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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Méthodologies pour la création de connaissances relatives au marché chinois dans une démarche d'Intelligence Économique : application dans le domaine des biotechnologies agricoles / Methodologies for building knowledge about the Chinese market in a business intelligence approach : application in the field of agricultural biotechnologies

Guénec, Nadège 02 July 2009 (has links)
Le décloisonnement des économies et l’accélération mondiale des échanges commerciaux ont, en une décennie à peine, transformés l’environnement concurrentiel des entreprises. La zone d’activités s’est élargie en ouvrant des nouveaux marchés à potentiels très attrayants. Ainsi en est-il des BRIC (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine). De ces quatre pays, impressionnants par la superficie, la population et le potentiel économique qu’ils représentent, la Chine est le moins accessible et le plus hermétique à notre compréhension de par un système linguistique distinct des langues indo-européennes d’une part et du fait d’une culture et d’un système de pensée aux antipodes de ceux de l’occident d’autre part. Pourtant, pour une entreprise de taille internationale, qui souhaite étendre son influence ou simplement conserver sa position sur son propre marché, il est aujourd’hui absolument indispensable d’être présent sur le marché chinois. Comment une entreprise occidentale aborde-t-elle un marché qui de par son altérité, apparaît tout d’abord comme complexe et foncièrement énigmatique ? Six années d’observation en Chine, nous ont permis de constater les écueils dans l’accès à l’information concernant le marché chinois. Comme sur de nombreux marchés extérieurs, nos entreprises sont soumises à des déstabilisations parfois inimaginables. L’incapacité à « lire » la Chine et à comprendre les enjeux qui s’y déroulent malgré des effets soutenus, les erreurs tactiques qui découlent d’une mauvaise appréciation du marché ou d’une compréhension biaisée des jeux d’acteurs nous ont incités à réfléchir à une méthodologie de décryptage plus fine de l’environnement d’affaire qui puisse offrir aux entreprises françaises une approche de la Chine en tant que marché. Les méthodes de l’Intelligence Economique (IE) se sont alors imposées comme étant les plus propices pour plusieurs raisons : le but de l’IE est de trouver l’action juste à mener, la spécificité du contexte dans lequel évolue l’organisation est prise en compte et l’analyse se fait en temps réel. Si une approche culturelle est faite d’interactions humaines et de subtilités, une approche « marché » est dorénavant possible par le traitement automatique de l’information et de la modélisation qui s’en suit. En effet, dans toute démarche d’Intelligence Economique accompagnant l’implantation d’une activité à l’étranger, une grande part de l’information à portée stratégique vient de l’analyse du jeu des acteurs opérants dans le même secteur d’activité. Une telle automatisation de la création de connaissance constitue, en sus de l’approche humaine « sur le terrain », une réelle valeur ajoutée pour la compréhension des interactions entre les acteurs car elle apporte un ensemble de connaissances qui, prenant en compte des entités plus larges, revêtent un caractère global, insaisissable par ailleurs. La Chine ayant fortement développé les technologies liées à l’économie de la connaissance, il est dorénavant possible d’explorer les sources d’information scientifiques et techniques chinoises. Nous sommes en outre convaincus que l’information chinoise prendra au fil du temps une importance de plus en plus cruciale. Il devient donc urgent pour les organisations de se doter de dispositifs permettant non seulement d’accéder à cette information mais également d’être en mesure de traiter les masses d’informations issues de ces sources. Notre travail consiste principalement à adapter les outils et méthodes issues de la recherche française à l’analyse de l’information chinoise en vue de la création de connaissances élaborées. L’outil MATHEO, apportera par des traitements bibliométriques une vision mondiale de la stratégie chinoise. TETRALOGIE, outil dédié au data-mining, sera adapté à l’environnement linguistique et structurel des bases de données scientifiques chinoises. En outre, nous participons au développement d’un outil d’information retreival (MEVA) qui intègre les données récentes des sciences cognitives et oeuvrons à son application dans la recherche de l’information chinoise, pertinente et adéquate. Cette thèse étant réalisée dans le cadre d’un contrat CIFRE avec le Groupe Limagrain, une application contextualisée de notre démarche sera mise en œuvre dans le domaine des biotechnologies agricoles et plus particulièrement autour des enjeux actuels de la recherche sur les techniques d’hybridation du blé. L’analyse de ce secteur de pointe, qui est à la fois une domaine de recherche fondamentale, expérimentale et appliquée donne actuellement lieu à des prises de brevets et à la mise sur le marché de produits commerciaux et représente donc une thématique très actuelle. La Chine est-elle réellement, comme nous le supposons, un nouveau territoire mondial de la recherche scientifique du 21e siècle ? Les méthodes de l’IE peuvent-elles s’adapter au marché chinois ? Après avoir fourni les éléments de réponses à ces questions dans es deux premières parties de notre étude, nous poserons en troisième partie, le contexte des biotechnologies agricoles et les enjeux mondiaux en terme de puissance économico-financière mais également géopolitique de la recherche sur l’hybridation du blé. Puis nous verrons en dernière partie comment mettre en œuvre une recherche d’information sur le marché chinois ainsi que l’intérêt majeur en terme de valeur ajoutée que représente l’analyse de l’information chinoise / The rise of globalization, including technological innovations and the