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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

學校不當督導與非志願性公民行為關係之研究-中介與調節效果的探討 / A study on relationship between abusive supervision and compulsory citizenship behavior in high schools : an examination of mediating and moderating effects

徐宗盛, Hsu, Tsung Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討不當督導、上下級關係及非志願性公民行為之關係,並探究上下級關係在不當督導與非志願性公民行為之間是否具有中介效果以及權力距離、組織政治知覺在不當督導與非志願性公民行為、上下級關係與非志願性公民行為之間是否具有調節效果。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以全國507所高中職教師為樣本母群體,採分層隨機抽樣,抽出600位受試者邀請填寫網路問卷,回收有效問卷375份,所得資料分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料的分析與處理,以瞭解高中職教師知覺校長不當督導與上下級關係、非志願性公民行為之現況、差異情形及上下級關係、權力距離、組織政治知覺的中介、調節效果,研究結論如下: 一、高中職教師對校長不當督導之知覺現況屬低度。 二、高中職教師上下級關係之表現程度屬中低程度。 三、高中職教師非志願性公民行為之表現程度屬中低程度。 四、學校規模等背景變項在不當督導有顯著差異,24班以下高於50班以上。 五、性別、年齡、職務及學校公私立屬性等背景變項在上下級關係上有顯著差異,男性、兼任主任的教師情感型關係顯著較高;男性、35歲以下、私立學校教師的工具型關係顯著較高。 六、本校服務年資、職務在非志願性公民行為有顯著差異,組長高於專任、服務年資6-15年高於5年以下。此外,服務總年資、學歷等二個背景變項在不當督導、上下級關係、非志願性公民行為上皆無顯著差異。 七、上下級關係在不當督導與非志願性公民行為間有部分中介效果。 八、權力距離在「不當督導」、「工具型關係」與非志願性公民行為間具有調節效果。 九、組織政治知覺只在工具型關係與非志願性公民行為間具有調節效果。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為高中職校長以及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among principal’s Abusive Supervision (AS) and Supervisor-Subordinate GuanXi (SSG) and Compulsory Citizenship Behavior (CCB) of senior high school teachers. Furthermore, the mediating effect of SSG between AS and CCB is analyzed, And the moderating effects of Power Distance (PD) and Organizational Politics (OP) between AS and CCB, between SSG and CCB are explored in the study. A survey research was conducted using a sample of senior high school teachers in Taiwan, excluding the complete schools. 600 teachers from 570 schools were selected by stratified random sampling. 375 valid sample data collected was analyzed and processed with the methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple-regression analysis. Based on 6-point Likert Scale, the major findings of this study are as follows: 1. Teachers’ perception of principal’s abusive supervision is below average. 2. Teachers’ perception of Supervisor-Subordinate GuanXi is below average. 3. Teachers’ Compulsory Citizenship Behavior is below average. 4. One demographic variable, school size, show significant differences in AS. Teachers who work at schools with less than 24 classes show higher perceptions of AS. 5. Four demographic variables, including gender, age, position, school type, show significant differences in SSG. Teachers who are male, younger than 35, work as the director of the department, or work in private schools show higher perceptions of SSG, especially instrumental ties. 6. Two demographic variables, tenure at the present school and position, show significant differences in CCB. Teachers whose tenure at the present school is longer, who work as the chief, show higher perceptions of CCB. Furthermore, two demographic variables, tenure and education, show no significant differences in AS, SSG and CCB. 7. AS is positively related to SSG and CCB. In addition, AS has a positive direct effect on CCB, SSG has a positive direct effect on CCB. AS has a positive direct effect on SSG. SSG does have mediating effects between AS and CCB. 8. Power Distance has moderating effects between AS and CCB, between SSG and CCB. 9. Organizational Politics has moderating effects only between SSG and CCB. Based on the results of the research, suggestions for principals and future related study are proposed.

