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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse contrastive des verbes dans des corpus médicaux et création d’une ressource verbale de simplification de textes / Automatic analysis of verbs in texts of medical corpora : theoretical and applied issues

Wandji Tchami, Ornella 26 February 2018 (has links)
Grâce à l’évolution de la technologie à travers le Web, la documentation relative à la santé est de plus en plus abondante et accessible à tous, plus particulièrement aux patients, qui ont ainsi accès à une panoplie d’informations sanitaires. Malheureusement, la grande disponibilité de l’information médicale ne garantit pas sa bonne compréhension par le public visé, en l’occurrence les non-experts. Notre projet de thèse a pour objectif la création d’une ressource de simplification de textes médicaux, à partir d’une analyse syntaxico-sémantique des verbes dans quatre corpus médicaux en français qui se distinguent de par le degré d’expertise de leurs auteurs et celui des publics cibles. La ressource conçue contient 230 patrons syntaxicosémantiques des verbes (appelés pss), alignés avec leurs équivalents non spécialisés. La méthode semi-automatique d’analyse des verbes appliquée pour atteindre notre objectif est basée sur quatre tâches fondamentales : l’annotation syntaxique des corpus, réalisée grâce à l’analyseur syntaxique Cordial (Laurent, Dominique et al, 2009) ; l’annotation sémantique des arguments des verbes, à partir des catégories sémantiques de la version française de la terminologie médicale Snomed Internationale (Côté, 1996) ; l’acquisition des patrons syntactico-sémantiqueset l’analyse contrastive du fonctionnement des verbes dans les différents corpus. Les patrons syntaxico-sémantiques des verbes acquis au terme de ce processus subissent une évaluation (par trois équipes d’experts en médecine) qui débouche sur la sélection des candidats constituant la nomenclature de la ressource de simplification. Les pss sont ensuite alignés avec leurs correspondants non spécialisés, cet alignement débouche sur le création de la ressource de simplification, qui représente le résultat principal de notre travail de thèse. Une évaluation du rendement du contenu de la ressource a été effectuée avec deux groupes d’évaluateurs : des linguistes et des non-linguistes. Les résultats montrent que la simplification des pss permet de faciliter la compréhension du sens du verbe en emploi spécialisé, surtout lorsque un certains paramètres sont réunis. / With the evolution of Web technology, healthcare documentation is becoming increasinglyabundant and accessible to all, especially to patients, who have access to a large amount ofhealth information. Unfortunately, the ease of access to medical information does not guaranteeits correct understanding by the intended audience, in this case non-experts. Our PhD work aimsat creating a resource for the simplification of medical texts, based on a syntactico-semanticanalysis of verbs in four French medical corpora, that are distinguished according to the levelof expertise of their authors and that of the target audiences. The resource created in thepresent thesis contains 230 syntactico-semantic patterns of verbs (called pss), aligned withtheir non-specialized equivalents. The semi-automatic method applied, for the analysis of verbs,in order to achieve our goal is based on four fundamental tasks : the syntactic annotation of thecorpora, carried out thanks to the Cordial parser (Laurent et al., 2009) ; the semantic annotationof verb arguments, based on semantic categories of the French version of a medical terminologyknown as Snomed International (Côté, 1996) ; the acquisition of syntactico-semantic patternsof verbs and the contrastive analysis of the verbs behaviors in the different corpora. Thepss, acquired at the end of this process, undergo an evaluation (by three teams of medicalexperts) which leads to the selection of candidates constituting the nomenclature of our textsimplification resource. These pss are then aligned with their non-specialized equivalents, thisalignment leads to the creation of the simplification resource, which is the main result of ourPhD study. The content of the resource was evaluated by two groups of people : linguists andnon-linguists. The results show that the simplification of pss makes it easier for non-expertsto understand the meaning of verbs used in a specialized way, especially when a certain set ofparameters is collected.

