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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociatjänsten som professionell destination : En intervjustudie om socionomstudenters inställning till socialtjänsten / Social services as a professional destination : An interview study about social work students' attitudes towards social services

Wihlborg, Fiddeli, Forsblom, Minda January 2024 (has links)
The social services in Sweden currently face significant issues regarding recruitment and layoffs. A substantial portion of the public debate and media coverage casts a negative light on social services. The aim of this study is to examine the attitudes of future social workers towards social services as an employer. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate how social work students perceive and are influenced by both public perceptions and negative media coverage. This study is based on semi-structured interviews with six social work students in their seventh semester at Malmö University. Social interactionism is used as the theoretical framework for analyzing the collected data material. The data has been analyzed using thematic analysis. The results indicate that the majority of social work students hold a negative view of social services as a future employer. They also perceive public attitudes as primarily negative, with the negative media reporting having a significant role in shaping these negative perceptions of the social services. The results further demonstrate that social work students have adapted various behaviors to cope with the public attitudes both privately and professionally. A key finding is that social work students' prior experiences and associations with social services strongly influence their prospective choice of employer. The findings of this study show that social work students experience prejudice and a lack of understanding for their occupation. This perception is embedded in the public's ignorance and the media's negative coverage. The results suggest a need for increased awareness about the profession's nature and complexity among the general public.

Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans identifiering av sepsis : En kvantitativ litteraturöversikt / Factors influencing the nurse´s identification of sepsis : A quantitative literature review

Kalbe, Clara, Ragnarsson, Mathilda January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sepsis är en livshotande överreaktion i immunförsvaret som kan uppstå av en infektion. Tidig identifiering av sepsis är fundamentalt för att tillhandahålla snabb och effektiv vård. Detta skapar goda förutsättningar för patientens överlevnad. Syfte: Att kartlägga faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans identifiering av sepsis. Metod: För att sammanfatta och skapa en bild av det nuvarande kunskapsläget har en litteraturöversikt med kvantitativ design genomförts. Polit och Becks 9-stegs flödesschema utgjorde strukturen för skapandet av litteraturöversikten. Sökningar i databaserna CINAHL, MEDLINE och PsycINFO resulterade i 14 artiklar till resultatet, publicerade mellan 2012–2023. Resultat: I resultatet framkom att faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans identifiering av sepsis var sjuksköterskans kunskap, genomgången utbildning, hjälpmedel vid sepsisidentifiering samt bristande arbetsförhållanden. Bland annat framkom att sepsisidentifiering försenades på grund av bristande kunskap om sepsissymtom samt hög arbetsbelastning, och främjades av utbildning om sepsis och användning av screeningverktyg. Slutsats: Litteraturöversikten kartlägger faktorer som främjar och hindrar sjuksköterskans identifiering av sepsis. Detta möjliggör tidig adekvat behandling som skapar goda förutsättningar för överlevnad. Kärnkompetensen samverkan i team är grundläggande för samordning av vårdens resurser för en god och säker vård. / Background: Sepsis is a life-threatening overreaction in the immune system that can arise from an infection. Early identification of sepsis is fundamental to provide prompt and effective care. This creates good prerequisites for the patient's survival. Purpose: To map factors that influence the nurse's identification of sepsis. Method: To summarize and create a picture of the current state of knowledge a literature review with a quantitative design was conducted. Polit and Beck's 9-step flow chart formed the structure for the creation of the literature review. Searches in the databases CINAHL, MEDLINE and PsycINFO resulted in 14 articles used in the result, published between 2012-2023. Results: The result showed that factors influencing the nurse's identification of sepsis were the nurse's knowledge, completed training, aids for sepsis identification and lacking working conditions. Among other things, it appeared that sepsis identification was delayed due to a lack of knowledge about sepsis symptoms and high workload and was improved by education about sepsis and the use of screening tools. Conclusion: This literature review identifies factors that promote and impede the nurse’s identification of sepsis. This enables early adequate treatment which creates good conditions for survival. The core competency of collaboration in teams is fundamental for coordinating care resources for good and safe care.

