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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att ändra kontorsmiljö i en akademisk verksamhet

Flodmark, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
Arbetet omfattar två delar. Den första delen kommer att fokusera på den kommunikationsprocess som genomfördes under projekttiden för Malmö universitets byggnad Niagara samt de kommunikationsverktyg som nyttjades i kommunikationsprocessen. Den andra delen handlar om hur resultatet blev efter bytet av kontorstyp, personalens upplevelser och påverkan av arbetsmiljön. För att undersöka detta gjordes en fallstudie av byggnaden Niagara på Malmö universitet. Studien visar även hur kommunikationen såg ut under projekttiden, d.v.s. från arkitekttävlingens start 2009 till invigningen 2015. En litteraturstudie har pågått under arbetets gång och legat som grund till framtagning av relevanta intervjufrågor och har även används för att styrka och belysa aspekter som behandlas i diskussionen. För att få ett övergripande sammanhang användes flera metoder för att ge en mer rättvisande grund för analysen under den belysta tidsperioden, dessa var: enkätundersökningar, intervju och offentliga dokument.Resultatet visar att ett skifte mellan olika kontorstyper tar lång tid att organisera för att behålla en välfungerande arbetsmiljö. Det finns ingen mall för valet av kontorstyp utan det bör anpassas till den verksamhet som använder den, eftersom arbetsuppgifterna spelar stor roll för hur arbetsmiljön bör utformas. Arbetsmiljöns utformning påverkar hur kommunikationen sker, där fysiska förhållanden som privat eller publik tillgänglighet, rumslig öppenhet och avskildhet samt psykosociala förhållanden som samarbete, sociala kontakter och hälsa, spelar roll. Öppna kontorsmiljöer bygger på digitalisering, där material sparas elektroniskt och utrymmet för analog förvaring försvåras. Den akademiska världen verkar inte vara helt mottaglig för ett papperslöst utvecklingsskede än. / This study contains two parts. The first part will focus on the communication process that were present during the project period for the Malmö University building Niagara and the communication tools that were used in the communication process. The second part is about the result that the office type change brought, the staff experiences and the impact of the work environment. To investigate this, a case study of the Niagara building was made at Malmö University. The study also shows how communication looked like during the project period, i.e. from the start of the architectural competition in 2009 to the opening of 2015.A literature study has been ongoing during the course of the work and has been the basis for the development of relevant interview questions and has also been used to strengthen and highlight aspects discussed in the discussion. To get an overall context, several methods were used to provide a more accurate basis for the analysis during the illuminated period of time, such as: surveys, interview and public documents.The result shows that a shift, between different office types, takes a long time to organize to be able to maintain a well-functioning work environment. There is no template for the choice of office type, but it should be adapted to the activity that uses it, as the tasks play a major role in the way the work environment should be designed. The design of the work environment affects how communication takes place, where physical conditions such as private or public accessibility, spatial openness and seclusion and psychosocial conditions such as cooperation, social contracts and health, play a role. Open office environments are based on digitalization, where materials are stored electronically and the space for analog storage gets aggravated. The academic world does not seem to be completely receptive to a paperless development stage yet.