Digital värdegrund på fritidshemmet : En utforskande essä om riskmedvetenhet kring digitala plattformar / Digital values in after school center

Wågdalen, Liselott January 2020 (has links)
This is a scholarly essay in which i examine and reflect on my issues related to digital risk and behavior in school and after-school centre. I have two questions that i wanted to focus on. Both of them that I have to examen on how I as an active pedagogue at a after school center can prepare the pupils on online risks and how to feel safe online, and also I wanted too learn how the personal at after school centre can work together with the parents to get the children resources to feel safe online. I wanted to explore if and how the staff in school and after school centre can give students preparatory work to gear up if they meet abusive behavior online. And the key here is dialogue. But lack of time, understaff or lack of a curriculum makes it sometimes hard do motivate principals and colleagues to set time to learn about digitals risks and the profit of dialogue about digital values. My experience from the work on this essay is that I need to make it visible to my colleagues that we can and need to do this, for the safety off our students and the future online users. / Det här är en essän med syfte att synligöra behovet av digital-värdegrund i skolan och på fritidshemmet. Jag reflekterar över bristen på tid att infoga värdegrunds-arbete i skolan och fritids samt att jag kritiskt granskar mig själv. Essän utgår från egen upplevda händelser och problematiken kring de dolda kränkningar och mobbnings-situationer som sker online och i klassrumsmiljöer. Jag inleder essän med fyra olika gestaltningar där jag reflekterar över mitt egna agerade och om jag kunde agerat annorlunda. Den röda tråden i texten är att jag tror på att samtal mellan elev och pedagog öppnar upp för att förbättra den sociala och digitala miljön på skolan, att dialog är porten till ett öppet klimat mellan barn/vuxen. Min egen erfarenhet och personliga utveckling samt de misstag jag upplever mig gjort under mina år som verksam pedagog finns som exempel i texten och jag hoppas det får läsaren att känna att vi tillsammans kan göra online livet säkrare för våra elever och framtida digitala användare.

A qualitative inquiry on the impact of family preservation programs

Franze-Cox, Kimberly Ann 01 January 2003 (has links)
This project focuses on the impact of family preservation programs on family functioning through a qualitative follow up study of the Child Abuse Prevention Intervention and Treatment (CAPIT) program at Pacific Clinics in Yucca Valley, California. The results found that family functioning (particularly in areas of interpersonal skills and communication) had improved since completion of the program. Improvement was correlated with the service content of the program and with counselor characteristics. Due to limitations, including sample size (n=9), results cannot be generalized.

Utvecklad hanteringsprocessför hantering av kränkandesärbehandling : En studie genomförd på Region Gotland / An improved process for managing abusivediscrimination at workplaces

