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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


O’Brien, Colleen 16 May 2014 (has links)
A study was conducted to investigate and identify differences inherent in two subtypes of psychosis driven or mentally disordered homicide: matricide versus any other biological intrafamilial homicide or attempted homicide. Matricide was further investigated through the exploration of offence specific details, as well as demographic and diagnostic characteristics of persons who had committed (or attempted) homicide against the mother and were subsequently found not criminally responsible and detained by the Ontario Review Board between 1992 and 2012. Matricidal accused were more often diagnosed with childhood disorders and paranoid schizophrenia. As adults, they failed to mature sexually and socially, and continued to live at home, dependent on the mothers that were the ultimate victims of their violence. Attachment theory is offered as a proposed explanation for the matricidal impulse.

Promoting suicide prevention : an evaluation of a programme for training trainers in psychiatric clinical work /

Ramberg, Inga-Lill, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2003. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

A study of attempted suidices treated at Hartford Hospital submitted ... in partial fulfillment ... Master of Hospital Administration /

Pratt, John R. January 1965 (has links)
Thesis (M.H.A.)--University of Michigan, 1965.

A study of attempted suidices treated at Hartford Hospital submitted ... in partial fulfillment ... Master of Hospital Administration /

Pratt, John R. January 1965 (has links)
Thesis (M.H.A.)--University of Michigan, 1965.

Adolescent suicidal behaviours : a phenomenological study of mothers' experiences /

Torraville, Margaret Ann, January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (M.N.)--Memorial University of Newfoundland, School of Nursing, 2001. / Typescript. Bibliography: leaves 86-89.

Se mig, hör mig, känn mig : En litteraturstudie om ungas uppleveler efter ett suicid försök / See me, hear me, feel me : A literature study about young people experiencing a suicide attempt

Knutsson, Diana January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den psykiska ohälsan har sedan 1990-talet ökat i Sverige och är idag en av de vanligaste dödsorsakerna bland unga i åldrarna 15–29 år. Riskfaktorer som påverkar de ungas psykiska hälsa beskrivs liksom vikten av att sjuksköterskan har förståelse för hur inre och yttre faktorer ökar risken för långvarig sjukdom. Syfte: Att beskriva ungas upplevelser efter ett suicidförsök. Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturstudie som utgår från intervjustudier med unga. Databaser som använts är Cinahl och Medline. Resultat: Resultatet bygger på tio valda artiklar med fokus på ungas upplevelser av vården efter ett suicidförsök. Fem teman framträdde de beskriver ungas upplevelser dessa är: att önska bekräftelse på den inre smärtan, att vilja bli sedd som en individ och inte bli dömd, att vilja bli förstådd och att bli lyssnad till inger förtroende, att inte vilja bli sedd som ett objekt och att vilja leva och förverkliga drömmar med stöd och hjälp Slutsats: Genom att i ett tidigt skede kunna identifiera och se tecken på psykisk ohälsa kan sjuksköterskor ge de unga rätt stöd och hjälp för att undvika onödigt lidande. Genom förbyggande arbete kan fler unga undgå långa vårdtider vilket minskar risken att de hamnar i utanförskap och social isolering. / Background: Psychological ill health has increased in Sweden since the 1990s and is today one of the most common causes of death among young people aged 15–29. Risk factors affecting the mental health of young people are described as well as the importance of the nurse understanding how internal and external factors increase the risk of long-term illness. Purpose: To describe young people's experiences after a suicide attempt. Method: A qualitative literature study based on interviews with young people. Databases used are Cinahl and Medline. Result: The result is based on ten selected articles focusing on young people's experiences of care after a suicide attempt. Five themes emerged they describe the experiences of young people these are: wanting confirmation of inner pain, wanting to be seen as an individual and not being sentenced, wanting to be understood and being listened to trust, not wanting to be seen as an object and wanting to live and realize dreams with support and help Conclusion: By being able to identify and see signs of mental health at an early stage, nurses can provide young people with the right support and help to avoid unnecessary suffering. By preventive work, more young people can avoid long periods of care, which reduces the risk that they end up in exclusion and social isolation.

