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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Alla har ju lite familjeproblem” : En kvalitativ studie av de långsiktiga konsekvenserna av psykiskt våldunder uppväxten / “Everyone Has Some Family Issues” : A qualitative study of the long term consequences of mental abuse duringchildhood

Sebbelov, Maja, Perup, Åsa January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was twofold: the first was to identify long termconsequences in adults who have experienced mental abuse during childhood byanalyzing personal stories. The second purpose was to examine and discuss therole of social work expressed by the individuals. In order to accomplish this,seven personal stories from different podcasts were selected and later comparedwith existing research on the topic. A qualitative and thematic content analysiswas used with the intention of capturing the victims’ experiences of the violence,as well as their view on society’s attempts to intervene. The results showed thatmental abuse during childhood can contribute to later interpersonal issues such asproblems in forming stable relationships due to insecure attachment patterns, andan overall feeling of being in danger. Moreover, the risks of developing mentaldisorders such as depression, anxiety or Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorderwas shown through existing research to be higher in people with a history ofmental abuse. In addition, the knowledge of professionals about the severity ofmental abuse seems to expand but is still inadequate overall. This entails a greatervulnerability for the victims that do seek help, as this comes with the risks ofeither escalating violence due to misguided interventions, or a diminution ofexperiences. In conclusion, the largest obstacle for victims to receive propersupport from society appears to be the nature of the violence; it is hard to detectfrom an outside view and it will more often than not go unnoticed.

Den dolda sidan av våld i nära relation / The hidden side of domestic violence

Dimura, Vasilika, Ramic, Hana January 2023 (has links)
Male victims of domestic abuse with women as perpetrators is not a common supposition and seems to be a topic which needs further attention. The purpose of our essay is therefore to investigate men's experiences of being abused by a woman in a romantic relationship. The survey aims to illustrate the men's own voices. The aim is also to illustrate the consequences of being a man and having a female perpetrator in a romantic relationship. The study was conducted through biographies, all written by men with experience of this essay's subject. The result is divided in three main themes: the experience of the abuse, shame and being a victim and a male at the same time. The most prominent results included men’s experiences of both physical and psychological abuse where they were a victim of violence by their female partner and suffered major injuries and endured many years of control, humiliation and violations. The results also presented consequences of being a male victim of domestic abuse which featured feelings of shame, fear of others acknowledging them as weak and not being accepted as a victim by society.


JULIA PINHEIRO PINTO 15 July 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação tem como objetivo refletir sobre a construção e o desenvolvimento dos relacionamentos afetivos heterossexuais entre os jovens, tendo como base ilustrativa a série da Netflix Areia Movediça. A partir da representação do relacionamento amoroso entre os personagens principais da série, Maja e Sebastian, foi proposto um debate sobre as transformações sofridas pelo amor romântico na contemporaneidade, a forma como as juventudes lidam com essa área da vida e, por fim, como a interlocução desses dois aspectos pode resultar em uma relação abusiva. Para isso, a pesquisa é dividida em três partes. Na primeira, discutem-se as juventudes e a importância da prática de se assistir a séries na perspectiva dos jovens. Na segunda, há uma breve introdução a Areia Movediça, com o objetivo de contextualizar o leitor. Por meio da análise das cenas, são debatidas temáticas intrínsecas ao universo juvenil consideradas tabus, até se chegar ao tema dos relacionamentos amorosos. Na terceira parte, discutem-se a desigualdade entre gêneros e como ela atua na construção dos relacionamentos abusivos, a partir da história sobre o amor vivido pelos protagonistas de Areia Movediça. / [en] This thesis aims to reflect upon the construction and development of teen romantic heterosexual relationships having the Netflix s Quicksand series as background for the analysis. Maja and Sebastian s relationship helps shed light into the transformations romantic relationships have underwent in modern times, and on how teenagers deal with this aspect of their lives. Quicksand shows us that the combination of romance and teenagers may eventually trigger abusive relationships. In order to elaborate on those topics, the research has been divided into three different parts. The first part debates youth and the relevance of watching television series for teens. The second part is a short introduction on Quicksand. Scene analysis reinforces themes intrinsic to the teen universe that are still considered taboo. The third part reflects on gender inequality and its role in the construction of abusive relationships as depicted in the Quicksand protagonists love story.

Treatment effectiveness of parent-child interaction therapy with physically abusive parent-child dyads

Terao, Sherri Yukiko 01 January 1999 (has links) (PDF)
The effectiveness of Parent Child Interaction Therapy with physically abusive parent child dyads was examined. Thirty-four physically abusive parents and their children were randomly assigned to either an experimental condition in which parents participated in the intervention or a control condition in which regular family preservation services were offered. Parents in the treatment group reported a reduction in the number of child behavior problems, lower levels of stress, and lower abuse potential scores when compared with control parents. Clinical implications along with future recommendations for treatment of physically abusive parents and children are discussed.