Reducción de la jornada laboral a 45 horas semanales como garantía de la salud del trabajador peruano

Barbagelata Davila, Jossy Bonnie January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal formular una propuesta de reducción de la jornada laboral a 45 horas semanales, por lo que fue necesario examinar las jornadas laborales de la población de Lima Metropolitana de los periodos correspondientes a noviembre y diciembre del 2021, 2022 y enero, febrero, marzo y abril del 2023; basándonos en esa información, se realizó la comparación de la jornada laboral real en el Perú y la jornada regulada por la norma en el artículo 25 de la Constitución Peruana. Asimismo, se analizó las causas del estrés laboral en la población peruana, teniendo como resultado que uno de los factores que produce dicha enfermedad profesional está directamente relacionada con las extensas jornadas de trabajo en los centros laborales. De acuerdo a lo analizado, se concluye que la modificación de la jornada laboral a 45 horas semanales como máximo, garantizará la salud física y mental del trabajador peruano y evitará que sufran de estrés laboral. / The main objective of this research is to formulate a proposal to reduce the working day to 45 hours per week, so it was necessary to examine the working hours of the population of Metropolitan Lima for the periods corresponding to November and December 2021, 2022, and January, February, March, and April 2023; based on this, a comparison was made of the actual working day in Peru and the working day regulated by the norm in Article 25 of the Peruvian Constitution. Likewise, the causes of work stress in the Peruvian population were analyzed, having as a result that one of the factors that produces this occupational disease is directly related to the long working hours in the work centers. According to the analysis, it is concluded that the modification of the working day to a maximum of 45 hours per week will guarantee the physical and mental health of Peruvian workers and will prevent them from suffering from work-related stress.

Propuesta de mejora de los puestos de trabajo de la empresa Cristell para aumentar la productividad

Ancajima Santisteban, Kelly Maricarmen January 2024 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como finalidad solucionar el problema de baja productividad el cual se encuentra relacionado con las condiciones de los puestos de trabajo que están presentes en la empresa de confecciones Cristell. Para dicho problema se planteó como objetivo general proponer la mejora de los puestos de trabajo de la empresa Cristell, para lo cual se realizó el análisis del diagnóstico actual de los puestos de trabajo de la empresa, específicamente del área de producción de camisas. Se recolectó información utilizando la técnica de observación; asimismo se utilizó el método REBA, de acuerdo con los resultados se obtuvieron las causas principales de la baja productividad, cuyos resultados fueron: 100% de puestos de trabajo presentaban riesgos disergonómicos por posturas forzadas, el índice de frecuencia fue 1,43; logrando una productividad de 0,72 camisas/operario-hora. Con el fin de dar solución a la problemática, se elaboró un nuevo diseño de los puestos de trabajo de la empresa, un programa de pausas activas y capacitaciones. Al implementar las propuestas, se obtuvieron indicadores que reflejaran mejoras en las condiciones de trabajo, eliminando los riesgos disergonómicos y aumentando la productividad a 1,35 camisas/operario-hora. Por último, se llevó a cabo el análisis costo-beneficio de la propuesta, obteniendo un resultado positivo, debido a que es rentable, pues se necesita de una inversión de S/ 4600,64 para obtener un VAN de S/4518,49, un TIR de 84,2% y un B/C de S/1,23. / The purpose of this research is to solve the problem of low productivity which is related to the conditions of the jobs that are present in the Cristell clothing company. For this problem, the general objective was to propose the improvement of the jobs of the Cristell company, for which the analysis of the current diagnosis of the company's jobs was carried out, specifically in the shirt production area. Information was collected using the observation technique; Likewise, the REBA method was used, according to the results, the main causes of low productivity were obtained, whose results were: 100% of jobs presented disergonomic risks due to forced postures, the frequency index was 1,43; achieving a productivity of 0,72 shirts/operator-hour. In order to solve the problem, a new design of the company's jobs was developed, as well as a program of active breaks and training. By implementing the proposals, indicators were obtained that reflected improvements in working conditions, eliminating disergonomic risks and increasing productivity to 1,35 shirts/operator-hour. Finally, the cost- benefit analysis of the proposal was carried out, obtaining a positive result, because it is profitable, since an investment of S/ 4600,64 is needed to obtain a NPV of S/ 4518,49, an IRR of 84,2% and a B/C of S/1,23.

Implementing personnel retention strategies at CorJesu college in the Philippines

Kukano, Crispin 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research was to determine the factors that influence retention of personnel at Cor Jesu College in the Philippines and establish guidelines for effective staff retention. A qualitative research design involving the descriptive sample survey method to collect data by means of self- administered structured questionnaire was adopted. The sample consisted of 70 Cor Jesu personnel. The information was statistically analysed with the aid of a computer after which it was interpreted. Results indicated that teachers were not satisfied with their jobs and that their retention was affected by several aspects of their work. Working conditions emerged as the major source of dissatisfaction while interpersonal relations were a principal retention factor. / Educational Studies / M.A. (Education Management)

Retention genom engagemang : Förutsättningar för att behålla medarbetare och kompetens i kommunal verksamhet

