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A experiência da audiência das telenovelas em Portugal: um modelo a partir da teoria fundamentada em dadosFerreira, Raquel Marques Carriço 10 1900 (has links)
This research is about the spectatorship of Brazilian and Portuguese soap
operas in Portugal. The Grounded Theory approach was employed to
derive a “SOAP OPERAS SPECTATORSHIP MODEL” firmly rooted in the
perspectives of 49 soap operas viewers. The resulting model reveals three
groups of motives for viewing soap operas: a) mood management, b)
habit, and c) social integration/ learning. Within the model, each
motivation group is associated with a particular strategy and level
of exposure to soap operas, as well as predominant choices about the
soap opera’s national or foreign origin. With regard to Portuguese soap
operas, particular attention is paid to the receptor´s social integration and
learning, the latter allowing him/her to use the contents in his/her
personal context: The receptor is being counseled in the taking of
decisions, given the opportunity to evaluate feelings and
behaviors, and to confirm or adjust attitudes, styles and behaviors. With
regard to Brazilian soap operas, the motive of mood management is
highlighted, though not excluding the other above mentioned groups of
motives. Establishing the relationships between the concepts
identified in the research, the study presents the viewers´ experiences
with soap operas in Portugal. / Assistir às telenovelas brasileiras/portuguesas em Portugal é o tema investigado neste trabalho. A abordagem da “teoria fundamentada em dados” foi empregada na investigação para prover um “MODELO DA AUDIÊNCIA DAS TELENOVELAS” firmemente enraizado na perspectiva de quarenta e nove receptores entrevistados. O modelo resultante revela três grupos de motivos para a audiência: a) Gerenciamento do humor, b) hábito e c) Aprendizagem/Integração social. Cada grupo de motivos no modelo se associa a particular estratégia e intensidade de exposição às telenovelas, como também se associa as escolhas preponderantes das telenovelas por sua origem, se nacional e/ou estrangeira. Em destaque para a seleção das telenovelas portuguesas é identificado o uso dos seus conteúdos para integração social e aprendizagem/aconselhamento, este último permitindo ao receptor verificar a validade de sentimentos e comportamentos, aconselhamento para tomada de decisões, reforço/ajuste de atitudes, estilos e condutas para incremento da credibilidade e posição pessoal. Em destaque para a seleção das telenovelas brasileiras é identificado os motivos de Gerenciamento de Humor, muito embora de forma não excludente às outras categorias de motivos mencionadas. Com o estabelecimento das relações entre os conceitos surgidos na pesquisa indutiva, o estudo representa as experiências dos receptores das telenovelas em Portugal. / Lisboa
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Banco de sementes autóctone e alóctone, resgate de plantas e plantio de vegetação nativa na fazenda Intermontes, município de Ribeirão Grande, SP. / Autochthonous and Allochthonous seed bank, seedling rescue and native vegetation planting at Intermontes farm, Ribeirão Grande-SP- Brazil.André Gustavo Nave 27 April 2005 (has links)
O acúmulo significativo de conhecimento sobre a ecologia de restauração nos últimos anos tem conduzido a mudanças na orientação dos programas de manejo e restauração florestal. A escolha ou criação de um modelo de restauração é um processo em constante aprimoramento, exigindo a necessidade de estudos que não apenas diminuam os custos envolvidos, mas também, que garantam a efetividade do objetivo proposto. Neste sentido, este trabalho testa novas metodologias de restauração visando a obtenção de informações técnicas sobre: A) a expressão do banco de sementes autóctone e alóctone na restauração florestal de diferentes situações de degradação antrópica.; B) o resgate de plântulas e indivíduos de espécies arbustivo-arbóreas regenerantes; C) a eficiência de um modelo de plantio que utiliza conceitos de Preenchimento e Diversidade e; D) a evolução da paisagem. Para análise dos bancos de sementes autóctone e alóctone foram feitos levantamentos da densidade e das espécies arbustivo-arbóreas regeneradas. No resgate de indivíduos de espécies arbustivo-arbóreas regenerantes, as plântulas e indivíduos jovens foram resgatadas em uma floresta e levadas para adapatação em viveiro, onde tiveram seus indivíduos e espécies contabilizados em termos de densidade e sobrevivência. No modelo