Spelling suggestions: "subject:"calter benjamin."" "subject:"calter menjamin.""
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Till bilden av Benjamin : Den dialektiska bilden som historiematerialistisk begreppKempe, Hannes January 2020 (has links)
This paper is an attempt to construct the conceptual context of one of Walter Benjamin’s central notions - the ”dialectical image”. Its aim is to actualize it for a philosophy dedicated to a concept of knowledge that corresponds and gives justice to the concrete and unique in experience (Erfahrung). Having as a point of departure Benjamin’s reading of Surrealism, mainly Louis Aragon and André Breton, this paper argues that Benjamin’s definition of the surrealist ”image” is to be conceived as a reference for his own concept of the dialectical image. In order to explicate this concept one has to conceive of what Benjamin finds as a direction in the surrealists’ image towards the sphere of praxis. Reading Benjamin’s sublation (Aufhebung) of the surrealist experience, praxis becomes a crucial methodological notion through which the question of the material and technological conditions of man correspond directly to the time-space complex of the knowledge of contemporary (synchronistisch) now-time (Jetztzeit) as actuality. Praxis is for Benjamin the true object of experience but also its just method in terms of construction. The ”construction” as a dialectical sublation of surrealist experience engenders a thematization of the historical dialectics not just in terms of then/now, but also of dream/awakening. In order to explain the philosophical significance for Benjamin of the notion of the dialectical image this paper will examine the correspondence between Benjamin and the thinking of early Marx. In this correspondence the construction of praxis becomes crucial in establishing the transcendental relation between man and his true property as a unique but universal being. The marxian term of appropriation (aneignen) becomes the very praxis in which man finds himself in an image-space (Bildraum), a space which, according to Benjamin, the Surrealists were the first to illuminate (erleuchten). For Benjamin this image-space is a space in time conceived both as a collective body and as a unique being that through and by revolutionary actions can be entered and inhabited and whose form is inseparable from its content. Their convergence is crucial for the definition of Benjamin’s ”image”. In that sense the notion of uniqueness becomes the criterion for how a proper historical articulation is to be understood, that is not as a realization of how the past really was, but as an appropriation in remembrance (mémoire involontaire) of a forgotten image, hidden in the world of things (Dingwelt). The dialectical image then becomes a question of historical reading, not of the past, but of the now in and of the past.
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[pt] O presente estudo tem como objetivo realizar uma análise
simultaneamente histórica e conceitual sobre as percepções de Walter Benjamin
sobre o direito e a política situando-as no contexto histórico da República de
Weimar (1918/9-1933). Através dessa análise articulada, trata-se de expor os
traços principais do debate proposto por Benjamin, analisando seus escritos que
enfrentam a discussão sobre o direito e a política, seus embates em torno da noção
de estado de exceção, e sua relação com a filosofia da história do autor. Será
importante também desdobrar tais reflexões, indicando os questionamentos
colocados, as inflexões sofridas em relação ao seu pensamento anterior e a
incorporação de novas questões. Benjamin será, portanto, analisado tendo como
referência o seu próprio tempo, indicando-se também suas especificidades como
autor e as respostas dadas a esse tempo que o particularizam. A hipótese central
do presente trabalho é que para uma melhor compreensão dos escritos políticojurídicos
de Benjamin é fundamental a análise conjunta do contexto de onde
emergiram, reconhecendo que os problemas levantados pelo autor vão além dele,
e que a partir daquele contexto determinado levantou questões que dizem respeito
à tendências da própria modernidade, e que ainda são, portanto, questões do nosso
tempo. / [en] This study aims to conduct both a historical and a conceptual analysis of
Walter Benjamin s perceptions on law and politics, locating them in the historical
context of the Weimar Republic (1918/9 - 1933 ). Through this articulated
analysis, the purpose is to expose the main features of Benjamin s debates,
analyzing his writings that face the discussions on law and politics, the struggles
around the concept of state of exception, and its relation with author s
philosophy of history.It will also be important to unfold such reflections,
indicating the questions posed, the inflections incurred in relation to his previous
thought and the incorporation of new issues. Benjamin will therefore be analyzed
with reference to his own time, indicating as well his specificities as author and
the answers given to this time that particularizes him.The central hypothesis of
this study is that for a better understanding of Benjamin s political and legal
writings is fundamental to analyse them together with the context from which they
emerged, recognizing that the problems raised by the author go beyond him and,
from that particular context, he lifted questions concerning particular tendencies
of modernity which still are issues of our time.
