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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Webbdesign som väcker känslor : Ett verktyg för hotellwebbplatser för att påverka kundrelationer med Generation Z / Web design that evokes emotions : A tool for hotel websites to affect customer relationships with Generation Z

Ojala Åkerman, Kajsa, Meijer, Elinor January 2022 (has links)
Webbplatser har idag mindre än en sekund på sig att göra ett visuellt intryck innan besökaren riskerar att gå vidare till en annan webbplats. I hotellbranschen där kundrelationer är högt värderat och det fysiska mötet i många fall har bytts ut mot hotellets webbplats spelar det visuella intrycket en viktig roll. Varje kontakt en besökare har med ett företags webbplats påverkar besökarens känslor för varumärket och således kundrelationen. Framtidens stora kundsegment Generation Z kräver hög kvalitet på webbdesign vilket innebär att det är viktigt för företag att förstå hur deras webbplats kan skapa ett bra intryck för att fånga målgruppen. Forskning visar att visuella webbdesignelement har en påverkan på besökarens tillfredsställelse, tillit samt lojalitet, vilket även är tre viktiga faktorer för att bygga kundrelationer. Genom att analysera hur webbdesignelementen foto, färg, visuell ordning, visuell komplexitet samt informationsdesign/text påverkar tillfredsställelse, tillit samt lojalitet på en hotellwebbplats syftar studien till att skapa en förståelse för hur en hotellwebbplats således kan påverka kundrelationer med personer som tillhör Generation Z. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med en kompletterande enkät. Sex respondenter som tillhör Generation Z studerade två hotellwebbplatser där samtliga webbdesignelement diskuterades med utgångspunkt kring tillfredsställelse, tillit samt lojalitet. Studiens resultat visar att samtliga webbdesignelement i undersökningen har en avgörande roll för att uppfylla besökarens förväntningar och kan således påverka tillfredsställelse, tillit och lojalitet som i sin tur har en påverkan på kundrelationer. / Websites today have less than a second to make a visual impression before the visitor risks leaving for another website. In the hotel industry where customer relationships are highly valued and the face-to-face meeting has in numerous cases been replaced by the hotel's website, the visual impression plays an important role. Each contact a visitor has with a company's website will affect the visitor's feelings towards the brand and thus affect the customer relationship. Generation Z, the large customer segment of the future, requires high quality web design. This means that it is important for companies to understand how their website can make a good impression to capture the target audience. Research shows that visual web design elements have an impact on visitors' satisfaction, trust, and loyalty, which are also three important elements in building customer relationships. By analyzing how the web design elements photo, color, visual order, visual complexity and information design/text affect satisfaction, trust and loyalty, the study aims to create an understanding of how a hotel website can affect customer relationships with people belonging to Generation Z. The study was conducted with a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews and a supplementary questionnaire. Six respondents who belong to Generation Z studied two hotel websites where all web design elements were discussed based on satisfaction, trust, and loyalty. The findings in this study show that all web design elements examined are crucial for meeting the visitor's expectations. Thus, it can affect satisfaction, trust, and loyalty, which in turn has an impact on customer relationships.

Redesign av en webbplats via Joomla : Med fokus på en användarcentrerad design baserat på design thinking / Redesign of a website using Joomla : With focus on user-centered design based on design thinking

Karpinska, Justyna January 2016 (has links)
Denna rapport redogör för det praktiska examensarbete som har inneburit en redesign av Birnas Trafikskolas webbplats. Webbplatsen var i behov av en ny design, struktur och innehåll. I detta arbete har designprocessen utförts utifrån ett användarcentrerat perspektiv baserat på design thinking. Arbetsprocessen har bestått av research kring användarna, prototyparbete, framtagande av en grafisk profil och genomförande av användartester. Utvecklingen av den nya webbplatsen har skett via CMS-verktyget Joomla samt med användning av HTML och CSS-kod. Resultatet av detta examensarbete presenteras i form av en webbplats med ny grafisk design och innehåll. / This report describes the practical thesis that entailed the redesign of Birnas driving school’s website. The website was in need of a new design, structure and content. In this work, the design process was carried out with a user-centered approach based on design thinking. The work process has consisted of user research, prototyping, the developement of a graphic profile, and user testing. The developement of the new site has been made through the content management system Joomla and the use of HTML and CSS code. The result of this thesis is presented in the form of a website with new graphic design and content.