Hansson, Julia January 2020 (has links)
Det har i spåren efter svenska #metoo-rörelsen kunnat konstaterats att det råder en stor okunskap hos arbetsgivarna om de regler som gäller vid hanteringen av sexuella trakasserier på arbetsplatsen. I ett försök att göra en förändring till det bättre har därmed Region Gotlands hantering av kränkande särbehandling studerats. Studien syftar till att studera organisationens nuläge för hanteringen av kränkande särbehandling, för att därigenom föreslå en utvecklad hanteringsprocess. Studien bygger på två frågeställningar som avser att visa hur den nuvarande hanteringen fungerar, vilka är hur fungerar hanteringen av kränkande särbehandling i nuläget? och vilka brister finns i den nuvarande hanteringen av kränkande särbehandling på arbetsplatsen? För att i sin tur kunna föreslå en utvecklad hanteringsprocess avser studien att besvara frågan hur kan processen för hanteringen av kränkande särbehandling utvecklas? Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för studien är processlära vilket har använts i syfte att förstå den nuvarande hanteringen. För identifiering av brister har AFS 2015:4 och AFS 2001:1 legat till grund. Därutöver har Mårtensson och Malms framtagna utredningsmetod för kränkande särbehandling på arbetsplatsen använts i syfte att kunna utveckla Region Gotlands hantering. Datamaterialet har insamlats genom kvalitativa metoder i form av en enkätundersökning, en intervju och tillhandhållandet av inter dokumentation. Resultatet visar att det råder många olika arbetssätt i den nuvarande hanteringen av kränkande särbehandling. Det visar på att det råder en bristande samsyn över hur cheferna ska gå tillväga vid hanteringen av kränkande särbehandling. Utöver det har det kunnat konstaterats att cheferna har bristfällig kunskap om riktlinjen mot kränkande särbehandling och att de har bristande kunskap om hur de ska gå tillväga vid hanteringen. Vad gäller utvecklingen av Region Gotlands hantering av kränkande särbehandling är slutsatsen att hanteringen kan utvecklas med hjälp av den jämförelse som har genomfört mellan Mårtensson och Malms utredningsmetod och Region Gotlands tänkta hantering av kränkande särbehandling. Hanteringen kan utvecklas genom tillägg och anpassning av steg i den tänkta hanteringen. / It has been found in the traces of the Swedish #metoo movement that there is a great ignorance among employers about the rules that apply when dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace. In an attempt to make a change for the better, Region Gotland’s management of abusive discrimination has been studied. The study aims to study the organizations current management of abusive discrimination, in order to propose a developed management process. The study is based on two issues that are intended to show how the current management works, which are; how the management of abusive discrimination currently works? and what deficiencies exist in the current management of abusive discrimination in the workplace? In order to be able to propose a developed management process, the study intends to answer the question; How can the process for dealing with abusive discrimination be developed? The theoretical starting point for the study is process theory which has been used to understand the current management. For the identification of deficiencies in the management of abusive discrimination, AFS 2015:4 and AFS 2001:1 have been the basis. In addition, Mårtensson and Malm’s investigation method for abusive discrimination in the workplace has been used in order to be able to develop Region Gotland's management. The data has been collected through qualitative methods in the form of a survey, an interview and the provided internal documentation. The result shows that there are many different procedures in the current management of abusive discrimination. This shows that there is a lack of consensus on how the managers should proceed when dealing with abusive discrimination. In addition, it has been found that the managers have insufficient knowledge of the guideline against abusive discrimination and how to proceed when dealing with abusive discrimination. With regard to the development of Region Gotland's management of abusive discrimination, it is concluded that the management can be developed using the comparison that has been made between Mårtensson and Malm’s investigation method and Region Gotland's intended management of abusive discrimination. The management can be developed through adding steps and adjusting current steps in the intended management process of abusive discrimination.

"We protect animals well" : A structural approach to abusive conduct within circus schools

