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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence des émotions sur l’organisation biomécanique des mouvements volontaires d’approche et d’évitement : cas de l’initiation du pas et de l’élévation latérale de la jambe / Influence of emotions on the biomechanical organization of approach and avoidance voluntary movements : case of the step initiation and leg raising

Gendre, Manon 14 December 2015 (has links)
Résumé : L’objectif de cette thèse était d’investiguer l’influence des émotions sur l’organisation biomécanique de mouvements volontaires complexes, c’est-à-dire mobilisant l’ensemble du corps. L’effet des émotions a été testé par le biais de l’hypothèse de la direction motivationnelle selon laquelle 1) les stimuli plaisants faciliteraient les comportements d’approche et perturberaient les comportements d’évitement et 2) les stimuli déplaisants faciliteraient les comportements d’évitement et perturberaient les comportements d’approche. Deux modèles expérimentaux du mouvement complexe ont été choisis : l’initiation du pas vers l’avant et vers l’arrière (étude 1) et l’élévation latérale de la jambe (études 2 à 4). Les émotions étaient manipulées en exposant les participants à des images de l’International Affective Pictures System (induisant des émotions plaisantes et déplaisantes, étude 1) et en plaçant les participants au bord d’une plateforme surélevée (induisant une peur de chuter, études 2 à 4). Les mouvements étaient réalisés sur une plateforme de force (études 1 à 3). La cinématique du mouvement de la jambe oscillante était enregistrée grâce au système de capture de mouvements VICON (études 2 et 3). Les paramètres psychologiques (dimension de valence et d’activation des émotions, peur de chuter) étaient évalués grâce à des questionnaires. Les résultats de la première étude ont montré que les émotions plaisantes facilitaient les comportements d’approche (en termes de réactivité) et perturbaient les comportements d’évitement (en termes de vitesse du centre des masses lors des ajustements posturaux anticipateurs (APA) associés à un pas vers l’arrière), comparativement aux images déplaisantes et neutres. Cependant ces images semblaient aussi pouvoir perturber les comportements d’approche (en termes de pic de vitesse du centre des masses lors de l’exécution du pas vers l’avant). Les résultats de la deuxième étude ont démontré que les comportements d’approche envers la menace posturale (c’est-à-dire le vide) étaient perturbés (en termes d’amplitude et de durée des APA), comparativement aux comportements d’évitement. La troisième étude s’est ensuite intéressée à l’existence de différences interindividuelles dans la relation entre la menace posturale (et donc la peur de chuter) et l’organisation du mouvement volontaire. Les résultats ont révélé que la confiance en l’équilibre était un facteur de protection à la menace posturale. Ainsi, les participants reportant une forte confiance en leur équilibre étaient moins perturbés par la menace posturale que les participants reportant une faible confiance en leur équilibre. Enfin, la quatrième étude a cherché à expliquer l’existence de ces différences interindividuelles. Les résultats ont montré que l’estime globale de soi pouvait expliquer une partie de ces différences. En conclusion, les résultats de cette Thèse ne semblent confirmer que partiellement l’hypothèse de la direction motivationnelle. Pris ensemble, ces résultats ont permis d’améliorer la compréhension des processus sous-jacents à l’influence des émotions sur l’organisation du mouvement volontaire.Mots clés : Ajustements Posturaux Anticipateurs, Approche-Évitement, Contrôle Moteur, Émotions, Hypothèse de la Direction Motivationnelle / The aim of this thesis is to investigate the influence of emotions on the planning and execution of whole body voluntary movement. The effect of emotions was test thanks to the motivational direction hypothesis which supposed that 1) pleasant stimuli should facilitate approach and perturb avoidance behaviors. 2) Unpleasant stimuli should facilitate avoidance and perturb approach behaviors. Two experimental protocols have been chosen to pursue the investigation: Forward and backward gait initiation (study 1) and lateral elevation of the leg (studies 2-4). The emotions were manipulated by exposing the subjects to pictures of the International Affective Pictures System (inducing pleasant and unpleasant emotions, study 1) and by placing the subjects at the edge of an elevated platform (inducing fear of falling). Movements were performed on force platform (studies 1-3). Kinematic parameters of leg movement were recorded by the system of motion capture VICON (studies 2 and 3). Psychological parameters (valence and arousal dimensions of emotions fear of falling) were assessed by questionnaires. Results of the first study showed that pleasant pictures facilitated approach behaviors (as observed in the reactivity) and perturbed avoidance behaviors (as observed in the velocity of centre of mass during anticipatory postural adjustment (APA) prior to the execution of a backward step), compared to unpleasant or neutral pictures. However, these pleasant pictures also perturbed approach behaviors (as observed in the peak of centre of mass velocity during the execution of a forward step). Results of the second study showed that approach behaviors toward the postural threat (i.e, the void) were perturbed (as observed in the amplitude and duration of APA), compared to avoidance behaviors. The third study focused on the inter-individual differences in the relation between postural threat and organization of movement. Results revealed that balance confidence of the participants dealing with increased postural threat. In other terms, participants reported a high confidence in their own balance control were least perturbed than those reported a low balance confidence and vice versa. Finally, in the fourth study we tried to explain these inter-individual differences. The self-esteem seems to explain these differences. In conclusion, the results of this thesis seem to partially confirm the hypothesis of motivational direction. Put together, the results help improve our general understanding of the influence of emotions on the planning and execution of voluntary movements.Keywords: Anticipatory Postural Adjustments, Approach-Avoidance, Emotions, Motivational Direction Hypothesis, Motor Control

