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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os passos indesejáveis: um estudo do contexto sociocultural do uso e usuários de crack nas cidades do Rio de Janeiro e Nova Iorque. / The steps of the undesirables: an study of the sociocultural context of the crack cocaine use and users at the cities of Rio de Janeiro and New York.

Danielle de Carvalho Vallim 11 June 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente tese desenvolveu um olhar sobre o indivíduo que consome crack abusivamente nas cidades do Rio de Janeiro e Nova Iorque, especialmente os que se encontravam em situação de vulnerabilidade social. Neste sentido, buscou-se conhecer de que forma o processo de vulnerabilidade social corroborou para o uso abusivo da droga, concentrando, principalmente, o foco sobre os que se encontravam em condição marginal, especialmente aqueles que viviam em situação de rua, residindo nas cenas de uso. Rio de Janeiro e Nova Iorque foram escolhidas por apresentarem população usuária abusiva de crack em número considerável. Por isso, pretendeu-se analisar se os perfis socioculturais desses sujeitos se assemelhariam. Foram analisados significados complexos e conotações socioculturais que exerciam influências significativas nas motivações ao consumo abusivo da droga. Sendo assim, nas páginas que seguem, objetiva-se aprofundar a compreensão sobre os fenômenos sociais que interagem com ou sobre o uso abusivo de crack e com seus usuários, tendo como base o respeito aos indivíduos investigados. O processo de elaboração da pesquisa desenvolveu-se por meio da técnica de observação participante, história de vida e aplicação de entrevistas semi-estruturadas a usuários desta droga em ambas as cidades. Tanto no Rio de Janeiro, quanto em Nova Iorque, o perfil sociocultural dos participantes apresentou-se de forma semelhante: indivíduos socialmente marginalizados, excluídos, vítimas de racismo, preconceito, miséria, pobreza, conflitos familiares e rodeados pelos efeitos de políticas proibicionistas, assim como repressão policial e encarceramento. Pode-se afirmar que o processo de vulnerabilidade sofrido por esses indivíduos tornou-se evidente na vivência de problemas sociais anteriores ao consumo de crack. Estes problemas ampliaram-se na medida em que esses sujeitos se tornaram usuários abusivos, principalmente, frente ao estigma e à exclusão consequentes do fardo de serem drogados, cracudos ou crackheads, o que salientou ainda mais o rompimento dos vínculos sociais, na maioria dos casos, já enfraquecidos. Os resultados demonstraram que, embora sejam de cidades de diferentes países, com realidades econômicas, culturais e sociais distintas, a população usuária abusiva de crack se assemelha no que se refere aos aspectos especialmente as falhas - sociais, culturais e econômicas no processo de organização de vida, fortalecendo os argumentos em torno das dimensões socioculturais do uso. / This thesis is a investigation of the individual which consumes crack cocaine abusively at the cities of Rio de Janeiro and New York, especially those which were in social vulnerable situation. In this sense, was seen to know how the social vulnerability process corroborated to the abuse of drugs, focusing mainly on those who were marginalized, especially those living on the streets, at the spots of drug use. Rio de Janeiro and new york were chosen by the fact that there is a population of crack cocaine users in considerable numbers. Therefore, the aim was to analyze if the socio-cultural profiles of these subjects would resemble. Complex meanings and sociocultural connotations which exercised significant influence in the motivations of the abusive drug use were analyzed. Thus, in the pages that follow, the objective is to deepen the understanding of social phenomena that interact with or over the abusive use of crack cocaine and their users, based on respect for individuals investigated. The research process was developed through participant observation technique, life history and application of semi-structured interviews with crack cocaine users in both cities. Was discovered that both in Rio de Janeiro, as in new york, the socio-cultural profile of the participants were similar: socially marginalized people, excluded, victims of racism, prejudice, misery, poverty, family conflict and surrounded by the effects of prohibitionist policies and police repression and incarceration. It can be said that the vulnerability process of these individuals was presented in the life experience before to crack cocaine use. These problems have widened the extent that these subjects became abusive users, especially because the stigma and consequent exclusion of the "burden" of being , "cracudos" or "crackheads", which further emphasized the rupture of social links, in most cases, already weakened. The results show that, while the cities of different countries with economic, cultural and social realities different, the abusive users population of crack cocaine is similar with regard to the aspects - especially the failures - social, cultural and economic in the process of life organization, strengthening the arguments around the sociocultural dimensions of use.