Lundgren, Marlene January 2016 (has links)
Frågeställning: Hur kan en offentlig organisation arbeta effektivt med retention av sin kompetens i konkurrensen om den mänskliga resursen med andra organisationer? Syfte: Studien skapar även en grund för att Västerås Stad ska utveckla en förståelse för hur förvaltningarna och cheferna kan arbeta mer proaktivt med deras retention av personal och hur detta i sin tur kan attrahera fler medarbetare eller i andra fall återinföra förlorad kompetens. Metod: En kvalitativ forskning har gjorts genom en fallstudie på två förvaltningar inom Västerås Stad. Det förberedande arbetet har skapades genom att gå igenom en böcker och vetenskapligt granskade artiklar för detta forskningsområde. Empirisk data har samlats genom personliga semi-strukturerade intervjuer förutom en telefonintervju som hölls p.g.a. tidsbrist i respondentens schema. Slutsats: För att arbeta effektivt att behålla medarbetare och kompetens i en offentlig organisation måste det finnas förutsättningar för personligt engagemang (PE). PE kan delas upp i 5 delar som är uppdelade på inre motivationer: Public Service Motivation (PSM), Utvecklingsmöjligheter och Handledarstöd samt yttre faktorer: Arbetsmiljö och Belöning. De yttre faktorerna ligger till grund för tillfredsställelse på arbetsplatsen och uppfylls dessa ökar den inre motivationen och i sin tur det personliga engagemanget. Medarbetare värderar den inre motivationen och då har en offentlig organisation fördelen att arbete med PSM som en del av retentionsstrategin med styrkan i samhällsnyttan av medarbetarnas roll. Förväntningarna vid anställning skapar motivation och oförmåga att uppfylla förväntningar skapar risk för avgång. Om organisationen kan skapa en miljö som möjliggör re-retention, kan medarbetare som lämnat sin tjänst attraheras tillbaka vilket kan tillföra värdefullt perspektiv i nya arbetssätt samt tillfredsställa deras personliga utveckling. / Research questions: How can a public organization work more effective with retention of competence in the competition for human resources with other organizations? Purpose: The purpose with this study is to clarify why employees choose to work within their unit in Västerås Stad through an organisational perspective. The study lays the foundation for Västerås Stad to develop an understanding for how the units and managers can continue to work more proactive with their retention of employees and how this in turn can attract future employees or in some cases reintroduce lost competence. Method: A qualitative research was done through a case study on two units in Västerås Stad. The preparatory work for this research was created through books and scientific articles for this research area. The empirical data has been gathered through personal semi-structured interviews expect one telephone interview due to a lack of time for personal interview in the respondent’s schedule. Conclusion: To work effectively to retain employees and competence in a public organization there must be prerequisites for personal commitment (PC). PC can be divided into 5 parts that is split up into intrinsic motivations: Public Service Motivation (PSM), Development possibilities, Supervisor Support and external factors: Work Environment and Rewards. The extrinsic factors are the basis for satisfaction in the work place and when met the intrinsic motivation will increase and as a result the personal commitment will also increase. The employees value intrinsic motivation and as a public organization they have the advantage to work with PSM as a part of their retention strategy, with strength in community benefit as a part of the employees’ roles. Expectations when hired creates motivation and an inability to fulfil them creates a risk of resignation. If the organization can create an environment that enables re-retention, employees that have resigned could be attracted back to the organization and add valuable insight in new ways of working and satisfying their need for personal development.