dismantling of trade barriers, has spurred the steady acceleration of global trade and, in barely a decade, has transformed the competitive environment of enterprises. The area of activity has been expanded by the emergence of new markets with very attractive potential. So are the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China). Among the four of them, all impressive by their size, population and economic potential they represent, China is the least accessible and the more closed to our understanding because of a linguistic system radically different from the Indo-European languages on the one hand and of the fact of a culture and a thought system at odds with those of Western countries. Yet for a company of international size, which wants to extend its influence or simply to maintain its market position, including its own market, it is now essential to be present on the Chinese market. How does a western company operate on a market that appears at first as inherently complex and enigmatic because of its otherness? During six years of observation in China, we have found out the pitfalls in access to information about the Chinese market. As on many markets, our companies are subject to some unimaginable destabilization. The inability to “read” China and understand the issues that take place in spite of sustained efforts, the tactical errors that arise from a misjudgement of the market or a biased understanding of the game players led us to consider a methodology that could provide French companies an approach to China as a market. The methodologies of Business Intelligence (BI) came out to be the most suitable for several reasons: the goal of BI is to find out the right action to realise, the specificity of the context in which the organization is evolving is taken into consideration and the analysis is done just in time. If a cultural approach is made of human interactions and subtleties, a market approach is now possible by the automatic processing of information and its modelling. In any process of economic intelligence accompanying the establishment of a foreign operation, a large part of the strategic information comes from analysis of the game players operating in the same sector of activity. Such an automation of knowledge creation is, in addition to the human approach on the field, a real high value added to help the understanding of the interactions between the players. It provides a set of knowledge, which taking into account more large entities, are more comprehensive. They are more elusive anywhere else. Because has highly developed technologies linked to the knowledge economy, it is now possible to explore the scientific and technological sources of information science in China. We are also convinced that Chinese sources of information will take a more and more crucial importance in any global watch. It is therefore an urgent need for organizations to get solutions that not only allow the access to this information but also are able to handle the masses of information from these sources. The aim of this thesis is mainly to adapt the tools and the methods invented by French university research to the analysis of Chinese information in order to create useful knowledge. Matheo software will provide some bibliometrical treatments that will give a global vision of the Chinese strategy. Tetralogy software, a tool dedicated to data-mining, will be tailored to the linguistic environment and to the structure of the Chinese scientific databases. In addition, we participate in the development of a method for the information retrieval (MEVA) which integrates the data of recent discoveries in cognitive science. We develop this method to the research of the relevant and appropriate information among the Chinese datas. As this thesis is conduced under a contract university /enterprise with Limagrain, an application of our approach will be implemented in the field of agricultural biotechnology and in particular around issues of research on techniques for hybridization of wheat. The analysis of this sector, which is an area of fundamental research, experimental and applied is a very current topic as it gives rise to the acquisition of patents and to the marketing of commercial products. Is China really, as we suppose to, a new territory Global Scientific Research of the 21st century? Can the methods of BI be adapted to the Chinese market? After providing some answers to these questions in the first two parts of our study, the third part will describe the global context of agricultural biotechnologies and its issues in terms of economic and financial power but also geopolitical. Then we will focus on the problematic of research on hybridization wheat. Then we will see in the fourth and last part how to implement a search for information on the Chinese market and the major interest in terms of added value of information analysis in China

Historieskrivning i den samtida historiska romanen : En läsning av Sarah Waters The night watch och Colson Whiteheads The underground railroad

Ehn Svensson, Mikaela January 2020 (has links)
It has always been important to study history. But what we can’t forget is that there’s more than one way of doing so. One of those is literature. In this thesis I will therefore study two contemporary historical novels: The Night Watch by Sarah Waters and The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead. The aim is to explore how they portray different kinds of historical experiences and how that may relate to questions that are relevant even in a contemporary context. Because both novels have an interestning relationship with time and space, I’m going to use the russian literary theorist Micheal Bachtins concept of the chronotope to explore how time and space operates and relate to eachother. In the end, this thesis also aims to show that literature can be a valuable object to study for those that are intererested in histiography.

