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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Qualitative analysis of the perceptions of affirmative action beneficiaries in South African parastatals

Boikhutso, Rantsae Abner. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M. Admin. (Labour relations))-University of Pretoria, 2004. / Summary in English. Includes bibliographical references. Available on the Internet via the World Wide Web.

Elaboration and empirical evaluation of the De Goede learning potential structural model

Burger, Richelle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa’s past has shaped the way Human Resource management should look to the future. South Africa has a history of racial discrimination that was lead by the Apartheid system. The effects of the past have left members of the previously disadvantaged group with underdeveloped job competency potential. This has subsequently led to adverse impact in valid, fair (in the Cleary sense of the term) strict-top-down selection. The fundamental cause of Black under-representation in higher level jobs is due to the legacy of the previous political dispensation. The root problem is that South Africa’s intellectual capital is not, and has not been, uniformly developed and distributed across races. The current situation must be dealt with not only as the situation could potentially become volatile, but also as it is simply the right thing to do. Those individuals from the previously disadvantaged group that have the potential to learn should be identified and subsequently developed. A need therefore exists in South Africa for a method to identify individuals who will gain maximum benefit from affirmative developmental opportunities, especially cognitively demanding development opportunities, and hence display a high potential to learn. A need in addition exist to arrange circumstances to optimise the prognosis that those identified with learning potential will successfully realise their potential. Learning performance is complexly determined. To successfully address the negative effects of the past in South Africa through affirmative development the determinants of learning performance need to be understood. Accelerated affirmative development will be effective to the extent to which a comprehensive understanding exists of the factors underlying learning performance and the manner in which they combine to determine learning performance. The primary objective of this study consequently was to expand on De Goede’s (2007) learning potential structural model. Non-cognitive factors were added to the De Goede (2007) learning potential structural model in order to gain a deeper understanding of the complexity underlying learning and the determinants of learning performance. A subset of the hypothesised learning potential structural model was then empirically evaluated. The initial reduced model failed to converge and was subsequently revised by deleting a single causal path from the model. The revised model was found to fit the data well. All paths contained in the final model were empirically corroborated. Suggestions for future research are made by indicating how the model can be further elaborated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika se verlede het gestalte gegee aan die wyse waarop Menslike Hulpbronbestuur na die toekoms behoort te kyk. Suid-Afrika het ’n geskiedenis van rassediskriminasie wat deur die Apartheidstelsel aangevoer is. Die gevolge van die verlede het die lede van die voorheen agtergeblewe groep met onderontwikkelde werkbevoegdheidspotensiaal gelaat. Dit het vervolgens gelei tot nadelige impak in geldige, billike (in die Cleary-sin van die woord) streng bo-na-onder keuring. Die fundamentele oorsaak van swart onderverteenwoordiging in hoër-vlak posisies is tot ‘n groot mate te wyte aan die nalentskap van die vorige politieke bedeling. Die kernprobleem is dat Suid-Afrika se intellektuele kapitaal nie nou of voorheen eenvormig oor die rasse heen ontwikkel en versprei is nie. Die huidige situasie moet hanteer word, nie net omdat dit potensieel onbestendig mag word nie, maar ook bloot omdat dit die regte ding is om te doen. Dié individue uit ‘n voorheen agtergeblewe groep wat wel die vermoë het om te leer, behoort geïdentifiseer en vervolgens ontwikkel te word. Dus bestaan daar in Suid-Afrika ’n behoefte aan ’n metode om individue te identifiseer wat ’n hoë leerpotensiaal het en derhalwe die meeste voordeel sal trek uit geleenthede vir regstellende ontwikkeling, veral dié geleenthede van ’n veeleisende kognitiewe aard. Daar bestaan voorts ook ’n behoefte om omstandighede te reël om die prognose te optimaliseer dat diegene wat met leerpotensiaal geïdentifiseer is, hul potensiaal suksesvol sal kan verwesenlik. Leerprestasie word deur ‘n komplekse netwerk van veranderlikes bepaal. Om die negatiewe gevolge van die verlede in Suid-Afrika deur regstellende ontwikkeling aan te spreek, moet die determinante van leerprestasie verstaan word. Versnelde regstellende ontwikkeling sal doeltreffend wees in dié mate waartoe ’n omvattende begrip bestaan van die faktore onderliggend aan leerprestasie en die wyse waarop hulle kombineer om leerprestasie te bepaal. Die primêre doelwit van hierdie studie was gevolglik om de Goede (2007) se leerpotensiaal-strukturele model uit te brei. Nie-kognitiewe faktore is tot de Goede (2007) se model toegegevoeg om ’n meer indringende begrip van die kompleksiteit onderliggend aan leer en die determinante van leerprestasie te verkry. ’n Subversameling van die voorgestelde leerpotensiaal-strukturele model is vervolgens empiries geëvalueer. Die aanvanklike gereduseerde model het nie gekonvergeer nie en is vervolgens hersien deur ’n enkele kousale baan uit die model te verwyder. Die bevinding was dat die hersiene model die data goed pas. Alle bane in die finale model is empiries bevestig. Voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing is gemaak deur aan te dui hoe die model verder uitgebrei kan word.