Design- och funktionsförbättring av administrationsdelen på FitnessCollections webbplats / Design and Functionality Improvements on FitnessCollections Administration Website

Liljecrantz, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Denna rapport är en del av mitt examensarbete inom programmet It, medier och design vid Södertörns högskola. I rapporten presenteras den nya designen för FitnessCollections administrationswebbplats och en lista på förändringsförslag. FitnessCollection erbjuder en tjänst där medlemmar bland annat får träna på de anläggningar som är knutna till dem. På webbplatsen som jag arbetat med administreras organisationer, anläggningar, träningsaktiviteter, träningspass, bokningar och exporteringar av bokningar. Examensarbetet har utförts hos Dynamo Digital Ventures med FitnessCollection som beställare. Målet med examensarbetet har varit att presentera en genomarbetad design som bland annat ökar användarvänligheten och göra den mer användbar. Funktioner har tillkommit, tagits bort eller förändrats för att tillfredsställa de behov som FitnessCollection och deras samarbetspartners har. För att nå slutmålet har jag utfört en intervju med en av grundarna och tillika en av de som använder webbplatsen mest. Jag har sett över ursprungswebbplatsen för att se vad som fungerar bra och vad som fungerar mindre bra. Utöver detta har jag gjort noggranna förstudier inom området användarvänlighet/användbarhet och tillgänglighet och följt konventioner där jag också tagit inspiration från andra webbplatser. Utifrån detta har jag skapat en mer användarvänlig, tillfredställande och tillgänglighetsanpassad design. Rapporten är optimerad för visning på skärm respektive färgutskrift. / This report is a part of my bachelor thesis for the program It, media and design at Södertörn University. In this report I will present the new design for FitnessCollection’s administration website and a list with proposed changes. FitnessCollection offers a service where members  an work out at gyms that are linked to them. The website I have worked on manages organizations, gyms, activities, passes, bookings and exportation of bookings. I have made my bachelor thesis at Dynamo Digital Ventures and FitnessCollection has been the client. The goal for the bachelor thesis has been to present a thorough design that among other things increases the usability. Functions has been removed, added or changed to satisfy the need that FitnessCollection and their partners have. To reach the end goal I have conducted an interview with one of the founders of FitnessCollection whom also is one of the persons that uses the website most. I have made an overlock of the website to see what works and what doesn’t work as good. I have also done thorough feasibility studies in usability and accessibility and worked with conventions where I as a part of that has taken inspiration from outer websites. On this basis I have made a more usable, satisfying and accessible web design.

Reading between the (on)lines: a discursive analysis of self-harming, suicidal and helper subjectivities

Baldock, Aubrey 16 May 2016 (has links)
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth in Canada and it is estimated that anywhere between 2-47% of North American youth among community and clinical populations have engaged in self-harming behaviours. As people turn to online communities to engage in conversations about self-harm and suicide, researchers and practitioners are curious about the implications for youth who engage in support-oriented Internet chat rooms and forum boards. The focus of most literature to date has been concerned with identifying the potential benefits and harms of online support for vulnerable individuals, and these studies have typically sought to measure outcomes rather than processes. The purpose of this thesis is to expand upon emerging poststructural queries about the implications of mainstream ideas about self-harm and suicide in order to invite alternate ways of responding to these issues. This study analyzed the discourses that made self-harm and suicide intelligible on an online support forum, examined how these discourses informed performances of helping, and reflected upon the subjectivities that became available to young people and trained helpers through these conversations. Excerpts from an inactive, public support-oriented Internet forum served as the site of analysis. The use of discourse analysis helped to illustrate several key findings that highlight limitations about current approaches to prevention and intervention with self-harm and suicide; namely, that psychological, pathological and professionalized discourses about self-harm and suicide locate the site of intervention within the distressed individual and conceal the sociopolitical and historical contexts that influence self-destructive behaviours. / Graduate / 0628 / 0630 / 0534 / aubreyanne@shaw.ca

