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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aerobininkių ir aerobikos sportuotojų psichologiniai ypatumai / Motivation peculiarities of aerobic and sport aerobic female athletes

Kažukauskienė, Aina 20 May 2005 (has links)
The paper strives to answer the question what motives encourage high performance sport aerobic athletes and aerobic athletes to seek for better results. The objective of the research is to reveal motivation peculiarities in both groups. Research tasks: 1. reveal the motives of sport aerobic and aerobic athletes (using S. Butt approach, 1991). 2. investigate the level of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of sport aerobic and aerobic athletes (using Frederick & Ryan approach, 1993). The research was carried out at Kaunas sport clubs in December 2004. The respondents consisted of 39 high performance aerobic female athletes and 43 women attending aerobic workouts. All of the respondents were questioned before or after training. Questionnaires were filled-in in the presence of the investigator. Investigation according to S. Butt approach shows that at psychological motivational level competence is equally important to both groups of the tested (p=0.221). At social motivational level, cooperation for sport aerobic and aerobic athletes is equally important (p=0.157). Aggression, conflict and competition motives are more important to sport aerobic athletes (p<0.0005). So according to S. Butt approach, sport aerobic female athletes have higher extrinsic motivation. Investigation according to Frederick & Ryan approach claims that motives of interest/enjoyment, competence, appearance and fitness credibly differ in both groups of respondents (p<0.0005). According to the results... [to full text]

Aerobikos pratimų kompleksinis poveikis vyresnio amžiaus moterų fiziniams gebėjimams / Integrated influence of aerobic exercises on senior women's physical ablilities

Juknytė, Ieva 22 July 2014 (has links)
Šiuolaikinis mokslas fizinį aktyvumą pripažįsta kaip vieną iš sveikatos garantų, ypač prognozuojant sergamumo lėtinėmis ligomis rizikos laipsnį (Lochman ir kt.,2008). Judėjimo stoka jau seniai analizuojama kaip atskira sveikatos problema: didėja rizika atsirasti viršsvoriui, nutukimui ir kitoms chroniškoms su svoriu susijusioms sveikatos problemoms, pavyzdžiui, širdies ir kraujagyslių ligoms bei diabetui, kurie blogina gyvenimo kokybę, kelia pavojų gyvybei ir yra didelė našta sveikatos biudžetui bei ekonomikai (Bouchard ir kt.,1994, Parks ir kt.,2003). Todėl svarbu, kad ES valstybės narės parengtų nacionalinius fizinio aktyvumo skatinimo planus, siekdamos pakeisti nesveikus gyvensenos įpročius ir padėti visuomenei suvokti fizinio aktyvumo naudą sveikatai. Lietuvos Respublikos Seime 2007 m. svarstytoje “Lietuvos gyventojų 2008 – 2020 metų fizinio aktyvumo skatinimo strategijoje” akcentuojama, kad pakankamai fiziškai aktyvūs yra mažiau nei ketvirtadalis suaugusiųjų ir mažiau nei pusė vaikų. Vis dėlto didėjantis sporto klubų ir juose besilankančiųjų skaičius rodo, kad gyventojų domėjimasis asmenine kūno kultūra, fiziniu pajėgumu auga (Zuozienė, Rėklaitienė, 2010). Atėję į sporto klubą klientai reikalauja iš sporto specialisto patrauklios treniruotės programos, naujausių metodikų, saugių sporto priemonių ir aplinkos. Be to, būtinas individualus dėmesys kiekvienam sportuojančiam. Siekiama, kad treniruotės programos būtų ne tik veiksmingos, saugios, bet ir pasiekti rezultatai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Contemporary science considers physical activity as one of the guarantees for enhancing health, in particular providing prognosis on the level of chronic diseases (Lochman et al., 2008). Lack of movement has been under analysis for many years as a separate health problem, as it gives preconditions for overweight, obesity and other obesity related chronic health problems, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, which in turn worsen the quality of a persons’ living, are dangerous for one’s life, altogether being a huge burden for the budget of health sector and economics in general (Bouchard et al., 1994, Parks et al., 2003). Thus, important task raised for the EU member states is to prepare national plans for the citizens’ physical activity reinforcement in order to change the unhealthy habits of population and help them to perceive the benefits of physical activity. “The strategy of Lithuanian citizens’ physical activity promotion for 2008-2020” (discussed in Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania) points out the fact that only less than one fourth of the adults and less than a half of children can be considered as an increase of people’s interest in personal physical education and physical fitness (Zuozienė, Rėklaitienė, 2010). The visitors of the sport club raise rather high requirements for the sport specialist, such as an attractive program, newest methodic, safe sport means and environment. Besides, individual approach to each of the client is necessary. Training... [to full text]