"O adolescente que tenta suicídio: estudo epidemiológico em uma unidade de emergência" / ADOLESCENTS WHO ATTEMPT TO COMMIT SUICIDE: EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDY AT AN EMERGENCY UNIT

Rita de Cassia Avanci 19 July 2004 (has links)
A tentativa de suicídio é uma causa muito freqüente de atendimento em urgências psiquiátricas. O presente estudo relacionou o fenômeno do suicídio com a adolescência, que é um período de conflitos e de grande vulnerabilidade. Teve como objetivo traçar um perfil epidemiológico descritivo de adolescentes, admitidos em uma unidade de emergência psiquiátrica, diagnosticados como Tentativa de Suicídio. Para isso, foram examinados todos os atendimentos de adolescentes na faixa etária entre 10 e 19 anos, admitidos na Unidade de Emergência do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, com o diagnóstico referido, no ano de 2002, obtidos através do Serviço de Arquivo Médico deste Hospital. Os dados foram analisados de forma quantitativa-descritiva. Os resultados mostraram que (77,8%) dos casos de tentativa de suicídio pertencem ao sexo feminino, a maioria está na faixa etária entre 15 e 19 anos com predominância do estado civil solteiro, a cor branca e estudantes, com residência em bairros de baixo nível sócio-econômico. O método mais utilizado foi a ingestão de drogas (medicamentos) e as maiores freqüências foram encontradas nos meses de fevereiro e agosto. A segunda-feira foi o dia da semana preferido e o maior número de atendimentos foi constatado no horário entre as 18 e 24 horas. Esses resultados são semelhantes aos descritos na literatura e sugerem maior atenção a esse problema de saúde pública. / Suicide attempts are a very frequent cause of psychiatric urgency assistance. This study established a relation between the suicide phenomenon and adolescence, which is a period characterized by conflicts and great vulnerability. We aimed to outline a descriptive epidemiological profile of adolescents admitted at a psychiatric emergency unit who were diagnosed as Suicide Attempt. Thus, we examined the assistance given to adolescents between 10 and 19 years, who were admitted at the Emergency Unit of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto Medical School Hospital das Clínicas, Brazil, with the above mentioned diagnosis, in 2002. This information was obtained through the Medical Record Service of this Hospital. Data were analyzed quantitatively and descriptively. Results demonstrated that (77,8%) of suicide attempt cases refer to women, most of which are between 15 and 19 years old, predominantly single, white and students, while live in low class neighborhoods. The most frequently used method was drugs (medication) intake and the highest frequency rates were found in February and August. Monday was the most preferred day of the week and most assistance was delivered between 18 and 24 hours. These results are similar to what is found in literature and suggest that greater attention should be given to this public health problem.

Fatores de risco para a tentativa de suicÃdio em um hospital de referÃncia da mesorregiÃo noroeste do cearÃ: estudo caso-controle / Risk factors for suicide attempt in a reference hospital cearà northwest: case - control study