Persistência de ordem em modelos ferromagnéticos na presença de campos auto-similares quase aleatórios\" / Persistence of order on ferromagnetic models in the presence of quasi random auto-similar fields

Carvalho, Silas Luiz de 27 April 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos a existência de ordem de longo alcance em modelos ferromagnéticos na presença de um campo externo cuja configuração apresenta um padrão tipicamente aleatório. Provamos por meio do argumento de Peierls modificado por Griffiths para o estudo de um antiferromagneto, que o modelo de Ising ferromagnético bidimensional exibe, para um campo alternado de intensidade fraca, ordem de longo alcance `a temperatura finita. Propomos dar um passo além considerando campos auto-similares esparsos, cuja soma é nula em todas as escalas. Estudamos também o modelo hierárquico em duas dimensões, para o qual provamos a existência de ordem de longo alcance a temperatura finita, na ausência de campo externo e para um campo com regiões irregulares esparsas. Provamos que os resultados do modelo de contornos hierárquicos são equivalentes aos resultados do modelo hierárquico em duas dimensões. Por fim, provamos através do método do limite infravermelho existência de ordem de longo alcance no modelo N-vetorial com campo alternado, de intensidade fraca, para d >= 3, sob a hipótese de que a variância do estado associado `a interação com o campo apresenta cardinalidade inferior a do volume do sistema. Mostramos, sob hipóteses similares, que o modelo N-vetorial hierárquico com campo externo, esparso e de intensidade pequena, apresenta ordem de longo alcance a baixas temperaturas. / In this work we study the existence of long range order for ferromagnetic models in the presence of an external field whose configuration has a pattern typically random. We prove, via the Peierls\' argument modified by Griffiths in his study of an antiferromagnet, that the two dimensional ferromagnetic Ising model for a staggered field exhibits long-range order at finite temperature and small field intensity. We propose to give a further step considering sparse self similar fields, whose sum is zero in all scales. We study as well the hierarchical model in two dimensions, where we prove existence of long-range order at finite temperature in the absence of external field and for a field configuration with sparse irregular regions. We prove that the results for the two-dimensional hierarchical contours model are equivalent to the results of the hierarchical model in two dimensions. Lastly, we prove via infrared bound method, existence of long range order in the N-vector model with a staggered and weak external field for d >= 3, under the hypothesis that the variance of the state connected with the field interaction has cardinality lower than volume. We show, under similar hypotheses, that the N-vector hierarchical model with a sparse field of low intensity has long range ordem at low temperatures.

A morfossintaxe do português brasileiro e sua estrutura argumental: uma investigação sobre anticausativas, médias, impessoais e a alternância agentiva / Brazilian Portuguese morphosyntax and its argument structure: an investigation of anticausatives, middles, impersonals and the agentive alternation