Matthis, Rosa January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis investigates abusive conduct in circus schools. Focus is put on the management level in order to achieve and provide knowledge of measures and attitudes related to prevention. The theoretical framework for the thesis is built on understanding knowledge as situated and the creation of normative borders producing ways for practitioners of identifying with artistic disciplines. Moreover, the thesis takes a structural understanding of abusive conduct. Stating the lack of research within circus schools, the thesis builds upon a research background relying on sports and academia as fields of reference. Research from these related fields are argued to help artistic education such as circus schools to make up for lost time. The data of this thesis comes from a survey conducted within a global federation of professional circus schools, FEDEC, and the results were thematically analyzed in eight categories. The results reflect circus schools as mainly willing actors against abusive conduct. However, the survey also shows a discipline that is in need of deeper knowledge in order to better apply policies and effectively prevent abuse. The respondents show varying degrees of uncertainty regarding policies and in certain cases refer to direct unwillingness to engage with designated safeguarding procedures, attitudes that must be seen as incompatible with management of any artistic school. In conclusion, this thesis argues that circus (and indeed other artistic) schools are in need of better knowledge and further research in order to better account for transparency, active leadership and bystanding dynamics within the specific social fields of the respective disciplines. Finally it is suggested that further research into identifying and naming problems related to cultures of abuse may help circus schools and other social actors within Circus to put these questions on the agenda. / Ce mémoire de Master étudie les comportements violents au sein des écoles du cirque. Il se concentre sur le rôle de la direction des écoles, dans le but de procurer les connaissances nécessaires à l’application des mesures et des attitudes relatives à la prévention. Le cadre théorique de ce mémoire s’appuie sur les concepts de “savoir situé” et de “frontières normatives”, permettant aux professionnel-le-s de s’identifier eux-mêmes et elles-mêmes aux disciplines artistiques. Ce mémoire inclut par ailleurs une analyse structurelle des comportements violents. Ayant constaté le peu d’observations effectuées au sein des écoles du cirque, il s’appuie sur des recherches ayant comme terrains de référence le sport et le milieu universitaire. La recherche issue de ces domaines connexes est utilisée pour permettre au secteur de l’éducation artistique, dont les écoles du cirque, de rattraper le temps perdu. Les données reprises dans ce mémoire proviennent d’une enquête menée au sein de la fédération mondiale des écoles du cirque, la FEDEC, et l’analyse des résultats est répartie en huit thématiques distinctes. Les résultats montrent que les écoles de cirque sont pour la plupart disposées à lutter contre les comportements violents. Cependant, l’enquête pointe également que la discipline requiert des connaissances plus approfondies pour pouvoir appliquer au mieux les règles en vigueur et empêcher efficacement les violences. Les répondant-e-s montrent des degrés divers de scepticisme concernant ces règles et, dans certains cas, une réticence directe à appliquer des mesures de protection spécifiques ; attitudes qui doivent être considérées comme incompatibles avec la gestion de toute école artistique. Enfin, il est suggéré que des recherches supplémentaires sur l’identification et la désignation des problèmes liés à la culture de la violence pourraient aider les écoles du cirque et d’autres acteurs sociaux au sein du monde du cirque à mettre ces questions à l’ordre du jour. En conclusion, ce mémoire soutient que les écoles de cirque (et bien d'autres établissements d’enseignement artistique) ont besoin de meilleures connaissances et de recherches plus approfondies afin de mieux rendre compte de la transparence, du leadership actif et des dynamiques d'observation au sein des domaines sociaux spécifiques des disciplines respectives. / <p>The English version was examinated 2021-06-11 and published 2021-07-01. The thesis was translated into French by the author. The translation was published 2022-03-31.</p>

Abusive Supervision and Group-Level Perceptions: Looking at the Social Context of Abuse in the Workplace

Gopalkrishnan, Purnima 10 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Experiencing the Death of a Formerly Abusive Parent

Spence, Heather M. 23 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Le profil psychopathologique des conjoints violents