Effects of skin color on the Accuracy of heart ratedetection of commercial wearable devices / Effekten av olika hudfärger på nogrannheten vidmätning av hjärtslag med olika kommersiella bärbaraenheter

Jaber, Hussein January 2023 (has links)
The ownership and demand for fitness trackers, smartwatches, and wrist-worn deviceshave been increasing globally. These devices offer various features such as measuringphysical activity, sleep monitoring, and health-related measurements like heart rate andheart rate variability using PhotoPlethysmoGraphy (PPG). However, research indicatesthat PPG measurements are less accurate on darker skin compared to lighter skin due to thehigher presence of melanin, a light-absorbing substance in dark skin.This thesis addresses the impact of melanin on the accuracy of heart rate measurements ondifferent skin colors using four commercial smartwatches, Apple Watch Series 5, FitbitCharge 2, Xiaomi Miband 3, and Sony mSafety. The study involves analyzing the accuracyof these smartwatches on individuals with varying skin colors while controlling forexternal factors. The collected data from the smartwatches are compared to a referencesensor that uses electrocardiography (ECG) measurements with electrodes placed aroundthe chest. Three different tests are conducted wearing the devices, with no movement,while walking, and with circular hand motions.The tests were conducted on twelve participants representing the 6 different skin typescategorized using the Fitzpatrick scale. With the presented results in this thesis, it wasconcluded that the 4 smartwatches' measurement accuracy does not seem to be dependenton specific skin types. Ranked in terms of Mean Absolute Error (MAE), the Apple Watchshowed the lowest value, followed by Xiaomi, Fitbit and the mSafety and that the accuracydid not depend on skin color. / Ägandet och efterfrågan av smartklockor har ökat globalt. Dessa enheter erbjuder olikafunktioner som mäter fysisk aktivitet, övervakning av sömn och hälsorelaterade mätningarsom puls och hjärtfrekvensvariabilitet med hjälp av PhotoPlethysmoGraphy (PPG).Forskning har dock visat att PPG-mätningar är mindre noggranna på mörkare hud jämförtmed ljusare hud på grund av den högre närvaron av substansen melanin, ettljusabsorberande ämne.Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka påverkan av melanin på noggrannheten i pulsmätningar på olika hudfärger med hjälp av fyra kommersiella smartklockor: Apple WatchSeries 5, Fitbit Charge 2, Xiaomi Miband 3 och mSafety av Sony. Arbetet inkluderar enanalys av dessa smartklockors noggrannhet på personer med de olika hudfärger samtidigtsom externa faktorer som kan påverka noggrannheten kontrolleras. De insamlade data frånsmartklockorna jämförs med en referenssensor, Polar band, som använderelektrokardiografimätningar (ECG) med elektroder. Tre olika tester utförs med enheterna,utan rörelse, medan man går och med cirkulära handrörelser.Testerna utfördes på tolv deltagare som representerar olika hudtyper kategoriserade enligtFitzpatrick-skalan. Utifrån de presenterade resultaten i denna avhandling drogs slutsatsenatt de fyra smartklockornas mätnoggrannhet inte verkar vara beroende av specifikahudtyper. Rankade i termer av Mean Absolute Error (MAE) visade Apple Watch det lägstavärdet, följt av Xiaomi, Fitbit och mSafety.