de plantio estudado, as espécies foram reunidas em grupos de Preenchimento e Diversidade e tiveram a cobertura de copa de cada indivíduo quantificada. A evolução da paisagem foi realizada através de fotointerpretação e principalmente checagem de campo periódica. Os principais resultados dessas metodologias foram: A) As situações identificadas na Fazenda Intermontes apresentaram diferentes expressões de regeneração natural em função do número de indivíduos germinados banco de sementes autóctone. O aproveitamento dessa expressão poderá ser realizado através de metodologias diferenciadas de restauração para cada situação estudada: B) No estudo do Banco de sementes alóctone, a densidade dos indivíduos germinados se foi de 409.334 indivíduos/ha, revelando a possibilidade de uso no programa de restauração. Os indivíduos arbóreos apresentaram na área adubada um acréscimo de 137,3 % em sua altura média em relação aos indivíduos da área não adubada. C) No resgate de plântulas e indivíduos de espécies arbustivo-arbóreas regenerantes, a densidade dos indivíduos foi muito próxima para as duas épocas do ano, sendo 38.700 ind./ha e 37.900 ind./ha, mas com uma diferença significante para os indivíduos sobreviventes que apresentaram 16.500 ind./ha e 26.600 ind./ha para os meses de julho e dezembro de 2002, respectivamente. A técnica de resgate utilizada se mostrou viável uma vez que foi possível alcançar até 70,9% de sobrevivência para os indivíduos resgatados; D) No estudo sobre o modelo de plantio foram amostrados 143 espécies, demonstrando que a função do grupo da diversidade vem sendo mantida e aumentando as chances de efetivação dos processos de sucessão. Os resultados mostraram que o grupo de Preenchimento apresentou-se com uma porcentagem de cobertura significativamente maior que a do grupo de Diversidade, sendo 73,6% e 83,3% para 1,5 e 2,5 anos respectivamente. / Significant accumulation of know-how about restoration ecology has been changing forest restoration management programs trends during the last years. Choosing or elaborating a restoration model is a process that requires constant improvement and ecological studies that not only reduces the costs involved but also warrants the achievement of the aimed proposal. This study explores new restoration methodologies, searching for technical information about: A) autochthonous and allochthonous seed bank expression on forest restoration at different situations degraded by anthropogenic disturbances; B) seedlings and woody growing individuals rescue; C) efficiency of a planting model based on fulfillment and diversity concept; D) landscape development. The autochthonous and allochthonous seed bank were analyzed through regenerating woody species and density scouting. For the rescue of regenerating woody species, seedling and young individuals were taken from a forest and transferred to a plant nursery for adjustment, where number and species were counted regarding density and survival. In this studied planting model, species were organized and gathered into a fulfillment or diversity group, and each individual had its crown area quantified. Landscape development was analyzed by photointerpretation and specially by periodical field checking. Results from these methodologies showed that: A) Identified degraded situations at Intermontes farm displayed distinguished natural regeneration expression, influenced by the number of germinated seeds of the autochthonous seed bank. Advantage can be taken from these different outcomes by using distinct restoration methodologies for each studied situation. B) For the autochthonous seed bank study, germinated seed density was 409,334 ind./ha, indicating its potential role on restoration programs. Woody individuals at fertilized sites had a medium height enhancement of 137,7% when compared to those at non fertilized sites. C) For seedlings and woody growing individuals rescue, individual density was similar for both seasons (38700ind./ha and 37900ind./ha) but significantly distinct for individual survivor, with values of 16500ind./ha for July and 2600ind./ha for December. Rescue technique turned out to be a viable possibility since it achieved survival of 70,9% for rescued individuals. D) This planting model study registered 143 species, indicating that the diversity groups role has been maintained and enhances the chance of successional process success. The fulfilling group had a significant higher percentage of crown area than the diversity group, with 73,6% and 83,3% for 1,5 and 2,5 years, respectively.
