Spelling suggestions: "subject:"vita"" "subject:"rita""
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On LuxuryNg, Angie January 2010 (has links)
Indulgent and desirable, luxury both boasts and seduces. Luxury is an elaboration on the essential, manifest in forms of etiquette and exclusion.
Films index both reality and fantasy. They reflect, denounce, and exaggerate, making them invaluable cultural documents. Post-World War Two, the ease of air travel, mass production of goods, and foreign influence changed the face of luxury. By examining the films To Catch a Thief (1955), La Dolce Vita (1960), and Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) – all three from the era of this shift in luxury – this essay excavates this change, by examining the narrative, objects, and architecture of selected scenes.
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Vibrationer från handhållna verktyg : En mätstudie av hantverkares vibrationsexponering på byggarbetsplatsen / Vibrations from handheld tools : A measurement study of construction workers vibration exposure at the construction siteOrnstein, Henrik, Uddling, William January 2018 (has links)
Den vanligaste arbetssjukdomen är idag vibrationsskador där en av de mest utsatta arbetsgrupperna är hantverkare i byggbranschen. Syftet med studien är att ta fram en åtgärdsplan för att minska skaderisken från hand- armvibrationer (HAV) på arbetsplatsen. Undersökningarna har gjorts på Rudsberget, Karlstad där åtta lägenhetshus har varit under konstruktion för byggföretaget NCC. Fem olika arbetsmoment har kontrollerats för att bedöma vibrationsexponeringen som en hantverkare utsätts för under en genomsnittlig arbetsdag. Detta har gjorts med två mätmetoder, manuella beräkningar med tidtagarur samt HealthVib-handskar som använder sig av en sensor i handflatan.Resultatet visade att 6 av 13 mätningar översteg insatsvärdet och 1 av 13 översteg gränsvärdet. Iakttagelser visar att när arbetet har utförts mot moment som innehåller betong har vibrationsmängden ökat i jämförelse med arbete mot trä eller andra mjukare material. Förlängd vibrationsexponering på flera arbetsmoment visar att det finns risk för kärlskada och neurosensorisk skada beroende på intensiteten och längden av arbetet. Studien har avgränsat sig mot NCC:s egna hantverkare, alltså har inga mätningar gjorts på olika underentreprenörer eller betongarbetare på arbetsplatsen.Studiens slutsats framhäver åtgärder i både organisatorisk och teknisk form, som kan genomföras i både tidigt och sent stadie i projektet. Några av de viktigaste åtgärderna är att förmedla till hantverkarna att rotera arbetsuppgifterna mellan varandra, göra en förbättrad riskbedömning, informera hantverkarna om skadeverkningarna och vibrationsnivåer. Utöver det kan vibrationsexponeringen reduceras i planeringsfasen. Till exempel vid köksmontering byggs kök mot en träregelvägg istället för en bärande betongvägg. / The most common occupational disease today is hand-arm vibration syndrome where construction workers are the most exposed group. The purpose of this study was to develop an action plan designed to lower the exposure to hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). The examinations have been carried out at Rudsberget, Karlstad where eight, six to eight stories apartment buildings have been under construction by Nordic Construction Company (NCC). Five different work elements were studied at the construction site to determine the exposure of hand-arm vibration that a construction worker is exposed to during a regular workday. The methods used were manual tests with stopwatches as well as HealthVib-gloves with a sensor that collects data while used during the day.The results showed that 6 out of 13 exceeded the exposure action value (EAV) and 1 out of 13 exceeded the exposure limit value (ELV). Observations showed that work carried out against concrete structures increased vibration levels compared to other softer materials, wood as an example. Prolonged vibration exposure on several work elements show an increased risk of developing both neurological and vascular injuries. Dependent on the length and intensity of the exposure the severity of the damage does vary. This study is limited to examining construction workers contracted by NCC, excluding workers casting concrete as well as sub-contractors.The conclusion highlights solutions that consists of organizational and technical forms. These solutions are then applied at an early or late stage of the project. Some of the key solutions are to convey the importance of rotating work tasks between the construction workers, do a better risk assessment, inform the workers of the harmful effects of vibrations and teach them of the different exposure values. Beyond that can vibration exposure be reduced in the architectural phase. For an example could the kitchen be constructed against a wooden wall frame instead of a load bearing concrete wall.