在虛擬平台上的網站流量發展策略 / The strategies of web traffic development on virtual platform

何至元, Ho, Tzu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來因網際網路盛行,各行各業皆面臨了全球國際化的競爭,於是虛擬平台的經營便成為大家努力的方向,如何提高虛擬平台的網路流量已成為平台經營者所重視的議題。 拜網際網路應用的成熟,不動產業雖然很傳統,但也不得不開始運用網際網路提供服務,並且這些服務越來越多元化,提供物件資訊、透過討論區討論物件內容、讓經紀人以社群方式存在,在平台上提共買賣不動產的相關知識,消費者可透過平台買賣物件,尋找物件。故研究如何增加虛擬平台的流量,將是未來平台經營者在提升平台品質上有效的方法。本研究將提出影響網站流量策略的研究架構,根據Alexa網站提供覆蓋數(Reach)與頁面瀏覽數(Pageview),以五個不動產個案公司的網站流量進行分析。 本研究流量分析的架構如下:首先就文獻資料了解影響網站流量的因素,對照個案公司在這些影響網站流量的因素上的表現,進而了解何種因素是確實影響網站流量。 經分析結果顯示,目前為了使網站流量表現良好,各家個案公司,都會使用搜尋引擎、關鍵字、SEO操作等工具,所以在工具上各家個案公司表現差異不大,惟廣告行銷的投入,對整體網站流量實際上才是重要的影響,另外,許多專家或者是文獻,認為免費的商業模式是網際網路平台經營時重要的方式,但研究發現卻是平台業者收取一點費用是客戶可以接受的,平台的內容與服務,實際會提升虛擬平台的網站流量;經分析顯示,外部網站結盟有助於提升虛擬平台網站流量,希望藉由本研究的分析結果提供給不動產虛擬平台經營者在網站流量策略上的參考建議。 / In the internet era, the most significant issue for platform operators is how to design and manage the virtual platform to increase the web traffic flow. The diversity of online services that offer information and discussion through Internet forum allows real estate agents to provide product knowledge through different kinds of virtual community. Consumers can search, purchase and sell real estate items through these virtual platforms. Consequently, virtual service providers endeavor to enhance platform operation and service quality to attract visitors. This research proposes a research framework to investigate determinants of web traffic. Based on literature review and related researches this study analyzed the causes and effects of web traffic. A few traffic-affecting factors were identified. These factors include: content management, marketing strategies, promotion strategies, and business models. Next, five different types of web sites in the real estates industry in Taiwan were selected for multiple case studies. The cross case analysis revealed that all companies have applied search engine, keywords, and SEO (xxx) to enhance users’ access to the web sites. The impact of technology use and system functionality on users’ intention to participate is of no great concern. However, the advertising effort seems to be the key determinant for boosting website traffic. Further, although several researches consider free-of-charge as a winning business model the analysis results reveal that well-managed contents can bring in customers who are willing to pay for the services. The results also demonstrate that external alliance of websites can assist the growth of the traffic flow on a virtual platform. Since Internet is widely used these decades, various industries have been occurred the global competitions. The most significant issues for platform operators are how to conduct virtual platform well and how to increase web flow rate of virtual platform. The mature usage of Internet initiates the real estate industry to offer services through Internet. The diversity of online services that offer information and discussion through Internet forum allow real estate agents to provide real estate related knowledge through community websites. Consumers can also search, purchase and sell real estate items through the virtual platform. Consequently, the research of how to increase virtual platform flow will enhance platform operators efficiently advance service quality of platforms. This research proposes a research framework to investigate what determinants effect web traffic strategy and analyze web traffic of five real estate companies by collecting Reach and Pageview from Alexa website. The Framework of this research is as follows. First, we analyze the causes and effects of web traffic based on literature. Next, we compare the effects of web traffic among selected cases to recognize which determinants influence web traffic. The analytical results reveal that all companies use search engine, keywords, and SEO to enhance the performance of web traffic. The difference of all tools among cases is insignificant. However, the advertising effort is the key determinant for whole website traffic. In addition, many researchers and literature consider free is the major business model for platform operators. Nevertheless, this research discovers the consumers accept for charging few fees and the content and service of the platform increase the traffic. The results also demonstrate that external alliance of websites assists the increment of traffic for virtual platform. Finally, this study aims to provide strategic suggestions to companies in virtual estimate industry.