Vilka extra anpassningar kan lärare göra inom ramen för ordinarie SO-undervisning för att inkludera elever med autism?

Abdo, Iman, Stevanovic, Marija January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med den här kunskapsöversikten är att få en djupare förståelse om neuropsykiska funktionsnedsättningar hos elever med autism och hur vi som lärare kan anpassa den ordinarie undervisningen, med fokus på SO-undervisning, för att inkludera dessa elever och öka deras förutsättningarna för lärande. Frågeställningen blir därför “Vilka extra anpassningar kan lärare göra inom ramen för ordinarie SO-undervisning för att inkludera elever med autism?”Arbetet görs genom att vi granskar och tolkar vetenskaplig forskning och litteratur, för att sedan besvara frågeställningen för denna kunskapsöversikt. Denna studien har behandlat olika strategier som lärare och pedagoger kan använda i sin undervisning för att underlätta för elever med autism. Dessa strategier är bland annat visuellt stöd, kooperativt lärande mot ett gemensamt mål, rekonstruera olika historiska händelser, exempelvis ett rollspel om vikingatiden, bildstöd, tydlighet och rutiner där man strävar mot strukturerade SO-lektioner. En strukturerad dag med tydliga instruktioner och rutiner ger elever med autism ökad förståelse av vad som finns omkring dem vilket ökar deras medvetenhet. Detta resulterar i att eleverna upplever mer kontroll och känner mer säkerhet både i skolmiljön men även i vardagen.

Automated Bid Adjustments in Search Engine Advertising

Aly, Mazen January 2017 (has links)
In digital advertising, major search engines allow advertisers to set bid adjustments on their ad campaigns in order to capture the valuation differences that are a function of query dimensions. In this thesis, a model that uses bid adjustments is developed in order to increase the number of conversions and decrease the cost per conversion. A statistical model is used to select campaigns and dimensions that need bid adjustments along with several techniques to determine their values since they can be between -90% and 900%. In addition, an evaluation procedure is developed that uses campaign historical data in order to evaluate the calculation methods as well as to validate different approaches. We study the problem of interactions between different adjustments and a solution is formulated. Real-time experiments showed that our bid adjustments model improved the performance of online advertising campaigns with statistical significance. It increased the number of conversions by 9%, and decreased the cost per conversion by 10%. / I digital marknadsföring tillåter de dominerande sökmotorerna en annonsör att ändra sina bud med hjälp av så kallade budjusteringar baserat på olika dimensioner i sökförfrågan, i syfte att kompensera för olika värden de dimensionerna medför. I det här arbetet tas en modell fram för att sätta budjusteringar i syfte att öka mängden konverteringar och samtidigt minska kostnaden per konvertering. En statistisk modell används för att välja kampanjer och dimensioner som behöver justeringar och flera olika tekniker för att bestämma justeringens storlek, som kan spänna från -90% till 900%, undersöks. Utöver detta tas en evalueringsmetod fram som använder en kampanjs historiska data för att utvärdera de olika metoderna och validera olika tillvägagångssätt. Vi studerar interaktionsproblemet mellan olika dimensioners budjusteringar och en lösning formuleras. Realtidsexperiment visar att vår modell för budjusteringar förbättrade prestandan i marknadsföringskampanjerna med statistisk signifikans. Konverteringarna ökade med 9% och kostnaden per konvertering minskade med 10%.

