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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Abusive pricing policy for emerging economies : the case of excessive pricing and price predation in Latin America

Marquez, Carlos Pablo January 2012 (has links)
For several years, the literature has discussed whether a country’s particular economic circumstances should be taken into account in competition law and policy design. This thesis discusses whether economic growth should be considered as the guiding principle for Latin American Emerging Economies’ competition law and policy design. It specifically explains why having economic growth as competition policy’s guiding principle makes a difference in choosing superior rules and standards, among the large range of efficient rules. In order to explain how economic growth as a guiding principle has an impact on competition policy design, this thesis studies whether the analysis and application of the prohibitions and standards of abuse of dominance in emerging Latin American economies are appropriate, and why, having regard to economic growth, a different approach might be justified. To engage in the study of such questions this thesis centres on the regulation of dominance and the law governing abuse of dominance, in particular on predatory pricing and excessive pricing. After a careful analysis of such institutions, an optimal rule for the regulation of pricing abuses in these emerging economies is proposed. Similarly, having regard to economic growth as the policy’s guiding principle, the mainstream standards on excessive pricing and price predation are evaluated and a different approach is found to be justified. It is concluded that economic growth should be the principle guiding Latin American emerging economies’ competition law and policy design and it is demonstrated that this will grant these economies policy soundness and identity.

Les clauses abusives dans les contrats conclus avec les consommateurs : aspects de droit français, moldave et de l'Union Européenne / The unfair terms of consumer contracts. : aspect of French, Moldavian and of European Union

Plotnic, Olesea 28 June 2013 (has links)
Les droits français, moldave et communautaire de la consommation partagent, sinon une source, du moins, une certaine idée de la protection du consommateur contre les clauses abusives. La comparaison avec les systèmes français et de l’Union Européenne mettent, par exemple, en évidence l'opportunité de l'adoption d’un mécanisme de lutte contre les clauses abusives dans les contrats de consommation. Les critères de l’absence de négociation directe, de la contrariété à l’exigence de bonne foi et d u déséquilibre significatif, piliers du système de protection, permettent au juge d'apprécier les clauses abusives avec souplesse, dans les trois systèmes, à l’effet de garantir l'efficacité de la protection du consommateur comme partie faible au contrat.La comparaison avec le système en vigueur en France, plus particulièrement, met toutefois en lumière les limites du système moldave. En Moldova, les difficultés viennent de l’intérieur ; on voit se reproduire des erreurs du passé, lorsque, par exemple, les pouvoirs publics incitent les consommateurs -surtout les plus démunis -à la surconsommation. La notion de consommation durable doit s'appliquer aussi dans ce domaine. À défaut, des dysfonctions sociales surgissent inévitablement. En France, en revanche, les ennuis viennent de l'extérieur. Les besoins du marché européen unique ont parfois pour effet de réduire la protection organisée au sein de l'ordre juridique national. Le mécanisme d'harmonisation maximale de la législation de l’Union Européenne placele législateur national dans une position délicate par rapport aux attentes du mouvement consumériste. Il pourrait en être ainsi en matière des clauses abusives dans un futur proche. / French law, Moldavian law and Community law concerning the right consumer share, if not a source, at least, a certain idea of consumer protection against unfair terms. The comparison with the French and with the system of the European Union, put, for example, in evidence the desirability of adopting a mechanism to combat unfair terms in contracts concluded with consumers. Lack of direct negotiation, contradiction with the requirement of good faith and the significant imbalance, pillars of the protective system, allow the judge to appreciate unfair terms flexibly in all three systems, with the effect of guaranteeing the effectiveness of consumer protection as a socially vulnerable part of the contract. The comparison with the system in force in France, in particular, highlights in the same time the limits of the Moldovan system. In Moldova, the difficulties arise from inside, we see the same mistakes of the past when, for example, public powers encouraged consumers, especially the poor to overconsumption. The concept of sustainable consumption should also be applied in this area. Otherwise, social dysfunctions appear inevitable. In France, however, the problems are coming from the outside. The needs of the single European market sometimes have the effect of reducing the protection offered by the national legal order. The maximum harmonization of the legislation of the European Union places the national legislator in a difficult position in relation to the expectations of the consumerist movement. This might actually be, incidentally, in the field of unfair terms and, in the near future. / Dreptul francez, moldav şi comunitar cu privire la dreptul de consum împărtăşesc, dacă nu o sursă, cel puţin, o anumită idee de protecţie a consumatorului împotriva clauzelor abuzive. Comparaţia cu sistemul francez şi cu cel al Uniunii Europene, pune, spre exemplu, în evidenţă oportunitatea adoptării unui mecanism de luptă împotriva clauzelor abuzive în contractele încheiate cu consumatorii. Criterille de lipsa negocierii directe, contradicţia cu cerinţade bună credinţă şi de dezechilibru semnificativ, piloni ai sistemului de protecţie, permit judecătorului de a aprecia clauzele abuzive cu flexibilitate, în toate cele trei sisteme, cu efectul de a garanta eficienţa de protecţie a consumatorului ca parte defavorizată a contractului.Comparaţia cu sistemul în vigoare din Franţa, în mod special, evidenţiază în aceleaşi timp limitele sistemului moldovenesc. În Moldova, dificultăţile provin din interior, vom vedea aceleaşi greşeli din trecut cînd, de exemplu, puterile publice încurajau consumatorii, în special cei săraci -la supraconsum. Conceptul de consum durabil trebuie de asemenea să se aplice în acest domeniu. În caz contrar, disfuncţii sociale apar inevitabil. În Franţa, cu toate acestea, problemele vin din exterior. Nevoile unei pieţi europene unice au uneori ca efect de a reduce protecţia oferită de ordinea juridică naţională. Mecanismul de maximă armonizare a legislaţiei Uniunii Europene plasează legiuitorul naţional într-o poziţie dificilă în raport cu aşteptările mişcării consumeriste. Acest fapt ar putea fi, de altfel, şi în materia clauzelor abuzive, într-un viitor apropriat.