Le consommateur et l'assurance : aspects juridiques / The consumer and the insurance : legal aspects

Bentin-Liaras, Maud 10 November 2015 (has links)
Le lien existant entre un sujet de droit (le consommateur) et un domaine du droit aussi technique que l’assurance n’est pas facile à appréhender. Son étude est pourtant nécessaire en égard à l’importance pratique de la question – les contrats d’assurance se comptent pas millions et les procès par milliers – et à son actualité fortement marquée par la « loi Hamon » du 17 mars 2014. Par-delà ces considérations, il est courant de souligner que, confronté à l’assurance, le consommateur est dans une situation de faiblesse et qu’il doit être protégé. Mais quelle branche du droit, du droit de la consommation ou du droit des assurances est la mieux à même de le faire ? Et des conflits de normes peuvent-ils survenir ? A cet égard, la protection offerte par le droit de la consommation est indéniable, notamment en matière d’information du consommateur ou de lutte contre les clauses abusives. Mais le droit des assurances n’a pas attendu l’avènement du courant consumériste pour protéger tout assuré et pas seulement les consommateurs. De ce point de vue, les deux droits n’ont pas la même conception ni du consommateur d’assurance, ni de ma manière dont l’assurance du consommateur doit être réglementée. Ce sont deux axes autour desquels la thèse s’articule. Celle-ci traite aussi bien des personnes à protéger que de l’étendue de la protection, en insistant pour chaque thème sur les conflits de normes réels ou potentiels. / Analysing the link between a subject of law (the consumer) and a technical law area as technical as insurance law is not an easy task. Yet, such a study is necessary in view of the pratical importance of the issue – there are millions of insurance contracts underwritten and thousands of lawsuits – and given the highly topical « loi Hamon » adopted on March 17, 2014. Moreover it is a well-known fact that consumer is in a weak position xhen facing insurance and therefore requires protection. But wich area of law is best placed to protect him : consumer law or insurance law ? And may conflicts of laws arise ? Indeed consumer law offers an undoubted protection, in particular with regards to consumer information and fight against unfair contracts termes. However, insurance law dit not wait for the advent of consumerism to protect every policy holder and not only consumers. Both laws do not share the same view of insurance consumer nor of the way consumer insurance must be regulated. This thesis hangs on those two majors hinges. It defines not only who are the individuals to be protected but also what is the scope of that protection. In each case, actual and potential conflict of laws are specifically highlighted.

Testing and Expanding an Emotion-Centered Model of Workplace Aggression: The Moderating Effects of Perceived Intensity and Social Support in the Workplace

Allen, Josh 18 June 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to examine the mediating effects of job-related negative emotions on the relationship between workplace aggression and outcomes. Additionally, the moderating effects of workplace social support and intensity of workplace aggression are considered. A total 321 of working individuals participated through an online survey. The results of this thesis suggest that job-related negative emotions are a mediator of the relationship between workplace aggression and outcomes, with full and partial mediation supported. Workplace social support was found to be a buffering variable in the relationship between workplace aggression and outcomes, regardless of the source of aggression (supervisor or co-worker) or the source of the social support. Finally, intensity of aggression was found to be a strong moderator of the relationship between workplace aggression and outcomes.

Factors affecting the likelihood of paternal custodial disputes in dissolution of marriage cases

Adamson, Jackie L. 01 January 1992 (has links)
Male batterers -- Paternal custodial challenges -- Support payment arrearage -- Income levels of fathers -- Violent fathers -- Nonviolent fathers -- Initiation of court appearances -- Gender of children.

"En dålig dag kan jag inte göra annat än att gråta" : Utsatta EU-medborgares strategier för att hantera våld, hot och kränkande behandling / "On a bad day, I can’t do anything but cry" : Strategies vulnerable EU citizens use to deal with violence, threats and abusive treatment