Mental ill health in nursing and midwifery education. A critical discourse analysis

Hargan, Janine M. January 2017 (has links)
Students diagnosed with long-term mental health conditions have been the focus of policy development for over a decade. Student mental health is on the increase and universities are legally obliged to make reasonable adjustments for disabled students. Therefore it is crucial that nursing and midwifery education provides an inclusive learning environment, while maintaining fitness to practice standards. The focus of this study was to explore how discourses of mental health, reasonable adjustments and fitness standards influence nursing and midwifery education for students with a mental health condition. Principles of Wodak’s (2001) critical discourse analysis approach, which gives prominence to dominant discourses, their justifications and persuasive nature was utilised. Ten key written texts and 23 semi-structured interviews with students, lecturers and clinical mentors were conducted to acquire the constructions of mental health, reasonable adjustments and fitness requirements. The findings show that the dominant discourses attributed to students experiencing mental ill health were around medicine, difference and blame, all of which reinforced mental health stigma. In addition, mental health discourses within both verbal and written texts were not underpinned by disability discourses, allowing the exclusion of students who disclose mental ill health from accessing reasonable adjustments. In conclusion, students considered to have a mental health label faced discriminatory barriers and legislative and regulatory requirements of equality were not implemented.

Anpassningar i den ordinarie undervisningen för elever med språkstörning i gymnasieskolan : En kvantitativ studie om anpassningar för elever med språkstörning samt om relationen mellan lärares utbildning och erfarenhet inom området och olika anpassningar och stöd i verksamheten / Adjustments in Regular Education for Pupils with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) in Upper Secondary School : A quantitative Study about Adjustments for Pupils with DLD and the Relation between Teachers' Education, Experience within the Area, and Adjustments and Support in the Education

Törn, Marie, Högberg, Angelica January 2022 (has links)
Majoriteten av alla gymnasieelever med språkstörning går i ordinarie verksamheter i gymnasieskolan. Trots det beskrivs ofta språkstörning som en relativt okänd funktionsnedsättning. Syftet med denna studie var att bidra med kunskap om vilka typer av anpassningar och stöd som erbjuds elever med språkstörning inom ramen för den ordinarie undervisningen. Studien syftade vidare till att bidra med kunskap om relationen mellan lärares utbildning och erfarenhet inom området och olika anpassningar och stöd i verksamheten. Studien är kvantitativ med en deduktiv ansats. Studiens teoretiska ramverk lyfter framför allt fram kommunikationsstödjande lärmiljöer utifrån dimensionerna språkinlärningsmiljö, språkinlärningsmöjligheter och språkinlärningsinteraktioner. Populationen utgjordes av gymnasielärare. Ett stratifierat icke-proportionellt slumpmässigt urval av kommuner gjordes. Urvalsramen var ett utdrag ur skolenhetsregistret. Datainsamlingsmetoden var en digital enkät. Enkäten skickades till rektorer i valda kommuner för vidarebefordran till gymnasielärare. I studien deltog 186 personer. Insamlad empiri analyserades med hjälp av deskriptiv statistik och variansanalyser. Resultatet visade att de svarande instämde helt eller delvis i majoriteten av de undersökta anpassningarna. Inom språkinlärningsmiljö återfanns de anpassningar som flest av de svarande helt eller delvis tog avstånd ifrån. Sammantaget visar resultatet att det är lärare som har haft möjlighet att kompetensutveckla/fortbilda sig som har störst medvetenhet och vilja att göra vissa anpassnignar som de tror kan gynna elever med olika former av språkstörning. Formell utbildning, år i yrket och typ av lärarexamen tycks däremot ha en marginell eller liten betydelse för hur lärare anpassar, prioriterar och riktar sin undervisning till elever med språkstörning. / The majority of all the upper secondary pupils with developmental language disorder (DLD) participate in regular education. Still, DLD is often described as a relatively unknown disability. The aim of this study was to broaden the knowledge of (1) what type of adjustments and support are offered to pupils with DLD in regular education, and (2) the relation between teachers' education, experience within the area, and adjustments and support in the education. It was a quantative study with a deductive approach. The theoretical framework was a theory about communication supporting classrooms based on the dimensions, language learning environment, language learning opportunities and language learning interactions. The population was upper secondary school teachers. A stratified random disproportionate sample of municipalities was conducted where the sample space was an extract from the school unit register. A survey was sent to heads of schools for forwarding to teachers. 186 individuals participated in the study. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and variance analysis. The results showed that the respondents fully or partially agreed with most of the adjustments proposed in the questionnaire. However, the fewest number of adjustments were made within the language learning environment. Overall, the results show that teachers who have had the opportunity to participate in professional development showed the greatest awareness and willingness to make certain adjustments that they believe can benefit pupils with various forms of DLD. Whereas formal training, years in the profession and type of teaching degree, seem to have a marginal influence on how teachers adapt, prioritize and direct their teaching to pupils with DLD.