Ankarskenor i byggandet

Alkrdi, Bashar, Lindberg, Jonas January 2020 (has links)
Vårt examenarbete om ankarskenor i byggandet omfattar implementering av en ny teknik i byggandet i form av föringjutna ankarskenor för installationer av VS rör, ventilation, sprinkler och EL. I en allt mer globaliserad värld råder en allt högre konkurrensutsatt marknad, vilket gör att det också ställs högre krav på entreprenörerna inom byggsektorn. Att man inom produktionen ägnar sig åt aktiviteter som inte tillfört något värde till slutprodukten klassas som slöseri. Konsten att effektivisera sina arbetsmetoder för att därmed uppnå en mer effektiv produktion, samt minska rådande slöseri anses inte vara en enkel uppgift inom byggindustrin. Byggindustrin har uppfattningen om att branschen är unik i sitt slag då förutsättningarna ständigt förändras. En betydande del av detta slöseri är aktiviteter knutna till internhanteringen av material. Slöseriet kan visa sig i form av väntan, materialspill, skador och produktionsstörningar.Byggbranschen anmäler fler arbetsolyckor med sjukfrånvaro än genomsnittet för samtliga branscher. Byggbranschen har i jämförelse med många andra branscher även en betydligt mer fysiskt påfrestande arbetsmiljö. Det handlar då bland annat om tunga lyft, buller och vibrationer. Alla de intervjuade var eniga om att de besparingar som görs med ankarskenor i förhållande till traditionell montering är att momenten borrning och montering av skruvankare eller slagankare försvinner. Analysen visar att tiden för montering har reducerats för alla yrkesgrupper förutom EL. Det visar sig att sprinkler har mest att vinna på monteringen av ankarskena, då de får en reducering på 66% av tiden för montering. VS och ventilation får en minskning på 50% vardera för tidsåtgången vid montering. En våning på vårdbyggnad BY 35 i norra sjukhusområdet är 3480m2. De tidsmässiga besparingarna med ankarskenor är 45,41h per våning. Vilket ger en total tidsmässig besparing för installationerna med ankarskenorna på 0,013 h/m2. Arbetsmomenten för en montering och utmätning på ett Peri skydeck normalvalv på 2200m2 med skenor tar cirka 30 timmar att utföra. I tillägg kommer sedan en rengöring av skenorna där gummiskyddet ska plockas ut och betongrester tas bort maskinellt med en mejselhammare. Den processen tar armerarna cirka 50 timmar att utföra, vilket ger en tidsåtgång för utsättning och rengöring på 0,036h/m2. Utsättningen äter därför upp besparingarna som görs med ankarskenorna i förhållande till traditionell montering.Alla nya metoder har sina utmaningar när de implementeras på arbetsplatsen Även ankarskenorna har detaljer som behöver förbättras enligt brukarna. Arbetare som använder dem eller är involverade har följande förslag på hur ankarskenorna kan förbättras med hänsyn till tid och arbetsmiljö. På de stråken där det hänger mycket rör bör avstånden och placering ses över. Projektörerna måste vara uppmärksamma på vad där ligger. Skenorna skulle varit lika höga som distanserna för armeringen. Då skulle de kunna användas som distanser för att få ett bättre tryck när armeringen pressar ner skenan på armeringen. Skenorna spikas på plats vilket kan ses som en nackdel. Skenorna hade suttit bättre om de hade skruvats på plats. Momentet som inte har tittats på är när det väl är gjutet ska skumgummilisten som sitter i tas bort. Man bör finna ett smidigare sätt att göra det på. När den dras kommer mycket betongvatten. Ett tunt betongskikt på en millimeter som spjälkas loss när den dras bort leder till att det kommer mycket smuts på golvet eller armeraren som drar bort det. Man borde använda sig av heltäckande skyddsglasögonen av typen goggles, vilket skulle reducera risken för damm och partiklar i ögat vid borrning och rengöring av ankarskena.Noggrannheten och precisionen av hur ”korrekta” tiderna som uppgetts är kan ifrågasättas även om det är projektledare och ledande montörer med flera års erfarenhet som kalkylerat tiderna. Det bör tänkas att det vid upphandling oftast är entreprenörer som ger det lägsta priset som vinner. En sådan upphandling leder till att det är en låg vinstmarginal. Det finns således ett vinstintresse för projektledarna och ledande montörer när de kalkylerar tiderna för montering. Slutsatsen är att tiden för ankarskenorna blir längre än för den traditionella tiden för montering. Det är utsättning och rengöring som bidrar till att det blir en tidsförlust i förhållande till traditionell montering. De tidsmässiga vinsterna i form av mindre städning och hämtning av material kan inte mätas och jämföras per m2. De vinster som ankarskenorna bidrar med tidsmässigt är av mer teoretiskt slag om hur arbetsmomenten kan förändras vid montering. Arbetsmiljön för montörerna förändras och förbättras i form att risken för arbetsskador minimeras eller elimineras. För montörerna försvinner de tunga lyften de måste utföra under borrningen när ankarskenan inte kan användas. Buller, vibrationer, flygande partiklar och kvartsdamm elimineras helt med ankarskenan. För armerarna blir arbetsmiljön sämre då de måste rengöra ankarskenan efter gjutning, risker som rengöringen medför är att arbeta med tunga maskiner som ger buller och vibrationsskador. / Our thesis on anchor rails in construction comprises the implementation of a new technology in construction in terms of precast anchor rails for the installation of VS pipes, ventilation, sprinkler, and electrical equipment. The purpose of the study is to critically evaluate the differences between the traditional installations of VS pipes, ventilation, sprinklers, and electricity in relation to installations with precast anchor rails. Our methods include literature studies, semi-structured interviews, and observations. Our study is a field case study that comprises the implementation of anchor rails in the construction project for the two new care buildings in Malmö hospital area for Region Skåne. The result is based on interviews from fitters of the installations, senior installers and project managers.The analysis shows that sprinklers reduces its time by 66%, pipefitters and ventilation by 50% by eliminating the drilling when installing. The time saved with mounted anchor rails is 45,41hrs per floor which gives a time saving, for installations with anchor rails, of 0,036h/m2. The work activities to mount, measure and clean on a 2200m2 Peri skydeck normal vault with rails, take about 80 hours to carry out. The time spent on placement and cleaning is 0,036m2.The accuracy and precision as to how “correct” the times stated are can be questioned even if they have been calculated by project managers and senior installers with years of experience.The conclusion is that the amount of time required to mount anchor rails is greater than that for traditional mounting. It is placement and cleaning that contribute to a time loss in relation to traditional mounting. The installers’ working environment changes or improves as the risk for work related injuries is minimized or eliminated. Noise, vibrations, flying particles and quartz dust is eliminated when using the anchor rail. For concrete workers, the working environment becomes worse when they must clean the anchor rail after molding as the risks include working with heavy machinery that can cause noise and vibration damage.