國際非政府組織與西藏人權保護之研究 / International Non-Governmental Organizations and Human Rights Protection in Tibet

楚思玲, Choekyi,Tsering Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是在研究西藏自一九五○到二○○八年三月間發生過的反共抗暴所引發並受國際與國際人權組織所觀著之西藏人權問題。文中討論美國、歐盟與國際非政府組織(如,人權觀察(Human Rights Watch)和國際特赦組織 (Amnesty International))如何提出相對的策略來抵制中共對西藏的人權政策,並研究中共在即將舉辨奧運的同時如何面對來自各方的抵制與強大壓力,這些問題也隨著奧運的接近而更加顯著。 也許西方文化與中國文化有所不同而在人權的定義也有著些許的差異,但是這並不構成一個適當的理由來否認聯合國所定義用來參考的世界人權宣言(Universal Declaration of Human Rights)。同時本論文的研究範圍也涵蓋到因西藏宗教、政治、經濟與教育上的不自由而今年三月所引發之抗議示威遊行 ,並討論因中共近年來之掘起而美國與歐盟在此次事件上對中共的影響力與態度,這也許與中共的貿易關係不同而產生的影響力與表達的態度會有所不同。 / 中共雖然受到西方政治與國際非政府組織之強大壓力,可是西藏之人權問題仍然未得到改善,也許中共擔心若給予藏民太多的由自而可能造成更多的混亂,但西方政府與國際非政府組織持續在些問題上觀著,並積極保護西藏之宗教、語言與文化,因而讓中共當局在西藏問題上受到極大之挑戰,也必須注入更多的資源來因應。 / This research project focuses on the Human Rights situation in Tibet under the occupation of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) since the 1950s right up to the present times when popular protests against China in Tibetan areas since March 10 this year has put the issue Tibet right back on the international arena. China’s policy stand on human rights and how it refutes accusations by International NGOs of human rights violations in China and Tibet are examined through case studies of the works and reports of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the current international attention on human rights in the run up to the Olympic Games in Beijing in August, 2008. Contrasting definition of ‘Human Rights’ between China and the west is also examined to suggest that arguments about cultural distinctiveness are no excuse for the denial of the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Case studies of lack of religious freedom and the general discrimination suffered by Tibetans in political, economic and educational spheres suggest why the recent popular Tibetan uprisings have erupted. An examination of the influence of International NGOs on the human rights policies of western governments like the US, France, UK, Germany as well as the EU that constitute China’s largest trading partners, show considerable influence and impact through their reports and monitoring of violations of human rights by China. / By adopting a judicious mix of the two approaches of ‘silent constructive engagement’ as well as direct, confrontational ‘naming and shaming’ of individual instances of human rights abuses and violations, the International NGOs and western trading partners of China have achieved incremental success in forcing China to make changes to its human rights policies. Despite the enormous international pressure from International NGOs and western Governments, the leadership of the Communist Party that effectively runs China, is found to be extremely uncooperative in terms of improving human rights in China or Tibet where the current spate of protests have reaffirmed their abiding fear that allowing more freedom and rights to the people could risk a challenge to the supremacy of the Party in continuing to run the PRC and leading it into the 21st century as the undisputed global power. This makes it obvious that International NGOs campaigning for human rights in China and Tibet in particular will continue especially in light of China’s policy of assimilation of minority nationalities like the Tibetans and the Uighurs and the destruction of their distinct national, cultural and religious identity.

La veille technologique comme outil d'anticipation pour les politiques pour la science et l'innovation : rôle des indicateurs technologiques dans la construction des collaborations universités-entreprises au Maroc

Taouil, Fatima-Zohra 21 December 2012 (has links)
Notre recherche a pour objectif de fournir les indicateurs caractérisant l'activité technologique du Maroc. La production technologique a été mesurée à partir des données émanant de deux bases de données sur les brevets : la base de brevets de l'OMPIC qui publie les brevets déposés au Maroc et la base de l'OMPI pour les brevets mondiaux. Notre étude couvre les brevets de priorité marocaine pour une période de 6 ans et son champ d'application concerne l'industrie en tant que marché de l'innovation. Les indicateurs technologiques élaborés s'inscrivent dans le cadre des politiques pour favoriser le transfert des connaissances vers les entreprises. Nous avons puisé dans l'approche systémique et socio-constructiviste les éléments pour étudier le système de la recherche à travers ses aspects historiques, ses inputs, ses relations et son devenir et élaborer des indicateurs technologiques utiles aux décideurs. Nous avons utilisé la bibliométrie des brevets pour rendre compte de la structure des liens entres les producteurs technologiques dans une perspective à la fois sociale et scientifique. Nous avons démontré le peu de structuration en communautés des universités et des entreprises. Les personnes physiques sont à l'origine de 74% des dépôts dont seulement 10% ont une valeur ajoutée. Sur le plan régional, une concentration technologique est observée dans 3 régions. Nous avons soulevé la dépendance technologique du Maroc et proposer une stratégie pour améliorer l'attractivité des territoires à travers des opportunités de collaborations université-entreprise. / The purpose of this work was to provide the indicators characterizing the technological activity in Morocco. The technological production was measured by analyzing patents data extracted from a local and a global database: The OMPIC and WIPO patent database. Our study icludes patents with a moroccan priority for a period of 6 years years (2006-2010) with an application to industry as a potential user of scientific research. Building scientific and technological indicators is placed in the context of public policies to meet the socio-economic needs of the country. This research is based on a systemic and a socio-constructivist approaches to define the structural, functional and historical aspects to provide a comprehensive view of the Moroccan system of scientific and technological research. So, our study has analyzed the technological activity in three segments: companies, universities and individuals. We also studied the structure of collaboration between them and we noted mainly a lack of structuring communities in universities and companies as knowledge producers. The main technological activity emanates from individuals who are responsible for 74% of patenting activity, but only 10% of them are value-added technology. At a regional level, a technological concentration is observed in 3 regions only. we highlight the technological dependence of Morocco and put up a strategy to identify innovative clusters and university-entreprises collaboration.