The Automatic Adjustment of Wages to Changes in Price Levels

Turpen, George William 08 1900 (has links)
This study of automatic wage adjustments to changes in price levels will do the following: (1) give the historical background of cost-of-living wage adjustments to changes in price levels; (2) show whether there is a need for adjusting wages to changes in price levels; (3) show whether or not industry can afford to pay wages that are automatically adjusted to changes in price levels; (4) list some of the contracts between labor and capital that contain an example of the automatic cost-of-living wage adjustment; (5) summarize the problem and draw conclusions from the study as a whole.

Menscykelns hormonella skiftningar i arbetslivet : En kvantitativ studie om kontorsarbetande kvinnors arbetsmiljö och arbetsprestation kopplat till menscykelns hormonella skiftningar

Strand, Vilma, Larsson, Manna January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida den kontorsarbetande kvinnan blir påverkad av menscykelns hormonella skiftningar i arbetslivet, i termer av arbetsprestation och arbetsmiljö. Därtill undersöks huruvida kvinnan ställer sig till arbetsrelaterade anpassningar med hänsyn till påverkan av de hormonella skiftningarna. Datan är insamlad genom kvantitativ metod i form av enkäter på både svenska och engelska. Enkäterna distribuerades på de sociala plattformarna LinkedIn och Facebook tillsammans med en infografisk bild som innehöll fakta om könshormoners påverkan av kroppen. Resultatet indikerar att de kontorsarbetande kvinnorna är måttligt eller starkt påverkade av menscykelns hormonella skiftningar i arbetet. Dessutom framkommer det att en majoritet av respondenterna är positiva till att implementera arbetsrelaterade anpassningar avseende dessa hormonella förändringar. Baserat på datainsamlingen och de valda teoretiska ramverken kan det konstateras att arbetslivet inte alltid är anpassat utefter kvinnors biologiska förutsättningar, och att kvinnors arbetsmiljö och arbetsprestation skulle förbättras såvida arbetsrelaterade anpassningar genomfördes. Vidare är det möjligt att konstatera att ett arbetsklimat anpassat för båda könen skulle ge en ömsesidig vinning för både kvinnorna och företagen. / The purpose of the study is to examine whether the female office worker is affected by the menstrual cycle’s hormonal fluctuations in the workplace, in terms of work performance and work environment. Additionally, it investigates whether women are receptive to workplace adjustments considering the impact of hormonal fluctuations. The data was collected through a quantitative method using surveys in both Swedish and English. The surveys were distributed on the social platforms LinkedIn and Facebook along with an infographic containing facts about the influence of sex hormones on the body. The results indicate that female office workers are moderately or strongly affected by hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle at work. Furthermore, the results show that the majority of respondents are positive towards workplace adjustments regarding hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle. Based on the data collection and the selected theoretical frameworks, it can be concluded that the workplace is not always tailored to women's biological conditions, and that women's work environment and performance would improve if work-related adaptations were implemented. Furthermore, it can be concluded that a work environment adapted for both genders would provide mutual benefits for both the women and the companies.