Tamires Alexandre FÃlix 28 January 2016 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Santa Casa de MisericÃrdia de Sobral / As tentativas de suicÃdio podem ser conceituadas como atos intencionais de autoagressÃo que nÃo resultam em morte. No Brasil foram registrados mais de 30 Ãbitos autoprovocados por dia em 2012 sendo que a estimativa para as Tentativas de SuicÃdio tendem a ser de 10 a 20 vezes maior atingindo tambÃm as famÃlias. Na regiÃo em saÃde de Sobral â Cearà as taxas vem crescendo progressivamente exigindo maior intervenÃÃo da gestÃo para prevenir novos casos e acompanhar os grupos de risco. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a associaÃÃo de fatores considerados de risco com a tentativa de suicÃdio em pessoas atendidas em um hospital de referÃncia em Sobral a partir do mÃtodo caso-controle. Desta forma, contribuir para a caracterizaÃÃo da demanda, qualificaÃÃo da assistÃncia, acompanhamento e avaliaÃÃo no Ãmbito da AtenÃÃo PrimÃria alÃm de aÃÃes intersetoriais de prevenÃÃo. Trata-se de um estudo com abordagem Quantitativa do tipo Caso-Controle de base populacional desenvolvido na unidade de emergÃncia adulta da Santa Casa de MisericÃrdia de Sobral, polo de atendimento na MesorregiÃo Noroeste. Foram incluÃdos 153 casos e 153 controles admitidos entre agosto de 2013 e agosto de 2015 pareados por sexo, idade e procedÃncia. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um formulÃrio prÃprio e as informaÃÃes processadas no software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences e analisadas por estatÃstica descritiva. O estudo obedeceu a ResoluÃÃo 466/12 com parecer favorÃvel do Comità de Ãtica da Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraà (n 384.646). A mÃdia foi 1,47 tentativas de suicÃdio admitidas por semana prevalentemente de adultos jovens sem diferenÃa significativa por sexo. O mÃtodo predominante foi a IntoxicaÃÃo ExÃgena e as motivaÃÃes mais referidas foram os conflitos amorosos e familiares. A maioria dos casos evolui clinicamente bem com alta em menos de 48 horas. A prÃtica de atividades de lazer demonstrou-se fator protetor diminuindo em aproximadamente 80% a chance de Tentativa de SuicÃdio. Os fatores de risco com significÃncia estatÃstica foram âTentativa de SuicÃdio anteriorâ, âser portador de algum transtorno mentalâ, âhistÃrico familiar de comportamento autolesivoâ e âuso abusivo/dependÃncia de drogasâ. Muitos dos controles tambÃm referiram contexto de risco e relataram ideaÃÃo suicida em algum momento da vida. Foram apresentadas proposiÃÃes para a Rede de SaÃde Mental de Sobral a partir dos resultados obtidos. Assim, o rastreamento a partir dos preditores mais impactantes, a sensibilizaÃÃo para notificaÃÃo e a implementaÃÃo da proposta do Grupo Multiprofissional de PrevenÃÃo da Tentativa de SuicÃdio constituem aspectos de revalorizaÃÃo e fortalecimento da polÃtica municipal. / Suicide attempts can be conceptualized as intentional self-harm acts that do not result in death. In Brazil, more than 30 self-induced deaths were registered per day in 2012, wherein the estimate of suicide attempts tends to be 10 to 20 times higher, impacting greatly on family life. In the health region of Sobral â CearÃ, rates have been progressively increasing without the respective intervention from management to prevent new cases and monitor risk groups. The objective of this study was to analyze the association of risk factors with suicide attempts in people treated at a referral hospital in Sobral using the case-control method. In this manner, it contributes to the characterization of demand, quality of care, monitoring and evaluation in the context of Primary Health Care, and especially in intersectoral preventive actions. This is a population-based, case-control study with quantitative approach conducted in the adult emergency department of the Santa Casa de MisericÃrdia de Sobral Hospital, a service hub for the Northwest Mesoregion. One hundred and fifty-three cases and 153 controls admitted between August 2013 and August 2015 were matched for sex, age and origin. Data collection was conducted by means of a questionnaire, and the information was processed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study followed Resolution 466/12 with approval from the Ethics Committee of the State University Vale do Acaraà (#384,646). There was an average of 1.47 attempted suicides admitted per week made up predominantly of young adults with no significant differences for gender. The predominant method was Exogenous Poisoning and the most mentioned motivations were love and family conflicts. Most cases presented good clinical evolution and were discharged in less than 48 hours. The practice of leisure activities has been shown as a protective factor reducing in approximately 80% the risk of a suicide attempt. Risk factors with statistical significance were âprevious suicide attemptâ, âsuffering from some kind of mental health disorderâ, âfamily history of self-injury behaviorâ and âdrug abuse/addictionâ. Many of the controls also mentioned risk context and reported suicidal thoughts at some point in life. Proposals were presented to the Mental Health Network of Sobral from the obtained results. Thus, identified from the most impacting predictors, awareness notification, and implementation of the proposal from the Multidisciplinary Group of Suicide Attempt Prevention constitute aspects for the upgrading and strengthening of municipal policy.