The Effects of Holistic Coping Strategies on Perceived Stress and Absenteeism in Hospital Nurses

Ayon, Mary Alice 01 January 2014 (has links)
The demanding work environments of professional nurses often contribute to high levels of stress that impact their professional practice and well-being. Although there is a significant amount of research regarding stress and absenteeism, a gap in the literature exists about the effects of holistic coping strategies on nurses' perceived stress and absenteeism. Based on the biopsychosocial model, the purpose of this quantitative study was to investigate effects of holistic coping strategies on perceived stress and absenteeism in 128 hospital nurses. An online cross-sectional survey design used the Perceived Stress Scale-10 to measure nurses' perceptions of stress. The independent grouping variable was self-reported use of meditation, massage, or exercise. Absenteeism data were collected using nurses' attendance records provided by the hospital nursing administration office. Multiple linear regression analysis and t tests were significant for increased absenteeism with the use of meditation, but showed no change in absenteeism with massage or exercise. There was no significant relationship found between use of massage, meditation, or exercise, and perceived stress. Consideration of these findings may be of interest to hospital administrators in addressing perceived stress and absenteeism in nursing personnel. Positive social change is achieved for society, community, and the individual by preventing burnout and by addressing the financial and attendance issues related to nurse shortages in hospitals.

Strategies to Retain Employees in the Health Care Industry

Knight, FRANCELIA Luis 01 January 2018 (has links)
Health care leaders who fail to apply effective retention strategies could negatively affect employee well-being, patient outcomes, and business performance. The purpose of this single case study was to explore effective strategies that leaders used to retain employees in a health care organization. Human capital theory was the conceptual framework for the study. Data were collected via on-site semistructured interviews with 10 leaders of a Texas health care organization who had a history of retaining employees for a minimum of 2 years from the date of hire, and from the review of organizational documents pertaining to employee retention. Data were analyzed using coding and word frequency to discern patterns. Three key themes emerged from the data: (a) healthy work environment, (b) manager relationships, and (c) training and development. The implications for positive social change include the potential to retain top talent in health care organizations, which could improve customer service, promote affordable health care, increase job satisfaction, and improve quality service to patients.

Evaluation of Empowerment Levels of the Cleveland Clinic Nurse

Willis, Cynthia J. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Nurses' perceptions of their work environment and empowerment in relationship to patient satisfaction are well explored in the literature. Empowerment has been linked to improved job satisfaction and improving the elements of empowerment cam improve overall patient satisfaction. This project examined 2 nursing units, 1 with lower patient satisfaction scores (Unit A) and 1 with higher patient satisfaction scores (Unit B), in order to compare their structural empowerment scores as measured by the Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire II (CWEQ-II). A total of 29 nurses who worked full-time, part-time, or per diem on 1 of the 2 units were recruited to participate in the project (11 from Unit A and 18 from Unit B). Using Kanter's theory as a framework, the nurses were asked to complete the CWEQ-II and overall scores as well as subscale scores were calculated. Scores were estimated using a Mann-Whitney U test given the lack of normality and linearity of the data. Both units had a moderate overall empowerment level (Unit A: 19.55; Unit B: 21.47). Unit A had a significant difference in Access to Resources: Acquiring Temporary Help (z = -2.07, p < 0.05) as compared to Unit B. In comparing nurses with a Bachelor's and higher nursing degree to nurses with less than a Bachelor's degree, there was a significant difference in Access to Resources: Acquiring Temporary Help (z = -3.115, p < 0.05) and overall Resource Subscale (z = -2.157, p < 0.05). The project demonstrates the need for organizations to create a workplace that promotes empowerment among nurses as a strategy to improve patient and organizational outcomes. A work environment that promotes a nurse's control over his or her practice and decision-making ability may lead to higher patient satisfaction and may become the role model of a nursing practice environment as a result.