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La ricerca si pone l’obiettivo di indagare una nuova e sperimentale forma di intervento di accoglienza per richiedenti asilo e titolari di protezione internazionale e umanitaria rappresentata dall’accoglienza in famiglia di persone adulte straniere. Lo strumento dell’accoglienza in famiglia per richiedenti asilo e rifugiati rientra in un campo multidisciplinare non ancora approfondito a livello teorico sia rispetto ai riferimenti scientifici che ne hanno alimentato l’ideazione e la riflessione progettuale sia a livello di pratiche professionali di lavoro sociale. In questa ricerca, costruita attraverso un intreccio di strumenti qualitativi, si vuole contribuire a ricostruire questi aspetti non ancora formalizzati che lo contraddistinguono e esplorare le dimensioni dell’integrazione sulle quali l’accoglienza in famiglia va ad agire. La peculiarità di tale esperienza risiede nella partecipazione di quattro soggetti differenti (pubblica amministrazione, terzo settore, famiglie e beneficiari) che hanno interagito tra loro, attivando dinamiche di collaborazione integrate con il territorio, sottolineando la valenza bidirezionale dei processi di integrazione nella vita quotidiana. Per fare ciò lo studio di caso si è concentrato sul progetto “Rifugiato in famiglia” del Comune di Milano, implementato successivamente alla nascita di altre esperienze simili all’estero e sul territorio italiano, che verranno approfondite al fine di meglio comprendere questo particolare intervento. / The research focuses on a new and experimental form of reception for asylum seekers and holders of international and humanitarian protection: hosting foreign adults in family. The intervention of hosting refugees in family is part of a multidisciplinary field that has not yet been investigated at a theoretical level, either in relation to the scientific references that nurtured design conception and reflection both at the level of professional social work practices. In this research, built through the aid of different qualitative methods, the aim is to contribute to reconstructing these not yet formalized aspects and to explore the dimensions of integration on which the reception in family works. The peculiarity of this experience lies in the participation of four different subjects (public administration, third sector, families and beneficiaries) interacting each other, activating integrated collaboration dynamics with the territory, underlining the bidirectional value of the integration processes in everyday life. In order to achieve this, the case study focused on the "Rifugiato in Famiglia” (Refugee in Family) project of the Municipality of Milan, implemented after the birth of other similar experiences abroad and in Italy, which will be analyzed in order to better understand this particular intervention.
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Vit men inte svensk : Andra generationens sverigefinnar i den svenska vithetens marginalBeckman, Stellan January 2018 (has links)
The following thesis explores the racialisation of second generation sweden finns in contemporary Sweden. This is done by applying a theoretical framework from critical race and whiteness studies on 8 interviews with second generation sweden finns. Especially the concept of the margins of whiteness has been of importance for the following study, which allows the analysis to consider both marginality and privilege. The analysis focus on the intersection of the variables of ethnicity, class and race, which allows the racialised position of the 8 informants in the study to be outlined. While the themes of ethnicity and class have ocurred in previous research, the study of race and in particular whiteness, have yet to be applied on sweden finns. As will be revealed through the analysis, there are good reasons to consider Sweden finns as belonging within the margin of swedish whiteness. While there are signs that sweden finns have a position of marginality within swedish society the informants in this study can pass for swedes thanks to being racialised as white in everyday contexts. / Följande masteruppsats undersöker andra generationens sverigefinnars rasifierade position i den svenska vitheten. Detta görs genom att applicera ett teoretiskt ramverk grundat i kritiska ras och vithetsstudier på 8 intervjuer med andra generationens sverigefinnar. Särskilt begreppet vithetens marginal är av betydelse för studiens analys eftersom det har gett analysen möjlighet att analysera privilegier och marginalitet samtidigt. I analysen ligger främst fokus på tre variabler i form av etnicitet, klass och ras, vilket gör det möjligt att måla ut den rasifierade position som studiens 8 informanter har i den svenska vitheten. Emedan teman kring etnicitet och klass varit vanliga inom tidigare forskning kring sverigefinnar, har studiet av ras och med detta vithet, varit frånvarande inom forskningsfältet kring sverigefinnar. Som vi kommer att se i analysen finns det mycket som talar för att sverigefinnar befinner sig i den svenska vithetens marginal. Även om sverigefinnar kan sägas ha en marginell position i det svenska samhället, har de informanter som återfinns i följande studie möjlighet att passera som svenskar eftersom de rasifieras som vita i vardagssammanhang.