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[pt] Este trabalho tem por objetivo abordar criticamente o encontro entre a forma
como a memória é compreendida no campo da justiça de transição, por um lado, e,
por outro, como é concebida a partir da obra de Walter Benjamin, e transmitida pela
literatura Primo Levi. Trata-se, mais precisamente, da tentativa de partir da teoria
benjaminiana e da literatura de Primo Levi para pensar criticamente a forma da
memória e seus limites, quando inserida no campo da justiça transicional. Isso
porque, argumentamos, há certos pressupostos implícitos a esse campo que dão azo
a questionamentos sobre sua natureza transitória, e que delimitam a potência da
memória como meio de pôr em crítica o presente e, assim, para impulsionar a
criação do novo. Para tratar do tema, abordamos, na primeira parte da tese,
contornos conceituais e genealógicos da justiça de transição; as formas de
expressão da memória, a partir do entendimento da Comissão Interamericana de
Direitos Humanos (CIDH); e alguns dos pressupostos do campo. Na segunda parte
do trabalho, apresentamos alguns dos aspectos que marcam a concepção da
memória em Benjamin, a fim de alcançar uma outra perspectiva sobre a potência
da relação entre a transmissão da experiência pretérita e o presente. Em seguida,
aproximamos a memória benjaminiana e a forma literária criada por Primo Levi
para transmitir a memória da ofensa. / [en] This thesis aims to critically address the encounter between the way memory is understood in the field of transitional justice, on the one hand, and, on the other, how it is conceived from the work of Walter Benjamin, and conveyed by Primo Levi s literature. This is, more precisely, an attempt to draw from Benjaminian theory and Primo Levi s literature to think critically about the form of memory and its limits when embedded in the field of transitional justice. This is because, we argue, there are certain assumptions implicit in this field that give rise to questions about its transitory nature, and that delimit the power of memory as a means to critique the present and, thus, to drive the creation of the new. To address the theme, we address, in the first part of the thesis, conceptual and genealogical contours of transitional justice; the forms of expression of memory, from the understanding of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR); and some of the assumptions of the field. In the second part of the paper, we present some of the aspects that mark the conception of memory in Benjamin, in order to achieve another perspective on the potency of the relationship between the transmission of past experience and the present. Then, we approximate Benjaminian conception of memory, and the literary form created by Primo Levi to transmit the memory of the offense.
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[pt] O presente trabalho buscará compreender em que medida a abordagem de Walter Benjamin sobre o tempo, a memória e a experiência histórica permite que se coloque em crítica o presente. Trata-se de ensaiar uma aproximação com a obra do autor, procurando acompanhar algumas ressonâncias do conceito de memória naquilo que diz respeito à liberação da experiência histórica para a criação do futuro, a partir da articulação entre o passado e o presente que rememora. Esse movimento implica remontar a crítica do autor à percepção moderna hegemônica sobre o tempo histórico e seus efeitos sobre a experiência. A concepção temporal colocada em crise por Benjamin tem por base a crença em um suposto progresso
universal, necessário e positivo da humanidade. Nesses termos, a história é confundida com o contínuo desenrolar de um destino ascendente e irreversível da humanidade, em que a experiência histórica como ação criativa perde espaço e valor. Em Benjamin, a visada crítica sobre a realidade tem na concepção do tempo histórico um elemento fundamental. A hipótese central deste trabalho é que a memória, tal como trabalhada por Walter Benjamin, permite alcançar uma perspectiva crítica sobre o presente, afirmando a história como construção permanente, em sua abertura e descontinuidade. / [fr] Avec ce travail je cherche a comprendre a quel point le regard de walter benjamin sur le temps, la memoire et l experience historique nois permet de mettre le moment présent en critique. On parle d un essai d approximation avec l oeuvre de l auteur, qui cherche a accompagner certaines résonances du concept de
mémoire face a la libération de l expérience historique pour la création du futur, à partir du rapport entre le passé et le présent qui remémore. Ce mouvement vise remonter dans la critique de l auteur a la perception hegemonique moderne sur le temps historique et ses effets sur l experience. La conception temporelle mise en question par Benjamin repose sur la croyance en un prétendu progrès universel, nécessaire et positif de l humanité. Dans ces termes, l histoire est confondue avec le déroulement continu d une destinée humaine croissante et irréversible, dans laquelle l expérience historique en tant qu action créatrice perd de l espace et de la valeur. Dans l oeuvre de Benjamin, la vision critique de la réalité garde un élément fondamental dans la conception du temps historique. L hypothèse centrale de ce travail est, donc, que la mémoire, telle qu elle paraît dans l oeuvre de Walter Benjamin, puisse nous permettre d accéder à une perspective critique du présent, affirmant que l histoire est une construction permanente, ouverte et discontinue.