Examining the Mechanisms of the Work-Nonwork Boundary Fit and Health Relationship

LeComte-Hinely, Jenna Risa 28 February 2013 (has links)
This study examined the construct of work-nonwork boundary fit, or the congruence between an individual's work-nonwork boundary management preferences and the work-nonwork boundary management policies and practices supplied by their employer. The present study used boundary theory and person-environment (P-E) fit theory to propose that high levels of work-nonwork boundary fit would be beneficial to mental and physical health, both directly and indirectly via the dual mechanisms of conflict and enhancement. Survey methods and latent congruence modeling (LCM) were used to test these hypotheses, which were then supplemented by polynomial regression response surface mapping and qualitative analysis. Results showed that high levels of boundary fit were beneficial for mental health over time, both directly and indirectly via lowered work-to-nonwork conflict. There was no support for the mechanism of work-nonwork enhancement, although this may be due to range restrictions within the data, such that most of the participants experienced very high levels of work-nonwork enhancement. Contrary to hypotheses, high levels of boundary fit was found to be detrimental for physical health over time. Potential reasons for these differential effects are proposed, as are contributions to the literature, practical applications, and directions for future research.

Gender stereotypes and selection disparity: an investigation of the theories which explain gender disparity

Spice, Laura M. 07 July 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / While gender equality in the workplace is slowly improving, discrimination still exists. Past research has shown that women are underrepresented in both high status jobs, as well as stereotypically masculine careers. Two theories which explain gender discrimination –Lack of Fit Theory and Status Incongruence Hypothesis—have been widely supported but are rarely researched simultaneously. In this study participants rated hypothetical male and female job candidates applying to a hypothetical job that was either high status or low status, and in masculine domain or a feminine domain. Neither Lack of Fit nor Status Incongruence Hypothesis were fully supported. However, participants rated candidates applying for jobs in the feminine domain as less competent, hireable, and likeable. Participants also found high status candidates less hireable than low status candidates. These results suggest that within this study gender discrimination was more specific than robust, meaning research design should allow for detection of such nuanced discrimination.

Salutogent perspektiv på arbetsmiljö och hälsa under distansarbete på en statlig myndighet

Wallberg, Hanna, Holmgren, Lotta January 2021 (has links)
Till följd av Covid-19 har distansarbetet ökat och med det behovet att undersöka medarbetares självskattade hälsa och upplevda arbetsförhållanden. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att ur ett slutogent perspektiv undersöka arbetsmiljö och hälsa vid distansarbete på en statlig myndighet. En webbaserad enkätstudie genomfördes innehållande en kvantitativ och en valitativ del. Statisktiska beräkningar utfördes i SPSS i form av t-test coh multipel regressionsanalys samt en induktiv tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att distansarbetet haft positiv påverkan på självskattad hälsa och upplevda arbetsförhållanden med vissa signigikanta skillnader mellan verksamhetsområden och mellan kön. Vidare visade resultatet att självskattad hälsa kan förklaras med 20 procent utifrån upplevda arbetsförhållanden. Den tematiska analysen genererade sex huvudteman med vissa underteman av viktiga faktorer vid fortsatt arbete på distans. Dessa var socialt stöd, teknik och friskvård (stödjande arbetsförhållanden), ledarskap, arbetsmiljö samt flexibilitet. Majoriteten av respondenterna önskade arbeta på distans två till tre dagar i veckan i framtiden. Ett främjande av upplevda arbetsförhållanden kan generera i fortsatt ökad hälsa bland medarbetarna. / As a result of Covid-19, teleworking has increased and with it the need to research employees self-rated health and working conditions. The purpose of this study was to examine empolyees self-rated health and perceived working conditions from a salutogenic perspective during teleworking at a government agency. A web-based survey was conducted containing a quantitative and a qualitative part. Statistical calculations were made in SPSS in the form of t-tests and multiple regression analysis and an inductive thematic analysis was made as well. The results showed that telework had a positive impact on self-rated health and preceived working conditions with some significant differences between business areas and between gender. Furthermore, the results showed that self-rated health can be explained by 20 percent based on perceived working conditons. The thematic analysis generated four main themes with certain sub-themes of important factors in continued work at a distance. These were supportive working conditions (social support, technology and wellness), leadershio, work enviroment and flexibility. The majority of respondents wnated to work remotely two to three days a week in the future. A promotion of perceived working conditions can generate continued increased health among empoyees.

