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Prosociální rysy u pracovníků pomáhajících profesí / The Pro-social Traits of Workers in Helping ProfessionsFENDRICHOVÁ, Bohdana January 2009 (has links)
In the thesis on the pro-social traits of workers in helping (assistance-providing) professions I dedicate myself to pro-social behavior, empathy and the basic characteristics of personality issuing from the five-factor personality model {--} The Big Five. Most professionals agree that pro-social behavior and empathy belong among the basic characteristics that assistance-providing professionals should have. An important role is also the personality of the care provider. The listed constructs and connections among them however remain the home environment of empirical research and thereby represent the phenomena regarding which there exist few verified findings. The goal of the paper rests in fining the level of empathy and personal dispositions in accordance with the Big Five model that could influence pro-social behavior in selected groups of assistance-giving professionals. The factors in question are neuroticism, extroversion, and openness to experience, graciousness and conscientiousness. Data collection took place with the help of two psychodiagnostic questionnaires. The IRI questionnaire measures level of empathy and the NEO-FFI questionnaire was used for diagnosing the five personality dimensions. The study was quantitative. The monitored set included respondents from three assistance-giving professions {--} nurses, members of the Czech Republic Fire Rescue Corps, and elementary-school teachers. The results confirmed the hypothesis that care providing workers show higher levels of empathy in comparison to the population average, and the hypothesis that these professionals show a higher level of personality traits that, in an interpersonal context, display positive orientation towards others, that is that they are more extroverted and gracious in comparison with the population average, was refuted. These results make it possible to consider that the relationship between the basic personality dimensions and pro-social tendencies may be mediated by the level of empathy with regard to other psychological constructs and the results of social learning. Conclusions cannot be generalized, due to a relatively small sample group. For this purpose it would be interesting to carry out a professional study, which would exceed, in its scope and possibilities, the usual requirements of a thesis paper.
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La question de l'éducation chez Sénèque. Pour une contribution à la culture de la paix en Afrique / The question of education in Seneca. For a contribution to the culture of peace in AfricaAlladakan, Koffi 02 June 2017 (has links)
Dans le souci de rendre tout homme heureux, le Portique a élaboré une philosophie qui consiste à former à la vertu. A l’instar du socratisme, il a affirmé, lui aussi, que la vertu suffit pour assurer le bonheur. Sénèque, l’un des grands philosophes stoïciens de la Rome impériale, a réduit toute la philosophie à l’éducation de l’âme. Dans son développement, après avoir montré que toute érudition est vaine quand l’homme ne se prend pas au sérieux sur le plan éthique, il a affirmé comme ses prédécesseurs que la quête du bonheur réside dans la vertu qui est « une âme éduquée et instruite, que de perpétuels exercices ont conduite au sommet de la perfection. » De ce fait, il s’agit d’acquérir la sagesse à partir de la réalisation de soi afin de se mettre au service des autres. En bref, le progrès individuel doit nécessairement s’accompagner du progrès social ; et c’est justement dans cette perspective que le philosophe latin a défini la sagesse comme « l’institutrice des âmes, qui n’a pas produit les armes, la fortification, tout ce qui sert à la guerre, mais qui plaide pour la paix et appelle le genre humain à la concorde. » Là, se trouve l’éducation à la vertu, procurant la tranquillité de l’âme, comme la condition nécessaire et suffisante pour bâtir la paix, relativement au fondement de l’éducation à la paix définie par l’Unesco : « les guerres prenant naissance dans l’esprit des hommes, c’est dans l’esprit des hommes que doivent être élevées les défenses de la paix. » Cette paix est conditionnée non seulement par la solidarité humaine et la fraternité universelle mais aussi par l’écologisme que garantissent les principes stoïciens (unité et ordre du monde, sympathie universelle, vertu comme modération, principe d’oikeiosis). Ce qui montre que le stoïcisme de Sénèque est plus que jamais d’actualité et pourrait servir de source d’inspiration au monde contemporain en général et à l’Afrique en particulier dont les valeurs traditionnelles sont en voie de disparition, à cause de l’influence de la culture occidentale, lesquelles cependant sont compatibles avec celles de la philosophie humaniste que constitue le stoïcisme. / In order to make everyone happy, the Portico elaborated a philosophy aiming at training in virtue. Like the socratism, the Portico alleged that virtue is sufficient to ensure happiness. Seneca, one of the imperial Rome’s great stoic philosophers, reduced all philosophy to soul’s education. In his arguments, after having shown that all erudition is vain when man does not take himself serious ethically, said, like his predecessors, that the quest of happiness lies in virtue, "an educated and instructed soul, which perpetual exercises lead to the summit of perfection." Therefore, it is a matter of acquiring wisdom from the realization of oneself so as to be able to be at the service of others. In short, social progress must necessarily accompany individual progress; and it is precisely in this perspective that the Latin philosopher defined wisdom as "the teacher of souls, who has not produced weapons, fortification and all that serves for war but advocates for peace and calls the human race to harmony." It is here that lies education to virtue, providing tranquillity of the soul, as the necessary and sufficient condition for peace-building, in relation to the foundation of education for peace as Unesco posits: "because wars start in people’s mind, it is in their minds that should be erected defences of peace." Peace conditioned by human solidarity and universal brotherhood as well as the ecological policy that stoic principles guaranteed including unity and world order, universal sympathy, virtue as moderation, and the oikeiosis’ principle. Such brings to light how the stoicism of Seneca is more than ever relevant and could serve as a source of inspiration for the contemporary world in general and Africa in particular whose traditional values are in the process of disappearing through the influence of Western culture, which, however, is compatible with the values of the stoicism’s humanist philosophy.
