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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling the Likelihood of Construction Incidents Using Public Data

Gerstenberger, Armand January 2021 (has links)
There has been an upward trend of construction injuries and fatalities in the recent decade. Regulatory agencies, such as the NYC Department of Buildings, exist to create and modify construction safety laws, review construction projects, and enforce these laws through site inspections, and often make the data they collect available to the public. However, there is a lack of predictive modeling and a lack of research regarding how to make a proactive prediction of potential injuries and fatalities on construction sites. This study uses public data to predict future construction incidents using leading indicators from information gathered from the NYC permits-issued and complaints-received databases. Results indicate that it is possible to predict future construction incidents over multiple forecast windows using a logistic regression and zero-inflated Poisson model. While previous site incidents alone are significant in predicting future incidents, adding permit and complaint related information increased the true positive rate and decreased the false-negative rate.

En kvantitativ studie om distriktssköterskans psykosociala arbetsmiljö : Med fokus på arbetsplats och yrkesverksamma år som distriktssköterska / A quantitative study of the work environment of the public health nurse : Focus on workplace and professional years as a public health nurse

Mokhtarzadeh, Saeideh, Weinfors, Pernilla January 2021 (has links)
Den psykosociala arbetsmiljön är något som berör och påverkar alla distriktssköterskor oberoende av arbetsplats. Under en längre period har det skett neddragningar inom vården samtidigt som patienterna varken blir färre eller mindre sjuka. Att arbeta under tidspress en längre period påverkar individen negativt både fysiskt och psykiskt och kan leda till sjukskrivningar eller att distriktssköterskor lämnar yrket. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det finns skillnader i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön utifrån antalet yrkesverksamma år som distriktssköterska eller beroende på arbetsplats. Finns det skillnader inom de åtta områden som i enkäten utgör den psykosociala arbetsmiljön utifrån antalet yrkesverksamma år som distriktssköterska eller beroende på arbetsplats? Finns det någon enskild utmärkande fråga inom de åtta områdena? Studien utfördes som en tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Datan samlades in i form av en webbenkät med 143 svar från distriktssköterskor runt om i landet. Resultatet visar inga signifikanta skillnader utifrån yrkesverksamma år som distriktssköterska, däremot finns det signifikans på frågeområdena handlingsutrymme och återhämtning utifrån vilken arbetsplats deltagarna jobbade på. Störst skillnad förekommer mellan skola och vårdcentral. Slutsatsen är att många distriktssköterskor är nöjda med sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö men att det troligen är andra faktorer som i högre grad är påverkande. Mot bakgrund av stickprovets begränsade storlek, så bör föreliggande studie betraktas som en pilotstudie. Det är önskvärt att den följs upp av en mer omfattande studie där en större del av landet täcks in. Man kan trots detta slå fast att det är av vikt att den psykosociala arbetsmiljön ständigt beaktas och förbättras då ett sunt arbetsliv ger förutsättningar för en hållbar utveckling både på individnivå och samhällsnivå. / All public health nurses are affected by the psychosocial work environment. Public health care has suffered budget cuts for several years while the patients have neither become healthier nor fewer. Working under pressure for an extended period has negative effects on employees’ physical and mental state and can lead to increased sick leave or nurses choosing different career paths. The aim of the study was to investigate if there are differences in the psychosocial work environment in regard to the workplace or how many years one has been working as a public health nurse? Are there differences concerning the eight areas that were studied, regarding the psychosocial work environment in relation to the workplace as well as how many years one has been working as a public health nurse? Are there particular questions in these eight areas that deviate? The method used was a quantitative cross-sectional study. Data was gathered using a web enquiry including 143 public health nurses from all across Sweden. The result did not show any significant difference in regard to years of experience as a public health nurse, but it did show that the working place was a significant factor where two of the eight areas deviated from the other in “freedom of action” and “recovery”. The biggest differences were found between schools and health centrals.The conclusion is that many public health nurses are satisfied with their psychosocial work environment and that there are probably other factors that are more influential. In view of the limited size of the sample, the present study should be considered as a pilot study. It is desirable that it be followed up by a more comprehensive study covering a larger part of the country. Nevertheless, it can be stated that it is still important to highlight that more efforts are needed to improve the psychosocial work environment considering that a healthy working life is the key behind a sustainable development of both individuals and society.