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Interkulturelle Gemeinde : Gemeindeaufbau und Evangelisation in der zunehmend multikulturellen Bevölkerung deutsher Ballungsräume / The intercultural church : church development and evangelization in an increasing multicultural population in a German urban contextSchönberg, Klaus 22 January 2015 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser missiologischen Arbeit besteht darin, herauszufinden, welche Art von Kirche
in einer globalisierten und zunehmend multikulturellen Gesellschaft gebaut werden muss,
damit das Evangelium als Gute Nachricht für alle Völker gehört werden kann.
Nach der Arbeitsweise der Kontextuellen Theologie wird induktiv gefragt, in welcher Welt
wir im Deutschland des 21. Jahrhunderts leben. Anschließend wird die deduktive Rückfrage
an die Schrift gestellt, ob sie etwas Grundsätzliches zum Thema einer zunehmend multikulturellen
Gesellschaft zu sagen hat. Die Reflektion der Ergebnisse beider Schritte führt zu konkreten
Gestaltungsschwerpunkten der interkulturellen Ekklesia. Auf Grund der Forschungsergebnisse
werden Thesen zur (missions-) theologischen, evangelistischen, soziokulturellen und
politischen Relevanz formuliert.
Die vorliegende Studie will einen Beitrag für die Grundlagen des interkulturellen Gemeindeaufbaus
geben. Sie zeigt die signifikanten Unterscheidungsmerkmale zwischen mono- und
interkulturellem Gemeindebau auf. Sie beschreibt das evangelistische und gesellschaftstransformatorische
Potenzial der interkulturellen Gemeinde und skizziert die gesellschaftlichen
Auswirkungen, die ein rein monokultureller Gemeindebau in multikultureller Umgebung hat / The objective of this missiological study is to determine which kind of church needs to be
built in a globalised and increasingly multicultural society, in order for all people to be able to
hear the gospel as good news.
In accordance with the method of contextual theology, the question is raised inductively, in
which kind of world we live today. Subsequently, a further inquiry is made into the Scriptures:
whether they answer fundamental questions about the issue of an increasingly multicultural
society. A reflection on the results of both steps leads to the establishment of key points
for the formation of an intercultural ecclesia. On the basis of the research results, hypotheses
about (mission)theological, evangelistic, socio-cultural and political relevance are developed.
The study presented reveals the significant, distinctive features of mono- and intercultural
church development. It describes the potential of the intercultural church for evangelism and
social transformation and outlines the social effects of purely monocultural church development
in a multi-cultural environment / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Fundamental concepts of Limba traditional religion and its effects on Limba Christianity and vice versa in Sierra Leone in the past three decadesConteh, Prince Sorie 30 June 2004 (has links)
This study is the product, chiefly, of fieldwork, undertaken in Sierra Leone, which sought to interview and experience contemporary Limba religio-cultural practices. Using a systematic approach, the goal was to provide a broader understanding of Limba religion, as well as to discover the effect of Limba religiosity, and the tenacity with which the Limba hold to their culture and religion, on the National Pentecostal Limba Church (NPLC) over the past three decades.
The study begins with an introduction, which outlines its objectives and structure, the research methods, and its general outline. This is followed by a basic introduction to the socio-history of the Limba people, their origin, environment, language, politics, economy and other socio-cultural characteristics, in order to provide an understanding of the background on which their religion is formed.
The heart of the study is a detailed examination of Limba religious beliefs and their intersection with Christianity. It includes a definition of Limba religion and its components. This seeks to identify the current state of Limba religion amidst the changes it has experienced and continues to experience as a result of internal and external influences, and to provide a template for this study, an analysis of the Limba belief in a supreme creator God whom they call Kanu Masala, his epithets, attributes and activities, Limba worship and worship methods, the Limba understanding of the spirit world, humankind, sin and salvation, and the roles of sacred specialists.