Janayna Maria da Rocha Carvalho 18 April 2016 (has links)
Esta tese estuda quatro construções que tiveram/estão tendo mudanças em sua sintaxe no português brasileiro (PB). São elas: anticausativas, como em (1) O prato (se) quebrou: médias, como em (2) Essa roupa (se) lava fácil, o membro inacusativo da alternância agentiva, (3) Essa roupa lavou (*se) ontem e impessoais, como (4) Nesse lugar (se) vende bota. Afirmo que as mudanças nas estruturas desses eventos possuem uma origem em comum: a perda de SE que nucleia um tipo de projeção Voice específica. Essa projeção de Voice pode ou não projetar um especificador em que um argumento implícito pro é alocado. Quando essa projeção de Voice tem o especificador projetado, origina-se a interpretação de que um humano é responsável pelo evento. Essa é a interpretação em médias e impessoais com SE. Nos casos em que a projeção de Voice não tem o especificador projetado, a leitura que se tem é de um evento espontâneo que aconteceu sem que um Agente o promovesse, como em anticausativas. Em relação a esse argumento implícito em alguns dos eventos tratados, no Capítulo 2, demonstro que uma série de diferenças dos eventos estudados em relação a outras línguas românicas está relacionada ao tipo de argumento implícito projetado em Voice. O argumento implícito em PB é forte, comportando-se como um DP e funcionando como um interventor em função da sua constituição. Em contraste, o argumento implícito em espanhol, por exemplo, é fraco e não é um interventor em relações de Agree de uma sonda com mais de um argumento (nos casos em que essas relações são lícitas). Essa característica é responsável por diferenças significativas entre os eventos com SE do PB e de outras línguas românicas, algumas das quais foram exploradas nesta tese. Um caminho analítico empregado em vários dos capítulos desta tese é cotejo das variantes marcadas e não marcadas dos eventos estudados acima. No Capítulo 3, lido com anticausativas marcadas e suas contrapartes não marcadas e demonstro que nada mudou na estrutura desse evento com a perda de SE. Isso é esperado, já que anticausativas só possuem um argumento e SE tem o único papel de nuclear Voice. No Capítulo 4, estudo médias marcadas e não-marcadas e demonstro que houve uma alteração substancial na sintaxe desses eventos. Médias não-marcadas não possuem nenhum argumento implícito e são inacusativas para todos os testes relevantes. Isso mostra que as médias não-marcadas em PB se distanciam de médias não-marcadas do inglês, por exemplo, que são descritas como sentenças transitivas. Nesse caso, a perda de SE levou à perda de Voice. No Capítulo 5, estudo o membro inacusativo da alternância agentiva, exemplo em (4), e mostro que, apesar de esse tipo de evento não se combinar com SE, o que aponta que não há Voice nucleada por SE nas sentenças que expressam esse tipo de evento, elas são um subproduto da existência de médias inacusativas não-marcadas no PB. Isto é, sentenças como Essa roupa lavou ontem são uma generalização dos contextos em que uma estrutura como Essa roupa lava fácil pode entrar. Nesse sentido, essas sentenças também estão relacionadas com a perda de um tipo de Voice específico no PB, mas de uma forma indireta. Por último, no Capítulo 6, estudo sentenças impessoais e mostro que a variante não-marcada é talvez um dos eventos estudados nesta tese em que mais houve mudanças, porque essas sentenças sinalizam também uma mudança em TP. Ao contrário de médias e o membro inacusativo da alternância agentiva, todavia, sentenças impessoais necessitam de um argumento externo. Em sentenças como Nesse lugar (se) vende bota, o locativo é o especificador de Voice. Esse elemento é usado nesse tipo de sentença locativa justamente porque locativos geram leituras existenciais. Em suma, este estudo descreve uma série de mudanças em eventos do PB que acontecem, em última análise, em virtude da perda de morfologia nessa língua. O estudo contribui, assim, para dois debates maiores: i) de que forma mudanças de parâmetro podem afetar os eventos da gramática; ii) se eventos são melhor descritos por abordagens lexicais ou sintáticas. Os resultados aqui reportados mostram que mudanças de parâmetros podem afetar eventos, embora não essa não seja uma característica definidora do parâmetro pro-drop, por exemplo. Além disso, os dados do PB mostram que eventos concebidos como fruto de alternâncias lexicais em muitas abordagens atuais, como anticausativas e médias, mudam de acordo com tendências sintáticas da língua e são melhor tratadas em abordagens sintáticas em virtude disso. / In this thesis, I study four constructions that have changed in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), namely anticausatives, as in (1) The plate (se) broke; middles, as in (2) These clothes (se) wash easily; the unaccusative member of the agentive alternation, (3) This cloth (*se) washed yesterday and impersonals, as in (4) In this place (se) sell boots. I argue that all these changes are related to the loss of a Voice projection whose nucleus is the clitic SE. The said projection can or cannot project a specifier, in which pro is merged. When pro is present, the interpretation of an entity responsible for the event originates. This is found in middles and impersonal sentences with SE. As anticausatives are spontaneous events, in this particular case, this type of Voice does not project a specifier. In respect to the implicit argument in some of these events, in Chapter 2, I show that several contrasts among these events in Romance languages can be accounted for if there are different types of implicit arguments. Whereas the implicit argument in BP is strong, i.e. it behaves as a regular DP and intervenes in Agree relations, in Spanish it is a weak implicit argument and does not intervene when the probe enters in a relationship with more than one goal. These constituency differences are responsible for the differences between events with SE in BP and other languages, some of them are treated in this thesis. Throughout the analysis, I compare the SE-variant with its alternative realization without the clitic. In Chapter 3, I deal with marked anticausatives and their unmarked counterparts. I claim that nothing really changed in this case despite the loss of SE. This is expected, since Voiced anticausatives do not project an implicit argument. In Chapter 4, I deal with marked and unmarked middles, showing a substantial change in their structure. There is no implicit argument in unmarked middles and they behave as generic unaccusative for all relevant tests. This shows that unmarked middles in BP differ from English middles, which are normally analyzed as transitive or unergatives. In this case, the loss of SE led to the loss of Voice. In Chapter 5, I study the unaccusative member of the agentive alternation, exemplified by (3). I argue that, although SE is not licensed in this type of event, which shows that there is no Voice in it, they are a byproduct of unmarked middles in BP. In other words, sentences like This cloth washed yesterday (lit.) are a generalization over the contexts in which This cloth washes easily is licensed. For this reason, these sentences are also related to the loss of a specific type of Voice in BP, albeit in an indirect way. Finally, in Chapter 6, I study impersonal sentences. The unmarked variant of this type of event is perhaps the most affected one, since the changes do not affect only Voice, but also T. Unlike middles and the unaccusative member of the agentive alternation, however, impersonal sentences need an external argument. In sentences such as (4), the locative is the specifier of Voice. This element is used because locatives generate existential readings. To sum up, this study describes a series of changes in BP events that happened ultimately due to the loss of morphology in this language. This study contributes to two major debates: i) in which way changes of parameter can affect events; ii) if events are better described by lexical or syntactic approaches. The results reported in this thesis indicate that parametrical changes can affect events, even though this is not a defining property of the pro-drop parameter. In respect to (ii), BP data shows that events traditionally treated by lexical approaches, as anticausatives and middles, are tied in with general morphossyntactic changes in the language and are thus better explained by syntactic approaches.