Hur skiljer sig arbetet med Lean mellan olika företag? : En jämförelse av arbetet med Lean på två företag

Johansson Danielsson, Ina January 2021 (has links)
Denna rapport går in på vad Lean är och hur det kan användas. Fokusligger på att försöka identifiera hur Lean används inom två olika företagoch hur arbetet med Lean skiljer sig åt mellan dessa. Är Lean merapplicerbart inom vissa processer än andra och vad ser man för resultatav användandet? Om man kommer till en arbetsplats där Lean användsär det viktigt att förstå att det är ett väldigt omfattande arbete för attupprätthålla de rutiner som behövs. Detta synliggörs tydligare av dennajämförelse mellan två företags arbete med Lean än av den litteratur somanvänts under kurserna för högskoleprogrammet till Processoperatör.För att göra jämförelsen har ena företaget intervjuats medan det andraförtaget har besvarat skriftliga frågor. Resultatet av detta visar att de tvåföretagen använder Lean och dess verktyg på olika sätt och företagensprocesser ser även olika ut. Detta styrker resonemanget om att Leanlämpar sig bättre i vissa processer än andra. Arbete med Lean medförstora fördelar för arbetsmiljön för operatörerna men kan även leda tillförsämrad arbetsmiljö om man inte är aktsam. Båda företagen har funnitfördelar med vissa verktyg som underlättar vardagen för de befintligaoperatörerna och även underlättar vid upplärning av ny personal. / This report discusses what Lean is and how it can be used. The focus ison trying to identify how Lean is used in two different companies andhow the work with Lean differs between these companies. Is Lean moreapplicable in some processes than others and what results of using Leancan you see in the company? If you come to a workplace where Lean isused, it is important to understand that it is a very extensive job tomaintain the routines that are needed. This is made clearer bycomparing two companies work with Lean than the literature usedduring the courses for the university program for Process Operator. Tobe able to make the comparison, one of the companies has beeninterviewed while the other company has answered written questions.The result of this shows that the two companies use Lean and its tools indifferent ways and the companies' processes also looks different. Thissupports the reasoning that Lean is better suited to certain processesthan others. Working with Lean entails great benefits for the operatorsworking environment but can also lead to a deteriorating workingenvironment if you are not careful. Both companies have foundadvantages with certain tools that facilitate the everyday life of theexisting operators and facilitate the training of new staff.

IT System interaction problems caused by interface and work environment and users’ perspective to solving these problems

Asadian Falahieh, Mohammad January 2021 (has links)
User Experience is an important factor in improving IT system interfaces and work environments. The user may find difficulties using the interface because of different problems. This study is going to examine which problems a user may encounter while interacting with various interfaces. The literature informs the methodology used in this study. Qualitative method is used in the form of semi-structured interviews. The participants in the interviews answered questions regarding how well they knew about User Experience, which problems they found while interacting with the system, and how these problems could be resolved to lead to a better experience. The work environment is examined in this study as well. Previous research as well as the findings from this study serve as the base for analysis of the data which has demonstrated the variety of individual user experiences and difficulties while using various interfaces. The experience is highly individual and differs from person to person. However, the most frequent common problem was found to be inherent to the interfaces and information overload preventing users from easy interaction with interfaces.

Arbetsmiljön vid arbete i hemmet. : Arbetsgivarens ansvar för arbetsmiljön vid arbete i hemmet. / The work environment when working from home. : The employer's responsibility for the work environment when working at home.