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[pt] A partir da proposição de Virginia Woolf em seu ensaio Sobre estar doente, a dissertação investe numa experiência de imersão na figura da febre em fragmentos, manifestações artísticas e teórico-críticas. Vozes como a do filósofo alemão Walter Benjamin e a do teórico estadunidense Jonathan Crary comparecem à pesquisa, nos convidando a uma dimensão específica da febre, ora morosa, ora efervescente; ora humana, ora maquinal; ora furiosa; ora amortecida. No âmbito do estudo, cabe se perguntar: que dimensões políticas poderiam ser mobilizadas a partir do estado do convalescente que observa o mundo de sua cama? Poderia tal ação oferecer um desconcerto à ordem utilitária e hegemônica que se instaurou como consequência direta do modelo econômico vigente? A dissertação endereça tais questões, ao introduzir uma nova qualidade de olhar, um estado que, mesmo em meio à ferocidade de informação e demanda do capitalismo tardio, possibilita um recuo das coisas do mundo para que os detalhes e os fragmentos, esquecidos debaixo da cama, se tornem visíveis mais uma vez. / [en] Having Virginia Woolf s proposition in her essay On being ill as a starting point, this dissertation focus on an immersive experience of the fever imagery lived by both artistic and theoretical critical manifestations. Theories from Walter Benjamin, the german philosopher, and Jonathan Crary, the north-american scholar, are present in this research, inviting us to a specific dimension of the fever, slow and effervescent; human and mechanical; infuriated and dampened. Regarding the study of this paper, it is necessary to ponder: what political dimensions could be mobilized from the state of convalescence of someone who observes the world from their bed? Could such action disturb the practical and hegemonic orders that have been installed as a direct consequence of the current economic model? This paper addresses these questions by introducing a new way of seeing things, a state in which, even among the ferocity of information demanded by late capitalism, allows a depart from the things of the world so the details and fragments, forgotten under the bed, may be seen once again.
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Schriftstelleranthologien in Deutschland und Frankreich / Anthologies of authors in Germany and France / Les anthologies d'écrivains en France et en AllemagneStraubel, Hella 21 June 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s’interroge sur les anthologies d’écrivain, un objet littéraire très intéressant, mais encore insuffisamment étudié à ce jour. Nous entreprenons dans un premier chapitre d’esquisser le champ théorique dans lequel se situe notre analyse en évoquant brièvement les théories du canon littéraire avant de nous tourner vers la notion de ‘musée’ qui guide notre interprétation dans la suite de ce travail. Notre corpus est constitué de six auteurs, trois de langue française (André Gide, Paul Éluard et André Breton) et trois de langue allemande (Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Rudolf Borchardt et Walter Benjamin). Dans la partie centrale de notre travail, nous analysons et interprétons les anthologies (de poésie et prose) que ces auteurs ont publiées dans des buts très différents. Nous observons que pour les auteurs de langue allemande, c’est la notion de ‘nation’ qui se trouve au centre de leur travail éditorial ; il s’y agit donc de l’effort, né d’un sentiment de crise et absence de cadre identitaire dans les années 1920/30, d’établir un sentiment d’appartenance à quelque chose qui unirait les Allemands. Du côté des Français nous observons aussi une impression de crise, cependant essentiellement différente, et une concentration sur le champ littéraire dans leur travail éditorial. À la fin, nous essayons de relier ces aspects à l’idée du musée de la littérature dans toute sa variété, telle qu’elle se présente dans nos anthologies. / In this thesis, we study an object which, despite the great interest it presents, only little attention has been paid: anthologies of authors. In our first chapter, we try to define the theoretical field which determines our reflections by outlining, in the first place, the most important aspects of literary theories concerning the canon and, in a second step, exploring the notion of ‘museum’ that will guide our reflections throughout our paper. Our corpus includes three French-speaking and three German-speaking authors (André Gide, Paul Éluard and André Breton on the French side, and Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Rudolf Borchardt and Walter Benjamin on the German/Austrian one). Analyzing and interpreting their collections of poetry and prose, assembled with very different objectives, constitutes the core of our study. We observe that for the German-speaking authors, it’s the concept of ‘nation’ that takes the most prominent place in their work; deriving from a sentiment of crisis in the 1920s and 30sand of the lack of an identity frame that could unite Germany. Whilst a great part of their editorial work consists in an effort to establish that idea of a common German identity, the French authors on the other hand, confronted with a substantially different consciousness of crisis, try to develop a more literary solution. At the end of our study, we try to unite the different aspects of our interpretation by refining the idea of a “museum of literature” as it presents itself in the texts analyzed.