The development and empirical evaluation of an affirmative development coaching competency questionnaire

Chicampa, Victor 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aimed at developing and empirically evaluating an affirmative development coach competency questionnaire. The development and empirical evaluation of the affirmative development coach competency questionnaire forms the first phase of a larger project of developing and testing a comprehensive affirmative development coach competency model. A coaching@work competency model would help in clarifying and defining the characteristics that affirmative development coaches need to possess and what affirmative development coaches need to do and need to achieve to be successful on the job. Inequalities brought about by exclusionary policies in terms of education as well as employment that characterised South Africa before the advent of democracy meant that many members of the previously disadvantaged groups lack the necessary skills to succeed at work, especially the ability to occupy higher level positions. Theirs was the world of unskilled work. In order to rectify the injustices experienced by members of the designated groups the new post-apartheid government enacted policies and laws based on the principle of affirmative action. However the preferential hiring in favour of Blacks required by the affirmative action measures disadvantages organisations and the economy because most members of the previously disadvantage groups lack the necessary job competence potential to succeed at work. Affirmative development has to play an important role in rectifying the injustices of the past. Coaching in addition has to play an important role in honing the newly developed abilities and skills. The study aimed at identifying the various coach competencies that behaviourally constitute coach success. Competencies were derived from examining the outputs that need to be achieved through the competencies. Understanding the relationships between the affirmative development coaching competencies (behaviours) and the outcomes the affirmative development coach attempts to achieve was important because the relevance of the hypothesised competencies need to be validated (logically and empirically) against the structural network of outcomes. The study identified nine outcome variables namely employee personal learning, role clarity, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, employee self-efficacy, work engagement, contextual performance, task performance and intention to quit. Seventeen coach competencies were examined in this study. The proposed partial coach competency model shows various structural paths between the coach competencies and the coach outcome variables the coach is held accountable for. The objective of the research was to develop the Chikampa Coach Competency Questionnaire (CCCQ) aimed at measuring the seventeen coach competencies and to empirically evaluate the psychometric properties of the CCCQ. The hypothesis of exact measurement model fit was rejected but the hypothesis of close fit could not be rejected (p>.05). The position that the CCCQ measurement model fits the data closely in the parameter was found to be a tenable position. The fit indices reflected good model fit in the sample. The measurement model parameter estimates indicated that the indicator variables represented the latent coaching competencies satisfactorily. Discriminant validity was problematic. The seventeen latent coaching competencies as measured by the CCCQ are not clearly separate but tend to flow into each other. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie was gerig op die ontwikkeling and empiriese evaluering van ‘n regstellende ontwikkingafrigter1bevoegdheidsvraelys. Die ontwikkeling and empiriese evaluering van ‘n regstellende ontwikkingafrigterbevoegdheidsvraelys verteenwoordig die eerste fase in ‘n groter projek om ‘n omvattende regstellende ontwikkingafrigterbevoegdheidsmodel te ontwikkel. ‘n Afrigter@werk bevoegheidsmodel sou meewerk om die persoonseienskappe waaroor regstellende ontwikkelingsafrigters moet beskik te identifiseer en te definieer en om helderheid te kry ten opsigte van die handelinge wat regstellende ontwikkelingsafrigters moet verrig en die uitkomste wat hul daardeur moet bereik om as suksesvol geag te word. Ongelykhede wat te weeg gebring is deur die uitsluitingspolitiek in terme van opvoeding en werksgeleenthede wat Suid Afrika gekenmerk het voor die aanbreek van demokrasie het meegebring dat baie lede van die voorheenbenadeelde groepe die nodige vaardighede ontbreek wat vereis word om in die wereld van werk sukses te behaal, spesifiek die vermoë om hoër-vlak posisies te bekleë. Hulle was gedoem tot ‘n wereld van ongeskoolde werk. Ten einde die ongeregtighede wat lede van die aangewese groepe ervaar het reg te stel het die nuwe post-apartheid regering beleide en wetgewing verorden gebaseer op die beginsel van regstellende aksie. Die voorkeur-indiensneming van Swartes wat deur regstellnde aksiemaatreëls vereis word benadeel egter organisasies en die ekonomie omdat die werksbevoegdheidspotensiaal wat vereis word om in die wereld van werk te slaag by die meerderheid lede van die voorheenbenadeelde groepe ontbreek. Regstellende ontwikkeling moet ‘n belangrike rol speel in die regstelling van die ongeregtighede van die verlede. Afrigting moet daarbenewens ‘n belangrike rol speel om die nuutontwikkelde vermoëns en vaardighede te slyp. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die afrigerbevoegdhede wat vanuit ‘n gedragsperspektief afrigtersukses beliggaam te identifiseer. Bevoegdhede is geïdentifiseer deur die uitkomste te bestudeer wat via die bevoegdhede bereik moet word. ‘n Begrip van die verwantskappe tussen die regstellende ontwikkelingafrigterbevoegdhede (gedrag) en die uitkomste wat die regstellende ontwikkelingafrigter probeer bereik was belangrik omrede die relevansie van die voorgestelde bevoegdhede teen die strukturele network van uitkomste (logies en empiries) gevalideer moet word. Hierdie studie het nege uitkomsveranderlikes geïdentifiseer, naamlik persoonlike leer, rolduidelikheid werkstevredenheid, organisasieverbondenheid, selfvertroue, werksverbondenheid, kontekstuele prestasie, taakprestasie en bedankingsvoorneme. Sewentien afrigterbevoegdhede is bestudeer in hierdie studie. Die voorgestelde gedeeltelike afrigterbevoegdheidsmodel dui verskeie strukturele bane aan tussen die afrigterbevoegdhede en die afrigteruitkomste waarvoor die afrigter verantwoordelik gehou word. Die doel van die navorser was om die Chikampa Coach Competency Questionnaire (CCCQ) gerig op die meting van die sewentien arigterbevoegdhede te ontwikkel en om die psigometriese eienskappe van die CCCQ te evalueer. Die hipotese van presiese metingsmodel passing is verwerp maar die hipotese van benaderde passing kon nie verwerp word nie (p>.05). Die standpunt dat die CCCQ metingsmodel die data in die parameter by benadering pas is dus ‘n houdbare standpunt. Die pasgehalte-maatstawwe het goeie modelpassing in die steekproef aangedui. Die metingsmodelparameterskattings het aangtoon dat die waargenome veranderlikes die latent afrigterbevoegdhede suksesvol verteenwoordig. Diskriminantgeldigheid was egter problematies. Die sewentien latent afrigterbevoegdhede soos gemeet deur die CCCQ word nie duidelik van mekaar onderskei nie maar neig om in mekaar te vloei.

