emergency nurse not wanting to be part of the forensic care. The feelings experienced by the emergency nurse affect the care meeting with the patient who has been subjected to violence. The emergency nurse needs to focus on creating a caring meeting and be present to reduce the patient's suffering. Through an open approach and the ability to show compassion, the emergency nurse can alleviate future but for the patient who has been subjected to violence.

Can development initiatives reduce the recruitment of adolescents to organised crime groups? Perspectives of the recipients of the Prospera Conditional Cash Transfer Programme in Mexico

Breckin, Edmund F.J. January 2022 (has links)
This thesis explores the role of Development policy as an alternative to the traditional public security focused strategies for tackling organised crime violence in Latin America and the Caribbean. To do so, it builds bridges between the academic literature of criminology and development. It examines the public experiences of insecurity in Mexico and the social impacts of a development initiative, the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programme in two municipalities in Mexico. The thesis poses questions about the impacts of Development initiatives upon organised crime violence from the perspectives of those living within areas affected by violence. The CCT programmes seek to address poverty in the short and long-term and research has begun to explore the potential of these programmes to diminish violence and crime, almost exclusively from a quantitative research approach, whereas this study adopts a qualitative design. This research is based on data gathered through interviews, observations, and focus groups to examine the perspectives and experiences of current and former CCT recipients, CCT administrators, public security officials, members of the public, NGO leads, and ex-gang affiliated individuals. This micro-level qualitative methodology adopted in this research contrasts the almost exclusively macro-level, econometric evaluations which have dominated CCT and organised crime research. The findings demonstrated that respondents perceived CCTs as significant in reducing the propensity of young men participating in organised crime violence in their localities. The perspectives of participants in this study provided enough evidence to overturn a common narrative of ‘prevention doesn’t work’ and suggest that in each of the areas targeted by the study there is potential for a reduction of organised crime rooted in development initiatives according to respondents.

Utsatta kvinnor och otursdrabbade män? : Porträttering av våldsbrottsoffer i svensk media / Vulnerable women and unfortunate men?

Ekskog Winther, Anna, Henriksson, Mikaela January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete var att studera hur våldsbrottsoffer porträtteras inom svensk textbaserad media och att studera eventuella genusskillnader för dessa beskrivningar. Detta gjordes genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av 24 tidningsartiklar från Aftonbladet och Expressen. Analysen och kodningen tog sitt stöd i Butlers teori om genus och Christies teori om det ideala offret. Vi fann flera likheter och skillnader mellan de kvinnliga- respektive manliga offren. Största likheten var porträtteringen av offren som värdiga och legitima offer, trots att ingen av de 24 fallen egentligen föll under den mest stereotypa bilden av ett brottsoffer. Den skillnad vi fann mest intressant var männens uppnådda legitimitet och värdighet trots att flertalet påvisade en viss tvivelaktig livsstil. / The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to study how Swedish text- based media constructed their portrayal of victims suffering from criminal violence and also to see if there were any gender differences in these portrayals. The study was made by using a qualitative content analysis based on 24 newspaper articles from the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. The analysis and coding took support from Butler’s gender- theory and Christie’s “ideal type victim”- theory. The analysis resulted in multiple similarities and differences between the female- and male victims. The greatest similarity was the portrayal of the victims as legitimate, although none of the 24 cases fell under the most stereotypical portrait of a crime- victim. The most interesting difference in the results was that the men’s obtained legitimate and dignity despite several showed some kind of doubtful lifestyle.

Volwasse kinders as sekondêre slagoffers van 'n ouer wat selfmoord gepleeg het (Afrikaans)

Buys, Irma 09 September 2003 (has links)
The indirect victim's experience of suicide and the victimisation resulting from the incident was studied. The Indirect Victim's Experience Model of a Suicide Incident (see Figure 2.1) was designed as a theoretical framework to direct the research findings and for the interpretation of data. A qualitative exploratory approach was used and a group of 20 respondents was selected by means of purposive and snowball sampling methods. All the respondents were interviewed personally. The interpretation and analysis of the data showed that the assumptions based on Janoff-Bulman and Frieze's theory and certain societal myths regarding suicide still exist. These assumptions and myths could subconsciously have an influence on the nature and extent of the victimisation experienced by the next of kin. The respondents themselves accepted these assumptions and myths. Research findings further showed that these assumptions are affected upon receiving the news of the suicide, while myths are destroyed. This could have an influence on the victim's experience of suicide. Every indirect victim functions before, during and after the suicide incident within a specific family and social system. The way in which the indirect victim experiences the support and integration from within the family and social system, determines the acceptance or non-acceptance of the death by suicide of a significant other. This will also have an influence on the indirect victim's reintegration into society in the short and long term. The need of the indirect victim to be involved within a family and society was clearly identified during the study. These findings made it possible to make practical recommendations with regard to the indirect victim's experience of suicide. Society should be informed about the realities and results of suicide. In addition, these findings highlighted further areas for research. / Thesis (MA (Criminology))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Våld i nära relation och grov kvinnofridskränkning : Sambandet mellan inkluderade åtalspunkter och strafflängd samt relationen mellan vittnesmål om våld och fällande dom