Evolutionary psychological perspectives on men's partner-directed violence in context of perceived partner infidelity

Unknown Date (has links)
Evolutionary psychology offers a framework for investigating the design of evolved information-processing mechanisms that motivate costly behaviors such as men's partner-directed violence. The current research investigated predictors of and individual differences in men's intimate- partner-directed violence from an evolutionary psychological perspective. The problem of paternity uncertainty is hypothesized to have selected for the emotion of male sexual jealousy, which in turn motivates men's nonviolent and violent mate-retention behaviors. Study 1 documented a hierarchy of behaviors initiated with men's suspicions of partner infidelity leading to men's engagement in frequent non-violent mate-retention behaviors, ending in men's partner-directed violence. Study 2 documented an interaction between men's personality traits and the context of perceived partner infidelity risk to predict men's perpetration of violence. Finally, Study 3 extended Studies 1 and 2 by building a causal cascade model that captures the hierarchy of adaptive behaviors in order of: (1) men's childhood experiences with their parents' parental effort, (2) men's adaptive life history strategies and behavioral self-regulation, (3) men's perceptions of partner infidelity risk, and (4) men's non-violent mate retention behaviors, conclusively predicting men's perpetration of violence in intimate relationships. / by Farnaz Kaighobadi. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

O abuso do direito

Marcacini, Daniela Tavares Rosa 21 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:25:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIR - Daniela Tavares R Marcacini.pdf: 503925 bytes, checksum: 34d03bf9ea7abd0eeda9870d1d9f35e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-21 / This dissertation is the result of the interest in investigating the Rights Abuse conception; polemic subject, studied by several philosophic and ideologic currents which seek, with tireless devotion, the best practice in the juridical field. By means of these facts, and in order to deepen the investigation of the chosen topic, we selected the non structured research methodology of exploring character which allows the researcher obtain a better context comprehension in which is inserted the research subject. As we shall observe, through all the exposed, there is no way for us not to conclude that Rights Abuse is originated by human being s individualism - in its most selfish aspect - once its roots begin from the proper human existence. It is also not exaggerated to affirm that on the day when Rights Abuse cease to be the object of juridical controversies, humanity will have reached such a high evolutive level that the proper right will become the synonym of just, in the widest meaning of the word; justice will be the consequence of social relationship, not needing to be imposed to man by means of laws and convival rules. Therefore, taking in consideration that the sicussion of such a fascinating question will never be exhausted, we effect this investigation as a manner to specify that the Rights Abuse will always continue to be of utmost importance when related to society rights / Essa dissertação resulta do interesse em pesquisar a concepção do Abuso de Direito; tema polêmico, que tem sido estudado por diversas correntes filosófico-ideológicas que se dedicam incansavelmente a encontrar a prática mais acertada no campo jurídico. Mediante tais fatos, a fim de investigarmos mais a fundo a temática escolhida, optamos pela metodologia de pesquisa não estruturada de caráter exploratório que permite ao pesquisador obter melhor compreensão do contexto em que o tema da pesquisa encontra-se inserido. Como veremos, por tudo o que foi exposto, não há como não concluirmos que o abuso do direito não tenha origem no individualismo do ser humano no aspecto mais egoístico pois suas raízes remontam à própria existência da humanidade. Também não seria exagero afirmarmos que no dia em que o abuso do direito deixar de ser objeto de controvérsias jurídicas, a humanidade terá galgado um nível evolutivo tão elevado que o próprio direito será o sinônimo do justo, na acepção mais ampla da palavra; a justiça será conseqüência do convívio social, não necessitando mais ser imposta ao homem através de leis e regras de convivência. Portanto, levando em conta que a discussão de uma questão tão fascinante jamais poderia ser esgotada, realizamos esta investigação como forma de assinalar que o Abuso do Direito sempre será de suma importância no que se refere aos direitos da sociedade