Varför vill sjuksköterskor lämna yrket? – En litteraturöversikt / Why do nurses want to leave the profession? - A literature rewiev

Larsson, Lisa, Nordlöf, Sofie January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor har det grundläggande ansvaret för omvårdnadsarbetet inom hälso- och sjukvård och ska arbeta hälsofrämjande. I dagsläget råder en global brist på sjuksköterskor. Bristen beror bland annat på att befolkningen ökar och lever längre, vilket medför ett ökat vårdbehov. Det är även för få sjuksköterskor som tar examen och det är svårt att få sjuksköterskor att stanna kvar i yrket. Bristen på sjuksköterskor leder till konsekvenser för vården och gör bland annat att vårdkvalitén försämras.Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva vad som får sjuksköterskor att vilja lämna yrket.Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar, varav 9 kvantitativa studier och 6 kvalitativa studier som inhämtades från databaserna PubMed och Cinahl.Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i sex huvudkategorier om vad som får sjuksköterskor att vilja lämna yrket: (1) Bristande arbetsmiljö, (2) Psykisk ohälsa, (3) Bristande stöd, (4) Bristande arbetsrelationer, (5) Sjuksköterskeyrket och (6) Demografiska egenskaper.Slutsats: Det finns flera olika anledningar som får sjuksköterskor att vilja lämna yrket. Hög arbetsbelastning, ogynnsamma arbetstider och brist på bekräftelse och belöningar var de mest framträdande skälen till att vilja lämna. Genom att identifiera vad som får sjuksköterskor att vilja lämna kan åtgärder vidtas för att få sjuksköterskor att stanna kvar i yrket. Detta kan eventuellt leda till att bristen på sjuksköterskor minskar och att vårdkvalitén förbättras. / Background: Nurses have the basic responsibility for the nursing work in health care and must work to promote health. There is currently a global shortage of nurses. The shortage is partly due to the population increasing and living longer, which leads to an increased need for care. There are also too few nurses who graduate and it is difficult to get nurses to stay in the profession. The lack of nurses leads to consequences and causes the quality of care to deteriorate.Aim: The purpose of the literature review was to describe what makes nurses want to leave the profession.Method: A literature review based on 15 scientific articles, of which 9 quantitative studies and 6 qualitative studies were obtained from the databases PubMed and Cinahl.Results: The results are presented in six main categories about what makes nurses want to leave the profession: (1) Poor work environment, (2) Mental ilness, (3) Lack of support, (4) Lack of working relationships, (5) The nursing profession and (6) Demographic characteristics.Conclusion: There are several different reasons why nurses want to leave the profession. High workload, unfavorable working hours and lack of confirmation and rewards were the most prominent reasons for wanting to leave. By identifying what makes nurses want to leave, measures can be taken to get nurses to stay in the profession. This may lead to a reduction in the shortage of nurses and an improvement in the quality of care.

Workplace productivity loss

Dos Santos, Nadine. January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree Master of Arts in Social and Psychological Research by coursework and research report in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2016 / Linking health and productivity to organisational advantages, this study explores the benefits that health screening may provide organisations in South Africa. Health was evaluated in this research as the amount of lifestyle factors (physical inactivity, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and BMI) and biometric factors (high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high glucose) employees were at risk for. The study aimed to investigate whether increased health leads to the experience of negative health consequences, which may negatively impact on productivity in the workplace. Productivity was assessed firstly by a person’s ability to be at work, and secondly by their ability to significantly contribute to their organisation while they were at work. As such, workplace productivity loss was evaluated in terms of the direct, and indirect, organisational costs that ill-health results in. Workplace productivity loss was measured using the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire: General Health V2.0 (WPAI-GH). Participants were 409 employees from an organisation in the financial service sector (Mage = 41.86, SD = 9.3). Multiple regression analysis found one lifestyle factor (physical inactivity) and one biometric factor (cholesterol) to significantly predicted work productivity. Cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, BMI and blood pressure did not significantly predict workplace productivity loss. Significant relationships were found between physical inactivity and BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol. Alcohol consumption was significantly related to cigarette smoking and blood pressure, while BMI and blood pressure had a significant relationship. The findings contribute to knowledge on how workplace productivity can be promoted through healthy lifestyle behaviours and biometric risk factors. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed in terms of how organisations can design, implement and evaluate appropriate workplace programmes that are related to the specific health needs of their employees. This was positioned as an essential business practice that positively relates to organisational effectiveness by increasing workplace productivity. Keywords: workplace productivity loss, lifestyle risk factors, biometric risk factors, organisational advantage, South Africa / GR2017

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