Franzon, Stina, Spiik, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att genom en kvantitativ granskning av domstolsfall gällande grov kvinnofridskränkning undersöka om fängelsestraffets längd varit associerat med de olika åtalspunkter som styrkts. Vidare undersöktes eventuella samband mellan vittnesmål om olika typer av våld och huruvida dessa återfanns i de styrkta åtalspunkterna. Olika former av upprepat och systematiskt våld som drabbar kvinnor i nära relationer har bedömts ske i så pass hög utsträckning att det både på internationell och nationell nivå betraktas som en folkhälsofråga. Inom svensk lagstiftning finns en unik möjlighet att ta krafttag mot denna typ av brottslighet i form av brottsrubriceringen grov kvinnofridskränkning. Detta möjliggör att samla flera enskilda och i sig straffbara handlingar och gå till åtal för vad som då kan anses utgöra ett grovt brott och därmed möjliggöra att strängare påföljd döms ut än vad som är möjligt vid enskilda brottstillfällen. Intentionen med lagstiftningen var att ge en samlad bild av kvinnans utsatthet och möjliggöra att även de straffrättsligt lindriga gärningarna inkluderas. Den aktuella studiens resultat visade att trots detta så var det fysiskt våld som hade en avgörande roll i dessa åtal och att man därmed kan ifrågasätta huruvida rättsväsendet lyckas nå upp till det mål som var avsett med brottsrubriceringen. / The aim of this study was, through a quantitative review of court cases concerning serious women’s peace violations, to investigate whether the length of the prison sentence was associated with the various charges that were confirmed. Furthermore, any connection between testimonies of various types of violence and whether they were found in the substantiated charges was investigated. Various forms of repeated and systematic violence affecting women in intimate partner relationships have been assessed to such an extent that, at both international and national levels, it is considered a public health issue. Swedish legislation offers a unique opportunity to take action against this type of violation of women's rights. This means an opportunity to collect several individual and in itself criminal offenses and to prosecute as what can then be considered a serious crime and thereby enable more severe penalties to be sentenced than possible in individual criminal cases. The intention of the legislation was to provide a unified picture of the woman’s vulnerability and to enablethe less severe criminal offences to be included as well. The result of the current study showed that, despite this, it was physical violence that had a crucial role in these prosecutions which in turn raises the question whether one fails to reach the goal that was intended with the criminal classification.

An Examination of the Predictors of General Recidivism, Violent Recidivism, and Property Recidivism among Juvenile Offenders

Stubbs-Richardson, Megan Suzanne 13 December 2014 (has links)
Although studies examining juvenile recidivism have focused primarily on violent recidivism, the factors that predict recidivism likely differ by offense type. To examine general, property, and violent recidivism, this study combined individual-level data (i.e., offender and case characteristics) from the Mississippi Youth Court Information Data System (MYCIDS) for the years 2009-2011 and contextual-level data (i.e., county characteristics) from the 2010 U.S. Census and the 2010 Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). Results showed that offender characteristics predicted only general and property recidivism, but case characteristics mattered for all three types (i.e., general, violent, and property recidivism). Contextual characteristics (i.e., the percentage of the population that is male aged 15 to 24) also mattered, but only for property recidivism. These findings have implications for policies and programs related to the treatment of juvenile offenders.

Beyond the victim : the traumatic effects of violent crime: an educational psychological perspective

Stansfeld, Fiona Doris 11 1900 (has links)
Violent cnme is among the most prominent distinguishing characteristics of South African society, it has a severely traumatising effect on the populations concerned. Based on research :findings and existing literature, this study explores traumatic effects of violent crime on the most intimate associate of the victim (the partner). Accordingly, this study deals with the much-neglected topic of secondary trauma, by focusing on the following aspects of or conditions associated with violent crime and the secondary victim: cognitive, emotional and relational effects the experience of trauma, loss, vulnerability, depression and acute stress. It reveals that, depending on the severity of the incident, its consequences for the partner of the victim may range from post-traumatic stress to acute stress or secondary traumatic stress. From the similar results returned for primary and secondary victims, it is apparent that in the future, both victim and supporter should have their needs addressed with equal emphasis. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Specialisation in Guidance and Councelling)