Anticipating pressing issues in trade and climate change policies: a critical analysis of border carbon adjustment measures with WTO law

Adedeji Adedayo Samuel January 2011 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM

Gebeurlikhede in die deliktuele skadevergoedingsreg

Steynberg, L. 30 June 2006 (has links)
OPSOMMING Gebeurlikhede kan omskryf word as onsekere omstandighede van positiewe of negatiewe aard wat, onafhanklik van die verweerder se optrede en indien dit sou realiseer, waarskynlik 'n persoon se gesondheid, inkomste, verdienvermoë, lewenskwaliteit, lewensverwagting of onderhoudsafhanklikheid in die toekoms kan beïnvloed of in die verlede kon beïnvloed het en wat gevolglik op billike en realistiese wyse in ag geneem moet word ter bepaling van die skadevergoedingsbedrag. Die skadevergoedingsbedrag kan vanweë gebeurlikhede verminder of vermeerder word waar die eiser wel met `n oorwig van waarskynlikheid die volle omvang van die skade bewys het, maar die hof nie kon oortuig dat geen ander oorsaak die skade waarskynlik ook sou kon veroorsaak nie (sg "gebeurlikheids-aanpassings"). In gevalle waar die eiser nie die volle omvang van die skade op `n oorwig van waarskynlikheid kon bewys nie, kan die hof nogtans `n verminderde bedrag toeken op grond van die gebeurlikheid dat die skade wel waarskynlik in die toekoms kan realiseer (sg "gebeurlikheidstoekennings"). Die eiser moet getuienis voorlê van gebeurlikhede wat die skadevergoedingsbedrag sal verhoog, en die verweerder van gebeurlikhede wat die skadevergoedingsbedrag sal verlaag. Die waarskynlikheid dat die gebeurlikheid sal realiseer, moet deur die hof aan die hand van objektiewe maatstawwe en op grond van feitelike bewerings en logiese afleidings uit deskundige en ander getuienis in die vorm van `n waarskynlikheidsgraad van tussen vyf persent en tagtig persent uitgedruk word. Hipotetiese kousaliteit word deur die hof aangewend om gebeurlikhede op `n billike wyse in ag te neem en verwys na die kousale ketting van hipotetiese feite wat waarskynlik sou gerealiseer het indien die skadestigtende gebeurtenis nie plaasgevind het nie. Gebeurlikhede kan in twee kategorieë geklassifiseer word: Algemene gebeurlikhede wat gewoonlik in enige stadium by alle persone kan voorkom (bv vroeë dood, siekte ens) en spesifieke gebeurlikhede wat gewoonlik op spesifieke tydstippe by spesifieke individue kan voorkom (bv hertroue, egskeiding ens). Terwyl die hof geregtelik kennis behoort te kan neem van die invloed van algemene gebeurlikhede, behoort die hof hoofsaaklik op grond van ondersteunende getuienis van die invloed van spesifieke gebeurlikhede oortuig te word. Algemene gebeurlikheidsaanpassings is gewoonlik relatief laag (gemiddeld tien persent), terwyl gebeurlikheidsaanpassings vir spesifieke gebeurlikhede fluktueer (gewoonlik tussen vyf persent en vyftig persent), afhangende van die getuienis en omstandighede van die eiser. Gebeurlikheidstoekennings is gewoonlik laer as vyftig persent. SUMMARY Contingencies can be described as uncertain circumstances of a positive or negative nature which, independent of the defendant's conduct and if it should realise, would probably influence a person's health, income, earning capacity, quality of life, life expectancy or dependency on support in future or could have done so in the past, and which must consequently be taken into account in a fair and realistic manner in the quantification of damages. Contingencies can be used to increase or reduce damages in circumstances where the plaintiff succeeded in proving the full loss on a preponderance of probability, but could not convince the court that there was no probability that any other cause could also have given rise to the loss (so-called "contingency adjustments"). In circumstances where the plaintiff could not prove the full loss on a preponderance of probability, the court can nevertheless award a reduced amount on the basis of the contingency that loss could probably realise in future (so-called "contingency allowances"). The plaintiff must adduce evidence of contingencies that can increase damages, and the defendant of contingencies that can reduce damages. The degree of probability that the contingency will realise, must be expressed by the court as a percentage of between five percent and eighty percent, in view of objective measures and on the basis of factual allegations and logical deductions derived from expert and other evidence. Hypothetical causation assists the court in taking account of contingencies in a fair manner and refers to the causal link of hypothetical events which would probably have realised if the damage-causing event did not occur. Contingencies can be classified into two categories: General contingencies that usually can be present in the lives of all people at any point in time (eg early death, sickness, etc) and specific contingencies that usually are present in the lives of specific individuals at specific times (eg remarriage, divorce, etc). While the court should be able to take legal notice of the influence of general contingencies, the court should be convinced of the influence of specific contingencies primarily on the basis of supporting evidence. General contingency adjustments are usually relatively low (on average ten per cent), while contingency adjustments for specific contingencies fluctuate (usually between five per cent and fifty per cent), depending on the evidence and circumstances of the plaintiff. Contingency allowances are usually lower than fifty per cent. / Jurisprudence / LL.D