The Relationship of Maternal Stress and Coping, Development Knowledge, and Infant Crying to Maternal Abuse Risk at Two Months

Deyo, Grace Marie 25 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Civilkurage ombord på fartyg : Faktorer som påverkar studentens agerande när hen bevittnat trakasserier, mobbning eller kränkande särbehandling ombord på fartyg. / Moral courage onboard a ship : Factors that effects a student’s behaviour onboard a ship when he or she witnesses a situation when an individual is being bullied, harassed or is a victim to abusive treatment.

Johansson, Adam, Sekulic, Aleksandra January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie belyser de faktorer som påverkar en students agerande ombord på ett fartyg när studenten bevittnar en situation där en individ ombord blir mobbad, trakasserad eller utsatt för kränkande särbehandling. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka faktorer som påverkat studenten när hen har bevittnat mobbning, trakasserier och/eller kränkande särbehandling. Studien har utgått från semistrukturerade intervjuer med studenter från Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar. Dessa studenter har genomgått hela eller större delen av sin fartygsförlagda praktik. Respondenternas erfarenheter har bidragit till en tydlig bild kring detta problemområde. Resultatet visar att hierarki var den största bidragande faktorn som påverkade studentens agerande när hen bevittnat mobbning, trakasserier eller kränkande särbehandling. Resultatet visar också att trakasserier ombord på fartyg ofta beror på kulturella skillnader. / This study brings up factors that effects a student’s behaviour onboard a ship when he or she witnesses a situation when an individual is being bullied, harassed or is a victim to abusive treatment. The purpose of this study was to examine factors that effected a student when he or she witnessed bullying, harassment or/and abusive treatment. This study has been based on semi structured interviews with students from the Maritime University in Kalmar. These students have completed all or most of their ship-based practice. The respondents’ experiences have contributed to a clear picture of this problem area. The result showed that hierarchy was the biggest factor that effected a student’s behaviour when he or she had witnessed bullying, harassment, or abusive treatment. The result also shows that harassment onboard a ship often happens because of cultural differences.

Allmänhetens uppfattningar om våldsutövande föräldrar : En kvantitativ jämförelse av allmänhetens uppfattningar om allvarlighetsgraden när mammor eller pappor utövar fysiskt våld mot sina barn / The public’s perceptions of abusive parents

Florén, Sofia, Lindborg, Sofia, Nilsson, Emma January 2024 (has links)
Sverige var första land i världen att år 1979 förbjuda all form av misshandel av barn. Sedan dess har acceptansen för våld mot barn minskat, men utövandet av våld mot barn pågår fortfarande. Att ha en positiv inställning till våld mot barn är associerat med utövandet av våld mot sina barn. Litteraturen är delvis bristfällig, men acceptansen för föräldrars våld mot sina barn verkar vara lägst i västländerna. Denna studie ämnade undersöka allmänhetens uppfattningar om våldsutövande mammor och pappor, och skillnader i dessa uppfattningar mellan kvinnor och män samt vårdnadshavare och icke-vårdnadshavare. En vinjettstudie med webbenkäter genomfördes där deltagarna (N = 226) fick läsa ett fiktivt scenario med antingen en våldsutövande mamma eller pappa och därefter ta ställning till frågor och påståenden om scenariot. Resultaten visade att kvinnor uppfattade händelsen som allvarligare jämfört med män, och vårdnadshavare uppfattade händelsen som allvarligare jämfört med icke-vårdnadshavare. Resultaten var motstridiga vad gäller uppfattningen om våldsutövande mammor eller pappor. Resultaten diskuterades tillsammans med tidigare forskning, teorin om ideala offer och ideala förövare samt feminina och maskulina könsnormer. / Sweden was the first country in the world to ban all forms of child abuse in 1979. Since then, the acceptance of violence against children has decreased, but the practice of violence against children still continues. A positive attitude towards violence against children is associated with parents perpetrating violence against their children. The literature is partly inadequate, but the acceptance of parental violence against their children appears to be lowest in the western countries. This study aimed to investigate the public’s perceptions of abusive mothers and fathers, and differences in these perceptions between women and men as well as guardians and non-guardians. A vignette study with online questionnaires was conducted where the participants (N = 226) had to read a fictional scenario with either a violent mother or father and then take a position on questions and statements about the scenario. The results showed that women perceived the event as more severe compared to men, and guardians perceived the event as more severe compared to non-guardians. The results were conflicting regarding the perception of abusive mothers or fathers. The results were discussed together with previous research, the theory of ideal victims and ideal perpetrators and feminine and masculine gender roles.

L'influence de la culture organisationnelle sur l'épuisement professionnel ; étude comparative entre cols blancs et policiers d'un service de police urbain.