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The Laws of Terrorism: Representations of Terrorism in German Literature and FilmChen, Yannleon 03 October 2013 (has links)
Representations of the reasons and actions of terrorists have appeared in German literature tracing back to the age of Sturm und Drang of the 18th century, most notably in Heinrich von Kleist's Michael Kohlhaas and Friedrich Schiller's Die Räuber, and more recently since the radical actions of the Red Army Faction during the late 1960s and early 1970s, such as in Uli Edel's film, The Baader Meinhof Complex. By referring to Walter Benjamin's system of natural law and positive law, which provides definitions of differing codes of ethics with relation to state laws and personal ethics, one should be able to understand that Michael Kohlhaas, Karl Moor, and the members of the RAF are indeed represented as terrorists. However, their actions and motives are not without an internal ethics, which conflicts with that of their respective state-sanctioned authorities. This thesis reveals the similarities and differences in motives, methods, and use of violence in Schiller, Kleist, and representations of the RAF and explores how the turn to terrorism can arise from a logical realization that ideologies of state law do not align with the personal sense of justice and law of the individual.
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Implicações políticas da linguagem em Walter BenjaminSantos, Claudecir dos 23 October 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-01-31 / Nenhuma / O objetivo desta pesquisa é mostrar que a filosofia da linguagem de Walter Benjamin possui implicações políticas que atribuem à linguagem humana uma missão. Entre os pressupostos desta missão está a construção de um projeto que tenha como princípio e fim a redenção revolucionária da humanidade. Tal projeto, porém, não se realizará sem a conjugação entre passado, presente e futuro. Benjamin entende que a viabilidade para essa conjugação precisa de uma linguagem onde a rememoração, o resgate das experiências perdidas (possível através de uma prática tradutora que se aproxima do original) e o messianismo se tornem condições para a interrupção do progresso, quando este for desumanizante. Estas condições estão no centro do projeto benjaminiano, mas somente ganham sentido quando são pensadas a partir de uma linguagem que vai além dos signos e consegue fazer com que as coisas e os eventos se comuniquem na linguagem e não apenas através dela. Frente a isso, esta tese acerca das implicações políticas da linguagem em Walter Benjamin apresenta, em primeiro lugar, a estruturação da teoria da linguagem construída pelo filósofo. Em segundo lugar, traz as implicações políticas da linguagem na filosofia da história e, em terceiro lugar, faz referência às implicações políticas da linguagem a partir das reflexões de Benjamin sobre a linguagem e a temporalidade. As análises, interpretações e ponderações que dão vida a esta tese sugerem que a teoria da linguagem de Walter Benjamin é uma espécie de herança prometida. A conquista dessa herança implica um retorno à origem da linguagem. Mas, essa possibilidade não é mais possível. Diante disso, resta à humanidade a tarefa de caminhar rumo à origem da linguagem e perceber a sua dimensão mágica presente em todas as coisas. Assim, a linguagem poderá transformar-se em um vigoroso instrumento político capaz de fazer com que o irromper da consciência desperta tenha forças para reavivar experiências onde o "ocorrido" nos toca, sugerindo, se necessário, uma reviravolta na construção e interpretação da história. / The objective of this research is to show that the philosophy of language of Walter Benjamin has political implications that attach to human language a mission. Among the assumptions of this mission is to do a project that has as a principle and target the revolutionary redemption of humanity. This project, however, will not take place without the conjunction between past, present and future. Benjamin believes that the feasibility of this combination lacks a language where the recollection, the redemption of lost experience (possible via a translating practice that approximates to the original) and messianism become conditions for stopping the progress, once it is dehumanizing. These conditions are at the heart of Benjamin's project, but only make sense when they are thought from a language that goes beyond the signs and can make things and events to communicate in the language and not just through it. Given it, this thesis about the political implications of language in Walter Benjamin presents, firstly the structure of language theory constructed by the philosopher. Secondly, it brings the political implications of language in philosophy of history and, thirdly, refers to the political implications of language from the reflections of Benjamin on language and temporality. The analyzes, interpretations and considerations which support this work suggest that the theory of the language of Walter Benjamin is a kind of promised inheritance. The conquest of that heritage implies a return to the origins of language. But that maybe is no longer possible. Thus, there remains the task of humanity to walk towards the origin of language and realize its magical dimension present in all things. Therefore, the language can become a powerful political tool capable of causing that the outbreak of waking consciousness has the strength to revive experiences where "the occurred" moves us, suggesting, if necessary, a turnaround in the construction and interpretation of history.