Entre diversidade e diferença : o programa de Ações Afirmativas da UFSCar e as vivências dos estudantes indígenas

Jodas, Juliana 29 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:39:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4810.pdf: 1225071 bytes, checksum: 66bbee348ede9f6cd73152615c859a94 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-29 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This search staring of educational policies for higher education for the indigenous population from the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, that, at least in law, obtained their rights guaranteed and their ethnic differences recognized. Since then two actions were created in this context: the course of Intercultural Degree and the Affirmative Action Program. The focus of this research is in the Affirmative Action policies for indians, understood as a set of measures of unequal access to basic goods such as education and employment for historically subordinate groups, and specially, the case of the Universidade Federal de São Carlos. This study analyzed the urgency context of Affirmative Action in Brazil and its deployment in the process of institutionalization of UFSCar, and particularly, how the indigenous students experience this recent experience. For this, this work includes a literature review and document analysis to characterize the Affirmative Action of UFSCar and understand how in its perspective, diversity or difference, the program has been constituted. We also interviews with indian students to understand their perception of the policy, their experiences, and in particular, will be discussed how their differences, subjectivities and/or identities are (or not) marked and recognized at this institutional space. / Esta pesquisa insere-se nos contextos das políticas educacionais para ensino superior destinadas a populações indígenas que, a partir da Constituição Federal brasileira de 1988, obtiveram, ao menos em lei, seus direitos assegurados e suas diferenças étnicas reconhecidas. Desde então foram criadas duas ações neste sentido: o curso de Licenciatura Intercultural e o Programa de Ações Afirmativas. O direcionamento da pesquisa se dá a partir das políticas de Ações Afirmativas para indígenas, compreendidas como um conjunto de medidas de acesso diferenciado a bens fundamentais como educação e emprego para grupos historicamente subalternizados, e foca-se na experiência da Universidade Federal de São Carlos. É analisado o contexto de emergência das Ações Afirmativas no Brasil e seu desdobramento no processo de institucionalização do programa da UFSCar e, em especial, o modo como os alunos indígenas vivenciam esta experiência. Para isso, o trabalho conta com revisão bibliográfica e análise documental para caracterizar as Ações Afirmativas da UFSCar e apreender sobre qual perspectiva, diversidade ou diferença, o programa tem se pautado. É realizado também trabalho de campo e uma amostra de entrevistas com os estudantes indígenas para compreender suas experiências e vivências na universidade. Em particular, é discutido de que forma suas diferenças, subjetividades e/ou identidades são (ou não) marcadas e reconhecidas neste espaço institucional.