Skirtingo amžiaus ir treniruotumo moterų fiziologiniai pokyčiai ir energetika aerobikos pratimų metu / Physiological changes and energetics of women of different age and level of training during aerobic exercise

Aleksandravičienė, Roma 18 January 2006 (has links)
The study was aimed to establish the aerobic capacity of women aerobics athletes of different age and different mastership, physiological changes and energetics during competitive activities. The main conlusions are as follows: 1. The aerobic capacity of representatives of aerobic gymnastics is by 25% higher the norm values of girls of similar age but it is considerably (about 35 %)) smaller than the respective indices of athletes developing endurance. The absolute VO2max during continuous incremental treadmill test is 2.5 l/min (95% CI [2.2 – 2.8]; the relative one – 45 ml/kg/min, CI [41.6 – 48.0],the maximum pulmonary ventilation reaches 87 l/min, CI [78.0 – 95.1], and the maximum HR – 190 beats/min, CI [183.6 – 197.0]. The first ventilation threshold VE manifests itself O2 consumption having reached 74% of the maximum wren HR is – 171 beats/min or 90% of the maximum.The maximum and submaximum respiratory gas exchange and HR values during the continuous incremental treadmill test were similar (p>0.05) in groups of aerobic gymnastics with different level of training. 2. The telemetric registration and analysis of respiratory gas and HR has shown that changes in the form of the exponent are typical for all the indices mentioned when after a fast increase at the onset of the exercise they become nearly stabilized. The rate of changes in separate indices is not the same. Thus, the fastest change occur in HR.VO2 changes slower and VE – the slowest with time constant being 17.2... [to full text]

Sveikatingumo aerobikos pratybų poveikis kūno kompozicijai ir bendrojo cholesterolio koncentracijai kraujyje / The effect of wellness aerobics training on body composition and total cholesterol concentration in the blood

Kaluginaitė, Monika 19 May 2005 (has links)
Regulary performed exercise may protect against coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis). Fatty meal may influence progression of coronary artery didease, because humans spend too many hours in posprandial state each day. The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in concentration of the blood total cholesterol and body composition after training of wellness aerobics. The study was performed on 21 healthy female subjects aged from 29 to 46 years. The subjects were free from clinical history of bleeding or coagulation disorders, they were healthy. 29 % of subjects were smokers. All subjects were not physically active, they did not do sports for five years. The research was based on antropometrical measures, questionnaires, registration of food allowance, total cholesterol determination in the blood and analysis. Twenty one healthy females followed the wellness aerobics training for 1,5 month and performed 3 training sessions per week. The duration of each session was 45 minutes. Concentration of total cholesterol in the blood and body composition was evaluated before the session of training and after 1,5 month of the wellness aerobics training. The energetical nutritives disbalance was established which manifested in fat and protein overrun and in too scarce amount of carbohydrates. Mathematical statistics method was used to analyse the research data. The significant criterion was p = 0,05. After the wellness aerobics training program was conducted for 1,5... [to full text]

Įvairaus meistriškumo aerobininkių energetika ir fiziologiniai pokyčiai / Power and physiological changes in the body of aerobics competitors with different skills at the moment of exercise performing

Baranauskaitė, Asta 19 May 2005 (has links)
The aim of the present work is to determine power and physiological changes in the body of aerobics competitors with different skills at the moment of exercise performing. 24 aerobic competitors were selected as a research object. All the members of the research group were divided into three groups with reference to their personal data (obtained after the assessment of the relations between their indices and their skills). The groups were as follows: group 1 – highly skilled aerobic competitors, group 2 – moderately skilled aerobic competitors and group 3 – the beginners. The indices have also been analyzed with reference to the exercises preformed by the aerobic competitors. During the assessment the following indices were measured: ventilation of the lungs, circulation of the breathing gasses, heart rate and blood lactate concentration. The research results suggest that all the research groups show high aerobic power consumption (~50%), slightly less anaerobic alactatic power consumption (~30%) and lactatic power consumption appears to be the least (~20%). Highly skilled aerobic competitors proved to consume less anaerobic – alactatic power. The aerobic competitors participating in the aerobic trio exercises showed higher indices of heart rate (p<0,05) comparing with group exercise. Ventilation of the lungs, lungs volume, breathing rate and ratio as well as oxygen consumption were not influenced by the exercise type. All the research groups showed high differences in... [to full text]