Låttexten i fält : Åsikter om låttexten som litteratur i debatten om Bob Dylans nobelpris i svenska dagstidningar

Blomberg, Alvin January 2019 (has links)
När Svenska Akademien år 2016 tilldelade Bob Dylan nobelpriset i litteratur väcktes en enorm debatt i svenska tidningar rörande frågan ifall priset kan tilldelas en musiker och ifall låttexten går att betrakta som litteratur. I denna uppsats undersöks vilka argumenten i debatten var för och emot låttexten som litteratur. Utöver detta analyseras även vilka litteraturideal debattörerna baserade sina argument på. Materialet för studien är artiklar ur svenska tidningar publicerade år 2016-2018 och debatten analyseras med hjälp av den franske sociologen Pierre Bourdieus fältteori för att påvisa hur det litterära fältets aktörer reagerade på Akademiens val av Dylan och en textform utanför det konventionella litteraturbegreppet. Studiens resultat visar att det i debatten förekom åtta argument för eller emot att Bob Dylans låttexter är litteratur. De till priset negativt inställda kritikerna menade att hindren för låttexten att vara litteratur är dess beroende av sin ljudande form, dess stora popularitet och publikframgång, den separata marknaden och de säregna marknadsförutsättningarna för låttexter gentemot den konventionella litteraturen. De positiva kritikerna menade istället att låttexten är litteratur på grund av likheten med antikens och romantikens lyrik och poesi, intertextualiteten och likheten med modernismen, dess estetiska kvalitéer och rim, samt dess emancipatoriska innehåll. Utöver detta påvisar undersökningen att Svenska Akademiens val av Bob Dylan tolkades av tidningarnas kulturskribenter som att institutionen försökte bredda litteraturbegreppet till att även innefatta låttexter.  För att försvara det litterära fältets autonomi användes strategier av de positiva kritikerna som att försöka förknippa Dylan med litterärt kapital och låttexterna med konsekrerade verk ur den västerländska kanon. De negativa kritikerna anklagade Svenska Akademiens val för att vara för kommersiellt samt hänvisade till värnandet om det skrivna ordet och den smala kulturen. Avslutningsvis ges låttexter och det litteratursamhälle som omgärdar dem som förslag på forskningsobjekt för framtida litteratursociologisk forskning.