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Det ospecifika immunsystemets svar på måttlig fysisk aktivitet : En randomiserad tvärsnittsstudie med avsikt att undersöka ”open window”-fenomenet hos friska seniorerBjörk, Viktor, Lundberg, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Immunsystemet är en av flera fysiologiska aspekter som försämras vid ökad ålder. Aktuell forskning tyder på att fysisk aktivitet stimulerar ett akut svar från immunsystemet i form av mobilisering av vita blodkroppar (WBC) i blodbanan. I efterförloppet av den fysiska aktiviteten sker en immunosuppression som fortlöper olika länge (3-72 h) beroende på aktivitetens intensitet och duration. Detta fenomen benämns ”open window” och det är idag omstritt huruvida det gör individen mer infektionskänslig efter träning. Syfte: Syftet med den aktuella studien var att finna en träningsvolym som tillåter seniorer utföra måttlig aerob fysisk aktivitet utan att riskera en period av immunosuppression. Ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv skulle detta kunna öka livskvalitén hos seniorer utifrån rådanade rekommendationer kring fysisk aktivet utan att riskera infektioner. Metod: 29 testpersoner (12 män, 17 kvinnor; medelålder (SD) 70,7 ± 3,8 år) utförde cykelergometertester i intensitetszon 1 under antingen 5, 10 eller 20 minuter. Under provtillfället togs 4 blodprover (Baseline, direkt efter test, efter 15 minuters vila och efter 30 minuters vila) där WBC och dess undergrupper analyserades med hjälp av ett bildanalyssystem (HemoCue WBC Diff System). Resultat: Resultaten indikerar att all måttlig fysisk aktivitet på cykelergometer akut förhöjer koncentrationen WBC i blodbanan med 23, 32 och 30 % i respektive grupp (5, 10, 20 min). Efter 15 minuters vila minskade antalet WBC endast signifikant hos de testpersoner som cyklade i 5 minuter med totalt 15 %. Efter 30 minuters vila fanns det inte längre någon skillnad i WBC mellan baselinevärdena och de sist uppmätta värdena vilket tyder på att ingen grupp befann sig i ”open window”. Konklusion: Resultaten tyder på att friska seniorer kan utföra fysisk träning som motsvarar de rådande allmänna rekommendationerna för aerob fysisk aktivitet utan att riskera immunosuppression och ”open window”.
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Genêro biográfico e historiográfico na Roma antiga = os testemunhos das fontes e a obra de Suetônio e Tácito = Biographic and historiographic genre in ancient Rome : the source's testimonials and the work of Suetonius and Tacitus / Biographic and historiographic genre in ancient Rome : the source's testimonials and the work of Suetonius and TacitusLima, Danielle Chagas de, 1988- 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Sérgio de Vasconcellos / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T09:50:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Lima_DanielleChagasde_M.pdf: 1540112 bytes, checksum: bb3df0162bf756176e8d2097762c6da7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: As obras De Vita Caligulae, de Suetônio, e De Vita Iulii Agricolae, de Tácito, são duas obras biográficas de composição e características bastante diferentes, o que se reflete, muitas vezes, nas apreciações modernas quanto à biografia. A primeira obra, de cunho mais histórico, suscita muitas discussões quanto a seu gênero e, por ser de autoria de um historiador canônico, costuma ser considerada muito elaborada para uma biografia. A segunda obra estudada aqui, por sua vez, cujo eixo narrativo é de caráter privado, amiúde é concebida como uma biografia pouco elaborada, sobretudo pela carência de informações históricas. Tendo notado a frequente comparação entre as duas obras (verificando, muitas vezes, o detrimento da biografia de Suetônio como uma obra historiográfica), bem como certa hesitação quanto a definição do gênero a que elas pertencem, buscamos, nesta dissertação, apresentar as possíveis diferenças genéricas entre biografia e história na Antiguidade, uma vez que tais conceitos, e a apreciação de obras e autores, parecem variar na bibliografia moderna. Assim, apresenta-se nesta pesquisa um levantamento das definições do gênero biográfico por autores modernos, as reflexões de autores da Antiguidade - tais como Cícero, Quintiliano, Cornélio Nepos, Plutarco, Políbio e Luciano de Samósata - sobre a escrita biográfica e historiográfica, e uma breve análise do desenvolvimento do gênero biográfico, suas relações com a historiografia e características de composição. Pretendemos, ao analisar tais questões, observar se a biografia pode ser considerada um gênero autônomo - mesmo que suas fronteiras com a historiografia não sejam claramente definidas. Por fim, analisamos as obras de Tácito e Suetônio, a fim de examinar a construção das duas obras e como elas poderiam estar inseridas no gênero biográfico. Ao fim de nosso estudo, apresentamos a tradução comentada, do latim para o português, da De Vita Iulii Agricolae / Abstract: Both Suetonius' De Vita Caligulae and Tacitus' De Vita Iulii Agricolae are biographical works with very distinct composition and features, which may often reflect in modern approaches with respect to biography. The first title, of historical nature, draws much discussion about its genre and, on account of being written by a canonical historian, is commonly considered too much elaborated for a biography. On its turn, the second one, whose narrative axis has a private character, is usually understood as less laborious, especially due to the lack of historical information. Observing the frequent comparison