Rydberg, Linn January 2020 (has links)
Flera studier har uppmärksammat att utsatt EU-medborgare i Sverige många gånger blir offer för hot, trakasserier och våldsbrott till följd av deras sårbara livssituation och nedsatta tillgång till skydd i landet. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur utsatta EU- medborgare upplever och hanterar risker för våld, hot och kränkande behandling. Datan består av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju utsatta EU-medborgare i Umeå kommun. I studien har två teorier använts för att analysera materialet vilka är stigma samt aktiva och passiva copingstrategier. Dessa har använts för att ge en djupare analys av hur copingstrategier sammanhänger med upplevelser av stigmatisering. Resultatet visar att de utsatta EU-medborgarna upplever att de till följd av deras ursprung från Rumänien förknippas med negativa egenskaper och riskerar att bli föremål för diskriminering och kränkande behandling. Det framkommer att gruppen på olika sätt måste förhålla sig till sitt stigma vilket begränsar deras handlingsutrymme och vilka strategier de har tillgång till för att hantera erfarenheter och oro av att utsättas för kränkande behandling. Resultatet visar att hur väl man har lyckats frigöra sig från den egna gruppen får tillgång till fler aktiva strategier. En slutsats från studien är att strategierna gruppen använder bör förstås utifrån dimensionen stigmatisering och förslagsvis benämnas som anpassade strategier, det vill säga där man agerar i en kontext av underordning och på olika sätt förhåller sig till stigmat. / Several studies have noted that vulnerable EU citizens in Sweden often become victims of threats, harassment and violent crimes due to their vulnerable life situation and reduced access to protection. This study aims to examine how vulnerable EU citizens experience and manage risks of violence, threats and abusive treatment. The data consists of qualitative semi- structured interviews with seven vulnerable EU citizens in Umeå municipality. In this study, two theories have been used to analyze the results which are stigma as well as active and passive coping strategies. These have been used to provide a deeper analysis of how coping strategies are associated with experiences of stigmatization. The results show that vulnerable EU citizens feel that they, as a result of their origin from Romania, are associated with negative characteristics and are at risk of discrimination and abusive treatment. It appears that the group must relate in various ways to their stigma, which limits their range of options and the strategies available to them, to deal with experience and fear of being subject to abusive treatment. The results show that people who manage to free themselves from the group get access to more active strategies. A conclusion from the study is that the understanding of strategies used by vulnerable EU citizens should include the dimension of stigmatization and be referred to as adaptive strategies, that is, where one acts in a context of subordination and in different ways must relate to the stigma.

The phenomenon of women who continue to stay in abusive marriages : a case study of selected women in Mankweng Area, Limpopo Province

Mathebula, Wiseman Ntlhari January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. ( Social Work)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Studies have shown that women abuse in marriages is prevalent. Globally, one in three (1:3) or 35% of women have experienced physical and or sexual violence by an intimate partner who in some instances, could have been a marital partner or spouse. Reports from Statistics South Africa show that one in every four of all women in South Africa is assaulted by their partners weekly. This study sought to describe reasons why women continue to stay in abusive marriages. The study was qualitative in nature and used a case study design. The sampling of the study was purposive and involved sixteen (16) participants who met the criteria of the study: women who continued to stay in abusive marriages. The study was conducted at Khuseleka One-stop Centre and Victim Empowerment Programme in Mankweng, Capricorn District in Limpopo Province. Data was collected using a semi-structured interview guide, and was analysed using Thematic Content Analysis (TCA) to gain in depth account from participants of their abuse in marriage. This study employed the Womanism theory to discuss findings. The major finding of this study was that many abused women who stay on in their marriage are economically dependent on their husbands. The study further reveals that children are main contributing factors that hinder these women from leaving abusive partners. The study further reveals that cultural beliefs play a crucial role since these women were socialised and brought up with cultural beliefs that “lebitla la mosadi ke bogadi”, which simply means that a woman’s grave is at the home of her husband. The study recommends educational programmes about GBV and related programmes for both genders.

Varför lämnar hon inte honom? : - En kvalitativ studie om våldsutsatta kvinnors beskrivning av sina erfarenheter i en våldsam relation / Why dosent she leave him? : - A qualitative study of abused women's description of their experiences in a violent relationship

Abdulreda, Zainab January 2021 (has links)
Men's violence against women in couple relationships is a global growing social problem that occurs in all countries regardless of religion, social class or social and economic conditions. The United Nations (UN) is constructing men's violence against women as a global pandemic that is constantly on the rise, and as the most widespread and socially accepted violation of human rights. Violence maintains individual positions of power and is thus a violation of women's human rights.The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate how women exposed to violence describe their experiences of violence in hetrosexual relationships, and whether the normalization of violence affects a woman's decision to leave a violent relationship. The study was based on the documentary series Våldsam kärlek",(”Violent love”) which depicts the subjective experiences of violence by four women exposed to violence. Theories about the gender power perspective, the normalization process and the breakup process were applied in the study for a deeper understanding for the subject. The results from the study show that men's violence against women involves physical, psychological and sexual violence, where violence escalates gradually. The results from the study show that the most common reason for domestic violence against women is due to manly power imbalance between men and women in society, but also because the woman normalizes violence in everyday life, which makes the breakup from the relationship more difficult.