Reconversão cultural nas narrativas dos egressos do programa de ações afirmativas da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Santos, Rosemeri Antunes dos January 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como tema central as narrativas dos egressos do Programa de Ações Afirmativas da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), suas trajetórias sociais, a possibilidade de construção do conhecimento e a reconversão do capital cultural e habitus, a partir de uma ótica bourdiana. Buscou-se investigar, a partir de suas memórias, como foram as experiências desses alunos no programa institucionalizado desde 2007, que estabeleceu o sistema de cotas através de ingresso por reserva de vagas para acesso a todos os cursos de graduação na UFRGS. O referido programa passou por um processo avaliativo em 2012, sendo a Política de Cotas renovada por mais dez anos. Também em 2012 foi sancionada a Lei nº 12.711/2012, que garantiu que 50% das vagas em cursos de graduação das Universidades Federais fossem reservadas aos candidatos cotistas até 2016. A pesquisa abrangeu o período de ingresso dos cotistas entre 2008 e 2012. O percurso teórico teve como foco a memória social e as categorias de habitus, classe e capital cultural de Pierre Bourdieu. Realizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a temática da pesquisa, levando-se em consideração o período de 2010 a 2015 em três diferentes Bases de Dados. Os resultados demonstraram o ineditismo do estudo quanto à abordagem dos egressos e suas narrativas de memória. O percurso metodológico utilizado foi o de uma pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa, do tipo bibliográfica, documental e exploratória, a partir da história oral. Foram enviados questionários on-line para todo o universo de diplomados, contudo a amostra dessa pesquisa se concentrou em 155 questionários. Também foram realizadas entrevistas temáticas com dez egressos do programa. Os dados obtidos foram analisados e interpretados a partir de gráficos e da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados da pesquisa revelam que a experiência vivida pelos alunos cotistas nessa amostra proporcionou uma ressignificação no seu capital cultural e habitus. Os dados dos questionários e das entrevistas evidenciaram que o Programa de Ações Afirmativas da UFRGS é uma política de educação inclusiva positiva e apresentou avanços significativos no que se refere às relações étnico-raciais no ambiente universitário e que a participação no Programa foi uma oportunidade muito importante para esses alunos, repercutindo na sua trajetória social. O produto dessa pesquisa ficou sistematizado no vídeo intitulado “As vozes dos Cotistas Egressos da UFRGS”. / The central theme of this research are the narratives of graduate students from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul who participated in the Affirmative Action Programme. Guided by a Bourdieusian perspective, we also focus on social trajectories, knowledge construction and the reconversion of cultural capital and habitus. Through their memories, we set out to examine the experiences of these students within the institutionalized Programme that was established in 2007 and sanctioned a quota system through which candidates were granted admission to this university into reserved places. The Affirmative Action Programme was reassessed in 2012 and the Quota Policy was renewed for 10 more years. In the same year, Federal Law n° 12.71/2012 was sanctioned, guaranteeing that 50% of all places at the undergraduate level in federal universities be reserved for ‘quota candidates’ until 2016. The time period chosen for our research on 'quota student' admission spans 4 years, between 2008 and 2012. Our theoretical framework was anchored by the concept of social memory, as well as the Bourdieusian concepts of habitus, class and cultural capital. In three data bases, a literary review was carried out concerning the topic of our research, in publications issued between 2010 and 2015. Results showed the novelty of our particular focus on graduate students and memory narrative. Regarding our methodology, which is applied to oral history, we developed research that is both quantitative and qualitative, of the bibliographic, documentary and exploratory type. Online questionnaires were sent to all graduates with diplomas, and samples from 155 of these participants were collected, along with 10 theme-centred interviews. The obtained data was analyzed and interpreted in accordance with graphs and the technique of content analysis. The results of our research show that the experiences of this sample of ‘quota students’ provided for a resignification of their cultural capital and habitus. Our research data show that the graduates perceive the Affirmative Action Programme at UFRGS as a positive inclusive education policy as well as an advance in ethnic and racial relations in the university environment. Additionally, we observed that these graduates seem to consider their participation in the Programme as a significantly important opportunity which has influenced their social trajectory. The final product of our study was systemized in a video entitled "The Voices of Quota Graduates from UFRGS".