Ménard, Ingrid 04 1900 (has links)
Les études typologiques sur les conjoints violents ont mis en évidence qu’il n’existe pas un profil unique de conjoints violents et que certaines psychopathologies peuvent expliquer le passage à l’acte (ex. : caractéristiques associées à un trouble de la personnalité, abus de substances, dépression, etc.). Toutefois, il existe un manque de connaissance concernant le profil psychopathologique et des traits de personnalité des conjoints qui agressent sexuellement leur partenaire. Ainsi, cette étude a pour objectif de classifier des conjoints violents à partir de leurs psychopathologies et traits de personnalité (MCMI-III et NÉO-PI R) afin de vérifier s’il existe une concordance entre les profils obtenus entre, d’une part, une approche dimensionnelle et, d’autre part, une approche catégorielle. Dans un second temps, cette étude a pour objectif de distinguer les groupes de conjoints violents en fonction : du type de violence commise, soit sexuelle et/ou physique ; de leur niveau d’hostilité envers les femmes ; de leurs stratégies de résolution de conflit en contexte conjugal ; de leurs stratégies d’adaptation face à des situations stressantes ; et de leurs croyances sur le viol. Pour ce faire, 121 hommes ayant été condamnés pour avoir commis au moins une forme de violence conjugale ont été rencontrés en entrevues et ont complété des questionnaires. Parmi eux, 21 ont commis au moins une violence sexuelle et 100 ont commis au moins une forme de violence physique et/ou psychologique. En ce qui concerne l’analyses de classification (two-step cluster anlysis) réalisé à partir de données obtenues à l’aide du MCMI-III, elle a permis d’identifier trois groupes, soit le sadique/antisocial, le très pathologique et le non pathologique. L’analyse de classification à partir de données obtenues à l’aide du NÉO PI R a permis d’identifier trois groupes présentent certaines similitudes avec les trois groupes de notre première classification, soit celle obtenu en fonction du MCMI-III. En effet, l’hostile présente aussi des caractéristiques associées au trouble de la personnalité sadique et antisociale. Le névrosé est caractérisé par la présence de diverses psychopathologies et le contrôlant est caractérisé par une absence de caractéristiques associées à un trouble de la personnalité et autres trouble mentaux. / Studies on abusive spouses have shown that there are different factors that predispose a man to become violent (sexual, physical, psychological). Indeed, compared to non-violent partners, violent partners present more psychopathologies (ex.: personality desorders, anxiety, etc). Furthermore, the different typologies of violent spouses have shown that there is no single profile of violent spouses. The majority of studies have found that antisocial and borderline personality disorders are significantly associated with the perpetration of violence in intimate relationships. However, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the psychopathological profile of spouses who sexually assault their partners. This study aims to: (1) classify (two step cluster) abusive spouses on the basis of their psychopathological profile; and (2) to compare the psychopathological characteristics (e.g., substance abuse) and types of violence committed (e.g., physical or sexual) in the profiles. To do this, 121 men who had been convicted of committing at least one form of spousal violence were interviewed and completed questionnaires (MCMI-III NÉO PI-R, CTS2, CISS, Rape Myth Scale, Hostility Toward Women Scale). Among them, 21 had committed at least one sexual violence and 100 had committed at least one form of physical and/or psychological violence. The two-step cluster anlysis of the MCMI-III data identified three groups: sadistic/antisocial, highly pathological and non-pathological. The classification analysis based on data obtained using the NEO PI R identified three groups with certain similarities to the three groups in the first classification (MCMI-III) : the hostile, which presents characteristics associated with sadistic and antisocial personality disorder, the neurotic, which is characterized by the presence of various psychopathologies, and the controlling, which is characterized by an absence of characteristics associated with a personality disorder and other mental disorders.

On the Keyword Extraction and Bias Analysis, Graph-based Exploration and Data Augmentation for Abusive Language Detection in Low-Resource Settings