Aplicação das normas do CDC aos contratos interempresariais: a disciplina das cláusulas abusivas / Application of the CDC rules to inter-business contracts: the discipline of abusive clauses

Fava, Marina Dubois 07 June 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objetivo demonstrar a necessidade de se tutelar a desigualdade substancial existente nas relações contratuais celebradas entre empresários, quando uma das partes, ainda que profissional, encontrar-se em situação de dependência econômica, favorecendo o abuso da parte contrária na situação concreta. O cerne do trabalho gira em torno do problema das cláusulas abusivas no âmbito dos contratos interempresariais. Busca-se demonstrar que, nas hipóteses em que não for possível repreendê-las por meio da aplicação do Código Civil ou da Lei Antitruste, seria possível equiparar o contratante vulnerável, sujeito a um abuso por parte de seu parceiro contratual, aos consumidores, para fins de aplicação dos dispositivos do Código de Defesa do Consumidor CDC ao contrato em questão. Para tanto, são analisados os conceitos de empresário, de consumidor tendo em vista as três principais correntes doutrinárias existentes no ordenamento pátrio e de dependência econômica. Especificamente em relação à definição de consumidor, tenta-se demonstrar que, nos dias de hoje, a Teoria Finalista Aprofundada parece ser a que melhor atende à necessidade de se buscar a solução mais justa no caso concreto, sem, contudo, banalizar a aplicação do CDC. Por fim, faz-se uma análise da jurisprudência brasileira sobre o tema, com o objetivo de delimitar os critérios para a incidência do CDC em contratos interempresariais, bem como os principais casos em que o conceito de consumidor-equiparado tem prevalecido nos litígios decorrentes de tais contratos. / The objective of the present study is to demonstrate the need of instructing the substantial inequality existing in contractual relations signed between businessmen, when one of the parties, although still professional, finds itself in a situation of economic dependence, favoring the abuse of the counterpart in the real situation. The core of this work involves the problem regarding abusive clauses in the scope of inter-business contracts. It seeks to demonstrate that, in hypothesis where it is not possible to reprehend them by means of application of the Civil Code or Antitrust Act, it would be possible to match the vulnerable contracting party, subject to an abuse by its contractual partner, to the consumers, for purposes of application of the provisions in the Consumer Defense Code CDC to the contract in question. To do so, it analyzes the concepts of businessman and consumers considering the three main doctrinaire schools of thought existing in the country system and economic dependence. Specially in relation to the definition of consumers, it attempts to demonstrate that, nowadays, the In-depth Finalist Theory seems to be the best theory that meets the need of searching for the more righteous solution in the real case, without, however, trivializing the application of the CDC. At last, an analysis of Brazilian jurisprudence is made on the subject, aiming to delimitate the criteria for the incidence of CDC in inter-business contracts as well as the main cases in which the concept of consumer has prevailed in such contracts for one of the parties.