MONICA ANDREA OLIVEIRA ALMEIDA 28 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa trata da adoção de ações afirmativas de corte racial na educação básica, especificamente, no Instituto de Aplicação Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira – CAp/UERJ. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi compreender como se deu o processo de implementação da Legislação Estadual 6434/13 que determinou a implantação das ações afirmativas na modalidade de cotas raciais, sociais e para pessoas com deficiência no CAp/UERJ. O foco específico da pesquisa diz respeito às cotas raciais no sexto ano de escolaridade do segundo segmento do ensino fundamental. Assim, analisam-se as representações que alguns sujeitos da comunidade escolar, técnico-administrativos, diretor e, em especial, professores e professoras têm sobre as políticas de ação afirmativa. Pretendeu, ainda, investigar como a escola operacionalizou essa lei no tocante ao processo de acesso e matrícula, bem como os possíveis impactos no currículo e nas práticas pedagógicas. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com dez docentes, cinco professoras pertencentes ao quadro efetivo e outros/as cinco contratados/as; três funcionárias técnico-administrativas e o diretor do colégio. As principais conclusões com o trabalho foram: (i) o pioneirismo da adoção de políticas de ação afirmativa de corte racial no primeiro e segundo segmentos do ensino fundamental; (ii) a permanência desses/as estudantes no colégio através de medidas socioeconômicas; (iii) as questões relativas às formas de avaliação, conteúdos selecionados e às práticas docentes que demonstraram a necessidade de que sejam discutidos processos de formação continuada de professores/as na perspectiva da diversidade étnico-racial e cultural que possam orientar as práticas pedagógicas. / [en] This research relates to the adoption of affirmative actions in regards to race in primary education, specifically in Instituto de Aplicação Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira – CAp/UERJ. The general aim of this research was to comprehend how the process of implementation of the State Law 6434/13 took place. This law determined the implementation of affirmative actions for racial and social reasons and for disabled individuals at CAp/UERJ. The specific focus of this research is related to racial quotas in the 6th year of elementary school. This way, the research analyzes the representations that some individuals from the school community, administrative technicians, directors and especially teachers have about this racial policy. This work also intended to investigate how the school dealt with this policy in its everyday operation in which referred to the process of access and enrollment as well as the possible impact in curriculum and pedagogical practice. In order to achieve those goals, we performed semistructured interviews with ten elementary school teachers; five of these were admitted through contests and the other five by temporary contracts; with three administrative technicians and with the school director. The main conclusions were: i) the adoption of the system of affirmative racial actions in elementary school was pioneer; ii) the student s attendance through social-economic arrangements; iii) the questions related to ways of assessment; selected content and teacher s practice showed that we need to discuss the continued formation for teachers concerning diversity, cultural and racial–ethnic perspective in order to guide their pedagogical practice.

Discutindo trajetórias: etnicidade, classe e cotas na UEPB.