Réseaux, homophilie et discours de collaboration scientifique au Québec : étude comparée sur le capital social des chercheurs junior et senior (1990-2009)

Cortés Vargas, Daniel 12 1900 (has links)
Notre étude porte sur la manière dont les chercheurs universitaires junior et senior en sciences sociales au Québec établissent leurs réseaux de cosignataires et donnent une interprétation discursive à leurs activités de collaboration face à l'impact du changement institutionnel universitaire pendant la période 1990-2009. Plus spécifiquement, notre recherche s'intéresse à montrer que la création des réseaux et la collaboration scientifique par cosignature peuvent être identifiées comme des « ajustements professionnels » et se présenter aussi comme une ressource du capital social qui peut être mobilisé et qui peut produire des avantages aux chercheurs en accord avec leur statut junior ou senior. Il s’agit donc d’une recherche qui relève de la sociologie des sciences. Notre approche a été opérationnalisée à partir de l'étude de 15 membres d'un centre de recherche universitaire au Québec, et leur réseau de 447 cosignataires (y compris les chercheurs de l'étude), et à travers l'application de 7 entretiens auprès de chercheurs junior et senior du même centre. Dans le même plan opérationnel, depuis une perspective qualitative, la thèse permet d'identifier le sens discursif que les chercheurs fournissent à la collaboration et à la participation en réseaux de cosignatures. Ensuite, depuis l'analyse structurelle des réseaux, notre étude montre les connexions individuelles et leurs formes d'interprétation — spécialement la théorie des graphes et ses mesures de centralité (la centralité de degré, la centralité d’intermédiarité et la centralité de vecteur propre) — de même que l'homophilie par statut entre chercheurs. Enfin, depuis l'analyse statistique, elle montre la corrélation des périodes de l'étude et des attributs socioprofessionnels des chercheurs étudiés (sexe, statut universitaire, affiliation institutionnelle, discipline d’appartenance, pays, région du Canada et ville de travail). Notamment, les résultats de notre thèse montrent que chaque catégorie de chercheurs possède ses propres particularités structurelles et discursives en ce qui a trait à ses pratiques de collaboration en réseau, et vont confirmer que les chercheurs senior, plus que les chercheurs junior, grâce à leur capital social mobilisé, ont conservé et obtenu plus d'avantages de leur réseau de cosignataires afin de s'adapter au changement institutionnel et mieux gérer leur travail de collaboration destiné à l’espace international, mais surtout à l'espace local. / Our study focuses on how the junior and senior social sciences researchers in Quebec establish their networks of co-authorships and form their discursive interpretation of their collaborative activities face to the impact of the university institutional change during the period 1990-2009. Notably, our research shows that the creation of networks and scientific collaboration by co-authorship can be identified as "professional adjustments". These "professional adjustments" represent a resource of social capital that can be mobilized and that may produce benefits for the researchers. Therefore our research is related to the sociology of sciences. This approach was operationalized by the study of 15 members of a University research center in the province of Quebec, and their network of 447 co-authors (including the researchers of the study), and through the application of 7 interviews with junior and senior researchers from the center. From a qualitative perspective, our study identifies the discursive meaning provided by the researchers about their collaboration and participation in co-authorship networks. On the other hand, the structural analysis of networks shows the individual connections and forms of interpretation - especially the graph theory and its measures of centrality (the degree centrality, the betweenness centrality and the eigenvector centrality) - as well as the homophilic degree among researchers. Finally, our statistical analysis shows the correlation of study periods and socio-professional characteristics of the researchers studied (gender, academic status, institutional affiliation, discipline, countries, regions of Canada and city where the researchers work). In particular, our results show that each research category has its own structural and discursive features regarding its networks and its collaboration practices. These findings confirm that the senior researchers retained and obtained more benefits from their co-authorship network than their junior peers, through the mobilization of their social capital, which allow them as well, to better adapt themselves to the institutional change and to manage more effectively their collaborative work at the international, but especially at the local arenas.

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