between both titles (the detriment of Suetonius' biography as historiographical work is regularly verified), as well as the hesitation concerning the genre they belong to, this dissertation describes an investigation into possible generic differences between biography and history in ancient times, once such concepts, besides the appraisal of works and authors, seem to fluctuate through modern bibliography. Hence, the present research raised several definitions of biographic genre by contemporary authors, the reflections of ancient writers - like Cicero, Quintilian, Cornelius Nepus, Plutarch, Polybius, and Lucian of Samosata - on biographical and historiographical writing, and a short analysis of biographical genre's development, its relationships towards historiography and composition features. The aim of such questions is to observe whether biography can be taken as an autonomous genre - even though its border with historiography is not clearly defined. At last, the mentioned Tacitus' and Suetonius' titles are analyzed in order to investigate the construction of both works and how they may be enclosed in biography genre. The commented translation of De Vita Iulii Agricolae from Latin into Portuguese is presented after the study / Mestrado / Linguistica / Mestre em Linguística
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Noções estóicas de harmonia no De vita beata de Sêneca / Stoic notions of harmony in Seneca's De vita beataDe Pietro, Matheus Clemente, 1984- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Isabella Tardin Cardoso / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T01:01:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DePietro_MatheusClemente_D.pdf: 3681860 bytes, checksum: 36814b62d25b775f7a20920f7440eee7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: O presente estudo dá continuidade à pesquisa anterior acerca da noção estóica de "harmonia" ou "acordo" na prosa do filósofo romano Lúcio Aneu Sêneca (4 a.C. -65 d.C.). Conforme verificado em estudo de Mestrado, areferida noção-, central à escola estóica -, encontra-se expressa por Sêneca de diversos modos, e, além disso, tem suas diversas particularidades apresentadas e desenvolvidas em diferentes "faces" pelo filósofo. No presente estágio da pesquisa, concentramos nossa investigação na obra De uita beata ("Sobre a vida feliz"), e procuramos analisar a presença e função que diferentes noções de "harmonia" e "acordo" têm no texto. Para isso, apresentamos uma tradução completa da obra, acompanhada de notas explicativas e de estudo acerca da tradição manuscrita do texto. No que concerne à noção em apreço, propomo-nos a conduzir investigação extensiva sobre noções de "harmonia" na escola estóica, bem como dos fundamentos teóricos que as suportam, e apresentamos os resultados em forma de uma sistematização geral desse conceito. Após tais considerações, realizamos análise detalhada de dois trechos do De uita beata,nos quais a presença de referências à "harmonia" estóica se mostra de modo mais evidente. A análise revelou que, ao menos nessas passagens, é observável um discurso densamente filosófico, aparente apenas após atenção a certos elementos estilísticos nela empregados, bem como ao reconhecimento de alusões e referências que Sêneca faz a particularidades da noção estóica de "harmonia". De modo geral, ao longo de toda a pesquisa-,seja durante a tradução, a investigação teórica, ou a análise de passagens da obra -, procuramos atentar ao vínculo entre filosofia e retórica verificável em Sêneca / Abstract: This thesis gives continuity to previous research on the Stoic notions of "harmony" and "agreement" in the prose works of the Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BCE -65 CE). As observed in my studies at Masters' level, the idea in question is employed by Seneca in different manners and, in addition, it has its peculiarities presented and developed in several facies by the philosopher. In the current research I have focused my investigation on De uita beata ("On the happy life"), and I have conducted an analysis on the presence and function that different notions of "harmony "and "agreement" have in the text. To that purpose I present a complete translation of the work, accompanied by explanatory footnotes and by an inquiry of the manuscript tradition of the text. Regarding the idea under scrutiny, I have attempted careful examination of the notions of "agreement" in the Stoic school, as well as of the theoretical premises they relate to, and I have presented the results thereof in the form of a broad systematization of that concept, especially in its relation to Seneca's De uita beata. After such considerations I have performed a detailed analysis of two passages of De uita beata, in which the presence of references and allusions to some sort of Stoic "harmony" is more evident. The analysis has concluded that, at least in these excerpts, one may observe densely philosophical discourse, something manifest after close attention to certain stylistic elements found in it, as well as the identification of allusions and references that Seneca makes to particularities of that Stoic notion. In general -be it in the translation, in the theoretical investigation, or in the analysis of selected passages -,I have attempted, during the entirety of the research, to highlight and attend to the link between philosophy and rhetoric observable in Seneca / Doutorado / Linguistica / Doutor em Linguística