Chevalier Bonin, Jean-Philippe 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire élaboré dans le cadre d'une étude plus vaste sur la santé mentale au travail étudie l'effet de la culture organisationnelle ainsi que certains facteurs du travail comme la supervision abusive, la latitude décisionnelle, l'utilisation des compétences, l'autorité décisionnelle, les demandes psychologiques, le soutien social ainsi que l'horaire de travail sur l'épuisement professionnel et ses trois dimensions. Ces facteurs, à l'exception de la culture organisationnelle ont fait l'objet d'études approfondies dans le passé. Ce mémoire se base sur un modèle connu et régulièrement utilisé mesurant l'effet de ces facteurs du travail sur la santé mentale. Ce modèle est communément appelé le modèle demandes-contrôle de Karasek. L'échantillon à l'étude est constitué de 384 policiers et travailleurs cols blancs travaillant pour le service de police de la Ville de Montréal. La récolte des données à été effectuée en 2008 et 2009. Ce mémoire confirme en partie les résultats fréquemment observés dans les études sur le sujet. La supervision abusive, les demandes psychologiques et certains types de culture augmentent le niveau d'épuisement professionnel. D'autres variables comme la latitude décisionnelle et certains autres types de culture organisationnelle réduisent le niveau d'épuisement professionnel. / This thesis is part of a vast study on mental health at work started by the Équipe de Recherche sur le Travail et la Santé Mentale. It more specifically focus on the effect of organizational culture and some work concepts like abusive supervision, decisional latitude, skills utilisation, psychological demands, social support and work schedules on the incidence of burnout including its three specific dimensions. Previous studies were conducted on these factors with the exception of organizational culture. This thesis is based on a previous studies which have developed models to explain the incidence of burnout : the demand-control model proposed by Karasek et al. This study uses data collected in 2008 and 2009 from 384 policemen and white collar workers from the Montreal Police Service. This thesis confirms some frequently observed results like the positive influence of abusive supervision and jobs demands on the incidence of burnout. There is also some variables such as decisional latitude and certain types of organizational cultures which are negatively related to the incidence of burnout.

L'influence de la culture organisationnelle sur l'épuisement professionnel ; étude comparative entre cols blancs et policiers d'un service de police urbain

Chevalier Bonin, Jean-Philippe 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Cautionnement et entreprises en difficulté / Surety bond and struggling company

Diarra, Abdouramane 27 October 2017 (has links)
Le traitement des difficultés économiques des entreprises était originellement orienté vers leur liquidation en raison de sa conception traditionnellement moraliste puisque la faillite revêtait, alors, un caractère nécessairement fautif. Sous l’impulsion des différentes crises économiques ainsi que du chômage de masse qu’elles ont provoqué, il est apparu au législateur qu’une telle approche de la défaillance économique devait évoluer. C’est ainsi que, depuis plusieurs décennies maintenant, l’accent est mis sur la prévention des difficultés. Dans cette nouvelle donne, le législateur entend s’appuyer sur la caution, personne physique, comme levier d’anticipation. Il exploite ainsi la qualité de débiteur secondaire de celle-ci, en espérant que sa crainte d’être appelée à la suite du dépôt de bilan, l’amènera à orienter le débiteur principal vers les procédures préventives. C’est à cette fin qu’il lui étend, sous certaines conditions, le bénéfice des mesures protectrices édictées en faveur du débiteur principal dans le cadre de telles procédures. Ces mesures traduisent, ce faisant, un régime dérogatoire du cautionnement dans le cadre des procédures collectives lequel devrait inciter les créanciers, qui cherchent avant tout le règlement de leurs créances, à envisager comme garanties d’insolvabilité du débiteur principal d’autres mécanismes dont ce n’est pas pourtant la fonction première. A son tour, la caution, afin de conjurer le risque de contribution définitive pesant sur elle dans le cas où les procédures envisagées n’ont pas permis de solutionner les difficultés économiques du débiteur principal, devra explorer différentes pistes qui lui permettront de diluer ce risque. / The treatment of the economic difficulties of companies was originally oriented towards liquidation because of its traditionally moralistic approach, since bankruptcy was then necessarily faulty. Driven by the various economic crises and mass unemployment that they provoked, it became clear to the legislator that such an approach to economic failure had to evolve.Thus, for several decades now, the emphasis has been on preventing difficulties. In this new context, the legislator intends to rely on the guarantee, a natural person, as a lever of anticipation. It thus exploits the status of secondary debtor of the latter, hoping that its fear of being called after the bankruptcy, will lead it to direct the principal debtor towards the preventive procedures. It is for this purpose that it extends, under certain conditions, the benefit of the protective measures enacted in favor of the principal debtor in the context of such proceedings. In so doing, these measures constitute a derogation from the guarantee in the context of collective proceedings, which should encourage creditors, who seek above all the settlement of their claims, to consider other mechanisms of this type as collateral for the insolvency of the principal debtor is not the primary function. In turn, the guarantor, in order to ward off the risk of a definitive contribution burdening it in the event that the procedures envisaged have not resolved the economic difficulties of the principal debtor, will have to explore different avenues which will allow it to dilute this risk.

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