Subalgebras de Mishchenko-Fomenko em S(gl_n) e sequências regulares / Mishchenko-Fomenko Subalgebras in S(gl_n) and regular sequences

Cantero, Wilson Fernando Mutis 01 April 2016 (has links)
Seja S(gl_n) a álgebra simétrica da álgebra de Lie das matrizes de tamanho nxn sobre o corpo C dos números complexos. Para \\xi em gl_n*=gl_n, seja F_{\\xi}(gl_n) a asubálgebra de Mishchenko-Fomenko de S(gl_n) construída pelo método de deslocamento de argumento associada ao parâmetro \\xi. É conhecido que se \\xi é um elemento semisimples regular ou nilpotente regular então a subálgebra F_{\\xi}(gl_n) é gerada por uma sequência regular em S(gl_n). Nesta tese é provado que em gl_3 o resultado estende para todo \\xi em gl_3, isto é, as subálgebras de Mishchenco-Fomenko F_{\\xi}(gl_3) são geradas por uma sequência regular em S(gl_3), uma consequência deste fato é que os módulo irredutíveis sobre certas subálgebras comutativas da álgebra envolvente universal U(gl_3) podem ser levantados a módulos irredutiveis sobre U(gl_3). Além disso, é provado que em gl_4 esse resultado é válido para todo elemento nilpotente \\xi em gl_4. O caso geral, que é determinar quando as subálgebras de Mishchenko-Fomenko F_{\\xi}(gl_n) , com \\xi em gl_n, são geradas por uma sequência regular em S(gl_n), é ainda um problema aberto. / Let S(gl_n) be the symmetric algebra of the Lie algebra of the matrices of size nxn over the field C of complex numbers. For \\xi in gl_n*=gl_n, let F_{\\xi}(gl_n) be the Mishchenko-Fomenko subalgebra of S(gl_n) constructed by the argument shift method associated with the parameter \\xi. It is known that if \\xi is a semisimple regular element or nilpotent regular element then the subalgebra F_(g_ln) is generated by a regular sequence in S(gl_n). In this thesis we prove that in gl_3 the result is extended to all \\xi in gl_3, this is, the Mishchenco-Fomenko subalgebras F_{\\xi}(gl3) are generated by a regular sequence in S(gl_3), A consequence of this fact is that the irreducible modules over certain commutative subalgebras of the universal enveloping algebra U(gl_3) can it be lifted to irreducible modules over U(gl_3). Furthermore, is proved that this result is true for all elements nilpotente \\xi in gl_4. The general case, which is determined when the Mishchenko-Fomenko subalgebras F_{\\xi}(gl_n), with \\xi in gl_n, are generated by a regular sequence in S(gl_n), it is still an open problem.