護理人員情緒勞動之研究 / A Study of the Emotional Labour of Nursing

陳琪潔, Chen, Chi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
護理人員是國內外諸多研究關注的對象,而針對護理人員工作環境的相關研究,著重的重點通常聚焦在仍有極大改進空間的勞動條件,然而護理人員在工作上,除了提供專業且安全的醫療照護之外,同時也在進行著情緒勞動,不僅是量化研究,質化研究也相當值得重視,然而相較於國外,國內針對護理人員情緒勞動的研究,大部分為文獻研究與量化研究,質化研究則較少見。 因此本研究藉由訪談的方式,探討護理人員的情緒勞動,本研究發現:一、護理人員的情緒勞動的形塑受到學校教育、組織的情緒規範、與病患的實際互動狀況等諸多因素影響;二、護理人員對本身工作的認同與大眾的刻板印象之間的落差,以及惡劣的勞動條件則是造成情緒負荷的最大原因;三、情緒勞動帶來的負荷超載時,對於護理人員自身、醫療品質、醫院經營皆有負面影響。 最後本研究對於改善護理人員的情緒勞動處境提出幾點建議:(一)從學校教育開始正視情緒勞動(二)改變社會大眾對護理人員的刻板印象,包括從性別角度著手以及強化護理人員的專業形象(三)從護理人員的情緒勞動中得到諸多利益的院方,應負起相對的責任,包括改善情緒勞動的管理方式、持續改善勞動環境以及提供符合需求的實質支援。若能改善護理人員的護理勞動處境,對於護理人員、醫療品質及醫療院所的經營,都將有所助益。 / There has been much research about nursing, but most studies are focus on the nurses’ working conditions. However, in addition to providing professional and safe medical care, emotional labour is also a indispensable part of nursing, but compared with quantitative research,the qualitative research of the emotional labour of nursing in Taiwan are still relatively rare. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the emotional of nursing by interview. The conclusion in this study included three parts: 1. The formation process of the emotional labour of nursing is affected by the nursing education in school, the emotion regulations in organization, and the interaction with patients. 2. The gap between nurses’ job identification and common nursing stereotypes, and the poor working conditions are main causes of the emotional burden of nurses. 3.The work overload on emotional labour has negative impact on nurses themselves, medical quality, and hospital management. To improve the situation of emotional labour of nursing, the recommendations of this study are 1. In the nursing education, teach nursing students to take the emotional labour of seriously. 2. Transform the common stereotypes of nursing by reducing the gender images and strengthening the professional image of nursing. 3. Hospitals should take the relative responsibility when they take the profit. The possible solutions include changing the management of emotional labour, improving the working conditions continuously, and providing appropriate and effective support. The improvement of the situation of emotional labour of nursing will bring advantages to nurses, medical quality and hospital management.

Irritable bowel syndrome diagnosed in primary care : Occurrence, treatment and impact on everyday life

Olsen Faresjö, Åshild January 2006 (has links)
Background: IBS is the most common functional gastrointestinal disorders and affects approximately 10-20 % of the general population and is widespread in all societies and socio-economic groups. Although the disorder does not have a life-threatening course, it still seriously affects the patients in their everyday life. Aim: The general aims of this thesis were to estimate the occurrence of irritable bowel syndrome in the general population and to achieve a better understanding of present treatment of this disorder and impact on every-day life in those suffering from IBS. Material and methods: The LIPS study comprises two parts. Part I was a retrospective register study where the data collection was based on computerised medical records at three selected Primary Health Care centres in a defined region. Part II was a population based case-control study. The identified IBS cases from part I constitute the cases, while their control groups were randomly selected from the population census register in the same area as the cases. Data in part II were collected by means of a postal questionnaire to cases and controls. The study was conducted in Linköping, a city located in the south-east of Sweden with 135 000 inhabitants. Results: The female IBS patients reported lower influence on planning their work and working hours as well as fewer opportunities to learn new things at their work compared to their controls, even after adjustments in multiple logistic regressions for potential confounders like; mood, sleeping problems and perceived health. The female IBS patients had considerably lower HRQOL in all dimensions compared to their controls, even when compared to male patients. Younger female IBS cases (18-44 years) reported lower mental health on the SF-36 scale than the older IBS female cases (p=0.015). In the multivariate analysis these variables, lack of influence on planning the work, family history of IBS, anxiety and sleeping disturbance displayed an association with being diagnosed with IBS in women. In men, lack of influence on working pace, family history of IBS was associated with an IBS diagnosis.The consultation incidence of IBS in part I was 3.4 (95% CI 3.20-3.70) per 1000 person-years for all IBS cases, among females; the incidence rate was 4.6 per 1000 person-years (95% CI 4.16-4.97) and males; 2.3 per 1000 person-years (95% CI 2.01-2.59). The dominating pharmacological treatment prescribed for abdominal complaints were fibre and bulking laxatives agents as well as acid suppressive drugs. These variables had an independent impact on the probability of a follow-up consultation; diagnosed co-morbidity besides the IBS diagnosis, rectoscopy ordered and laboratory tests ordered. Conclusions: IBS patients identified in primary care are significantly affected in their working-life compared to individuals in the general population. Especially female IBS-patients report lower decision latitude at work and they also appear to have a particularly impaired psychosocial functioning in their every day life and impaired HRQOL. Factors associated with IBS diagnosis among females are anxiety as well as family history of IBS and lack of co-determination at work. The incidence rate of IBS was 3.4 per 1000 person-years which increased with age and with an overrepresentation of females. IBS patients did not appear to be heavy utilisers of primary care and those who attended were treated by their GP without further consultation. The strongest predictors for having a follow-up consultation were diagnosed co-morbidity, rectoscopy and laboratory tests ordered / Figure on page 8 reprinted from Lancet 360(9332), Nicholas, J Talley and Robin Spiller, "Irritable bowel syndrome: a little understood organic bowel disease?", pp. 555-564, Copyright 2006 with permission from Elsevier. On the day of the public defence of the doctoral thesis, the status of articles III and IV was Submitted.