Vilken betydelse har förskolepedagogens utbildning? : Förmågan att identifiera, motverka och förebygga kränkande behandling / What is the significance of the educator’s education : Ability to identify, counteract and prevent abusive treatment

Karlsson, Nathalie January 2022 (has links)
Denna kvantitativa forskningsstudie har för avsikt att klargöra om det finns skillnader mellan hur legitimerade förskollärare och barnskötare arbetar med kränkande behandling och om de tar stöd i verksamhetens trygghetsplan. 86 respondenter valde att delta i studien genom att svara på en webbenkät.  Forskningsstudien tar grund i positivismen för att analysera och lägga fram resultatet på ett så korrekt sätt som möjligt. Resultatet visar att det finns ett samband mellan pedagogers utbildningsnivå och deras förmåga att identifiera, förebygga och motverka kränkande behandling i förskolan.  Forskningsstudien visar att legitimerade förskollärare är tryggare än barnskötare i sin profession men att båda grupperna upplever en tidsbrist och en bristande samsyn som påverkar deras upplevda förmåga att systematiskt arbeta mot kränkande behandling. / This quantitative research study examines whether there is a connection between the degree of education of educators and their views on abusive treatment and work with systematic prevention programs. 86 respondents chose to participate in the study by responding to a webbsurvey.  The research study is based on positivism in order på analyze and present the results in the most accurate way possible. The results show that there is a connection between educators’ level of education and their ability to identify, prevent and counteract abusive treatment in preschool.  The research study shows that licensed preschool teachers are mor confident than uneducated theachers in their profession, but that both groups experience a lack of time and a lack of counsensus that affects their ability to work systematically against abusive treatment.

Pathways to Delinquent and Sex Offending Behavior: The Role of Childhood Adversity and Environmental Context in a Treatment Sample of Male Adolescents

Puszkiewicz, Kelcey L., Stinson, Jill D. 01 December 2019 (has links)
Background: Exposure to greater Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) has been associated with increased likelihood of general and sex offending behaviors. However, few studies consider both the impact of varied ACE exposures and other early experiences on pathways to offending behaviors in adolescents who have engaged in sexually abusive behaviors. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of ACEs and sexual boundary problems within the home on the development of delinquent and sexually abusive behavior. Participants & setting: Data were collected from archival records of male adolescents (N = 285) who had received treatment for sexually abusive behavior at a youth facility. Methods: This study investigated the effects of individual adverse experiences on delinquent nonsexual and sexually abusive behaviors through structural equation modeling. Results: Structural equation modeling revealed a three-factor model for ACEs. Direction and significance of paths between ACEs and the onset, persistence, and nature of maladaptive behaviors differed. Household dysfunction was related to an earlier onset (β = 1.19, p = 0.013) and more persistent nonsexual delinquent offending (β = 1.05, p = 0.048) and contact sexual offending (β = 1.19, p = 0.010). Conversely, sexual abuse and exposure to sexual boundary problems were associated with an earlier onset of sexually abusive behavior (β = −1.08, p = 0.038) as well as indicators of adolescent-onset (β = −1.30, p = 0.002), less persistent (β = −1.53, p = 0.001), and nonviolent (β = −1.89, p = 0.001) delinquency. Conclusions: Findings suggest variations in ACE exposures differentially influence the onset, severity, and persistence of delinquent and sexually abusive behaviors among these youths.

The Vicious Cycle of Unethical Behavior : A Model for Destructive Leadership in the Remote Setting

Lindner, Marcel, Malmio, Lauri January 2022 (has links)
Background: Destructive leadership seeks to explain how leaders create harmful outcomes in an organizational setting – and why do they choose to do so. However, as with most leadership theories, process models are designed with a traditional office setting in mind which has its own distinct characteristics. Remote working has surged in prevalence in the last two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic and features multiple key differences, including increased social isolation and a decrease in communication quality. The combination of this novel and different context with a high likelihood of employees experiencing destructive leadership during their career, it is of high relevance to critically examine destructive leadership processes in a remote setting. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to adapt the proposed framework of destructive leadership by Krasikova et al. (2013) in a remote working environment, and to provide a greater understanding of destructive leadership processes in a less familiar context. Through exploring a new working context, this research aims to expand the understanding of destructive leadership, its situational factors, processes, and possible destructive outcomes in the ‘modern’ workplace. Method: Our methods were built on the choices of inductive qualitative research. Ten semi-structured interviews with leaders and followers were conducted by utilizing the casemethod, and more precisely, the case-oriented research design. The use of case-oriented research design and thematic analysis allowed us to engage in within- and cross-case comparisons and enabled us to generate new insights and to further develop remote working specific factors in the destructive leadership processes. Conclusion: The results of the study demonstrate that remote working environment influences three main areas of destructive leadership: the organizational context behind the process of choosing to engage in destructive leadership, the process of discovery and organizational response, and by establishing feedback loops from existing destructive leadership that leads to further resource shortages.

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