The study concludes with an examination of the causes of the tenacious loyalty with which some Limba Christians hold to their traditional religious beliefs and practices, their reluctance to part with them, and the effects of their dual religiosity on the NPLC, as well as the church's response, and the resulting reciprocal effects over the past three decades in Sierra Leone. This study fills a gap in the extant literature about the ethno-theological landscape of Sierra Leone, and provides a detailed study on the intersection of African Traditional Religion and Christianity. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Fragmentation and Restoration: Generational Legacies of 21st Century MāoriMalcolm-Buchanan, Vincent Alan January 2009 (has links)
The content of this thesis is premised on a reflexive examination of some historical juxtapositions culminating in critical aspects of being Māori in the twenty first century and how such aspects have informed contemporary indigenous identity. That is, the continuing acknowledgement and exponential public recognition of critical concepts which inextricably link indigenous and civic identity. The theoretical sources for this research are, in the main, derived from anthropological and religious studies, particularly on the significance of mythologies and oral histories, as well as from the oral theorising of elders in Aotearoa New Zealand. A very significant contribution from one such elder, a senior Māori woman academic, has been included in the form of the transcript of an interview. She herself had collected the views of a number of elders on myth, creating a rare and valuable resource. In the interview she married her reflections on these with her own experiences and her cogent analyses. From the outset, it was necessary to be discerning so as to ensure the thesis workload was manageable and realistic. For this reason the selected critical aspects that have been used to frame this research are (1) a developing Western validation (that is, acknowledgement and respect) of Māori, Māori culture and their mythology; (2) oral history (genealogy) and traditions that have remained constant despite the influences of modernity; and (3) notions of fluidity, negotiation and pragmatism regarding kinship legacies and cultural heritage. The thesis is comprised of six chapters starting from a subjective narrative leading through increasingly objective discourses that culminate in a conclusion which supports a belief that modern Māori require a balancing of critical aspects of cultural heritage, with a broad understanding of the world of the 'other', in order to realise and develop their contemporary indigenous identity. Ultimately, indigenous ideologies, practices and knowledge recorded and examined in the world of academia today, become potential resources for tomorrow. The intention of this research is to aggregate and discuss intrinsic aspects of the Māori past as well as developing aspects of the present, in order to better understand the significance of the future, and to add to the growing corpus of indigenous worldviews.
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化学・同位体組成及び光学特性による溶存有機物のキャラクタリゼーション吉岡, 崇仁 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:10640474 研究代表者:吉岡 崇仁 研究期間:1998-1999年度
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The Effects of Retrogressive Thaw Slump Development on Persistent Organic Pollutants in Lake Sediments of the Mackenzie River Delta Uplands, NT, CanadaEickmeyer, David 03 September 2013 (has links)
Using a comparative spatial and temporal analysis on sediment cores from 8 lakes in the Mackenzie River Delta uplands region, NT, Canada, this study assessed how persistent organic pollutant (POP) deposition to lake sediments was affected by: (1) the presence of retrogressive thaw slumps on lake shores; and (2) changes occurring with increased autochthonous primary productivity. POPs examined included polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), penta- and hexachlorobenzenes (CBzs), and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and metabolites (DDTs). Surface sediments of slump-affected lakes contained higher total organic carbon (TOC)-normalized POP concentrations than nearby reference lakes unaffected by thaw slumps. Inorganic sedimentation rates were positively related to contaminant concentrations, suggesting that the influx of siliciclastic material reducing organic carbon in slump-affected lake water indirectly results in higher concentrations of POPs on sedimentary organic matter. This explanation was corroborated by an inverse relationship between sedimentary POP concentrations and TOC content of the lake water.