Preparing Teachers of Chinese as a Foreign Language for Emerging Education Markets

Cornelius, Crista Lynn January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Ocupar as fendas: intervenções na cidade com uma bicicleta visual / Occupying the gaps: interventions in the city with a visual bicycle

Araujo, Rodrigo de 09 June 2014 (has links)
Ocupar as Fendas: Intervenções na cidade com uma Bicicleta Visual é composto por uma investigação-ação na cidade de São Paulo, na qual três intervenções urbanas foram realizadas: Ruínas Transitórias, Contra-Vigilância e Metro Quadrado. Para executar as ações foi desenvolvida a Bicicleta Visual, um veículo elétrico equipado com projetor de vídeo e um computador. A Bicicleta Visual atua como um dispositivo de ativação do espaço, ao projetar imagens em movimento sobre a arquitetura. As imagens projetadas e o modo como são feitas configuram uma intervenção urbana. As intervenções urbanas instauram desvios, rupturas e novas tensões, explicitando as contradições da cidade - distensões perceptivas, dissensos, que gestam a possibilidade de reflexão sobre a partilha do sensível. Essas ações propõem ao complexo tecido do espaço público novas experiências e invenções, anunciando outras formas de convivência. Nesse tipo de trabalho, que pretende intervir na realidade, prioriza-se, enquanto metodologia, o processo, os meios, a criação de formas que permitam agir e pensar simultaneamente. Esse tipo de pesquisa, transformadora do real, é denominada investigação-ação. Ocupar as Fendas é um trabalho composto de três procedimentos fundamentais: deslocar, projetar e intervir. Ruínas Transitórias investiga a transitoriedade dos espaços vazios gerados pelo processo de gentrificação e as apropriações formais e informais dos mesmos. Contra-Vigilância interage com a esfera da vigilância e da segurança privada nos enclaves fortificados da metrópole paulistana. Metro Quadrado verifica a relação entre o valor do metro quadrado e os tipos de uso do espaço urbano. Com a finalidade de enfatizar o processo de construção da intervenção urbana - e o que nela é mais potente, subversivo e transformador -, esse trabalho cria quatro vozes textuais que dialogam com as ações, deflagrando a experiência de investigar-agir. / Occupying the Gaps: Interventions in the city with a Visual Bicycle is formed by an investigation-action in the city of São Paulo, where three urban interventions were made: Transitory Ruins, Counterwatch, and Square Meter. The Visual Bicycle, an electrical vehicle equipped with a video projector and a computer, was developed to implement these actions. It serves as a space activation device by projecting moving images on the architecture. Those projected images and the way they are made convey an urban intervention. Urban interventions create digressions, ruptures, and new tensions, exposing the city\'s contradictions - perceptive distensions, dissensuses, begetting the possibility of reflection about the distribution of the sensible. Those actions offer new experiences and inventions to the complex fabric of public space, announcing different forms of socialization. In this sort of work, which aims at intervening in our reality, the methodological priority is the process, the means, the conception of ways to allow acting and thinking simultaneously. This kind of reality-transforming research is called investigation-action. Occupying the Gaps is a work comprising three basic procedures: displacing, projecting, and intervening. Transitory Ruins investigates the transience of empty spaces generated by the process of gentrification, as well as both the formal and informal appropriations of those spaces. Counterwatch interacts with the world of watchmen and private security in the fortified enclaves of the metropolis. Square Meter notes the relation between the value of a square meter and the ways urban space is used. With the goal of emphasizing the process of building an urban intervention - and its most potent, subversive, and transformative aspects -, this work creates four textual voices that converse with the actions, prompting the experience of investigating-acting.