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Essays on growth and human capital : an analysis of education policy / Essais sur la croissance et le capital humain : une analyse du role des politiques éducativesDavin, Marion 05 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse se compose de quatre essais théoriques, portant sur le capital humain et la croissance. L'objectif est de proposer de nouvelles approches afin de mieux identifier l'impact des politiques éducatives. Plus précisément, dans les chapitres un à trois, nos analyses sont menées dans un cadre à deux secteurs, dans la mesure où les différents secteurs qui composent une économie ne sont pas influencés de la même façon par l'éducation. Dans le quatrième chapitre nous nous intéressons aux enjeux politiques liés à la gestion des problèmes environnementaux en considérant le lien entre éducation et environnement. / This dissertation consists of four essays on human capital and growth. It aims at proposing approaches to better understand the influence of education policy. Specifically, we take into account sectoral properties, since education does not affect each sector in the same way. We also deal with the link between education and the environment, to address environmental challenges that are one of the major political issues.
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La prise en compte de l'intérêt du cocontractant / The taking into consideration of the other party's interestMehanna, Myriam 13 December 2014 (has links)
La prise en compte de l’intérêt du cocontractant, ayant une particularité conceptuelle suffisante, n’agit pas au service principal de l’intérêt égoïste ou de l’intérêt commun. Dynamique relationnelle, altruisme, et altérité de base des intérêts, en caractérisent donc une théorie pure. Quant à sa réalité théorique en droit contractuel, elle est fondée sur un principe de fraternité. Il constitue d’abord son support conceptuel, à l’exclusion de la solidarité dont il se distingue, son contenu correspondant à la triple dynamique délimitant la théorie pure de la notion. Il est ensuite son fondement réel, permettant de dépasser les limites de ses fondements concurrents – la bonne foi ou le solidarisme contractuel –, et le principe-axiome rendant compte de celle-ci. Quant à sa réalité matérielle le constat est qu’une partie de l’évolution de la théorie classique des obligations et contrats se matérialise par telle prise en compte. Cette dernière se manifeste d’une part, comme tempérament au principe de liberté contractuelle, tantôt comme norme positive de comportement – dans la bonne foi relationnelle, et l’obligation d’information renforcée –, tantôt comme limite à une prérogative contractuelle – dans le contrôle de l’abus et potentiellement, l’obligation de minimiser le dommage. Elle se manifeste d’autre part, comme aménagement du principe de la force obligatoire, opérant lors de la survenance d’une difficulté d’exécution étrangère au partenaire – dans l’obligation de renégociation du contrat, et potentiellement la théorie de l’imprévision –, ou d’une difficulté inhérente à celui-ci – dans les mesures de grâce, et la législation d’aménagement du surendettement des particuliers. / A sufficient particular concept of “taking into consideration the other party’s interest” cannot intervene principally at the service of the selfish or common interest. Its pure theory is therefore characterized by “relational dynamism”, altruism and a basic distinction between interests. Concerning its theoretical reality in contractual law, it is based on a fraternity principle. Such principle constitutes firstly its conceptual support, to the exclusion of solidarity from which it is distinguished, since its content corresponds to the triple dynamic that characterizes the notion’s pure theory. Secondly, it constitutes its real basis, since it allows overcoming the limits of its concurrent basis – the good faith and the contractual solidarism – and is the principal-axiom where it finds its source. As to its material reality, a part of the evolution of the classical theory of obligations and contracts is materialized by such taking into consideration. It is manifested on the one hand as a temperament to the contractual freedom principle, sometimes as a positive standard of behavior – in the relational good faith and the reinforced obligation of information – and sometimes as a limit to a contractual prerogative – in the control of abuse and potentially the obligation to mitigate damages. It is manifested on the other hand, as an adjustment of the binding effect principle, when occurs a difficulty of execution that is exterior to the other party – in the duty to renegotiate the contract and potentially the “unforseeability” theory –, or inherent to this party – in the grace measures and the legislation on the adjustment of private individuals excessive indebtedness.