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A Man of Visions: A New Examination of the Vision(s) of Constantine (Panegyric VI, Lactantius' De Mortibus Persecutorum, and Eusebius' De Vita Constantini)Bhola, Rajiv Kumar January 2015 (has links)
This study seeks to address three main questions: How do Panegyric VI, Lactantius, and Eusebius characterise and utilise their respective visions in their narratives? In what ways are they similar and/or different? Are some or all of the accounts related and, if so, how do they contribute to the Christian Vision legend? In Chapter One the vision narrative in Panegyric VI is deconstructed to show that the panegyrist describes the vision as taking place on Constantine’s return march from Massalia and that he is describing a dream-vision that took place at the sanctuary of Apollo at Grand. In Chapter Two it is argued that: Lactantius never resided in Gaul; he places the vision incorrectly in 312 because he did not know the details of the tradition and used Licinius’ dream as a template; and the Christian character of the vision is part of his interpretation. In Chapter Three Eusebius’ account is deconstructed to show that: the vision story derives from Constantine ca. 336; there is evidence that Constantine was reconstructing his past experiences; Eusebius inserted parallels with St. Paul to give the appearance of a conversion narrative; and Constantine’s actual story shows little influence of Christian socialisation. In each chapter the core elements of the narratives are highlighted: each describes a dream-vision, in which a deity appears to Constantine with a promise of victory and a token representation of that promise. In Chapter Four it is argued that Lactantius and Eusebius are describing the same symbol, which is a tau-cross with a loop; and that the panegyrist and Eusebius describe the same vision: they give the same chronology, but the panegyrist avoids referencing a solar halo because it was an inopportune omen of civil war. In conclusion, all three sources describe the same experience from different perspectives: the vision of Apollo was being constantly adapted to incorporate new historical developments. Appended also is an argument for redating Panegyric VI to August 309 on the basis of the narratives of the panegyrist and Lactantius, as well as archaeological investigations at Cologne (Constantine’s bridge over the Rhine) and Deutz (Castellum Divitia).
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Eating Vegetables and serving the Devils : En studie av den kinesiska regeringens förföljelse av Falun GongRosén, Felix January 2017 (has links)
Falun Gong as it began to establish itself in China during the early 1990’s was a reaction to the Qigong bloom from the late 1970’s during a period of recent newfound religious as well as cultural revival after Mao Zedong's death in 1976. The Chinese Government continued their cultural revival with a new constitution that was created 1982, which gave the people of China the rights to practice their religion as well as be under the protection of the government when affiliating with different kinds of religious organizations. That will say, as long as the Chinese government can control it. Falun Gong did not however find its place being under the government's control and found itself soon enough in the violence of the Chinese government which has from the year 1999 criticized the movement and their use of systematic violence upon the movement was drawn to the edge of persecution. The Chinese government's reaction can as we will see be understood within the context of the Chinese religious history. As Falun Gong stands out as and been branded as a offspring from the folk sectarian movement White Lotus and all other affiliations of messianic rebellion and millenarian movements which had occurred from the early Ming dynasty 1338 until the fall of the Qing dynasty 1911
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”99.9% av oss sitter fångade i hönsburen” : En semiotisk innehållsanalys om hur Den vita tigern kan användas didaktiskt i religionsundervisningen på gymnasiet / "99.9% of us are Caught in the Rooster Coop" : A Semiotic Content Analysis on how The White Tiger can be Used Didactically in Religious Education at Upper Secondary SchoolEriksson, Madeleine January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to analyze how film can work as a didactic tool in religious education at the upper secondary school level. The film analysis was conducted by analyzing Bahrani's (2021) film adaptation, The White Tiger, using Andersson and Hedling’s (1999) method for film analysis and Sanders Pierce’s description of semiotics as the theoretical framework. The film revolves around a boy named Balram and his life and aspirations for a better life, where he is not defined by the caste he was born into. The analysis showed that the film, The White Tiger, consisted of several instances where religious themes and expressions were visualized. Four prominent themes in the film were (1) spirituality and faith, (2) religious hierarchy and the caste system, (3) moral dilemmas, and (4) freedom and liberation. Since religious aspects were detected throughout the film, it indicates that the film can be used as a didactic tool in religious education at the upper secondary school level. However, it should be noted that films with entertainment purposes, such as The White Tiger, require carefully planned preparations and post-production if the inclusion of film is to function as a method to teach through film and not be reduced to simply showing a film.
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