林質心, Lin, Chih-hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在闡明史賓塞如何架構出一則阿諦構和布烈特瑪間的完美愛情故事並鼓勵那些活在真實世界中的讀者跟隨這對戀人的腳蹤。本文首先介紹基督教中的愛論如何建基於神人之間完美的愛,並介紹史賓塞如何以神聖之愛為典範,寫出一對完美的愛人。藉此典範,史賓塞拆毀了兩座巨牆:他不但使人可以有完美的愛情,也使他的人物同時具有寓言和寫實兩大特性.此外、本文亦說明基督教愛論和其實現間的環狀關係如和使史賓塞的愛情故事和基督教的愛論亦產生環狀關係。第二、本文細探阿諦構和布烈特瑪間關係的發展、將之分為三個階段:為愛人、為夫妻、為朋友。在這三階段中、此愛情故事皆和基督教的愛論有環狀關係:此故事反映了神聖之愛的光華、釋明了神聖之愛的迷團、並藉著神聖之愛的特異處將此愛情故事中似乎不完美處解釋為完美。藉著探討史賓塞的愛情故事和基督教愛論彼此間的環狀關係、本文終能釐清史賓塞如何促使讀者基督教中認為人可以行出的貞潔。本文最後呈現史賓塞的環狀辯論如何鼓勵讀者不僅閱讀阿諦構和布烈特瑪的經驗、並能親身嘗試實行這對愛人的信念。 / This thesis aims at explaining how Spenser builds his love story of Artegall and Britomart as a perfect love model for all his readers in the real world to follow. The thesis first introduces how the Christian theory of love is modeled on the perfect love relation between God and human beings and how Spenser emulates that divine model and creates a pair of perfect human lovers. By his emulation of the divine model, he not only breaks down the middle wall between the perfect and the human, but also shapes his characters as both allegorical and realistic. Besides, the thesis also explains how the circular relationship between the Christian theory of love and its practice renders Spenser's artistic love model to have a circular relatioinship with theChristian love theory, too. Second, the argument of the thesis follows closely the development of Artegall and Britomart's relationship and divides it into three phases: their relationship as lovers, as husband and wife, as friends. In all the three phases, the love story has a circular relationship with the Christian theory oflove. It reflects the glory of a divine love model, explains the mystery of Christian love, and is justified of its seeming defects by the harshness andother-worldliness of the divine love. By laying bare of the circularrelationship between Spenser's love story and the Christian theory of love, the thesis finally comes to unravel Spenser's art of inviting the readers toperform chastity that human beings in Christian theory is supposed perform. Thethesis concludes by showing how the circular argument encourages the readers to join in Artegall and Britomart's experience and to practice their belief about love rather than simply to read it.

臺語述補式結構之研究-以論旨結構為本之分析 / The Strucuture of Verb-Complement Constructions in Taiwanese: An Argument Structure Approach

杜陳聖, Du, Chen Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文擬論述臺語述補式結構之語法與語意特性。述補式複合結構由兩個動詞或一個動詞及一個表示此一動詞之時帽組合成。由於臺語文獻中缺乏此類結構之研究,我們瀏灠了漢語中有關術補式複合動詞之研究,並採用張郇慧教授以論旨結構為本之分析模式。此結構之形成與論旨結構及句法上之及物性密切相關。除了此結構之形成外,我們亦討論其句法及語意系統與論旨結構之關聯。我們希望能藉此研究對此結構提供清楚而基本之概念。 / The previous studies on Taiwanese focus on the phonology and written forms, but few on other fields.In the thesis, we adopt a widely usde structure: Verb-Complement Construction to explore the syntax and semantics of the construction.Verb-Complement Constructions consist of two verbs or one verb plus a functional item which specifies verbal of the first verb. Due to the lack of previous studies on the topic, we first review several analyses on Mandarin Verb-Complement Compounds and adopt Chang's (1994) argument-structure-based analysis as the research approach. We propose that two factors contribute to the formation of this construction: syntactic transitivity and argument structure.The argument structure is divided into two categories: full-fledged and degenerated. Verb-complement Constructions, syntactically speaking, are formed by the combinations of transitive-transitive, intransitive-intransitive, and transitive-intransitive. Verb-Complement Constructions with full-fledged argument structure are distinguished into eight types based on the five types of this construction in terms of syntactic transitivity; Verb-complement constructions with degenerated argument structure are classified into four types based on the four kinds of this construction in terms of syntactic transitivity. We argue that different syntactic structures such as middle forms, verb copying constructions, HO construction, and KA construction as well as semantics of the construction can be effectively accounted for by argument structure.By the study, we hope to provide a fundamental and clear picture on the construction.

