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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ATT ARBETA PÅ BEMANNINGSFÖRETAG : Arbetsvillkor i det nya flexibla arbetslivet / TO WORK AT THE STAFFING INDUSTRY : Work conditions in the new flexible way of work

Sherzai, Osman, Ajdini, Gentrit January 2020 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to enlighten the knowledge and expand the understanding of the rapidly growing staffing agencies, which contributes to a great workflow and flexibility to the expense of secure employments. Through our own experience working in the staffing industry, we have asked the question “How does a group of low qualified staffing industry workers experience the working conditions in the staffing industry?” At the same time, we also chose to include the experiences of two recruiters to strengthen the experiences of ambulatory employees. (halftime workers) This study is based on a hermeneutic science method, we also used semi structured qualitative interviews to gather essential information and empirical data. To interpret the empirical material, we use tree theories as a tool to explain the phenomenon we intended to investigate. The theories are following Sasika Sassen – Expolsions, Guy Standing – The precarious and Norbert Elias & John L Scotson`s theory of the established and outsiders.     Our interpretation of the empirical material indicates that factors such as safety, solidarity and work conditions are affected in a negative way when you have a part-time employment. Where some people belonging to an abnormal social category often gets excluded and marginalized and excluded by others in the workplace. Part- time employment is characterized by flexibility, insecurity, exclusion, subordination, and lack of community.

”Jag önskar ju att jag hade mer tid till varje klient” : Kvalitativ studie av socialsekreterares upplevelser av sin arbetssituation

Westerdahl, Sofie, Edvardsson, Maria January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate social workers experience of their workload and staff turnover at their workplace, and how these affect their work with clients, at the social service unit for children and families. The research questions are answered by using a method of qualitative semi-structured interviews. Six social workers takes part of the study, and the result from the interviews are analyzed through inductive thematic content analysis. The analysis is carried out with the help of previous research in the field as well as theories regarding stress, work-related stress and the Job Demand Control model, by Karasek and Theorell (1990). Results and conclusions demonstrates that the social workers experience a high workload and staff turnover that affects their opportunities to work long-term with their clients.

Preschool Teacher Working Environments and Well-Being: Associations with Child Inhibitory Control and Literacy Development

Bartholomew, Caroline Paige 05 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Stressigt på jobbet? : En kvalitativ studie om modernitetens ökade accelerationstempo och dess påverkan på det psykiska måendet

Ahlén, Natalie, Gezelius, Alicia January 2022 (has links)
The demands on becoming more and more effective and within a short period of time is weights heavy on the workers in the workplace. The purpose of this study is to examine how workers with stressful, white-collar professions experience heavy workloads and high demand on availability and efficiency and how they experience risk factors in the workplace affect their mental health from the symptoms of exhaustion. To answer the study´s purpose three questions were created. Seven qualitative interviews were conducted all with participants of different white-collar professions and between the age of 25-65. In addition to the study´s main theory of modern acceleration (Rosa, 2014) Foucault's (2017) theory of good dressage and the concept of internalization from Berger and Luckmann (1991) to analyze the material together with previous research on engagement was the basis for parts of the analysis. The Result was that all participants had their mental health affected negatively by work related stress because of the modern accelerations. All participants had experience work related stress in combinations with feelings of shame and feeling of depression and exhaustion occurred in some participants. / Kraven på att effektivisera blir allt större, inte minst på arbetsplatsen där arbetstagarna ofta har många arbetsuppgifter och lite tid att hinna utföra de på. Syftet med studien är att undersöka stressade tjänstemän som upplever höga prestationskrav och hur de som en följd av modernitetens acceleration upplever att riskfaktorerna på arbetsplatsen påverkar deras psykiska mående utifrån utmattningssymtomen. För att besvara studiens syfte identifierades tre frågeställningar. Sju kvalitativa intervjuer utfördes på informanter som alla arbetade inom olika tjänstemannayrken och var mellan 25–65 år gamla. Utöver studiens huvudsakliga teori om modernitetens acceleration (Rosa, 2014) användes även Foucaults (2017) teorin om den goda dressyren och begreppet internalisering från Berger och Luckmann (1991) för att analysera materialet samt tidigare forskning om engagemang la till grund för delar av analysen. Resultatet var att alla informanter hade en negativt påverkad psykisk hälsa som berodde på arbetsrelaterad stress som en konsekvens av modernitetens acceleration. Samtliga informanter upplevde arbetsrelaterad stress som var kombinerad med känslor av skam men känslor av depression och utmattning förkom hos vissa.

"Det är ju det viktigaste jobbet vi har att ta hand om våra äldre" : En kvalitativ studie berörande hemtjänstpersonalens kvarvarande i yrket utifrån ett enhetschefsperspektiv / "It's the most important work we got, to take care of our elders" : A qualitative study concering home care workers´ intentions to remain in their profession from the perspektive of first-line managers.