FARIAS, Melânia Nóbrega Pereira de. 02 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-02T13:10:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MELÂNIA NÓBREGA PEREIRA DE FARIAS - TESE (PPGCE) 2017.pdf: 4260789 bytes, checksum: 40ab220815d5712c4ee2dcf065396ac5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-02T13:10:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MELÂNIA NÓBREGA PEREIRA DE FARIAS - TESE (PPGCE) 2017.pdf: 4260789 bytes, checksum: 40ab220815d5712c4ee2dcf065396ac5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-30 / Na Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB), no ano de 2006, através da Resolução UEPB/CONSEPE/06/2006, foi definida uma política de reserva de vagas para o Concurso Vestibular da Instituição. Sendo assim, a partir do ano de 2007 na UEPB, a partir da Resolução supracitada, cinqüenta por cento (50%) do total de vagas de cada curso de graduação passou a ser destinado a candidatos aprovados no Vestibular da Instituição que tivessem cursado integralmente o Ensino Médio em escolas públicas do Estado da Paraíba. Vale ressaltar que a implantação desta política se deu de modo gradativo, pois a reserva de vagas definidas na Resolução 06/2006 do Conselho de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da UEPB foi implementada na ordem de dez por cento (10%) a cada ano a partir de 2007, de modo que atualmente esta política já foi integralizada em termos de reserva de vagas. Ao contrário da UERJ, que destinou um percentual de vagas específico para negros, a UEPB estabeleceu apenas um percentual para aqueles considerados “carentes”. Cumpre destacar que, de acordo com inúmeras pesquisas realizadas no Brasil, os negros estão alocados, em sua grande maioria, nas classes sociais mais baixas (FERNANDES, 1978; HASENBALG, 1979; MOURA, 1988; AZEVEDO, 1996; PINTO, 1998; TEIXEIRA, 2003; D‟ADESKY, 2001). Propõe-se aqui, portanto, um estudo sobre a questão da inclusão de alunos(as) negros(as) no Campus VI da UEPB através da Política de Cotas Sociais da Instituição e suas trajetórias. O que se pretende compreender é, em última instância, como estes alunos(as) se vêem enquanto negro(s) e “cotistas”, quais os caminhos percorridos por estes(as) até chegar à UEPB e ainda perceber suas trajetórias no âmbito desta Instituição. O fato é que, segundo Teixeira (2003), nenhum autor questiona a relação entre raça ou etnicidade e as desigualdades sociais. Os estudos e pesquisas sobre a situação do negro na sociedade brasileira têm revelado ser a educação tradicionalmente um dos principais instrumentos capazes de promover a ascensão social e econômica do negro na busca de uma maior igualdade com os brancos (FERNANDES, 1978; PINTO, 1998; TEIXEIRA, 2003). Assim, como aponta Teixeira (2003), hoje é dada uma terceira atribuição à escola pelo meio mais politizado, a de reforçar a identidade positiva do negro enquanto tecnicamente singularizado. Nestes termos, esta pesquisa, que se delineia de modo analítico-descritivo e qualitativo, mediante realização de pesquisa bibliográfico-documental, da aplicação de questionários e da realização de entrevistas, pretende dar visibilidade àqueles que não aparecem nos gráficos estatísticos, sem contudo, limitar-se a “individualizar” algumas escolhas e trajetórias, procurando nelas seu sentido mais sociológico, ou seja, as bases sociais capazes de permitir a outros indivíduos escolhas e trajetórias semelhantes; e, ainda, sem abrir mão das análises mais amplas e abrangentes. / At the State University of Paraíba (UEPB), in 2006, through Resolution UEPB/CONSEPE /06/2006, a policy of reservation of vacancies was defined for the Vestibular Competition of the Institution. Therefore, from the year 2007 on UEPB, from the aforementioned Resolution, fifty percent (50%) of the total number of places in each undergraduate course started to be destined to approved candidates in the Vestibular of the Institution that had fully completed the High School in public schools in the State of Paraíba. It is worth emphasizing that the implementation of this policy has taken place gradually, since the reserve of vacancies defined in Resolution 06/2006 of the UEPB Teaching, Research and Extension Council was implemented in the order of ten percent (10%) each year to From 2007 onwards, so that this policy has now been paid in full in terms of vacancies. Unlike UERJ, which allocated a specific percentage of vacancies to blacks, UEPB established only a percentage for those considered "needy". It should be pointed out that, according to numerous researches carried out in Brazil, blacks are mostly allocated to lower social classes (FERNANDES, 1978; HASENBALG, 1979; MOURA, 1988; AZEVEDO, 1996; PINTO, 1998; TEIXEIRA, 2003; D'ADESKY, 2001). It is proposed, therefore, a study on the issue of the inclusion of black students in Campus VI of the UEPB through the Institution's Social Quota Policy and its trajectories. What we are trying to understand is, in the last analysis, how these students see themselves as blacks and "quotaters", what are their paths to reach the UEPB and still understand their trajectories within this Institution. The fact is that, according to Teixeira (2003), no author questions the relationship between race or ethnicity and social inequalities. Studies and research on the situation of the black in Brazilian society have revealed that education has traditionally been one of the main instruments capable of promoting the social and economic rise of the Negro in the quest for greater equality with whites (FERNANDES, 1978; PINTO, 1998; TEIXEIRA, 2003). Thus, as Teixeira (2003) points out, today a third assignment to the school is given by the more politicized means of reinforcing the positive identity of the Negro as technically unique. In this way, this research, which is delineated in an analytical-descriptive and qualitative way, through bibliographical-documentary research, the application of questionnaires and interviews, aims to give visibility to those that do not appear in the statistical graphs, without, however, limiting To "individualize" some choices and trajectories, seeking in them their more sociological sense, that is, the social bases capable of allowing other individuals choices and similar trajectories; And still without giving up the broader and more comprehensive analyzes.

Inclusão e universidade : análise de trajetórias acadêmicas na Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul

Pereira, Marilú Mourão January 2007 (has links)
Essa pesquisa aborda a inclusão, no Ensino Superior, a partir de um estudo relacionado a alunos com deficiência, que ingressaram pelo sistema de cotas, na Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul, no período de 2002 a 2005. O objetivo deste estudo é compreender o processo de implantação de cotas provenientes das ações afirmativas, no Ensino Superior, como possível contribuição para a inclusão do aluno com deficiência na Universidade. A abordagem metodológica foi do tipo qualitativo e os instrumentos utilizados, para coleta de dados, foram entrevistas semi-estruturadas individuais, compostas por questões abertas. Além dos alunos com deficiência, este estudo teve como sujeitos alguns gestores que estiveram envolvidos com a temática na Universidade. O estudo desenvolveu-se a partir da identificação e caracterização dos alunos que ingressaram na universidade pelo sistema de cotas, seguidas pela investigação e análise das trajetórias dos alunos com deficiências, durante o acesso e no decorrer do curso. Foram entrevistados 16 alunos com deficiência física, auditiva e visual, e dez gestores da Universidade. A partir dos depoimentos colhidos, na etapa qualitativa desse estudo, foram construídos eixos que orientaram a análise, tais como: a motivação para a escolha da universidade; as cotas; o apoio no vestibular; as experiências acadêmicas - incluindo aqui o relacionamento com professores e colegas -; vantagens e desvantagens; o acesso a materiais; acompanhamento; avaliação; o acesso à universidade, por meio de transporte; acessibilidade física; suporte e apoio; bem como a participação desse aluno em atividades curriculares e extracurriculares. A implantação do sistema de cotas, para alunos com deficiência, nessa Universidade se constitui em uma ação política de acesso e democratização do Ensino Superior e está em consonância com os princípios Constitucionais, na garantia dos direitos das Pessoas com Deficiências. Isso, no entanto, não tem sido o suficiente, para assegurar a permanência desses alunos na Universidade. Os resultados evidenciam a ocorrência de dificuldades que se concentram no processo de ensinoaprendizagem e a necessidade ações específicas, voltadas para essa parcela da população acadêmica. / This research discusses inclusion in higher education focusing on the admission of disabled students under a quota system to the State University of Rio Grande do Sul (UERGS) from 2002 to 2005. It is aimed at assessing the extent to which the implementation of a quota system in higher education as argued for by affirmative action movements is a possible contribution to social inclusion of disabled students in the university. Data for this qualitative investigation were collected through semistructured individual interviews with open questions. Research subjects included disabled students and some administrators who had been discussing the theme of quotas within UERGS. Investigation involved identification and characterization of students who had been admitted under the quota system and analysis of the academic history of disabled students, at admittance and during the course. Sixteen physically (hearing and visually) disabled students and 10 university administrators were interviewed. Based on the reports collected, topics for analysis were organized, such as: reasons for having chosen this university; quotas; support in entrance examinations; academic experiences – including the relationship with teachers and classmates; advantages and disadvantages; access to materials; follow-up provided; assessment; access to transportation services; physical accessibility; support provided; student attendance at curricular and extracurricular activities. The quota system implemented for disabled students at UERGS is part of its policy of providing democratic access to higher education based on constitutional principles in order to guarantee the rights for disabled people. It, however, has not been enough to maintain these students’ interest in university. Results reveal that difficulties are mainly on the teaching-learning process and that specific actions to assist this part of the academic population are needed.

Determinantes do desempenho acadêmico: uma análise sobre as diferenças de cotistas e não cotistas