Peña Sarracén, Gretel Liz de la 07 April 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La detección del lenguaje abusivo es una tarea que se ha vuelto cada vez más importante en la era digital moderna, donde la comunicación se produce a través de diversas plataformas en línea. El aumento de las interacciones en estas plataformas ha provocado un aumento de la aparición del lenguaje abusivo. Abordar dicho contenido es crucial para mantener un entorno en línea seguro e inclusivo. Sin embargo, esta tarea enfrenta varios desafíos que la convierten en un área compleja y que demanda de continua investigación y desarrollo. En particular, detectar lenguaje abusivo en entornos con escasez de datos presenta desafíos adicionales debido a que el desarrollo de sistemas automáticos precisos a menudo requiere de grandes conjuntos de datos anotados. En esta tesis investigamos diferentes aspectos de la detección del lenguaje abusivo, prestando especial atención a entornos con datos limitados. Primero, estudiamos el sesgo hacia palabras clave abusivas en modelos entrenados para la detección del lenguaje abusivo. Con este propósito, proponemos dos métodos para extraer palabras clave potencialmente abusivas de colecciones de textos. Luego evaluamos el sesgo hacia las palabras clave extraídas y cómo se puede modificar este sesgo para influir en el rendimiento de la detección del lenguaje abusivo. El análisis y las conclusiones de este trabajo revelan evidencia de que es posible mitigar el sesgo y que dicha reducción puede afectar positivamente el desempeño de los modelos. Sin embargo, notamos que no es posible establecer una correspondencia similar entre la variación del sesgo y el desempeño de los modelos cuando hay escasez datos con las técnicas de reducción del sesgo estudiadas. En segundo lugar, investigamos el uso de redes neuronales basadas en grafos para detectar lenguaje abusivo. Por un lado, proponemos una estrategia de representación de textos diseñada con el objetivo de obtener un espacio de representación en el que los textos abusivos puedan distinguirse fácilmente de otros textos. Por otro lado, evaluamos la capacidad de redes neuronales convolucionales basadas en grafos para clasificar textos abusivos. La siguiente parte de nuestra investigación se centra en analizar cómo el aumento de datos puede influir en el rendimiento de la detección del lenguaje abusivo. Para ello, investigamos dos técnicas bien conocidas basadas en el principio de minimización del riesgo en la vecindad de instancias originales y proponemos una variante para una de ellas. Además, evaluamos técnicas simples basadas en el reemplazo de sinónimos, inserción aleatoria, intercambio aleatorio y eliminación aleatoria de palabras. Las contribuciones de esta tesis ponen de manifiesto el potencial de las redes neuronales basadas en grafos y de las técnicas de aumento de datos para mejorar la detección del lenguaje abusivo, especialmente cuando hay limitación de datos. Estas contribuciones han sido publicadas en conferencias y revistas internacionales. / [CA] La detecció del llenguatge abusiu és una tasca que s'ha tornat cada vegada més important en l'era digital moderna, on la comunicació es produïx a través de diverses plataformes en línia. L'augment de les interaccions en estes plataformes ha provocat un augment de l'aparició de llenguatge abusiu. Abordar este contingut és crucial per a mantindre un entorn en línia segur i inclusiu. No obstant això, esta tasca enfronta diversos desafiaments que la convertixen en una àrea complexa i contínua de recerca i desenvolupament. En particular, detectar llenguatge abusiu en entorns amb escassetat de dades presenta desafiaments addicionals pel fet que el desenvolupament de sistemes automàtics precisos sovint requerix de grans conjunts de dades anotades. En esta tesi investiguem diferents aspectes de la detecció del llenguatge abusiu, prestant especial atenció a entorns amb dades limitades. Primer, estudiem el biaix cap a paraules clau abusives en models entrenats per a la detecció de llenguatge abusiu. Amb este propòsit, proposem dos mètodes per a extraure paraules clau potencialment abusives de col·leccions de textos. Després avaluem el biaix cap a les paraules clau extretes i com es pot modificar este biaix per a influir en el rendiment de la detecció de llenguatge abusiu. L'anàlisi i les conclusions d'este treball revelen evidència que és possible mitigar el biaix i que esta reducció pot afectar positivament l'acompliment dels models. No obstant això, notem que no és possible establir una correspondència similar entre la variació del biaix i l'acompliment dels models quan hi ha escassetat dades amb les tècniques de reducció del biaix estudiades. En segon lloc, investiguem l'ús de xarxes neuronals basades en grafs per a detectar llenguatge abusiu. D'una banda, proposem una estratègia de representació textual dissenyada amb l'objectiu d'obtindre un espai de representació en el qual els textos abusius puguen distingir-se fàcilment d'altres textos. D'altra banda, avaluem la capacitat de models basats en xarxes neuronals convolucionals basades en grafs per a classificar textos abusius. La següent part de la nostra investigació se centra en analitzar com l'augment de dades pot influir en el rendiment de la detecció del llenguatge abusiu. Per a això, investiguem dues tècniques ben