Skirtingo meistriškumo aerobikos ir kultūrizmo sportininkų ir trenerių požiūris į sporto pedagogo asmenybę ir tarpusavio santykių ypatumus / Viewpoint of various performance aerobics and body building athletes and trainers towards educator’s personality and peculiarities of intercommunication

Stackevičiūtė, Kristina 20 May 2005 (has links)
Relations with pupils are very important sphere of trainer’s activity. Efficiency of trainer’s and athletes’ interaction depends on that, what expectations pupils relate with their trainer and how the trainer realizes those expectations himself. Analysis of the trainer’s personality and viewpoint of athletes towards it should help in looking for more efficient relation of a trainer with his athletes. After all, knowing the viewpoint of his athletes the trainer will be able to draw certain conclusions about mutual relationship and to improve quality of his work. The key objective of the research is to analyse viewpoint of various performance aerobics and body-building athletes and trainers’ towards sport educator’s personality and peculiarities of intercommunication. There were 90 respondents participating in the research aged from 18 to 52. The task group consisted of 34 aerobics athletes and 10 aerobics trainers; 32 body-building athletes and 14 body-building trainers. After completion of the research it is possible to draw conclusions that high peak performance aerobics representatives evaluated trainer’s creativity and friendliness higher and low peak performance athletes – his communicability, erudition, ability to communicate, energy, dutifulness, friendliness, sense of humour, workability, sincerity, physical fitness, correct posture. High peak performance body-building athletes evaluated trainer’s erudition higher, there was no statistically significant difference... [to full text]

Bendrosios aerobikos ir aerobinės gimnastikos atstovių fizinio darbingumo vertinimas / The assassment of physical working capacity of general aerobics representatives and aerobic gymnastics athletes

Voropajeva, Evelina 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – Bendrosios aerobikos ir aerobinės gimnastikos atstovių fizinis darbingumas. Tyrimo tikslas – Įvertinti bendrosios aerobikos ir aerobinės gimnastikos atstovių fizinio darbingumą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ir įvertinti bendrosios aerobikos atstovių fizinio darbingumo rodiklius. 2. Nustatyti ir įvertinti aerobinės gimnastikos atstovių fizinio darbingumo rodiklius. 3. Palyginti skirtingų rūšių aerobikos atstovių fizinio darbingumo rodiklius. Tyrimo metodai: antropometriniai matavimai (visos tiriamųjų grupės buvo sveriamos ir matuojamas ūgis), pulsometrija (tyrimo metu širdies susitraukimų dažnis buvo registruojamas naudojant pulsometrą Sigma PC-15, Germany), PWC170 testas (taikant šį testą buvo nustatoma aerobininkių ištvermė), matematinė statistika (buvo apskaičiuojamas tirtų rodiklių aritmetinis vidurkis (x), standartinis nuokrypis (Sx). Statistiniam patikimumui nustatyti pasirinktas patikimumo lygmuo (p<0,05). Visi skaičiavimai buvo atliekami naudojant STATISTIKA for Windows. Tiriamieji: Tyrime dalyvavo 46 tiriamosios, tai aerobinės gimnastikos atstovės (1 grupė: n = 10, 2 grupė: n = 13), ir bendrosios aerobikos atstovės (1 grupė: n = 13, 2 grupė: n = 10). Tiriamųjų sportavimo stažas yra panašus: 3-4 metai, o treniruočių skaičius yra 3 kartai per savaitę. Išvados: 1. Skirtingo amžiaus bendrosios aerobikos atstovių fizinio darbingumo rodikliai geresni buvo jaunesniųjų aerobininkių grupėje. Devyniolikmetės aerobininkės yra gero treniruotumo lygio, o... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of research - general aerobics representatives and aerobic gymnastics athletes physical working capacity characteristics. The aim of research was to assess physical working capacity characteristics of general aerobics representatives and aerobic gymnastics atletes. Objectives of research: 1. Identify and assess physical working capacity characteristics of general aerobics representatives. 2. Identify and assess physical working capacity characteristics of aerobic gymnastics atletes. 3. Compare physical working capacity characteristics of representatives of general and aerobics aerobic gymnastics atletes. Methods: anthropometric measurements (all groups of subjects were weighed and measured for height), measurement of pulse (heart rate was recorded using a heart rate monitor Sigma PC-15, Germany), PWC170 test (applying this method was determined athlete stamina), mathematical statistics (assessed values were calculated arithmetic mean (x), standard deviation (Sx). Determine the statistical reliability of the selected confidence level (p <0.05). All calculations were performed using STATISTICS for Windows. Subjects: The study included 46 subjects who is the representative of the aerobic gymnastics (Group 1: n = 10, group 2: n = 13), and general aerobic representative (Group 1: n = 13, group 2: n = 10). Analyzes sport experience is similar: 3-4 years, while the number of training 3 times a week. Conclusion: 1. Physical working capacity of representatives of general... [to full text]