The role of psychosocial working conditions on burnout and its core component emotional exhaustion – a systematic review

Seidler, Andreas, Thinschmidt, Marleen, Deckert, Stefanie, Then, Francisca, Hegewald, Janice, Nieuwenhuijsen, Karen, Riedel-Helle, Steffi G. 14 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Aims: To analyze the association between psychosocial working conditions and burnout and its core component emotional exhaustion, a systematic literature review was undertaken including cohort studies, case–control studies, and randomized controlled trials. Methods: The literature search in Medline and PsycInfo was based on a defined search string and strict exclusion and inclusion criteria. Evaluation of the 5,599 initially identified search hits by two independent reviewers and a detailed quality assessment resulted in six methodologically adequate cohort studies considering the relationship between psychosocial working conditions and burnout (one study) as well as the burnout core component emotional exhaustion (five studies). Results: The results of our systematic review point to a relationship between psychosocial working conditions and the development of emotional exhaustion/burnout. Particularly high job demands seem to play a role in the development of emotional exhaustion. However, strong intercorrelations between workplace factors, as a matter of principle, make the identification of a single psychosocial workplace factor (being associated with an especially high or low risk of burnout) difficult. Conclusions: Multidimensional approaches including reduction of work demands, enhancement of decision latitude and improving the social climate might be promising for preventing burnout and emotional exhaustion. However, methodologically adequate intervention studies are urgently needed to prove the effectiveness of workplace interventions.

Analyse de l'attrition des enseignants au Québec

Sauvé, Frédéric 06 1900 (has links)
L’abandon de la carrière chez les enseignants, généralement appelé l’attrition des enseignants dans les écrits scientifiques, a été l’objet de nombreuses études. La connaissance en est assez avancée dans certaines régions du monde, mais très peu de recherches ont étudié cette problématique au Québec. Ainsi, l’objectif principal de ce travail de recherche était d’identifier les facteurs de l’attrition des enseignants au Québec. L’objectif spécifique de cette recherche était d’observer comment ces facteurs influencent la perception des individus et amènent certains d’entre eux à prendre la décision de quitter. Dans le cadre de cette étude qualitative, 26 individus (16 femmes et 10 hommes) ayant récemment quitté l’enseignement ont été rencontrés. Dix participants ont exercé la profession enseignante au niveau primaire et 16 au niveau secondaire. Afin de recueillir les données, le chercheur a procédé à des entrevues de groupe semi-dirigées d’une durée de deux heures. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent que les facteurs qui influencent l’attrition des enseignants au Québec sont nombreux et variés. Ils sont surtout relatifs aux conditions d’exercice de la profession et les plus souvent mentionnés sont les difficultés liées à la gestion de classe, la précarité du travail, les difficultés dans les relations avec les collègues, la charge de travail et le peu de soutien offert par la direction. Le contexte social et la faible valorisation de la profession enseignante ont aussi été mentionnés. Par ailleurs, le chercheur a analysé la perception qu’avaient les participants de leur expérience de travail à l’aide de la théorie de l’autodétermination (Deci et Ryan, 2000). Les résultats de cette analyse suggèrent que les participants ne se sentaient pas en mesure de satisfaire leurs besoins psychologiques fondamentaux dans le cadre du travail enseignant. / Teachers’ attrition has been the subject of a large number of research in recent years. Researchers have extended the knowledge of this problem in many countries, however very few of them have studied the particularities of teachers’ attrition in Québec. The aim of this research was to identify the factors that seem to influence teachers’ attrition in Québec. More specifically, the present study aimed to observe how these factors seem to affect teachers’ perceptions of their working experience and lead some of them to quit teaching. This qualitative study examines the teaching experience of 26 individuals (16 females and 10 males) who have recently quit teaching. Ten of them taught elementary school and 16 taught at the high school level. Subjects were invited to partake in a two hour long focus group. The results show that the factors of attrition in Québec are numerous and varied. Most of them are relative to teachers’ working conditions, mostly classroom management difficulties, job insecurity, problematic relationships with colleagues, work overload and lack of support from the school principal. Unsupportive social context and lack of acknowledgement were also mentioned. Subjects’ perceptions toward their teaching experience were also analyzed using self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000). Results suggest that the subjects’ basic psychological needs where not satisfied through their teaching experience.

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