Petersson, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
The essay is about the work environment at home, where the purpose is to examine the work evironment legislation at home and shed a light on the law's problem with the employer's work environment responsbility and whether there are regulations that prevent the employer's responsibility on the work environment at home work. Further the pupose is to analyze whether the work environment in homework is to noticed from an international perspective. The topic ”work environment at home work” has been selected beacuse it is topical as Covid-19 has forced organizations to reorganize their organizations, this may later lead to potential further changes in the future to increasingly allow workers to work at home. The legal dogamtic method has been used to analyze the issues and to achieve the purpose of the essay. Laws, regulations, propositions, public inquiries, lawsuits, sources of international law, literature, articles, reports and electronic materials have been used to analyze the legal aspects. EU-Osha and ILO are organisations that have been analyzed to achieve the international perspective of the essay. What can be stated after a careful analysis is that there are laws that regulate the work environment and work envirionment responsibility for work at home. The employer may finde it difficult to carry out his work for the work evironment when the workplace is at home for the employees. The reason is that there are other regulations that prevent the employer from performing certain actions in order to maintain it's work environment responsibility. Privacy is an important factor where the home should be a private sphere for the employee. What can further be stated is that the employee and the employer must have a good collaboration with each other where both parties illuminates and perform their work for the work environment, so this fulfills its pupose. From an international perspective, the analysis can state that both organizations have carried out work that draws attention to the work environment and its responsibilities when employees works at home. The organizations have many different points of view and tools for the work environment to help companies and employers to fulfill the responsibilities on work environment when the workplace is at the employees home.

Förskollärares stress : En enkätundersökning om förskollärares upplevelser och hantering av stress i förskolan

Eriksson, Caroline, Högkvist, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur stress upplevs hos nyutexaminerade förskollärare och förskollärare med lång erfarenhet. Vidare undersöks hur förskollärarna hanterar stressen och hur det påverkar arbetet. I studien har två frågeställningar använts där den första handlar om att undersöka skillnad på stressen mellan nyutexaminerade förskollärare och förskollärare med lång erfarenhet och den andra frågeställningen handlar om hur förskollärarna hanterar stressen. I studien har en enkätundersökning använts som metod med både öppna och slutna frågor. Enkäten grundar sig på sju webbaserade frågor som sändes ut i en grupp på Facebook som heter förskolan.se. 78 förskollärare deltog i studien runt om i Sverige, och två lika stora grupper skapades utifrån förskollärarnas arbetslivserfarenhet. Resultatet av studien visar bland annat att stora barngrupper, brist på planeringstid och reflektion samt att inte räcka till är några av orsakerna till förskollärarnas stress. Förskollärarna hanterar stressen genom exempelvis motion, avslappningsövningar, samtala med människor i omgivningen och egna intressen. Slutsatsen visar sammanfattningsvis vad som orsakar förskollärares stress och hur stressen kan försvinna eller minska. Avslutningsvis visar studien att 95% av förskollärarna någon gång känt sig stressad på arbetet i förskolan.

Trust Issues? : An explorative study about millennials understanding of trust at work

Amoako-Atta, Christopher, Le Persson, Timmy January 2020 (has links)
Through demographic change, millennials now make up the most substantial part of the workforce. This is relevant as they are also a generation faced with prejudice. This thesis aims to explore how millennial followers are looking at trust in work relationships and how they perceive to establish trust in work relationships to increase understanding. The focus of this study is on millennial followers, as leadership literature is plentiful, and most millennials are and will always be followers.  We examine the millennials’ understanding of trust and explore what issues they bring up when reflecting on trust at work. This thesis argues that millennials think of trust as relying on others when thinking of healthy relationships. They prefer knowledge-based relationships over calculus- and identity-based relationships. To build trust, millennials perceive that they use both task- and relationship-based trust-building together with interactions as based to earn and evolve trust. In relationships where there are trust issues, they change their understanding of trust and stick to task-based or calculus-based relationships. This study follows an interpretivist approach with an abductive structure. For data collection, indepth interviews with 7 millennials from Sweden and Switzerland were conducted. To analyze a thematic approach to coding was employed. The emerging patterns are introduced in a thematic narrative to increase comprehensibility. The study provides insights into the millennial followers’ understanding of trust.