Aerobikos pratimų poveikis 11-12 klasių merginų koordinacijai / Aerobic exercise influence on coordination of 11-12 class students

Jakubauskaitė, Gerda 06 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: 11-12 klasių merginų koordinacija. Tyrimo tikslas: Nustatyti aerobikos pratybų poveikį 11-12 klasių merginų koordinacijai. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ir palyginti 11-12 klasių merginų pradėsiančių lankyti aerobikos pratybas per kūno kultūros pamokas ir lankančių tradicinės kūno kultūros pamokas koordinaciją. 2. Nustatyti ir palyginti 11-12 klasių merginų koordinaciją po 2 mėnesių aerobikos pratybų ir tradicinių kūno kultūros pamokų. 3. Nustatyti 2 mėnesių aerobikos pratybų poveikį merginų koordinacijai. Tyrimo rezultatai: Merginų lankysiančių aerobikos pratybas per kūno kultūros pamokas koordinacija atlikus Nosies ir piršto kaitaliojimo mėginį buvo 3,3 (0,8) balo, o lankysiančių tradicinės kūno kultūros pamokas 3,2 (0,6) balo, skirtumas statistiškai nereikšmingas (p = 0,76); atlikus piršto ir piršto mėginį: koordinacija 1,9 (0,7) balo ir 2,4 (1,0) balo, skirtumas statistiškai nereikšmingas (p = 1,65); taikymo ir nepataikymo mėginį 1,9 (0,8) balo ir 1,8 (0,8) balo, skirtumas statistiškai nereikšmingas (p = 0,60); flamingo testą 5,6 (1,2) N/min (nukritimai per minutę) ir 6,2 (1,3) N/min, taip pat nustatytas statistiškai nereikšmingas skirtumas (p = 0,25); šuolio į tolį iš vietos dešiniu, kairiu pečiu pirmyn, atbulomis testą 75,1 (13,0) cm ir 84,6 (6,5) cm, nustatytas statistiškai patikimas skirtumas (p = 0,03); 50 m bėgimo šaudykle testą 17,9 (1,6) s ir 17,7 (1,2) s, nustatytas statistiškai nereikšmingas skirtumas (p = 0,64); nosies ir piršto kaitaliojimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Investigation: 11-12 girls coordination. The aim: To Identify the impact of aerobic exercise 11-12 girls ordination. Objectives: 1. Identify and compare the 11-12 girls start attending Their Aerobic Exercise During physical education lessons and attending a traditional physical education classes coordination. 2. Identify and compare the 11-12 girls coordination after 2 months of aerobic exercise and traditional physical education lessons. 3. Set of 2 months of aerobic exercise effects on girls ordination. The results: Girls attend aerobic exercise during physical education lessons coordination after the nose and finger rotation sample was 3.3 (0.8) points, and girls attend traditional physical education classes 3.2(0.6) points, thedifference was statistically significant (p = 0 76); Finger and sample coordination 1.9 (0.7) points and 2.4 (1.0) points, the difference was statistically significant (p = 1,65); Application of the sample and miss 1.9 (0.8) points and 1.8 (0.8) points, the difference was statistically significant (p =0,60); Flamingo test 5.6 (1.2) N / min (falling in a minute) and 6.2 (1.3) N / min, a statistically insignificant difference (p = 0,25); Long jump out of place on the right, left shoulder forward, backwards test 75.1 (13.0) cm and 84.6 (6.5) cm, a statistically significant difference (p =0,03); 50 m shuttle run test in 17.9 (1.6) s and 17.7 (1.2) s, a statistically insignificant difference (p = 0,64). Coordination... [to full text]

Aerobikos pratybų per kūno kultūros pamokas poveikis 6 klasių mokinių lankstumui bei pusiausvyrai / Aerobic exercise influence on flexibility and balance of 6 class students during physical education classes