Prevalências e fatores relacionados ao comportamento suicida em adolescentes

SILVA, Tatiana de Paula Santana da 20 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-04-26T15:20:00Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) TESE TATIANA.pdf: 5955717 bytes, checksum: 94052ad27404cc8cccf0da0807fffce6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-26T15:20:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) TESE TATIANA.pdf: 5955717 bytes, checksum: 94052ad27404cc8cccf0da0807fffce6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-20 / CAPES / Resumo: O estudo de perfis e fatores correlacionados ao comportamento suicida despontam como um poderoso mecanismo de prevenção, principalmente na população adolescente, grupo etário intimamente vulnerável a este evento. Objetivo:Determinar a prevalência e os fatores associados a ideação e tentativa de suicídio em adolescentes. Método: Estudo transversal, com 578 jovens de 15 a 19 anos. Para coleta foram empregados quatro instrumentos a saber: Critério de Classificação Econômica do Brasil; Self Report Questionare; Escala de Avaliação do Risco de Suicídio de Columbia e Escala de Avaliação da Adaptabilidade e Coesão Familiar. Utilizaram-se os testes Qui-quadrado de Pearson, Exato de Fisher, e elaborado modelo de regressão logística. Resultados:A prevalência de ideação foi de 26,1% e de tentativa 5%. Os fatores associados a ideação foram: classe econômica desfavorável, sintomatologia positiva de transtornos mentais, escolaridade fundamental para o responsável, ser filho intermediário, residir com muitas pessoas e apresentar funcionamento familiar com coesão desligada, e flexibilidade caótica. Para a tentativa foi significativa a presença de sintomas de transtornos mentais, coesão desligada, e flexibilidade rígida. Na regressão a combinação das variáveis: filho caçula ou intermediário, escolaridade do responsável, classe econômica desfavorável, sintomatologia positiva para transtornos mentais e família com coesão de níveis extremos e em todos os tipos de flexibilidade amplia o percentual de ideação em 85,5%. Conclusão:Uma grande proporção de adolescentes, relataram ideação, bem como já realizaram alguma tentativa de suicídio, sendo considerados um grande número de fatores demográficos, sócio econômicos, psicológicos, comportamentais e de relações familiares como associados a estes episódios. / Abstract: Investigations into profiles and factors associated with suicidal behavior can serve as a powerful prevention mechanism, especially for the adolescent population, which is particularly vulnerable to such behavior. Objective:To determine the prevalence and factors associated with suicide ideation and attempted suicide in adolescents. Methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted with 578 adolescents aged 15 to 19 years. Data collection involved the administration of the Brazilian Economic Classification Criteria, SelfReporting Questionnaire, Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale and Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale. Statistical analysis involved Pearson’s chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test and the creation of a logistic regression model. Results:The prevalence of suicide ideation and attempted suicide was 26.1% and 5%, respectively. Suicide ideation was associated with an unfavorable economic status, positive symptoms of mental disorders, an elementary school level of the guardian, being a middle child, residing with many people and family functioning classified as disengaged cohesion and chaotic flexibility. Attempted suicide was significantly associated with symptoms of mental disorders, disengaged cohesion and rigid flexibility. In the multiple regression analysis, being the youngest or middle child, guardian’s schooling at the elementary level, unfavorable economic status, positive symptoms of mental disorders and extreme cases of cohesion and flexibility increased the rate of suicide ideation by up to 85.5%. Conclusion:A large portion of the adolescents reported suicide ideation and some had attempted suicide. A considerable number of demographic, socioeconomic, psychological, behavioral and familial factors were associated with such episodes.

Epilepsia e comportamento suicida = um estudo na comunidade / Epilepsy and suicidal behavior : a community-based study