Personal experiences of victims of violent crimes: an African perspective

Mpata, Modjadji Fletta 02 1900 (has links)
This research focused on the personal experiences of both male and female victims of violent crimes. The aim of this research was to explore how indigenous Black South Africans understand and deal with victimisation. An African epistemology was used to help gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of the participants. Participants were recruited using purposive sampling strategy. Five participants were selected for this study. Data was collected using individual face-to-face semi-structured interviews. Based on the transcribed data, themes were extracted and analysed using content analysis. The results indicate that participants attributed varying meanings to their victimisation. / Psychology / M. A. (Clinical Psychology)

Psychopathy as a cause of violent crime in South Africa : a study into the etiology, prevelance and treatment of psychopathy as a cause of violence with particular reference to domestic violence in South Africa

Ellis, Tareen January 2014 (has links)
Murder, rape, corruption and gang wars, sounds like something out of a bad movie but for many it is their way of life and not a movie they can stop. Many people today live with the constant threat of attack and the threat is often not by some stranger but someone they know, their neighbour, their uncle, their father, their domestic worker and on occasion even their own mother. As crime escalates more people are asking the question,"Why this rapid increase in crime and why is there such an increase in the number of violent crimes?" South Africa is well known, unfortunately, for its high crime rate and in particular it's exceptionally high violent crime rate. South Africa is rated in the top 10 for the highest murders per capita (UNDOC 2011). Over the past 20 years the number of violent crimes has progressively increased and the reason for this increase needs to be examined. there appears to be a rapid increase in the number of people presenting personality disorders in society. A number of studies have been conducted on the etiology of anti-social personality disorder and on psychopathology. In the past the majority of these studies had been conducted in developed countries and in the past few years a number of studies have started to be conducted in developing countries. Although very interesting with great insight very few have tried to examined any trends and differences between developed and developing countries. During the course of these studies it has been observed that inmates and people exhibiting Psychopathy traits are more likely to commit violent crimes and in addition reoffend. The thesis proposed examines trends between developed and developing countries to find any links between crime and psychopathology and in addition the etiology, prevalence and prevention of psychopathology. The study will identify a number of models utilised to understand violence in society and personality disorders with particular reference to psychopathy. The study is being done in order to obtain a better understanding of a link between psychopathology and escalating crime in South Africa and what, if anything can be done to decrease this prevelance. This thesis outlines a number of diagnostic tools utilised in order to determine if a person is indeed suffering from psychopathy. Each one of these is discussed and the validity of each considered for both developed and developing countries as a diagnostic tool. The study clearly show that there are a number of unanswered questions around psychopathy within South Africa and that more research within a South African context needs to be conducted if this disorder is to be properly understood. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Psychopathy as a cause of violent crime in South Africa : a study into the etiology, prevelance and treatment of psychopathy as a cause of violence with particular reference to domestic violence in South Africa

Ellis, Tareen January 2014 (has links)
Murder, rape, corruption and gang wars, sounds like something out of a bad movie but for many it is their way of life and not a movie they can stop. Many people today live with the constant threat of attack and the threat is often not by some stranger but someone they know, their neighbour, their uncle, their father, their domestic worker and on occasion even their own mother. As crime escalates more people are asking the question,"Why this rapid increase in crime and why is there such an increase in the number of violent crimes?" South Africa is well known, unfortunately, for its high crime rate and in particular it's exceptionally high violent crime rate. South Africa is rated in the top 10 for the highest murders per capita (UNDOC 2011). Over the past 20 years the number of violent crimes has progressively increased and the reason for this increase needs to be examined. there appears to be a rapid increase in the number of people presenting personality disorders in society. A number of studies have been conducted on the etiology of anti-social personality disorder and on psychopathology. In the past the majority of these studies had been conducted in developed countries and in the past few years a number of studies have started to be conducted in developing countries. Although very interesting with great insight very few have tried to examined any trends and differences between developed and developing countries. During the course of these studies it has been observed that inmates and people exhibiting Psychopathy traits are more likely to commit violent crimes and in addition reoffend. The thesis proposed examines trends between developed and developing countries to find any links between crime and psychopathology and in addition the etiology, prevalence and prevention of psychopathology. The study will identify a number of models utilised to understand violence in society and personality disorders with particular reference to psychopathy. The study is being done in order to obtain a better understanding of a link between psychopathology and escalating crime in South Africa and what, if anything can be done to decrease this prevelance. This thesis outlines a number of diagnostic tools utilised in order to determine if a person is indeed suffering from psychopathy. Each one of these is discussed and the validity of each considered for both developed and developing countries as a diagnostic tool. The study clearly show that there are a number of unanswered questions around psychopathy within South Africa and that more research within a South African context needs to be conducted if this disorder is to be properly understood. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

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