Příprava hodin zeměpisu: možnosti učitelského webu / Preparation of Geography Lessons: Potential Use of Teacher-Oriented Website

Weiss, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Lesson preparation is an important part of teachers' profession, yet there has been little research focused on this topic recently. This work studied the preparation of geography lessons in Czechia with an emphasis on the use of internet sources. Based on the findings, criteria for an ideal geographic website for teachers were suggested. The data were collected in two ways: (1) on-line survey of ran- domly selected secondary school teachers (n=72), and (2) semi-structured interviews (n=6). The work indicated that lesson preparation greatly varies from teacher to teacher. In general, teachers do not change their lesson plans significantly, and thus the beginning of teachers' career is crucial for future teaching. Participating teachers spend on average about a quarter of their working time on lesson preparation and there is no apparent correlation between the time spend on lesson preparation and the teachers' age or the length of teachers' career. Furthermore, it was found that all participating teachers use internet resources during lesson preparation, particularly for search of updated infor- mation. The most visited websites are those offering maps and encyclopaedias (predominantly Wik- ipedia). The ideal geographical website should primarily offer ideas for teaching activities, as fully- prepared lessons...

Dynamic Website and Data Engine Generators for Distributed Enterprise/Business Architectures

Qaddoura, Fareed 17 December 2004 (has links)
Creating websites providing dynamic services is an extensive process. Intelligent systems are used to create websites with dynamic services. Current intelligent systems are hard to use and configure by the average user. The generated websites are usually custom built to solve one problem and cannot be fully customizable for users on different environments. This thesis presents a technological solution that enables the average user to create websites with dynamic services by providing a number of parameters. The website generator is a web-based application that generates all the components of the website. The components act as portlets and the generated website will be the portal application. The data engine generator creates the website's underlying database. To enable distributed enterprise/business architecture, the data engine generator records the metadata about the database and the website to be generated. The website generator is a cost effective, dynamic, secure, reliable, and scalable solution that outperforms current website generators and portal applications.

Metody zvyšování návštěvnosti webových stránek / Methods for increasing a website’s visit rate

Doleželová, Karolína January 2010 (has links)
This piece of work engage with selected methods how to increase the visit rate of a specific online project, which concise an online magazine about living with a focus on residents in block of flats. In the theory section, firstly there will be characteristics of selected methods provided, followed by an application of those methods to the specific websites on the basis of carried out analyses. Methods were selected with a concern of financial limitation, and apart from one, neither of them required additional financial resources. From the results, evaluation and comparison of methods were implemented from the point of overall increase in attendance to the website and at the same time the effectiveness when targeting the final end web group. In the conclusion, suggestions for future development of websites, which should contribute to a further increase in visit rate, was provided.

Att hitta rytmen för ett unikt uttryck : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av hälso- och sjukvårdens visuella uttryck / To find the rhythm for the unique expression : A quantitative content analysis of the healthcare's visual expression