Le circuit tribologique : Un outil d'optimisation du 3ème corps / The tribological circuit : An optimization tool for the 3rd body

Rolland, Julian 25 June 2018 (has links)
La plupart des montres mécaniques sont composées d’un échappement à ancre Suisse. Cet organe se situe à la fin du rouage et sert à entretenir et à compter les oscillations du balancier-spiral. Par l’intermédiaire de l’interface ancre / roue d’échappement, il est soumis à des sollicitations parfois extrêmes induisant un rendement faible, d’environ 35%. En outre, le maintien du lubrifiant au contact est délicat et les frottements occasionnés peuvent provoquer une usure prématurée des éléments du système. La première partie de ce travail a consisté au développement d’une démarche d’investigation et de compréhension du fonctionnement du contact entre l’ancre et la roue d’échappement par l’intermédiaire des concepts du triplet et du circuit tribologique. Une visualisation en temps réel du contact, par caméra rapide, a ainsi permis d’obtenir l’évolution de la vitesse réelle des corps en contact. Parallèlement, l’analyse des composants à différents instants de fonctionnement ont conduit à la détermination des débits de 1er et 3ème corps. Par ailleurs, afin de mieux comprendre le comportement tribologique local du contact, un modèle dynamique par éléments finis de l’échappement à ancre Suisse a été développé. A la suite de cette étude, un scénario relatif à la vie du contact a été proposé afin de décrire les différentes phases de fonctionnement de l’échappement. Malgré le rôle clé de la couche de 3ème corps formée pendant le vieillissement par l’activation du débit source, elle génère un débit d’usure qui peut être néfaste pour le mécanisme de montre. Ce résultat amène, par conséquent, à la nécessité de formuler et de réaliser un troisième corps « optimisé ». Dans une seconde partie, une optimisation du comportement de ce 3ème corps a donc été recherchée afin d’atteindre (à terme) une fiabilité à 10 ans et une usure contrôlée. Pour ce faire, deux technologies de lubrification du contact, i.e. fluide et solide, ont été utilisées. La lubrification fluide a été améliorée par texturation des surfaces. La puissance et le nombre de tirs laser ont ainsi été fixés afin de respecter les formes et dimensions des textures imaginées pour le triplet tribologique étudié. Afin de s’affranchir de l’assèchement en lubrifiant fluide du contact au cours du temps, une lubrification solide a été introduite par imprégnation de solides lamellaires et dépôt d’un revêtement « dur » sur la roue d’échappement. Grâce au circuit tribologique et par l’intermédiaire de la création d’un débit source initial et d’un débit d’usure faible, une première optimisation de la couche de 3ème corps formée a été intuité. Une meilleure compréhension du contact entre l’ancre et la roue d’échappement a été apportée. Cette compréhension a permis de passer d’une démarche essais / erreurs existante à une démarche scientifique de proposition de solutions pour l’optimisation du triple / Most of mechanical watches are composed of a Swiss lever escapement. This mechanism is located at the end of the gear train and consist in counting and maintaining the oscillations of the balance wheel. It is subject to extreme solicitations, mostly located at the interface anchor / escapement wheel, inducing a low yield of about 35%. Besides, the difficulty of keeping lubricant within the contact can create wear and induce harmful consequences for the system. The first part of this work involved developing an investigation and understanding approach of the contact between the anchor and the escapement wheel through the concepts of Tribological triplet and circuit. A real-time visualization of the contact, through high-speed camera, succeeded in obtaining the evolution of the real speed of contact bodies. At the same time, components’ observations at different operating times resulted in the evaluation of 1st and 3rd bodies’ flows. Furthermore, in order to understand the local tribological behavior of the contact, a dynamic finite element model of the Swiss lever escapement was developed. Following this study, a scenario of the contact life was proposed in order to outline the different phases of the functioning of the escapement. Despite the key role of the 3rd body layer formed during aging by activating the source flow, it generates a wear rate that can be harmful to the watch mechanism. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate and realize an “optimized” third body. In a second part, an optimization of this 3rd body’s behavior was sought in order to reach a 10-years’ reliability and a stabilized wear. To do this, two lubrication technologies of the contact, i.e. fluid and solid, were used. Fluid lubrication has been improved by surface texturing. The power and the number of laser pulses were determined in order to respect the shapes and dimensions of the textures designed for the studied tribological triplet. To overcome the drying up of lubricant along time, the solid lubrication was investigated by impregnation of lamellar solids and deposition of a “hard” coating on the escapement wheel. Thanks to the Tribological circuit and through the creation of an initial source flow and a low wear flow, a first optimization of the 3rd body’s layer formed has been assumed. A better understanding of the contact between the anchor and the escapement wheel has been provide. This understanding made it possible to go from an existing trial / error approach to a scientific approach for the optimization of the Tribological triplet. A stabilization of the wear and an optimized’s third body were obtained by impregnating a MoS2 solid lubricant on the escapement wheel.t. Une stabilisation de l’usure et un troisième corps « optimisé » ont ainsi été obtenus.