Martišė, Rima 06 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – 6 klasių mokinių lankstumas bei pusiausvyra Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti aerobikos pratybų poveikį per kūno kultūros pamokas 6-tų klasių mokinių lankstumui bei pusiausvyrai Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ir palyginti 6 klasių mokinių lankstumą prieš ir po 2 mėnesių aerobikos pratybų per kūno kultūros pamokas ir mokinių, lankysiančių tradicinę kūno kultūros pamoką. 2. Nustatyti ir palyginti 6 klasių mokinių pusiausvyrą prieš ir po 2 mėnesių aerobikos pratybų per kūno kultūros pamokas ir mokinių, lankysiančių tradicinę kūno kultūros pamoką. Tyrimo rezultatai: 1. Nustatėme, kad 6 klasių mokinių lankstumas, prieš pradedant lankyti aerobikos pratybas, įvertintas 22,6 (5,4) cm, statistiškai reikšmingai pagerėjo (p = 0,02) po 2 mėnesių aerobikos pratybų 28,3 (4,9), o lankiusių tradicinę kūno kultūros pamoką mokinių, palyginus rezultatus tyrimo pradžioje 21,7 (3,2) cm ir po 2 mėn. laikotarpio 22,2 (3,7) cm, reikšmingai nekito (p = 0,7). 2. Nustatėme, kad 6 klasių mokinių pusiausvyros rezultatai prieš aerobikos pratybas 13,6 (2,3) N1/min. ir po 2 mėn. laikotarpio 9,6 (2,2) N1/min. statistiškai reikšmingai pagerėjo (p = 0,0009), o lankiusių tradicinę kūno kultūros pamoką 13,9 (2,5) N1/min. ir po 2 mėn. laikotarpio 13,7 (2,5) N1/min. reikšmingai nekito (p = 0,7). Išvados: 1. 6 klasių mokinių lankstumas pagerėjo po 2 mėnesių aerobikos pratybų, o mokinių lankiusių tradicinę kūno kultūros pamoką nepakito. 2. 6 klasių mokinių pusiausvyra pagerėjo po 2... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Subject of the study – 6th grade students flexibility and balance. Purpose – to evaluate the effects of aerobic exercises during the physical education lessons of the 6th grade students flexibility and balance. The aim of this study: 1. Identify and compare 6th grade students flexibility before and after 2 months period of the aerobic exercise during the physical education classes of students who attends traditional physical education lessons. 2. Identify and compare 6th grade students balance before and after 2 months of the aerobic exercise during the physical education classes of students which attends traditional physical education lessons. Results: 1. We found that 6th grade student flexibility, before aerobic exercise were 22.6 (5.4) cm and after 2 months of aerobic exercise were 28.3 (4.9). the was seen statistically different changes (p = 0.02). Results of the traditional physical education lesson in the beginning were 21.7 (3.2) cm and after 2 months period were 22.2 (3.7) cm. There were no significant different changes (p = 0.7). 2. 6th grade students balance results before aerobic exercise 13.6 (2.3) N1/min. and after 2 months period were 9.6 (2.2) N1/min. There was seen statistically significant improvement (p = 0.0009). In the group who attended traditional physical education lessons results in the beginning were 13.9 (2.5) N1/min. and after 2 months period were 13.7 (2.5) N1/min. The was no significant different changes (p = 0.7). Conclusion: 1. 6th... [to full text]

Kryptingai taikytų kūno kultūros pamokų poveikis 9 klasės mergaičių fiziniam aktyvumui, kūno kompozicijai bei patiriamiems pojūčiams / The effect of purposeful physical education classes to the girls‘ of 9th grade physical activity, body composition and experienced senses

Gadonaitė, Evelina 06 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: 9 - tos klasės mergaičių fizinis aktyvumas, kūno kompozicija, patiriami pojūčiai po kryptingos fizinio ugdymo programos. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti kryptingai taikytų kūno kultūros pamokų poveikį 9 klasės mergaičių fiziniam aktyvumui, kūno kompozicijai, patiriamiems pojūčiams kūno kultūros pamokų metu bei fizinės veiklos metu laisvalaikiu. Išvados: Kryptingos kūno kultūros pamokos turėjo mažai įtakos mergaičių kūno kompozicijos rodiklių pokyčiams. Nežymų, statistiškai nereikšmingą (p>0,05) skirtingų kūno ir jo dalių segmentų pokytį galėjo lemti mergaičių lytinė branda. Dauguma eksperimentinės grupės mergaičių po aerobikos pobūdžio kūno kultūros pamokų patiriamus pojūčius vertino aukštesniais balais (p<0,05). / The object: experienced senses, physical activity and body composition of 9th grade adolescent girls after purposeful program of physical education. The aim - find out the effect of purposeful classes of physical education to the body composition, experiences and physical education of 9th grade adolescent girls during physical education classes and physical activity leisure time. Conclusions: Targeted physical education classes had little impact on girls' body composition. The slight, statistically insignificant (p>0.05) change in parts of the body and its segments could cause girls' puberty. 4. Results of girls of 9thgrade in the survey showed that after the physical education classes of aerobics most girls experienced senses rated with higher grades (p<0,05).

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