Lundquist, Maja, Mogren, Sanna January 2019 (has links)
Det här projektet utfördes på uppdrag av hälsovårdsföretaget Din Rytm med syftet att ta fram en enhetlig visuell profil anpassad till företagets webbplats som samstämmer med och kommunicerar verksamheten. För att den visuella profilen skulle hålla sig till branschen och nå särprägel studerades det visuella uttrycket på webbplatser inom Din Rytms branschområde: hälso- och sjukvårdsbranschen med tjänster kring kvinnokroppen. Den visuella profilen skulle även spegla verksamheten, därför definierades varumärkets vision, identitet och värdeord som stod för en viktig del i utformningen. Vid en överblick av den tidigare forskningen kring visuell kommunikation och varumärkesbyggande inom hälso- och sjukvårdsbranschen fanns en frånvaro av studier kring varumärkets visuella uttryck. Studien kan därmed tillföra en förståelse kring hur branschområdet uttrycker sig visuellt i form av till exempel logotyper, färger och typsnitt. Då Din Rytm verkar inom den privata sektorn blir det intressant att se om de visuella uttrycken skiljer sig mellan olika organisations- och verksamhetsformer. För att undersöka det och utforma en visuell profil som förhåller sig till branschområdet utfördes en visual research av 200 webbplatser i form av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Webbplatserna strukturerades i grupperna: offentlig, privat med samarbete med region och/eller landsting, privat och ideell. Den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen grundades i teorier kring varumärkesstrategi och grafisk form samt forskning som rörde visuell kommunikation och varumärkesbyggande inom branschområdet. Resultatet av analysen visade att hela branschområdets visuella uttryck dominerades av färgerna grön, röd och blå och typografin av linjära typsnittsfamiljer. Logotypen bestod nästan uteslutande av ord- och figurmärke och flertalet webbplatser använde sig av illustrationer för att påvisa navigation. Skillnaderna mellan de olika organisations- och verksamhetsformerna definierades framför allt av det enhetliga uttrycket inom den offentliga gruppen och den stora variationen inom de övriga grupperna. Den offentliga gruppen skiljde sig ytterligare kring förhållandet mellan användning av ord och bild på webbplatsens startskärm. På de offentliga webbplatserna möttes besökaren av en generös ordmängd utan utfallande bild. På övriga gruppers webbplatser användes ord mer sparsamt och startskärmen utgjordes av en utfallande bild. Resultatet användes för att leda utformning mot ett särpräglat uttryck men som även höll sig till branschområdet. Det resulterade bland annat i en logotyp, typsnitt och färger som presenterades som en visuell profil med tillhörande grafisk manual vilket ska förmedla verksamheten. / This project is commissioned by the healthcare company Din Rytm. The purpose of the project is to create a visual brand profile for the website which communicates its business. In order for the visual profile to stick to the healthcare industry and create its own individuality an analysis was performed of the visual expression of the websites within Din Rytm's industry area: the healthcare industry with women’s health services. The visual profile should also reflect its business, therefore the brand's vision, identity and value were defined which became an important part of the design. During an overview of previous research of visual communication and branding in the healthcare industry, there was an absence of studies touching on the subject of the brand’s visual expression. Thus, this study can provide an understanding of how the industry expresses itself through logos, colors, fonts and other aspects of visual expression. Din Rytm operates in the private sector and therefore it becomes interesting to see possible differences in the visual expressions among different types of organisations and businesses. By a visual research of 200 websites in terms of a quantitative content analysis method, an identity that relates to the industry was forged.The websites were structured into different groups: public, private with collaboration with counties, private and non-profit. The quantitative content analysis method was based on theories of brand strategy and graphic form and research related to visual communication and branding in the healthcare industry. The results showed that the visual expression of the entire industry was dominated by the colors green, red and blue and the typography of linear font families. The logo consisted almost entirely of lettermarks with a symbol and most websites used illustrations to demonstrate navigation. The differences between the groups were mainly defined by the uniform expressions within the public group and the large variation within the other groups. The public group further distinguished itself regarding words and images on the websites home screen. On the public websites, the first thing a visitor see is a generous amount of words without a full-widthimage, while on the other groups’ websites words were used more sparingly and the home screen contained full-width images. The results were used to lead the design towards an individually expression that sticks to the industry. That resulted in for example a logo, fonts and colors that are presented as a visual profile with a graphic manual that convey its business.

O site organizacional como estratégia de comunicação

Albé, Jussania de Fátima 22 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:24:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 22 / Nenhuma / Pensar as configurações da sociedade atual é perceber e vivenciar novos processos de comunicação. O sistema tecnológico de informação, especialmente marcado pela consolidação da internet, reestruturou o modelo de comunicação no contexto das organizações e modificou as atuais competências dos profissionais da área. Levando-se em conta o veloz processo de transformação das características do mercado digital, buscou-se desenvolver, através dessa pesquisa, uma análise acerca do site organizacional de uma empresa brasileira, como forma de avaliar as estratégias e ações de Relações Públicas como recursos essenciais para a eficácia da comunicação organizacional eletrônica. O estudo apresenta relações entre os moldes comunicacionais criados a partir da emergência tecnológica e os novos padrões organizacionais, enfatizando a importância da descoberta do papel desempenhado pela área de Relações Públicas diante de um novo lugar midiático, como estrategista da comunicação organizacional / Thinking about the current society settings is the same of perceiving and deeply living the new communication processes. The technological information system, specially signed by the internet strengthening, has restructured the communication model in the organizations context and it has modified the current competency of the professional of the area. Taking into consideration the fast transformations of the quick digital market, it was conducted a investigation, thorough this research, an analysis over a organizational website of a Brazilian company, as a way to evaluate the strategies and actions of a Public Relations as essential resources to the effectiveness of the electronic organizational communication. The investigation presents the relations between the communicational shapes created from the technological emergencies and the new organizational standards, emphasizing the discovery importance of the role played by the Public Relations area facing a media niche, as an organizational communication strate

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