公民監督國會聯盟與國會政治 / Citizen Congress Watch and the Legislative Politics

廖育嶒, Liao, Yu Ceng Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣公民團體監督立法院的行動並不罕見,早在1989年就有公民團體發起立委評鑑的活動,然而學界未曾對此做過系統性的研究。2007年公督盟正式成立後,自第七屆起,公督盟每會期結束後定期公布立委評鑑,引發民眾與不少朝野立委的重視,但也引起名列待觀察名單立委的反彈。本文有兩個層次的研究問題,首先,公督盟究竟如何做評鑑以及他們怎麼看立委評鑑這件事,本文除了分析公督盟的檔案資料外,也深度訪談其成員。公督盟做評鑑的目的希望為選民篩選出好立委,淘汰劣立委,也希望透過監督推動立法院更加透明開放。公督盟實際上在評鑑過程相當嚴謹,卻一直受到國民黨立委的抵制。然而,解決資源有限與強化質化評鑑是公督盟未來急迫的目標。   其次,什麼樣特質的立委較為關心立委評鑑?立委又是如何去看立委評鑑?為了解答本研究問題,本文使用質化的深入訪談以及量化的調查研究兩者混合的方法進行分析。在質化分析上,作者發現:國民黨立委普遍對公督盟持有敵意,民進黨立委則較為友善;此外,立委不分藍綠對評鑑指標過於量化表示不滿;同時,個人形象以及連任考量是影響立委關心評鑑的主因,因為選舉時可以加以宣傳政績;不過,立委評鑑看似使許多立委對立法問政較為積極認真,但不少立委卻是以做業績方式應付評鑑,諸如增加提案量、質詢次數以及高出席率等。而在量化分析上,統計模型顯示,區域立委、民進黨籍、重視立法問政、高教育程度以及女性的立委較為關心評鑑;而民進黨籍立委以及女性立委則較積極提供評鑑資料給公督盟;最後,立委關心評鑑的程度與其評鑑成績表現有正相關關係。總結來說,這些發現均說明了公督盟對立委的問政行為多少產生影響力,後續效應值得學界繼續追蹤研究。 / The NGO’s activities of supervision on the Legislative Yuan is not rare in Taiwan. As early as 1989, there were campaigns called “legislator-evaluation (hereafter ‘LE’)” held by a few NGOs. However, there are scarce systematic researches on it. In 2007, many NGOs allied into an alliance called “Citizen Congress Watch, CCW”. Since the 7th term, the reports of LE were regularly published by CCW after the end of each session. The reports of LE not only attracted the public and the legislators’ attentions, but also received serious criticism from legislators listed on the ‘watch-list’. This thesis has two levels of research questions: First level question is how the CCW conducts and treats the LE. I analyzed the archives and interviewed with the members of CCW to understand how and why they conducted the LE. The purposes of CCW are not only to filter out excellent legislators and to eliminate infamous legislators through LE for the electorate, but also to promote the transformation of Legislative Yuan to more transparency by supervision. Actually, the process of LE is rigorous, but the CCW still confronts the KMT legislators’ boycotts. However, under the situation of limited resource, it’s CCW’s urgent problem to solve and to reinforce the qualitative indicators.  The second level questions intend to discern the characteristics of legislators more concerned about the LE, and how the legislators regard the LE. I combined the methods of in-depth interview and survey on legislators and their assistants. From the in-depth interview, I have several findings: First, because of suspicion on the CCW’s stand towards to the DPP, the KMT legislators are hostile to the CCW; in contrast, the DPP legislators are friendly to it. However, both the KMT and the DPP legislators are unsatisfied with the ways of conducting LE because it overly weights on quantitative indicators. In addition, the reasons legislators care about the LE is mainly due to their values on personal image and re-election considerations. Last, it seems that legislators had become more actively participating in the legislative process because of the LE. Actually many legislators purposefully cope with it by “upping grades”—the number of proposals, interrogations, and the attendance rates were magnified or boasted by the legislators. Also, my hypothses are verified. From the statistic model, it shows that district legislators, the DPP legislators, those who emphasize on legislative affairs rather than constituency service, and the females, are more concerned about the LE. Besides, the DPP and the female legislators are more willing to offer documents for LE to the CCW. In addition, there is a positive relationship between the degrees of legislators’ concern and their grades of LE. In conclusion, these findings imply that the CCW has more or less influence on legislators’ legislative behaviors. It worths conducting follow-up studies in the future.