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An investigation into the affective experiences of students in an online learning environmentMeyer, Salome M 29 July 2005 (has links)
Affective learning forms part of all kinds of educational experiences, regardless of whether the primary focus of learning is on the psychomotor or the cognitive domain. When students are exposed to these different types of educational experiences, their feelings or emotions will be stirred (Bastable 2003: 333). The aim of this study was to investigate the affective experiences of students who were enrolled for an online module, as part of their study programme. The study specifically aimed to investigate the meanings that students attached to their affective experiences during the module. The rationale of this study was based on the fact that students have affective experiences that influence their decision to persevere with a course. The purpose of this study was thus to explore and interpret the participants’ affective experiences in an online learning environment and to discover important categories of meaning (Marshall&Rossman 1999:33). The basis for the study was the fifth module of a two-year tutored master’s degree in computer-assisted education. This module, with its focus on e-learning, was presented entirely online for a period of six weeks. A game was played in cyberspace; and as the learning experiences of participants were based on surfing the Web, the game was called CyberSurfiver. In the e-learning environment, participants had to interact and communicate mainly by means of e-mail, Internet groups, and the online learning platform WebCT. Participants could also communicate synchronously by means of the Internet-based synchronous tool called Yahoo! Messenger. A qualitative approach was used for this research. A case study was chosen as a design for this study because it reflects particularistic, descriptive and heuristic characteristics. On the one hand, the case study could be related to the online culture but, on the other hand, the study aimed at interpreting meaning attached to experiences within the online culture. This study can be seen as falling within the constructivist-hermeneutic-interpretivist-qualitative paradigm. In this study, two focus group interviews were used as the principal method of data collection. The main purpose of the focus group interviews was to collect data about the affective experiences of participants. The first category identified during the data analysis and coding process of this study was called Curative Factors. The second category was called Process of Affective Development. It was concluded that the participants’ affective development could be compared to the levels of Krathwohl’s Taxonomy. The participants’ affective development were further assessed by means of a learning cycle model developed by Kort and Reilly (2002a:60-61). A third category namely <c>Inhibiting Factors was identified. The findings of this study emphasise the importance of the recognition of the holistic nature of the online students and their experiences, which imply that affective development cannot be separated from cognitive and psychomotor development. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted
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François, l’ami désenchanté : La figure de Huysmans et l’altruisme dans Soumissionde Michel HouellebecqKlingenheim, Bettina January 2020 (has links)
Ce mémoire interroge la place qu’occupe le personnage historique, Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848-1907) dans le roman Soumission (2015) de Michel Houellebecq. Située en France en 2022, l’histoire met en scène François, spécialiste de Huysmans. Afin de cerner le rôle de Huysmans dans l’histoire, nous nous sommes intéressée à l’amitié que François exprime pour lui, leurs affinités et leurs divergences. Les polémiques suscitées lors de la parution du roman nous ont poussé à également considérer la moralité de l’histoire. L’aspect temporel du roman, situé dans un futur proche, est important car il laisse supposer une comparaison. Ainsi, notamment la notion de politique-fiction - anticipation de faible amplitude -, ainsi que des concepts narratologiques empruntés à Genette - transtextualité, voix et mode -, ont fourni des outils d’analyse. De même, la recherche de Viard sur la vision politique de Houellebecq, et sa conception comtienne de la religion, a servi de guide. En premier lieu, nous avons ainsi montré que Houellebecq a créé l’illusion d’une réalité possible dans un cadre familier aux lecteurs, puis, en deuxième lieu, nous avons constaté que le narrateur est autodiégétique et la focalisation interne, ce qui nous a permis de faire le rapprochement entre le héros et la vie et l’oeuvre de Huysmans. Plus loin, l’association des caractéristiques de la politique fiction avec les fonctions testimoniale et idéologique du narrateur ont fait apparaître la figure de Huysmans comme plus largement le représentant de la décadence de la modernité. La vision antilibérale et critique exprimée par François rappelle donc le désenchantement dans la littérature « fin de siècle » dont Huysmans était un grand représentant. De plus nous avons constaté que si François et Huysmans ne partagent pas la même vision de la religion, ils partagent le même idéal conservateur de la femme et du couple. Enfin, ces éléments réunis, nous en sommes arrivée à la conclusion que plutôt que nihiliste, la moralité exprimée serait altruiste. / This essay