Effects of Digitalization on Managerial Practices as Experienced by Managers

Apine, Helena, Bin Zainal Fitri, Muhammad Faisal, Liu, Guanting January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore how managers' practices are transforming in the digital era. This is done by looking at how digitalization is changing managerial practices as experienced by managers. The data was collected by conducting five semi-structured online interviews and three structured email interviews with managers working at Ericsson's headquarter office in Stockholm. The collected data were analyzed using a thematic analysis approach which resulted in five themes: work and communication in the digital environment, training and learning, information and data, other effects of digitalization, and additional findings. This study concludes that notable changes in managerial practices can be observed in all four categories of practices: task-oriented, relations-oriented, change-oriented, and external practices. This shows that digitalization is a process that transforms managerial practices and it does it both by aiding managers in their tasks and by making some tasks more difficult. Thus, managers need to be more aware and able to adapt to these changes that digitalization brings to their practices.

Skoladministratörers erfarenheter och upplevelser av hur arbetsmiljöfaktorer påverkar välbefinnande på arbetet

Nystedt, Sara, Axelsson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Syftet var att undersöka och beskriva skoladministratörers erfarenheter och upplevelser av hur arbetsmiljöfaktorer påverkar välbefinnande på arbetet. Som metod har författarna valt kvalitativ ansats för att fånga skoladministratörers subjektiva erfarenheter och upplevelser. En intervjuguide utifrån WEIS-S togs fram och sedan genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer enskilt med deltagarna. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet presenteras i fyra kategorier; ”Upplevd delaktighet, uppskattning och mening”, ”Arbetsbelastning kontra egna resurser”, ”Frihet som påverkar på vardagen och återhämtning” samt ”Yttre förutsättningar i förhållande till arbetets krav” som tillsammans gav en fördjupad presentation med en bred och komplex bild av hur de olika arbetsmiljöfaktorerna påverkar välbefinnande på arbetet. Gemensamt för deltagarna var att de trivdes i att ha en central position på arbetsplatsen och de fann stort värde i sitt arbete. Frihet under ansvar genomsyrar deltagarnas arbetsmiljö och blir därför viktiga faktorer för välbefinnande. Slutsatsen är att arbetsmiljöfaktorer påverkar välbefinnandet och för att hantera arbetsbelastningen använder deltagarna olika strategier. I beskrivningarna återkom uppgifter om digitaliseringens möjligheter som innebär stor frihet och förutsätter stort eget ansvar. Digitaliseringen medför också en gränslös förväntan på arbetsinsats som kan vara både stödjande och hindrande. Då studien belyser hur arbetsmiljöfaktorer påverkar välbefinnande i ett brett perspektiv kan studien vara till nytta för andra yrkeskategorier som har liknande arbetsuppgifter.

Kollegialt stöd i socialarbetares psykosociala arbetsmiljö : En litteraturstudie om det relationella arbetets betydelse / Co-worker Support in Social Workers' Psychosocial Work Environment : A Literature Review of the Significance of Relational Work

Gerling, Martina, Pettersson, Saskia January 2021 (has links)
Organizations within the field of social work readily use systematic and technical tools in order to manage risk and safety when operating in a preventative work manner. The approach taken when managing both risk and safety is largely informed by an instrumental perspective. The relational factor to be considered here is co-worker support and its relevance in social workers' psychosocial work environments. However, this factor is not as clearly visible in risk prevention work ongoing in social work organizations. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the significance of co-worker support and its impact on social workers' psychosocial work environments. The main research questions are: What does co-worker support consists of? What factors are needed to create co-worker support? Finally, what is the significance co-worker support has on social workers' psychosocial work environments?  The results show that co-worker support is significant in social workers' psychosocial work environments as it leads to better work outcomes and working efficiency. Furthermore, social workers within organizations with greater co-worker support experienced a higher degree of job satisfaction and positive health outcomes. What became clear is that organizational leadership and managers are responsible for creating a psychosocial work environment where the conditions necessary to create co-worker support are present.

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