Explanation and deduction : a defence of deductive chauvinism

Hållsten, Henrik January 2001 (has links)
In this essay I defend the notion of deductive explanation mainly against two types of putative counterexamples: those found in genuinely indeterministic systems and those found in complex dynamic systems. Using Railton's notions of explanatory information and ideal explanatory text, deductivism is defended in an indeterministic setting. Furthermore, an argument against non-deductivism that hinges on peculiarities of probabilistic causality is presented. The use of the notion of an ideal explanatory text gives rise to problems in accounting for explanations in complex dynamic systems, regardless of whether they are deterministic or not. These problems are considered in the essay and a solution is suggested. This solution forces the deductivist to abandon the requirement that an explanation consists of a deductive argument, but it is argued that the core of deductivism is saved in so far as we, for full explanations, can still adhere to the fundamental requirement: If A explains B, then A is inconsistent with anything inconsistent with B.

Gud och vardagsspråket : En religionsfilosofisk förutsättningsanalys / God and Everyday Language : An Analysis of Presuppositions in Philosophy of Religion

Fromm Wikström, Linda January 2010 (has links)
The main purpose of this dissertation is to answer the question of how one can understand the fact that we mean very different things when we say that God exists and when we say that chairs, mountains and trees exist, and that it is still a matter of existence. On the one hand it seems that we talk about the same thing when we say that something exists, irrespective of what it is, on the other hand it seems to be a question of very different things depending on what it is we are talking about as existing. This dissertation seeks to give an understanding of the relation between the concept of truth and the concept of reality. The conclusion is not only that we presuppose these concepts in everything we do, say, believe and think, but that we presuppose a specific understanding of these concepts, namely a concept of objective truth and a concept of an external and mind independent reality. In this dissertation it is also argued that our use of these concepts and that we use them in everything we do – that they are as basic as they are – says something about how it is, about reality. The use of these concepts does not only say something of what we conceptually presuppose but it also says something about what we assume in relation to reality. The conceptual aspect, in this way, has consequences ontologi.

Adaptive Mesh Refinement Solution Techniques for the Multigroup SN Transport Equation Using a Higher-Order Discontinuous Finite Element Method

Wang, Yaqi 16 January 2010 (has links)
In this dissertation, we develop Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) techniques for the steady-state multigroup SN neutron transport equation using a higher-order Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method (DGFEM). We propose two error estimations, a projection-based estimator and a jump-based indicator, both of which are shown to reliably drive the spatial discretization error down using h-type AMR. Algorithms to treat the mesh irregularity resulting from the local refinement are implemented in a matrix-free fashion. The DGFEM spatial discretization scheme employed in this research allows the easy use of adapted meshes and can, therefore, follow the physics tightly by generating group-dependent adapted meshes. Indeed, the spatial discretization error is controlled with AMR for the entire multigroup SNtransport simulation, resulting in group-dependent AMR meshes. The computing efforts, both in memory and CPU-time, are significantly reduced. While the convergence rates obtained using uniform mesh refinement are limited by the singularity index of transport solution (3/2 when the solution is continuous, 1/2 when it is discontinuous), the convergence rates achieved with mesh adaptivity are superior. The accuracy in the AMR solution reaches a level where the solution angular error (or ray effects) are highlighted by the mesh adaptivity process. The superiority of higherorder calculations based on a matrix-free scheme is verified on modern computing architectures. A stable symmetric positive definite Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration (DSA) scheme is devised for the DGFEM-discretized transport equation using a variational argument. The Modified Interior Penalty (MIP) diffusion form used to accelerate the SN transport solves has been obtained directly from the DGFEM variational form of the SN equations. This MIP form is stable and compatible with AMR meshes. Because this MIP form is based on a DGFEM formulation as well, it avoids the costly continuity requirements of continuous finite elements. It has been used as a preconditioner for both the standard source iteration and the GMRes solution technique employed when solving the transport equation. The variational argument used in devising transport acceleration schemes is a powerful tool for obtaining transportconforming diffusion schemes. xuthus, a 2-D AMR transport code implementing these findings, has been developed for unstructured triangular meshes.

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