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O conceito de exposição em Walter Benjamin e a fragilidade fértil da filosofiaSilva, Renata Karla Magalhães 24 March 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-24 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / After all, how to understand the concept of presentation (Darstellung) in Walter
Benjamin? Why does he use this concept in place of the old acquaintance of philosophy,
Vorstellung (representation)? This research aims to investigate the constellation that emerges
around these issues. Benjamin argues that the concern about presentation (Darstellung) is
inherent in the philosophical text and also is the fragile element of philosophy. This weakness
stems from two factors, namely the failure of language, which despite being internally
connected to all that exists, is incapable of saying things in its fullness, and the historical and
moving character of truth, which moves away every time we try to grasp it. These two factors
block philosophy s possibility as a system, but more than that, ask for it to be a constant
exercise (Übung) of its form. Instead of denying this weakness, Benjamin proposes to
discover the fruitfulness that comes of it: the search for a productive, mimetic, relationship
with language. Philosophy thus assumes the form of a continued commitment to the
presentation of the truth, while acknowledging the impossibility of fully achieving of this
goal. This work aims to show how Benjamin performs this presentation s procedure by his
review from the Goethe s novel Elective Affinities, his "pseudotreatise" on the German
Baroque and his essay about Surrealism, and how that presentation s exercise can be
understood as an experience (Erfahrung) of the object through the practice of philosophical
writing / Afinal, como compreender o conceito de exposição (Darstellung) em Walter Benjamin?
Por que ele emprega esse conceito no lugar do velho conhecido da filosofia, Vorstellung
(representação)? Esta pesquisa se propõe a investigar a constelação que se delineia em torno
destas questões. Benjamin defende que a preocupação com a exposição (Darstellung) é
inerente ao texto filosófico e é o elemento frágil da filosofia. Esta fragilidade advém de dois
elementos, a saber, a insuficiência da linguagem, que apesar de estar internamente ligada a
tudo o que existe, é incapaz de dizer as coisas em sua plenitude, e o caráter histórico e
movente da verdade, que se move para longe a cada vez que se tenta agarrá-la. Esses dois
elementos impedem que a filosofia seja possível enquanto sistema, mas mais do que isso,
pedem que ela seja um constante exercício (Übung) de sua forma. Em vez de negar esta
fragilidade, Benjamin propõe que se descubra a fecundidade que advém dela: a busca de uma
relação produtiva, mimética, com a linguagem. A filosofia assume, assim, a forma de um
constante empenho na exposição da verdade, apesar de reconhecer a impossibilidade de
realizar plenamente esse objetivo. Este trabalho pretende mostrar como Benjamin realiza este
procedimento expositivo através da crítica do romance As afinidades eletivas, de Goethe, do
pseudotratado sobre o drama barroco alemão e do ensaio sobre o Surrealismo, e como esse
exercício de exposição pode ser entendido como uma experiência (Erfahrung) do objeto a
partir da prática da escrita filosófica
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The origin of Korean Trauerspiel: Gwangju, stasis, justiceKwak, Yung Bin 01 December 2012 (has links)
My dissertation, entitled, The Origin of Korean Trauerspiel: Gwangju, Stasis, Justice, argues that the vertiginous vicissitudes of contemporary South Korea since 1997 can be best described in terms of what Walter Benjamin calls Trauerspiel, or Mourning Play. This project identifies the 15-year period as the time-space of a series of suspended and thwarted mourning, in which death, be it in the past or present, hardly partakes of the economy of justice or sacrifice as it putatively does in tragedy in view of a new community to come.
Drawing attention to the peculiar interplay between two contemporary catalysts of stasis, or civil war, i.e., the special amnesty granted in 1997 to ex-President Chun Doo-Hwan for his executive role in the Gwangju Massacre in May 1980 and the U.S. War on Terror since 2002, for which 3 Korean civilian hostages were kidnapped and brutally executed in 2004 and 2007, I argue that both serve to render naught the sublime causes (e.g. Democracy, Justice, and Peace) as well as human lives sacrificed in relation to them, generating a genuine crisis of politics and ethics.
By analyzing contemporary Korean cinema (e.g. films by Park Chan-wook, Bong Jun-ho, and Kim Jee-woon) and literature (e.g. Kim Hoon) of this period as allegory of this crisis, I show how attempts at doing justice are complicated and increasingly frustrated by progressive dissolution of a series of traditional distinctions between Victim and Perpetrator, Friend and Enemy, and Justice and Vengeance, leading to universal failures of mourning, only to constitute a vast singular Trauerspiel, or Mourning Play.
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