interrogates the part played by the historical figure, Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848-1907) in Michel Houellebecqs novel Submission (2015). The story, set in France in 2022, revolves around François, specialist in Huysmans. In order to establish Huysmans role, we have focalized on François’s friendship, expressed by him, their affinities and their differences. The polemics brought on when the novel was published has also made us consider the moral of the story. The temporal aspect is important since it underscores a comparison between a plot set in the future and a historical figure. Here especially one notion of political fiction – speculation in a nearby future – has proven useful. It was furthermore the case of concepts in the field of narratology developed by Genette, intertextuality and metatextuality, voice and mode. Moreover, we have been guided by Viards theory regarding Houellebecqs political view as well as his vision on religion, inspired by Auguste Comte. Considered all together, this shows that Houellebecq has created an illusion of reality taking place in a familiar environment to which readers can relate. Further on, the narrator being homo-diegetic with an internally focalized perspective, makes it possible for us to conciliate the life of the hero with the life and works of Huysmans. We have also seen that the notions of political fiction, combined with the testimonial and ideological functions of the narrator, relates to the character of Huysmans as a representant of the decadency of modernity. Moreover, François’s anti-liberal and critical vision of France has a clear affinity with the disenchantment expressed in the 19th century, fin de siècle literature, of which Huysmans was a principal figure. We argue that although François and Huysmans don’t share the same vision of religion, they share the same conservative ideal of femininity and the couple. This all together has led us to the conclusion that the moral of the story rather than nihilistic is altruistic.
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During the last decades, the Christian population of Iraq is estimated to have decreased from about 1.5 million people to about 120,000. The historical examples of religious persecution are plenty, and in the last few years, the world again witnessed brutal violence against religious minorities, this time committed by the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). By examining the narrative of the survivors of the persecution and violence, insight can be gained into what becomes meaningful for a person in the darkest situation of violence and threats, and how the available resources can be useful to cope with the situation in a way that makes sense of evil. Through an ethnographic approach, the inner lives of eight Christians from northern Iraq are explored in this thesis. Their personal stories demonstrate how a sense of coherence can be reached through being part of something greater than oneself; activism, nationalism, and most of all; religious faith, practice, and identity.
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Actively Caring About the Actively Caring Survey: Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of a Measure of Dispositional AltruismRandall, Philip 01 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Geller’s Actively Caring Survey (ACS) was theorized to measure person states deemed necessary to “Actively Care” or act altruistically toward others. Empirical research of the ACS has been limited, and this researcher sought to evaluate its reliability, validity, and factorial consistency. Undergraduate students (n = 1,095) completed the measure online. Hypotheses were partially supported. Unrotated primary component analysis found the ACS to be a unitary measure with 73.3% of the items loading onto the first factor. The ACS showed excellent internal consistency. Convergent and divergent validity with existing measures (i.e., the Big 5 Personality, Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability, Cognitive Failures Questionnaire, Barratt Impulsiveness, and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Venturesomeness scales) was found in 88.9% of the predicted relationships; the ACS was negatively correlated with social desirability. An abbreviated ACS revision produced similar findings. Future studies should evaluate the measure in nonstudent populations, use clinical and industrial settings, and explore predictive validity.
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Are We Going In There? The Role of Brief Narratives (TV ADs and PSAs) in Narrative Transportation and Second-Order Cultivation EffectsQuillin, Michael J. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Religious Routes to Conflict Mitigation: Three Papers on Buddhism, Nationalism, and ViolenceDorjee, Tenzin January 2024 (has links)
The notion that religion intensifies nationalism and escalates conflict is widely accepted. In spite of its frequent association with violence, however, religious doctrines and institutions sometimes appear to have the radical power to deescalate conflict and reroute the expression of political grievances away from bloodshed. How, and under what conditions, might religion lend itself to the mitigation of ethnic conflict? Focusing on Buddhist nationalisms in East Asia and Southeast Asia, the three papers in this dissertation study the influence of religious beliefs on political attitudes and conflict behavior at various levels of analysis.