Nordin, Maja, Pacheco Schymberg, Camilla January 2022 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftade till att undersöka faktorer kring hemtjänstpersonalens kvarvarande i yrket samt personalens arbetsvillkor. Datainsamlingen utfördes genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fyra enhetschefer inom både privat och kommunal hemtjänst.  Bidragande orsaker till att personal lämnar yrket framgick som upplevelser av otillräcklighet, bristande påverkans- och utvecklingsmöjligheter samt arbetstidsförläggningen. Faktorer för kvarvarande uppmärksammades som betydelsen av det relationsnära arbetet, kollegialt utbyte, utvecklingsmöjligheter och stöd i arbetet.  Resultatet indikerade på att bristande resurser var skäl till att personal lämnar yrket och betydelsen för personalens kvarvarande har diskuterats utifrån äldreomsorgens kvalité. Äldreomsorgen har likt andra välfärdsverksamheter skyldigheter i att bedrivas på ett sätt som tillgodogör målgruppens behov varför personalens kompetens och erfarenhet blir av stor betydelse. / The study aimed to examine home care workers’ intentions to remain within their profession and working conditions. Data collection was conducted through qualitative interviews with four first-line managers within private and municipal home care. The first-line managers described experiences of inadequacy, lack of influence and development opportunities, and the working hours as reasons for the care workers’ turnover intentions. Factors regarding remaining in the profession were noted as the importance of relational work, collegiate exchange, development opportunities, and support. The results indicated lack of resources as the main reason for home care workers leaving their profession, and the importance of remaining has been discussed based on the quality of elderly care. Elderly care has obligations to be conducted in a manner that meets the needs of the targeted group, which is why the home care workers’ competence and experience are of significant importance.

Konsekvenserna av en omställning till hemarbete i pandemins spår : En undersökning och analys av kommunala medarbetares syn på omställningsarbetet / The consequences of a transition to working from home in the wake of the pandemic : An investigation and analysis of municipality employees' views on the adjustment work

Wennerholm, Claes January 2022 (has links)
Much has changed in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic, the view of working from home is one of those changes. Now that restricions and guidelines have been dropped, many institutions and companies choose to continue with working from home as a working method, even though the consequenses and risks of working from home during the pandemic in sweden have not been sufficiently investigated. The purpose of the study is to investigate how environmental effects, risks and experiences from pandemic restrictions look and are percieved in the transition to working from home in Karlstad municipality.The chosen method for the study is a survey via e-mail. 50 employees in Karlstad municipality answered the questionnaire, the data were collected via the survey tool Survey & Report and analysed using quantitative data analysis and thematic content analysis.  The results show that the main positive consequenses of working from home were more time for family, friends, hobbys and outdoor activites. The expressed negative consequenses were mainly linked to social risks and health risks, including loneliness, lack of colleagues, depression and pain. Neither the municipality nor the employees place any greater emphasis on the environmental benefits that working from home entails. The results also show differences in responses depending on underlying factors such as gender, age, etc. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages of working from home 2 to 3 days a week, which is the most desired level of working from home.

Pizza - en muntlig historia. Berättelser och erfarenheter från den svenska pizzabranschen