Long-term Survivors' Coping and Resiliency Strategies After Leaving an Abusive Relationship: A Phenomenological Inquiry

White, Denise Monet 01 January 2018 (has links)
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious social problem and a noteworthy health issue internationally. In the United States, approximately 1.3 million women and 835,000 men experience a combination of cruel and violent treatment by an intimate partner. This phenomenological study used lived experiences from both men and women ranging in various ages from 40-70 years to understand their coping and resiliency strategies post-separation from an abusive relationship for 10 or more years. The conceptual framework was guided by Lazarus' transactional theory of coping and psychological stress and the theory of psychological resiliency, which is linked to understanding the ways long-term survivors are able to master, minimize, and tolerate the events of a stressful situation. Data were gathered on 15 participants through semistructured, in-depth interviews using a series of open-ended questions that captured the details of the participants' lived experiences, and provided a textual description to understanding their coping and resiliency strategies after leaving an abusive relationship. Interviews were analyzed using a phenomenological technique by extracting themes. The central themes that emerged based on the 6 interview questions were encounters of physical and emotional abuse, passive and submissive behaviors, supportive services, becoming self-sufficient, and developing their self-efficacy. The findings and recommendations from this study can advance positive social change and interventions for mental health professionals providing services and enhance the IPV survivors' ability to find a continuum of care that could be effective in keeping a positive change while shaping the outcome of future life events.

Tsenguluso ya u tambudzwa ha vhanna nga vhafumakadzi kha dirama dza Mahamba, Netshirando na Muyai na Netshivhuyu

Munyangane, Nditsheni Norman January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (MA. (African Languages)) --University of Limpopo, 2014 / Ṱhoḓisiso iyi yo sengulusa u tambudzwa ha vhanna nga vhafumakadzi kha ḓirama dza Mahamba (1989), Ṋetshiranḓo na Munyai (2007) na Ṋetshivhuyu (1989). U tambudzwa ha vhanna nga vhafumakadzi hu khou bvelela fhedzi a hu dzhielwi nṱha. Muvhuso na Madzangano a si a Muvhuso a simesa u amba nga ha u tambudzwa ha vhana na vhafumakadzi ngeno vha sa iti zwo linganaho kha u lwa na u tambudzwa ha vhanna nga vhafumakadzi.

An investigation into psychological factors that compel battered women to remain in abusive relationships in Vhembe District, Limpopo

Shivambu, Tivani Dainah January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Psychology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2015 / The study investigated the psychological factors that compel battered women to remain in abusive relationships. According to statistics in South Africa (SA) one in every five women is battered by her partner, and one in every four of all women in SA are assaulted by their partners weekly. The research approach was qualitative in nature. Sampling for the study was purposive and utilised eight participants who met the criteria for the investigation. The study was conducted at Tshilidzhini Hospital Trauma Centre and The Sibasa Victim Empowerment unit in Thohoyandou, Vhembe District in the Limpopo province. Data was gathered using a semi-structured questionnaire guide. Data was analysed, using Thematic Content Analysis (TCA), to gain an in-depth account of each participant’s experience of abuse. The results of the study indicate that cultural factors still play an important role in facilitating women abuse. The women in the study used religion, denial and avoidance, guilt and self-blame as coping mechanisms. Low self-esteem, depression, cognitive dissonance and relationship hope and commitment were identified as psychological factors compelling battered women to remain in abusive relationships. The study recommended that educational programmes and workshops on woman abuse be provided to empower women in rural areas.

Dependência econômica no contrato de agência: a proteção do agente na resilição unilateral pelo proponente / Economic dependence in the agency agreement: the protection of the agent in the unilateral termination by the proponent