Deposition proxies of autochthonous carbon were not significantly correlated to POP fluxes of surface sediments, and historical profile fluctuations did not coincide with variation in POP deposition. Thus this study does not support the contention that algal-derived organic carbon increases the delivery of organic pollutants to sediments (the algal-scavenging hypothesis), as previously proposed for mercury. Higher POP concentrations observed in surface sediments of slump-affected lakes are best explained by simple solvent switching processes of hydrophobic contaminants onto a lower pool of available organic carbon when compared to neighbouring lakes unaffected by thaw slump development.
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Fundamental concepts of Limba traditional religion and its effects on Limba Christianity and vice versa in Sierra Leone in the past three decadesConteh, Prince Sorie 30 June 2004 (has links)
This study is the product, chiefly, of fieldwork, undertaken in Sierra Leone, which sought to interview and experience contemporary Limba religio-cultural practices. Using a systematic approach, the goal was to provide a broader understanding of Limba religion, as well as to discover the effect of Limba religiosity, and the tenacity with which the Limba hold to their culture and religion, on the National Pentecostal Limba Church (NPLC) over the past three decades.
The study begins with an introduction, which outlines its objectives and structure, the research methods, and its general outline. This is followed by a basic introduction to the socio-history of the Limba people, their origin, environment, language, politics, economy and other socio-cultural characteristics, in order to provide an understanding of the background on which their religion is formed.
The heart of the study is a detailed examination of Limba religious beliefs and their intersection with Christianity. It includes a definition of Limba religion and its components. This seeks to identify the current state of Limba religion amidst the changes it has experienced and continues to experience as a result of internal and external influences, and to provide a template for this study, an analysis of the Limba belief in a supreme creator God whom they call Kanu Masala, his epithets, attributes and activities, Limba worship and worship methods, the Limba understanding of the spirit world, humankind, sin and salvation, and the roles of sacred specialists.
The study concludes with an examination of the causes of the tenacious loyalty with which some Limba Christians hold to their traditional religious beliefs and practices, their reluctance to part with them, and the effects of their dual religiosity on the NPLC, as well as the church's response, and the resulting reciprocal effects over the past three decades in Sierra Leone. This study fills a gap in the extant literature about the ethno-theological landscape of Sierra Leone, and provides a detailed study on the intersection of African Traditional Religion and Christianity. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)
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The Effects of Retrogressive Thaw Slump Development on Persistent Organic Pollutants in Lake Sediments of the Mackenzie River Delta Uplands, NT, CanadaEickmeyer, David January 2013 (has links)
Using a comparative spatial and temporal analysis on sediment cores from 8 lakes in the Mackenzie River Delta uplands region, NT, Canada, this study assessed how persistent organic pollutant (POP) deposition to lake sediments was affected by: (1) the presence of retrogressive thaw slumps on lake shores; and (2) changes occurring with increased autochthonous primary productivity. POPs examined included polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), penta- and hexachlorobenzenes (CBzs), and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and metabolites (DDTs). Surface sediments of slump-affected lakes contained higher total organic carbon (TOC)-normalized POP concentrations than nearby reference lakes unaffected by thaw slumps. Inorganic sedimentation rates were positively related to contaminant concentrations, suggesting that the influx of siliciclastic material reducing organic carbon in slump-affected lake water indirectly results in higher concentrations of POPs on sedimentary organic matter. This explanation was corroborated by an inverse relationship between sedimentary POP concentrations and TOC content of the lake water.
Deposition proxies of autochthonous carbon were not significantly correlated to POP fluxes of surface sediments, and historical profile fluctuations did not coincide with variation in POP deposition. Thus this study does not support the contention that algal-derived organic carbon increases the delivery of organic pollutants to sediments (the algal-scavenging hypothesis), as previously proposed for mercury. Higher POP concentrations observed in surface sediments of slump-affected lakes are best explained by simple solvent switching processes of hydrophobic contaminants onto a lower pool of available organic carbon when compared to neighbouring lakes unaffected by thaw slump development.
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