Eriksson, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
"Pizza - en muntlig historia. Berättelser och erfarenheter från den svenska pizzabranschen." I denna uppsats tittar jag närmare på den svenska pizzabranschen och försöker hitta rötterna till några av de egenheter som man kan stöta på när man besöker pizzerior i Sverige. Hur kommer det sig egentligen att man i princip var man än befinner sig i landet kan besöka en pizzeria med italienskt tema, som drivs av en invandrare från Mellanöstern, där du kan beställa en pizza med kebabkött och bearnaisesås, där väggarna pryds av bilder på Marlon Brando och byggarbetare i New York? Syftet med denna uppsats är att placera in detta fenomen i en större svensk social och kulturell historisk kontext. Genom intervjuer med tre olika invandrade entreprenörer i pizzabranschen, så får jag ta del av deras berättelser och erfarenheter kring hur de först trädde in i branschen samt deras bild av pizzabranschen inifrån. De beskriver en bransch som emellanåt kan vara riktigt tuff med hög stressnivå och knappa ekonomiska marginaler. Trots att såväl deras respektive inträden i branschen som deras erfarenheter av densamma skilt sig från varandra så kan vi se ett mönster där alternativa karriärvägar varit få vilket har varit en bidragande faktor till att de slutligen hamnat i pizzabranschen. Andras erfarenheter som liknar deras kan också hittas i tidigare forskning, som tillsammans med intervjuerna i denna uppsats ger en bättre förståelse för varför den svenska pizzabranschen har några av sina utmärkande drag. Uppsatsens resultat pekar i kombination med tidigare forskning mot en tvådelad förklaring. För det första så finns det specifika historiska omständigheter såsom den italienska arbetskraftsinvandringen till Sverige på 40- och 50-talet i en period av låg arbetslöshet, som inledningsvis öppnade upp möjligheter för branschen att växa samt bidrog till att forma själva branschstrukturen. Den förändrade situationen på arbetsmarknaden under 90-talet med högre arbetslöshet försvårade dock, inte minst för invandrare, att hitta andra typer av jobb. Som ett resultat av detta så kom nya grupper av invandrare, ofta från Mellanöstern, att arbeta i branschen i betydligt högre utsträckning. Detta har sedan bidragit till att forma branschen till det vi ser idag. / "Pizza - an oral history. Tales and experiences from the Swedish pizza business." In this essay, I take a closer look at the Swedish pizza business and try to figure out the roots of some the peculiarities you can encounter at a pizzeria in Sweden. How can it be that almost everywhere you go, you’re able to find an Italian themed pizzeria, run by an immigrant from the middle east, where you can buy a pizza with kebab meat and Béarnaise sauce surrounded by pictures of Marlon Brando and workers in New York? The purpose of the essay is to put this phenomenon within a larger Swedish social and cultural historical context. Through interviews with three different immigrant entrepreneurs in the pizza business in Sweden, I get to share their stories and experiences of how they first got into the business as well as how the see the business from within. They all have in common that their different social networks have played a big role regarding their entry in the business. They also describe a business that sometimes can be really tough with lots of stress and tight financial margins. Even though their respective entrances into the business as well as their experiences from the business differ from each other we can see a pattern where alternative career opportunities have been scarce which was a contributing factor to them ending up in the pizza business. Other experiences similar to theirs can also be found when looking at the earlier research, which in combination with the interviews in this essay, gives a better understanding of why so many immigrants work in the pizza business. Regarding the question why the Swedish pizza business has some of its distinguished features. The results combined with prior research hint at an explanation in two parts. First there are specific historical circumstances such as Italian labor immigration to Sweden in the 40s and 50s as well as low unemployment, initially opening up opportunities for the business to grow and shaping its organizational structure. However, the changing situation in the labor market during the 90s with higher unemployment made it harder, especially for immigrants, to find other kinds of work. As a result, new groups of immigrants, most notably from the middle east, ended up in the business, shaping it into what it is today.

Hotet mot omvårdnaden – stress, tidsbrist och önskan om förändring : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / The threat against nursing – stress, lack of time and desire of change : A qualitative interview study

Demida, Kristine, Hassel, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskan har ett stort ansvarsområde som innefattar omvårdnad och medicintekniska moment. Omvårdnaden erhåller den centrala delen i sjuksköterskans profession. Sjuksköterskan ska leda och strukturera vårdandet av patienter och arbetet utgår från lagar som bestämmer hur all hälso- och sjukvård ska bedrivas. Dokumentationen utgör en stor del av sjuksköterskans arbete. Arbetsmiljön och arbetsförhållanden är essentiella för ansvarsområdet. En hög arbetsbelastning kan medföra en rad olika faktorer för professionen och patienten. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka sjuksköterskor på vårdavdelnings upplevelser av arbetsbelastningens påverkan på omvårdnadsarbetet. Metod: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys med åtta intervjuer användes för att svara på syftet. Resultat: Resultatet ledde till tre kategorier med tillhörande fyra underkategorier: Omvårdnad blir lidande på grund av stress, Att vårda trots hög arbetsbelastning och Förändring kan leda till ett bättre omvårdnadsarbete. Konklusion: Respondenterna upplevde arbetsbelastning som hög vilket ledde till att omvårdnaden påverkades på olika sätt. Den påverkade också respondenterna genom upplevd psykisk och fysisk stress, maktlöshet till förändring och skuldkänslor till utebliven omvårdnad. En underbemanning av sjuksköterskor visade på att arbetsbelastningen ökade. Samverkan i team skapade bättre förutsättningar för sjuksköterskorna att tillgodose patientens omvårdnadsbehov. / Background: The nurse has a broad competence which include both nursing and medical technology. Nursing has the central part of nurse’s profession. The nurse lead and structure patients care, and the work is based on laws that determine how all health care should be conducted. Documentation forms a major part of nurse’s profession. The work environment and conditions are essential for the nurse. A high workload can entail several different factors for the profession and the patient. Aim: To examine nurses in nursing ward experiences of workloads impact on nursing. Method: A qualitative content analysis is used. To answer the aim eight interviews were used. Findings: The result led to three categories with four subcategories: Nursing suffers due to stress, Nursing despite high workload and Changes can lead to better nursing. Conclusion: The respondents experienced high workload, which led to nursing being affected in different ways. It also affected the respondents through perceived mental and physical stress, a feeling of powerlessness to change and feelings of guilt for not providing care. An understaffing of nurses showed that the workload increased. Cooperation in teams created better conditions for the nurses to meet the patient's nursing needs.