Ocupar as fendas: intervenções na cidade com uma bicicleta visual / Occupying the gaps: interventions in the city with a visual bicycle

Rodrigo de Araujo 09 June 2014 (has links)
Ocupar as Fendas: Intervenções na cidade com uma Bicicleta Visual é composto por uma investigação-ação na cidade de São Paulo, na qual três intervenções urbanas foram realizadas: Ruínas Transitórias, Contra-Vigilância e Metro Quadrado. Para executar as ações foi desenvolvida a Bicicleta Visual, um veículo elétrico equipado com projetor de vídeo e um computador. A Bicicleta Visual atua como um dispositivo de ativação do espaço, ao projetar imagens em movimento sobre a arquitetura. As imagens projetadas e o modo como são feitas configuram uma intervenção urbana. As intervenções urbanas instauram desvios, rupturas e novas tensões, explicitando as contradições da cidade - distensões perceptivas, dissensos, que gestam a possibilidade de reflexão sobre a partilha do sensível. Essas ações propõem ao complexo tecido do espaço público novas experiências e invenções, anunciando outras formas de convivência. Nesse tipo de trabalho, que pretende intervir na realidade, prioriza-se, enquanto metodologia, o processo, os meios, a criação de formas que permitam agir e pensar simultaneamente. Esse tipo de pesquisa, transformadora do real, é denominada investigação-ação. Ocupar as Fendas é um trabalho composto de três procedimentos fundamentais: deslocar, projetar e intervir. Ruínas Transitórias investiga a transitoriedade dos espaços vazios gerados pelo processo de gentrificação e as apropriações formais e informais dos mesmos. Contra-Vigilância interage com a esfera da vigilância e da segurança privada nos enclaves fortificados da metrópole paulistana. Metro Quadrado verifica a relação entre o valor do metro quadrado e os tipos de uso do espaço urbano. Com a finalidade de enfatizar o processo de construção da intervenção urbana - e o que nela é mais potente, subversivo e transformador -, esse trabalho cria quatro vozes textuais que dialogam com as ações, deflagrando a experiência de investigar-agir. / Occupying the Gaps: Interventions in the city with a Visual Bicycle is formed by an investigation-action in the city of São Paulo, where three urban interventions were made: Transitory Ruins, Counterwatch, and Square Meter. The Visual Bicycle, an electrical vehicle equipped with a video projector and a computer, was developed to implement these actions. It serves as a space activation device by projecting moving images on the architecture. Those projected images and the way they are made convey an urban intervention. Urban interventions create digressions, ruptures, and new tensions, exposing the city\'s contradictions - perceptive distensions, dissensuses, begetting the possibility of reflection about the distribution of the sensible. Those actions offer new experiences and inventions to the complex fabric of public space, announcing different forms of socialization. In this sort of work, which aims at intervening in our reality, the methodological priority is the process, the means, the conception of ways to allow acting and thinking simultaneously. This kind of reality-transforming research is called investigation-action. Occupying the Gaps is a work comprising three basic procedures: displacing, projecting, and intervening. Transitory Ruins investigates the transience of empty spaces generated by the process of gentrification, as well as both the formal and informal appropriations of those spaces. Counterwatch interacts with the world of watchmen and private security in the fortified enclaves of the metropolis. Square Meter notes the relation between the value of a square meter and the ways urban space is used. With the goal of emphasizing the process of building an urban intervention - and its most potent, subversive, and transformative aspects -, this work creates four textual voices that converse with the actions, prompting the experience of investigating-acting.

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