Stefanello, Sabrina 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Neury José Botega, Li Li Min / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T05:31:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Stefanello_Sabrina_D.pdf: 3615779 bytes, checksum: 8dfd56d2366200929f286cb034f5db42 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Objetivo: Verificar as freqüências de comportamento suicida, durante a vida e nos últimos 12 meses, em pessoas com epilepsia em amostra da comunidade. Identificar: características relacionadas ao comportamento suicida em pessoas com epilepsia quando comparadas a controles da mesma região pareados por sexo e idade; fatores de risco para ideação suicida em pessoas com epilepsia e fatores associados à depressão e ansiedade em indivíduos com epilepsia. Método: Foram feitas três análises, a primeira, tipo caso-controle em que pessoas com epilepsia identificadas em um levantamento prévio na região, com diagnóstico confirmado por neurologistas, foram comparadas a pessoas da comunidade. A segunda comparou indivíduos com epilepsia e ideação suicida com aqueles sem ideação. A terceira análise foi feita com pessoas com epilepsia com diagnóstico (via HADS) de ansiedade e/ou depressão comparando-as às que não tiveram ansiedade e/ou depressão. A avaliação foi feita por meio de entrevista estruturada, com escalas psicométricas, contendo informações sobre saúde mental, dados socioeconômicos e características da epilepsia. Resultados: Das 171 pessoas identificadas com epilepsia, 153 casos foram entrevistados e comparados a 154 controles. Os casos tiveram mais frequentemente ansiedade (39,4% versus 23,8%, OR 2,1 [IC95% 1,2-3,5]; p=0,006) e depressão (24,4% versus 14,7%, OR 1,9 [IC95% 1,0-3,5]; p=0,04). Também relataram mais pensamentos de suicídio (36,7% versus 23,8%, OR 1,8 [IC95% 1,1-3,1]; p=0,02), planos (18,2% versus 3,3%, OR 2,0 [IC95% 1,0-4,0]; p=0.04) e tentativas de suicídio (12,1% versus 5,3%, OR 2,4 [IC95% 1,1-3,2], p=0,04) durante a vida. Os fatores associados à ideação suicida foram: ansiedade (OR 3,3 [IC95% 1,4-7,5]; p=0,001, depressão (OR 4,8 [IC95% 1,9- 12,5]; p=0,001) e dois ou mais diagnósticos psiquiátricos (OR 21,6 [IC95% 4,4- 105,9]; p<0,0001). Os fatores relacionados com depressão e ansiedade, respectivamente, foram: baixa escolaridade (OR 3,8 [IC95% 1,6-9,0]; p=0,002 e OR 2,8 [IC95% 1,2-6,5]; p=0,02), ideação suicida (OR 4,4 [IC95% 1,9-10,3]; p<0,0001 e OR 3,6 [IC95% 1,7-7,7]; p=0,001) e tentativa de suicídio (OR 9,3 [IC95% 2,6-32,8]; p<0,0001 e OR 6,9 [IC95% 1,8-26,4]; p=0,001). Conclusão: os achados chamam a atenção para comorbidade psiquiátrica e comportamento suicida na epilepsia, ressaltando a importância da identificação e tratamento dos transtornos mentais na prática clínica, especialmente para a prevenção do suicídio / Abstract: Objective: to estimate the frequencies of suicidal behavior in people with epilepsy in a community sample. To determine: which characteristics are related to suicidal behavior in people with epilepsy when compared with controls living in the same neighborhood matched by sex and age; which are the risk factors related to suicidal thoughts in epilepsy; which characteristics are associated with depression and anxiety in people with epilepsy. Method: Three analyses were made; the first one was a case-control study comparing people who have been diagnosed with epilepsy by neurologists in a previous community-based survey, with people without epilepsy living in the same region. The second compared epilepsy subjects with suicidal thoughts with those without. The third analysis made with people with epilepsy and anxiety and depression (determined by HADS) compared them to people without depression and/or anxiety. A structured interview, using psychometric scales, and questions about mental health, socio-economic status and characteristics of epilepsy were made. Results: From 171 subjects with epilepsy, 153 were interviewed and compared with 154 controls; those have had more frequently anxiety (39.4% versus 23.8%, OR 2.1 [95% CI 1.2 - 3.5]; p=0.006) and depression (24.4% versus 14.7%, OR 1.9 [95% CI 1.01 - 3.5]; p=0.04). They also reported more suicidal thoughts (36.7% versus 23.8%, OR 1.8 [95% CI 1.1 - 3.1]; p=0.02), plans (18.2% versus 3.3%, OR 2.0 [95% CI 1.0 - 4.0]; p=0.04) and attempts (12.1% versus 5.3%, OR 2.4 [95% CI 1.1 - 3.2], p=0.04) during life than controls. Factors associated with suicidal thoughts were: anxiety (OR 3.3 [95% CI 1.4-7.5]; p=0.001), depression (OR 4.8 [95%CI 1.9-12.5]; p=0.001) and 2 or more psychiatric disorder (OR 21.6 [95%CI 4.4-105.9]; p<0.0001). The characteristics related to depression and anxiety, respectively, were: few years of study (OR 3.8 [95% CI 1.6-9.0]; p=0.002 and OR 2.8 [95% CI 1.2 to 6.5]; p=0.02), suicidal thoughts (OR 4.4 [95%CI 1.9- 10.3]; p<0.0001 and OR 3.6, [95%CI 1.7-7.7]; p=0.001) and suicide attempt (OR 9.3 [95%CI 2.6-32.8]; p<0.0001 and OR 6.9 [95%CI 1.8-26.4]; p=0.001). Conclusion: the findings call attention for psychiatric comorbidity and suicidal behavior in epilepsy, reinforcing the importance of recognition and treatment of mental disorders in clinical practice, especially for suicide prevention / Doutorado / Saude Mental / Doutor em Ciências Médicas

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