conegudes basades en el principi de minimització del risc en el veïnatge d'instàncies originals i proposem una variant per a una d'elles. A més, avaluem tècniques simples basades en el reemplaçament de sinònims, inserció aleatòria, intercanvi aleatori i eliminació aleatòria de paraules. Les contribucions d'esta tesi destaquen el potencial de les xarxes neuronals basades en grafs i de les tècniques d'augment de dades per a millorar la detecció del llenguatge abusiu, especialment quan hi ha limitació de dades. Estes contribucions han sigut publicades en revistes i conferències internacionals. / [EN] Abusive language detection is a task that has become increasingly important in the modern digital age, where communication takes place via various online platforms. The increase in online interactions has led to an increase in the occurrence of abusive language. Addressing such content is crucial to maintaining a safe and inclusive online environment. However, this task faces several challenges that make it a complex and ongoing area of research and development. In particular, detecting abusive language in environments with sparse data poses an additional challenge, since the development of accurate automated systems often requires large annotated datasets. In this thesis we investigate different aspects of abusive language detection, paying particular attention to environments with limited data. First, we study the bias toward abusive keywords in models trained for abusive language detection. To this end, we propose two methods for extracting potentially abusive keywords from datasets. We then evaluate the bias toward the extracted keywords and how this bias can be modified in order to influence abusive language detection performance. The analysis and conclusions of this work reveal evidence that it is possible to mitigate the bias and that such a reduction can positively affect the performance of the models. However, we notice that it is not possible to establish a similar correspondence between bias mitigation and model performance in low-resource settings with the studied bias mitigation techniques. Second, we investigate the use of models based on graph neural networks to detect abusive language. On the one hand, we propose a text representation framework designed with the aim of obtaining a representation space in which abusive texts can be easily distinguished from other texts. On the other hand, we evaluate the ability of models based on convolutional graph neural networks to classify abusive texts. The next part of our research focuses on analyzing how data augmentation can influence the performance of abusive language detection. To this end, we investigate two well-known techniques based on the principle of vicinal risk minimization and propose a variant for one of them. In addition, we evaluate simple techniques based on the operations of synonym replacement, random insertion, random swap, and random deletion. The contributions of this thesis highlight the potential of models based on graph neural networks and data augmentation techniques to improve abusive language detection, especially in low-resource settings. These contributions have been published in several international conferences and journals. / This research work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the research project MISMIS-FAKEnHATE on Misinformation and Miscommunication in social media: FAKE news and HATE speech (PGC2018-096212-B-C31). The authors thank also the EU-FEDER Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020 grant IDIFEDER/2018/025. This work was done in the framework of the research project on Fairness and Transparency for equitable NLP applications in social media, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF, EU A way of making EuropePI. FairTransNLP research project (PID2021-124361OB-C31) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF, EU A way of making Europe. Part of the work presented in this article was performed during the first author’s research visit to the University of Mannheim, supported through a Contact Fellowship awarded by the DAAD scholarship program “STIBET Doktoranden”. / Peña Sarracén, GLDL. (2024). On the Keyword Extraction and Bias Analysis, Graph-based Exploration and Data Augmentation for Abusive Language Detection in Low-Resource Settings [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203266 / Compendio

Narrative reflections on charismatic discursive practices

Christodoulou, Esther 30 November 2003 (has links)
The purpose for this research journey was twofold: (1) to discover the power of certain discourses in the charismatic church context and (2) to challenge disrespectful discursive practices in order to co-operate respectful, ethical and caring ways of being. Seven leaders in charismatic churches committed themselves to this qualitative research project. The research process resulted in a confirmation by the participants that some charismatic discursive practices can be abusive and also to the acknowledgement that they too have at times fulfilled the role of abuser, even in unknowingly. This research journey ended in Hope. Hope for more transparency and trust between leaders and members, resulting in more respectful practices. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

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