Familjehemsvård i fokus : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterare inom familjehemsvård och deras förutsättningar att utföra sitt arbete / Foster home care in focus : A qualitative study regarding social workers within foster home care and their working conditions

Wiklund, Kristin, Berg, Michaela January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att identifiera bakomliggande faktorer till sammanbrott i placeringar utanför hemmet. Studien syftade även till att undersöka hur socialsekreterare inom familjehemsvård upplevde sina arbetsvillkor. Empirin samlades in genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med sammanlagt sex yrkesverksamma socialsekreterare inom familjehemsvård. Den insamlade empirin analyserades utifrån tre perspektiv inom organisationsteori: strukturella perspektivet, human resource perspektivet och politiska perspektivet, samt begreppet människobehandlande organisationer. Resultatet visade att socialsekreterarna upplevde hög arbetsbelastning och tidsbrist vilket genomgående påverkade förutsättningarna för utförandet av arbetet. Resultatet visade att det förelåg brist på familjehem, att konkurrensen mellan konsulentverksamheter och kommuner var hög samt att användningen av konsulentstödda familjehem hade ökat, vilket påverkade förutsättningarna för utredning av familjehem och matchning. Det framkom av resultatet att majoriteten av socialsekreterarna hade en delad tjänst, som innefattade flera arbetsuppgifter samt att personalomsättningen på arbetsplatserna var hög vilket framförallt påverkade förutsättningarna för uppföljning. Sammanfattningsvis visade resultatet att förutsättningarna för socialsekreterare inom familjehemsvård att bedriva sitt arbete och utföra utredningar, matchningar och uppföljningar var ofördelaktiga vilket på sikt ökade risken för sammanbrott. / The purpose of this paper was to identify underlying factors to collapsesin out-of-home placement. The study also aimed to examine how social secreteraries within foster home care experienced their working conditions. The empirical information was retrieved from five different semistructured interviews with in total six professionals within the area of foster home care. The collected empirical information was analyzed in three different perspectives within organizational theory. First from the structural perspective, secondly the human resoruce perspective and finally the political perspective, together with the term human service organizations. The paper showed that the social secretaries experienced high workload and a lack of time, which subsequently impacted their working conditions and the ability to perform their duties. Moreover, there was a lack of foster homes and high competition between municipalities and consulting. This, in conjunction with the increase of consultant-supported family homes resulted in a decline in the conditions to perform both investigations and matching. The paper showed that the majority of social secretaries had a divided employment that included several duties and that the staff turnover was high, which most of all impacted the conditions for follow-up. In conclusion, the paper showed that the conditions for the social secretaries within the area of foster-home care to manage their work and perform their investigations, matchings and follow-ups were disadvantageous which in the long run increased the risk for collapse

Fastighetsmäklare - ett yrke eller en livsstil? : En kvalitativ studie om mäklarbranschens kontext och dess passande ledarskap

Bogren, Erik, Carlsson Heie, Ulrika January 2023 (has links)
Title: Real Estate Agent – A profession or a lifestyle? Authors: Erik Bogren & Ulrika Carlsson Heie Supervisor: Michal Lysek Background: Research has shown that the real estate brokerage industry is complex, and the context of the industry consists of a demanding work climate. Stressful factors for new as well as old real estate brokers lead to the real estate brokerage industry having a high turnover of personnel, which mean high direct and indirect costs for the real estate brokerage agency. One of the biggest and most perplexing problems sales managers face is retaining sales talent as the brokerage industry can involve long irregular working hours, psychological stress, and burnout. The research has thus found several different factors that make up parts of the industry's context, but the research is still lacking when it comes to creating a composite picture of what the context for today's brokerage industry looks like and the concrete guidance that can be given to leaders in the brokerage industry for a lower staff turnover. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how leaders in the brokerage industry can, through their leadership, prevent real estate agents from leaving the industry based on a found context. What is the context of the brokerage industry and how does it influence real estate agents to stay or leave the industry? How can leaders in the brokerage industry through their leadership influence real estate brokers' choice to stay or leave the industry based on the context found? Method: This research study has been carried out as a qualitative study with an inductive approach based on classic grounded theory. Ten respondents from Halland and Skåne (counties in southern Sweden) participated in the study and were then interviewed through physical meetings. The respondents consist of four managers and four employed real estate agents active in the brokerage industry, as well as two deregistered real estate agents who have left the brokerage industry. Result & Discussion: Through a model, the result is presented which shows that the context of the brokerage industry consists of challenging working conditions. This can be managed through leadership actions that can help real estate agents achieve industry survival. The result is discussed based on a frame of reference and empirical evidence. Keywords: Leadership, the brokerage industry, working conditions, leadership actions, industry survival.

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