Pereira, Sheila Regina dos Santos 08 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Sheila Regina Pereira (sheilarsp@gmail.com) on 2017-08-30T02:23:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE- DETERMINANTES DA EQUIDADE NO ENSINO SUPERIOR.pdf: 9409433 bytes, checksum: b1956a95233516393e85f617f4b97242 (MD5) / Rejected by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br), reason: Prezada Sheila, Favor observar a orientações para preenchimento acima dos campos. Campo do autor, orientador e banca - nomes por completo; campo do título - somente a letra inicial maiúscula, exceto nomes próprios; inserir o abstract e key-words. Saudações, Auxiliadora UFBA/Faced/Biblioteca Anísio Teixeira on 2017-08-31T12:35:40Z (GMT) / Submitted by Sheila Regina Pereira (sheilarsp@gmail.com) on 2017-08-31T15:45:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE- DETERMINANTES DA EQUIDADE NO ENSINO SUPERIOR.pdf: 9409433 bytes, checksum: b1956a95233516393e85f617f4b97242 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2017-08-31T16:51:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE- DETERMINANTES DA EQUIDADE NO ENSINO SUPERIOR.pdf: 9409433 bytes, checksum: b1956a95233516393e85f617f4b97242 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-31T16:51:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE- DETERMINANTES DA EQUIDADE NO ENSINO SUPERIOR.pdf: 9409433 bytes, checksum: b1956a95233516393e85f617f4b97242 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Capes / Este trabalho tem como foco contribuir com as discussões referentes às políticas de ações afirmativas, buscando entender seus efeitos nos resultados acadêmicos alcançados pelos estudantes cotistas durante seu processo de formação, assim como compreender os fatores que influenciam no rendimento acadêmico. Tem como objetivo geral investigar se existe diferença no desempenho acadêmico entre cotistas e não cotistas na conclusão do curso de graduação nas universidades federais da Região Nordeste no Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudante (Enade) de 2013 e 2014. Para realização desta pesquisa, utilizamos a abordagem quantitativa, com aplicação de técnicas estatísticas, como a análise descritiva, o modelo de resposta gradual na estimação dos construtos nível socioeconômico, hábito de estudo, contribuições dos professores, dos cursos e da infraestrutura das instituições. Estes construtos foram utilizados como variáveis explicativas nos modelos de regressão multinível. A partir das análises realizadas, verificamos que, em geral, os estudantes cotistas apresentaram desempenho inferior aos não cotistas na prova do Enade 2013 e 2014. Em sua maioria, os cotistas são oriundos da rede pública de ensino, pardos e pretos, que se concentram nas menores faixas de renda, os pais possuem baixa escolaridade, tendo frequentado, principalmente, até o Ensino Fundamental. Ao analisar o desempenho por curso, observamos que, mesmo os cotistas apresentando desempenho menor, somente, foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos cursos de Odontologia, Medicina, Farmácia, Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Engenharias, Pedagogia e Música. Observamos que o efeito das cotas é intermediado pelo nível socioeconômico dos estudantes na prova do Enade, sendo este o fator de maior impacto no desempenho acadêmico. / ABSTRACT This research intends to contribute to the studies about affirmative action policies. Also, it seeks to understand their effects in the academic results reached by quota holders, as well as the factors that influences academic performance of these students. It has as the main objective to investigate whether there is a difference in academic achievement between quota holders and non-quota holders from federal universities of the Northeast Region, in the national student performance exam (Enade) of 2013 and 2014. In this sense, we used the quantitative approach, and statistic tools such as descriptive analysis, the model of gradual response in the estimation of socioeconomic constructs, study habits, teacher’s contributions and courses and institutional infrastructure. These constructs were used as explanatory variables in the multilevel regression models. Based on the analyzes carried out, we found that in general the quota students had lower performance than non-quota holders in the 2013 and 2014 Enade tests. Most of the quota holders are poor, black people and come from public school system. Besides that, their parents have a low level of schooling and attended only elementary school. By the analysis we found statistically significant differences only in Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, Architecture and Urbanism, Engineering, Pedagogy and Music undergraduate courses. Also, we observed that the effect of the quotas is intermediated by the socioeconomic level of the students in the Enade test, therefore it impacts their academic performance. / RESUMEN Este trabajo tiene como foco contribuir en las discusiones referidas a las políticas de acciones afirmativas buscando entender los efectos de estas políticas en los resultados académicos alcanzados por los estudiantes cuotistas, así como, comprender los factores que influencian el desempeño académico. El objetivo general es investigar si existe diferencia en el desempeño académico entre cuotistas y no cuotistas en la conclusión del curso universitario en las universidades federales de la Región Noreste, en el Examen Nacional de Desempeño del Estudiante (Enade) de 2013 y 2014. Para realizar esta investigación utilizamos un abordaje cuantitativo, con aplicación de técnicas estadísticas, como el análisis descriptivo, el modelo de respuesta gradual en la estimación de los constructos nivel socioeconómico, hábito de estudio, contribuciones de los profesores, de los cursos y de la infraestructura de las instituciones. Estos constructos fueron utilizados como variables explicativas en los modelos de regresión multinivel. A partir de los análisis realizados verificamos que, en general, los estudiantes cuotistas presentaron desempeño inferior al de los no cuotistas en la prueba del Enade 2013 y 2014. En su mayoría, los cuotistas provienen de la red pública de enseñanza, morenos y negros, que se concentran en los menores rangos de ingresos, cuyos padres poseen baja escolaridad habiendo frecuentado, principalmente, hasta el nivel de Enseñanza Fundamental I. Al analizar el desempeño por curso observamos que, ante la presentación de un menor desempeño por parte de los cuotistas, sólo fueron encontradas diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los cursos de Odontología, Medicina, Farmacia, Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Ingenierías, Pedagogía y Música. Se observó que el efecto de las cuotas es intermediado por el nivel socioeconómico de los estudiantes en la prueba del Enade, siendo este factor el de mayor impacto en el desempeño académico.

De como torna-se o que se é: narrativas implicadas sobre a questão étnico-racial, a formação docente e as políticas para equidade

Jesus, Rita de Cassia Dias Pereira de January 2007 (has links)
218 f. / Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-05-06T16:39:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_ Rita de Jesus.pdf: 1159985 bytes, checksum: 36971ad89df0324d67b8aa7bc3c8b010 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora Lopes(silopes@ufba.br) on 2013-06-11T16:07:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_ Rita de Jesus.pdf: 1159985 bytes, checksum: 36971ad89df0324d67b8aa7bc3c8b010 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-11T16:07:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_ Rita de Jesus.pdf: 1159985 bytes, checksum: 36971ad89df0324d67b8aa7bc3c8b010 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Este estudo enfoca através da abordagem metodológica da história de vida, a inserção da questão racial negra em duas universidades federais da Bahia. Tematiza através das narrativas implicadas o processo de formação de professores/as, a inserção da questão étnico-racial nos currículos e as políticas para a eqüidade numa perspectiva complexa, com foco nas teorias de currículo lidas a partir da multirreferencialidade, do multiculturalismo e do pensamento anti-colonial em educação. / Salvador

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