Fabiani, Igor Longo 28 August 2018 (has links)
O tema desenvolvido na presente pesquisa refere-se ao contrato de agência, no qual se identifica a inerência da situação de dependência econômica do agente, parte normalmente mais frágil em relação ao proponente. Esta situação de dependência econômica, apesar de não ser vedada a priori pelo ordenamento jurídico, pode dar ensejo ao seu abuso por parte do proponente, mediante a imposição de condições ao agente, às quais este deve anuir por não possuir alternativa viável. Dentre as possibilidades de abuso de dependência econômica pelo proponente, concentrou-se naquela manifestada na resilição unilateral abusiva do contrato, especialmente quando existem investimentos específicos, exigidos do agente, que ainda não foram amortizados ou recuperados pela duração do contrato. Tomando-se como premissa o fato de que tanto a Lei nº 4.886/1965 quanto o Código Civil de 2002 disciplinam especificamente a relação de agência, pode-se verificar que ambos os diplomas normativos possuem dispositivos legais que visam à proteção do agente, mitigando os efeitos da posição de supremacia do proponente no contrato e diminuindo a possibilidade de exercício abusivo da dependência econômica do agente. Esses mecanismos protetivos, no entanto, por estarem previstos em dois diplomas legais diversos, que não possuem qualquer referência expressa um ao outro, não se encontram adequadamente sistematizados, causando dúvidas sobre a sua correta interpretação e aplicação. Dessa forma, após a identificação e estudo de cada uma das ferramentas protetivas consagradas pela legislação específica, foi proposta uma sistematização que se entende a mais adequada para conferir proteção ao agente, conforme pretendido tanto pela Lei nº 4.886/1965 quanto pelo Código Civil, assim como segurança e certeza às partes, servindo como estímulo para as contratações de longo prazo e para a realização de investimentos, de modo a contribuir para a eficiente utilização do contrato de agência, que é importante ferramenta para a promoção do desenvolvimento econômico e social. / The theme developed in the present research refers to the agency agreement, in which exists a inherent economic dependence of the agent, usually the more fragile part in relation to the principal. This situation of economic dependence, although not prohibited by the legal system, can give rise to its abuse by the principal, by imposing conditions on the agent, which the agent must accept because he has no viable alternative. Among the possibilities of abuse of economic dependence by the principal, this research focused on the unilateral termination of the contract especially when there are specific investments made by the agent that have not yet been amortized or recovered during the contract. Taking as a premise that both the Lei nº 4.886/1965 and the Civil Code of 2002 specifically regulate the agency agreement, it can be verified that both normative documents have legal provisions that aim at the protection of the agent, mitigating the effects of the principal supremacy position in the contract and reducing the possibility of abusive exercise of the agent\'s economic dependence. These protective mechanisms, however, because they are in two different legal texts, which do not have any express reference to each other, are not adequately systematized, causing doubts about their correct interpretation and application. Thus, after the identification and study of each of the protection tools provided by the specific legislation, a systematization was proposed that is considered the most appropriate to grant protection to the agent, as intended by the Lei nº 4.886/1965 and by the Civil Code, and to provide security and certainty to the parties, serving as a stimulus for long-term contracting and for the realization of investments, in order to contribute to the efficient use of the agency contract, which is an important tool for the promotion of economic and social development.

The Relationship between Abusive Supervision and Deviant Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Work-Family Conflict and the Moderating Effect of Social Support

Chu, Hsiao-min 02 February 2012 (has links)
In recent years, studies have discussed the abusive supervision behavior in the organizations. Especially, supervisors¡¦ abusive supervision behaviors were believed to have negative effects on subordinates. However, the relationship between supervisors¡¦ abusive supervision behaviors, subordinates¡¦ work-family conflict, and deviant behavior remained unclear. For this reason, this study intends correlating supervisors¡¦ abusive supervision behaviors and subordinates¡¦ work-family conflict with deviant behavior. In this study, abusive supervision is the independent variable; Deviant behavior is the dependent variable; Work-family conflict is the mediator. Besides, we defined social support (family-supportive policies, perceived organizational work¡Vfamily support, and perceived coworker support) as a moderator not only between supervisors¡¦ abusive supervision behaviors and subordinates¡¦ work-family conflict, but also between work-family conflict and deviant behavior. The subjects of the study who are selected by convenience sampling and the data are collected using dyad-approach are common enterprise employees from manufacturing, high-tech industry, and service industry in Taiwan. Two hundred and twelve effective questionnaires (106 supervisor-subordinate dyadic data) of the survey are retrieved. Moreover, the analytic tools such as descriptive analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), linear structural relation, hierarchical regression analysis, and sobel test are utilized to analyze the result of the survey and to verify the assumptions of the study. The findings of the study are as follows. (1) Abusive supervision correlates positively with work-family conflict. (2) Work-family conflict also has significantly positive correlation with deviant behavior. (3) Mediating effect of work-family conflict is significant. (4) Family-supportive policies moderate the relationship between Abusive supervision and work-family conflict. The findings highly support the hypothesis I made, and also testify some researcher¡¦s suggestions. Further from this research, I also offer some suggestions for management and practice to the issue and following related research.

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