Using ethnographic approaches, case study methods, and original field data collected from nearly a hundred interviews among Tibetan subjects in India and Sinhalese monastics in Sri Lanka, these essays seek to deepen the nuances and complexity in our understanding of the relationship between Buddhism, nationalism, and violence.Paper #1 studies the relationship between Buddhism and suicide protest, focusing on the puzzle of self-immolation: Why do high-commitment protesters in some conflicts choose this method over conventional tactics of nonviolent resistance or suicide terrorism? Taking the wave of Tibetan self-immolations between 2009 and 2018 as a case study, this paper probes the causal importance of strategic considerations, structural constraints, and normative restraints that may have influenced the protesters’ choice of method. I develop a theoretical framework proposing that suicide protesters evaluate potential tactics based on three criteria: disruptive capability, operational feasibility, and ethical permissibility. Leveraging in-depth interviews and a close reading of the self-immolators’ last words, I conclude that the Buddhist clergy’s broad conception of violence, interacting with international norms, constrains the protesters’ tactical latitude by narrowing the parameters of what qualifies as nonviolent action, thereby eliminating many of the standard repertoires of contention from the movement’s arsenal while sanctioning self-immolation as a legitimate form of dissent. I argue that a fundamental paradox in the self-immolators’ theory of change, namely the tension between a tactic’s disruptive capability and ethical permissibility, ends up restricting their freedom of action.
Paper #2 zooms out to examine the relationship between religion, nationalism, and violence. It starts with a broad question: How, and under what conditions, might religion lend itself to the mitigation –– or the escalation –– of ethnonational conflict? To what extent do religious ideas travel from scripture to political preferences and conflict behavior? I develop two hypotheses predicting the influence of scriptural ideas on nationalist commitment and suggestibility to violence –– devoting special attention to how a group’s conception of its own national interest might be affected when the religious identity of its members supersedes their political identity. The paper finds that the Buddhist belief in rebirth can undermine the strength of one’s nationalist commitment by injecting a dose of ambiguity into one’s conception of identity. This suggests that a religious belief such as rebirth can be mobilized to deescalate ethnonational conflict by highlighting the fluidity of ethnic identity and thus lowering the stakes of conflict. Moreover, it also finds that Mahayana Buddhism’s emphasis on altruism, while rooted in compassion toward others, can end up increasing an individual’s suggestibility to violence and therefore should not be assumed to be a pacifying force in conflict. Mahayana doctrines, though built on more inclusivist founding principles than the Theravada tradition and therefore more resistant to exclusivist ideologies like nationalism, are nevertheless susceptible to utilitarian reasoning and lend themselves readily to the justification of violence. In our interviews, Tibetan monastics, educated under a uniform Mahayana curriculum, turned out to be far more suggestible to violence than their Theravada counterparts in Sri Lanka, an observation that supports our counterintuitive hypothesis linking an altruism-oriented curriculum with suggestibility to violence.
Paper #3 takes a historical case study approach to examine how Buddhist religious ideas may have, in interaction with liberal international norms, influenced the Tibetan leadership’s de-escalation politics in the Sino-Tibetan conflict. While paper #2 of this dissertation explored Buddhism’s relationship with nationalism and violence at the level of rank-and-file citizens, this paper shifts the focus from group-level preferences to elite-level decision-making. It relies on document analysis and process tracing methods to answer a particular historical question: How did the independence-seeking Tibetan nationalist leadership of the 1960s evolve into compromise-seeking pacifists in the 1980s and subsequent decades?
I seek to illuminate the pathways by which religious beliefs and charismatic leadership structure, in interaction with the normative constraints of liberal internationalism, may have facilitated the Tibetan leadership’s de-escalation politics in the Sino-Tibetan conflict. To do so, I leverage counterfactual history (Belkin & Tetlock, 1996), biographical data of key leaders (Creswell, 1998), and document analysis of their speeches and writings –– including a close examination of the Dalai Lama’s annual March 10 speeches from 1960 to 2011. While the other two papers explore the multifaceted relationship between Buddhism, nationalism, and violence by studying the political attitudes and conflict behavior of ordinary people and rank-and-file monastics, this paper delves into the political and psychological evolution of two Tibetan leaders, the Dalai Lama and former Tibetan prime minister Samdhong Rinpoche, to examine the ways in which private religious beliefs can interact with global norms to guide and constrain the high-level foreign policy decision-making of political elites.
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